Union Villa ianos Needed For New Senlor itizens' Home Auxiliary Is Told Miss Joyce Houch, who lives with Miss Betty Sprox’con in Huanuco, Peru. South America, had lunch Thursday with Betty’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproxton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Gormï¬ey Neighborhood NoiesYBad Cheque Artist Nabbed At Local Gordon Watson in Pueblo, Colo- Neighhorhood Notes ‘ rado. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sproxton, who Miss Natalie Frey of Misha- vere married Friday night at waka, Indiana, spent several 2he Christian and Missionary days with Mr. and M13. Metro Alliance Church at Unionville. Sudeyko. Congratulations also to Mr. We have two new citizens in md Mrs. Merle Coneybeare our community: Gloria Lynne ‘Ivadelle Sudeyko) who ’were has arrived at the home of Mr. harried in Gormley Missionary and Mrs. William Hall and Shurch Saturday afternoon. Christine has joined her sister they will reside near Listowel. and brother at the home of Mr. Mr and Mrs. Harold Doner and Mrs. David Beedle. 519Ԡto Winnipeg on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of A attend the wedding of Miss Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Helen Klaussen at the Menno- Murray Baker and son of Raven- 1ite Church. Mr. and Mrs. shoe had Sunday dinner with Doner then flew to Regina to Mr. and Mrs. Ray HSWkins and visit their daughters, Shirley girls. Ind'Fern. Mrs. J. Allan Pope of_ Douglas Davis will be special guests. Refreshments will be served at the close of the service. Come and visit with your old friends. Francis Winger of Stevens ville spoke Sunday morning and the Omegans presented the Sunday evening service at Heise Hill Church. The senior Sewing Circle of Heise Hill met all day Tuesdey at the home of Amos Baker in Vaughan Township. Rev. Henry Hostetter is the guest speaker each night this week at the Oak Ridges Mis- sionary and Bible Conference. | ,dl _--._V_, __V. _V._ e__-. ,, Sproxton. Plan to attend the last service Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith to be held in Mount Pisgah spent Thanksgiving weekend United Church next Sunday at with their son-in-law and daugh- 2:30 pm, when the 100th anni- Ler. Mr .and Mrs. Aubrey Barker versary will be observed. and family at their cottage at Rev. Victor Wood of Westway Belle-eau-Beach on Georgian United Church, Toronto, 3 for- 335’- met pastor at Mt. Pisgah, will Mrs. Beulah Jones has re- be the guest speaker, Rev. Ivan turned from a delightful three Kennedy and Rev. Earle Stotes- weeks’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. bury, former ministers and Rev. 'l‘he rummage and auction tale scheduled for this Saturday was the main topic for discus- sion when Union Villa Auxiliary net October 1 in Kennedy 31inic Auditorium, Both the upstairs and down- :tairs of the Massey-Ferguson Barn, Steeles Avenue East and Soncession 5, will be used this rear and to relieve congestion here will be three cash regis- :ers upstairs and a separate col- .ection area downstairs. Mrs. Alice Born and- Mrs. Joan Crist are in charge of the )ffic9. Mrs. Marjorie Fontaine is n'lrsing supervisor and Mrs. Phyllis Oliver is the food super- visor, The auxiliary is also asking Farmers and gardeners to donate 'resh produce â€" pumpkins. Iquash, apples, turnips, gourds md anything else edible and valeable. The sale will continue from [0 am to 4 pm, with Auctioneer Bill Walker holding forth from 10 am to 12 noon. For pick-up )f rummage in the Richmond .«Iill area. donors are asked to 5111 884-3516 after 4:30 pm. Union Villa Administrator Sal Peppler was guest speaker It the meeting. The new resid- ience for senior citizens is wel- zoming its first guests this nonth, and Mr. Peppler intro- iuced some of his staff mem- )ers to the auxilian'. Mrs. Miriam Lewis, the arts Ind crafts director, displayed :amples of crafts. The decoup- Ige work and miniature furni- Nere considered items the resi- ients might enjoy making. Two hand lettered mottos made and framed by Auxiliary Member Mrs. Kathleen Weyman were presented to Mr. Peppler and his staff by President Mrs. Beryl Lunney. Thomas Hook. who lived in London in the early 1800’s, is said to have been able to read a page of Classified Ads in the London Times, then repeat them from memory. Even if you’re not a memory expert, it pays to read every ad in f‘The Liberal" classified section regularly. Many do. which is why a Classified Ad will get quick action for you. Simply phone 884-1105 or 884-1983 for fast, courteous service. MEMORIZED PAGE OF WANT ADS Investin humanity Around the world this week, some 38 million members of credit unions are counting the ways in which these self-help savings and credit organi- zations have enriched their lives. Ontario’s million credit union mem- bers have saved close to $700 mil- lion in their credit union accounts. This money is loaned to members to help buy or repair homes and cars, to pay for household furnish- ings and appliances, education a!!! family vacations. Richmond Heights Shopping Centre, Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED â€"- 887-5445 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker and son of Raven- shoe had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins and girls. â€" - nu,A 5.. __. Mrs. J. Allan Pope at GIen Orchard. Muskoka, is visiting with Mrs. Norman Brown and other friends for a couple of weeks. Church News has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall and Christine has joined her sister and brother at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Beedle. Rev. Victor Wood of Westway United Church, Toronto, 3 for- mer pastor at Mt. Pisgah, will be the guest speaker, Rev. Ivan Kennedy and Rev. Eat-De States- bury, former ministers and Rev. Speaking of future plans, Mr. Peppler said there is an organ and a piano already at the Villa so the residents can enjoy sing- songs. Mrs. Lunney and Mrs. Gladys Kennedy, both talented musicians. were urged to con- duct sing-songs. It will take residents about a month to settle in, he explained, and urged auxiliary members and volunteers to assist by dropping in to chat with these first residents, to help to foster a congenial and home-like at- mosphere. More pianos will be needed, said Mr. Peppler. He also suggested possible supper meetings so that the board and auxiliary could meet the residents informally. Mr. Peppler noted that, in ad- dition to personal services for the residents, fund-raising will be a continuing necessity for the auxiliary. No applicant is turn- ed away for financial reasons, he explained. When a resident cannot pay the full rate, the province helps. paying 80 per- cent of the required need. The auxiliary is needed to raise the remaining money. Mr. Lewis welcomed the auxi- liary's offer to help with Christ- mas decorations and asked for the names of those interested in making and putting up the de- corations. Treasurer Mrs. Jean Harper} reported $2,417 cash on hand, and social convener Mrs. Eileen Hill reported receipts of $55 from a wedding catered by the social committee. First Vice- President Mrs. Doris Lapp was in the chair. The next meeting will be at 8 pm sharp November 5 at Union Villa. All persons interested are invited to attend. Credit union members in this prov- ince, and elsewhere in Canada and the United States, are also aiding people in the developing nations â€" with people and fundsâ€"to organize their own credit unions. CIAG is proud to provide insurance of every kind to these good manag- ers, the credit union families of Ontario. If you'd like more infor- mation about credit union member- ship (or insurance) please call us: The senior Sewing Circle of' Heise Hill met all day Tuesdey at the home of Amos Baker in Vaughan Township. ‘ Rev. Henry Hostetter is the guest speaker each night this week at the Oak Ridges Mis- sionary and Bible Conference. The curling season begins this month, and this year’s president of the Unionville Club is our own Hem-y Cole- man. Neighborhood Notes Mary Champion is off again to Europe â€" this time to work and travel an opportunity per- A break-in and robbery at the Shell Service Station at Don Mills and Highway 7 was unprofitable for three , yotmg Scarboro men who have all been arrested and charged with the offense which occurred early October 5. Sorry to learn that Russell Boyington has been ill. We wish him a rapid recovery. Cliff Cox returned home from Branson HOSpital last week and is feeling much better. Mrs. Andrew Glenny of 16th Avenue. Unionville, was host- ess when the YCHA, Button- ville Branch, met at her home for coffee and a brief business meeting Friday morning. Mrs. Walter Craig has been on the indisposed list recently. We hope she recovers quickly. Mrs. A. W. Miller is begin- ning to get about again on her own, after more than three months’ convalescence recover- ing from a erious fall last June. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller entertained M&M workers of Brown's Corners United at their home on October 5. We note with ' regret the passing of Mrs. Sadie Butt, wife of Rev. William Butt of Union- ville, and a member of Brown’s Corners United where Mr. Butt has acted as associate minister. For many years Mr. Butt was the minister on the Unionville and Ebenezer Charge. Markham Township candi- dates did very well in October 5 regional elections for the new Town of Markham. An- thony Roman, mayor; James Jongeneel, regional councillor; John MacKay, Mrs. Louise Aimone, and John Honsberger school trustees and Norman Tyndall, Ward 6 Councillor, all topped the polls. Late Mrs. W. S. Butt Mrs. Butt appeared to be in good health and had spent an active day on October 6. She died suddenly just before mid- night. STOUFFVILLE -â€" A 68-year- old Pickering man, Garnet Littlejohn, died following an accident in which his south- bound car collided with a tree on the Markham - Pickering townline. The vehicle‘s speed- ometer was jammed at the 40 mph mark. A service was held at Brown’s Corners United Church on Fri~ day. with interment at the Lutheran Cemetery, Unionville. BUTTONVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf RR. 2, Gormley Phone 499-0376 s will be served AneSted for passing a $300,?eeler Road and the other on the service_ come bed cheque at the Canadian Snidercroft. Nothing wag re- your old friends Tire Corporation Associate ported stolen. lger of Stevens-Store. 70 Yonge Street North in A quantity of cigarettes was [day morning and Richmond Hill, a Toronto man stolen September 27 in a burg. presented the was remanded on $500 cash or lary at the 400 Drive-in Theatre. 'mg service at property bail Monday in Rich» Vending machines were broken molt mond Hill Provincial Court. open in the concession booth. 884-1441 Crown Attorney John Apple- gath said Donald Morrison, alias Petersen. was wanted for passing 11 cheques in British Columbia. He recommended bail 0f $1,000, but Provincial Judge Maurice Charles chose the lower amount. Canadian Tire - Out On $500 Bail Markham Township Police re- port three youths were arrested at 2:50 am Sunday for attempt- ed burglary at the Fina Sex-vim Station, Highway 48 and 14th Avenue. In cooperation with Gray Coach Lines G 0 Transit is providing a new bus service between Richmond Hill and downtown Toronto. GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TRANSIT Aservice operated by Gray Coach Lines and Canadian National Railway: for me Province of Ontario The new green and white G0 Transit buses are something special. Seats are contoured for com- fort, spaciously arranged. Travelling is smooth. Chassis and suspension are specially engineered to assure a limousine-quality ride. These hew GO buses are equipped with the newest anti-pollution devices to reduce exhaust fumes and noise. Air-conditioning, of course. And a picture- window view. At night, fluorescent lighting adds a glow of friendliness. Each seat has. its own reading light. For pleasurable, convenient commuting . . . with the qualities of GO train service . . . ride the new GO Transit buses and avoid car driving and parking problems. For further information phone: 9 Roselawn Public School on’ Carrville Road in Richvale was' entered September 27. A double window was broken but nothing was reported stolen. In Kleinburg September 27 a home on Camlaren Crescent was entered through a bathroom window. Nothing was reported stolen here either. A quantity of cigarettes was stolen September 27 in a burg- lary at the 400 Drive-in Theatre. Vending machines were broken open in the concession booth. 20-0020 .. " APPLE PIE 39¢ PUDDINGS 41;:9w 5c Off Shirriff Robin Hood ' POTATO CHIPS 1;; 59¢ BROWNIEMix3 99¢ f ~\u Richmello Bean Budget Cat or I" ’ Alé COFFEE 13:: 88¢ DQG FOOD 10 99†‘ pl? , m6 xx , . , fl off-I {’5‘ CA?“ I Q. f as f / . '1 a "* V ‘ 9 t ~ é’ Kev 6;“ “ / - \ ‘\ x ‘ \ ' V V " a @ï¬ ï¬x Mitt: » {z \\r M». o Astra Sockeye SALMON Austral Fancy Sliced or Halved PEACHES Richmello Raisin or THE LIBERAL, Richmond H111, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 Values effective until in RICHMOND HILL. 3 /{4 Large Size 14 oz. Tin 49¢ DOMINION STORES LIMITED until closing TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1970 (ILL. We reserve the right to limit quantities. BISCUITS 7 Varieties Nestle’s . . . plus many more features in your “Family Bargain Book!†5 Varieties Dad‘s OFF OFF OFF 25c OFF 25c 25c 25c TEA BAGS CHEESE SLICES Dominion 4 Lb FRENCH FRIES Richmello 90’s PEANUTS Richmello 1 Lb Dominion 1 Lb. Tin 16 oz. Pkgs. with coupon with coupon with coupon with coupon