M grcmccwcccc meccww" 'tutt¢cx‘;£€§w. gï¬tVV9\9§¥VWW é ANNUAL THREE-DAY WINTER 3 COAT SALE It will be in the “family style" tradition with platters of food right on the table and all you can eat! For those who have finished their meal early there will be two showings of a half-hour Charlie Brown film in the chaâ€" pel until 7.30 pm and shortly after a feature full length film "The Love Bug" will be shown in the auditorium. Tickets at $2.50 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under may be obtained by call- ing Mary_ June Warner at 884- 5900 7â€" but don‘t delay! Receipts from the dinner. af- ter expenses have been met, will go to "HELP" the Primv ate’s World Relief and Develop- ment Fund‘ Ch u rch [ Behind the color party at the goponing and closing ceremonies _ 'and the parade to Niagara Falls RICHMOND HILL Tcenolaph, September 23. were Richmond Heigms Centre i150 flags from auxiliaries in 250 Yonge St. N. 88445881 [Ontario provincial officers and ~â€"â€"‘â€""'â€"‘â€"l delegates. SW Directing the play is Mike Derry assisted by Eric Radke Rehearsals are well under- way for “The Holly and The Ivy" being presented by the St. Matthew's Players during the latter part, of November. The cast includes Russ Ur- quhart, Eileen Munro, Audrey Wilson, Brian Buchan. Anna Derry. Doreen Kcudry. Don Lunsden and Clive. Ryland. Directing the play is Mike Following a most‘ impressive worship period led by Mrs. Franklin Brown. the guest speakers: Rev. Martin Jenkin- son and Mrs. Jenkinson gave a fascinating talk, illustrated by pictures of the famous Passion Play at Oberammci‘gau. This will not be presented again un- til 1980 The Afternoon Group ofIRotary News Richmond Hill UCW met 1‘e-; At the Se cently with M'rs. Fulton Watters ing of the conducting the business portion‘lat the Summ of the meeting. 'ytl‘y Club, me a restful break in your shopping activities. Overall convenor of the event is Mrs. Robert Le- Maire. This annual event will feature 11 booths â€" in- cluding the Christmas booth. which is always an outstanding feature. dolls. in country store. touch and take. a fish pond and pony rides for the kiddies, games of skill and a tea court for Some- lucky person will win a trip for two to Ber- muda for a week at the annual bazaar of the CW]. of Our Lady Queen of the World. which will be held Saturday from 1:30 to 5 pm. v CHARGEX 9,) Chrysanthemums. (é RICHMOND HILL E r . . I . WWWWWW\L D0nald Atmdge 0f Markham gtyxxxwxxmmxw F§§ 11m ‘flccumr yncscnwnon same: CONVENIENT lOCA‘l’l O N S Thurs., m, Satâ€"Oct. 15, 16, I7 only @WWMMA “WMMWWM A AM\MwWW@%Z{ adults 2 and w call- at 884- Never before such tremendous savings, such values! This season‘s greatest opportunity to select‘the coat or coats you want from our large assortment of fall and winter classic and fashion silhouettes, in casual and dress styles. But remember this sale is for three days only, so hurry for best selection! Richmond Heights Centre-Richmond Hill TELEPHONE 884-2961 PATTI-LU SHOP The color party carrying the Ontario Provincial Command Ladies‘ Auxiliary flags were Zone Commanders Gloria San- ford of Richmond Hill â€" Can- adian flag, Isobel Sylvestre of Pembroke â€" UniOn Jack and Jean Grey of Peterboro â€" aux- iliary flag. The ladies auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion held its monthly gen- eral meeting with President Joan Dickson in the chair. President Dickson. 2nd Vice- presidcm Mary Robson and Sgt. at Arms Audrie Apperley, delegates at the Ontario Prov- incial Command Ladies’ Auxil- iary Convention held Septem- ber 20-24 at Niagara Falls, re- ported on the proceedings. For- ty-eight delegates Irom Zone E2 attended and a total of 1.500 from auxiliaries in Ont- ario were registered. Rev. William Wallace. minis- ter of Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church, aSsisted by mem- bers of the Young People‘s Soc- iety,» conducted the chapel ser- vice at the Villa Hospital on Sunday evening. l Attending the meeting was Pm. an Honorary Member Bob Little. ‘ Plan to attend and see the Slu Club Service Director Joe young girls in action. Retiresh-«Janet Horvat reported that over 100 menls \\'ill be served. Chris skaters took part and covered‘ * * * ’l‘m the 60 laps at the Skatathon‘ 'l'he bazaar committee of “10411qu held September 26 at Double- ACW of St. Mary‘s Anglican ]y in rink Arenas to earn about'ChLu‘ch has had a number of decor $500, 25% of which will go to meetings 10 Plan the Burma] 7 to J the local hockey fund and'bazaar to be held November 21; 75% to Rotasport. About oneiin Wrixon Hall. [ A} half of the'money eahed goes} Jot.down the date to go and: net to the credit of the local clublbuy your Christmas decorations, y skaters â€"â€" Joe Horvat, Jim and see/ The Home Shop â€"â€"l d Harvey. Ian McLean, Harry mittens, baking, candle shop,l 0f Simpson, Don Halliday and etc. Babysitting will be avail-E . v Dennis Stainer. ale to allow you to browse at; h Due to the Thanksgiving hol- iday. no meeting was held this week. talk and' the thanks of the club were extended by Rotarian Bruce Lloyd. At the September 28 meet-‘James Butler and Mrs. Butler ing of the Rotary Club held during the Thanksgiving week- at the Summit ‘Golf and Coun- end were Judge James Rennick try Club, member Don Plaxtonland Mrs. Rennick of Toronto. spoke to the club on regional * =( * government in York County and The next meeting of the Al- the problems that will confront lenbrae Branch of the YCHA the government in the future. will be held October 19 at the The region, which will be home of Mrs. Diane Coombs, comprised of some 14 muniei-3372 \Venlock Street. palities with representatives of Plans are well underway for each municipality on the reg-‘the hat. and jewellery boutique ional board, will have jurisdie-‘being held November 11 and tion over matters such as roadS, tickets at $1, which will include zoning for all types of housing dessert and coffee, are now av- and industry and the problems ailable. of pollution. It was a most * " * interesting and informative The CG_IT are providing the Those delectable Christ- mas Cakes will be avail- able from the Civitan Club again this year. A phone call to 884-8109 or 884- 2622 will bring a Civitan to your door with the most delicious Christmas cake available. They are of the finest quality, made espec- ially for the Civitans by Hunt‘s Bakeries, and we recommend them for your own use a come gifts. 1' party carrying the! From Richmond Hill Unit rovincial Commandiwei‘e Mesdames Phillips, Rob- inlial‘y flags \\'el‘e;ertson and Lennox, MiSS Gladys nandei‘s Gloria San-‘McLatchey, Bruce Humph- :hmond Hill â€" Canâ€"jries, Paul Binkley, Jack Fol- Isobel Sylvestre offlows and David Robertson. -â€"â€" Union Jack andi Munroe Askanase was pre- of Petcrboro â€" aux-[sented with a token of grati- Itude for service to the society he color party at the and good wishes in his new d closing ceremoniesjadventux‘e with Foster Parents 'ade to Niagara Falls Plan. or as most wel- [ Along with the planning of the sale, the orchestra is busy preparing programs for its November concerts in Aurora and Newmarket. There are openings in the string section for ’cellos and double basses and a French horn and oboe would also be welcome. Membership Secretary Mrs. R. Thompson at 832-1250 would be pleased to supply additional information. Holy Trinity Anglican Church was the scene of the Cancer Society Central Counties Dis- trict meeting. ‘ As a pleasant reminder of the coming spring campaign, daffodil bulbs were distributed to all attending. Workshops suggesting new areas to aid cancer patients in- cluded Ivy Beck’s doll display tracing phases of services to patients. .Kettleby Branch fine handiworks included knitted and crocheted items as well as toys and bedwear for patients of various ages. Education Chair- man Mary Follows, of the Rich- mond Hill Unit prepared a pro- vocative exhibit with materials in Portuguese, Ukrainian, Greek and Dutch as well as the more familiar languages. Members of Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra are com- bining their talents this Sat- urday for their giant rummage sale being held from 10 am to 2 pm in Richmond Hill United Church. etc. Babysitting will be avail- ale to allow you to browse at leisure. Jarâ€"(M0 The CGIT are providing the progfam for the general meetâ€" ing of St. Matthew’s UCW being held October 20 at 8:15 pm. Plan to attend and young girls in action. mems will be served. Guests at the home of Judg‘e' Hoildaying at. James Butler and Mrs. ButlenBeryl and Eric F during the Thanksgiving week-‘Avenue is 1101' end were Judge James Rennick;Gladys "eyes fr: and Mrs. Rennick of Toronto. England. ting 0f the A]- of the YCHA lober 19 at the Diane Coombs, The bride's attendants were Miss Kathy Palmateer of Cooksville as maid of honor, Miss Sue Seltzer (the bride‘s sister). Miss Mary Cooper [the groom’s sister). Mrs. Susan Boyne of Windsor and Miss Jane Reuber of Toronto as bridesmaids and the groom’s sister, Elizabeth Cooper, as flower girl. The groom's at- tendants were his brother. Ken Cooper, as best man, Ted Coop- er (the groom's brother). Scott Seltzer (the bride‘s brother). Pat Hunt of Kingston and Sid Tjeerdsma of Barrie as ushers. The maid of honor and the flower girl were in orange ic_e gowns. the bride‘s sister and the groom‘s sister in gold and the other two bridesmaids in avocado. All gowns were of polyester crepe trimmed with crystal beads and matching headpieces. The senior attendants carried arm cascades of white and yel- low Chrysanthemums trimmed with matching Velvet ribbons. The flower girl's nosegay was of white button and orange Beethoven’s “Song of Joy" was played as a wedding march by the bride‘s uncle, Lindsey Jelley of Orangeville. Given in marriage by her father the bride was gowned in white silk faille with empire styling and an A-line skirt with train. Her gown was richly trimmed with Swiss lace and seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white and yellow roses and Chrysanthemums. Mary Ann Seltzer and N., Scott Cooper exchanged mar- riage vows in the Anglican Church 'of St. Gabriel the Archangel, Richmond Hill East. September 12 at 4 pm. Rev. David Sproule was assisted by the bride’s grandfather, Rev. Jacob Seltzer of Orangeville, in the solemnization of matrimony and Holy Communion services. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Seltzer of 115 Eva'hill Crescent, Richmond Hill. She is a graduate ofr Bayview Secondary School and two days before her marriage! graduated from the Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing int Toronto. The groom is the son‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cooper; of 230 Altamira Road. He also} graduated from Bayview Sec: ondaly School and is in his‘ graduating year at the Univer» sity of Waterloo. pm. ~ 5 Visitors at their home during If unable to attend on that the Thanksgiving weekend were date'please call Peggy GwillamiMn and Mrs. Charles Rawlings at 884-1910. ‘of Etobicoke. If you enjoy Scottish country jdancing’. there's an onthusiastiv group right here in the Hill. 3 The Richmond Hill Scottish {Country Dance Group who ‘mect alternate Fridays at, 8.30 'pm at. Walter Scott Public ‘School, would welcome new members, experienced or begin- ners. Please call Theo Ho'ff- man at 889-1554. “'1“ be starting October 19 at, As 'weu as these accofnplish- the Curtain CIUb Under the dil‘-‘ments, Mrs. Zinck is an enthus- ection of Art Sinlflmff- iastic fisherman and last week, It will be a limited class With‘acconlpanied by her husband, registration being held at theidrove to Thombury, where theatre, rear 25 Yonge Streetlthey both caught a Rainbow North, on October 19 at 6.15 trout, pm. ‘ Visitors at their home during Drama classes for children between the ages of 10 - 14 will be starting October 19 at the Curtain Club under the dir- ection of Art Sinukoff. Cooper - Seltzer A new Guide company is be- ing started in St. Mary’s Ang- glican Church under the dir- ection of Miss Christine Marsh- all. ' Bride's Grandfather Assisted In Marriage In St. Gabriel's She will be assisted by Miss Janet Thomson and Mrs. Christine Nurse. They will meet in the crpr «under the old church, current- ly in the process of being re- decorated! on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm Beryl and Eric Radke of Palmer Avenue is her mother Mrs. Gladys "eyes from Birmingham England. Cubs and Scouts. Our youth performing good deeds hereabouts. So let’s all dig deeper for this younger generation. Who’ll tomorrow be the very backbone of our na- tion. APPLE DAY â€" OCT. 17 Heed that knock and treat yourself to the autumn delight. Of a rosy red apple and » when you take that first bite, You will know it‘s a double pleasure for sure. Not only good eating but making secure The lst Beverley Acres Marilyn Hagborg the home of ' Miss Edna Izzard and her sis- ter Mrs. John Gallanger, both of Richmond Hill, spent the fl‘hanksgiving weekend with their niece and her husband, ,Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lavender, ’at their cottage at Lake Keniss- is in Haliburton. The 110 guests were receiv- ed at -the Richmond Hill Curl- ing Club by Mrs. Seltzer who wore a dress and coat of suede crepe and chiffon in candy pink, highly trimed with beadwork. Her corsage was of pink roses with purple aceents and her accessories were in candy pink. was the soloist. During the communion service he sang “The Lord’s Prayer†and foi‘ the signing of the register chose “The Wedding Song". She was assisted by Mrs. Cooper, who wore a dress and coat outfit of soft coffee cream color crimplene, trimmed with brown braid. Her feather hat and accessories were in shades of brown and her corsage. of rust and gold chrysanthemums. She received four firsts, five seconds, four thilfl'ï¬ and one fourth, for baking, embroidery, artex painting and handcraft. with her wedding. shower and party cakes topping the many entries in this division. The lovely roses presented to Marion by Robert at every per- formance of the current Cur- tain Club production “There‘s A Girl In My Soup†are courâ€" tesy of H. J. Mills Ltd. on Bed~ ford Road. Rice’s Flowers at Richmond Heights Centre also sent a pot of mums, along with good wishes for the new theatre. Mrs. Eric Zinck of Beaverton Road was the winner of 14 ribbons at the Markham Fair held at the beginning of this month. They meet at the church on Tuesdays at 6.30 pm. Please contact. Snowy Owl Joy Ham- brook at 884-5843 for further details. Both these gestures are very much appreciated. The lst Richmond Hill Brownie Pack, which started its season at Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church last Week. still has openings for interested girls between 7 - 9 years of First Vice-President Mrs. Grenville Temple. 2nd Vice- President Mrs. Don Paton. 3rd Vice-President and Director of Public Relations Mrs. Rod Standfield and Newsletter Ediâ€" tor Mrs. Hartley Burgess of York Central Hospital Auxili- ary attended the Hospital Aux- iliaries District No. 7 Area Con- ference held recently at St. Joseph's Hospital in Peterboro. The service is free. but news items must be in the office by 10 am Tuesday morning for inclusion in the current issue. What were your ‘plans for Thanksgiving weekend? A final trip to the cottage, a quiet holiday at a lodge or guests from out of town? Whatever you did, news of your activities make inter- esting reading for “Life in the Hill" columnns. Why not let us know of your “doings†by calling the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6 or by drop- ping a line to 63 Yonge Street South? In some fat, fry chopped on- ion, but do not brown. Add nuts, the rice: fry flll'thel‘ 5 minutes, stirring continuously to prevent sticking. Add seasonings, currants, chopped tomato and stock. Stir again and cook very gently covered with a cloth as well as the lid until liquid is absorbed. Return the lamb, add chopped sage and parsley. Recover and allow to stand in warm place without further cooking for 15- 20 minutes. 1 large tomato * * * . 1 dessertspoonful salt Registrations are now heing; 2 025. pine nuts( 01' any avail- taken for the Defensive Drivmgi i r l ..1 lb. rice has again taken up residence, ‘2 pints stoek or water in Richmond Hill. 1*: 1 02- sugar ' His wife and family joined 1 tsp-blaCk pepper him for the Thanksgiving} 12 lb. lamb ' ‘Weekend, and will be moving†3 medium onions tchopped 1here as soon as negotiations for†finely) 1the sale of their home have Q 4 ozs. fat ‘been completed. able) Course, one of the many varied‘l 2 025. currants 'courses included in the YWCA Chopped sage and parsley Fall and Winter Program. ' 1/2 tsp. mixed spice Approved by the Ontarioi' Melt fat in a saucepan. cut‘Safety League, the Defensive‘. lamb in Strips and lightly fut/thriving Course being conducted_ Drain off but keep hot. |by R. Kuehl of York Drivingl In some fat, fry chopped on-lSchool, takes only two weeks" mmummmmuuumuumuuuummmumInuuuuumuuumm On Wednesday evening four Cubs were received into Scouts at a Going-Up Cere- mony. These were Brian Boyle, Danny McVeigh, Harold Todd and Tommy Ross. The next meeting will be held November 4 at, the home of Mrs. Catherine Forsyth, 322 South Paliser Crescent. The guest, speaker will be Mrs. Da- phne Straumann. president of the Richmond Hill and District YWCA. Aimost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€"â€" why not share the urine with our readers. be if main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publishâ€" ed in this column â€"- how about yours? The 8th Richmond Hill Scout and Cub Ladies Auxiliary held its first meeting last Wednes- day at the home of President Adele Downey on BenL Cres- cent. A new member Mrs. D. Wil- son, was welcomed by the group. Remember Boy Scout Apple Day this Saturday! Come browse and buy at St. Matthew‘s Country Fair Baz- aar being held November 6 at the church. There will be several inter- esting booths and a coffee and dessert court for adults. The CGIT is providing cook- ies and freshie for the children. umummunmmuumuu\\uuum\\\uu\mlummmmunumnnw I 1mum“mmuuunummmmmmmuuummumumumunmnw The 8th Richmond Hill Scout Golfers Wind Up Season In Style With Hol‘ supervising. nine Summit will be re Glory Hole at I'Iole-in-One I month. What’s Cooking? Club Johnny Watkins borrowed at‘D“ ball from Cliff Went and aced the 15th â€" a neat 148 yards. at the Summit Golf and Country Ivan 2nd hole Johnny Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. 8; Fri. 9 am - 9 pm PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS â€"â€" ' GLASSES % â€"â€" ° CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" Golden S. LAMB PILAF Mrs. Tina McCartney Walmsley olly Halderson ‘. this makes lit members who receiving their a at the annual a Party this 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 aced tho yards. and borrowed If this course was compulsory for car owners throughout On-‘ tario, the death rate in Can- ada could be greatly reduced}. as “the life you save could be}. your own.†‘ Fo r further information " please. call the “Y†at 884-4811. L Former resident. Sil SteffanJ: son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stef-E fan, Bayview Avenue NorthJ. who, with his wife Vivian. and . children Val, Laurea and Chris- topher, moved to Sudbury twp years ago, has been transferred to the Toronto branch of the Retail Credit Company and has again taken up residence in Richmond Hill. It His wife and family joined him for the Thanksgiving Weekend, and will be moving; 9.â€.OOOOO â€" 2 two hour classes per week. These will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9.30 to 11.30 am, October 27 and 29, November 3 and 5th. The fee, $5 per session, in- cludes kit. Police Association '5 Gift To Retarded , The last financial contribution to the work of York Centre Assoc- iation of Mentally Retarded from the Richmond Hill Police Association was presented by Sergeant Bob Deighton at the association‘s general meeting held September 15. The police association has been a long-time and frequent supporter of the association â€"- on one occasion bringing “The Flying Fathers†to Richmond Hill to test their hockey skill and raise a substantial sum for work with the retarded. Since the advent of regional government in York next January 1. will also bring amalgamation of all police forces into one regional force, the Richmond Hill Police Association will cease to exist on that date. In the above picture, Sgt. Deighton cheerfully hands over the cheque for $500 to Mrs’. Kay Carter, the association's social secretary. The meeting was held in Thornhaven School. #7’“ "‘-’ ',"j,,“*l'.â€mmm" " w W " 7 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursd Gargeous new Fall colours Glenayr Dylanizg‘ MACHINEâ€" WASHABLE PURE WOOL 100% English botany, raglan shoulder, long sleeved full-fashioned "shirtâ€"look" pullover with full-fashioned tailored collar. Tab-front with buttons. Continental band and cuffs. 100% pure wm check pants. F1 straight-cut wi‘ in no-waistban Dry clean only. PUREVIRGIN WOOL W/Gftwicé Joule “For Women Who Deserve The Best†South Block - Richmond Heights Centre 884-4741 (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Oct. 1