Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1970, p. 19

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Victoria Square News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE. 8.8.. 2. Gor‘mlei Church News Victoria S q u a r e ted in the Thanksgiving theme‘son in charge. United for the service on Sunday morn-i I I Church was beautifully decora-ling with Rev. Martin Jenkinâ€" A. Willie and son of Scarboro; Telephone 887-5421 Visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. RHupHuS talks about SPORTS By CINDY McALISTER Another successful week for the students of RHHS has come and gone. Inter-school seasons are nearing a close and the tension is building on teams. 3 It # IF FOOTBALL . Last Friday night in inter-school action, our seniors tied with Bayview. Marty Gill and Tim McGhie each scored touchdowns for what seemed to be a win for RH. However, in the last part of the game, Bayview came through with another touch- down to tie the game 13-13. Also on Friday, our juniors played against Bayview, fought hard, but again came out on the short end of the score. * Ik it 11' # VOLLEYBALL Wednesday of last week both our girls‘ volley- ball teams challenged the Thornhill crews. Our Jun- iors were defeated but our seniors came through with a win of three straight games. This leaves them undefeated to date in their zone. An import- ant match is coming on Wednesday 14th when they and the juniors travel to Woodbridge to play the team with whom they are tied for first place. i l t O O SOCCER Back on the intra-mural scene this week, the boys have completed their soccer games. The boys on Miles and Harrison were forced into a play-off situation to which both sides responded. However Miles came through to win. 1. Miles 2. Harrison 3. Stewart 4. Richmond . t i O I t TOUCH FOOTBALL (GIRLS) . Girls’ touch football proved to be a fantastic success. Space limited six players per team on the field, but the girls were really enthusiastic. Because of the small area last week, there were no converts, but seven points were given for a touchdown. Two games were played last Thursday: Stewart 7 - Miles 7 Harrison 8 - Richmond 7 In the Stewart - Miles game, Miles tied the game in the final play with a pass combination by the Clark sisters. If i I I # CO-ED GOLF Another feature of our intra-mural program this year was the 2nd annual Sadie Hawkins Golf Tournament. Girls were seen (1"in in the halls gathering up their courage to 0 their favorite beaux. The results were as follow: (please note a lowly “niner” took the girls’ honors) 1. Linda Taylor - Paul Jones 2. Cathie Clark - Steve Séxton House Standings â€" 1. Harrison 2. Stewart 3. Miles 4. Richmond It may also be noted that the fantastic golfing duo of Chris Campbell and Cindy Ladkin had high score for a second year in a row. Good golfing, Miles! And so ends another page in the history of RHHS. P 9417-69 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 of The Planning Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 296), â€"andâ€" IN THE MATTER 01“ an application by The Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of its Restricted Area By-Iaw 2325-68 passed the 30th day of December, 1968 as amended by By~law 2447 passed the 30th day of December, 1968. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD here- by appoints Tuesday, the 27th day of October, 1970 at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon at the Council Chambers of the Township of Mark- ham (at Buttonville) to hear an application for extension of the temporary approval granted herein until the 11th day of September, 1970 in so far as such approval applies to Section 11 of By-law 2325-68 passed the 30th day of Decâ€" ember, 1968, as amended by By-law 2447 passed the 30th day of December, 1968 and By-law 2550 passed the 2nd day of March, 1970. Let all persons interested then and there attend. DATED at Toronto this 25th day of Septem- ber, 1970. M. FRASER Acting Secretary EXPLANATORY NOTE By-law 2325-68 of the Township of Markham, 3. Restricted Area By-law, passed the 30th day of December, 1968, as amended by Byâ€"laws 2447 and 2550 were approved by the Ontario Municipal Board Order dated the 11th day of March, 1970, except insofar as such approval applied to Section 11 of By-law 2325-68 which section was approved temporarily for a period expiring the 11th day of September. 1970. Section 11 of said By-law 2325-68 dealt with lands designated as being within Flood Plain Zones and the decision was reserved in regard thereto to enable the Munici- pality to consider objections made at the hearing held by the said Board and consult with repre- sented owners affected. Such considerations and discussions were protracted further than antici- pated and the Municipality has requested an ex- tension of the temporary period of approval. H. C. T. Crisp, Clerk, Township of Markham. RR. 2. Gormley, Ontario. ‘ Mrs. Neil Gillis. North Bay; l j Mrs. Norman Brown and son iof Richmond Hill: Mr. and ‘Mrs. James Auld of Maple, and, ’Mr. and Mrs. John Diceman and family of Maple. The annual 90th anniversary service of Victoria Square Unit- ed will be held October 25 at! 11 am. Guest speaker will be: Rev. Gordon Winch. who was formerly “Minister to the Pubs". Mr. Winch is also a former minister of St. Paul’s United, at Lake Wilcox. He is now director of the Toronto Distress Centre. Here a 24. hour service is in operation to which needy folk may come or phone and be helped to face the problems that threaten their ’peace of mind. i ' In the evening at 7:30 pm Study Hockey Players To Compare Abilities In Shooting, Passing, Better amateur hockey may, develop out of a study of non- professional players‘ capabilities carried out this summer in the Montreal region. A group of specialists in phyv sical education based at the University of Ottawa tested a group of young Montreal hockey players for six specific skills: forward and backward skating speed, shooting, puck control.. passing and agility. ' the service will be concentrated on music with St. Matthew's United Church Choir, Rich- mond Hill, singing. The annual turkey supper sponsored by the UCW will be held in the community hall November 11. Please circle the ldate on your calendar now and lplan to attend. Lions Charter Night All members of the commun- ity are cordially invited to hear prominent industrialist [Stephen Roman speak on “Thel Changing Community" at that Victoria Square Lions Club's 11th Anniversary Charter Night banquet in the communty hall, October 21, at 7:15 pm. Tick- ets may be obtained from Alex Cowley at 889-2758, John Smith at 887-5222, John McCague at 887.5409, or from any Lion. Roast beef and all the trim- mings will be served by the ladies of the WI. Reservations must be in by October 17. Rummage and Auction Sale Union Villa Auxiliary invites everyone to attend its rummage , and auction sale this Saturday from‘lO am to 4 pm at the Massey-Ferguson Farm, Steeles Ave. East and Concession 5. Good used saleable articles are required for this sale, for pickup call 297-2581 or 297- 1435. Neghborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Law- lrence Boynton, October 19. l Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning, married 16 years, Oc- tober 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton, married five years October 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Jim‘ Barker, married 14 years, October 20. Miss Karen Baxter and Paul Zurosly of Toronto had dinner on Wednesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Steckley. Mrs. Mabel Anderson of Port Hope called on Mr. and Mrs. Rolp‘h Boynton, Friday after- noon of last week. Mrs. Clarence Steckley and Laurie MacDonald attended the Zurosly-Baxter wedding in Metropolitan United Church, Toronto, Saturday afternoon. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. John Empringham who suffered a stroke Friday even- ing of last week and is now in York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace had Sunday evening din- er with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and family. Another euchre party will be held in the community hall October 16 at 8 pm. lANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 Neighborhood Notes Last year many young resi- dents of the area joined in a walkathon for the Bible Soc- iety of Canada. The walk will be held again this year, October 18 at 1:30. For information about starting points and sponsor forms call your local minister. Langstaff Home and School executive met last week to plan for the general meeting which will be a “meet the teachers night". Care and main- tenance of the school rinks was also discussed. Plans have been made for a fall ,dance at the Heintzman House :November 7. There will be ,‘music by the same disc jockey who entertained at last year‘s dance, prizes for spot dances as well as door prizes and a cor- sage for all the ladies. Tick- ets may be obtained from any ,executlve member or the ticket ,convenor. Mrs. Caroline Cook at 8894553. Grades five and six from the school took a _trip last :Wednesday to the port of Tor- .onto and toured the facilities there. Then they went on a boat tour around the islands. lLunch was eaten on the ONE lgrounds and they later toured the Hockey Hall of Fame. )From all reports it was a very exciting day. The YWCA \l’alkaihon Sunday morning beginning at 9 am. but those who atIcnd church at that time may start any time later in the day. is Sponsoring forms and informâ€" ,ation may be had from the “Y” lat 884-4811. FREE i I y l with an Elks _._.‘..._._. .‘ A . . Canada‘s breasted. Designer linings. 35 to 48. Reg, A Suit. . . l Tan. Read “The Liberal" the forces of darkness. and rout You'll be formidable on community affairs. politics. sports, the arts -â€"â€" all your interests. Be bold. Get home delivery of "The Lib- eral". ALTERATIONS 60 Days Same as Cash charge account CHARGE greatest luxury A Blazer Jacket . . Double breasted styling in 100% wool diagonal twill with matching pants. Hi centre vest . . Shades of Navy, Dark Brown. Deep Green & Officers Sizes 36 to 46. greater incentives for youngs- ters to participate in hockey. Professor William of McMaster University School of Physical Education and Athletics at Hamilton was a member of the study gmup, The researchers established that hockey could be greatly improved simply by determin- ing norms of skill. “The skill battCiy can be used It was the first time such a for diagnostic purposes to de- report study has been undertaken in {ermine a boy's weak area andCanada implement the test bat- North America. Results of thelit can provide an accurate mea- tcry as designed on a national study could eventually lead tolsurement of performance levels bases. men‘s and boys" wear stoms personal suit. Single 0r No-roll waistband on pant. Short, Tall. Reg, Short and Tall. Malioney., Double Deep centre vent and square flap pockets. . use it two ways! . metal buttons. iwthin age groups as they pcr- itain to selected skills," said Pro- fessor Mahoney. He added that “if the study is carried out on a national level. a boy can compare his lperformance with anyone also ‘within or outside of his age ‘gi‘ouping across Canada or comâ€" pare his own performance as he progressed through the age ‘levelsf’ ‘ Major recommendation in the suggests that Hockey Men's high ustre argal Suits 100% all wool Blazer SUITS ., $8 95 Suits you b RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Sizes A New Suit For Fall? A Great Idea! est for less lHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 \VILLOWDALE â€" William Mill- son. 57. of Stuart Avenue, Wilâ€"1 lowdale. lest his left arm near the shoulder October 10 when his shotgun accidentally dis- charged while he was hunting at Riley Luke. 20 miles northeast of Orillia. 19 Announcement Thornhill Baptist Church to hold Induction Service for new minister. Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A. B.D. at the church on Tuesday, October 27, 1970 at 8 pm. Guest speaker: Rev. Laurie Stibbards of London, Ontario. *### BRADFORD â€"« Mr. and Mrs. Gunter Bcder won the Bradford Rotary Club‘s 835.000 home in the country last week. Mr. Bcder. operator of a turf farm. is a past president of the Bceton Rotary Club. and had provided the front yard sod for the house he won. The split level home is located on Concession 11. West leillimbury, west of Yongc Street. Everyone Welcome Elks planned this value months in advance and honestly believe this to be Canada’s best suit value anywhere. Just note these outstanding features: Permanently creased pants . . . newest 1971 styling (yes, we‘re right up with the times) . . . finest worsted in stripes and window panes . . . sanitized Celanese lining . . . ban-roll waistband . . . side or centre vents . . . nylon zipper that won’t break. We could go on forever, but then you’d miss the sale, and you'd never forgive yourself! CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE CLOTH! "' Rail Stripes * Muled Checks * Window Panes * Houndstooth Checks ‘* Pin Stripes * Chalk Stripes LOOK AT THESE LUXURY FEATURES! 0 Inside breast pocket 0 Both pants permanently pressed 0 Your choice side or centre vent O 2-button single breasted b 3-button single breasted 0 New double breasted style '12 Month suit Fii GUARANTEE Gain or lose weight . . . Whatever the alter- ation . . . it’s FREE . . . within 12 months of your receiving the suit. 1 OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P31.

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