South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 Neighborhood Notes Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clow, Clarke Avenue. in the loss of her brother. Ro- land Edmonstone of Owen Sound. tember 2. Ed Clow. with other nephews, was a pallbearer. Congratulations to Milly Clow. Clarke Avenue. who is attending Western University in London. She is majoring in languages. Congratulations. also, to Urs- ula Legeihn, Clarke Avenue, who is attending teachers' colâ€" lege and Jean Gaggi who is a student at Seneca College. The Knights of Columbus have again started preparing for their annual Christmas pro- ject to send gifts to Indian res- ervations. At present they need used dolls. which will be re- dresscd. If you can help. leave the dolls at the home of Mrs. Joseph Gould, 110 Morgan Av- enue, or call 889-3418. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gould have just returned from a vacation in Huntsville and Haliburton. . Thursday. October 1. is‘ "Meet the Teachers Night" at E. J. Sand Junior Public School, Henderson Avenue. The meeting will be opened and parents welcomed by Don Young at 7:30 pm. The par- ents then will have an oppor- tunity to visit the classrooms, meet the teachers and ask ques- tions. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Susan Merk. Morgan Avenue. is leaving September 26. to visit her family in Ger- many. After 14 years in Can- ada, she is looking forward to the. trip. in spite of the fact that her mother passed away this year. Mrs. Jessie McLeod. Hender- son Avenue, enjoyed a stay in Ayrshire. Scotland, in July and August, visiting her father, sis- ters and former friends. Thornhill Senior Citizens’ Club (for the over 60) is for the young at heart. It offers an opportunity for people with common interests to meet and find fellowship. Meetings are held at the Presbyterian Church Hall. Cen- tre Street. on the first and The funeral was Sep-J 'cludes bowling. euchre. travel- ‘ogue movies. bus trips. smg- ‘songs and refreshments. New lmembers are always welcome ‘For further information please call the church office at 889- 5391. Petronella Scottish Country "Dancing for adults is held at ‘Henderson Avenue School ev- ery Friday evening, September to May. from 8:30 to 11 pm. Interested persons are inVited to join in the fun. Contact Jim Ross at 225-3289. . A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moon. 39 Woodward Av- enue. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Law have leased them the house while they are in Turkey for a year or two on business. Congratulations to Roslyn and Joanne Ritchie. Woodward Avenue. Roslyn is returning to the University of Toronto for her fourth year. majoring in sociology and Joanne is in her second- year at York in psy- chology. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ritchie have just returned from a trip east through Montreal, Ottawa. Quebec and the Laurentians. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings, Grand- view Avenue, are pleased to hear that she is improving at York Central Hospital. Congratulations and b e st wishes to Stephanie Bean. John Street. and Rod Snyder. High- land Park Boulevard, who will be married at Regis College Seminary. October 3. A wine and cheese party was held September 22 at the home of John and Ebby Fathering- ham to meet Bob Adams. can- didate for council. September 16 a shower was held by Rosemary Allan (nee Rosemary Clow, Clarke Av- enue) at her new home at Bath- urst and Finch. for Caroline Beryl Matthews of Thornhill. We offer our best wishes to Caroline on her forthcoming marriage to Kenneth Bryan Williamson at Thornhill Un- ited Church October 3. At Henderson Avenue School, Mrs. Nancy Boadway's grade one class visited Weston Bak- eries September 16. On Sep- tember 22. Mrs. Doris Lawson third Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm. Entertainment in- and her grade one pupils also toured the. Weston Bakeries. , The Regional Municipality of York The newly formed Regional Municipality of York will accept applications positions : for the following key MUNICIPAL SOLICITOR -â€" to be responsible for supervising "all legal work of the Regional Government; including that of outside counsel. Advises on legal implica fore Regional Council. tions of all matters be- Responsible for drafting by-laws and preparing contracts and legal doc- uments for the Council. Will represent the Coun- cil in Iitigations and may be required to appear before Ontario Municipal Board or other Similar tribunals. Qualifications: In addition to admission to the Bar of the Province of 0 ntario, must have exten- sive, experience in municipal work at a senior level of responsibility. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER â€"- to be treas- urer of the Regional Municipality of York and responsible for all aspects of the financ1al ad- ministration of the affairs of the municipality. Qualifications: A university degree in commerce, business or finance or membership in a profes- sional accounting assomation With several years experience in municipal COMMISSIONER OF FAMILY to coordinate and exercise control financial administration. SERVICE. over family services for which the Regional Municipality is responsible including the Board of Health, Home for the Aged, Welfare and Housing. Qualifications: A physician licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario and with post gradu- ate training in Public Health or equivalent. COMMISSIONER OF ENGINEERING -â€". to act as Chief Engineer for the Regional Mumctpality and assume responsibili regional road system, r ty for operation of the egional Waterworks sys- tem, regional sewage works, traffic engineering, regional vehicle and equipment depot and the management and admin istration of all property under jurisdiction of the Regional Council. Qualifications: Registration as a Professional Engineer - Civil Branch in the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario with extens- ive experience in municipal engineering at a sen- ior level. COMMISSIONER OF P LANNING â€" to direct planning operations in the joint planning area of York, to be responsible for preparation of maps. drawings, texts, statistical information and all other material necessary for the study, explana- tion and solution of problems or matters affect- ing the development of the York planning area: to hold public meetings when necessary and consult with Regional Council, Councils of area municipalities, planning committees and any local boards having jurisdiction within the Plan- ning Area: shall assist C ouncil in the preparation and adoption of an Official Plan. Qualifications: University degree in engineering. architecture, geography or related fields with extensive experience in municipal planning. Duties of the above positions will commence im- mediately. Salaries will in each cas e be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications to be directed no later than October 8, 1970 to: The Chairman. Regional Municipality of York, P.O. Box 147. Newmarket. Ontario. Prior to these visits the child- ren had discussed and studied the baking of bread, and then‘ they baked bread at school. tain Plant at Rexdale Boule- pet foods). given a goldfish to take home. ‘1 Grade 3 classes, September l25, are going to visit the Hartz Mountain plant, also. They will be supervised by Miss Jeanâ€" ette Kucherepa and John Wil- son. Tuesday, September 29 plans have been made for the grade 6 classes to visit the Royal On- tario Museum. supervised by Mrs. ‘Foti. , Wednesday. September Mr. Foti and Mrs. Morin ac- companied the grade 6 classes lthrough the McLaughlin Plan~ letarium. Church News _ At Thornhill United Church. the Sacrament of Baptism was administered September 20 to Scott Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlinson, Clarke Avenue. Godparents were Lloyd Comeau and Fay Drum- mond. A reception at their home followed the service. Wendy Denise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ashworth, was also baptized on Sunday. Her godmother is Lynda Loney. The wee girl wore a beautiful christening dress of white em- broidered swiss eyelet with hand smocking. made by her grandmother. A reception fol- lowed. Among the guests were two great grandfathers, one great grandmother and four grandparents. Also baptized Sunday by Rev. Alfred McAlister at Thornhill United, was Dorothy Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haines. Her maternal grand- parents in Nova Scotia were un- able to attend. However her aunt. Grace Lohnes. travelled from Nova Scotia for the cere- mony. A reception followed. Help is needed for the lst Thornhill Scout Troop. which is sponsored by Thornhill Un- ited Church. A leader and as- sistants are needed. If you can help. please call Ralph Mac- Eachern at 889-1623. Volunteers are needed for “Hope Haven" (York Central Nursery for Retarded Child- ren). Please phone 889-2131 or 889-1212. Sunnybrook Hospital Volun- teer. Association needs volun- teers for their expanded serv- ices this fall. Please phone ‘ 889-3735 for details. Don't forget the rummage sale at; Thornhill United, Ocâ€" tober 3, including "nearly new†room; sportsman spot for skates, skis and sports equip- ment. toys. books and games; and a curiosity corner for furn- lf you have anything to do-l nate. call Mrs. Lorne Green-' wood at 889-7280 or Mrs. Reg- inald Hawke at 889-4353. The Richmond Hill-Thornhill Family Service is now in oper- ation in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. It is open eight hours daily. Coun- sellor is Keith Page. For ap- pointment please call 364-5757 or 864-5008. Keep in mind the “Cross Canada Caravanâ€. a unique boutique to be introduced by the ladies of the UCW Novem- ber 6. Entries Up 20%, In Thornhill Ho The steady flow of visitors ‘to the annual summer show of Thornhill HorticultUral Society. September 5 and 6. was not only evidence of the great num- ber of people in the area who are interested in gardening but was also a tribute to the quality of the exhibition staged by the society. The North Thornhill Community Centre (Heintzman House) provided a gracious setting for the striking displays and exhibits of flowers, decorative floral designs and vegetables. Entries were up over 20% from last year and .exhibitors increased by a spec- tacular 40%. In the specimen floral sec- tion. the grand prize was won :by Mr. and Mrs. R. Hayes for an exhibit of three dahlias. A similar prize in the design sec- ‘tion went to Mrs. G. Wojna for her interpretation of the theme “Gracious ceous". The Wain prizes for the best two exhibits of the new sunflower from “Wain Seed" were taken by N. Lightfoot and Mrs. L. Pherrill. Top points in the floral speci- men section went to J. Man- ning followed closely by Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart. M. Smith. tMrs. Pherrill. Mr. and Mrs. J. King and Mrs. A. Jarvis, all of ‘whom took prizes in many classes. Equally fine prize winning exhibits were noted from many others: R. Whatley, begonias ‘and gladioli: J. Wain. petunias. Tmarigolds and the new China ‘Doll asters; Mr. and Mrs. H. lMizen. asters and nasturtiums; er. and Mrs. R. B. Steele. roses land zinnias: Mrs. G. Kilham. ldwarf marigolds and celosia; er. and Mrs. T. Harrington, ,verbenas and zinnias: Mr. and ers. Hayes. dahlias and roses; ,Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson. dwarf marigolds, roses and zinnias; Mrs. M. Riley. calen- dula. roses and phlox: Mrs. D. Howes. asters and Peace roses: Mrs. C. Thompson. petunias and hydrangea; Mrs. R. Foster. petunias: C. Jones. roses and Friday, September 18, grade? 2 classes. supervised by Mrs, Susan Shepe and Mrs. Jane De. ‘Arnot. visited the Hartz-Moun-r ward and Highway 27 (pets and Each child was Nan Morin and Carman‘ 303 iture. pictures. appliances. etc! and Curva-. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Sept. 24. 1970 . itlllltillllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllltlltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllttlll‘lIlulllIlltll'llllllllllllllllltlllllllltlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllttllllllltlllllllllltlllllll 21 illllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllh’F lSidewalk Situation In Markham Terribleâ€"Reeve Rumble Markham Township Coun- cil is looking closely at its budget to see how much ' money is available for con- struction of sidewalks in various parts of the town- , ship. v A staff report received at. a meeting of council on September 8 recommended replacing the broken pave- ment from Morgan Avenuc to John Street in South Thornhill with an asphalt walkway. on the east side of Yonge Street. It was pointed out that the Department of Highways plans to widen Yonge Street. in 1973. that it would not. pay to put in a new concrete sidewalk. Reeve Stewart. Rumble ‘ commented that the sidewalk ‘. is in very bad shape all the way up Yonge Street. He re- ferred particularly to the BY MARGARET HOUGHTON Registration for North Thorn- hill Recreation Association fall and winter program is today (Thursday) 7:00 to 9:00 pm and on Saturday. from 10.00 am to .12.00 noon. Support this Thorn- hill Green group who had work-. ed so hard in many areas which follow. and in the softball. The brochure has been circulated to all the homes, and details are printed there. All fees are re- duced 50c for members of the association. Memberships are available on registration days for 2.00 per family. PHYSICAL RECREATION John Hinkley is directing 20 sessions of a gym program com- mencing the week of October 5. He can be called at 889â€"7927. (1) Junior gym for ages 8. 9. and 10. The girls are meeting Tuesday between 6:30 pm and 8:00 pm at Baythorn Public School. Boys are on Wednes- days. Fee - $2.50. ‘ 12» Intermediate gym for ages 11 to 14. Girls are at. Baythorn on Tuesday from 8:00 to 9230‘ .pm. boys on Wednesday. Fee ~ $2.50. (3) Senior gym for ages 15 to 18. The association is attempt- ing to establish a competitive senior gym club. Mondays from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm at Thornlea Secondary School. Fee - $5.00. | BADMINTON A badminton club meets at Thornlea Secondary on Wednes- days from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm Fee - $5.00. ‘ YOGA If a minimum of 20 persons join for 30 sessions. there will be a Yoga instruction at Bay- thorn School on Mondays from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm The fee will be $15.00 now and $15.00 in January. KEEP FIT PROGRAM If at least 30 persons register for both ladies’ and men’s keep fit program, they will be held as follows: Ladies at Royal Or- chard Public School Wednes- days 7100 to 10:00 pm. Men at Thornlea Secondary Tuesdays, 7:00 to 10:00 pm. Fee - $7.00. Exhibitors 40% rticultural Show hegonias: W. (locker, Mrs. L. Harrison. asters. Decorative designs of ele- gance and distinction greeted the eye as one entered the majestic old home. In this sec- tion, prizes in each class were: “Lady of Spain". Mrs. D. But- terworth. Mr. and Mrs. J. King. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart; “Far- mer in the Dellâ€, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart, M. Smith; “Out on a Limb“, Mrs. C. Turner, Mrs. T. Thorneycroft. J. Wain; “Glad to be Here", Mrs. H. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart “Cock- tail Partyâ€. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart, Mrs. G. Kilham, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Steele; “Gracious and Curvaceous“, Mrs. G. Wojna. Mrs. G. Hairs; “Drifting and Dreaming". Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mizen, Mrs. T. Thomeycroft; “Dainty Maid", Mrs. C. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart. Mr., and Mrs. R. B. Steele; “Percy. ‘Bone Trophy Arrangement", Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart, Mrs“ Barbara Wilson, J. Manning. The vegetable displays and exhibits were very fine. repre- lsenting about 30% of those in 5the entire show. Top points ‘went to that master vegetable N. Lightfoot. Other} high point winners were R- Mr. and Mrs. B. ‘Stewart. M. Smith, Mrs. L. ’Pherrill. and Mr. and Mrs. .\Iizen. Fine prize winning ex- hibits in one or two classes were entered by .I. Wain. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harrington. {\I. Riley. J. Mitchell and Mr. .and Mrs. R. Hayes. ‘ ‘ In the junior section three: {young people did a splendid’ ljob in their designs, interpret-‘ 1ing the following themes. l“Flower Power", “Your Own iThing" and “A Vegetable Ani-i :mal." Mardi Stewart won two {firsts and one second; Joan ‘Honsberger. two seconds and at ‘first: and Scott Jarn‘e took a third for “Your Own Thing“. Congratulations! We hope you have enjoyed your creative efforts and look forward to seeing more of them. asters; :growei‘. lWhatley, adventurous ,man of the recreation night Mrs. ~ section through the hollow by the Ladies Golf Club in North Thornhill. saying it was a hazardous area for woâ€" men with baby carriages in particular. “It is a terrible situation," he declared. Councillor James .longe- neel asked if an asphalt. walkway would qualify for a sidewalk subsidy. and counâ€" cil agreed to defer the quesâ€" tion pending a financial re- port. Council then got into a heated discussion of the best. location for a sidewalk on Fred Varley Drive in Union- ville. Deputy-recve Anthony Ro- man announced that. with the exception of one. household, the residents were unani- mously in favor of a side- walk. He moved that, the sidewalk be located three LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING A ladies afternoon 5-Pin how-l ling league began September“ 10. 1.30 to 3.30 at Newtonbrook Bowlerama For further infor- mation please call Doris David-. son at; 889--2096. WINTER SKATING PROGRAM} Registration will be accepted. now and in November for the skating program Saturday morn-l ings at. Royal Orchard School. The facilities are being expand- ed this year, with an additional rink and lighting for evening skating parties. Contact Charlie Stewart at 889-4967. GUN CLUB The gun club commences October 15 at Baythorn School. Juniors 111 and 12) 7:30 to 8:45 pm. Seniors (13 and overt 8:45 to 10:00 pm. Call Ed Boddaert at 889-7427. THORNHILL THEATRE After sticcesful productions of “Pajama Game" and “Gypsyâ€. RICHVALE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White, 889-3806 Neighborhood Notes Just returned from a most en- joyable vacation in England are : Mrs. Ivy Hudson of Spruce Avenue, her daughter Barbara Mitchell and a friend Mrs. Eve Butler of Spruce Avenue. They visited Mrs. Butler's mother, Mrs. P. Preece of Hounslow. Middlesex: brother. George. Precce and sister. Dolly Wills of Southall. Middlescx. It was Mrs; Butler's first visit back home‘ in 24 years. She had not. seen her brother since he was 16.‘ They also visited Windsor Castle. Kew Gardens, Bucking ham Palace, and Hampton Court in the London area and Newton Abbey in Devon. At Leeds, Castleford and Ponte- fract in Yorkshire Mrs. Butler visited other relaitves. A few weeks ago I mention in this column the summer pro- gram of the Anglican Church at Prequ’ile Point and at Balsam Lake. I neglected to‘ mention Brenda McCarthy of Spruce Avenue, who has been; a worker for more than four. years in the summer program. and I do apologize ‘ Welcome home to Bill Perry“ his brother John and wife Dale. who have just returned from anl holiday in the Grand Bahamas. They tried deep sea diving. under water sightseeing. and all in all spent a very busy two weeks. Bill is a resident of Roosevelt Drive and his brothers lives in Bramp- ton. The recreation night commit- tee of Roselawn School are looking for assistance from parents to run the Tuesday evening recreation night for the students. Last year the young- sters had the opportunity to play table tennis. cards. tumb- ling, basketball, volleyball. to learn first aid and other skills. The activities were supervised and managed by a group of in- terested parents and staff mem- bers who donated their time. It is hoped this will be continued Tuesday evenings this year. with some improvements on last‘ year‘s program. This will only be possible if the parents devote some of their time. either weekly or monthly. or as much as possible. Chair- committee is Arthur Lea. Our deepest sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late. John Ogden. who passed away‘ September 15 at York Central Hospital. Mr. Ogden who lived on Markham Road. Richmond Hill. was an executive member of Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion. He will be missed by THE GORMLEY REST§ HOME GORMLEY, ONT. Accommodation available ‘ for elderly ladies. ‘ Phone 887-5315 and one-half feet. from the curb. Councillor William Mast- ers commented that consi- deration should be given to possiblc road widening in the area and recommended the sidewalk be set back 12 feet from the curb. Councillor Eldred agreed, "We are using 50 percent of the taxpayers' money. It should be located in a permanent position." Councillor Jongencel ob- jected to the 12 foot set back. declaring this would cut front yards in half. “There is a lot of nice landscaping on the street. and trees that. would have to be moved even though they are on township property. You just have to look at the street to know it is not likely we would have to widen the road. We will be creating a King d‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllllllllltllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllll' North Thornhill Recreation Plan Ambitious Fall-Winter Program. Andy Kizik is again heading a‘ theatre group. Singers, dancersy and actors as well as costume and make-up people are all i‘e-‘als" b9 ('Clebl'allntl‘ a Wedding quired. The group meets Thornlea Call Mr. Kizik at 889-4673. l READING GROUP A monthlv reading group is {Dwell celebrated Sunday he established. Apply at regis_ 311 benches ï¬lled to capacj1§-,l\«li‘s. Gordon Read were Rey. lRev. Earl Eddy gave an inspir-land Mrs. Eal'l Eddy. : ational sermon and soloist Mrs." Evelyn lGrcen Pastures". ' tration. MAJORETTE CORPS A marjorette corp will be es- tablished with 6:30 to 7:30 pm being the tentative time at Bay- thorn School on Thursdays. More information to be avail- able at registration. ‘ BRIDGE ' Mrs. Evelyn Cantlon at 889-l 8678 will establish a bridge. group. l I SQUARE DANCING Those interested in square I dancing at Richvale should con- tact Rusty Harrison at. 889-6381.‘ 24 Roosevelt Drive many. Members of the club are hardl ' at work for their bazaar sohed- .V uled for November 14 from 1.30 ' to 3:30 pm. Many hand knitted items. sewing. baking,etc.. will be on sale. The bazaar will be. held in the Lions Hall. . A birthday dinner party will be held October 14 for the senior citizens. who will be cele. brating their second successful. year of activities. All members. are urged to attend. l Richvale Lions enjoyed an evening of fun when they had a corn roast with; wives and friends. Lion Dr. Dave Harper. Zone chairman: was a guest. We are happy to see that‘ Norm Winterfield of Roosevelt Drive is home fro-m York Cen-‘ tral Hospital after surgery and is convalescing nicely. The senior citizens of this area welcome back to their club †F. H. Silk of Denham Drive. " COUNCILLOR Ward 1 - Markham Tuesdays are inner hays lx'exi Tuesday you can take home as many delicious Davey Jones fish and chip dinners as you wont. FOR ONLY 49 CENTS EACH fresh flavour Dares Jonas Fish & Chips 187 YONGE SI. N. PHONE : 834-9791 Neighborhood Notes to lSe tton whose date is the 30th. secondary Cafeteria and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton mmghl Vlhursday. 7.30 pm to celebratc their “:00 pm and the “.9 is $11.00. anniversary September 29. Il20th anniversary service was last Monday 1, " strip of wasteland they are- expccted to mow." Mr. Masters pointed out that the narrower strip was not enough to allow for snow ploughing. that snow from the road would cover the sidewalk in winter. "This land was reserved for this purpose." .\lr. Rumble added that. pedestrians would be splashâ€" ed in wet weather if the sidewalk was too close to the road. Mr. Roman observed that. streets in downtown Metro have sidewalks right at the curb. "Where would they put. them. in the buildings?" snapped the recvc. "They‘did not. plan for them. we are planning for the future." it i! i 0' On the recorded vote Councillors Masters and King were in favor of the 12 foot set-hack, and Mr. Roman and Mr. .longencel opposed. Reeve R um b l e broke the tie. voting in favor of the 12 foot setback. Councillor .longeneel later in the meeting asked that staff find out the cost of conâ€" struction of an asphalt walkâ€" way on Bayview from the railway tracks to Thornlea Secondary School north of Highway 7. Deputy-reeve R o m a n agreed this was a dangerous strip for students going to and from school. He felt a pushbutton traffic light is needed at the school, asking who would pay, York County Board of Education. Toronto and York Roads CommiSSion, or the municipality. He pointed out that cost had been estimated at $6.500, adding that with the increase in traffic since Bayview was opened to the town “we council has approved lights and sidewalks in the vicinity of the school. Councillor Masters urged council to direct the town< ship engineer to update costs of the project. and then go ahead with the lights and sidewalk. He agreed with Reeve Rumble that a light is also needed on Bayview Ave- nue at John Street where new construction has greatly increased the number of cars and trucks in the area. Council agree that. al- though a cut in the. Toronto and York Roads Commission budget for the year has de- layed the widening of Bay- view Avenue. the township should go ahead with the lights and walkway. ll‘[lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'i‘ Currville Neighborhood News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. FRANCES PURVES Birthday wishes this week go; ptember 27 and to John Bar- service.‘ nt were Donl Phone 884-2552 [bell and children from Oshawaiand Mrs. Ted Perring‘ of Alder- attended this special Jack Barton who celebratesiAlso among those prese shot, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Alex- ander, Mr. and Mrs. John Wood. .Dale Watson and Edith from.Mrs. Anne Hough, Ken Wood. IScarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wood and Andrew, along John Barton and his wife willlReid and children from Bioom-lwitli other members of the 44th Wedding The Carrville United Church with Patterson sang Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campâ€"l SERVICE INBYlOâ€"OUTB from Stouffville and‘ who went on’ l | Dinner guests were Mr. and l l Visiting at the home of Mr.‘ .0. Y5 MONDAY TO SATURDAY Same Day Shirt Service IN BY 10 â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY TO FRIDAY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. Experts + Care South :ngton. Mrs. Beth Wilson anleood family to make it. a real a{anniversary on September 30 girls from Toronlo‘ Mr' and‘famll-v reunion' Mrs. Grant Drury. Donnie and, Marie William George, to visit his daughter and family iors of the district. are invited in Clairville. There will he a birthday par- ty for the senior citizens Orto- bcr 14 at 1130 pm. All son- to attend. The first bazaar will be held November 14 in the Lions Hall. Spruce Avenue. from 1.30 to 3:30 pm. Miss Annette Greenfield was on the winning softball team. "In and Mrs. Frank Purves Sun-,"Village Coiffure", which won day were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the. Evringham of Scarboro, Mr..Richmond Hill. tournament. Saturday in fl g... Phone “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†WHY NOT OPEN .THE DOOR toa Largest Enrolment of Students North of Metro . . . r f benefits not | Our primary purpose in teaching music is to offer an exper- ' ience which will enrich children’s lives in many ways, and increase their understanding and enjoyment of music. We realize that very few of our students are going to develop into professional musicians, or even continue, in high school and college, to prepare for any kind of career in music. It is furthermore our belief that music participation and development of skill with an instrument leads to many side immediately apparent; improved co-ordination, greater over-all alertness. self con- fidence, and desirable emotional expression and outlet. ENROLL NOW ‘ LESSONS ON ALL INSTRUMENTS CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS STUDENTS GRADED AND PREPARED FOR EXAMINATIONS ALL PRIVATE LESSONS FREE USE OF INSTRUMENT FOR 8 WEEKS YOU SIGN N0 CONTRACTS TWENTY PERCENT OF OUR STUDENTS ARE ADULTS â€" YOU ARE NEVER T00 OLD FOR MUSIC WE HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF BOOKS AND INSTRUMENTS quicker perception, 3: :5. 4 fl We suggest you enroll early in order to secure a lesson time that is the most convenient for you GIVE US A CALL OR DROP IN â€" You and your inquiries are always welcome Cosmo School of Music Sales, Repairs and Rentals by the day, Week-end, week, and month 1 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill for All Instruments Phone 884-5272 i