Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1970, p. 13

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Michael Armstrong, Dr. R. H. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong, Bridgeford Street, spent the summer months work- ing at Resolute Bay in the Arctic. it! t it! Next wcckend teenagers aged 14 to 16 years from Richmond Hill United Church will be travelling to Loone Echo Lodge in Muskoka. V At the lodge, owned by Jack Spanner. they will participate in a new program designed to include both the senior Sunday lion of ' Plan to attend the afternoon (September 17) between 2.30 and 4 pm at the lovely home of Mrs. Dolly Kirwin, behind the Summit View Gardens, just north of Richmond Hill. . The tea. sponsored by the ‘local YWCA‘s world relation- ship committee in aid of world contribution, will also include a boutique and preserve and pickle tables. the Y at 25 Yonge Street North or at the door. Tickets are obtainable fronil j Michael Hawortli. a graduate: tea being held this ’l‘hursdayiof Richmond Hill High School. rummage sale is scheduled for‘ has entered the maths and ‘science course at the University of Waterloo. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Haworth, La wnw 00d lCourt.‘ I! "r is Members of the Richmond lHill Tennis Club who have plai'v ed in the Inter-County “B” League team enjoyed a spon- taneous champagne supper on 'Sunday at the home of Clive and Peggy Freeman on Harry~ The annual Presbyterian WA this weekend. Convenor Mrs. Robert Ross and members of her committee are working hard collecting a large assortment of household items and clothing for all members of the family which will be offered for sale this Saturday morning between the hours of 9:30 and noon. >i< is >3 This month marks the return to school. .university. other . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Breuls and sons. Clark and Billy. of Lcion. dale Road. enjoyed the annual school vacation at their sum- mer cottafle in llallburton. Trevor Stanley of Zelda Crosâ€" ccnt. an active member of the Curtain Club. has been cast in the role of Essendine in Noel Coward's “Present Laughter" being presented by the New English Stage Company at Earl Haig Collegiate at the end of October. 1 1' iv lt’ you are one of lllti.\(‘ barâ€" gain hunters. he sure not to miss the fall rummage sale to be held at St. Gabriel‘s Angli- can Church I‘rom in am to l‘.’ noon on September 26. There will he plenty of goor' used clothing and a white elc- pliant table. ' ii: a y Tickets are selling fast for the opening play of lCIub seasonâ€"“There's A Girll lln My Soup“~a saucy comedy .with a sexy flavor! l The show opens October 2 'and runs October 3. 7â€"10. 14â€"l 17. and to avoid disappointment call 884-7065 today. I )k k l it nasal: lad y lac/t Smiles 0n 5 I A t Richmond Heights Centre third annual corn and wiener the Curtainl Reeve Donald Plaxton had a busy time last Saturda places of higher learning and .maSt at 3 Pm 0" September 22 y afternoon as he drew 51 lucky , _ ., . . , I the resumption of social and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. numbers from a drum at Richmond Heights Centre. These numbers are liste i ‘ ' “11001 and... Lonfilmatim Class' * * _ * I gaghgeff::t'hold to celebmmidub activities for the coming Len Pugh. 116 Church Street. ment on Page 15 of this issue d n an at“ eltlbe' Members of Richmond Hill season. i A short business meeting will Top prize in the Back-To-School promotion by the Centre's Merchants’ Association is the The summer gives many people the opportunity to relax and re a 9 them_ I I I l I . . family. social and club "doings“~l)ers and husbands are cordially . . . . I- . .. - . . I _ seIIIes for libel) Susy fa" Ithalienge tIp participate ln {313333222 Xéginoggp to theIfor inclusion m mm m thelimlted to participate I theie aIietiIO IoILIheIi \alliable piiziesf on dIiIsplay in the windows of Bladdock Optical. season. but for the Rich- “math” ‘0 ““p.“°‘.'e and leng' the aflimo'on mamfiill" columns â€" the service}? Members are reminded tol _” . 9“ 9‘9?” “’9 ’i‘le ‘9 t to “ghtl 3,9” Glam? J11, representing the owners of the mom, Hill Unll of the Can, update the church budding andlmombem husbands and- wives free _ just can the 500181 lake [hell mm lawn (.lmlrSI centre, Piesident Stan Currie ofIthe merchants association; and Ruth MacNeil, an employee cer Society it‘s one of the “$9115” .1 l ., l. lraised their glasses to ioastlEdlw“ Mary” craci‘ at 8341' * a r l_ “l Bl'a(l(10Cl\' Optlcalv {18 they aSSist the towns reeve in recording the 51 lucky numbers. must anxittms periods of the “11110:: 313203.183: 1.5;LzmlllxgiTeam Captain Monica Ver-‘lfloonsgg Sigegtmsigual lnmwewd tIiiIteIi;ttzsteiIlI iiIi ttIakintrII§panishI RGIINIIIng the Sacrament off * ' s ' -â€"- ’4 year â€" rying to secure . meulen. who in turn. aid trih~ v ' ‘ - 3 mg sc 00 HS fa . " .‘ ‘ . ' l ’ drivers for patients requir- gong]: :ufifiitelgnIIittlfiata me lo he]. lloclI forphis In,“ pleased toIIliearIIIfromI you. An initial enrolment of 12 :quIfim donHSIilmllIayIIinjorréing a; Annual FaShlon Show Our Queen Of The World ing treatment at Princess , ' ', U .' " l - - . . i “‘ ~ .. . . _ i 101 0n m e we donation which will be used cepmeness as hm £0110“ toaml “'5 that time again! For the 1‘: necessa” befole a mu'se (8" were Erik Arthur and Darren» Margaret Hospital. Having had .Vour period have ac- cepted Rev. William Wallace‘s Presbyterian Church to purchase materials and sup-I the team topping the league. in its first year of play, and its selector and extended congratu~ .lations to the players, wishing : Why not let us know of your giant rummage sale held an- lprecede the fun and new mom- be started in Richmond HillI and a small enthusiastic group' use of a Chevrolet Camaro for a year â€" all the winner has to do is provide the gas and oil. But William. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bayview SS Sept. 29‘: of relax llmI l -. plies needed in the workathonu - - nually at St. Mary‘s Anglicar ,. ~ . . ._ Derek Bowles, Benson Avenue. I . vi *. w i Transportation Chairman sponsor 20 workers to the ,k .. .. "l The date? September 26 from register and the course is Calorie counting can go by sponsored by the Lake Wilcox- 8 P M Gladys McLatchy by calling amount 01? $500. Three pupils of Mrs Ruth 1.30 to 4 pm in Wrixon Hall. caficelled the-board next Saturday when OakIRidges Branch of the YC- ' ' ' i This sale is looked forward to ' members of the bazaar com- HA Is scheduled for September ALL SUMMER her at 884-1733 and offerâ€" Participants in the workatlion Garson-Croucher ADCM who Please call Sarah Breuls at. ing to drive someone to the expect to be able to 100k With w r f f . - v l Zth great anticipation by many _ . . - . ‘ mm” 0f the 18¢ Beverley Acresl29. The big show to be held maximum ' - hospital who really needs pride {in the Work accomplishedlfign: Saetletclzidrrslnirt‘ficglliggnil people in the Hill and surrounId- 32:32273 for fume] mfmma gulf agddsc‘?“ts tfai‘e to Ineltgh'iat, BayVie‘w Sewndf‘ry SChOOI $500_ mggrsum ‘your time to livc'. by their muscles and money. Music‘ London for theory re_ling areas. as througliOUtItllr * w a ‘ $1133... boaofigda exhale? ec 10“ gill I IIfeatuiIed Ifassllions dfiom I I - II *‘ _ * * I * * * ceiVed the following results; Years It has gamedIa rcpgta iOIIiIl Ede“ Andmwm ymmgost 0 TIIIII II IIIIIII gbake gale of atricIias IBIiIi a IIa on an La- . 4 Spectal Plus 21 Regular Games at $20. lhe 3rd Richmond llill Bon: A tour of historic homes in Heather-Mm Butteiworth. gi-ario;f0l‘ good used IclothingI Ian daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ll “l lbm lam-0m will Rlvma Ha“ Stthts 0f Maple O East qidle of Bavvlew at €1.0st Ave Scouts are holding their third the beautiful rolling country-‘1. 87”}: Karen Chapman. grade man-V bargams m accessmms Beresford Anderson. Central leée .35 'Vd e p P h ’ll‘m.” do the l'p'tri'the Wmute‘t L ' ' ' annual Scout-A-Rama on Sen-lside of King Township. spon-; records, books. small furniture .stait aioun 9 am. “it «3 coiffures. Modelling will be. teniher 28 and 27 at St. Gab- sored by the King Branch of the 2, 99%. . f- L d E 1 f a -. - . . . and Crosby Avenues. day. September 24 from 1 to two seasons of study with blisslwmte and can“ MC ona 'ing her sisters. Robin at W0-1 6 y The “’9ng m” feature 45 2. 9.9% and Julie Jarvis, grade etc. Street West, has arrived home items reasonably priced. tooth while contributing to a done by members of the auxil- All day Saturday Scouting 5 pm. Garson. are to be congratulated“"ith Lee Miniz‘m' J93" Bowers" . - . I I I I door prizes. all for the admis- skills will be on display and These include the homes of on their excellent aclllevemeut Joan Flett. Jean Barber Iand Eggnnsggfasfi ifiufii‘lgihal?slhlrei Very \i'OithlI' Guiâ€"ll“: boys 0f slon price of 3150 Tickets are at dusk a singâ€"song will take Mr. and Mrs. John Addison. * fii * Gail Widomski as committeel i By. the 151. BeIII\Ei eIIbI' CIIIIBS- now on sale from any member place round the campfire. original 1820 log house, with Enthusiasm is the keynote members. She has. now entered 1191‘ “I I d M. A“! r of the auxiliary and will be av- Take the family â€" free hot recent addition; Mr- and Mrs- for the annual Horticulture Fall Donations for the 5919 “(mid thud 319?”. m the Enghsh.c°ul:se h' an” H [sll- .. [Blvla' allable at the (1001‘ 0“ the 9V" ' . . drinks will be provided Michael Roche. old English Festival and FlowerShow beino be "9W ""1911 aPPI'eC‘ated and at Tr'mty Cone“! UmVerSlt)’ thgmt“; th iar gfamond' ening of the show. ‘ A church service will be held Tudor mansion panelleId in held this SaturdayI the l9“: pickups can be arranged by of Toronto. $1031" Anfiizersar on There will also be a lucky; c 1 l 0 at 10.30 am on Sunday morn- {I‘Illlt_\\‘00d; Dlj- Ial‘d Mrs-“"0113? at the Lions Hall lcallmg 334'7994- l * * * Tueesdgyg September 1y5 draw for a hairpiece. lamp. oil iiniElI anglgiidllzeao aliim téll1lfpest‘iglllllt;P;[ElggszilglSinilnsolfiige13912;; Elle jgdging CrIif the flowers llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllll R. H. Senior Citizens Congralulallons and best filming and plate glass imr- ’ ' " _ ‘ ,' _' an ar ~ v’ r _ I. . .. v. ‘ . ‘ .. . luncheon. includingr Scout Style ‘l’r'gh‘.’ charlllmg Engl‘Sh set- been gconglliidpdd) H58 2“i‘ii1n hgdtei What’s COOklng? attEHedlaiice‘ii:Stheafirdteizill 5:23 3:21de boatlle OEXtiil‘liSedVCE; (Poug. Gllba t, .Plop') barbecue beef. chicken, rabbit. tmg' “kid With trefasures'r 1 the fun and refreshments ready ]ing of the Senior Citizens’ Club happy occasion. . Crafts by I‘eWISCraft "0m 011th? COb- baked Pomtoes Tea “rm ‘le selvefd “g '0 begin. Almost CVEI‘YOne “353 SPECial held September 9 and Presi- * * * l Al‘t supplies - Grumbacher - Hobbies for All and Gum” b-eans' Ehclilee mm 0 l 1' an T0 quote “be” 13- Lime in dis.“ “MC” family °" friendsident Mrs. Grace Sayers wel- The Richmond Hill Symphony NOW OPEN ' Sports - CCM Hocke E ui me i: Luncheon tickets at $1.50 for ‘ ' poetic form; enjoy â€"â€" why not share tlielcomed Old and new members orchestra Started its ninth sea_ y q p 11 adults and 75 cents for Cllildl‘enl will be available at the church every day next week with the exception of Friday. Further information may be obtained bv calling Fred Lucas- at 884-3850. _ , Support the Scouts at this" at each house or by calling: 225-6374 or 727-8747. Rotary News Tickets at 32.50 are availablel « in it The speaker for the August- 31 meeting of the Rotary Club was Ev Cole of the Safety Assoâ€" ciation who talked to members Hi! Ho! Come To The Fair l At the Hall of all the Lions on the 19th of September There will occur a special treat that you will long remember: The horticulture members are all asking you to come. To celebrate their autumn fall recipe with our readers. be it! main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish~ ed in this column â€" how about yours? CONTINENTAL APPLE CAKE 2 cups flour 1 cup butter expressing the hope that every- one had had a good summer. Three couples from the club have celebrated golden wedding anniversaries â€"~ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pattenden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fox and Mr. and Mrs. William Klees. son on Sunday evening at the. Lions Hall. i New instrumentalists wishing to join the orchestra would be most welcome and may eitherl go to the hall on Sunday eve-l nings at 7.30 pm or phone Bob Thiel at 844-4177. A NEW SHOE REPAIR SHOP Come in or Organizations Welcome PHONE 884-9322 BAYVIEW PLAZA "9"." lmlmlal' event " the“ - and make vourself at home 2 egg you“ - ' ' ' ' l ‘ 36A YONGE ST' SOUTH , . l . l- l l lluabout electrical power and coIm-; ‘ _ -I ~ _ - 2 “ml sugar An anltatlnn was extended The giant rummage sae on I l ‘ I inn nilziiinirimon Sons“ and Showed 3 mm And mm mm 20mm numpkms‘ Juiceland Drind of 1 lemon by DaVid Howard 10 Vigit hiS‘OCtObel‘ 17 at Rlchmond HIH‘ RICHMOND HILL l RILHMOND HILL stressing the importance of care and stalks of ripening corn. garden at 48 Centre Street East United Church is just a month Expert workmanship. quick | lvmv-u-v-0-ii-n-o-n-u.u.iv-o-ii-i>.«>-n.o-o.u.a ‘ . . . . . .- , . Dr bread crumbs I l I 1:31:15()flniio'imgfessendq the“ when dealing with an electricallThe galdenp‘s “111 “elcoIm” .‘011 4 Sipples~ lhlnly Sliced after the meeting. and members away! With fall housecleaning‘ sei‘Vice and low prices. Our . _ ' ' ‘lIJrobleIm. He gave members the! and sound the hunters h0m~ 72 cup sugar livere most enthused with tlielnow underway. members of tlieI. igioed II'E‘léalII‘ “MD I?“ i . I Ilollowmg motItoes to {6111111de Eal named Edna Haw-ls will 14 cup raisins 1colorful profusion of floxi'ers.01‘cliesti‘a would be delighted to1 mike IISIIlIlIeeslhoei‘SIO‘tgt ‘. . Memorable Trlp To them at all times to: Never be mlthss of the foodI 1 tsp. cinnamon, and the vegetable garden. relieve you of old books. rec-i new 3 l a a two wires” and “Never make - - . . ‘ ‘k -' be ar- . . I cookies Will sure put you “land 2 tbsp. sugar togetherufor October 15 to Hockley clothing. Pic Iups can Cyprus And IsraEI 3:233:15;gigsgétnbemeen one the mood; Knead with hands. Add lemon Valley and the surrounding ranged by calling 884â€"4177. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brown lnake yourself a circuit between Last Saturday the annual corn of Centre Street West have re- coast was held at the country And her pies and cakes and The elephants this year, we’re told, are pink instead of white, And Mrs. Banks will sell you Mix flour, butter, egg yolk juice and grated rind. When well blended and smooth, chill for several hours. Roll 1/4 irith thick. Divide in two parts and A color tour has been planned country. Buses will leave the day centre at 9.30 am and those wishing to go are asked to ords. china. furniture, toys and â€"â€"â€" and Flower Show (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) ccntly returned from a trip to‘home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the Middle East. where they vi- Rfldelmflel‘. DOD IHead Farins sited their sonâ€"in-law a n d with over 20 Rotarians and their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James‘WiVes in at‘endance~ ‘ jewels that glitter in the night. The Gardener of Ontario. who talks on Sunday morn. :obtain their tickets right away. Estelle Markham I Jack Bailey reminded memâ€"= l bers of the Wednesday euchres‘ A~R~C-T- -- RAVI-T- and Bert Cook reported on thel pIANO and THEORY line a greased oblong tin with Ilialf the dough. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. Add filling. Cover LIONS HALL h-‘>-t-i-G-n-DW-O-llmb-o-O-O-(I‘! -"-l'-l'-“-"-"-|‘-I‘-||-l|-Il-II-1l-(i-lD-ll-l|-tl-lI-U-tl-D. French and three randchild-1 0“ Monday next‘ septeme‘l‘ll’Vill have th 01- - ~a ' with more dough. ‘ . ,- . - ren, in Nicosia. Cygrus. Theng the annual g0” game “111‘ vou’Ve see: bsiiiddgs‘vdlilbifdiies‘ BrUSh with egg “bile and rnday zinesmon limumglla: REGISTER NOW FOR For OttaSlonS t stopped overniglu in Rome andltake “age at weswww Golf . born: v .bake in a 350 degree oven for 311910051111 “Ezesmwslgglefimrfiz; FALL TERM l , . I ’ . visited the Villa D‘Este in Tiv- fllub' “3h? tee‘off bemeeny‘l‘here‘ll be poppies oriental, 340 1° 50 mmmes m: “um apl’les‘,..:mb:ps articipate Beginning Sept. 8th 1 T .Wle 1351231. .mlmdln ' ollI “.llh ils beaulllul gardens‘ am an - PM there.” he peonics and nhlox are tender. Dust with powdered p ' I . ' (“on“. I“° g 2 P M and fountains, before contin-t The Skataflm“ 13k“ Place 0"l’l‘here'll be iris and davlilies ‘Sug'dr and cut in Squares" The annual bazaar “I!” be i . 151mg . - ' ' lung 10 Cyprus. Saturday Swelling September (as a harder for vour walksi Serve hot or cold l\\'ltl‘l whip. held November 7 and members ~_______‘ l‘lowers \llred Any“ here . After a few days in CNDrus,‘26' at Doubleynks Arena (Jalie‘There‘ll be lovelv purple violets ped cmam‘ servos 51" . . were aSked to support the con' ‘ I I ' ADMISSION _ FREE I they were able to fly to Tel{and Hwy. ’loroIntol. All avail-l some lilies p‘lnk and “,hlle' Mrs. S. Kazakieii'ch-d'enm‘s 0f “’9 Various 5113113 ‘ ’ ’ ' ’ W d “J S l Aviv in Israels where a two-daylable 3013138“ \‘111 be I‘CQUIEEdlAnd plants for kitchen windows;“‘“'i‘1"Illllullllllllllllulllllllllllllllullllmluluillillllllulilllluulll' Mrs- M“ Hunt “"1 blew?” l RICHMOND HEIGHTS Load up with EOOdieS ~ - ~ trip was enjoyed to Jerusalem}to $515“chunfandfre “Md “‘1181‘9 they.“ get the Dl‘OPEI‘l Beautiful slide nd inte'est imcpherson gave exgenent 19-! i.“ l CENTRE ’ i There, they were guided to his-{ltolmalfe tlhenlse}\-fs ,a‘?11?blit0,l light. lino commentaws Sn hm. lull-poll‘s or m? conl'gntmn of the. CONVENIENT 884-1812 Phone 889-1812 1 Fruit - Baking - Vegetables - Flowers 1 loric points of interest menu“ iep Itie oca ciidiens ioc e3 D a I II I t In I I . NI” I P United Senior Citizens of Qll-l LOCAI‘ONS _ At All Hours _ l 1- | mg the Omar MOSqIIe' OII the,assIOCiation. the amateur ath-I out, Bold \\lllI lia\e the: \\I0I.\€aIS-ag0 to leelIld “CfeItario in lxingston. commenting} . , "unm orlglml Site of Solomohs Tem_ letics across Canada and the: produce booth withIsuccotash.lJlebentt’d by Ml‘IS- Challes Mll‘itllat in one resolution it was ‘ T 7 pie II is now held by the MOSI Rotary inoIIvemelit inIIICanada. > II and squash. Sled 0i GOI‘IiIilCé. lo “‘6 SIGP' suggested that federal and pro-l lem's and vigimrs are only alIIl O IIII I I I I \Vith boots and beans anIdItcmbei meeting of the Pies- vlmlal govemmems declare tIhe “med In IIIe- courtyard Am enI CIquce again tIiIedothal gotalm can-ots. and other food tliatslbyt‘erian IllIIMS. I IItllil.d week in June as Seniol-l linmemng walk from Ii“; Dam ,5 d Xd§l)otnSOlln,. II ie iI-aIieIII, pIosli. I .‘llS. MiIstIeIdI. hei daughteilCltlzensv week The preSldeml . I. . It,» ‘ -{. n \en ure sIeiies. whic IAIN! 1f he offers you a (ll-Ink. and nephew, \iSitcd the formerstllanked the delegates for their “5' Accumu ascus Gate took tourists to tlielliasIeiroked much interest smce. let this be your decider Sister. Mrs. Allan Bauer and cmsciemlousness in attending pnischPTION SERVICE Church of the Holy Sepulchredts inception with ever increas-llt's very likely you will gel Mr. Donor and family in l\“lOk\\'aieveI.\. session I To I ID e la 0 oiosa. stops I 2 men 91 0 _9 I “uh. -.St0b by the fragrant pantry lniiles 1n the 13 days they spent lug on “Being A Member" and; ' weie made at the eight stations_.\0UIns and Old- enJOSS t El shelf (our Elsie‘s beautan that African country. MY. and members lolned in a slng-50ngl ' - Y E MOTORS of the Cross. ltl'aleloglles- for the." are “'llme' bowerl Mrs. Donor. originally from led l)V “1", Chem l RICHMOND HILL LIMITED The final day of Israeli tom-S some entertainment, education included visits with its beautiful Church of! Annunciation. Cana, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee and the excavat- lo NazarethIland adventurous. Everyone liasl the urge to travel but only a few satisfy that desire. Bi' attending the Travel And Ad- venture serics there is a joy Where she'll be selling jellies. jams. and pickles sweet and sour. A special door prize is a picture painted by our Norah. Gormlcy. serve as missionaries for the United Missionary Society. Mrs. )lilsted was also delighted to renew many other friendships with other mission- iiiU the ruins of Capei‘nuin. . . . . . T\\' s ‘ <‘ ’ r ii“ s urii i r Niccriau .nt' ‘. l. l "\l .. .l and thrill in vismng those farâ€" a‘ do“ m ELICS. Ea Hon' (“0‘ d 1g 16 D ie site 0 tie . lidt e of the and it is swcll begorrab. travels. Loaves and Fishes“ was also pointed out by the guide. tatiou. Some indication of the devel- ff France"; November 26 oca“. please. at the home 05 "1'51 Russell 428 S. Fernleigh Circle -â€" Richmond Hill ' ' ' ol)‘I‘_1°“tI1n 151.391 15 sl‘o‘l‘l by ada‘s Changing North": Jan~ “he” F10 and Frailcis mu hand Paying?“ at Bufiomvme' An (Markham/Bayview Area) 884-3202 thclr piogress -â€" lnIinc1eased “an. 21_ «New Zealandn: Fem.“~ you out. apple pie and cheese. inspirational message on Ro- V ‘ -:, . agricultural production. vastlal-I‘. llI «Long Land ol- Cl‘ile-v: So mark the date and now mans 8 was given by MrS- J08 l _" 7 , -- -1. ~ " construction work and refores-I‘Mal-ch lgI “wheels across‘ decide that you and you‘ll be Robinson and two delightful ’ I . Signs of enmity by adjoining A season ticket for all six And on September one and nine DeGuerre accompanied on the " ' I. . countries were evident in mili- travelogues is offered at the we'll meet you at the Fair. piano by Mrs. A. H. Eadie. "/ " / " ' tai')‘ patrols and aiiforce planes low price of $3 for students "' ’ m ’ " ' '7’ ' "” V " //I along Israeli borders â€" over the Mediterranean and other areas. However. tourists \vcre accord- ed very kind treatment. _\ltcr returning to Cyprus. lllt‘." had a tow more days with tlicil‘ family. A high point in tlici‘ Cyprus visit was to see St. Hilil‘ion Castle in the northern Kymnian Range. also a trip to. Salzmis on the east coast was ver) interesting. There. crews were busy excavating in the an- ‘away places. such as the follow- this season: October 29. “.-\long the Rivers ing included for America“ and April 15. "Japan": and $5 for adults, All proceeds will go towards helping the Rotary Club with its various projects which. dur- ing the past years. has iii:ltid£‘(l the purchase of a car for the VON. construction of a park shelter at the Mill Pond. crec- tion of a statue at tile lihrai‘l'. purchase of sight-saver books for the library, support of ARC Industries. sponsoring the York County Science Fair. YWCA. youth-aid centre and many other And then the highlight of the day. and one that's sure to there. %~ "FITTED TO YOUR EYE D 34 YONGE ST. S. Obadbn.éi ¢0om£ PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS ' GLASSES ' CONTACT LENSES The meeting. attended by 42 members and guests. was held solos were sung by Mrs. W. A. OCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" Mrs. Bert Cook and her comâ€" mittee served refreshments. Ruth Garson-Cmucher mun Piano - Voice - Theory v Richmond Heights Centre i 250 Yong St. N. 884-6881 ANNUAL SATURDAY, RUMMAGE SALE WRIXON Hllll. SEPT. 26th TIME l97il/ EGA2300 THE NEW LITTLE CAR FROM GENERAL MOTORS THAT “ Does Everything Well ” ' Wilson nubile . CHEV- cien IlI‘uitnsBlt wI'as froriIi Sank; worm). Causes fl mis. 1a ai‘iiaius an I au The Rolanans are a VP”. @’ I ,_ . . . Sm... on Um. migmm dedicated group of mm and 884495 5 x 1.30 PM. 3.).) 105613 STREET NORTH Jouvlf‘)’ across Ci pi'us. well dc>erving 0f30111' summer . l . Sponsored by ~ l ' _ K; g lo; pf .. , - \l. and Ill” Blmln ,l.llll-ll(.d “m. nm reserve mm. llckelb Open Mon. to \\ ed. 9 am â€" 6 pm - Thurs & Fri. 9 am » 9 pm S‘II Marv} Anglican (.hmmh “hm?” RH. H. l()i\l) HILL PHOi E b. )10 l’l‘illlll \‘ia London. England. today b_\ calling 884-7062? V

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