Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1970, p. 17

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it,” M31!!!gflfiwMWWMWQQWQQ’QEWEQI ‘ ’i‘i‘n‘i“‘n“““‘ 'l Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. - 9 p.111. â€" Sat. til 6 pm. ' _!_!_!“‘!7“““‘II‘< Neighborhood Notes Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Christina Rose in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Nelson, who passed away in her sleep Friday night. Mrs. Nelson had lived with her daughter for a number of years. The funeral 'n- - ' On Any Regularly Priced Tape With This Coupon Until September 23rd ‘3».454‘ ‘ a. I _.__.~â€"-â€". é? CRIMP KNITS Costume or 01d Clothes DANCING 9 RM. to 1:00 AM. ADMISSION $1.50 Costume Prizes 0 Door Prizes o Refreshments 45 l (Limit 1 For Customer) ‘: l. _________r 7. __ __._V,--______.____....__ ___________ SEWRIGHT FABRIC MILL OUTLET Thursday - Friday - Saturday Let the Wall to Wall Experts . . . YOUNG MEN WANTED P Registration: Mom, Sept. 2lst, l p.m., St. Mary’s Anglican Church (Wrixon Hall) Corner of Vaughan Rd. and Yonge St. Come train with the corps which travelled 60,000 miles from coast to coast 6313 Yonge St., Willowdale . â€" (Across from Sayvette’s) WANTED Local gentlemen of good standing interested in youth work and able to train Navy League Cadets ages 11 to 13 years. Must have Junior Matriculation or Equivalent. Willowdale Broadloom ltd. Harding * Celanese * Kraus B.M.K. * Burlington * Peerless 1 Armstrong * Caravelle * Bigelow And All Kodel Carpets We have a good selection of room size rugs SPECIAL 12 oz POLYESTER, CRIMPLENE, FORTREL FlflflflSfilllelflY 57 NEWKIRK RF. RICHMOND HILL 773-4022 884-6474 . (FREE estimates in your home without obligation) Royal Canadian Sea Cadet “Patriot” Richmond Hill Gormley Neighborhood Notes 28 INDUSTRIAL RD. BLOCK EAST OF YONGE ST. Contact Dave Ellison, 884-7513 0 FAMOUS BRAND NAMES . . . 13 - 18 Years of Age for PHONE 884-6191 60 INS. WIDE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED - PHONE 887-5445 Sympathy is also extended to Mrs. Stanley Boynton and fam- ily in the death of her husband after a lengthy illness. service was conducted Tuesday on Wednesday at North York at Strasler Funeral Parlors, General Hospital, Willowdale. Queensville. Her brothers, David and Steph- Sympathy is also extended to en, had their tonsils out a week Mrs. Stanley Boynton and famâ€" before. Rose Meeid had a tonsilectomy 226-0941 home on Don Mills Road was to have been sold at auction on ' Saturday, and although a large crowd gathered and bidding was keen, bids on the property did not reach the reserve bid so it ' was not sold. Prices were good, 53 however, as the entire house- hold effects passed into other kIhands under Auctioneer Alvin Farmer. I Congratulations to Miss Bren- ‘da Ash. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Ash, who took 'second prize in a solo class at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. and then along came Be- verley Bell. She won first prize ' in a duet class at the ONE. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker ‘and family attended the dedi- 1cation service at Zephyr Mis- sionary Church Sunday mom- ing when their first grandson, Brian Baker, was dedicated. On September 8 it was back to school for the students in our community, but for Mrs. Wil- gliam Noble and Miss Audrey Leary, who retired from teach- ing in June, it was a decided change to be sitting back and looking on. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust and Mrs. Beula Jones had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Bryson of Woodbridge. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Charles Connor and fam- ily on the passing of Mr. Con- nor Sunday night at York Coun- ty Hospital, Newmarket. The funeral took place on Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Burkhol- der of Markham were Sunday guests of their son and daugh- ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Burkholder. ' In welcoming Dr. and Mrs. McTavish to our community last week, in error we reported his name as Dr. William A. Mc- Tavish and it should have been Dr. Willson A. McTavish. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Winger and Scott of Carlisle, Pennsyl- vania spent Sunday with rela- tives here. They enjoyed a fam- ily dinner at the home of her brother and sister-inâ€"Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley. A miscellaneous shower was held on September 8 in the Fellowship Hall of the Mission- ary Church in honor of Miss Judy Davies and Glen Crowe. Misses Margaret Bolender, Linda Thiessen and Lindon Bateman attended Camp Pine- wagami at Stayner this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer have been holidaying at South River. On Sunday morning Mr. Farmer sang at the Missionary Church at North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer and Allen Smith were guests on Saturday at the wedding of Miss Helen Smith and John Marshall in Richmond Hill. The reception was held at Thorn-hill Golf and Country Club. For Stephen and David MeedJD who have always gone to board- tk ing school in Ethiopia, Africa, it c is a delightful change to return w to their parents each day after â€" school. 1 n Miss Ruth Cullen had a ton- silectomy at York Central Hos. pital, Richmond Hill. Miss Fem Doner left on Sat- urday to resume her studies at the Canadian Bible College, Re- gina, Saskatchewan. Mrs. Elias Elliott moved to Parkview Home at Stouffville on Thursday of last week. Her Mi‘. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko, Sam Sudeyko, Mr. and Mrs Whitney Johnson, Faye and Doug, were guests at the wed- ding of their neice, Miss Hea- their Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, at the Missionary Church at Wasaga Beach on September 5. Faye was a» bridesmaid, Doug was organ- ist. and Sam was an usher. Mr. and Mrs. Al Quinn were guests on Saturday at the wed- ding of his nephew in Guelph. Keith Preston has returned for his second year at the East- ern Pentecostal Bible College at Peterboro. His sister, Doris, has entered her first year at the same Bible school. Miss Pauline Blender is at- tending Emmanuel Bible Col- lege, Kitchener, this year. Lachlan Munroe left on Tues- day to enter his second year at the Memorial University at St. John’s, Newfoundland where he is majoring in English. Mrs. Gretta Noble spent a couple of days last week in the Cottage Hospital at Uxbridge. Mrs. Allan Hoover has recov- ered well from her fractured hip. She has been moved from York County Hospital, Newmar- ket. back to the Cobblestone} Nursing Home in Aurora. | Norman Brown has been mov- ed from Sunnybrook Hospital to Princess Margaret Hospital, To- ronto, for treatment. Mrs. Lewis Heise had surgery on Thursday at York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill. Miss Frances Smith holiday- ed for a week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott of Dundalk. Misses Shirley and Norma Smith spent the past week in New York. Mrs. Eleanor Olsen of Van- couver, B.C., visited with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and family, for a week. Mrs. Jack Gamble and Feme stone and Mr. and Mrs. rPat spent a weekend recently with Johnstone spent the weekend in Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott of North Bay. They were guests at Dundalk. the wedding of their nephew, Mrs. Erlegnor Olsen 9f Van- Gerald Hamilton. Quite a number from our Canadian Industry”. Hostess §vill be Mrs. George Boynton. The program will feature two barbershop choruses, the Merry Men of Markham and the Scarboro Dukes of Harmony; singer, Joyce Sullivan; organist and pianist, Mrs. Joan West: Markham District High School Orchestra: the Village Music and Dance Centre Jazz Dance Group; the Folk singing Jar- retts; and the Beat of the Brass, a combo specializing in Dixie and Latin Music. Emcee for the evening will be CFRB’s Bill Deegan and Whippet Billy Watson will make a personal appearance. Proceeds will be used to help build a residence for cerebral palsied young people to be called Participation House. It will have all the things these severely handicapped young men and women need to help them participate in life. The show starts at 8 pm. Every ticket holder will be eligible to win a casette tape recorder. The Merry Men of Mark- ham are presenting POP ’70, an evening of musical variety, September 18 at the Markham Arena. Gormley Women’s Institute will meet on September 23 at the home of Miss Alma Heise. The roll call, “One Of Grand- mother’s Remedies”. Mrs. Char- les Milsted will present the ga- zette. The Zodiac sign will be giv- en by Mrs. Fred Munroe and Mrs. George Boynvton will pre- sent the Zodiac Sign “Libra”. Mrs. Jack Gable will present “The Weed Study”, and Mrs. Deb Baker will be in charge of the program, “Agriculture and Musical Variety Show In Markham Sept. 18 Rev. Andrew Brndjar, Cana- dian Bible Society representa- tive in this area. spoke in both services at Heise Hill Church last Sunday. Rev. Andrew Mc- Niven and his family were en- gaged at the Boyle Church for homecoming services that day. The Forward Enlargement Society Sunday School Banquet was held Tuesday night at Heise Hill Church. Members from Oak Ridges congregation were hosts at the banquet. Women’s Institute It was promotion Sunday in the Sunday school of the Mis- sionary Church. There were promotions in each of the base- ment departments. Eddie Bak- er, David Flook, Douglas Allan, Jimmy Wideman and Susan Hawkins were presented with Bibles as they were promoted from the junior department to the youth department. The Senior Women’s Sewing Circle of Heise Hill Church met all day Tuesday of last week at the home of Miss Adeline and Mary Reaman. The Heise Hill Intermediate Sewing Circle met on Tuesday night of last week at the home of Mrs. Bruce vanderBent. Rev. Andrew Jones and his congregation from the Mission- ary Church, Richmond Hill will we worshipping Sunday even- ings with Gormley congregation until they are able to get clear- ance with the county board of education for the use of the Beverley Acres School for their evening services. A miscellaneous shower will be held on October 3 at 8 pm at Victoria Square Community Hall for Miss Ivadelle Sudeyko and Merle Coneybeare. This is your invitation to attend. Lad- ies please provide. Church News Mr. and Mrs. Alben Yake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Byers and sons at Berkeley. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- Niven and family spent the weekend at Boyle, his former pastorate, where they took part in the homecoming services on Sunday. Ken Heise, who spent two years working at the M011- treal Lake Children’s Home in Timber Bay, Saskatchewan, re- turned to his home here on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Landon Steckley. Mr. and Mrs. John Honsber- get and sons of Orillia visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Deb Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins, Mrs. Nettie Koch, and John Hawkins spent Saturday at Fen- elon Falls with their nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hender- son have moved to Hamilton where Carman is commencing his third year at McMaster Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stutzman of Indiana, Pennsylvania, holi- dayed last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dener. Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko were guests at their cousin’s wedding in Welland on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Monty John- stone and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Johnstone spent the weekend in community attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Klees in Rich- mond Hill on Saturday. Headford United Church will have its anniversary serv- ice on September 27 at 11 am. There will be no Sunday school classes held on either September 20 or 27. At Victoria Square Park last week the Headford Ladies Baseball Team defeated the Victoria Square Team by a score of 20.15. Congratulations to Jim and Mary Curtis who celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary on September 19th. Keith Burton has left for Trent University in Peterboro for his second year. Keith is majoring in history and poli- tics. The bride is the daughter of Mr‘ and Mrs. S. Moore of North Taylor Mills Drive, Richmond The couple are residing in Sudbury, where Dave is work- ing for the International Nickel Company. ‘ It was an important day in the Terry household on Sep- tember 5. when Dave Terry and Patricia Higgs were married. The ceremony took place in Richmond Hill United Church and a reception followed at the Masonic Hall. Mark and Bruce Terry were ushers at the cere- mony and Dave’s best man was his friend, Jack Thornhill. Hill O Luxurious Accomodation osightseeing & Guides .Baggag‘e Handling o'l‘axes & Tipping 85 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Tours 884-8191 Northern Colour Tour Sept. 28, 5 Days, $99 Twin Laurentian Mountain Colour Tour Oct. 3, 3 Days, $49.50 Twin Lake Placid/Stowe Vermont Oct. 6, 3 Days, $49.50 Twin New England Colour Tour Oct. 13. 6 Days, $99.50 Twin VIRGINIA COLONIAL Sept. 26. $124 twin (7 days, Washing- ton, Williamsburg) FLORIDA â€"- 7 departures. 21-day tour, Jan. through Apr. $329 twin (incl. Busch Gar- dens. Ybor City Tour, Tampa, Miami Beach, Mar- ineland, plus more) FLORIDA -â€"â€" 14-day tours Nov. through Apr. â€" 21 departures from $195 twin. All include tours of Wash- ington, Silver Springs, Busch Gardens, Tampa. Disney World and Miami. AUTUMN COLOUR. TOURS O Escorts Travelway5® Trailways of Canada Ltd. Headford News (3:011?! Davzv Jonas Fish & Chips MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 Dinner Days FOR ONLY 49 CENTS EACH Tuesdays are ALL TOUR, COSTS INCLUDE: Next Tuesday you can take home as many delicious Davey Jones fish and chip dinners as you want. 187 YONGE ST. N. PHONE : “4-9291 New Trademark of Correspondent: .23] Miss Elizabeth Flood of the to Mar: as York Central Hospital showed her 17 a film on arthritis. !Septeml of Church News ‘10 years .th Sunday school began for the‘Joanne 1d fall Sunday morning. A pan- Septeml ‘cake breakfast was enjoyed by J12. 14 3 in about 50 children and adults.,David .k_JDue to the inclement weather Septeml .el:it had to be held indoors in- Wedd1 ' stead of outdoors as had been gratulat planned. Min and nr Good. used, saleable articles are still needed and donations of baking, fruits and vegetables will be most welcome. For pick-up, contact Lion John Mc- This is the week of the an- nual auction, rummage, bake and vegetable sale of the Vic- toria Square Lions Club. It will be held in the community hall September 19, with the rummage sale at 11 am, auction at 12:30 noon and bake sale at 2 pm. There will also be a snack bar. Mardi Tyndall and Mrs. Faye Wills led the group in a sing- song, followed by a film, which was very much enjoyed. Roll call was answered by naming a contributor to the field of medicine. The first meeting of the WI for the fall was held Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. John McCague. with Mrs. Carl Walker in charge. Women‘s Institute An Advance Poll will be held in the Municipal Building. 56 Yonge Street North on Friday, October 2nd, 1970 between the hours of 4:00 pm. and 10:00 pm. and on Saturday, October 3rd between the hours of 10:00 am. and 5:00 pm. All persons who file a Declaration at the time of voting to the effect that a.) expect to be absent from the Municipality Richmond Hill, Ont, September 3, 1970. WARD 3 Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the Northerly limit of the King's High~ way number 7; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Markham Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Markham Road to the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404: Thence Southerly along the West- erly limit of the King's Highwu number 404 to the northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Westerly along the Northerly limit of the King's Highway number 7 to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 2 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 3 Walter Scott Public School No. 4 Walter Scott Public School No. 5 Walter Scott Public School No. 6 16th Avenue Public School No. 7 16th Avenue Public School WARD 4 Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; WARD 2 Commencing“ at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Markham Road; Thence northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Crosby Avenue; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Crosby Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bayview Avenue; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Bayview Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line or Gamble Road to the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404; Thence Southerly along the. Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404 to the centre line of Markham Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Markham Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 2 Crosby Avenue Public School No. 3 Walter Scott Public School No. 4 Walter Scott Public School No. 5 Crosby Avenue Public School Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Crosby Avenue: Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yongc Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence easterly along the centre line of Gamble Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bayview Avenue; Thence Southerly along the centre line of Bayvlew Avenue to where it is intersected by the centre line or Crosby Avenue. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Municipal Hall No. 2 Beverley Acres Public School No. 3 Beverley Acres Public School No. 4 Beverley Acres Public School No. 5 Beverley Acres Public School MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS betWeen the hours of 7:30 PM. and 8:30 PM. by the Returning Officer. If more candidates are nominated for the respective offices herein before mentioned than are required to fill the same the voting in the several wards at the subsequent elections shall be conâ€" ducted by the Returning Officer at the Polling Subdivisions as follows: WARD 1 Thence Northerly alonz the centre line of Yonze Stre Two Councillors for the combined offices of Regional and Local Council; Six Councillors (one Councillor for each of the said wards of the mun- icipality); Three Members for the York County Board of Education; Three Trustees for the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. , Mayor; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE Victoria Square News Subdivision Lillian McConaghy Public School Lillian McConaghy Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School 16th Avenue Public School 16th Avenue Public School “mu-hWNI-l AUDITORIUM OF THE RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL NOMINATIONS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2|st, I970 Public School Public School Public School Public School MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1970 Wedding anniversary con- gratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Gee, mar- ried eight years on September 22; and to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Frisby, married 10 years, September 24. -~°u.u. y‘l‘l‘bl nun-c: vu Miss Christine Smith of‘a Liberal paper route. Estal) Richmond Hill and Miss Vera lished routes may be available Nichols of Toronto had Sunday in your area. Phone Glen Prat/t. evening dinner with Mr. and Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. her 17; Mary Matthews on September 18; Mark Brumwell. 10 years old. on September 18; Joanne Boynton, four years old, September 21; David Houck Jr.. 14 years old. September 22; David Boyd. 14 years old, September 22. Cague at 887-5409, Lions Johners. Cecil Nichols, Mrs. Faye Smith at 887-5222, or any other‘Wills and Vincent. Lion. A speedy recovery is wished Neighborhood Notes for Harvey Collard, who is ill Euchre parties will start Oc- in York Central Hospital. tober 2 at 8 pm in the com- Friends are pleased to see munity hall and will be held Heber McCague able to be out every two weeks from then on. again following recent surgery Please plan to attend. in York Central Hosoital. Rich- Birthday greetings Nare sent to Mafdi _'I:yndall on Septem- YOUNG MEN - AGE 11 to 13 YRS. For Navy League Cadet Corps “Richmond Hill” Registration: Mom, Sept. 21st at 71pm]. St. Mary‘s Anglican Church (Wrixon Hall) Corner of Vaughan Rd. and Yonge St. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Sept. Notice is hereby given from 10 am. to 7 pm. R.R. 2. Gormley -- Phone 887-5421 ADVANCE POLL Will be held in the for the Offices of Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steck- lay and Steven of Toronto: Mrs. John Watt, Andrew and Jeff of Scarboro; Miss Karen Baxter and her fiance, Paul Zurosly of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steck- ley spent a week recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Kauff-man in Hopeton, Virginia. again following recent surgery in York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL WARD 6 Commencing at the centre line of Yonge Street where it is intersected by the Northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Vaughan Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bathurst Street; Thence Southeer along the centre line of Bathurst Street to where it is intersected by the northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7; Thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of the King’s Highway number 7 to the point of com- mencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. I\'o. 2 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. No. 3. Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. No. 4. Charles Howitt Public School. 30 Pearson Ave. No. 5 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. No. 6 Richvale Lions Community Hall, 31 Spruce WARD 5 Commencing at the centre line of Bathurst Street where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road: Thence Northerly along the centre line of Bathurnt Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of the road allowance between lots 70 and 71; Thence East- erly along the centre line of the road allowance between lots 70 and 71 to the King‘s Highway number 404: Thence Southerly along the Westerly limit of the King’s Highway number 404 to the centre line of Gamble Road: Thence Westerly along the centre line of Gamble Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 Oak Ridges Public School Thence Northerly along the centre line of Yonge Street to where it is intersected by the centre line of Gamble Road; Thence Westerly along the centre line of Gamble Road to where it is intersected by the centre line of Bath- urst Street; Thence Southerly along the centre line of Bathurst Street to where It is intersected by the centre line of Vaughan Road; Thence Easterly along the centre line of Vaughan Road to the point of commencement. Polling Subdivision No. 1 MacKillop Public School No. 2 MacKillop Public School No. 3 Municipal Hall No. 4 Lillian McConaghy Public School No. 5 Pleasantville Public School No. 6 St. John’s Baptist Church, 75 Oxford St. No. 7 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Elgin Mills Rd. West. No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 as an election official will be unable to attend the poll at which they are entitled to vote expect to be confined in a hospital for religious reasons are prevented from voting on the day fixed for Polling, on Eleo- tion Day, Monday, October 5th and who are entitled to vote at Municipal Elections, may record their vote at the Advanced Poll. BOYS AND GIRLS No No. Subdivision 1 Charles Hewitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 2 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 3. Charles Hewitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 4. Charles Hewitt Public School. 30 Pearson Ave. 5 Charles Howitt Public School, 30 Pearson Ave. 6 Richvale Lions Community Hall, 81 Spruce Ave. 7 Richvale Lions Community Hall, 31 Spruce Ave. 8 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road 9 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road l0 Ross Doan Public School, 101 Weldrick Road Oak Ridges Public School Oak Ridges Public School Sunset Beach Pavilion, Bayvlew Ave, Lake Wilcox Residence of Whitney Johnson, Gormley Road and Station Road, Gorrnley Residence of Whitney Johnson, Gormley Road and Station Road, Gormley NEILL YONGE ST-. 1 MILE NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL 889-0972 or 773-4661 A low-cost method to rent a rugged pickup R. Lynett, Returning Officer PER DAY 80 PER. MILE DATSUN 17. 1970 17 LTD.

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