Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1970, p. 16

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We received an interesting call. while writing this column, from Ev Aubertin, who has quite a, few four inch ceramic tiles, removed a year 01' so ago from their walls, in the chocol- ate brown color, which is rath- er popular these days. Ev is wondering if anyone would like to have them free of charge for replacing cracked tiles or doing additional work. Phone 832- 2604. goes out to James Craibe, RR 2. Woodbridge, on the death of his wife. the former Maisie Flood, at York Central Hospit- al. October 6. Mrs. Craibe came to Canada from Ireland. where her family still lives. The service was conducted from the Scott Fun- eral Home, Woodbridge. Octob- The organizers of the recent financial campaign for the arâ€" thritis and rheumatism society wish to thank everyone for the wonderful, response and gener- ous donations given their can- vassers last: month. The final campaign figures are-not yet complete but we hope to have them for next week's column. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin recently attended the wedding of their first granddaught'er. in St. Patrick's Anglican Church, Willowdale. Nancy Ellen Hunt of Willow- dale became the bride of Rob- ert Neil McKinnon. also of Wil- lowdale. October 3. additional work. Phone 2604. t t a t ‘ The organizers of the recent“ financial campaign for the ar- thritis and rheumatism society wish to thank everyone for the wonderful, response and gener- ous donations given their can-, vassers last month. The final? campaign figures are.not yet complete but we hope to have them for next week's column. Ik * 4: a: We were happy to hear that Ed Kersey, who had been tak- en to hospital rather suddenly early in October, had arrived home on the 8th, and was rest- ing comfortably at home. He was missed, along with sisters learned that the Ontario Hos- pital Farm at Orillia covers 700 acres and has a most out- standing Holstein herd. The group stopped tor coffee} in Orillia and then headed north toward Gravenhurst, while their driver kept them a- mused with stories of the area where he has lived for many years. and of his years as both a farmer and a bus driver. Sev- eral of the passengers discover- ed that they and Mr. Bray had mutual acquaintances. The group next arrived at the Talisman Restaurant for dinner. During the meal, ear- nation corsages were presented by Mr. Bray to the three senior members of the tour. all in May and Annie on the color their 87th year â€"â€" Mrs. Flor- Plans are underway for a trip to the McLaughlin Planet- ;arium on November 3. This is !a Tuesday afternoon. They will probably leave Maple, again by bus. around 1.30 pm. Further .details later, but in the mean- time those interested should ,contact Percy Puterbaugh as Lsoon as possible so that a bus ican be reserved. Monday. October 19. the sen- iors will have a program of slides on the Caribbean. Presbyterian Church The congregation of St. And- rew’s will be observing its 140th Anniversary this Sunday, with guest speaker Dr. Howard Daig, secretary of the home missions department. General Board of Missions, Presbyterian Church 16 Sympathy of our Sommunity “The Liberal. is always willing to publish items regarding people and H ents contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord, Edgeley and Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Com: 0rd, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 893-1432. Thursday. October 1 was an unforgettable day in the life of seven-year-old Wendy Gipps, Lancer Drive. It was on that day that Wendy met and talked to a real live Duchess. The young Maple resident was chosen by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind to present a gift of a book and acorsage to the Duchess of Kent who was in Toronto to open the United Appeal Campaign. Wendy, who is in grade 2 at the Joseph A. Gibson Public School. received a duplicate corsage and a smaller book with a copy of the message in the book she presented to the Duchess. Wapée, Klenburg Concord & Edgeley News THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct a and In th T he Dutchess Was Rea/I y Beautiful tour taken by the senior citiz- ens. but his friends hope ience Ella. Mrs. Tina Bowes of Canada. This should prove he and Mrs. Katherine Jones. Mrsnto be a most interesting service will be strong enough to be outiElla is a regular member. visitors will be most wel- with them again soon. Senior Citizens' Color Tour iBowes is Wilfred Bowes’ moth- .er. from Richmond Hill. and ‘come. ; The ladies of St. Andrew‘s some time ago, someone saidngs. Jones is Mrs. Lee Hynd’s'WAâ€"WMS would like to ex- “The sun always shines on thermother. Lee is a nurse at York‘tend an invitation to members Maple Senior Citizens". Once again this proved to be when the group took a charter color tour bus through the Southern Muskoka region October 7. With a bus from Travelways and Bert Bray. as driver. the group left Maple United promptly at 9 am and. headed north. Mr. Bray gave a running commentary which added trem- endously to the trip. beginning with words of information on Barrie as they drove through. toward the Ridge Road. The origin of the name Shan- ty Bay was explained as being connected with the exodus of negro slaves from the Southern USA. to Canada. It seems that the railroad ran only to this area. and the slaves were left 011‘ lCentral Hospital and has kind- ‘seniors' outings to make sure {that all is well. 1 From the restaurant. they drove on through to Brace- .bridge, and stopped for a few minutes at the falls north of there for pictures and a stroll. The drive from there along 'the south side of the Lake of Bays was beautiful beyond des- cription. The trees had all turned vivid colors and the view of the lake through Birch and Maple trees. all in their ‘autumn finery of yellow, or- ;ange and red. has to be seen to be believed. The fire look- Iout towers at Dorset and var- ious points along Highway 35 stood as sentinels over this vast sea of color. 10f the community to join with trueily consented to go along on the,them in their fall Thankoffer- »ing Service. October 21. when 'Mrs. Margaret Andrew will show slides and speak on her recent trip to Japan. The ev- ‘ening will begin at 8 pm. and Lrefreshments will be served. 'Lutheran Church Members of the congregation of Zion Lutheran are being re~ minded of their annual fall sup- per to be held on October 23 at 6:30 pm. A social time will fol- low the supper with games of crokinole set up. All ladies will be welcome at the home of Mrs. Edna Bone, Concord. for the October meet- ing of the LCW, October 21. Confirmation classes began Oc- tober 8 and will be held each _ .Thursday evening at 7 pm until Mr. Bray gave a running commentary which added tremâ€" endously to the trip. beginning with words of information on Barrie as they drove through, toward the Ridge Road. The origin of the name Shan- ty Bay was explained as being connected with the exodus of negro slaves from the Southern U.S.A. to Canada. It seems that the railroad ran only to this area. and the slaves were left high and dry without a roof ov- er their heads, so a kind-heart- ed gentleman proceeded to build shanties on his property so that they might have shelter. high and dry without a roof ov- er their heads, so a kind-heart- ed gentleman proceeded to build shanties on his property so that they might have shelter. The group drove through Oro Station. Hawkstone and into Orillia, where they learned that their driver has his home. and since many were interested, he drove past it. The seniors also learned that the Ontario Hos- pital Farm at Orillia covers 700 acres and has a most out- standing Holstein herd. When the tour had almost ‘reached the end of the trip. a singsong was conducted which helped to pass away nearly 40 miles of the 239 miles travel- led during the day. After a stop at Sutton for a stretch, a bit of fresh air and refresh- ments. the group arrived ,home just at 6 pm, all tired but so very happy. Plans are underway for a trip to the McLaughlin Planet- arium on November 3. This is ,a Tuesday afternoon. They will ’lf Du Itif IN THE VILLA. GE 0F MAPLE he A. Gibson Public School. received a duplicate message in the book she presented to the Duchess. Wendy's hand as she acknowledges the gifts. The quite evident. 1970 ‘ Tomorrow evening Dr. Robâ€" Lert McClure will be the guest :speaker at the UCW Smorgas- |bord Dinner to be held in the iChristian education auditorium of Maple United. Because of the demand for tickets, it is not expected that there will be lany for sale at the door. So for anyone wishing to attend, it is imperative that they con- ‘tact a member of the UCW at !once. The ladies of St. Andrew‘s WAâ€"WMS would like to ex- tend an invitation to members of the community to join with them in their fall Thankoffer- ing Service. October 21, when Mrs. Margaret Andrew will show slides and speak on her recant trip to Japan. The ev- ening will begin at 8 pm. and refreshments will be served. Lutheran Church Members of the congregation of Zion Lutheran are being re~ minded of their annual fall sup- per to be held on October 23 at 6:30 pm. A social time will fol- low the supper with games of crokinole set up. UIUAIHUIC SCI. LIP. All ladies will be welcome at the home of Mrs. Edna Bone, Concord. for the October meetâ€" ing of the LCW, October 21. Confirmation classes began 0c- tober 8 and will be held each Thursday evening at 7 pm until further notice in the church. United Church Tomorrow evening Dr. Robâ€" ert McClure will be the guest speaker at the UCW Smorgas- bord Dinner to be held in the Christian education auditorium of Maple United. Because of the demand for tickets, it is jnot expected that there will be lanv for sale at the door. So At the 7:30 evening servicel this Sunday, the congregation welcomes back its former min- ister, Rev. Ralph Williams from Smithville. The music will be provided by the special Centennial Choir which has been working very hard. over the past weeks. un- ‘hymn sing will follow the ser- ‘vice, with Brien Thurston at the piano and Mrs. Knapp at the organ. Refreshments will be served during the social hour to follow. der the direction of Mrs. Wil- '_ lliam Knapp. An old fashioned- $200 Gibson School This Sunday, Laymen's Sun- day. the board of stewards will be'serving a pancake breakfast from 8:30 till 10 am at the church. Tickets are 50c for adults and 25¢ for children. with a maximum family rate of At 11 am, Robert James, an elder of Maple United, will preach the sermon, and he will be assisted by several other laymen of the congregation. A men’s chorus will provide spe- cial music. In looking over the contributions of laymen to the life and work of Maple United in its 100 years of Christian service, a most interesting page of the early minute books rec- ords the names of those men who hauled, by wagon, the bricks used in the construction of the original building. The minutes do not where the supply depot but it is stated that bricks were purchased. at $5.50 per thousand. and that the fol- lowing men transported them: Benjamin Andrews, J. M. Rup- ert, Wm. Craddock. Adam Dice- man, J. P. Rupert, William High, Joshua Oliver, Fred Ga- by, J. C. McQuarrie, John Dick- hout, Archibald McQuarrie, James McDonald, John Bone, record Mr. Powell, Adam Rupert. Wi1-‘ liam McDougall. John Nelson and William Matheson. At the 7:30 evening service this Sunday, the congregation welcomes back its former min- ister. Rev. Ralph Williams from was, ' 75.000 ' u)lubouu\.\l “u. Joyce Fii'icld as model. i ‘ Mrs. Ken Hawman, 100 C0- ‘hill Avenue. Toronto. was 1105â€" 1tess at a miscellaneous shower in honor of her niece. bride-‘ tto-be Ann Hawman, October 2.1 when many relatives preSented‘ lovely gifts. Ann. formerly of. ,‘Woodbridge. is the younger daughter of the late Mr. and :Mrs. Ewart IIawman. Sympathy is extended to ers. Terry Dunne. RR 1, Klein- ,burg (her bowling friends know her as their President Gail) on the death of her father, Stan Archibald, Wood- bridge, on October 4. John Sant, builder of the new homes in Kleinburg Es- tates, reports that after a brief absence from the district, about $250 worth of doors and shelves was stolen out of an unoccupied ihouse on Art Drive by some- ;one in a white pickup truck. Fauntlnuu nu... The student council is get- ting underway for the new year with a representative to be chosen from each classroom. Classes 6-3 with Teacher Ed Murphy and 6-A with Miss Brenda Walton have gone to the Burlington Outdoor Resour- ces Centre. and plans are being finalized for several classes to tour the Ontario Science Cent- re in Toronto later this month. Scouts And Cubs You are being reminded to support our Scouts and Cubs on their annual Apple Day plan- ned for October 24. Going up ceremonies will be held October 24, with special investiture ceremonies for the new leaders, Ian Ferguson for Scouts, David Brown as his as- sistant and Mrs. Sheila Boud- reau who will assist the Akelas in Cubs. l Principal Roy Robson would like to point out to parents, that neither he, nor any memâ€" ber of his staff is responsible for the literature sent home with many of the children by the National Conservatory of Music, whose representatives stationed themselves outside the school and handed it out to the children on their way home. Bailey School The senior school held their “Meet The Teachers Night" last evening, with a full report to follow in next week’s col- umn. The “Meet The Teachers Night" at the junior school was a tremendous success. with a very good crowd of parents, ac- companied by their children, in attendance. Both the staff and members of the home and school association are most hap- py with the response. iérents are invited to be present at the community hall for the ceremonies. We have also been adVised that there are still openings for additional boys in both Scouts and Cubs. Enrolment forms are available on request at the post office. Lions Club Time is running out [or con- tributions to the Lions annual auction sale to be held October 24. at the community hall. A call to Lion John Kuchei'awy at 832-8863 or Lion Doug Chal- mers at 832-1551 is all that is needed in order to have your donations picked up. Just a last reminder that the Lions will be happy to have just about anything you care to {contribute with the exception "of used clothing. This is your opportunity to help the Lions in their community service. ‘ Bowling Men’s Bowling â€"â€" September 31 the men’s team came up with the following scores: Bruce Murray‘s Team took all seven points from Roy Clegg’s and Bruce Palmer's crew took all seven from George Harris- on's Team. Bruce Murray had both high single with 234 and high three with 632. Wednesday, October '7. Geo- rge Harrison reversed the score and took all seven points from Roy Clegg and Bruce Palmer seems to be on the move with seven points taken from Mur- ray’s men. "Jabk 7 Sheppard took high single and high three with 312 and 682. Pioneersâ€"The Pioneers turâ€" ned out for their warmup night October 8 and will begin their season in earnest tonight {Thurâ€" sdayl. Ladies â€" October 5 the fol- lowing results were tallied: Brandy took 5 points and Run] 2, Sherry took 5 points ,and Scbtch 2. Gin took 7 points and VOdka 0, Rye took 5 points and Port 2. This leaves Brandy and Sherry tied in first place with 21 points. Gin next mm 18, Port and Scotch with 13. Rye with 12, Rum with 9 and Vodka with 5. Sharon Groundsell had high single game with 252, Bertha Ingram high three Mm 637 and June Wilson high average with 206. Mrs. Margaret Hands. Napier. Metropolitan United Church Street, is a patient in York was the next stop. This church County Hospital, Newmarketustands today as a monument tot Best wishes for good healthi‘the high moral purpose, encr- are \i'ished by all her neighbors gy. sacrifice. fidelity of those and friends. who have gone before. It is Mrs. Garfield Fifield. Cam- 3 beautiful old church and for laren Crescent, held a "Fashion those who want to spend mon- ‘Two-Twenty" makeup party‘ey to preserve things of the for six of her friends. Septemâ€"‘past. this is a good project to her 28.’ Mrs. Mary Austin dem-‘be' interested in as it plays a onstrated the products witthital part in the downown area ‘Joyce Fifield as model. {with its various youth and Mrs. Ken Hawman, 100 Co- adult groups. The realization ‘hill Avenue. Toronto. was 1105- that this church is in danger ‘tess at a miscellaneous shower of being torn down, is incred- in honor of her niece, bride-‘ible. It is our privilege to to-be Ann Hawman, October 2.Emaintain this church so that it when many relatives .presentediwill be there for all the genera- ;love1_v gifts. Ann. formerly of,tlons to come. There are near- ‘Woodbridge. is the younger 1y 250 members left on the roll. [daughter of the late Mr. and The beautiful Allen Gardens 'Mrs. Ewart IIawman. were then visited. a perfect Sympathy is extended toitermination to the trip. I Guide mothers. this year your daughter is invited to the Ice Capades. Please forward $1.25 'with your daughters to the next Guide meeting, as all mon- ey must be received by October 22. gThey completely filled the aud- itorium of the junior high ischool and were certainly hav- ing :a good time under the calling of Murray Morrison. All this proves that the Kleinâ€" burg and Nashville Area Rec- reation Committee (its spon- sors) has indeed a role to play in the community. Nobleton Figure Skating Club is holding its registration October 21. 4 - 5 pm. Free skating will be enjoyed by all interested. The last day for registration is October 26. Af- ter that date NO one will b accepted. v Get well wishes to Harry Maskell who is now immobile with a broken leg in a cast. We are happy to report that Arthur Irm‘n is on the mend after a [all from a truck on the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stairs have recently returned from a weeklong visit at the home of Mrs. Stairs’ parents in Oak Lake, Manitoba. Central United Church Woâ€" men and some friends enjoyed a bus trip October 6. Leaving the church at 9:30 am, they travelled by bus to the Legisâ€" lature Buildings at Queen’s Park where they were met by Donald Deacon, the MLA York Centre, and had their picture taken. Mr. Deacon later ad- dressed the audience briefly. After choir practice Wednes- day evening of last week I called in to see how the Villâ€" age Squares dancing was pro- ceeding and was very gratified to see a turnout of seven sets (56 people). five sets now being5 members of the Village Squares. A cup of coffee was served to the group and they left for a guided tour around Centre Island in a flat Nether- lands sightseeing boat. Barbecued chicken was en- joyed while a guide explained the buildings on the islands, what the foreign ships were loading and unloading and the new Toronto skyline. Some bought a picture of themselves taken on the boat On returnfi ling to the bus, it was found‘ sthe bus had a parking ticket: ion it. Everyone had to chip; in and pay ten cents as the fine ‘was five dollars. 1 Klein burg Klarion SALE FALL CLEARANCE SALE 20’}, to 50% Off on all Lawn Ornaments and Planter Bowls Large Selection of Evergreens and Trees All Reduced to Clear PATIO STONE 18x18 12x24 24x24 24x30 7690 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONTARIO 889-2247 FIREWOOD - COAL STRAW - KINDLING CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS SOD - TOP SOIL LOAM - MANURE GRASS SEED - FERTILIZER SALE at Boyd Park Conservation OSPREY NURSERY (While It Lasts) All Colors . . . . . All Colors . . . . . All Colors . . r l . reinforced white Humber Graduate A recent graduate from the two year course in Funeral Services Education at Humber College was John Kellam He served his apprenticeship and is now working with McDougaH and Brown’s Scarboro Chapel. John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Everard Kellam, RRl, Nashville. He attended the Lower Ninth, Coleraine and Kleinburg Public Schools and Woodbridge High School. KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 839-5401 JOHN KELLAM Humber Graduate $0.. W I HUA‘I‘J oua-ax- I L North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. Hours; 8:30 am, to 5:230 pm, < Fnda} 8.30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 pm. 0.. O O PROTECT YOUR CAR THIS WINTER GARAGE NORTH: Yonge St., 1/2 mile N. ofrrRichmond Hill, 889-2414 WEST: 5314 Dundas St. W., just east of Hwy. 27, 239-4889 EAST: 3600 Kingston Rd. at Mkm. Rd., AM. 1-7274 (Scan) Hamilton; Upper James St. at Lime Ridge Rd. Have your car under cover before the snow flies! Widest range of models and sizes Fast delivery Low monthly payments Design-matched to your home Taylor steel doors All first grade materials Guaranteed workmanship PRECISION YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL PREFAB PRODUCTS LTD. by Ontario's largest garage manufacturer See them at any Precision Display Court ('10 York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill) Save time and money with a Memorial Fund modern factory-built $439.up Delivered FROM

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