This is a good sale of good Quality tools and furniture. Terms Cash. Sale at 12 Noon Iharp. Moving to Ottawa. Ont. Alvin S. Farmer, Auct., Phone 887-5311. Number of lawn chairs, Hall tree, Record stand. Number of pictures, GE washing machine (good). Writing desk, Several bed lights and floor lamp, Table with drawer, Clothes hamper, Several good kitchen1 chairs, Venitian blinds, Book‘ shelves, 4'x8’ steel concrete mixing trough, Number of good crooks, l 10 gal. crock, Large quantity of good tools, Several motors, Vice, House jack, Bar- beque, Number of antique lan- terns. Antique iron pots, Spray- er, Antique dishes and orna- ments, 2 large block and tackle pulleys, Meat saw. About 200 feet of electric cord, Oil stove, About 10 hand saws, 2 or 3 good Pioneer chain saws, Quan- tity of nails and spikes, Large quantity of tools (not mechan- ical\. Aluminum ladder, Wood- en ladder, Several other lad- ders, quantity of lumber, Glass door, Jig saw and motor, small saw and motor, Firestone 4 hp. rototiller (like new), Rubber tire wheel barrow, Shingles. Cascade 40 water heater. Large quantity of spades and shovels. Many other art- icles not mentioned. Philco refrigerator, McClary- Easy 4 burner electric stove (good). 17" RCA TV (good), 2 ehesterfields in good condition, Oak sideboard, Small china cabinet, Kitchen table and chairs, space heater like new, Single bed mattress and spring, Electric heater (new), 3 dou- ble beds with springs and mat- tresses, Bed, dresser and chest of drawers, Antique dresser, Small stand, Singer sewing ma- chine, Hohner accordion in good condition, Small bench, pining room light and 4 mirrors, Piano stool, Ford vacuum cleaner, Large suit case. The North York Chapter has attracted a number of widowed, deserted. separated and divorc- ed parents from north of the Steeles Avenue border. and plans are underway for forma- tion of a new chapter in the Richmond Hill area. Central Chapter President, Ruby Den- nett, 118 Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill, reports that meetings have already taken place, and she is looking for people interested 1!! taking an active part in planning the new 1969 Ford 1 ton truck with hydraulic lift in good condition, 1966 Ford Fail‘lane 500 car in good condition. Above will be sold subject to reserve bid if not sold before sale day. chapter. EDISON DOAK It Lot 27. Con. 2. on Duflerin St" 1 mile north of Elgln Mills Road. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ‘ Philco refrigerator. MOClll‘y-‘ Easy Electric Stove, 17" RCA TV in good condition, 2 ches- terfields. Small china cabinet. Kitchen table and chairs. GE. washing machine, china glass- ware. Cooking utensils, 1969 Ford 'l‘on Truck with hydraulic lift, 1966 Ford Fairlane 500. Property of The North York Chepter’s monthly dance at the Legion Hall on Sheppard Avenue last Saturday drew a capacity crowd, with guests coming from chap- ters in Scarboro, Etobiooke, Mississauga and Toronto. Already there have been sev- eral events for parents and children. A number of single parents from the new chapter and their children joined with other from Metro area PWP groups for a week end of camp- ing at Boyd Park, Woodbridge, and many of the local adults wore abroad for a moonlight cruise of Lake Ontario on Sep- tember 11. North York Chapter of Par- ents Without Partners are start- ing their second season and will be meeting at 8 pm October 9 in St. George's Anglican Church, Yonge Street. Willow- dale. opposite Northtown Plaza, to elect officers for the 1970-71 year. The tour at Glen Haffy will commence at the south parking lot and proceed to the Glen Haffy extension known as “The Dingle". Hikers will be able to obtain a splendid vista of the entire countryside along the edge of the escarpment. On a clear day, one can see the build- ings in downtown Toronto. in addition to the special color tours, the authority has Single Parents Plan Richmond Hill Chapter Each tour will cover about 4-5 miles of countryside, and those taking part will have an oppor- tunity to walk amid the fall splendor of the outdoors, and also to capture on color film the beauty of the season. Glen Haffy is located in A1- bion Township, 1 mile south of Mono Mills and Highway 9. Glen Major is located about four miles east of the Village of Claremont on the Whitby- Pickering Townl'me, and about 1% miles north. « Care to take a walking tour scheduled its regular weekend "through an autumn wonderland hikes for Sunday only, as fol- this Sunday? lows: The Metro Conservation Auâ€" 0 Albion Hills â€"â€" Five miles thori’oy has arranged two fall north of Bolton, on Highway 50. color’tours through the beauti- at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. lul woodlands at the Glen Major . Boyd Area â€" Just north of forest and wildlife area and the Woodbridge, on the Woodbridge- Glen Haffy Conservation Area. Kleinburg Road at 2 pm and Each starts at 2 pm. 3:30 pm. Fall Color T our: Sunday I FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9 Stan WOOd had a narrow 88- September 27 when the family cape last ThUI‘SdaY evening arrived with a cake, chicken and when his house Was hit by light- salads to help celebrate Jack’s fling during the electrical storm. 67th birthday and the couple's This caused a fire which gutted 44th wedding anniversary. John the main hallway, blocking off and Jan Barton were also cele- the door as an exit. Stan escaped brating an anniversary. Also through a bedroom window. present were Bonnie, Douglas I hope I will be able to do and John, children of David and that and go for help when I am Jean Barton, Myra Jane and 75 years young. Betty Anne, children of Beth Andrew and Stan are staying and Dean Wilson. The annual turkey supper is planned for October 28. This year it will be served in a little different style. You will help yourself along the lines of a cafeteria. with takeout orders available. Nolghborhood Notes The Carrville United Church choir will resume practice 0c- tober 1 at 7:30 pm at the church. All young people are asked to come out for their first practice. Church News Carrville UCW will hold their October 7 meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Baker, 55 Star- light Crescent. Richmond Hill. Further information on these hikes may be obtained by con- tacting the authority offices at 889-5425. 3:30 pm. 0 Bruce’s Mill â€"â€" Two miles east of Don Mills Road on the Gormley Road, in Markham Township, at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. 0 Greenwood area â€" In Pick- ering Township, four miles north of Pickering Village on the Greenwood Road, at 2 pm. 0 Claremont Area â€" In Picker- ing Township, 1% miles north of Highway 7 on Sideroad 10 at 4:00 pm. There is no charge for the hikes, only the normal parking fee for cars. Further information on these hikes may be obtained by con- tacting the authority offices at ,ihold. Jean and Cummer Lee have ‘returned from a glorious holi- day in England, Scotland, Swe-i den, Denmark and Holland. In! England they visited Winchesâ€" 'ter which was the first capital of England and the Cathedral there, where King Alfred is buried is absolutely beautiful. They also toured London and Stratford - on - Avon and saw Shakespeare’s home and Ann Hathaway's cottage. They found the walled city of Carler parti- cularly nice and the winding roads and stone fences through- 'out the countryside make it very picturesque. scneauieo 1L3 regular hikes for Sunday only, as fol- lows: o Albion Hills â€"- Five miles north of Bolton, on Highway 50, at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. . Boyd Area â€" Just north of Woodbridge. on the Woodbridge- Kleinburg Road at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. 0 Bruce’s Mill â€" Two miles east of Don ‘Mills Road on the Gormley Road, in Markham Township, at 2 pm and 3:30 pm. 0 Greenwood area â€"â€" In Pick- WUCA‘T‘“ ’Neighborhood Notes The news this week is being written while a six-week-old collie pup bites my ankles with needle-sharp teeth, chews my slippers and leaves puddles of various sizes all over the floor. This 5 lb. mite is the latest ad- dition to the Dunleavy house- hold. Jean and Cummer Lee have returned from a glorious holi- day in England, Scotland, Swe-, den, Denmark and Holland. In England thev visited Winches- Glasgow and Edinburgh and ed before they could board the ‘saw both Edinburgh Castle and plane. Flying Westward home. Holyrood Palace, where the Jean and Cummer had the exâ€" Queen often has garden parties. perience of seeing the sun set Tivoli Gardens, the statue of 'tWice in one day, first over Eng- the Little Mermaid, Hans Chris- land and then over Iceland, tian Andersen‘s home and 8 Which was a lovely way to wind tour of Hamlet's Castle were alliup the.‘ trip. highlights of their time in Den- nda School classes mark. But perhaps the best part Hei‘éforg United Church was When they were inVited by resume at 11 o’cloek. October 4. their guide to have a Danish Marilyn Rumble is taking a Christmas Dinner at fouluyear course in “Library He had been away in; ChnStmas Techniques†at Senaca College. “me, 50 he aSRed hls parents to whit-h she is finding extremelv Ziebart has been in the rustproofing business since 1953. And although we've inspired imitators, we know that we’re the only ones who can keep our promise to protect your entire car from rust. How rust begins. 4. Keeping a car in a heated garage during the winter causes the car to rust even faster. This is becausethe ice that would normally remain frozen outside melts and the water seeps down into critical hollow areas. Washing your new car has the same seeping effect. Since rust starts from the inside of your car, it follows that in order to prevent rust, you must protect every critical hollow area with a chemical barrier that stops the moisture from getting to the metal. it's this exclusive chemical barrier that makes Ziebart the finest rustprooting anywhere. Some people are under the impression that keeping a car clean is the best way to keep it looking new and rust free. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is only one way to make sure your new car is protected from corrosion and rust. And that’s with Ziebart Anto 0Truck Rust- prooï¬ng. In order to appreciate the Zieban process. there are a few misconceptions about rust that must be cleared up. 1. Ali rust is caused by the reaction of air and moisture on metal. These are two things impossible to avoid. 2. The most dangerous rust starts on the inside of your car, in hidden seams, crevices and hollow areas. 3. Most people believe that salt is the major cause of rust. This is not so. Salt will not cause rust by itself, but it accelerates rust and will quicken the damage. Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves â€" Phone 884-2552 526 Can-ville Road 884-6474 †Keeping a new car new is more than inst a Saturday wash lob. 59 NEWKIRK RD. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE CARRVILLE NEWS 773-4022 â€"-v"“- I AUTO -TRUCK RUSTPROOFING Think of rust as a disease. Think of us as the cure. 889-0260 Sympathy of the community is extended to George Veitch and family in the passing of his father, David Veitch, in Bran- don, Florida. Mr. and Mrs Jack Barton of Bathurst Street were surprised September 27 when the family arrived with a cake, chicken and salads to help celebrate Jack’s 67th birthday and the couple’s The senior citizens of the Richvale district were happy to welcome back Harry Silk. Everyone is invited to attend the seniox‘s’ bazaar November 14, not the birthday part on October 14, which is for mem- bers only. with the Frank Purvas family next door until his house is back in order. Neighborhood Notes In Scotland they stopped at Ziebart keeps abreast of the new styling changes in every model. every year. We do this so we’ll know exactly where to protect on each car and so that we’ll be able to effectively service every type and model of car, no matter what the make. Rather than to sprayjust the bottom of your car, or to protect the areas easiest to get at, Ziebart coats every critical area of your car with our special rustproofing sealant that will not crack or peel. This is done with long nozzles that force the compound into every crack and seam by hydrostatic pressure. ln order to get at every critical area, Ziebart first drills small holes at strategic but inconspicuous spots around the car. Then the long pressure nozzles are inserted into the holes to spray every crack and seam. The Ziebart sealant is a special patented formula developed by us. It is chemically adhesive to metal, liquid enough to seep into the seams and crevices, remains pliable for permanent protection, is an insulator, will withstand dirt, water and salt and will never harm plastic, rubber. glass, paint or upholstery. How Ziebart does it. Headford 6': District News The mast dangerqus rust begms in the hidden, boxed in areas of your car. ThIs diagram shows cross Section of a door and rocker panel being attacked by rust. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY â€" Phone 884-3035 A great deal of their time in Sweden was spent in learning about the co-ops there. In that country there are many co-ops such as housing, mills, banks and stores. Their last stop was Amster- dam and because of the.high- jacking of planes, all the pase sengers were thoroughly search- have Christmas when he was back in Denmark with the tour. Yonge at Elgin Mills TOMPKINS CHRYSLER a DODGE LTD. ON DISPLAY AT “§’<\ “ pe ‘ B e†However, the heavy rains last week did cause a great deal of trouble for the Elmer Leek family. Part of the east wall of the basement of their new home On Saturday evening the Headford Ladies' Baseball team had a corn roast at the home of Captain Anne Clark. In spite of a little rain it was a very suc- cessful evening. Marilyn Rumble is taking a four-year course in “Library Techhiques†at Senaca College, which she is finding extremely enjoyable. Vâ€".. ...._, -- .. ""- ! Church News On Sunday morning the con- gregation of Victoria Square United Church helped the Head- ford United to celebrate its 90111 anniversary. The guest speaker was the Rev. John Hunter of which she is finding extremely AW?†Umted Chum" and .the enjoyable. lchou‘ sang 3w? hyrgns especial- On Saturday evenin the y prepare or e occasmn Hoafltnvâ€"A T.nflinc' Racial-ml? ham-n “Unto Thee. and “Peterâ€. up the; trip. Sunday school classes at Headford United Church willi resume at 11 o’cloek. October 4.| Marilyn Rumble is taking a four-year course in “Library Techniques†at Senaca College. AM this care and concern with the quaiity of the rustprooflng job we do makes it possible for Ziebart to guarantee that your car We†not trust through for 10 years, no matter how many miles you put on it, if you have it Ziebarted before it is driven 3,000 miles. What Ziebarting can mean. As we" as giving you the opportunity to drive a new looking car for a lot longer than you thought you could, Ziebart can make your car safer. Although you can’t see it, rust on a three- or four-year-old car has already begun to eat away at vital mechanical parts. A th ree-year- old hydraulic braking system can faH when weakened by rust. The Ziebart process takes a fun day or more, admittedly longer than most “rust- proofers†because we do the job properly. The benefits of the Ziebart process are not only cosmetic. Another thought to consider is trade-in value. A car that has been Ziebarted and is in mint body condition can mean quite a few more dollars towards that new car tour our five years from now. Many men give the car to their wives when it’s three or four years old. If the car has not been rustproofed, it could very well be a deathtrap because of the rust that’s been accumulating since it was bought. Give Ziebart a can. Richmond Hill In the evening, there was a short service. then Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jenkinson shOWed slides taken on their recent trip to Oberammergau. Austria and told the story of the Passion Play there. Refreshments were serv~ ed which ended a very busy day at Headford United. Markham Rd. collapsed when the ground he- came saturated. Fortunately, the house abdve was undamaged and with a little luck and some dry weather, everything will soon be back in shape. Elgin Mills Rd Crosby Ave. Centre St. ADVANCE POLL An Advance Poll will be held in the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North on Friday, October 2nd, 1970 between the hours of 4:00 PM. and 10:00 PM. and on Saturday, October 3rd between the hours of 10:00 AM. and 5 :00 RM. Ward 6 Polling Subdivision No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Hwoodlmwlnwmpâ€"a Ward 5 Polling Subdivision No. 1 Ward 4 Polling Subdivision No. No. No. No. IBWIOH Ward 3 Polling Subdivision 2 o dampww Ward 2 Polling Subdivision No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 5 No. York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Malcolm Talbot Peake Francis C. Robinson John F. Taylor The place of polling in the several subdivisions shall be as follows! Ward 1 Polling Subdivision No. 1 Municipal Hall No. 2 Beverley Acres Public School No. 3, Beverley Acres Public School No. 4 Beverley Acres Public School No. 5 Beverley Acres Public School Ward 6 L1 York County Board of Education VOTING WILL BE HELD IN THE The following is a list of 1 Regional and Local Council Councillors - Ward 1 FROM 10:00 AM. TO 7:00 PM. TO ELECT PERSONS FOR THE FOLLOWING OFFICES Mayor, Two Councillors for the combined office of Regional and Local Council, Six Councillors (One Councillor for each of the said Wards of The Municipality), Three Members for the York County Board of Education and Three Trustees for the York County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Mayor Monday, October 51h, I910 Shir! Service IN BY 10 â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FREE PICK~UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Phone Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Same Day THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario IN BY 10 â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY 'I‘O SATURDAY ELECTIONS Ward 5 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 2 Charles Howitt Public School Charles Howitt Public School Charles Howitt Public School Charles Howitt Public School Charles Howitt Public School Richvale Lions Community H Richvale Lions Community H Ross Doan Public School - 1( Ross Doan Public School - 1( Ross Doan Public School - 1( Town of Richmond Hill Charles Charles Lillian McConaghy Public School Lillian McConaghy Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School 16th Avenue Public School 16th Avenue Public School Oak Ridges Public School , Oak Ridges Public School Sunset Beach Pavilion, Bayview Ave., Lake Wilcox Residence of Whitney Johnson - Gormley Rd. & Station Rd., ’Gormley Residence of Whitney Johnson - Gormley Rd. & Station Rd., Gormley MacKillop Public School MacKillop Public School Municipal Hall Lillian McConaghy Public School Pleasantville Public School St. John’s Baptist Church - 75 Oxford St. Seventh Day Adventist Church ‘ Elgin Mills Road West Lillian McConaghy Public School Crosby Avenue Public School Walter Scott Public School Walter Scott Public School Crosby Avenue Public School Municipal Hall Beverley Acres Beverley Acres Beverley Acres Beverley Acres candidates who have qualified to be elected to the respective offices. r “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†Lois Hancey Shaun Beggs Robert Thompson Stewart William Bell C. David Smith Louis Wainwright m Warren R. Bailie Robert G. Houghton Deena Simpson David Schiller Donald G. Plaxton Gordon L. Rowe Andy J. Chateauvert Eric George William C. Lazenby John Stifel 6 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL ON Public Public Public Public R. Lynett, Returning Officer School School School School Thursd‘ 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. 30 Pearson Ave. 01 - 30 Pearson Ave. 01 - 3O Pearson Ave. Hall - 31 Spruce Ave. Hall â€" 31 Spruce Ave. 101 Weldrick Road 101 Weldrick Road 101 Weldrick Road 0 ._‘ Ill 884-2162 Oct. 1, 1970