Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1970, p. 10

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Criticism subsided as other dukes and earls and members of the lesser aristrocracy jump- ed on the bandwagon. The strongholds of feudal barons and landed gentry were snatch- from the jaws of bankruptcy as dozens of ancient castles and gracious homes were added to the itinary of guided tours, and even in this tight-money age, business is brisk. shocked the nation by opening the ancestral halls to the pub- lic. personally conducting tours which proved to be very popuâ€" lar and very lucrative. 10 Touring Homes Proves Profitable King BranchOf York Central Hospital Auxliary' Price per ton quoted shall include delivery to Town Works Yard, 31 Pugsley Avenue. Richmond Hill, stockpiling and blending with road salt to Town requirements. ‘ Tender to state number of days required to com- plete operation after notice of acceptance. All tenders shall be accompanied by a certification of approval conforming to thelr specifications. The lowest or any tender not necessarilv accented- For the Supply, Delivery, Stock- piling and Blending of Winter Sand Requirements SEALED TENDERS, addressed to R. Lynett. Clerk. Municipal Building. 56 Yonge St. X. will be received until 4 :30 PM. Monday, October 19th. 1970 for approximater 5000 tons of sand for winter road sanding purposes. O. S. Whalen. Commissioner of Works L Supply and Delivery of Bulk - Winter Road Salt SEALED TENDERS. addressed to R. Lynett, Clerk. Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street N., will be received until 4:30 PM. Monday. October 19th, 1970 for the supply and delivery of approx- imately 2100 tons of Winter Road Bulk Salt at the Town Works Yard, 31 Pu‘gsley Avenue, Rich- mond Hill. Price per ton quoted shall include all handling charges and applicable sales tax. Delivery shall conform to Town requirements for Sand Blending purposes. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 0. S. Whalen, Works Commissioner. The log house pictured above was built in 1820 and is the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Addison. Located on Bathurst Street in King Township. it was one of four gracious homes on jcllge itinerary for the house tour sponsored by the King Branch of York Central HOSpital Aux- nary. Also included in the tour was the old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at Eversley built in 1848 and used continuously up to 1958. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL G' en E TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TENDER TENDER In recent years the house tours have turned out to be a veritable bonanza for the hos- ptial auxiliary. the Humane Society, the YWCA. and one of the most successful in York County was the recent house not necessarily accepted It is not surprising. therefore. that women's auxiliaries on this side of the Atlantic, eVer‘on the alert for new money-making ideas, have‘joined the parade. They couldn't miss, Human nature being what it is. who can resist a glance at a lighted window, a peek through an open door? The enterprising duke hadjtour and tea And as the tour progressed, the comments of fellow travel- lers Were almost as interesting as the housesthemselves. There were no guides to explain or described the history and ap- pointments of fhe va ri ous houses. but auxiliary members were on duty at each house to answer questions and. when the need arose, to direct traffic. In many cases the View from the outside was as impressive and appealing as the house it- self. Huge hand-hewn logs are ex- posed in the interior walls of the original house. Most of the furnishing are almost as old as the house, handmade of pine â€"â€" a dry sink, desk. dreSSer, rock- ing chair and child's rocker with cane seat, a harvest table and chairs. a corner dresser. child‘s desk and milking stool. things in common -â€" a modern kitchen and bathroom. HISTORIC HOME House number one belongs to Mr. and Mrs. John Addison. The original 10g hnuse was built in 1820, but the more recent addition does not appear to be tacked on. The house on Bathurst Street north of the King-Vaughan townline. is set back from the road by a circular driveway. and the neatly manicured fields. rail fences. and well-kept barns and outbuildings have a picture- book look about them. In the new part of the house. highly polished hardwood peeks out around the edges of the deep piled beige broadloom in the living room and dining nook. and traditional oil paint- ings adorn the walls. Street the stately home of Mr its mmers and inhabitants. And although appointments were vastly different, ranging from]. the formal decor ofl the Old} English Tudor style mansion of‘ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roche toi to the casual atmosphere of Dr.‘ and Mrs. Michael Willinsky's“ An old clock with its original wooden works stands in the en- trance hall. French doors open onto a glassed-in patio. and the well- appointed red brick barbeque has an inviting 100k. ' There are gleaming coppel pots. a kettle and samovar, tro- phies and guns of various cali bres and vintages, ENGLISH TUDOR tour and tea sponsored by the,and Mrs, Michael Roche stands King Branch of the York 0311- at the end of a driveway shaded tral Haspital Auxiliary. by blue spruce, pine and chest- The wind was brisk, but the nut trees day, September 24, was warm In classic Tudor fashion, the and sunny. and about 400 peoplelstuccoed peak is set off with turned out in a steady proces- stained beams adorned with sion from 1 to 5 pm, full ofihandcarved grape leaves and curiosity and enthusiasm as! I i ‘ ‘ I ‘ i ‘ ‘ they paraded nonâ€"stop through four very interesting homes and‘ a century~old church. pausing1 for tea at house number twoJ‘ lU lllt' Cflbudl dLIll‘laPllL‘lt‘ ul U1. 7 ‘Y and Mrs. Michael Willinsky's“ THORNHILL 889-1039 1836 cottage‘ all had some.“ The overall theme was tradi-‘ tional, with each home reflectw ing the taste and personality of. Fortunately, everyone did not follow the route in a sequence as it was laid out, so there was a constant coming and going â€" no serious traffic jams. And judging from the comments. everyone thorougly enjoyed the afternoon. Further north on Bathu 3 WE RENT : CONTRACTORS’ q EQUIPMENT :Richvale Scaffold Rentals' 9114 YONGE ST. 4 ’Antique hand made pine fur- , niture is everywhere â€" tables. and Mrs, Michael Roche stands chairs, a commode and side- at the end of a driveway shaded board. a chest with its original by blue spruce, pine and chest- blue buttermilk paint, a child's nut, trees. cradle which serves as a toy In classic Tudor fashion, the box for the modem Willinsky stuccoed peak is set off with children. “CASCADE 40 KNOCKS OUT ALL OTHER WATER HEATERS” Everyone ls Cheering For CASCADE 40! Have all the hot water your family needs when they need it. See RICHMOND HILL HYDRO now about the trouble-free, economical CASCADE 40 electric watar heater! Cascade 40 has knocked out more than 2.700 tired. Worm out, unreliable water heaters in Waterloo! Quite a rec- ord. Cascade 40 is an efficient, dependable CLEAN fighter . . . never gets dirty in the ring, It's a fact that Cascade 40 has never been Knucked COLD! Other water heaters throw in the towel after a few rounds, but Cas- cade 40 keeps on fighting! Put Cascade 40 in your corner for only $1.50 monthly. This low charge includes normal installation and any subsequent replacement. You may buy Cascade 40 at any time after one year and receive full credit paid during the first 12 months. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ -â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton RICHMOND HILL HYDRO 4 YONGE STREET SOUTH 884 - 4466 Many visitors took advantage of the opportunity to relax in ' deck chairs around'the pool and to enjoy the scenery. ROLLING HILLS 0F KING Windsong. the home of Dr. and Mrs. Michael Willinsky. is on Dufferin Street north of the' CFRB Sideroad. and the origi- nal cottage was built in 1836. An extension has been added overlooking the garden and the rolling hills of King Township. It is a easy place of white clapboard with an inviting bay- window, tiny windi panes and frilly curtains. ‘ cluster. and the casement win dows have leaded panes. The entrance hall. living room. dining room and library are panelled in fruitwood. and handcarved lintels top the door- ways. In the dining room, the visi- tors‘ attention was divided be- tween the ornater handcarved ceiling beams and the formal setting of damask and antique china and silver The tinues along lintels Opposite the house. down a small hill and past a large weeping willow there is a kid- ney~shaped sWimming pool sur- rounded by‘ a wrought iron fence, and behind it is a large "beach house" 'in natural wood with sloping roof and large ex- panses of window front and back. The wood panelling con- tinues up to the second floor along with the 'handcarved lintels and leaded windows. The period theme is carried out in a very feminine bedroom with pale blue walls. open fire- place. fourposter bed with dainty pale blue canape and sheer frilly curtains. Visitors were intrigued by a cosy room with leather uphol- stered furniture, an unusual round Japanese screen, glass- topped Oriental type coffee table and Oriental statuary. (“Is this the library? There are no books”). from whal‘ more said tivity .a un Co . and Gree ‘way ‘lawn: garde terra bencl may It] of an Gkn . Here the ladies of the auxi- liary served tea and coffee with dainty and delicious sandwiches and fancy cakes and cookies and petite fours. (“Look at. the broadloom all around the pool”). Paint has been stripped from the original pine woodwork. and lai‘ge shag rugs partially cover plank floors. ' More than a century of living is reflected in the family room 889-1059 It would be easy to relax on Ithe chintz upholstered wooden furniture on the flagstone patio, and the adjoining patio with its concrete block flooring, blue painted metal furniture, rustic bar and glaze blue and white topped table is equally inviting. with its stone floor and gone fireplace and‘ the dark beams of the peaked roof. Iron kitchen utensils hang on white walls. and copper utensils and books on art sit. in book nooks beside tomes on medical science. tomes on medical science. PIONEER CHURCH ARCTIC NARWHAL V The last stop on the tour was There is a silver topped imfithe historic St. Andrew‘s Pres- well made from a hoof la cow, byterlan Church at Eversley. a buffalo?) and m the corner The first congregation was there is a narwhal tusk that fPFmefi 35 a PI'ESbytel‘ian mis- Dr' wmmsky brought back Slon held in 1820, and the origi- from the Arctic (what is a nar‘ nal log church built in 1834. whal'fl The tusk looks to be -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" more than six feet tall. and is; s_aid to be the largest in capJ It has the outward appearance of an English-style cottage. and the coat of arms of Barclay's Bank â€" a black spread eagle with three croWns â€"â€" is emboss- ed on a large window pane in the front entrance. a unicornl Cotswold. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright is on Green Lane. The long drive- way is bordered by trees and lawns and English-style country gardens. There are hills and terraces and rockeries and benches and chairs where one may sit in the shade. Here. too, hand made pine furniture is very much in evid- ence. Antique-lovers would covet a beautiful old dresser with diamond-point doors. The double patio is silent wit- ness to the obvious fact that the inhabitants love outdoor livingâ€"and no wonder with the breathtaking view of hills and valleys and trees in a dozen shades of green and yellow and orange. Biggest attraction in the din- ing room is the long pine table with accompanying cane-seated ladder-back Mexican chairs. It is a bit of a walk down the hill to the kidney shaped pool and white clapboard beach house, but on a hot day it would be well worth the trip. And next to the swimming pool there is a small circular wading pool for the small fry. The old part of the house was built in the 1850's, and the liv- What makes it revolutionary is the way it lacks inside, notso much the way it looks outside. lt’ll carry twice as much as last year’s Beetle because it has a trunk virtually twice as big. N has a peppy 1600 c.c. engine. A whole new suspen- sion system designed by Porsche racing engineers. A new flow through ventilation system. The brakes are bigger. The front track is wider. We have an electric rear window defogger. A shorter turning radius. Even a larger gas tank. And the inside, quite frankly, has more class. It looks like the horn bf Introdqcng a revolutionary new smullcur. mg room has been restored with natural pine beams, fireplace and plank floors. The book- lined library with its gleaming brass ornaments provides a cosy retreat. Richmond Hill’s First Unisex Shop . . . 24 YONGE STREET NORTH Open Until 9 pm. Friday Showing the newest styles in cords, velvets, jeans, sweaters and belts. Make a date Oct. 16th and see the grooviest threads in town. - FRlDAY, OCTOBER 16th REFRESHMENTS FREE GIFTS to the lst 50 customers LUCKY DRAWS during our opening I78 YONGE STREET NORTH/RiCHMONO HILL/889-7701 W. 8. P. Motors Limited Phone 884-9339 The present stone structure was erected in 1848 on property bought from Jaseph Well for five pounds sterling. Although the church has not been in use since 1958. it has been carefully preserved. as has the adjoining graveyard where Henry Frost. the originator of musical education in Ontario schools was buried in 1851 at‘ the age of 35. The pulpit is gone. and the choir chairs. but the floors and lt's fully carpeted. The dashboard is more daslfing. There are 7 fresh air outlets. All in all, the Super Beetle is 89 ways different than the Beetle of old. And over 60,000 ways different from tho first Beetle we made. But in one very important and unique way, it remains the same: For in 1971, a year in which everybody is feverishly slapping together"revolutionary” new small cars,*the name on the back of this one, reads "Volkswagen". PANT-IN pews had been freshly scrubbed and the ancient carpeting care» fully cleaned. Convener for the tour was Mrs. Jean-Anne McCleUand. and house convenor was Mrs. Alfreda Purves. Mrs. Barbara Merrifield and Mrs. Polly Her- ring were tea convenors. and Mrs. Carol Fraser ticket. con- venor. Mrs. Kay Powell was re- sponsible for publicity. and King Branch YCHA president is Mrs. Yvonne Collard.

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