Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1970, p. 10

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10 The three separate school seats were filled by acclamat- ion Monday night as the nom- ination meeting was closed by Returning Officer Harry Crisp in Unionville's Parkview Pub- lic School. Elections are assured for al- most all the local government seats October 5 in the new en- larged Town of Markham. “y --. Elected by acclamation 1n Ward 4, the area including most of the old Town of Mark- ham south to Steeles Avenue, was Bud Bonner of 18 Gladiat- or Street. v. ~..- Keithvkennedy of Unionville was elected by acclamation in Ward 3. This is the area be- 2 Councillors, 3 Separate Trustees Acclaimed In Markham Town Vaughan Township Council voted at its September 8 meeting to assume the ex- pense of publishing the Vaughan Township History, with an index, at a cost not to exceed $15,000. This de- cision was based upon a maximum sale price of $5 each and that 100 books will be retained by the township for distribution to visiting official dignitaries. A quotation for printing 1,000 copies of the history has been recevied by the Vaughan Township Historical Society from the University of Toronto Press in the amount of $12,950. This quo- tation included editorial sup- ervisory service. but not in- dexing which was estimated at an additional $1,000. Addi- tional copies will cost $250 per 100. The $15,000 will thus buy 1,400 copies of the history. In thanking council for their co-operation, George Snider, speaking for the Vaughan Township Histori- cal Society pointed out that the present boundaries of the township have been in exist- ence for 176 or 177 years, that since 1850 it has been governed by a council of five men which was increased to seven four years ago. The facts are important to re- member in view of the im- minence of regional govern- ment on January 1. 1971. Some years ago, the Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore Society declared its interest in preserving the history of this township, in which a large number of their ances- tors settled in the last few years of the 18th century and the first few years of the 18th century and the first few years of the 19th cen- tury. The society offered a scholarship, which was ac- cepted by Leo Johnson who used as his thesis the history of the Township of Vaughan. He confined his research and thesis to the ‘settlement of the Township or vaugnan from its beginning to the year 1840. He did not con- tinue with the history be- cause he moved from the To- ronto area and the nature of his employment did not per- mit him to continue further. The folklore society conâ€" tinued to try to publish the whole history of the town- ship but. because of limited funds and inability to secure the services of a competent writer, finally decided not to pursue th e undertaking further. However an anonymous in- terested person continued to search for a writer who could and would finish the task. He was successful in persuading Dr. Elmore Reaman, a retired university professor who was born, raised and educated in the township and was the author of several volumes. to compile and write the his- tory. The anonymous person also provided remuneration for Dr. Reaman and his ex- P811565. Following the death of Dr. Reaman, the historical society was organized early this year and appointed a committee to review the content of the his- tory as written by Dr. Rea- man. During recent months they have made numerous corrections and have rewrit- ten portions for clarity. The manuscript. an accumulation of interesting detail respect- ing the early settlement of the township is ready. The committee reports that a large part of this history has been gleaned from the Tweedsmuir Histories com- piled by branchcs of the Women‘s Institute located in the Township of Vaughan. Members of the committee are: Mrs.‘ Amos Baker, Mrs. Roy Barker and Mrs. Jesse Bryson. They received assist- ance from the convenors of the Tweedsmuir Histories of the Women‘s Institutes in the township and from other sources. I'Willlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll\\lll\llllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllllllllllllll\\ll\llllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\\lllll\l\\l\\\\l\\llllllllllllll“lllllll\lllllll\\\\lllllllllllll\llllllll\\llll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllullllllllllllll\lillllll\lululllllll\\\\l\llll\llllllll-F Vaughan Township Council voted at its September 8 meeting to assume the ex- pense of publishing the Vaughan Township History. with an index. at a cost not to exceed $15,000. This de- cision was based upon a -- unonuu maximum sale price of $5 each and that 100 books will be retained by the township for distribution to visiting official dignitaries. A quotation for printing 1,000 copies of the history has been recevied by the Vaughan Township Historical Society from the University of Toronto Press in the amount of $12,950. This quo- tation included editorial sup- ervisory service. but not in- dexing which was estimated at an additional $1,000. Addi- tional copies will cost $250 per 100. The $15.000 will thus buy 1,400 copies of the history. 20" Portable RENT WE ALSO RENT: HI-Fl’s ‘ STEREOS ‘ ETC. B. B. RENTALS Council Underwrite Vaughan History Phone 884 - 6521 In "The Mall" Richmond Heights Centre Black I and White s Responsible representation on the Regional THE ISSUE: Communication & Co-operation on the Local We live in a democratic society: to To put it frankly: such YOU must exercise your FRANCHISE .VOTE When you do: MAYOR EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SEPT. ‘25 â€" EXPRESS SERVICE â€" The new service will take on passengers at Bayview Plaza, and buses will travel down Bayview Avenue to Highway 7, then east to Don Mills Road and south to the Don Valley Parkway, west on the Gardiner Expressway, then north via York Street and University Avenue to Edwards Street and the Trailways Terminal at 627 Bay Street north of Dundas Street. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Council and Leave 7:10 am. Bayview Plaza Council Leave 5:05 Richmond Hill to Toronto Toronto to Richmond Hill ‘tween Thornhill and the form- er Markham Town on the south side of the new Town of Mark- ham. Court. Thornhill: and Harold Lawrie of 10 Erlane Avenue. Markham. Those elected to regional touncil also Sit on the llocal council as well. There are two candidates for mayor. They are: Mrs. Alma Walker of 25 Princess Street. the present mayor of the Town of Markham; and Anthony Ro- man of Victoria Square, depu- ty-reeve of the Township of Markham. LAZENBY, William C There are three candidates nominated for the two Mark- ham seats on York Regional Council. v’Ir‘rhe’yr are: Albert Laidlaw of 18 Princess Street. Markham; James Jongeneel of 11 1\_/I_ilm§1: There are six candidates nominated for the four Town of Markham seats on the York County Board of Education. They are: John Honsberger of 60 Elgin Street. Thornhill: Alexander Brown of 97 Elgin Street, Thornhill; John MacKay of 167 John Street, Thomhill: Mrs. Mema Colbourne of 10 Washington Street. Markham; Mrs. Louise Aimone of 10 Mil- mar Court. Thornhill; and Clif- ;ford Davies of 41 Grandview lAvenue, Thomhill. The three nominated and al- ected by acclamation to the York County Roman Catholic School Board are: Dr. William Lacroix of 15 Steele Valley Road. Thornhill: Gordon Mc- Mahon of 25 Donalbain Cres- cent, Thornhlll: and Michael Kenny of 21 Walkerton Drive. Markham. gun-L, .uu. ..,_ Kenny of 21 Walkerton Drive. Monday‘s nomination meeting Markham. was unusual. For the first time Mr. Kenny will be a new anyone could remember. there member for the Catholic Board. were no speeches by the cand- replacing Mrs. June Mallon of idates. 53 Lincombe Drive, Thornhill. Returning Officer Harry Crisp maintain Pharmacist . 627 Bay St. Mrs‘ Mallon didn‘t seek re-el- ection. Four candidates were nomin- ated for the South Thornhill Ward 1 seat on Markham Town Council. They are: Peter Rossi of 16 Almond Avenue; Edward Pat- rick of 12 Brightbay Crescent; William Masters of 7400 Bay- view Avenue; and Bob Adams of 1’? Ida Street. Three candidates are nomin- ated for the North Thornhill Ward 2 seat on Markham Coun- cil. _ l :- nu. They are: Charles Stewart of 8453 Yonge Street; Roy Mul- drew of 53 Romfield Circuit; and Bob Sherwood of 50 Silver Aspen Drive. the Township of Vaughan from its beginning to the year 1840. He did not con- tinue mm the history be- cause he moved from the T0~ ronto area and the nature of his employment did not per- mit him to continue further. The folklore society conâ€" tinued to try to publish the whole history of the town- ship but. because of limited funds and inability to secure the services of a competent writer, finally decided not to pursue th e undertaking further. Four candidates were nominâ€" ated for Ward 5. the southeast corner of the new town. This ward includes a portion of the former Markham Towni They are: Robert McVey of 32 Rouge Crest Drive: Douglas Allison of 61 Lincoln Green Drive; Jack Morris of 20 Para- mount Road: and Murray Hen- derson of 56 Joseph Street. ‘ Nominated for Ward 6, the largely rural area across the entire north side of the new town, are two candidates. u: u.. .. They are: Michael Larkin of Lot 17, Concession 6; and Nor- man Tyndal of Lot 25, Con- cession 4. There is one seat for each ward on the new 'town council, which will have nine members. The mayor and two regional councillors are included. RICHMOND HILL Sept. 24, 1970 wound up the nominations at 8 pm and asked the large crowd present if they wanted to pick ,.~_-_L_- r. .m.... __ a chairman and have speeches from the candidates. There was no move in this direction from the crowd, and the meet- ing broke up. After the meeting. all nom- inees had to provide evidence they were qualified to hold of- fice. But at press time there was no nominee known to be unable to qualify. It was announced that the Federation of Agriculture will sponsor a meeting to hear and meet the candidates at Dick- son’s Hill Public School Sep- tember 28 at 8 pm. Following the death of Dr. Reaman. the historical society Was organized early this year and appointed a committee to review the content of the his- tory as written by Dr. Rea- man. During recent months they have made numerous corrections and have rewrit- ten portions for clarity. The manuscript. an accumulation of interesting detail respect- ing the early settlement of the township is ready. The committee reports that a large part of this history has been gleaned from the Tweedsmuii‘ Histories com- piled by branches of the Women‘s Institute located in the Township of Vaughan. penses Read “The Liberal" and rout the forces of darkness. You‘ll be formidable on community af- fairs. politics, sports, the arts ~all your interests. Be bold. Get home delivery of "The Lib- eral” R. J. Bartlett Real Estate for- merly of Bayview Plaza is now located at 38A Yonge St. South in the Guaranty Trust Building and Mr. Bartlett would like to welcome past clients and friends to drop in and say hello to the new personnel. Tom brings with him over 20 years of experience in dealing with the public. Over 10 years of that has been in Real Estate and 4% of these years managing Real Estate Offices. Members of the committee are: Mrs." Amos Baker, Mrs. Roy Barker and Mrs. Jesse Bryson. They received assistâ€" ance from the convenors of the Tweedsmuir Histories of the Women‘s Institutes in the township and from other sources: ' TOM McKEAGE Mr. R. J. Bartlett is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom McKeage as General Man- ager of this firm. Tom has lived in Richmond Hill 9 years and is active in his church, is a member of the Leg- ion and is very interested and BOB Known by local residentsI through past business and for‘ his many years of service in‘ Amateur Baseball as well as 10- cal and area Scout activities. Bill Widdifield, wife Marion and two sons Micheal and Edward are familiar faces to many. As a resident home owner for over 14 years in Richmond Hill, his firm beliefs in Home Owner- ‘ship. particularly for young ‘couples, make him a valuable lasset to our organization. STAND YOUR GROUND ADAMS COUNCILLOR Ward 1 - Markham ANNOUNCEMENT BILL WIDDIFIELD Safety precautions paid off September 15 at the Profes. sional Bowling Service Limited Plant at 360 Enford Road when The plant contains large amounts of flammable plastics and is in the midst of a major expansion. a potentially very dangerous fire was confined to one ro_om. Fire Chief Alfred Stong es- timated damage in the 6:03 pm fire at $7.000 to dipping tanks. paint and drying room. Smoking in bed threatened the life of a resident at 52 Hall Street at 5:50 am September 19. Damage was approximately $300 and the only injury was a burnt hand suffered in an at- tempt to extiinguish the fire, the fire chief said. In Richvale at 10:13 am Sep-‘ tember 15 the Vaughan Fire Department estimated damage at $200 when grease in an ex- haust duct caught fire at Har- vey's Drive-in, 9471 Yonge Street. A faulty fireplace at 10:10 pm September 14 at 8277 Yonge Street. Thornhill. caused heat to radiate through a wall. A piece of wall panelling was set on fire. but damage was limited to $15 when the fire was quickly extinguished. Fire Chief James Vaughan said. The home is the residence of Toby Shore. September 13 at 3:54 pm the Vaughan Fire Department Res- cue Squad was called to Keele Street and Langstaff Road] to release a woman who was trapped in her car after a col- lision. Mrs. Eliza Mandley of 627 Royal York Road, Metro. was x-rayed at York Central Hospi- tal for possible neck injuries and allowed to go home. Earlier the séme day at 2:32 pm the rescue squad was called Safety Precautions Paid Dividend In $7,000 Fire At Plastics Plant DUNLOP Your Famly Tire Centre 303 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL Wheel Alignment Special $7.95 Brakes Re-Lined Shock Absorbers YOUR NEW MANAGER WELCOMES YOU ‘ TO HIS It Costs Less To Buy The Best at Your Family Tire Centre DUNLOP WINTER PREMIUM SILENT TRACTION Open Monday - Saturday 8 am. - 6 p.m. ‘ Friday - 8 3.111. - 9 pm. BRUNO PIVA "In" Il!\h gn- Also included for the month of September BUY YOUR Ist TIRE AT REGULAR PRICE â€" GET YOUR SECOND TIRE FOR FIBREGLASS BELTED NEW TIRES SNOW TIRES *SP68 RADIAL PLY NEW TIRES .00 4 Ply - belted - radial All 4 Wheels (most cars) Gold Cup * Gold Seal Belted *Twin Belt Wide Tread *GT Qualifier 2 + 2 *Raised White Letter An overheated water pump September 14 at 6:50 pm filled a home with smoke at 167 Elgin Mills Road, Elgin Mills. Occu- pant of the home is Tom Nunn. Vaughan Firemen at 11:54 pm September 16 were called to the home of Mrs. Muriel De- chert. 22 Romfield Circuit. Thomhill, where a strange odor was reported. No fire was found. to an apartment building at 170 Dudley Aveune. Thornhill, to release Kay Morley from a stalled elevator. $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 NEW TIRE SALE A hydro pole burned Septem- ber 15 at 11 pm on Pine Valley Drive, ‘/2~mi1e north of Highway ’7 West, when a tree fell on the power line wires. There was a $5,000 industrial fire in Richmond Hill the other week while two vacant houses and a barn burned under sus- picious circumstances in Vaughan Township. A fire caused by an over- heated furnace blower motor September 11 at 5:45 pm at the Sully Casting Ltd. brass and al- uminum foundry, 225 Centre Street East, did an estimated $4,000 damage to machinery and $1,000 damage to the building, Town Fire Chief Al- fred Stong said. The fire was in the machinery room where several electric motors are located. Saturday. September 12 at1 3:30 pm town firemen rgghed] to anbther industrial building. Seneca Wire of Canada Lim- ited. 254 Centre Street East. This time there was only a small fire that resulted when an infra-red bulb exploded, ig- niting vapors in a drying oven. Damage was estimated at $75. Again September 12 at 5:12 pm town firemen were called to SP Sport CB57 *70 Series W105 Oval SB Sport CB73 Gold Seal C60 *Gold Seal Speed *Gold Seal C41 4 Ply New Tires 371 Yonge Street North, where a service station had filled with smoke. There was no fire and no damage. Vaughan Firemen September 8 at 12:07 pm went to Lot 50 Concession 1 where a vacant house was destroyed by fire. Fire Chief James Davidson said some motorcyclists, were reported in the vicinity before the fire. The house was valued at only $1,000 by the fire department. The owner was Montreal Trust Company. 26 Eglinton Avenue East. “5L Fire Chief Davidson said it AnOther vacant house “'aslwas believed the fire was set destroyed by fire September 13 by three people in a red pom. at 3:48 am on Lot 27. Conces- iac automobile‘ sion 3 (Keele Street North). A burning field -of straw Fire Chief Davidson estimat- brought Vaughan Firemen to VOTING WILL BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 0N Mandy, October 5th, 1910 FROM 10:00 AM. TO 7:00 PM. TO ELECT PERSONS FOR THE FOLLOWING OFFICES Mayor, Two Councillors for the combined office of Regional and Local Council, Six Councillors (One Councillor for each of the said Wards of The Municipality), Three Members for the York County Board of Education and Three Trustees for the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. The following is a list of candidates who have qualified to be elected to . the respective offices. Mayor Regional and Local Council Councillors - Ward 4 Shaun Beggs Robert Thompson Ward 5 Stewart William Bell C. David Smith Ward 6 Louis Wainwright York County Board of Education Warren R. Bailie Robert G. Houghton Deena Simpson York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Malcolm Talbot Peake Francis C. Robinson John F. Taylor The place of polling in the several subdivisions shall be as follows: Ward 1 Polling Subdivision No. 1 Municipal Hall No. ‘2. Beverley Acres Public School No. 3 Beverley Acres Public School No. 4 Beverley Acres Public School No. 5 Beverley Acres Public School Ward 2 Polling Subdivision N0. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Ward 3' Polling Subdivision No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Ward 4 Polling Subdivision 2 9 mAwNH Ward 5 Polling Subdivision No. No. No. No. JAMIOH Ward 6 Polling Subdivision No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. t-‘tQOOKIO'QCJ‘hJiWNi-J O .l. Ulllll o E s l I . i l . t 2 No. 1 Charles Howitt Public School - 30 Pearson Ave. No. 2 Charles Howitt Public School - 30 Pearson Ave. No. 3 Charles Howitt Public School - 30 Pearson Ave. No. 4 Charles Howitt Public School ~ 30 Pearson Ave. No. 5 Charles Howitt Public School - 30 Pearson Ave. No. 6 Richvale Lions Community Hall - 31 Spruce Ave. No. 7 Richvale Lions Community Hall - 31 Spruce Ave. No. 8 Ross Doan Public School - 101 Weldrick Road No. 9 Ross Doan Public School - 101 Weldrick Road No. 10 Ross Doan Public School - 101 Weldrick Road ADVANCE POLL . An Advance Poll will be held in the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North on Friday, October 2nd, 1970 between the hours of 4:00 RM. and 10:00 RM. and on Saturday, October 3rd between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 PM. 1') Y “an” ELECTIONS Ward Ward Ward Town of Richmond Hill ed damage at $2.500. Cause of the fire was not immediately determined. The house was owned by Disposal Services Limited. Municipal Hall Beverley Acres Beverley Acres Beverley Acres Beverley Acres Lillian McConaghyr Eubliq Sc_hool Straw Worth an estimated $400 was lost at 11:24 am Sep- tember 9 when fire destroyed an otherwise vacant bam on Lot 11 Concession 5. Firemen placed no value on the build- ing. Crosby Avenue Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School Crosby Avenue Public School The straw was owned by El- don Fierheller of Lot 11. Con- cession 4. Owner of the barn was NHD Developments Limit- ed. 1674 Eglinton Avenue West. Lillian McConaghy Public School Lillian McConaghy Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School 16th Avenue Public School 16th Avenue Public School MacKillop Public School MacKillop Public School Municipal Hall Lillian McConaghy Public School Pleasantville Public School St. John’s Baptist Church - 75 Oxford St. Seventh Day Adventist Church - Elgin Mills Road West Oak Ridges Public School Oak Ridges Public School Sunset Beach Pavilion, Bayview Ave., Lake Wilcox Residence of Whitney Johnson - Gormley Rd. & Station Rd., Gormley Residence of Whitney Johnson - Gormley Rd. & Station Rd., Gormley Acres Pub‘ Acres Pub' Acres Pub Acres Pub‘ William C. Lazenby John Stifel Donald G. Plaxton Gordon L. Rowe Lois Hancey Andy J. Chateauvert Eric George David Schiller Schooi Schooi Schooi Schoo? R. Lynett, Returning Officer Weston Road and Highway '7 September 10 at 3:26 pm. There was no damage to the farm of Harold Stewart, RR 2. Wood- bridge. A short circuit was blamed for a false alarm at 2:12 pm September 10 at Normac Kit- chens Limited. 96 Doncaster Road, South Thornhill. There was another false alarm September 11 at 9:17 pm that brought Vaughan Firemen to Claybell Castings Limited. 23 Harlech Court, Thornhill. A full week after the disas- trous $250,000 fire at the Shur- Gain Research Farm. Vaughan Firemen September 13 were called back to the scene at 2:16 pm to deal with a smouldering pile of hot grain. Vaughan firemen were called to the Villa Hospital. 9000 Bath- urst Street, September 8 at 7:16 pm but this call also proved to be a false alarm. Hall Hall 101 101 101 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. _ 31 Spruae Ave. _ 31 Spruce Ave. Weldrick Road Weldrick Road Weldrick Road

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