889-6662 By Competent Tradesman Prices on‘ request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1738 J oscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474â€"5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684â€"11" LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUN’] ANT 306 Bayview Plan Telephone 889-8275, Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR. BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Toronto Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Ernie Brock & Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Mbtor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 884-6663 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Brian Ii. Cow. ‘n COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Auto Transmission Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonzo St. South Aurora. Ontario Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Accountants Corner Agency Limited PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . Engineering 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-1379 CUSTOM WORK Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Carpentry Kirby Brock Maple. Ont. Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora. Ontario Forestry Insurance THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 884-7 774 363-3959 Office Supplies 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery. Typewriter and Adder Sales. Barrow Insurance Servnces Ltd. A. W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT IPaint-Wallpaper PINDER BROS. lTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Belgian ART STUDIOS Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 884-3962 35% Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Landscaping Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhiil - 889-0242 Optometrists 9114 Yonge St. ~ Richvale Ontario Land Surveyors STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY INTERIORS LTD. DICK MAIER LANDSCAPING 8; MAINTENANCE 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 889-1059 Insurance By Appointment Surveyors 889-5344 (Continued) Thomhill 221-3485 In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill Bunny Snow’s T.V. RUMBLE TRANSPORT lumnumuumumum\\ulmumnuumumuuumuuummmumm mumm“11mmm1umm\mummmmmm\\\\\uu\uuuumm\\m VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Local and Long Distance Hauling P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Complete Antenna Service ADMIRAL SALES a: SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 884-4101 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN DRIVING LESSONS $6.00 PER HOUR Winter is a dreaded sea- son only if your home is cold. Make sure it’s com- fortably heated with our economical fuel oil. 10 Lessons $50 Special Student Rates Stansbury’s Driver Training Phone 884-8396 0 LOCAL TRADEMARM be. The new neighbors will be glad to meet you. And they'll want to visit with you . . . later. Right now, they need something moreâ€"a list of schools and churches, util- lly companies' telephone numbers.. .all the informa- tion one needs on arriving In a strange city. So be a friend Indeed. A Welcome Wagon hostess will call at your request to provide all this and gifts as well. Make your welcome warmer when new neighbors arrive. Call Welcome Wagon It Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884â€"4690 TV Repairs ISA FRIENDLY CALL ENOUGH? SERVING YORK COUNTY Trucking by LICENSED INSTRUCTOR 884-1013 364-2625 This past week marked the return of the House of Com-1 mons after the three month summer recess. Many people seem to regard the recess as a kind of extended holiday for politicians -â€" but in fat it simply means a different kind of work. Most MPs spend much of the recess going about talk- ing to their constituents. In my case most of the summer was spent in committee work in Ot- tawa â€" first in preparing the External Affairs Report On United States -â€" Canadian Re- lations, and then preparing the report of the Finance Commit- tee on the White Paper Tax Re- form. The tax reform report was presented to the Commons :1 week ago, and, of course, a- roused a great deal of interest. The most dramatic event of the week, however. has been‘ the kidnapping of James Cross,1 the Senior British Trade Com- missioner in Montreal. by ex- tremists in Quebec. What an anguishing. painful dilemma it poses for government! To ac- cede to blackmail demands would submit to another auth- ority (flouting the power of gov- ernment and the law of Can- ada. Even more important it would almost certainly lead 'to further kidnappings and ever increasing demands. But how ‘can one weigh these factors in the balance against the value of human life? I shall be discussing it in my column within a couple of weeks. I have a few copies for those who are interested in the report; I shall send it to those who write me, c/o House of Commons, Ottawa, on a first come, first served basis. As I write this the fate of Mr. Cross is not yet known. The government is refusing to meet the set of demands issued by the kidnappers ~â€"- but is try- ing to draw them into discus- sion. The more time that pas- ses, the more hqpe for a suc- cessful ending. But the feeling in Ottawa, at this moment, is one of apprehension. ' Government Can’t Give In To Blackmail Demands 0f Quebec Extremists The Speech from the Throne Thursday of last week outlined Weekend visitors to the Black Creek Pioneer Village will be able to see how Upper Can- ada’s prevConfederation farm families worked during harvest time. During October, on week- ends, the village staff is dem- onstrating such harvest-time chores as: flailing, winnowing and separating of grain, as well as the preserving of jams and jellies, apple-paring and the drying of apples. The Metro Conservation Au- thority has arranged a number of activities of interest to the public for this coming weekend. Harvesting, Historical Sites, Hikes Weekend Fare For Whole Family In addition to the special harvest-time demonstrations, the village’s 20 restored build- ings are open to the public; there are meals served at the Half-Way House Restaurant, and visitors may also examine the interesting herb garden. ' Black Creek Pioneer Village is located at Jane Street and Steeles AVenue West. It is op- en daily and on weekends. Also of interest this Sunday are conducted hikes in five of the conservation areas. The hikes are being held at 2 pm and 3.30 pm at Albion Hills, five miles north of Bolton on Highway 50; Bruce’s Mill, two miles east of Don Mills Road on the Gormley Road in Mark- ham Township and the Boyd Area, just north of Woodbridge on the Woodbridge-Kleinburg Road. There will also be con- ducted hikes on Sunday at the Greenwood Area, four miles north of Pickering on the Greenwood Road, at 2 pm, and ;at the Claremont Area. in Pick- ering Township, 1% miles north of Highway 7 on Side- road 10 at 4 pm. Further information on these events may be obtained by con- tacting the authority offices at ‘ 889-5425. Canadian Cancer Society "IN MEMORIAM†GIFTS may be sent to the following In Memoriam Secretaries: Richmond Hill: Mrs. W. B. Nlddrle 121 Traybom Drive 884-7478 1'- 1 Visitors to the Albion Hills Area are also invited to Visit the Albion House, a pre-Con- federation log house. Tours are continuous all day Satur- day. Thomhill: Mrs. H. C. Montgomery 46 Silver Aspen Dr. 889-1408 Gormley: Mrs. P. Donnelly R32 Gormley 887-5203 John Roberts MP Ottawa’s program for the com- ing year. It is a continuation of the work of the past two years rather than a ringing dec- laration of radical departures. Some of the more interesting proposals: 0 Creation of a new depart- ment concerned with environ- mental policies â€"â€" especially pollution. , O A revised legal/framework for labor-management retalious and sweeping changes in the field of unemployment insur- ance. o The establishment of a Minister responsible for Urban Affairs 8: Housing. 0 Measures to p‘rotect con- sumers against unfair trade practices. to regulate labelling and packaging, and protect us- ers of consumer credit. Now that the House of Com- mons is meeting again I shall be holding myu‘egul‘ar office hours every second and fourth Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 5:30 pm at 22 Yonge Street South. Aurora. Remember you can get in touch with me by writing me at the House of Commons. Ot- tawa. or by telephoning New- market 895-8125. OTTAWA REPORT YORK SIMCOE Concerned about the cost; . of prescrlptlons? By Ken Shedlowich and Paul Harrison On September 24, the Don Head Seniors had a soccer match with Bayview Seniors. On September 24, the Don Head Seniors had a soccer match with Bayview Seniors. The score was 1-1. Bayview scored before us. In the second half Larry Watmore scored for Don Head. The goalie. Walter Fernandes. played great soccer. He stopped ten shots. We are very proud to have kept them to a tie because we hear that Bay- view has a really good team. . The second game the senior ‘team played against Thornhill, on September 28. It was a good game in the first half for them. and a better game in the second half for us. That was because Thornhill scored in the first half. and then we let them have it in the Second half. with three goals. Wift Doucette, Sylvano Curtis, and Larry Wetmore scor- ed our three goals. Our goalie played great soccer. rm. 4 u. : ".1 __“r, “4.. Luuievlqc By Ken Shedlowich and Paul Harrison It was cold for our cross- country run at Bruce's Mill on October 1. Twenty-two seniors ran two miles.‘All completed the run. Rick Holland came in first, Stan Gunn second and Steve Bentley third. Junior boys and girls ran one and one-half miles. All finished. Alan Mayer, Steve Dart and Paul Harrison finished in that order for the junior boys. For the girls the first three were: Adelina Losier,j Carol Karch and Patti Mollison. ‘ GAMES DAY By Tom Dart First year students had fun playing games on September 29. We had to throw darts into a circle; we shot practice golf balls; we skipped for thirty seconds: we jumped the balance beam; we hopped and we jump- ed. The second game the senior team played against Thornhill, on September 28. It was a good game in the first half for them. and a better game in the second half for us. That was because Thornhill scored in the first half. and then we let them have it in the Second half. with three goals. Wift Doucette, Sylvano Curtis, and Larry Wetmore scor- ed our three goals. Our goalie played great soccer. The third game was terrible. We played well in the first five minutes. After that they had us going all the time. Woodbridge was just too good. When there were nine minutes left in the game, we tied the game. We tried to hold them back but we just couldn’t. It was two to one ‘and a close game. O‘ur one goal ‘was scored by Jim Gray. \Junior Soccer â€" On September 23. our junior soccer team lost 3-1 to Woodbridge Junior team; It was a tough game. Both teams went out to try to win. Our goalie. Wayne Carter, was really good. He faced quite a few pen- alty shots and stopped them all. Don Head Secondary School DON HEADLINES SOCCER RESULTS Our only goal was scored by Steve Dart. We were all put in groups and then went out in the field and played each-game in turn. All games were timed and had to be completed very quickly. Every time we completed a game, the score was marked on a score card. Winners of the red circuit were the Marauders. Brian Gal- braith, Guy Prince. Dale Swan,‘ Doug Wurster. Dale Beaulieu. Pat Charpentier and Todd Price. Winners of the blue cir- cuit were the Aces: Don Mal- len. Lee Reid, Dan Oakley, Linda MacLean. Bob Walls. Bob Landry. Carol Karch. Brian Job and Edit-h MacDonald. CROSS-COUNTRY Under study at present at’ines. The landfill method was the Niagara Regional headquar-‘suggested as the most econom- ters are possible solutions to‘ical. Under this system a the area municipalities’ solidllarge area would be acquired. waste disposal Problem. ladequately landscaped, provid. Officials and regional coun-‘ing a sanitary site for a period cil got down to business last of 20 to 30 years. week on the subject now that Another recommendation in. the provincial government haslcluded an incinerator at a forced a major cleanup of alllcentral site. Whichever method municipal dumps under the neW‘is used, it will be necessary Waste Management Act. to haul solid waste for consid. The legislation, which pro->erable distances and the use of vides for fines up to $2,000 attransfer stations must be conâ€" day for violation, came intoisidered. Niagara Region Seek; Solution To Solid Garbage Disposal The legislation, which pro- vides for fines up to $2,000 a day for violation, came into effect September 1. It is de- signed to end rat and fly- infested dumps that dot the province. Under the act all solid dis- posal sites must apply for a certificate before March, 1971, or cease operations. A recent inspection of the arear sites indicates that some are well operated and will have no difficulty being certified. Others will not meet the pro- vincial requirements. Methodsibeing considered in- clude pulverization similar to the system used in St. Cathar- I 57 NEWKIRK RD. 1 a . your Ontario Government is . . . and is doing something about it. Everyone concerned about the cost of prescripâ€" tions ï¬nds the whole thing quite-mystifying. Drug manufacturers’ prices vary. Pharmacies’ dispensing fees vary. Doctors prescribe, but don’t always know about prices. The result is that you, the patient, have no way of knowing if your drug bill is reasonable or not. Now the mysticism is being removed. For many months the Ontario Department of Health has been working on a program that will help everybody in Ontario to obtain prescriptions at reasonable cost . . . “PARCOSTâ€. The key is a. book that has been supplied for the professional use of every physician, dentist, hos. pital and pharrnacistin the province. Titled the Ontario Department 0f Health. The Hon. W L. Wells. Minista' EomparvatliveiDrug Index, it lists many of the high quality drugs now available. And it tells how much each one costs. For the ï¬rst time, this revealing information has been assembled in one book, compiled by an au- thoritative group of doctors and experts who have evaluated, without bias, quality products from over 60 different companies. And it makes pos- sible, quick easy cost comparisons of drugs that meet highest quality standards, enabling your doctor and your pharmacist to take active parts in the PARCOST program. Also, your Ontario Government has obtained the co-operation of participating pharmacists in agreeing to standardized pricing methods. Everyone can help make the PARCOST program work. Discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist. And when you have a prescription to be ï¬lled, look for the PARCOST symbol at the drug store. Displayed on the door or window, it tells yon that the pharmacist is conoperating to help you obtain prescriptions at reasonable cost. “‘ On Any Regularly Priced Tape With This Coupon Until Octwber 21 SAVE SZW lCoons are now living in Carle- ton Place where Mrs. Coon is ‘a member of the high school {teaching staff. Bill 174, the act that estab- lished tlie Regional Municipal- ity of Niagara, provides that regional council can enter into an agreement with area munic- ipalities to provide facilities for disposal sites. STOUFFVILLE â€"- The form- er residence of Mr. and Mrs. David Coon and family has been sold to James Nevins. Richmond Hill solicitor. The