,6. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 24, 1' 970 11,7 ’ I Call ‘The Liberal†TODAY 884-1105 MON. - TUES. 8 am. to 6 pm, WED. - FRI. 9 am. to 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 am. to 12 noon N CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TO RENT [MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .88 per __ (conff‘ggb _ fcontmued) , __ (Contginued) FURNISHED room, cooking‘GENERAL cal-penny. recreat- PLUMBING, & HEATING word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second iWIN-DOR LUMBER EX-JANITOR DOUBLES 3RD class stationary engineer. facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house ion rooms. alterations 8; repairs. Roger Proulx â€" Telephone _ FALL CSLEARANCE OF USED and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, 10 _ FREE DELIVERY INCOME ' oil 8: gas fired boilers. Apply to east of Bork’s Jewellers at 884-2505. c2w12 884-1650. 3.324 1967 S {GETS CARS words to, 30° and 36 per word thereafter. Fireplace wood and kindling, IMPOSSIBLE? N01 He 15 n0w Mr. Voshart, Chief Engineer. Yonge. tfc51 WANINGW‘TINDOWS WEEâ€"DICE}??â€" 1966 ï¬gBeaTeeAanme. green COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word. min char fencing headquarters including selling real estate With our com- 384-3117} 7 chi-12 FURNISHED room. cooking WALLS AND FLOORS- 1965 MGB. g . . _. ge $1.50 5pm rally free cut to length mm; and mm the help of our TEA HE _. . d k. f .1“. P1 _ Underground cable , blue, BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c Pre-fjnished plywood from $2- tremendous training program b b ,C MB rfeqmzles par}: tim: argon pgggigm fag; aleiimm‘Zï¬: 1333878314233“ and water Pipe tl'ellchlllg. ALL Of these Cars have a radio, CARDS or THANKS, 1N MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, .95. Free estimates on wood or and background has increased 231%,:‘5135 32y igrer'lf; p 9 W “as "-L “C23 “3"†384's?“ “3’ bh‘akes- °°mplete Pal“! i‘ob ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- aluminum storm windows. Call his income by 100%. If you are Trans 0mm“ I.ovided Phone’ SHAMPOOING “mm†H‘“- and ï¬ve i299“ l‘econditioned 'erflo' $150 8894117; evenings 4916629. over 21 _ EXPER‘ENCED OR Thornlaiu 889 9§07 - clwlz FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. SUMMER SPECIAL M_ IfC46 an 53 ely Inspected through. . ‘ Czwlz OTHERWISE _ and have not ‘ - industrial space, Newklrk Road. Rugs and Chesterfields. Day or VINCE‘S CARPENTTtY_ out . _ Classified advertisements should be in as early in the ,, yet reached your full potential‘ Top salary to rename farmer Features dock level loading, night. 884-2433. tfcszlspECIALIZING in rec. rooms 1964 Triumph Spitfire, new week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. LUMBER act now_ Call Mr, white or Mr. for working our land and look- 1.5'5" Clear. Immediate 905585' pmgr and in- bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite "‘9le new brakesi $735 mu Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone The inflhstr‘al Lumi’e’ 8‘ Pal' Cuff. Norm Black Realty Limi- ing after horses. Write Box 59 Sion. ,$110 net. Lored Con- terior, carpentry work, 31mm- and home repairs. 889-2889. pllce‘ . us at 8844105 0,. 884.1983 and you Wm receive an invoice_ :et Divmwn (tlf fiatscllffflauï¬iber‘; ted_ 8896241. “C11 “The Liberal". tfclz structlon Ltd. 630-9500. tf 50 Hons, rec rooms. no job too “cu 3:551 VlVa.dexcellent condition, \ themOltsl lgond chlrrii; GENTLEMEN are you interest- LOCAL chartered bank requires 300 SQ FT m a e Chis large or too small. 884-5009. ONTARIO SCHOOL OF 1965 liefdfhaï¬ï¬rififsï¬gdgdl 1821c;- utility and economy grades only. ed in a rewarding career with a Clerlï¬ tYPlSt_ for loan department 0 'f 't 0 Ge Sp c 1p “01% UPHOLSTERY $195. ' large Canadian sales finance PreVlous finance company ex- 3 0 S‘l- t- 5 ("age 593% “3' RAILROAD ties for sale. Will Chesterfields and chairs re- GREENWOOD GARAGE _________.___â€"- KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor, (Continued) DRIVEWAY GRAVEL For real savings to you. come in and make your own selection. company? Call Mr. Campbell. tfc4 884-8156. perlence an asset but not essen- tial. Write Box 66 “The Liberal" ted in professional building on Yonge St. $112 per month. 884- build retaining walls. boxes and boat docks. Free esti- planter covered like new. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY “Specialists in British and European Cars†. Size1x2tolx12and2x2 _ 17 tf8 office and showroom. 9212 Crushed stone, sand, concl-ete . or phone 884-8126 Mr. Martel. 11 ' c mates. 889-6338. tfc42 N0 ADDITIONAL CHARGE 884-8841 Yonge St., Richvale 889-2462. gravel etc., delivered in small t° 2 x 1.2 ‘“ S°ftw°°d °}‘ hard“ WAITRESS “ fun and par†c1w13 BACHELOR apartment. 884- â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FOR LABOR 7734696 “C42 quantities Can C L K tt wood. Timbers from 4 x 4 to 8 time. PODS TaVem- 334-2752- _ 2576 “cu FINLAY ELECTRIC All k _â€"â€"£‘Xlz - 884-3089 . . . naptpe.7 x 8' 2 x 4 Economy 5c 1m. ft_ tfc49 CLASS A mechanic to maintain ' I Contractor, free estimates. Call kwor guara’lteed 1966 Volkswagen deluxe. as 1;, ALUMINUM plus tax, Can 640-2351, c2w12 â€"S‘AL_‘“ES R‘â€"EPRE’â€"SE'N"T‘ATâ€"IV‘“E and repair both gas and diesel SUBLET offlce Space. 450 501- ft- anytime 884-3931. tfc37 1° up and denvery $500 or best offer 884-2430 . . . . . , - - - FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 ' ' Doors. windows, awnin s. and BEDROOM and dining suite, , . .. RD 3 units for truck fleet. Must be All‘ conditioned. Markham / u , , _ DRYER m exceuent condltmn P GRE SIVE local mOVing . BAKERS BACKHOE 02W12 railings. Ron Woods. 8 4-1514. Téakwood. 2 mths old. rcason- must Sén $75 or best Offer’ company requires experienced able to take complete control of Yonge- Immedlate occupancy- EXCAVATING â€"â€"E°1_2 m ______.____.__._â€"tfc36 able' can Toronto 241-5971‘ Evenings ’- 376 Bluegrass Blvd: salesman. Tremendous chal- Shop? Apply to Laidl‘av‘f Trans' 884'6564' “ell Trenching, sewer 5; water lines CASH. paid for used Skates‘ 10W mileageg'illilzrsaclghdxilidh. SEASONED hardwood 'fbr'fire- c1w13 lenge and opportunity is avail- P9“ 346 Enford Rd- Rlcmnond NICE FURNISHED ROOM, footings. 889-3604. tfc2 Adams Rent'An’ 7059 Yonge $1,450 or best offer, 834.4316: places. also kindlingyickedmp . TEAKWOOD able for the person. Salary and EL“- , ,7 ,_ Cl‘V13 suit business lady, parking. 'â€""‘NORTH‘â€"â€"ERN PAIï¬iNâ€"Gâ€" st" above Steeles' 889‘7053- tfclz or delivered, 96. Steele; .Avo. Living, dining and bedrooms, . was er an ryer‘ benefits to be discussed per- AUTOMOBILE 889-6103. tfc12 - - - Clwm _‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"- W or call 225 2781 thus direct from im $100 93111 834-8709- c1W13 . , _ Res1dentlal. commercial paint- 1969 Triumph 500 cc motor. . - . _ . porters ware- __ __ sonally. All applicants strictly SALESMAN FURNISHED ROOM k- - - t - d t : 7 - . . . . . . . . . , h. . . . 0 L9 _ CHROME t . k, h _ _ 1 I h 7 . . , par mg, mg, in erlor an ex error. Paper cycle. .000 miles, $850. 884-8841 ' YORK ALUMINUM ouse Den p.m. 4541388 ex enSion ltc en confidentla. aamb t e Mm er A rap1d1v ex andmg Datsun I l r ‘ V ' EINAR CLAU , _ , . .v P I _ homey atmosphere. 889-8629. hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 c2w12 Free estimates Aluminum 51¢ SEN LTD. table and 4 chairs, arborlte Ltd., 127 Birch Avenue. Tllorn-‘dealersmp has an lm‘medlate or 884_8843 czwlz ' I I ~‘ - CARPENTRY work, recreation Do you have a drinking prob- 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief. ing windows, doors, awnings also glass and screen repairs Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. (2 miles east of Dixie Road) wood grain top, like new $40; blue wool carved rug, 9‘ 6†x 13', hill, Ont. 889-4911. tfc12 opening for a high calibre sales- HOUSEKEEPER, mature wo man on commission basis. One ROOMS to rent, furnished or unfurnished. Also room and l'OOlTlS, additions, tile floors and ceilings. FreeoBOX 84- RiChmond Hill. 01‘ call renovations lem. If so AA can help. Write y standard. 1 owner. 4 door. new tires, radio, heater. Mechanical hone 884-4558 facto 832-1319 Bramalea- “€10 $50- 889-0401- clw13 man, 2 da 5 weekl . 884-6168. or our salesmen who has only _ . . , , , , game. 1'57 “C28 PICKJOUEOWN APPLES BOY’S red nylon hockey pants, y y 02w†been in the business for 4 board, must have car. 884-30632. estlma’tes- T. Price. 389-330-3232 ._._ tfc17 fitfness certificate. $650 or besil NEW BONE“ BEES A delightful family outing. size 34, Pro, like new. $7; Bauer MAN 0,. couple, to pemrm months earned $1,400 last _.__ C W_ . ANYONE interested in ioming can "ftel 6 9m: 384‘ Appointment only. Werner. wieekends only- All variEtieS. 5 hockey Skates. Size 2. almost janitdrial duties, required by month' Import experience We“ FURNISHED mom, would Slut GENERAL copiracnng' altera' Chnsnan Tradesmens Group m' . “on 8394724. “ca miles east of Aurora. Devins- new $5; hockey skates size 9, $3. Richmond H111 United Church, ffm‘e‘l- ehcelleht growth Poten- {nail-ire gentleman Ample Dark- tions and afldltlons- homesv Of' Phgneh 884'9312- Leave name 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, , GARDEN SUPPLIES Egyn O‘Chardso 888-1738. 727- 884-6263. c1w13 Yonge - Centre sts, Excellent tial for right man. mg. 889-5786 c1w12 £1085. iiictaolll‘lesci Clisitcglg carpin- W hardtop. automatic. radiourear Loam - manure - top dressing. H hours an? gorgd remuneratio‘n NEIR‘ï¬gg 6131);“ APARTMENTS AVAILABLE val); 889_254Gesc p ns. the; 3823516. stlï¬ulating, :33? gigs- - ' ' ' . ' . ~ - __ ' co anion. . . ' top soil, fill. screened loam. top desk g°°d °°ndm°n and bene Its 0 arrange app Yonge st" 1 mile N, of 3 bedroom mite! $185 FLOOR COVERING ‘ Box 56 “The Liberal." pc3w11 $275. 884-5269. c1w13 Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. Best offer. 727-4554. *2w12 HELP WANTED contact Church Secretary 884- Richmond Hill 2 bedroom suite, $165. All types floor tile. sheet goods. WHW 1969 1 ton truck. hydraulicTifâ€"t: tfc4 KODAK Movie camera and Eâ€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"XPER E . 1301, during hours M0“: ' _ Rent includes hydro, fridge, . _ TYPEWRITERS projector for sale, reasonable. T I NCED cook for Pops Thuis. 9.30 - 4 pm, Friday 889 0972 or 773 4661 Stove, heat, soft water, etc. Expert workmanshipat low cost. A .BOWLING LEAGUE? perfect condition. Reason for avern. 884 2752. tfc34 9.30 - noon. c2w12 c1w13 . Free estimates. Gillett Fine Lad, ’ A ~ - .1 ADDING MACHINES 834.7518 after 5 pm. nc2w12 Adults only. can Geo, c. wu- . es fiemoon Leagues selling, movmg away. 832-8985. ‘ Sales Service Rentals m w I];le AEORShE TURN your Spare time into “' cock Real Estate Broker 884- Floors' 884-8831' mu mill asué’erVised Eur-“’9†01W13 ‘ ’ ’ i 6 W01‘ 'ou ll 8 a or'e but ‘ . ’ ' RUBBER STAMPS lxe vening 8351188 â€"â€"â€"-‘_â€"_‘â€".‘-â€"“ A“ Authorized Dealer ACO’T‘S' AShley woo,“ heatersv $100 per wbeek buys a lot 03f cats. 13:: 113:3:121‘ SéhlusfijlmldlsNggeZ- 8â€"-â€"â€"811' â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"CIWI‘2 Several type faces to choose Call 1966 VOLKSWAGEN Sta-mon- poPular makes for sale Heatllamrs' metal.°hlmneys and Must have car Experience not '5 w 't w T Rawl ' h co BAYVIEW PLAZA from â€" including Script Block ALLENCOURT LANES Wagon' cemfleq - mecnamcauy including new and “Wu ï¬replace accessorles at FirEGlo necessary 789-7287 tfc-ll SI 195‘ n e ' '51 ccmg 4005 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€"- ' Richmond Hill letters Outline and signature 447 Markham Rd. “t' g°°d °°“d‘t‘°“' 833‘6807 standard portable and electric Centre, 46 Steeles Ave. West. ' ' Lid" .Dept‘ 1'3 ' ’1 7 FURNITURE 5119 covers Cut 3000 5 ft of excellent Star, ._ fasé service Call “The Lib- ' Richmond Hill after 8 9â€" “lwm models. special rental rates wmowdala c4w12 EXTRA MONEY Rlchelleu St-v Montrea 20 r and fitted ln your home. Work- ’ q' ' ,, ' Aft 7 _ _ available t st d t ___.____._ 3 hours 4 evenm 5 er w k Que c1w13 mansm guarante d A1 u h age space. 884â€"5669 and 364- eral 384-1105. er P-m- 884 5511 1963 GALAXIE- 4 doorv 10W 0 u en 5. BEDROOM suite, but antique v E P 96 - L , P e ' 5° ° 5 ' 1964 tfclg ‘~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" c10w12 milea ge, excellent condition. L. H, sms dining room set etc 884 9362 and Saturday, $50- Must have STAFF required, kitchen help “ms and arm caps, 603- Please ' HARRISONS CUSTOM â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" 384.7639 c1w13 88 Baker Ave after 6 m ’ ' '2 12 car. 789-7287. tfc41 Monday _ Friday. Midnight phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 HOUSE to share with three CARPENTRY DO you haVe §aVlngS Problems? ’ _. m h ___Lâ€"_C‘W â€"â€"â€"*'â€" , . - - others, own room provided. Custom built homes, renova- If 50 C- Allan Taggal‘t can help 1954 FALCON FUtUI‘a 2 d001' c mond Hill PATIO STONES 0 â€"â€" HELP WANTED waitresses Friday, Saturday and GENTLEMAN With 1 ton truck 3 . . . . with Un-t d I t S h dt 11-, . 6 1- d 884-1745 All . d __SEC,,NDâ€S HELPERS wanted, scout Sunday, 11 pm to 7 am. 832- requires work for evenings and 884'2632‘ CIWI ,tl9n5' addmons' .and rem"? i Ltdl 9}, ONES ment .er' at dopa w Ie‘. . cybm :r’ tfca ,, SIZES at}, calms“ 24 X30 v leader and helpers, 1st Rich- 1555. c1w13 weekends, furniture moving etc, ROOM available in nice aDaI‘l- Kitchens 3 Spemalty' moms vces - " ' ‘ 0X 55‘ Rwh' Stan ar .transmlsswn' uc eh WASHER d er d ‘t 24 x24 ’ 12 xâ€, 1?â€,{305’ 18.. mond Hm Pack for Monday RICHMOND H.“ A & W C ff 8839314. c2w12 meat, for elderly lady capable Harmon. 884-2838. tfc45 mond Hill. 884-3773 or 924-6291. seats, radlo, $625. 884-8680. parts eg I?“ a“ “We ’93: 9 X133, ,18 moles- 24" nights. Contact Don Glenn, - 1 - ° 99 . of a few light chores. 889- ALUMINUM HOME 01W13 “1’13 . 3 rs, . e 5, wood bear- ell-c185, 8 x24; border blocks. 3843948 1 13 Shop requires experienced full PUT your money to work With 8788 c1w13 IMPROVEMENTS 1966 VW 1300 h m belt 11185 811d ernger rollers etc. Reasonable prices Holland .___'____â€"c_‘f'__ time and part time cooks. United Investment Services Ltd., ' ___ . . l .‘ S 0“ i? S' For all makes. Repairs to elec- park Garden Gem}, 51 Keele NOON HOUR supervision for Phone 884-8079. Apply after 4 PO. Box 55, Richmond Hill. CQSY’ War“? room to rent 1“ Aka“ â€" Sldmg' Eavestmugh' TUITION B “pun†“3dâ€: snow “es °“' tl‘lc lawanWers and small ap. St No ch M 1 ’32 2 boys 9 and 5, in Sprucewood- to Mr Bocsh c1w13 834-3773 or 924-5291, c1w13 Richmond H111. near Yonge St- D00“ 39“ WmeWS .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" carefuny mamtamed second car- pliances_ Math.s TV 49 Indus_ - r » aP 9- 3 - 455- Henderson area_ 4455781 ' , ‘ _ c1w13 Household privileges. Girl pre- For free estimates call your TEACHER. Plano and theory, Asking $725. 884-3754 after 4 trial Road, 884‘7903I. “c9 c4w12 c1-Wls FULL tlé‘ne and palf‘t tlgle1 ex- E_.X..P..E_R_IENCED. G_ 1_d_ fem-ed, Apply Box 61, The Local Contractor Egaagélzsshlng Richmond Hill. pm. c1w13 “Faâ€"E‘â€" PLAYPEN and baby bed also â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"-’â€" perlence W31 reSS 01‘ '3 8X19 erman a y Liberal. c1w13 HANS BUTT 889.4106 - , “C50 ___._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" mt - ‘. SEASONED FIREWOOD ’ WOMEN required for assembl -â€" 1967 REBEL 770- 2 door hard‘ Y Restaurant. 884-6531. c1w13 seeks day work, Mon. and Wed. th of tfc41 DRIVERS NEEDED top. V8, automatic. radio. power 25 gallon aquarium fully equip- work. Starting salary $1.50 an 3 BEDROOM house, sou Milled Birch- Oak. Maple. from 8â€"3, $12 and car fare. 889- ________________ BRICK & STONEWORK TRAIN now to drive semi truck. F . (1. 884-3067. c1w13 - UNION Villa horn for senior - - ~ ' ' Beech. Cut to 12 inch on 16 L_______ hour. Apply at Trlduct In- _ _ v, 9 Richmond Hill. Phone after 4.30 , steering, power brakes. Licence inch lengum Phone 832_2455 poTAToES by the bushel, $2, dustries’ 169 Centre St. E" citizens, requ1res full or part 6911 after 5 pm: clwm pm, 884-4854. c1w13 Fireplaces â€"- chimneys â€"- cus- 10031 and 0V9? the Toad- D19581 42757J. $1299 full price. ouand Park Garden Centre or bag Titshallys Greenhouse, Richmond Hm. c1w13 time nurse. cook, aid and maln- TY.PIST would like any type. of W tom built _ patios, walls, or gas; experience helpful but WARD BROS. 1 Keele St North Ma le ’ 38 May Ave_ 884.4983 c1w13 ARC 1d _ . tenance man. Call 297-2822 C. Office Work at home Includlng . . t flower-boxes, garages, etc. Guar- not necessary. You can earn 389-1013 _ z - r P 4. 12 EAD t _ h t wet ler-‘i’l Tequ11‘ed_ £0; E. Peppler’ Administrator, dictaphone. 889-0202. c2w13 TV 1“ b‘f‘sement' hprév: $023†anteed workmanship. For free over $4.00 per hour after short clwlg c w ’ genera or' “33‘â€, mlscel' s 68 me a s op’ .expenence c1w13 RELIABLE man hard worker trance’ pnvate bat ' 8 ' ‘ estimate call M. H. Construction training. For interview and ap- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ,»,â€" Bedroom, Chesterï¬eld suite laneous parts for 61 Falcon. only. Apply at Trlduct Indus- i l c1w13 884_3484 .fcz plication call 4163624002 or 1968 PONTIAC Grand ParlSI- Spanish 2 th id ’$15 for lot. Also 1965 tent tries 169 Centre St. E. Rich- GROCERY clerk for advancing seeks steadif employment as . ___'_ ‘ - ’ ’ enne 2 door hardtop bucket able 2’41 633‘ 5 ° ’ “1:3; trailer 884-5400 c1w13 mond Hill ’eiwia food chain. Full time Experi- laborer- W111 conmder any- BEDROOM: 5111i gentleman-£833: RON MOORE VTVT‘le. 5“? {Dept-i fTrénspfl†seats fully powered 884-7286 ' ‘ ' w ' -â€"- ~â€" 1-â€"â€"â€"_.-. ‘ 5 thing. Phone 884-7518. nc4w13 1629. C pAINTING _ pApERHANGIVG Taming VS ems 0 aha 8- ’ ' ‘ M CLA Y 1 - ence preferred. Apply in person __ . i . c1w13 L d EVERCREEN’S †“flame: bzsicg?fcerst°‘é%4_%ggg MignanEXT‘fgnelgggyEage to Red & White Foodmlaster, WOMAN available for house- 2 BEDROOM apartment, 2nd Interior - Exterior. Free estl- $33,133,:lgugelï¬irgu‘ganydejl 1964 FORD onvertible $350 whifznlggallfstsngagg as“! 24 after 6 p'm ‘ c2w13 Part or fun time High earn; Bayview Plaza. 884-7476. work in Richmond Hill on local floor, near Yonge St., no pets, mates. Call anytime. 889-1296355 . » v czwl-z 889 6345 c imm- ' carry ' - -' - - c1w13 bus route. 884-8094 c1w13 available October 1. 884-5552. It: ' ' | $1.95 each. Holland P _ NEW 12- Mam ua ca e, 281 ings. Pleasant dignified work. , - -_ . . ._ den Centre 51 Keele Sirllvsrih lbs. Cost $280 qsell $35. 88?- Flex‘ble hours- PerfeCt for SALESLADY EXPERIENCED WOMAN woum do ironing in /â€"*IWI3 PlaSterlng Thomhm TUdTORI‘NG mbphysms’ 'mathti‘lli-iiflsls ngigsï¬lfh gmd Maple. 882-2455 ' c4w12’ 7303. ’ ciw13 men with jobs and women with For better ladies dress shop, her home or your home, 884- FURNISHED room, $10 week, R. CLARK an h sclencict ty ggezréggce ,7 -_‘, .7†,_A. ‘ ___.___'__ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" school age children. Training must be reliable and capable 7772, c1w13 board optional, 889-3286, Plain and Decorative Pli‘Stel‘lng"tea° fr an u 0’" ' or 1960 VOLKSWAGEN ï¬ll/Ith- T . 3-PIECE BEDROOM set, double ENT TRAILER. $225 or best provided. For information of management when necessary. c1w13 Repairs a speciaiit, 889-0567. c1w13'mechamcal ï¬tness cemncaie, mattress, 1 yr. old, 884-4514. Offer- 773L52§Q 7°1W13 contact George McCormack, 60 can for a ointm nt _ 384_2961 / Free EStimateS GET 3 head start, call associa- Call after 5 Pm 339-2943- â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" . - PP e - DAY CARE 2 BEDROOM apartment avall- 5 c1w13 MAN’S set left handed golf Napier Street. Colhngwood. c1w13 able October 1 One bab’y only. 488-7521 889-318 ted tutors for experienced mum I _ elwld 1967 SEARS motorcycle, 106, Flullzst “51 281g; man‘s sports c2w13 EXpERIENCED parts counter_ RELIABLE day care given in Apply Superintgndent, 441 Elm- . tfczo ing in your home. 884-2884, 884-1955 vw, new shocks, battery realm engme, goo-d condltion' Jsiifee3s‘i.512rgen's- aï¬eldzgsseplï¬g MALE cook waited, knovaledgde man, apply Mn Hm, Canadian gity gigglifélgyest Side of Yofn‘f'g wood. c1w13 . E. PAYNE 1636. c2w13 $511 r§:lf:éer.for01e1:::lil}entr:-dlll:: Elite: tseasy to Obtam’ 884-156;}: menl 5 Pairs skates size 10 gfothgssspeliltailalco%allllgFgO§ esrgv: Tire‘ Richmm‘d Hm' “W13 ' - ' te- BEDSITTING room in return Dirams’ Sfptlc tinks' All types â€" ning order 3625 884-6627. Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"LMO'ST , c W desk, chest of drawers. Lady's ice Managgp'yOI-k centra1 Hos- BABY sitter wanted, occasional If)“; cgrel’da‘g. :ge'l coggasglf: for handyman duties, ideal for 28932;??? e ESTIMATES S c1w13 suits 2 andlesw' igc lad‘lzes I??? snit' mes-35' Size 18 ' 20 pitali RiChmond Hill- at 834' evenings and weekends‘ Lucas or y o I m va 8' -tfc1o penSioner’ Maple' 8324113 after tfc31 New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog 1962 CHEV good motor, make ’ p el 51 e ' a good condition. Call Thursday 1171, c1w13 and Mill Streets. 884-8885. 6:30 pm. clw13 S RATING grooming â€" poodles a specialty. an offer. 884-1659. c1w13 RALPH ELM DECO ____.__ DAY CARE available in my ap- artment on Markham Road and Essex Ave.. Richmond Hill. 884-3483. c2w12 IN my home Monday - Friday, best quality, bargain. Discount Cleaners. North Mall. Richmond Heights Centre. c1w13 1 CHESTERFIELD and chair, c1w13 SALESLADIES, 40 hour Week, for women who find fabrics facinating. Fabric and Drapery 054' Jill Goddard. 889-3606. c1w13 DOUBLE bed. complete, antique white and gold, French Provin- 1 BEDROOM winterized cottage, outside conveniences. 773-5897. c1w13 FURNISHED bedsitting room, 1964 Volkswagen, radio, new brakes, king pin, sllocks. tires, ignition switch. $395 or best: Offer. 889-0401. c1w13 morning dftel‘ 9330 384's Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. tfc46 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have an opening for an aggressive man of neat appear- ance to specialize in farms, tfc18 CAT BOARDING Household pets kittens available 834-8344. 01W13 cial $45 889-5740 chi/13 small acrea ' ‘ _ ' ' - g9 and mVEStment Mlll Outlet, Hwy. 7 and Keele, - t , TELEVISION, Philips, in good FORMAL, turquoise- full length pmperties' For interVIi/‘IEWL ap' 889'3701‘ Clwm G01:mleyd Rd" l1tear tYonge’ 8)" ggiï¬hï¬ï¬‚mmhen’ lady prefiifff‘a Chimneys Cildmhgjaces built iiri°§§§tei1§3 Sagi- :33: fgiivdjitiosilatiglllwzsoi: condition. 25. 884-2943. 1 ' - ' v ' pointment call Mr. C can. ~ perlence , in an or pre- ' _ _ i , . MAst suit - 38 c “’13 1160- ;303ng inï¬gigdrzzi’ 889-1176, David McLean Ltd. EXPERIENCED TYPIST schoolers. 773-4576. c3w13 3 FURNISHED basement rooms, and repaired. Free estimates. 2555- . ‘ “9‘: 1359, clwlzf man's ski j; sfzgaglar glli'ggg, new. 8'8 4_ 1550. c1w13; 74 Steeles Ave_ W. c1w13 ligalelvpr femilze'i BConltlac: Lamb AVAILABLE woman to 1001; reasonable. Suit 2 men or young Expert ivorgrï¬anlshlgéfzogsgears 4 SgAMgiEuléilttens, reg d,1 1963 OLDSMOBILE my?†°r t i ' ' ‘ n- - ' OW'n ome. 0m - - c r ren , c 05 0 on e. . c . , - coffee table. 2 end tables, washer, handymans speCIal. lence' Apply m person 6 View. c4w9 c1w13 8844420? e *1ng3 tfc43 $100 as is or $135 cropped and pea. 8884975 *2w13 court IGA, Richmond Hill. innoculated. Mrs. Turner, 889- matching set, students desk, 2 still operates but needs new mxs PUMPED DO you need extra money f0 drawers. 884-1638. c1w13 pump, etc. $35 or offer. 884- °1W13 . . . DAY CARE, small baby pre- 5 ROOM bungalow for rent, rec. c1w13 2 PAï¬mâ€"W 6627. c1w13 EXPERIENCED bank teller, 53:35:32? ‘é‘oidrjsss agaiyzgirgnlg fierlrecé. $10882eg23\;eek. BI‘IOWIIE room 4384336. “W13 segergtucrigiged g§m & - , . . ' . l . . . ‘ t a , . . c w . ' , - ________,_____ _._. ill-ngno, I room dwider; Kortlng WALNUT finish kitchen set gong§3 a‘nqdhftï¬eéis‘aa’rea. ervlltg work. Send 25 cents for catalogue WI: $1351 k aft 0“. money NICE furnished room, TV. 884- Phone 884-1245 broken, free to good home, 334- BOARDER wanted, respectable l- 1 With bar: 884-1146. c1w13 mil} 3 red leatherette high-back 0X 3 and details_ The Popular Enter. W1 00 y e; 1 11th 7615. c1w13 tch 8791 c1w13 working man preferred. 389. CONTENTS “ha‘rsi excellent “Ondm‘m- SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS prise. Dept. F62. Box 8. Hawkes- “LYN-“um†‘ grow‘? WINTER boat and equipment New Flagstone h l child’s 5152. clwlz Spanish 1i ‘ ' 636'3479- Chi/'13 Required for morning and after- bury Ontario c1w13 Un‘ted InveStment S€erC€S i f 11 ' d P t' & w 1k PUP’ 3 mont 5' ma e’ _â€"â€"â€"â€â€"-â€"-â€"â€""â€"T‘" in d room With matchâ€" 21" PHILCO fl; $1.23 or best noon routes in tï¬e Richmond . - ‘d Ltd†PO- Box 55_ Richmond storageu indoors. u y insu;e . Ga losl M a s DBL 884_4794_ nc1w13 ROOM available.boardpptmnal’ in: refill;1 at :5 8-“ lamps' dm' offer 884-6934 ' c1w13 Hill and Thornhill area Apply HELP “We†‘0 a future “31th Hill. 884-3773 or 924-5291, semce if necessary. 889-389; W liniraconsalsonam _ private entrance, parkmg. 889‘ Suites intfiï¬ldingplsgzs'k?:dropm DOIjBLE b'a . t d Travelways phone 889-7585, MI“. United InveStment ngrvmeg 01W13 223‘3365’ c w a 6884_2882uc l . 2 . 39" beds, drapes 95-3315: headboard :xc’eggâ€˜ï¬ $55.33,, Higgins or Mr. Dow. c1w13 Elf," Egghgo’érsg’zgéggrlmn WILL look after children while FURNISHED r°°m.'. Fear 9°“ “C43 _____,_f__-. ROOM and board in Thornhill. Bar and stools. black leather 884-4994 ' c1wl8 OFFICE GIRL 1 ' ' eiwigimother works, good home- 773- 9ffglcj'2cogiklfl‘s‘g (£313,125,; pggï¬' PAINTING REWARD 325.00 in suit young lady or gentle-{7181173. ch 5 ‘ . - _ ' _ , . - #5679, c1w13 1“ ' i ' ' . FOR return of lost cat, w 18 889-2918. 0 w e terfleld and chair. 889 1826. 2 01d fashloned dressers, vanity, Work includes general office FEMALE HELP 3709, e1wl3 INTERIOR EXTERIOR male with flea collar. Has ï¬-(ï¬ï¬â€™and board ave-1153f; c3w13 duties, filing and typing. Apply DAY care available. Bayview _.___..___...- dark grey spots on back and hall table. 3.4 steel bed. alum- _ A ' nments ' SECURITY. Have you investi- inum door. plywood door. rug VCA, 95 Newkirk Rd. Rich- F“ Tempmm ss’g and Markham Road. 884-6660. FUETSHEEIZOZ?’ $10285“? PAINTING sides grey tan and dark grey 884-4148. c1w13 gated United Investment Ser- 12X9- 334‘1564- *1W13 mond Hill. chl3 ,. Accounting Clerks CZW13 3:: 88:93307 g ’ c1w13 â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Spot ‘over one eye. Lost in Vic- ROOM and board for business Vices Ltd? PO. Box 55. Rich- HOSPITAL BED. with foam MOTEL cleaning lady, Saturday in: Bookkeeping Machine DAY care available in my home, LARGE f . h d b d .ttin 884-2433 “€52 inity of Richmond Hill Post lady. 884-7154. ClW13 mond Hill. 884-3773 or 924-6291. mattress. $35. 889-7010. c1w13 and Sunday mornings only. Call Operators play room. safe crescent. com- . gm.“ 8 8 SI 884g _.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ , 1- Office September 7- If foundi$ c1w13 - “â€" ' '7 339.4323, c1w13 t Data Clerks pany for my little boy. Zelda room, 5â€â€œ “Sine-“>5 Person- ' Harold Elliott Construction Ltd. contact Mrs. Murphy, 20 E111- mâ€" MOVIE PTOJECtOT» Comma“ -- . C 884 c2w13 5446 after 6 pm. c1w13 884,9312 - - COLEMAN Space heater. 884- cooler, man’s winter coat, paint- EXPERIENCED. receptionist * General Clerks res‘ '6777' Send Y rk C t and Ana aheth St- South, Rmhmon‘i H11" 3039- =c1w13 ing. 832-1324. c1w13 typist required for kitchen cabiâ€" * Key PunCh Operator? ‘DAY care available in my home. 2 BEDROOM apt" $32 weekly' Hg. 0 doll". y t ‘ 3882. 1‘93 5 ~ ,7 r- , 4 ~ It Sr, Typists with / Without p b d 884%540, c2w13‘636-6837. C1W13 Renovauonsv a dltlonsl cus omif.â€"/ BARTLETT and Bose pears, OLD solid oak wasllstand in Mt manUfaCturers 1“ R‘Chmond - em 6mm R ' -I . homes, cottages. septic tankS'PUPPYv blath part Labrador’ WINTER storage space for apples, pepper squash, toma- antiqued finish, new hardware‘ Hill. lurs_ Blake 8899892. Shorthand/ Dicta __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 1 BEDROOIVI apartment, avall- and drainage systems. 24 hr_ answers to Vuvu, on Fnday.;newer model car, Write Box toes. 884-6367. tfc13 $25. 889-3896. 1\\'13 91w†L-t n w f I. F u and Winter Transportation able November 1’ 884'7701' phone service for emergencies.,Ne\V'kil‘k 81‘93- 884'6133- Re' 62. The Liberal. *lwl3 CHROME kitchen set, 5 chairs, PIANO (Dominion); tool shed. TEMPORARY Care for 2 yr. egplo‘Pmen:“.it;. JRIDE re lured from west side “C13 tfc5iward. lawn §M~flfhousa wanted within. Sï¬fï¬nandstlage’ gedv g°°d °°“- 384-3924. c2w13 01d boy in my hOme- 389'2034-13 MONA ROBERTSON for YongeqSt to Dufferin VicinugggM f“ 1‘91“, Cen‘rallflgafé LEONARDI BROTHERS LADY’S platinumhandhgililamtgiedl30 miles north of Toronto. 488- . " n w v. , . t ..; _ w -' i m. - â€"_ - -- with hardï¬am 032:1 lggsxm, BROWN arborite table. seats Cl“ --‘ TEMPORAIVi PLACEMENT lity of Yorkdale Plaza, arrlvmg‘ I : CONSTRUCTION “_nsdt “Egghzifl 0 cle3 94‘2 223 8668‘Jan Chnsne- -, ‘ 01.8 ideal for c tta 9 1,15 4 2 0R 3 handymen. must be fast SERVICE 8.9 am. 3 +8 34_ c1w13 .4 BEDROOM house on Yonge Concrete. Drain and General on . - - g mrlwmvv elwlz 3p p 1†76 R°Sewew Ave- “1Ҡ' ' 0 g' p l ' - d h - v T 2 ' St s 8 3 7 ‘St Richmond Hill $125 month Repairs Patio Stonework side- __________ “‘VJNCISHED ""‘5': ï¬dmsht $375.223199d Chag‘*884-158§F' Cl\"1:‘3l:ndl (figment an an;\lfunl)h€‘; c 11' 8854 ell-lingin a. ointment RIDE “'3â€th from Bay‘le‘v and large lot 223-3630 elwls walk. Trenching and Excal/atins-’ ' ‘loaIéNFUR r00“1288148 4535 after 6 ’ ' LADY'S fur coat. muskrat.i 0° 5' ave name , a ‘ ' . .p? iMai-kham to Bayvlew and Law- ' ' Li N D0033 ,Summer Propertlesifr. A _ Wï¬pfllÂ¥mfl3 size 16. good condition. sell at 884‘9312- C1“13 and ImeI'VIe“ ‘lsil-ence leaving 8-30 am 384- ‘ c' 0' 889'_5228 i f . , 17â€"7â€"6; 6 MONTHS Storage, garage'fol. sheet hggboardkpanel'llmg. $4.95 cheap. 884-7728. cl\\'13 MAN to work on golf course. 7 CI.“ 13925. c2w13 TRAILERS ttc44itokT fï¬jaï¬iggemï¬vgn: aqzz’Ecar, 884-6479. c1w13 i Wee on . u . ‘ - _ l ' ‘ ' lâ€"_â€"â€"â€"-_â€"â€""â€"â€"'A. ’* L, . i a e 0 - " M y SPRUCE tree' 1, diameter: fun “me emplmment' 889333113zigï¬fg'gfgllsgge or pamctllaeéilyANTED Richmond Hill to. 303.5 DELIVERY 5“,va .5143. “caygg 2x4'5 46¢ each 39c mm lots. crabapple tree. 112 diameter. - - ' .Huy. 7‘ and Jane. Arriving 9 , U-HAUL, local and one-way, 889-5221 IEXCELLENT building low Du_ LOUGHLIN LUMBER Yonge & Scott Dr., Richvale. What Offers? 884-6880. c2w13 METAL Zippers - 15¢ each - ‘caretaking NIGHT watchman. with small job included. must ;Box 64 The Liberal. TYPIST. one day a week, Writ clwl e‘am. Leaving 5 pm. 884-7050. 3l c1w13 {Bob Donald's Esso, 9700 Yonge . St. 884-8011. tfc48 Local parcels and light carlageuclos Point, 45 miles from Rich_ th7 RICHMOND HILL RoorIN .. mond Hill. 884-2273. tfc50‘ SCHOOL Mrs. Munsey‘s Pro-School iimi. 339.1109 Many intelligent women know have some knowledge of horses. PERSON to drive four Children, TRAVELUX 17. a l u m i n u m G Y .1 , *_ _ c1w13 they can shop for less at: 369F999â€. 889:5897- 91“'13,to school from Aurora to Thorn- streamlined trailer. sleeps 4. 12 shingles - Flat Roofs llolf?céï¬Ã©gï¬a£§gï¬$ï¬gg waited. Vacancies. fall term. fter. RCA Victor Stereophonic high WYN-DOT WOMAN wanted to day care hill and to pick up after school. volt water. fan and light system, Eavestroughlng cellent. for c‘hudren well {reed noon. Supervisor T. Musey. fidelity combination radio THE LADIES SHOP for 3 schoolage children in my‘839_9469, clwl3i ‘shou'er, water heater. spaCE'Experienced workmanship. Free level building site '40 miles of Montessori diploma. 884-390, phonograph, in new condition BAYVIEW PLAZA home: also lady once weekly ford-OCVG man for position in ABOUT HORSE boarding. train-lovcn, refrigerator and electric estimates. All work guaranteed}waterway $395 dawn. 773-4352,I 1w13 $150- 889‘3896- *1W13 RICHMOND HILL! ONT. ironing some SGWlNSI 8150 Charllocal‘ofï¬ce' Grade 13 01- equhia- ing. lessons. 832-2636 or 832-'heater, air conditioning, stove.,884-8719, *2\\'13i ' tfcllji 2 HAIRDRESSERS' dryers. 2 chairs and a swivel chair. ex- cellent condition. $200. Com- bination TV and radio. $40. Call 889-3235 after 4 pill. c1w13 884-2214 c2wl3; 12 GAUGE unsung Belt'ac-i tion shot gun. excellent [4163. lady once monthly. 884-1045. 18m. some “ping an asset, In, “W†itiative and willingness to begin are requirements 5:30 pm - 10 pm. WOMAN required to come into girl daily. 889-2876 after 6 pm. c1wl31 I ,tO _ condi- home and look after 2 year Old‘most .tion. Needs new clip. 3‘25. 889-‘ c1w13] assume responsibility important Write Box 65 "The Liberal". *lwl 1513. c2w12 2 CHESTNUT geldings. both 7 _\Ts. old. Asking $700 for both or best offer. Will accept terms or trade. must sell. 884-2561. c2w12 a jbrakes. $3600. 889-6565. clwlS ,DELUXE tent trailer sleeps 6. sink. stove and other extras. $1200 - was $1695. used this ,summer only. 884-6754. LA‘WNMOWER SALES & SERVICE Rotary. and used parts stocked for all W makes and models, fast sen‘icc. inity Arnold Cres. Cl'il'13l reel. clwl3‘884-77l6. sharpening. ne ‘l J i ‘ FOUND \" _,_ g ,. 7 a collar. vic- 884-3254. ‘ c1w12 h’frlz‘kitten. fie MUSIC PLATTER SPIN DISCTOKET? SERVICE occasions. 884-2792 630- lfclz All 2250.