6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 17, 1970 ï¬liflfli â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€" FOR SALE MON. - TUES. 8 a.m. to 6 p.111. WED. - FRI. 9 21.111. to 5 pm. SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 12 noon Call “The Liberal†TODAY 884-"05 HELP WANTED IMISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS lfl! HELP WANTED HELP WANTED T0 RENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ‘C t. I ‘ . 0‘5" “"35, ‘5‘ “mm†1° “"15 51'0" “d '3‘ P" Hr"; .. on med) WA -- {cmmued‘ - , - ‘Conm‘md' - .1 ,‘C°““"U°d‘ _,_ ., ,GENERA'L carpentry. recreht: PLUMBING & HEATING“ (Continued) word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second BARTLth pears- CUCUInberS'iHOUSEKEEPER‘ “'11 0'“ Parl‘EXPERlENCED nurscs aids l‘e- ‘l‘RIiCK driver to (hire steel ion rooms, alterations & l‘cpiiil‘s.lRoger Proulx -â€" Telephone -â€" ï¬ï¬-contailingbrighrdfvf_ "" .nd subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 100131005- DL‘MM’I' SfluaSh. bcelsullmci 884-5673. “11112 quire-d. also ladies for hause- truck. 8 Ion capacity. also plant 884-2505. CZwl'l 884-1630. ffc24 ] bedroom a “‘5 - “my 3: words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. «crab applos‘ Bail-6367‘ IfcH.EXPICRlENCED man to work in keepingI department. ’l‘ransporâ€"‘dutios. loading. unloading and, (-1 FAVIVG wixgnowq F7 &7771'O'[RE\â€"'C[][\IGWM for Sll‘lï¬â€™le chs‘onnlimcoleJllet-abd: - If. 1‘ V _ 1“ ‘ ‘ . .' . ‘_._"y_« ,_ A ‘ 44... . ., A J , . -.h _ ‘ _ - COMING EVENT NOTICE 106 per word; mil charge “'50 Alb-INC deluxe stole. 30 Inchljfllllnllllle “archouse‘localed Noflallonhlfi’ Ruliulond ll)“. pron aiming: 889-31,0, (l\\ ll WALLS AND FLOORS underground cab].- ‘qulcl Strccl. 1 block from ' Viking l5 cubic [0m do b1 ,i I[\\'\' and heel 5‘ 839,8440idcd.\1|la Musing llomi. Bulh- . .. _ . . .. V. . , Y - , , ~ ‘ BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50c . ,. .u e " e ‘ ' ' ' um on Thom-H My; g‘mwm NlGlll scolclaly Icqullod 101 Day 01‘ nlght _ and water prpe trenching. 011319 51. In Richmond Hill. : CARDS 0F THANKS IN MEMORIAMS DEATHS. (1001‘ lellL‘Ol'dltll‘. automatic. as r V clwll‘88'q an“ ’ 1' v " ‘ 02"‘Vnfll'ea1 051219 Office 5-930 altelu‘ 334-3433 “1'23 Phone 884-6266 384‘3313- c1w12 I. , ’ - “9“- 89â€'34"0 '“ 884-2192. EXPERIENCE truck driver for: "“ ‘ ‘nate nights and \wckcnds. Ex-VW ’ SIIAMPOOING ' Richmond Hill- : ENGAGEMEA‘TS' MARRIAGES' BIRTHS “"7 in- “Unifurnilure warehouse localcd NOASTEWARD- Pl‘lml“ “‘9'â€. “Uh collcnl [\pinu a must. Apph‘l SI'H‘HER SPFCHI “1‘45 V :1 “m†51'†30" Continental bed $13. ‘miis: 7 HM and Keele Sl- 889-8440."l[‘ Riel‘m‘md “iâ€- Wâ€â€˜â€â€œâ€˜Â°- Mr. Lains 884-4425. N. S. Smith Rugs and cliostcl‘flclds: Day or ‘ VINCE-SCARPENTRY H L: Chum“ adv'msemenk ‘hwld be i“ ‘5 “fl-V i“ the “81' bed $15. carriage $20. mcsh clwll (13†834-74641, cm†Real Estate Ltd. clwl‘l night. 884-2433. tfc32 SPECLALIZING in rec. rooms, 1956 Plymouth Fury II; 2 dole;- :: week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. playpen $10, car seal $4. or SERVICE station attendéni,’ex-.Y0UNG man with ('llél'flem‘V“ EXPERIENCED woman " for‘PAlN'l‘lNG ’cxlcrior and ’in- bars. kitchen Cabinets. arboriteihal‘dlm "8 .aulomatifl Power I Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone cycle boy‘s bike $15, winter perienced. neat appearance. Ap- licence {0" Friday e‘cnmgs and cleaning, small house. 14 day'terior, carpentry work, alums-,3nd “onâ€? l‘epail's' 389'2889- 'i‘“‘f‘“g‘ rad“): g°°.d condition- : us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 0031- SIZE 1-4 years $3. boxed ply Texaco, 7161 Yonge Street. gamma-1'5 Ideal for .Smdem' once a week, hourly rate. 889- lions, rec rooms, no job too tfcll (-911139 l!â€- Gcrvais, 884-4419 : baby's clothing $7. boxed baby's Thornhill. clwll £9912; lg P3158“, Lilli/mm La“; 6033, ‘ c1w12-large or too small. 884-5009. YONTARIKSCLIIOOOKOF- or BSDâ€"8939' 2 11 " clotl'n f ~ 3 -‘ - #*V W * â€" - »i - er, co r. a onve .. .. _;.._,.L.1-___L ‘ c w 2‘? FOR SALE FOR SALE in .1.g 0’ b0) .“nh Playte" SALES help required. day and Thomhm 561,..12 OFFICE help for real estate ,1,.,,. v M ,_W_ wife-fl. UPHOLSTERY . ------ .--_--,._. ‘_ ‘I‘ â€"â€" »»»»» ~ - ‘ “1581 5“ $4' call 8344602“ night shift. Mister Donut. 884- ~ -' - â€" --- ---- -- -â€" office Typino necessal-V pal-t RAILROAD ties fm- sale. wuHClIestererlds and chairs 18-496331“ $50 coupc, red, black 3' KITCHEN cabinets and Vanities- â€"- -----(?‘flt.m_"¢d)_m____ ._... _,.L_ , ,_ ,7 31913 8377. c1w11 PERMANENT POSITIONS 1mm, 'eveï¬ing: Ask {0}. the build retaining “311g Mamet-wormed like new,- 1n_lel‘101:. ~mce condition; $1,000 :: Free estimates. Creative Decor, DRIVEWAY GRAvEL INGLIS automatic washer $100. WOMEN ya},th for nahgpach 3 mature 01119" desk l-VPISlS‘ Manage,._ 389.5651 _ 334-2377_ boxes and boat docks. Free (2511- PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY,01 “mm 0391- 884-4355. L ° No ADDITIONAL CHARGE , c2w11 mates. 889-6338. tfc42 Own car or Keele bus. office and showroom, 9212 Crushed stone sand concrete 884-4698 c1u~12 ~ - . . . -‘ . ’. ’ . _ ,1. y W _ . Full or part time. Applv x x 01“12l ,C._ W . '1â€"‘i; ~~ .â€"â€"- - - Yon e SL, Richvale 889-2462, gravel etc, deliver d In 1 . »- ---. â€" agmg . , ‘ CL"-.. . . h-.- -4. FOR LABOR 1953 Ford Eco 01,, , _ : 7733696 “(:42 quantiï¬es. Can C. i. Knasgggt: 6 PIECE walnut dinette suite. P0 BOX‘2479-"T11911111111- CZWH Male accountant, 1 or 2 year-S'KEYPUNCH operator. exper- .FINLAY ELECTRIC I All \voivk guaranteed condition, mustnselll.888-43157ï¬x 1 "‘1' , 884-3089. tfc37 8__84'89-7§:_§§3:§}6°~ _ c1“? WAREHOUSEMEN wanted for experience. Salary $110. ienccd. required for large bui1-'C°’,“."a°‘°‘}; flee estlmtes‘ Ca“ Pick up and delivery c1311 - ALUMINUM, "dr- WIN-DOE LUMBER light packaaiug work in Thorn- MAPLE AREA ding product company. Contact 3mmâ€? 8'L‘l."3$£1'_1.fl_... th37‘FREE ESTIMATE ‘ - i" *“iv "ï¬â€"_*‘ '- . D i d d WANTED , b - ., . . S 763 1194 1964 Pontiac Parislcnne 4-d oors, wn ows, awninzs._fn . FREE DELIVERY mu~ Part or fun time_ Apply Experienced payroll clerk. 200 Data Processing Supenrlsor, BAKER’S BACKHOE tfclglh The V8 t. . cor railings“ R“ w°°ds' 884'3134é?°“i}‘°“5v °f saleable articles Fireplace wood and kindling Box 279 Thornhill c2w11 employees Salary open- 5 day 332- 2271. c1w12 EXCAVATING - sfcfmnlj; po'“:r“t%‘1’;3k;:' P03?†C 01‘ 1e ictor' S a ‘ - . _ , ’ .â€"--v.'_#___;_..__7._ - _#.~_._L -.s.* .7 . - - _ ‘ . ‘- ‘ , , ra lo, 13 quale L103“ fencmg headquarters including Ex.JAN[TOR DOUBLES “eek' AGENCY SHEAR helper for steel plant TrenChmg’ Sewer 5‘ water hm" 884-36660 after 5.30 pm nc2w12 s w ' ing windows. SEASONED hardwood for fire- places, also kindling. Picked-up or delivered. 96 Steeles Ave. W. or call 225-2781. tfe19 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- daors, awnings also glass and screen repairs phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 NEW HONEY. BEES Appointment only. ' Werner. 889-2724. lfc3 GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing, top soil, fill, screened loam. L. H. SIMS Club annual auction and rum- mage sale September 19. For pick-up call 887-5409 or 887- 5222. tfc7 HOMEOWNERS Good neighbors are hard to find. Why allow weeds to come be- tween you? WILLOW-HILL of- fers FREE for the month of September only 1X 501b. bag of fertilizer worth $3.25 to evcry weed spraying customer. For further information. call â€" 889- 7024 â€" 294-0791 WILLOW-HILL Lawn and Garden Supply Gov‘nt. Lic. Fully Ins. split rail, free cut to length. Pre-finished plywood from $2- .95. Free estimates on wood or aluminum storm windows. Call 889-1117: evenings 491-5629. 02w12 FOECED-air electric furnace. 889-6431, evenings 294-3391. c1w12 2 DOUBLE beds, refrigerator; or will trade for youth bed. 884-8240. c1w12 LARGE size tricycle. excellent condition, $12. 889-6913. c1w'12 INCOME IMPOSSIBLE? N0! He is now selling real estate with our com- pany and with the help of our tremendous training program and background has increased his income by 100%. If you are over 21 â€"â€" EXPERIENCED OR OTHERWISE â€" and have not yet reached your full potential, act now. Call Mr. White or Mr. Cuff. Norm Black Realty Limi- ted. 889-6241. tfcll GENTLEMEN are you interest- ed in a rewarding career with a large Canadian sales finance company? Call Mr. Campbell, warehouse work, 5-day week. A1 EMPLOYMENT 884-6944 clw12 BEAVER Lumber Co. requires cashier approx. 30 hrs. a week. Preference will be given to a person with experience. how- ever, on the job training can be provided. Own transportation required. Phone the manager at 223-8500 to arrange for an interview. Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd., 8500 Keele St. N., Downs- view. c1w12 ONE of Canada‘s largest sta- tioners requires sales repreâ€" Sentatives to call on commer- requircd by Richmond Hill: footings. 889-3604. th2 day shift, steel shearing div- ision, no experience necessary. 889-5170. c1w12 MAN to assume warehouse res- ponsibilities of maintenance. filling and receiving in Rich- mond Hill location. Knowledge of hardware, automotive lines and inventory control an asset. Minimum of shipping and hea- vy work. Usual company ben- efits. Apply in writing stating age, marital status. present sal- ary and employment. Box No. 60, “The Liberal". c1w12 DRIVER, CIRCULATION MAN # rooms. NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, additions, tile floors and ceilings. estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc32 commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper hanging. 884-5697. CARPENTRY work, recreation renovations. tfc49 ROOFING GENERAL contracting, Eavestroughing cleaned and re- paired, siding. Frce estimates. Call anytime collect, 633-0039. c-le altera- Free TO RENT FURNISHED facilities. east of Yonge. FURNISHED room. cooking, and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16‘6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lorcd Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. room, cooking 1.6 Lorne, lst house Bork's Jewellers at tfc51 tfc50 1964 Corvair Monza, radio, oer: tified, $395. 889-4080. CIWIZ FALL CLEARANCE OF USED SPORTS CARS Sunbeam Alpine. green 1966 MGB, green. 1965 MGB, blue. ALL of these cars have a radio. new brakes. complete paint. job and have been reconditioned and safety inspected through- oul‘. 1964 Triumph Spitfire. motor, ncw brakes, $735 full price. 1966 Viva, excellent condition, ideal second car, $675 full price. 1967 Il€\V C.»- 9- I- :2 : Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. c4va YARDMAN professional power- c131 and industs 1 ‘ ~ - - .___...-.__ ,â€" _ y M: V lia accounts In T I) lions and additions, home , of- . ,. . _ l _ . :3 “01 BEDROOM and dining suit? driven reel type lawnmower’ 884-8156 m4 this area- Experience “9' “THE LIBE§A§"E seeking the fices, factories, Custom caipen- 300 5Q' Fl‘ Ofï¬ce Space plusllgsa Vau’mau' “ms gOOdI as 51- : TYPEWRITERS Teakwood, 2 mum 01d, reason: like new, half price $125; high WAITRESS â€" full and part- ferred. Salary open. Can start semces of a D,.-,Ve,._C,rculation try of an descriptions_ Les 300 _sc1- ft. storage space; local-$195. V: ADDING MACHINES able_ Can Toronto 2,114,971. chair $10; 8 mm Kodak turret time. Pop’s Tavern. 884-2752. immediately. For information Man for variety of duties. SW- Webb 389-2545. “C3 tefl 1" PFOfESSIOYlal bu11dlng on “GREENWOOD GARAGE - Sales Service Rentals c4W“) movie camera $25: parallel tfc49 or appointment please call col- cessful applicant must be re- *ï¬EEVCUTTING ~ £01169 St~ $112 Per month. 884- 5118012111515 m Brillih and E Authorized Dealer TEAKWOOD clothesline $3. 884-4376. c1w12 WANTED _ female' workers for lect, 294-5855 or 297-3490. liable and enjoy working with AND PRUNING ._-. 17- th8 Eurlélgiagls‘ï¬ars : , All ,poPUIal‘ makes {01' 93.16 Living, dining and bedrooms. 3-ELTRNER gas stove. gOdd produotion work as punch press "1!_Vg _ g, , _,_V young 9609194 MUSL have Chauf‘l FRUIT TREES BACHELOR “‘Odem-_f‘lmish?d-, - 02w†- meludmg new and rebuilt (meet from importers ware; condition, $25. English pram, operators. only 19 and over CLEANING lady 3 days aweck.feu1"S llcenSE- Stead," employâ€" E_ c, DOAK a’l‘condltmnw- 59“â€095 m"- â€",---- -- - -- 2', Standard portable and electric house 0 en 1 9 m 454 1388 $15. Call 773-5440. c1w12 need apply. 889-7549. tfc6 Bayview - Steeles area. Own ment with long established local Phone 832_8985 Maple ‘ClUded- Yonge Street. Aur01'8.i1962 Volkswagen. excellentcon- “ models. Special rental rates ' p ' p' ‘ ' --â€"â€"- - --_â€"â€"â€"- -- r.“ \I-r-rfl'vflâ€" â€"â€"-~â€" transportation 889.6367 c1w12f1pm_ For full details phone 1vV- ’ , $40 weekly- 727'9488- thBldition “‘1â€! Safety CCl'llflCEILE. ‘7' available to students‘ EINAR CLAUSENILTD: 34 bed & mattress $19; 2 5sz EXPERIENCED TYPIST W - . - is. Cook at 8844105 nczwlz ,, tfclziAVAILAB-EE immediatï¬y ZYCaH 8892943 after 5 pm. a Hwy. 7. Just east of Fifth Line. 13 4-ply tires $15 pair; 1 .6501: Male or female. Contact Lamb ACCURATE Wrist-bookkeeper ' FLOOR COVERING . ‘ '~ c1w12 I? W 88 Baker A 12 miles east of Dixie Road) 13 snow tire $10. 884-3189. the Mover, 127 Birch Avenue All types floor tile sheet goods 53mg???) :ggtgllint'flgnég‘gglsg- ï¬6~Pi u S t “it Vs‘ . "3 Bramal a. v ' - ' .’ firm, inter stin osition. Please ,- - 3 " 1 ' ' r ymou ‘ a e 9’ ~ ;; Richmond Hill __eâ€"Y__.___ will) emu Eggnhlu’ 889 4911 for lnierg call 8893550. g p Clwlz gfpert “glknzansmgfi‘lt lt‘t’w g95t'?884-8083. c2wll) automatic. bucket seats, poly- v- 884-1745 PlCKflovR'OWN APPLES 40' TV tower; color head and V' c W â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-«_~- ‘ ee 85 mm es‘ 1 e me 779 SQ FT if a, - glass tires, excellent condition, 2 lfc3 A dehghtml family Wing- Channel Master rotor $50. 889- MAN for greenhouse, experi- CLAIMS clerkffemale) .for “1' Floors' 884-8831. r “on dustrial. spaceo 1137:1133 884?517rl- 1 “"1913 private) $1,150- 727‘ : WASHER d ‘ .._ Weekends only. All varieties, 5 7339_ c1w12 ence with roses helpful, but not surance Ofï¬ce "1 Thomhlll- 11“ FuRNITURE slip covers cut RUBBER STAMPS ' 2 16 3796, evgs. c1w12 ‘ ’ ryel and stove miles eaSt 0f Aurora. Devins- “A --â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘--"> >‘r*~ essential. Call 1 pm - 5 pm 889- VOIVGS tEIephone WOI’ki typing and fitted in your home. Work- Several type faces to choose, c w wâ€"Dâ€"fl ~' -â€"‘â€"-~. - 2 Parts geal‘s’ ,L‘eus' ‘VOOd been“ Horton Orchards. 888-1738 727- FREE ‘ 1 “939 of cow man‘ 1265 c'3W10 an asset. Experience preferred. m nshi guaranteed A150 cush- from __ including script BIock‘BACHELOR apartment. 884-1966 vomswagen deluxe‘ as ‘5' ‘3... gigs and wrmger rollers etc. 4768. c'4wll ul-e. J. A. Cosgrove, Bathurst MART t d f .1 d 339-4933. clw12 i0]; ans arm caps 'etc Please letters Outline sand signature'zfflel “C11 $500 0,. best offer. 884a,“:- 2 -» or a ‘- '- _ ---â€"-_--- a..._-â€".,_ - 1 r- v wane or ceanu an --â€"- - ~â€" _ ' ‘ ’ . u . , - r mahes' Repaus to elec ELECTRIC range‘ 3on‘ Gurney, Sl' 1“12 p SALESLADY‘ afte1~noons_ imâ€" phone anytime 773-5755- “(:43 â€" f3“ SEl‘Vlce- can The L“)- ONE bed-sitting room, private ~â€"~â€"~-#â€"-â€"lh-*flâ€"s““rlu‘ tric lawnmowcrs and small a - . . ‘ ' ' “ - - ---- ’â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" u - - - 1 ~ ‘ ' pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indulg- g°°d c‘mdltlon, $50. 884-7716. ‘ LUMBER ‘ 1 Maple Egg Grading Station, me‘llaiely' 51.93dy- Baywew LADY to do cleaning in your era} 83511303- . _# bath. Smt busmess person 0n1y.I119\(:613315323“t?L{'&:ma:§;1dï¬$zv . trial Road 284-7903 ‘1’ 9 61W“ “‘9 Indusmal Lumbe‘ 3" Pa ' King City. 833-5282. clwiz Variety, BaI’Vlew Plaza- 884- home in Richmond Hill-Thorn- HARRISONS CUSTOM 884-8219 after 0:30 or weekends. ° ' e g - P P - - â€" ’ ‘ -‘ †c ‘â€"â€"-~â€"»â€"-â€"â€"Hâ€"â€" â€"- â€" let Division of Ratcliff Lumber ---- â€"_â€"â€"- -â€"_ 3417 c1w12 . ‘ . i 2 .11 $1,450 or best offer. 884-4816. . r ' ADMIRAL TV and. stand. 884- . . f R 1 L ,1. _‘ _H __ __ hill area. Has l‘efewnces- 334' CARPENTRY C ‘1 SEASORED FIREWOOD 4 miles west of Stouffvule at PA T T ME HE P v , . i - '~â€"-~ “Wâ€"hâ€" “012 '. -. 4335. *lwll . . . i - - CLEANING woman for 12 day 7522. 011112 Custom bum homes, renova-SUBLET office 5 ace. 450 s .ff.l“"‘â€"'“‘ _ Mixed Blich, Oak, Maple, ,_,_ ,_ _ the 01d Mm Pond 15 carrying QUALITY contlol matrons're \_ k1, ‘ ‘ B v g g, ,_ {ions addition_ and re airs) ' V. . P Cl ‘1963 Ford Galame auto‘ SIX. Beech: Cut to 12 inch or 16 SNIDER built love seat bei e -- y - 1 quired for Sat_ 3; Sun. Sth' \ee 3, own ca1_ alum“ WILLING to do typing, etc.. _ I ’v , p pAu' conditioned. Markham _ . , '. I ._ . . n g - utility and economy glades on y. _ . Steeles area 889_0909 c1w12 _ _ _ Kitchens a spemalty, Morris Y a I d- . ,. ilow mileage, exceptional condl Inch lengths. Phone 832-2455 “Re new- 884‘1259- c1‘1'12'For real savings to you come Prevmus elxpemence an 35563 P -.- . "1 my home‘ ’889-9302‘ cum Harrison 884 2838 tfc45:3804n§€g4 mme late ocwpï¬cï¬'jtion $500 884-7689 c1w12 Holland Park Garden Centr - ‘- . . . . , , ’ - must be aert. competent an ART-TIME HELP - student .- . - V..___ ' ‘ ‘ _. _ _’ ' 0 -_ C â€"- - e, 9 piece dining room suite, solid In and make your own selection. FULLY EXPEIIBnLed cook. a ALUMINUM HOME 3 BEDROOM semi with garage'llgog Volkswagen In good rum 5.1 Keele St. North, Maple. oak. 884-1690. c1w12 Sizelx2tolx12and2x2 aggressive. Apply Mon. to Fri, 9 a.m. - 4 pm. Personnel Office, for picking up and delivering furniture. 889-7821. c1w12 ailable evenings, dinner parties,‘ IMPROVEMENTS close to schools. Available now ining condition, $90. 884-1092. etc. Will’prepare and serve. Plan menu if required. Thorn- hill-Richmond Hill area. 889- to 2 x 12 in softwood or hard- wood. Timbers from 4 x 4 to 8 PAYROLL Clerk, familiar with McVey system. typing required, Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows or end of month, $195. 884-2815. 01‘1'12 TACKABERRY (Tack) skates, _____._.__. . . ens-111969 Triumph 500 cc motor- one year old, excellent condi- Mapac, Division of Polypump c4wlZ Chesterfield Ltd_, 8100 Keele St., Maple. Bedroom, suite, I “I! lpgyiioi - Spanish, 2 months old, reason- able. 241-6990. tfclO $200 or best offer, RCA hi-fi and radio combination. few re- cords and stand. 773-5328. c2w11‘ BALED hay and straw. also several 10115 (113* shelled corn. All,choice quality. 887-5461. *2w11 NORGE REFRIGERATOR, $25. Suitable for home or cottage. Bathroom sink, $5. 884-5741, 10 am - 2 pm. clwlz 2 WAY RADIO. Hallicrafter, CB. 20 with aerial. 832-8918. ’l‘lwl‘l‘ EKO guitar. 3 pick-ups, good condition. case and cord. Bel- lone amplifier. $160. BA 5- 5513. c1w12 KEYSTONE mini-bike. still under warranty. good condition, l-Ielmet included, $130. BA 5-' 5513. clwl'll ‘2â€"WET-LOOâ€"Iiâ€"maxi? coats, sizeI .. _ . v . size 14: Brownie outfit, com- ï¬bggzgpfgts 93,3195, 5â€: mete. size 10. Can 384-4244,4629._W_ W W 7 girl's rac ‘ bi la 1â€â€ 6', 6 after 4 pm. c1w12 PORTABLE DISHWASHER, ‘ er cyc e. r. o l â€" “.1 .--__- , _ v - - - P iBABY “roller 58: large t1,L‘Seals deluxe, in fine condition. panel drapes, beige and orange. Call 884-5278 after 4 pm. c1w12 REFRIGERATOR MOFFATT. 10 cubic feet, like new; bed 39" box springs, Beauty Rest mat- tress; electric stove, 4 plate, excellent condition. 884-4213 c1w12 player PIANO IIEINZMAN best offer. Thursday 7 - 9 pm 489 Lynett Crcs. IKODAK Movie *1w12 tI'on, size 8. Phone 884-7969. c1w12 1 24 SCALE slot car equipment. best offer. 884-4129. c1w12 ROLL top desk. good condition. Best offer. 727-4554. *2w12 camera and prolector for sale, reasonable. spool bed. lent condition: jars and bottles. after 6 pm. GIRL “Guide 7 outfit. WcOmplCte cycle $7.50: small tricycle $4.50 all in good condition. 884-8408 fer over $75. enings. BIRCH desks, suitable for office or student, $35.00. 889â€"8181, Harold Keffer Ltd. Realtor. c1w12 v USED Admiral Tvs: 21†con- sinette and stand, single pine Sheraton style ma- hogany armchair, all in excel-, old preserving 832-2316. calll c1w12 c1w12 DOMINION gas dwellâ€"IEFEI? Call 884-6650 ev- c1w12 x 8. 2 x 4 Economy 5c lin. ft. plus tax. Call 640-2351. c2w12 BOY’S Sunday co-ordinate suit. size 10: girl‘s clothing, sizes 10 8; 12: bird cage and stand, and aquariums. 884-7716. c1w12 2 BOYS bicycles. one 20*; wheel and one 24" wheel, $15 each: also a 3-specd boy's racer FOOTBALL shoes, size 8. like new, 89; electric bass guitar, excellent condition, $40. 884- 1574, c1w12 12 - GAUGE Remington shot gun. cartridge bell. shells and case and cleaning kit, $50. 889- clwl2 889-8985. CARRIAGE, good condition, car racks, tap slices. size 1. 1359. WINTER CLOTHING for the whole family, YWCA Resale l s l 832-1 12.30 pm. Shop, 25 Yonge St. North. Open- Mon, thru Fri. 9:30 â€" 11,30 2mm 1.30 - 3.30 pm. Saturdays 9.30 â€" c1w12 3-PIECE BEDROOM set. double Ont, 889-7336. c1w12 BOOKKEEPER FOR large insurance office in Thornhill, hand posting cilements, etc. 889-4933, RECEPTIONIST and‘ balancing ledgers, bank recon-i c1w12 WE are seeking a bright, alert Maple area. Call 889-4265. c1w12 FEMALE counter help for dry cleaning plant. Experience pre- ferred or will train. 884-8801. c1w12 3RD class stationary engineem oil 8; gas fired boilers. Apply to hill. Onl. 889-491 l. clwl‘Z‘good working conditions. year; l Richmond lnn. 884-1101. l FEMALE INSPECTOR REQUIRED to carry out inspec- tion on the production line and final assembly of electro-mech- anical products. Ability to use measuring instruments and read: able for the person. Salary and- benefits to be discussed per-‘72 hours p6,, day in my home" isonally. All applicants strictly confidential. Lamb the h‘lO\'el‘,Thm.nhi†889_9807 Ltd, 127 Birch Avenue, Thomfl ' ifc12‘ EXPERIENCED inlaintenance man required for Country Club i c1w12E clwlzzHOUS-EKEEPER, mature wo-‘ man, 2 days weekly. 884-6168. c2w12‘ baby sitting for 2 plse-sclloolel's: Transportation provided, Phonei IIOUSEKEEPING required for North Toronto ,area. Preferably some experi- ence in cleaning. Salary $6,500 to $7,000. Call 757-6343 betweenr supervisor ‘for working our land and look-l ing after horses. Write Box 59‘ week, Texaco, 7161 Yonge St., .1891. c1w12: Thornhill. clwl‘Zi CLEANING la_dy, preferably Friday, Thornhill. 889-5973. c1w12‘ RECEPTIONIST-typist for Real Estate office, evenings 5-9 pm. c1w12 OFFICE cleaning wanted. ex- perienced. 884-4945. c1w12; GENTLEMAN with 1 ton truck‘ requires work for evenings and‘ weekends, furniture moving etc.‘ 889-9314. c2w12' M c2wll. For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 tfc41 BRICK & STONEWORK NFCâ€"E furni-shed room, suit busi- ness girl, cooking facilities. 884-7615. clwll FCITNISHED bed-sitting. rooï¬ l Fireplaces â€"â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built patios, walls, flower-boxes, garages. etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free DAYCARE availsbleiiwestiside., 3 years up. 884-7544. c1w12 DAY CARE given in my "home: -pl'e-schoolcrs. infant welcome. 884â€"1560. c1w12 DAY CARE availablellr my Vap- Elgin Mills area. round employment. Call Mrs.}4 - 7 ,) ammth on Markham Road andl Digging-13:33; 7 ‘7‘- _ciir_1g T512212â€. 1921: Essex Ave., Richmond Iiill.1 WAITRESS. full and pan. time ' 5“ 31-“ 1° “I‘dble mm“ 884-3483. fair-12‘ DVAYECARE‘iIlï¬myihome, own; “The I‘ibel'al"- tfc12 playroom, large safe lot. Milli '7 fl 7 ‘ ""‘fui - . 884-8728, after 5 MECHANIC, licensed, 5 day :1?“ 31†DAY-Tare available for pre-‘ school child. Harding Blvd. area. 884-3411. AVAILABLE in my home for pre-schooler, age 2-5. 884-6777. c1w12 Free Estimates suit business person, Also large lfurnished basement room. light housekeeping, suit working man.. ‘884-1215. *lw12 FURNISHED" BACHELOR apt, 48845.71 “$3185 ‘with fully equipped kitcllcn,‘ " Mcmprivate entrance, $90 monthly. ----#-- -- â€" -- 832-1492, c1w12 E. W. PAYNE ‘ ‘ Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work, 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATE tfc31 RALPH ’ELMS’DEC’OR‘ATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- Ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. tfc46 CHIMNEYS 01w†Chimneys and fireplaces built; and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years :UNFURNISHED ' BED - sitting and kitchen. stove and l‘ridgc.‘ unfurnished. Also room and board, must have car. 884-2561. c2w12 2160‘ S'OTF‘TTI{Staâ€"EEOC able for warehouse manufactur- c1w12 experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED ing or retail. Apply Town and Country, 210 Markham Rd. *1w12 ROOM for young lady. 884-3847. c1w12 icycle, 7,000 miles, $850. 884-8841 cZwl? BACK to school! 1968 Toyota Corolla, mint condition. very economical. Lic. No. P58290. York Imports. 889â€"8830. clwlZ ONLY- $13195f1969§i~ibshDah sun 1600 Sports. fast and eco- nomical. like new. Lic. NO. 884-7518 after 5 pm. nc2w12‘ . . junior with typing and Short' Mr. V’oshart Chief Engineer. ~' - 3-11 11 H c 1‘ t‘ :BEDSITTING'ROdï¬w rivate H ____~__~____» AW_W_, , 6) ,1 1‘ $20: bab r cal; , - - - , : Ebtlmdle (a l . . 0115 INC 1011, - - ' _ v . . 9_8830_ CLOTHING like new, menvs‘ Fig; 2 $18? 195846861. 3d,le gigglierfgngpg:ftï¬ï¬li’gy 239:5 ff; 884-lfl5;‘ ‘ c1w12 884-3484. tfc2 bath. limited kitchen fac11lties.‘P58289' uom Impous‘ 88 c1w12 women’s. and childrenvs. Give. COAT Size 12 brown with expanding Richmond Hill ï¬rm. CLEANING lady requirgd, must fagâ€"LIABLE day care given in RON MOORE c6120??? to transportation. 188i::mtï¬ï¬-{Eyâ€"lyérlâ€"vglké aâ€"way prices’wegg-ZGGS' Clwm white ’fur collar and sleeves. For SPPOintment can MTS- prowde own transportatlon' $12 my home- ‘VeSt Side Of Y‘mge PAINTING ' PAPERHANGING ' c “ deluxe‘ radial tires, Blankplut LONG black crepe evening worn once. $30; platinum blonde Kremer. 884-8143. c1w12 389-4122. clwl2 St. 884-4816. tfclO Interior - Exterior. Free esti- NICE FURNISHED ROOM. radio, ’ special muffler system, Skif’h size 16- $15: baby bed. wig and medium brown fad, SALES REPRESENTATIVE TAXI driver, steady nights or DAY care, any age, companion mates' can “ï¬lme' 88932?- “‘t busmess lady’ Parkmg' wheel trim. perfect throughout. swmg & walkers $10- 884-4316- s25. C-all 773-5440. c1w12 PROGRESSIVE local moving pal“: time. for independent. for 1 yr old. Richvale. 889-8217. Ht,» 9 {#336103- _7 7__ jkjï¬mc, 1253237. York Impom, 334- W _ _~ V c1w12 EKAT'I*NG_DR’ESS'A’S{Z: 6g$3i company requires experienced Good deal. 884-1365. ; tfclgilyl’lastering Thornhill ROOM To RENT. Oak Ridges, 8134. c1w12 ANTIQUES and furniture flylam, mowel-forpal15,$5_ 384- salesman- Tremenfmu§ “991‘ ._ A V w, , _ SW}?,DAYIcal-ebiavailialoleT‘BayviewlPl . d I}; CLï¬RKPI to . lclose 1° Yflngf’ 5‘" garage 3‘,;-l%5_â€"V;11allt mconvcl‘tible. V8. 3 arm“. back chairs wicker has 7606- chm-2 lenge and Opportunity Is avall- TEACHER requires part “"16,de Markham Road. 884566“ , am égpaiécirasgrgcialasy ring. allablc. 7i3-4249. (-lgwle automatic DOWN. Steering“ ,.a,l_ clwlz l0. 'I‘hornhill 889-3165. 1961 Ford Fail-lane, 61,000 miles, runs well. Will sell with- out mechanical certificate or for parts. 884-6120. c1w12 1.96477 Chev ilmpalaf stored. in S can an" 6 pm" 889659,? winter, original paint and l. , x’l“‘12‘owncr. new tires. immaculate 'IFURNISHED ROOM. parking, condition. 7753:5526. A ‘ c1w12 ,homey atmosphere. 889-8629Jï¬'62-Fa1c0n' Standard. gnpd ‘01. l A_ _, W 7 Sgilasccond car, rebuilt motor, radio. {ROOMS to rent, furnished or 884-1762. c1w12 .{SWâ€"RONTIACâ€"convertible. lnew paint job, 773-4442. c1w12 ii'g‘o‘c'PONTIAC Strato Chief, lstandard. 1 owner, 4 door, new Itil‘es, radio, heater. Mechanical fitness certificate. $650 or best loffer. Call after 6 pm. 884- ‘8085. 11'ch 11â€"959 THUNDEEBIRD, certified. 13425. 884-1981. c1w12 ‘ v * râ€"iw -â€"--â€" n , ,mattress, 1 yr. old, 884-4514. s -I . _ . DAY care available, 5 days a Sewers cleaned , g ._..,.L--- - â€"-â€"â€"--- )Wv - :- RED. ICHESTPRFIELD' good sole and 19 portable. New 5150. c1w12 blueprints. Apply O/E/Nr-Can Call l\ll. lieffer, 889 8181, Hal- w k hot lunches $10 pew FURNISHED bedroom. $10 perlgm DEL UXE Volkswagen. _ condition $13 0,. best offer. pictuie tubes. guaranteed and v . ,m , g ada Ltd, AuIOIa, Ont. 7244231. old heffel Ltd., 8108 \ongc St.,l ec . ‘ , v I C. Stunden .“u‘k gentleman 0an 88‘“ God condition 3850’ or best Hoover vacuum $10. 38437004. reasonable. 884-6521. c1w12 30 INCH Admiral Dem-‘19 Slm'ea _ _ _ _ H h_ '7 Cl‘l'lg‘Thofnhill- 01\\12‘},‘:e,ek'_. 884-3830i ,7 Phone 3844245 16531 ’ v. c1w12 iffer 834.4610.af1er 5 pm. c1w12 STORIES castâ€"iron rï¬lilrlir‘i? "Missmev 553- C3“ 534'4523v7PAR'1‘ lime kitchen help. day FULL 0,: W}, “m; ’dak New DAY care available for pre- tfcz ---- - «7 ; -- -â€" - r; ' c]\\-‘l2 â€"â€"*"'â€"' v 7 ~ '- , -- _---- . ' . . ' _ ‘ c1w12 l-Se-v 889-3155 (-1u-12 - . - .- - '. - ‘schoolers, Reasonable rates. " ‘ ‘ ,2 BEDROOM dPaltmem- 884“__.___ --â€"- -â€" -~;â€"â€"« ~ â€"- â€". REFRIGERATOR, \v estlng- A001115. Ashlt‘) “00d heaters. .- , LL. _ ,_ L ._ 1,151,, 1. -._ ,M- A {Hg 01 mght positions available , . 1 ‘1‘, New Flagstone .9576 “C12 1959 KARMAN Chm [UH mm, 3 house frost free. 14 Cubic feet, Eealilaml‘s- metal chimneys andBROWNIE outfit. size 10: dress. BAKER wanted, Let-endalo‘ m home for children. hlust,8§%'23}3- 7 7 - VCR“ '-: Patios & Walks '1 , _- g V, 7, “7 _ ,W‘J $75 Vet certiï¬ed Now running 2 yrs‘ old! like new 5185' 832.211rcplace accessories at FireGlobelt, scarf, etc. Call 884-5955. Pastry Shop. 884-6691. c2w12.ha\‘e own transportation. Bay- DAY care available in my home. General Masonry ATI IEACTJVE 9"5C119011h0u?e' 'wi'U" ‘platcs 334.14()3_ *]\\']2 1492- 1C? me" 46 Steel“ “9' WES“? Cl‘lmi \I'ARRIED MAN ‘ :\'ie\\' and Elgin Mills area. Call Pembel'lon Rd. 884-8640. c1w12 Walker Construction Few ORI'OIOI“ b19313“, 19M-\IETE‘CJR-phl_ts- best-6m], ‘l I ' '9 ‘- H » " ' ~ :r I" ‘ .2 2 ~ - 1 ( I. , 'i . - F__ V _01w12 $8 _,T_.%%21KOD.AK BROWNIE Illovle cam-“\wST be rename and bondable,‘lgl§$i\3€()eï¬l§ 6 p.111. and 9 p.111.ci)\r\lll_\o. 1\URSERY assï¬tam “.1†1,1,0“ 884 88 “£43 {stillsmiiillllffg‘ilv‘ $200 per 3884047- CIWIZ EVERGR ENS “a†3n“ P 33213911 Ilera with carrying caSe and III-,to work niallts. office cleaning,l : d ,m ~ ride day care in her- lmme, in-‘ r _ _ - ‘ _ _ _ _ gym , _____‘_ L, ‘ Landscape size E18" and 24"id91‘1-‘e LID-Yd baby carnage $40;‘door light bar, like new. 884-igood salary with bonus. 884-I For Permanent ‘l‘ant to two years old. 834-8282., FAINTING ‘momh- 332 2229 01 832 21:32 1963 OLDSMOBIILEE 11015118 While 100 last. Cash and carry Gendm“ crib $20: pl‘Sh Chair‘1565. Cl\\'12'1957- (iv-‘12} Local Employment ‘ c1w12 INTERIOR: EXTERIOR il 7-___7« f _‘hardtop, excel en con 1 Ion, -- 3 '55- A11 in excellent condition.I - 2 “r . , . . : iOI‘fic-e assistants _ all cateoor- _ _ fl _ _ _ _ _ _ g ,BCNGALow for rem, iritli rec__‘clean througllOUt, power equm- $1.95 each. Holland Polk Gai- 884:-†1 _193ELECTRIC STOV E. suitable fOIJKIAN, 01 couple, to peifOIm,j S ‘ _ t. ‘ U_ ‘ f; l. _ 488 4386 *lwlz ed 888_1041. c1w12 den Centre. 51 Keele St. North, †‘ c “ “cottage or basement. 15 ampsljanitorial duties, required b3’,§131£‘ln‘ljteq 1° 1.96mi; we]; PAINTING 3100m- ‘ ~ P _> V .1 1 ' _ Maple. 832-2455. c4w12,3006 Remington pump and 121520, Bird cage with stand, s7,'Ricllmond Hill United Cllurch.l‘ ' ;;P OXMEDT Al E“ H _ _ ' i â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" a â€" â€" â€" {BRIGHT 4 rooms, over store,‘1962 Chev. comeitlb‘el.d 1;- 3 _ 'PIEC'E" ‘Bâ€"EDRâ€"Oï¬u suite ‘gauge Browning semi-automatic. 334-3757, *1w12iYonge - Centre Sts. Excellentl Caf'vyonge St- SOUE‘ V‘IDo you have a drinking prob- 884-2433 ‘ aduus, 3140. Yonge & Shep- moved from side of 10d y ,- ‘ , ‘ Asking price $125 each. 884-1 hours and good remuneration. 31- Nona RObeTt’On lem. If so AA can help. Write 1ch: para. HU8_2578. c1w12 police request, no ppm-s, no ‘ C9m,plet.e mone gamma and 8014 c1w12 1and benefits. To arrange app‘t. 88445944 Re: Appmmmems Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call, ï¬Ã©gm’ï¬nï¬faï¬â€™shjimid; “a: ---:- -_-â€"- _.â€". - ownership ' $11.15 mmer coat' Size 14' 832; u CLA‘ "- 7- ‘ Er contact Church Secrethl‘y 884-l‘_ g “I‘VE EMS-8684. Md? 8844931,, COZI roomd to tlent]. 133221 1963 Mercury. removed from : u - â€"-~- --~ â€" - c RX . lefngmafm‘ , Ale-i"-"‘f7'"’#"." â€"““-‘. 1301 during hours Mon. J HERE'S YOUR KEY TO t ‘d'm’loiï¬ih’ï¬lgervin York Countv and Ana X‘mfe' 80‘“ Op lona' I 2 Side of road by police request ., y y , .~ . . - IClal} 4-bulnel electric lance. EXPERIENCED cook for Pops, _ . '. > J - d e es 9 J D‘s g. _ _. 212k cml †n I ‘1“ BEA“ dUty elmtuc 5‘0"" mm - ~~ - ' ‘ l . o-un tf “Thu†9.50 - 4 Pm. Fllda}. A BIG INCOME ,Chnman Tl-adesmcns Gl-Ouopenm-atmm. addmung custom V, g , ,_,,, g _ L no plalC‘S n ownci. 1). good condition, 550 or best ofâ€" ggï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©wï¬‚â€˜ï¬ 3: dcongmml PeFl"Ef‘_‘,§‘£’L§84‘:iai~ if; 9.30 - noon. c2\\12 MAIL TODAY phone 8843312 Lean, namedmme, comm. mm. mm... FURNISHED room. would suii These cars are to no nailed on fer? 884-4491' (“H2 roll-'10:]: tbode £0111“ Ilia-111?». LIKE A-HORSE SALESDADIES. evelllngsiï¬ pm . .. . THE . _, and phone number. lch land drainazc systems ‘14 III‘. mall“? 3991101114“ Ample Park; Sol7lc‘lllb9"_ 21- 19Ԡ,Allans 9" T '†w - ‘ "" ‘ - : ' : g “"“9' We Work 3011 like a hone but _ _ . ., w l. R.\\\LEIGH c0. LID. -, _- _ _ _ . ,._. my, in: 339.,,,35 (1.51- She†Sen-m9, rm. 1 (ml-mien .. SINGLE continental beds T1 »1 H 339 064 -n In 9 pm Fabllc 8. Diapen , Lu†. . I, ,1 phone scone llll cmtlgc‘ I combination TV radio and rec-7 71mm“ 9 v-iâ€"W v-Chu“ 5100 per “99k buys a 1m Of 0315' Hill Oll’lel "16" V0 7 l‘liC‘ll- Depl’ L351 . H» ‘Cok‘ ‘ :flfgftl‘llll‘lell Stlgltll‘liaanlglill “1'3 >11’AR’IWIEVTS AVAILABLE Phone 338'IU41- “1Ҡ. ‘ V ‘- -~- - ‘. ,_. . .' ‘ _ ~ ~- ‘ -’~ = 0- ». - - A ‘_ 3k 3 g.» z - .;r 7‘ . _ , I i, , i W7". 7 'I r : Ol‘d 913"“ Ca“ 889‘9403- RE‘EPROQM “lug 1†f" amlq‘le “ml-ha?“ -w_’â€"-§‘\â€"pe“encyiy.lfl “35‘ 3““ “5‘ 0‘ hee’e- 859‘ 4 0‘) Emilie†5" ' 10"““1 Box 56 --'riie Liberal." c3uil‘ LEONARDI BROTHERS 3 bedroom suite, 5135. 1960 Fwd 314' P' “99â€â€? P- , m inmg room set, etc. 884-9362 necessal). 189 1-31. It 3â€"01 “W19 -01, Que. , ,7 7 g _ 7_ i w , TIOV H g '_ buk g mam rear speaker . ._L ____, “L1- after 5 p,m_ c2\\'12i‘_‘â€"E§i‘i'r“o\rEYâ€"â€"‘ _‘--‘-i-_- - -- r - - --_: Gentlemen: I am interested in WHY NOT JOIN ‘ , _ CO‘STRLC d ‘6 ml bedlj‘wm sum 3160- 3d" b’udck‘fl‘t' 5mg ’ 53m), checked: TWO 14" chrome reverse rims, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ INSPECTORS s; PACKERS I the world faI-nou5 Ran-181g], A Bowuxc LEAGUE? Commie. Dldm all C110 lRem includes hydra. Ill be. $975 Call $844864. CNIZ Repairs-Patio- 51one‘Wl‘k-Side'lstove. heat, soft water, etc. PATIO STONESâ€" SECONDSï¬ hours. 4 evenings Per week-LADIES, including students. 18' two 15" r‘ H 11 ' , - line ‘, Ladies’ Afternoo League _ . , l v carb. 491-96100. and 1 clhvié A1}. SIZES 23,351,02101'72" 24.2530?! and râ€"satlirdaâ€"y' 330' Mu“ gazill'ears and 0"91‘v TequWd for f l Partotllmae basis. with supervisednnursery S “131k ,Tremmrfg and Excavatmg',Adults only. Call Geo. C. Vin-1% _ HAND k . d 24 1134 3 13_X2‘1 3 1% X30 i 13" can '89"28" t c lpel‘manent part time work 3-8 ( l Full time basis. Mixed Evening Leagues L‘C' No' D0033‘ - Ecock, Real Estate Broker, 884-; d n mtte B afghan bllées “3 - Q‘xmv- 13’ Clrdesv 24 lFEMALE help wanted as coun-‘hour shifts, Saturdays and Sun- ( ) please send me FREE can can 839-0223 13311, c1w12 V ‘ ,_ _1_7~‘-_ L 334 53164 ows' argam at_ 8.152'jd1‘0195- 3.524" border bIOCkS- ter attendants in snack bar. ex-,days. Apply Mon. to Fri.. 9 am. alogue with full details_ ‘ ALLENCOURT LANES 47Av_r_‘r# fl? rilfgdf‘aï¬â€"EEâ€"Sjigméoréég TOURS. I Clubbei; T31 39 dolls .1 -‘A _,__ _ , , ‘1“ ,lReasonable prices. Holland pericnce not necessary. from’-4 p.m., Personnel Office. Map- NAME , H , _ _ I _ _ _ _ , 447 Markham Rd. BOB‘S DELIVERY SERVICE , 8912.46 ’ clww tickets. Iesena Ions an Ianl- DOUBLE bcd. mattress anleark Garden Ccnli‘c. 31 Redo-3:30 pm in 10 pm. Apply Mrs. ac. Division of Polypump Ltd. ADDRESS Richmond “‘1†88352-31 8 ' ’ g _ , g . . " dual N‘th‘l- can A;H_â€"_C791g“011 headboard. excellent condition, 81. North, .\luplc_ 832-2435 Pui'vis. GEM Sloro Tl'i'l Yongc 8100 Keelc SI. Maplc Ontario. ClT\ , , , . , Mim- 7 1)..“- . 334.5511 Local pawl; and “gm “Hugo DOL’BLE room to rent. lcmalc.s ll'avcl Agcncy. 869-0643. $25. 884-4994. clwl'l; (-4“ 1‘2 St. c2\\'ll,839-T‘036_ clw 1'1. .111}: («Hui 13 Ill-T only KPH-3835. Cl“ U: “‘47