Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1970, p. 8

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HOUSE - PRIVATE 5% mortgage, please call. 884-9395. c2w15 6 ROOM ranch type bungalow, 2 car garage, sun porch, cathe- dral type construction, 12’ high stone fireplace. full basement, hot water heating with oil. In- spection by appointment only. 889-0350. tics NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. REALTORS 889-6241 RICHMOND HILL From 12 pm. - 6 pm. Saturday and Sunday. 2 locations â€" Corner of Church & Elmwood -â€" St. Anthony’s Court off Rumble Avenue. $35,900 and up â€" ranch bungalows, split-leveIS, 1 and 2 car garages, family rooms, open fire- places, some with immediate possession. .Trade- ins accepted. CALL Salesmen 8. Salesladies Needed FOR OUR 1970-71 expansion program in residentia1,_land and commercial activities. Specialized training and assistance. North End Office, 8242 Yonge Street. Mr. W. Sacks, F.R.I., Manager. 889-7771. THE EIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 8, 1970 There's N9 Pla our an _flqmg the- PRIVATE nigh 3 bedroom brick semi in New- .ent, market. Newly decorated, kit- Inâ€" cnen renovated. Carries $119 mly. monthly P.I.'1‘. Call after 6 om. tfc6 895-3786. tfclO 2 REG’D', building lots 80’ x 310' north of Newmarket, close to school and G0 bus. 884-8523 after 5 pm. c3w13 $2,000.00 Down $10,900. Oak Ridges. Com- fortable 2 bedroom bunga- low, carries $95. monthly in- cluding taxes. Mr. Crowhher. $32,900. Beautiful bungalow‘ with attached garage, extra large master bedroom, broadloomed living room, custom finished recreation room and den. Don’t buy a home until you have seen this one. Mrs. Edwards. CARLISLE 28 Yonge St. S. 889-7381 773- A beautiful property plus elegant two storey brick home situated on the fork of two rivers. Offers a Well planned kitchen with extra dining area, five bedrooms with bath upstairs. Hip roof barn. water and hydro in- stalled. Property has to be seen to be appreciated. 25 delightful acres. Large crystal clear pond. Prop- erty is innundated \fith springs. Truly a spectacu- lar site for an estate home. Good financing available. W. R. CASE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora Toronto Aurora 889-8654 727-4288 AIRPORT ROAD - HWY. 9 PALMER AVENUE REALTOR LTD. PHOTO M.L.S. 884-7751 773-4335 HOW MUCH SHOULD A REALTOR KNOW? Member of Toronto and York County Real Estate Boards CALLING ALL ANTIQUE LOVERS 14 room older style brick home. Gormley area. Approximately 1 acre of land. BEN THOMPSON WEST SIDE EXCLUSIVE Seven room rug brick side split. Three bedrooms plus family room, two baths. Just steps to shopping. MARY CARMICHAEL RICHMOND HILL Bayview - 60 Ft. Lot $26,900. Dutch clean. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, Hollywood kitchen 15’x 11’, rec. room, steps to plaza, Metro bus, all schools. Mr. Windsor, 889-8181. $3,000. DOWN Solid brick bungalow. 4 bedrooms. Patio front and rear. Lot well landscaped. Located in Rich- mond Hill. Must be seen. GARTH PALMER Two bedroom home comfortably situated on a lovely, quiet street. Only $6,000 down. ----,..... -â€"-:"' Harry Sadler. F.R.I. Broadly speaking, there is no limit to the store of facts about his community that a capable Realtor needs in order to serve his clients most effectively. vileâ€"mitt, bier bn top of zoning laws, bothrcurrent and those pending. These laws directly affect the use and therefore the value of real estate. He must have knowledge of proposed subdivisions, new building codes and health regulations. He should be the first to know of new industries coming into the com- munity, new schools to be built; and he should possess a basic knowledge of real estate law and property tax laws. Such information is gained by constantly talking to community officials concerned with the making of such changes, attendance at planning and council meetings where they are being debated and by studying zoning maps. The most valuable service a Realtor can render his client â€" either buyer or seller -â€" is counsel on the wisest move to make in the light of such information. This is not simply to avoid a bad move, but to take advantage of opportunities that a property offers which may lay hidden from less knowledgeable eyes. See you. next week. WANT ACTION? CALL KEFFER 889-8181 REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER 889-5651 - 884-2377 - 773-4391 mum“mumummuuuummuuumumumuummummmumu“mummuuumumuu\\lumulmmmmmuumu PRESTIGE LIVING Between Steeles & No. 7 Highway East of Yonge off Bay Thorn Drive mam\uuuuunumnmuux\uu1l111n1u\m\muuummuuu1mu“m1\\umuummmmmummmmmuum“mum! EXTRA LARGE I-2-3-Bedroom Suites WEEK DAYS 12-9 P.M. â€" WEEKENDS 12-6 P.M. Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. Thornhill Terrace FEATURING “The ultimate in apartment living" Schools -â€" Plaza -â€" Transpdrtation Close By This Week’s Specials! RESIDENTIAL WEST SIDE Built by New Style Construction Members of York County, Ontario & Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK Come now for best choice REASONABLE RENTS ESCAPE 889-2234 at the to RICHMOND HILL Neat and trim, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, nicely finished rec. room 35’x 101/2’, paved drive and garage. priced right. First time advertised. Close to schools and shopping. Call Mr. Hoover, 889-8181. HUGH KERR COUNTRY CLUB SETTING $79,900.00. Just a few minutes north of Metro surrounded by golf course, flowing stream and pond. Beautifully landscaped, 1 acre complete with children’s play house. 5 bedrooms, full bath ensuite to the master, family room, billiard room, ultra-modern kitchen, centrally air- :onditioned, broadloom, dishwasher, water soft- ener and more. Exceptionally good financing and flexible possession. Call Mr. Sacks, 889-7771. $36,900. - FLEXIBLE DOWN PAYMENT 3 bedrooms, house in excellent condition and spic and span clean. Recreation room. attached gar- age, walking distance of anything you would need. Inspect and you will see for yourself. Jack Madden, 889-7771. ATTENTION! MAPLE AN YONE ? It’s as well kept as a new home. It’s neat. sweet, complete. A feeling of space and good living. Large living room with fireplace, modern kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, all kinds of extras. Asking price $37,900.00. Call Chris Crecelius, 889-7771. Serving Willowdale, Thornhill and Richmond Hill c ) Members of York County /l""“lf'”; Toronto Real Estate Board V‘fhornhill Office 8242 Yonge 88 9 -7 771 uunuu‘u u. “v A... 65x250 ft, 10 big pine trees. Buy now for spring building. Asking‘ $7,500.00 each. Call _ Bob Bartlett. PROPERTIES NORTH of METRO 884-8820 or 884-9231 Let Us Sell Yours Free Estimates No Obligation Owning your own home gives you security, stability, 3. growing- equity and a lasting sense of prlde and accomplishment. Check the many homes for sale on today's Liberal Real Estate Page The day you purchase your own home is a day you will never forget Rancher bungalow, west side Richmond Hill, 10- :ated in mature sur- roundings, terrific con- dition throughout, com- pleted basement. garage. 333,900. Della Serra. 889-9330 - 727-3442 REDUCED $3,000.00 IF OUR SIGN IS ON YOUR LAWN â€" HURRY HOME â€" YOU’RE MOVING! 7724 Yo‘nge St. Thornhill t'z ACRE PLUS HOME Gormley area, ranch style bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, living room with fireplace, plus separate 2 bedroom apartment rented for $145.00 mon- thly. Terrific financing. Mrs. Ladkin. VAUGHAN TWP. Horse farm. riding school or training centre, 25 acres, indoor arena, oarns. 31 box stalls, good 7 room home, near Maple. $142,500. Terms Mrs. Henderson. LOVELY BUILDING LOT $5,900 or near offer buys choice residential lot in Queensville. This is a good buy. Harry Seston, 389-9330 or 727-3442. REDUCED!!! KING TOWNSHIP 100 acres of scenic roll- ing land, 6 room house, barn suitable for horses plus other buildings and spring fed, pond. $125,- obo v’vith $40,000. down. Cora Gillham. THORNHILL $40,900 executive bun- galow, separate dining room, sunken living room, fully broadloomed, open fireplace, 3 bedâ€" rooms, double garage, paved drive, fully fenc- ed, good mortgage, many extras. Phyllis Hawkes. 889-9330. RESIDENTIAL QUEENSVILLE 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, family kitchen, pav- ed drive, finished rec. room With stone fire- place, broadloom, many extras. Asking $27,000. Mrs. C. Ladkin, 889- 9330 $5,900. choice building lot suitable for walk-out basement. Must sell â€"â€" make an offer. Harry Seston, 889-9330. BAYVIEW - HWY. 7 $36,500. Detached back split, extra large lot, $17,000 mortgage at 7%, tremendous occasion for a y 0 un g family. Mr. Franki, 889-9330. 884-2822 NEWMARKET BARGAIN $23,900. ,3 bedroom solid brick detached bungalow, close to schools and shop- ping. Your down payment considered. Call Mr. Clarke. RICHMOND HILL $32,900 4 bedroom family home on large lot with mature trees. west of Yonge St., 2 car gar- age, family room, sun room, heated swimming pool. Ex- cellent financing. Call Mr. May. Lovely 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow on extra large lot. carport, paved drive, 6% NHA mortgage carries $113.00 monthly in- cluding taxes. Call Mr. Wall. $11,500, 10 ACRES Ideal home site within easy commuting to Metro. I have many other country proper- ties and small acreages which may interest you. Call Mr. Gramsch. GRAMAY 25 YONG! ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILI Realty Limited, Realtor 889-3111 - 773-4332 YOUNG & BIGGIN AURORA $24,900 LTD. REALTOR m -_-.o-“mu.oa $21,900. 6 room brick 2 storey home in A-l condition, broad- loom in living and dining room and stairs, full basement, paved drive, large homesite, many ma- ture trees and shrubs. Try $4,000. down. 4 spacious bedrooms plus room finished in basement. Holly- wood styled kitchen. Home in excellent condition throughout. Try $3,000 down. $22,900. full price. 6 room brick bungalow. prof. finished rec. room, large homesite. 1m- mediate possession. Hurry. Call FINN SAMUELSEN Ranch style 6 room detached brick bungalow, finished rec. iroom, 3 queen size bedrooms, ilarge landscaped Ihomesite. Im- mediate possession. “Asking $27,500. Reasonable down pay- ment. 6 room solid brick bungalow, 3 queen size bedrooms, full ba‘se- ment, large homesite, many trees and shrubs. excellent fin- ancing. Try $4.000. down. $24,900. detached 2 storey brick home in older section of town. Broadloomed living and dining rooms, stairs and hall, full basement. private drive and garage. Try $4,000. down. RICHMOND HILL BARGAIN lTi'uly a beautiful ranch bunga- llow, featuring large Hollywood kitchen with built-ins, huge living room with open fireplace and walkout to raised patio. Master bedroom with bathroom lensuite, 3 separate rooms fin- lished in basement. For fun lther information Call DELMA WOODCOCK RICHMOND HILL RANCHEE 6 room brick ranch bungalowI private drive, attached garage. broadloom, aluminum storms and screens. many 'trees and shrubs. Immediate possusion. 3 YONG-E STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL 2 STOREY SPECIAL Solid brick 2 storey home feat- uring open fireplace. separate living and dining room. Alum. storms and screens. beautiful home in good location, 50x150 ft. landscaped homesite. Asking $28,500. . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 room detached brick bungaa low. 3 family size bedrooms. partly finished rec. room, priv- ate drive, heated garage. Hurry for this one. Asking $28,900. Financing can be arranged. Asking $28,500. Try $5,000 down. 8 ROOMS, RICHMOND HILL 6 room brick rancher, attached garage, prof. finished base- ment apt, 2 bathrooms, ex- cellent condition throughout, beautifully landscaped . home- site. Immediate possession. Try $5,000. down. BRAND NEW. RICHMOND HILL 7 room stone front side split. Your choice of colors and dec- orating. Sodded front. Excel- lent financing. A stea'l at $36,. 500. Try $6,000. down. Call MEL ATKINS TO ANSWER ADVERTISEMENTS Simply address your reply to the box number given in the advertisment (e.g. Box 50 “The Liberal") and add P. O. Box 390, Richmond Hill. Please include in Your reply only material that will fit into a regular business envelope. 884-4446 'Call CASSELL CRAWFORD $4,000 DOWN RANCHER. SPLIT LEVEL ENTRANCE $24,900. DETACHED YOUNG EXECUTIVE Last Call! Good news for those who missed our Extra Pants FREE Suit Sale! We have extended the SALE until Saturday, Oct, 17. But you must bring this ad with you. to take advantage of the extended date. Call GEORGE JACKSON “Honesty and Service is our Motto" “Clothier to Gentlemen Bond Clothes In The North Mall Richmond Heights Centr Call LARRY SANDERS REDUCED $1,500. MEYER SOLOMON Call JOYCE CLELAND ‘se your CHARGEX Card ROOMS $22,900 Call HORST ROSNER Call DOUG. BENNETT Call BRUCE RAINEY Call WALLY MAGEE Cull JOHN CRYER 889-8303

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