Firemen were called last week to revive 3 Bradford wo- man who won $50 at bingo at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Yonge Street North, in Richmond Hill. Still in intensive care re- coverning from a heart attack at York Central Hospital at press time was Miss Helen Bantam, proprietor of the Helen Bantam Store, 29 Holland West, Bradford. Also in York Central Hospi- tal after a Vaughan Fire De- partment resuscitator call at 5:56 pm October 3 is Edward Kersey of 14 Jackson Avenue, Maple. Mr. Kersey is undergo ing tests. Hill Firemen Have Quiet Week Answer Two Calls For Resuscitator She was taken ill just as she was receiving her winnings at about 9:20 pm September 29. Except for these two resus- citator calls, local firemen had just about their quietest week FINALLY Finally, former well known Pro Goalie Ivan Walmsley of 426 Lynett Crescent. Richmond Hill, scored a 172-yard hole-in-one at the Summit Golf and Country Club at Jefferson the other dav. Ivan is currently the netminder for the NHL Old- Timers. And, for all you people who shoot and like to eat turkeys. The Oak Ridges Lions Club is holding its annual turkey shoot this Saturday at Mitchell’s Farm on Yonge Street, 100 yards south of the South Lake Road on the east side. Proceeds will go toward various Lions communitv projects. Bert Wallace is in charge of the shoot. COACHES’ CLINIC Still on hockey. An Ontario Hockey Associa- tion sponsored clinic for coaches. managers and trainers will be held October 31 in the Aurora Mem- orial Arena. Among those handling the clinic will be Coaches Gerry Forler of the Kitchener Junior “A’s†and Roger Neilson of the Peterborough Petes to name just a few. Man in charge overall is Bob Nadin who is a senior referee with the OHA. Cost is $6 which will include a luncheon and receipt of a 150 page manual. Sounds like an ideal set-up for local minor hockey coaches and managers. There’s such a clinic in Kitchener and it’s proven to be quite a success. Steve Addley‘, Larry Kellett and Colin Wood. Bellevance was a standout in the Rams’ 8-5 loss Tuesday night of last week to Aurora Tigers in their first exhibition game of the current season. Bellevance, by the way, logged a lot of time and came up with three assists. Also outstanding“ in a losing cause was Daryl Rice who scored twice. Bellevance, if he sticks sizeable loss for the Rams. Sport S'pals... FOR‘FUN 3. HEALTH‘ 4M? \ i\- Ladies’ Afternoon I Amalie: with FREE THANKSGIVING SWIM PARTY AT SLATER'S POOL 447 Markham Rd. Why not bring the family out for a FREE SWIM on Thanksgiving Day, October 12? At this time we will be introducing a new member- ship plan that will entitle members to use the pool during any of our regular public swimming hours until December 31, 1970. Further registrations will be accepted at Slater’s Pool on October 11, 12 & 13 Red Cross Beginner to Senior Classes on Saturday Mornings (starts Oct. 17) Adult Beginners and Advanced Classes on Saturday Mornings or Tuesday Evenings (starts Oct. 6) Red Cross Leader and R.L.S.S. Bronze on Tuesday Evenings (starts Oct. 6) Whitchurch Recreation Swimming Lessons THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1970 Friday Night, 7:30 - 10 pm. Saturday Afternoon 1:30 - 4:30 pm. Sunday Afternoon 1:30 - 4:30 pm. For further information call 727-9419 from 8 am. - 5 pm. only (Just off Don Mills Rd. at Vandorf) Adults $1.00 - Students 50c Children under 12 - 25c PUBLIC SWIMMING HOURS (Continued from Page 11) am Rd. â€" Richmond Hill After 7 pm. â€" 884-5511 TURKEY SHOOT CALL ALLENCOURT LANES Vaughan Firemen October 2 at 8:32 am were called to 125 John Street, Thornhill, the home of Joe Paznick, when a truck fire was reported. of 1970 so far Town firemen had no other calls. The hoist had broken on a cartage truck and oil was spilled on the truck muffler. But there was no damage. A tree branch broke a hydro wire on Maple Avenue in Jef- ferson September 28 at 6 pm. Vaughan Firemen were called and stood by until the break was repaired. Vaughan Firemen October 3 at 1:41 am received a report through the North York Fire Department that an oil tank truck was burning at Yonge Street and Highway 7. But this ‘proved to be a false alarm. Ladies’ Afternoon Leagues with Supervised Nursery Mixed Evening Leagues with London, will be a However . . . The car went gradually off on the west shoulder, then kept going further off the road and hit a tree. Markham Town- ship Police said. A Pickering man died in David Collins had a head cut Markham Township while a about six inches long that re- crossing guard and child were quired a total of 60 stitches in injured in Richmond Hill last three layers at York Central week in motor vehicle acci- Hospital. dents. He is the son of Len Collins. Garnet Littlejohn. 68, was Apartment 203 at 170 Bayview dead on arrival October 2 at Avenue South, Richmo Hill. Centenary HOSpital. . David was pushing bicy- H15 1969 model car went offlcle along a crosswalk hen he the road at about 5:50 pm on was hit. the Markham-Pickering Town: Drive,- of the car was Dong The crossing guard was in- jured at Markham Road and Yonge Street, where Highway 11 traffic is being detoured east to Bayview Avenue around ex- tensive construction work. The car was southbound on Yonge and was making a left turn onto Markham Road. town police said. “I think so iething should be done about hat corner. It is very bad," crossing guard Haw- 1'yliw told "The Liberal†after her accident. Mrs. Hawryliw is a registered nurse and house- wife who undertook the cross- ing guard duties because no- body else could be found to ‘do it. Advertisements were iunsuccesful and a plea was ;sent home to parents from the \school. Police Accident Report Richmond Hill school crossing guard Mrs. Olga Hawryliw, 30, of 52 Markham Road, Friday at about 8:30 am was knocked down by a car driven by Geof- frey Parker, 37, of 394 Osiris Drive. Mrs. Hawryliw was taken to York Central Hospital where she had six stitches in a head cut. She was also treated for bruises to her hip. Mrs. Hawryliw says she does- n’t think the traffic lights are adequate at Yongr. Street and Markham Road now. She says many vehicles are turning on the detour. GO transit buses are now turning the corner, and increased numbers of tan- dem gravel trucks from Maple are competing with the cars. Damage was estimated at $2,500. A local coroner is to be appointed and whether or not there will be an inquest won't be known until then, police said. A policeman has been direct- Ving traffic at the corner during school hours, and Mrs. Hawry- ilw doesn’t know whether she will be going back on duty or not. His 1969 model car went ofllcle along a cm the road at about 5:50 pm on was hit. the Markham-Pickering T0\vn-‘ Driver of m line, about two miles south of 185 Collier. 19 Highway 47. Street. Richmo An 11-year-old schoolboy was struck down by a car at 5.40 pm September 29 at Bay- view Avenue and Markham Road. The duck hunting season op- ened with a flourish September 26 in York County with fore- casts pointing to one of the most productive kills in 20 years. Crossing Guard Injured In Opening day was termed a "very successful one," by De- partment of Lands and Forests officials at Maple although re- sults won’t be available for a few weeks. Duck Hunting Season Opens In York County Favorite hunting areas in the county are centred around Cook’s Bay and the Holland Marsh. 15 The season closes December Tuesdays are Dinner Days flmï¬â€™s DAVE! Jonas Fish & Chips FOR ONLY 49 CENTS EACH Next Tuesday you can take home as many delicious Davey Jones fish and chip dinners as you woni. 187 YONGE 51. N. PHONE1884-9291 A broken collarbone, glass cuts and bruises were suffered by Mrs. Anne Davidse of 196 Dew Street, King City, in a three-car accident October 2 at Bathurst Street and Maple Road. Mrs. Davidse was treated at York Central Hospital and is now recoVering at home. HOW recovering al, uumc. ! Her car had an estimated TOWN OF MARKHAM - The $500 damageY according to historical museum has finally Vaughan Township Police. received its long awaited log The car driven by Joe Hilber- cabin. Mayor Alma Walker and dink of Mississauga had about Historian John Luuau led the $20 damage and the car driven parade as the 125-year-old struc- by Gabriel Alich of Aurora had ture was moved to its perman- an estimated $250 damage, ent site. They rode in the town’s police said. old Rugby fire_engine. Cars driven by Michael Dud- er of 141 Centre Street, Thorn- hill, and Paul Dove of Paper- binch Drive, Don Mills, escaped damage October 3 in a three- car collision on Bathurst Street opposite the Villa Hospital in Vaughan Township. There was an estimated $300 dam-age October 3 to a car driven by Mabel Carter of Fon- tenay Court, Islington, in a collision on Steele’s Avenue West near Bathurst Street. Police estimated the damage to the third car driven by Maxwell Bloom of Goldfinch Court, Willowdale, at $600. RHupHuS talks about SPORTS By CINDY McALISTER This is the first of many (I hope) columns about the fantastic achievements of the athletic depart- ment at Richmond Hill High School. We, the stud- ents, are guided through our strenuous activities by four marvellous teachers: Mrs. Bonnie Parkhill, Miss Laima Vaiceliunas, Mr. Don Fleming and Mr. Jim Muir. Boys’ interschool activities also involve q --.- u-.. _ ed a few other teachers outside the department who voluntarily give up their spare time to help out the teams. As anyone knows who has been lucky enough to attend RHHS, the inter-school program is not all we offer. For those who do not wish to compete on the inter-school level, the Athletic Council convenes intramural sports. Each of the students in the school belongs to one of the four houses: Stewart, Richmond, Mills or Harrison. Each time a student enters a sport, he acquires points for his house. The players compete in team sports according to their houses. At the closing of the school year, the house with the most points is declared the champion. "4-... um... .-.v~.. r-_..,-~ we V The intramural program had a Splashy begin- ning this year with the swim meet. The champions were as follows: Junior Girls â€" Cara Welsh, Richmond House Junior Boys -â€" Randy Diddams, Stewart House Senior Girls â€"â€" Mary Lamb, Stewart House Senior Boys â€" Mark Griffiths, Harrison House Stewart House, besides holding two of the individual champions, also swept all the relays, which all helped it to become the winning house. The (others in order, were: Harrison, Mills and Rich- mon . Now to let you in on the happenings of our tremendous inter-school teams. Football seems to be foremost on everyone’s mind right at the mom- ent. We’re not too far into the season as yet so the Seniors have played Only Langstaff and Thornhill. Despite numerous injuries, we wiped Langstaff with a. score of 20 to 0. Unfortunately, their losses be- came evident when Thornhill defeated them last Friday night. Chris Campbell, left guard on the offense, had this to say of the team, “We’re Small, but a high-spirited team,†Both boys and girls have joined our cross- country team. They ran Wednesday of last week and did very well, particularly in the girls’ races- Enthusiasm is running high in the school this year with hopes for both our intramural program and our interschool teams. With help from everY- bpdy. this could be the greatest year in RHHS history! The other car was driven by Right at the moment, the boys are engaged in soccer. The girls, anxious not to be left behind by their mighty men, are starting touch football. To enlighten their ignorant minds, male coaches may be necessary! Our junior football team was well-described by John Barnett, right half-back on the offense. He said the team was “inexperienced, but gaining mom- entum with much desire.†They have lost both to Langstaff and to Thornhill, but aft-er watching them I know they never stop trying. ' ~ Some boys not involved in football, enjoy plaY- ing on the school’s soccer team. The team this Year has not been completely successful, but has improved of late. They seem to have better games with the cheerleaders and school support behind them. It would appear the girls’ volleyball teams are having the best luck in the school. Both the junlor and senior teams are tied with another school for the top place in the zone. With just three matches left in the regular season, the standings show a tight race. Work has begun on forming the Grade 9 girls, volleyball team. The team should have a gOOd Chance at the tournament as there is a high ability level this year. Richmond Hill was hurt at this spot, there was a two-car accident in which one driver was charged. In anothei‘ accident Friday at 1:30 pm on Yonge Street at Markham Road, only a few hours after the crossing guard was hurt at this spot, there was Irving Gold of Bathurst Streeit, Toronto, and had damage estl- mated at only $20 The other driver was Bernard Bosch of 25 Cougar Crescent, Apartment 603, Scarboro. Police estimated total dam- age in the accident at $150. The collision took place where the two northbound lanes of Yonge Street narrow into one He had facial cuts and a sore back. Damage to his 1982 model car was estimated at $150, Markham Township Police said. STOUFFVILLE â€"â€" John Wak- ins recently got a hole-in-one at the Summit Golf and County Club. north of Richmond Hill, the first in his 30 years of golf- ing. The “ace†came on the 15th hole, a distance of 165 Yards. He used a six iron and has three witnesses to prOve his feat. NEWMARKET â€" 17-year-old Jim Cowell has signed with the Ottawa 67’s Junior A Hockey Club following a two week try- out. He will be playing regular- ly as a centre this' season with the Ontario Champion Junior “C†Redmen last year he scored 23 goals and 17 assists. a.mumunnmmummqulu“nuImummmuunmmuuummmummunuummunuluunxnmumuuumuuu\uuuu\uluunmumum\\\l1\1uuul\\u\\\u\\u\u\\mm\uumuuumuuulnm\mum“lmluu“mummmuu\\\uumumummuuuunuummumuuummuu‘ The Fowl Liners and the Little Beavers are tied for first place with 12 points apiece fol- lowing the second night of the first series. Trailing are the Mushrooms and the Go-Getters with seven points apiece. There were some excellent individual scores racked up by both women and men partici- pants. 232), Don Garry Palmer led the way‘ with a high triple of 905 last week which included a 384 single. He was followed by Si Rizen with 858, Tim Saul 849, Bob Weeks 832, Jim Davidson 799, Jack Hill 795 and Mike Parrett 794. It was doubleheader week as Allencourt Lanes picked up all 14 points followed by All- encour’r, Barber Shop and Man- ufacturers Life with 12 points, Richmond Hill Credit Union with 9, Bartlett Real Estate and Superior Propane 7, Regal Auto Body 5, and Bill Best Tire, Don Mills Truck Sales and Bob’s Delivery Service 4. Tompkins 8 and Kinnear Pontiac 2. High average sees Henry Knuckey leading with 274 fol- lowed by Rizun with 271, Tim Saul 270, Al Richardson 264, Dave Webster 261, Gord Dunn 250, and Gary Palmer 249. Standings: Allencourt Lanes, 28, Allencourt Barber Shop 28, Richmond Hill Credit Union 27, Manufacturers Life 23, Bob’s I Joining Dr. Pimlott on the committee will be: Dr. David Fowle, Biologist at York University and Harry Lumsden, supervisor of upland game research for the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests. Forms to be used in applying for the grant have been distri- ibuted to Ontario universities and can also be obtained from Ithe federation head office in ‘Richmond Hill at 15 Yonge St. lNorth. Dr. Pimlott lives at 65 Cen- tre Street West. A grant of $1,000 for the re- search has been made available to biologists and graduate bio]- ogy students by The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. A Richmond Hill resident, Dr. Douglas Pimlott, biologist at the University of Toronto, has been named to a committee to do research on Ontario's upland game. Name Hill Resident Game Research Body The grant may be in aid of research work that is presently being carried out, Donating the grant will be an Ontario brewery. “The results of this re- search will benefit Ontario hunters,†said Doug Corbridge, president of the federation, “as we feel there is a need for more study of the management required to increase the popu- lations of wildlife species such as the Ruffled Grouse.†,r “If they wouldrather discuss their difficul- jobs.†‘ runnumni\\\m\11lmun“uuuummmmuIulummmummumnuum\umuuuummmIumIumlmm\qummmuuImuumuuuuumm“mm\I\unuuuuuuuuu\‘nu“mummml\u1mmuiImummuuumunmum\mllulnumllmuummuuuuumtlmmummnumm‘ Increased Hockey Fees Prohibitive Should Minor Hockey Be Subsidized? Should the operation of the Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Association be subsidized by town council? This was the question posed by Coun- cillor Lois Hancey at the September 28 council meeting. “I know it’s too late for this year, but from the number of phone calls I have received recently, I feel that we should give the question some thought,†she stated. “Concerned parents have asked me to see if there is anything that can be done to keep the fees charged for participation in minor hockey at a more reasonable level. They claim that children from lower to average income fam- ilies can not afford the $16 per season and 30c per game charged.†“The association runs a $40,000 to $50,000 operation each season and asks no help from the taxpayers.†Mayor William Lazenby pointed out. “Actully the people who should be complaining, aren’t. They are making whatever sacrifices are necessary so their sons can play hockey. They work it out somehow, and enjoy it.†The mayor later cautioned that subsidization of the youngsters could lead to a demand for pay for the volunteer workers,†because John Doe down the street is not willing to do his bit.’f -“The hockey associatioï¬ hasn’t turned any boy away because he couldn’t afford the fees,†Councillor Shaun Beggs reported. _ m‘gBrurt Some pargrfts w‘on’t ask for charity,†countered Mrs. Hancey. “They would rather deprive their boys of hockey than apply for this help.†7 u ABC BOWLING ALLENCOURT MEN’S MAJORS Delivery Service 19, Superior Propane 16, Don Mills Truck Sales 14, Bartlett Real Estate 14, Regal Auto Body 14, Bill Best Tire Sales 13, Tompkins 10, Kinnear Pontiac 4. BOWLING 3 RESULTS For Your Convenience RICHMOND HILL OCTOBER SPECIALS 281 YONGE ST. N. TEXACO ANTI-FREEZE SPECIAL! Reg- WE'REKT TILDEN CARS and TRUCKS c ties with me, confidentially, I will be glad to listen to their problems and will pass the infor- mation on,†volunteered the mayor. However, the mayor pointed out that a seven- year-old boy had collected enough money a year ago from retrieving refundable pop bottles and turning them in to buy himself a $50 bicycle. "It took him only three or four months. My plaza is littered with bottles every day, which are broken by youngsters as young as five years, rather than return them. I see enough pop bottles around to pay the hockey fees of several boys, but nobody, child or adult, is sufficiently ambit- ious to take advantage of the opportunity to raise a considerable amount of money. They have to show some initiative. If kids want hockey badly enough they’ll earn the money.†The mayor went on to éstimate that the minimum subsidy could well be $10,000 with a top of $20,000 required: “I sympathize with the association,†stated Councillor Beggs. “It tries to give as many boys as possible practice time and hockey time. But they are up against the same lethargy of parents as is evident in this election. Practice time used to be at 6 am, when ice time cost $12. but because of lack of co-operation of parents prime time, (at 6 pm) which costs $30 an hour has to be used for practices. If people want these luxuries they have to be prepared to pay forAthem.â€__ “I hav'e 5. son in§7017ved,†contributed Mrs. Hancey, “and I know the costs. But my son earns his fees by caddying and doing other odd jobs.†RICHMOND HILL RACQUET CLUB 884-lll7 FREE Pumpkin Limited Memberships Available WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE OF GAS flame SNOW TIRE SPECIAL! I wish to take this opportunity to thank the people of Ward 1 for their support and appreciate the opportunity given me to serve you and our municipality. (AT TRAYBORN) RICHMOND HILL 7.00/13 F78/14 G78/14 H78 My sincere thanks for electing me as your mayor for the term of the next two years. I shall do everything in my power to justify that confidence. TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD I ~ COME OUT AND PLAY SQUASH -â€" CALL III7 Evenings 884-3746 ELECTORS OF KING REGION (While Supply Lasts) $3.49 TEXACO SERVICE Andy Chateauvert . COUNCILLOR-ELECT WARD 1 Ken M acTaggart MAYOR-ELECT Reg. Reg. leg. {eg‘ $29.45 $34.75 $88.90 $42.50 NOW $22.25 NOW $26.50 NOW $27.50 NOW $28.75 M Models All 1970