A number of lawyers prac- ticing in the county will be available on request to speak on subjects such as real estate, Schools. service clubs, wo- men's groups and other associ- ation: in York County will have an opportunity to learn about law from experts. At a recent meeting of the executive of the York North Law Association, members agreed to create 3 speakers’ panel with an aim to increase public knowledge of the law. 2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 A number of these are now closely associated with Mr. Benson in the finance office. As senior aides and advisers they accompanied Benson to last June’s Finance Ministers’ Con- fenence‘at Winnipeg. When the Thatcher Liberals de- posed the CCF Socialists in Saskatch- ewan some of the former govern- ment’s top advisers and planners gravitated to Ottawa and were placed in positions of influence in the fed- eral c1vil sex-Vice. Prominent in this group was T. K. '(Tommy) Shoyama who joined the Saskatchewan Civil Service in 1946. From 1951 to 1961, he was senior economic advisor to the CCF Govern- ment and secretary of the Saskatch- ewan Economic Advisory Planning Board, a director of the government finance office, the Saskatchewan Power Corporation and the Saskatch- ewan Minerals Corp. When Tommy Douglas resigned as premier in 1962 to accept the national leadership of the New Democrats, Mr. Shoyama was granted leave of absence to put his considerable talents at the serv- iceiof Douglas and the NDP. The White Paper, offspring of the Carter Report, has been cynically described as a document that bears all the trademarks of something hatched by a Socialist philosophy. Certainly the Trudeau Government has shown leanings in that direction. And there is no disputing that a not inconsiderable number of high- ranking civil servants in policy-shapâ€" ing areas of the Trudeau Adminis- tration have had strong political ties with the former CCF-NDP govern- ment in Saskatchewan. v- “u.- uvu; . One would think the Socialists would like to reduce everyone to one common level of mediocrity could have set a better example to the rest of us poor mortals. Surely it would have been more in keeping if they Today, Mr. Shoyama occupies one of the top positions in the federal finance office. He is the Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance, federal fiscal policy and economic programs That certainly was a strange little drama enacted at the recent Ontario NDP Convention in Toronto when re- tiring Provincial Leader Donald Mac- Donald was honored with the pre- sentation of nothing less than a Buick LeSabre by the party faithful.’ This car is no ordinary proletarian model designed to provide reliable transportation. ‘An expensive Amer- ican imported model, this Buick LeSabre is complete with such “capitalistic†extras as air condition- ing and an automatic trunk door. The uneasy business community draws little comfort from the Minis- ter’s bland brand of soothing sirup. 'And business has found still more cause for concern in a recent offhand remark by Prime Minister Trudeau that if the people of Canada did not like the policies of his government they could “lump it.†Canada’s urbane Minister of Fin- ance Edgar Benson, heedful of the storm of protest, has been obliged to make some soothing sounds but without actually retreating from his original position and that is that the tax reforms are necessary, proper and long over-due. Mr. Benson prom- ises to give careful consideration to the views of the White Paper's critics before proceeding to bring in legislation. Opposition to the proposed tax changes has come from almost every sector of business and industry. A tremendous volume of credible facts and figures has been produced to suggest the probable damage that could be done to the economy if the more stringent provisions of the paper are implemented. . The federal White Paper on Tax Reform remains suspended like a Damoclean sword over the heads of Canadian business and certain classes of Canadian citizens. --... _--..-r---_.-.-- .. 'v_..J . unwulAvAAvu ‘u-v ‘ U 1, A‘ Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00: 15c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190†Edgar Benson's Socials! “Mandarins†Socialists Are Human After All An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 TM): liberal In making the announcement the association's president. Ross Linton, invites interested groups to contact him or his secretary at 895-4571 and let them know what subject they would like a lawyer to speak to them about. They will be phone numbers lawyers in their wills, estate planning, taxation, criminl law. commercial and company law, municipal law, the law as a vocation, etc. given the tele- of one or more area who would If this same position on taxation is expoused by the ex-Saskatchewan bloc in the finance office, who ob- viously have the ear of Mr. Benson, the task of persuading Ottawa to take a more moderate approach to tag reform is not made easier. The ex-Saskatchewanites in Mr. Benson’s department are all highly qualified people. But in light of their previous political affiliation (and in most cases they were politic- ally active) one cannot help but won- der to what extent they influence finance office policy and what part they have played in the drafting of the_ White Paper. The New Democratic Party not only supports Mr. Benson’s proposed tax reforms, but contends that the govermnent should go much further in taxing business and Canadians in middle income brackets. In view of the political back- grounds of the people advising Mr. Benson, it is perhaps not surprising that the White Paper is a document with a decided Socialist flavor. presented their retiring Chieftan with, say, a Chevrolet or Ford or perhaps even a Volkswagen. It is hard to believe, too, that in the face of their repeated harsh criticisms of our good neighbors to the south they would select an imported American model car. Of course their apologists have been quick to answer this accus- ation by stating some of the parts are made right here in good old Canada. Donald L. Tansley is vice-president of operations in the federal develop- men agency. He is a former director of the CCF government’s budget bureau, executive director of the finance office, chairman of the Sask- atchewan Medical Care Insurance Commission, and acting deputy pro- vincial treasurer. ‘ However, the whole episode proves once again that even the most avowed Socialists really enjoy middle class affluence as much as the rest of us do. Scratch a Socialist and you will discover a human being with the same likes and dislikes, hopes and The old CCF government of Tommy Douglas has contributed quite a lot of talent to the federal civil service. D. H. F. Black is another disciple of Canadian social- ism who arrived in Saskatchewan after his defeat as a CCF candidate in Eastern Canada. Following the Thatcher take-over Mr. Black quit as deputy-minister of Industry and Commerce and wound up at Ottawa. He holds a senior position «in the Canadian International Development Agency; of the federal government. ,~_. v†uaAu unaunco, dreams as everyone else. Still another Benson man is W. L. (Bill) Haney who served the CCF government as administrative assist- ant to the provincial treasurer, com- missioner of the local government board and later as board chairman. Mr. Haney joined the federal govern- ment in 1966 and is a senior officer in the federal-provincial relations branch, Finance Department. Another familiar face in the Ben- son entourage was that of Art Wak- abayashi. Mr. Wakabayashi held a number of senior positions with the CCF, including director of the budget bureau and deputy provincial treas- urer. He is now a senior officer in the Treasury Board. Mr. Johnson is now listed in the Ottawa government directory as see- retary of the Federal Treasury Board and economic advisor to Prime Min- ister. Trudeau. The elite group of advisers around Mr. Benson includes a former deputy provincial treasurer of Saskatchewan â€"A. W. (Al) Johnson. Mr. John- son joined the CCF civil service in 1946 and first served as director of the administrative management div- ision of the government budget bur- eau. branch. Mr. Linton is a member of the Newmarket law firm of Stiver. Vale. Peppiatt and Er- rington. be prepared to attend their meeting and address them on the subject selected. The York North Law Assoc- iation is a group of lawyers who practice law north of Steeles Avenue, and who haVe as one of their objectives the creation of a separate judic- ial district for the area so as to improve service to local res- idents. \1E6 Lewis got at least 90% of 750 -«-~-- w «w--- ..... , -- -- m..- we .__.-__-_ _ We, ,, STOUFFVILLE " The “St bring more green into the cities V of He was committed for trial in that it took two officers to sun- of the 830 union votes. The NDP - the next twenty years. A lot end busmess °f Sanders Gum rather than drive citizens to the money? Not when you contem- Newmarket Provincial Court, due the young high school stu- October 9. - dent. It was also reported that regular party members pre- - ferred Pitman by about 642 to rig: 336 Eggrssa’l‘lggrsbe“; distant outskirts for relief. This plate the $4 billion a year now I . 438, ' sold to Ken Rober'ts and Re involves conversion of river going into the hard concrete of . Peter Hay of Newmarket tes- Grimm stood naked in his cell Lewis won on , radicaI, Ward local men Th b i W fronts, harbors and outmoded highways. Not. above all, when tlfmd the youth_cras_hed head- for tWO hours,'demanding that socialist. anti-American plat- will 110“, be kn ’ 9E u: fies; military installations from shab- such acquisitions are viewed as n?“ through his llVing-l‘oom DOIice bring _h1m “8 pure. 1m- form denouncing our branch Gulf' Mr 3“;an :5 dn by blights to urban adornments the last breathing space which wmd°“’. April 26 at 2 f‘m Mr' tOUChed “rgmui . , plant economy and the domina- plan’ to 066333 a Eittaga: £3 with the refreshing quality of a society can still guarantee to H3: Said hhe ordered 1‘15 Wife JUdge Russell Pear“ d‘smli‘ tion of Canada by international resort centre near Norval. those greens and gardens that its hen-5' 3:5 inâ€: gbatti‘frotifmRichie): hheem :51: zzgiZSEhgrgisizlf. common assau t w\llllllll“!\lllillll“lllllllllllllllilllilllllll\llllilllllllllmil“illllull“l“llll“ll“llllllll“ll“mm“mum“i“lmull“!ll\llllllllllll\\\ll\l\\l\\l\\lll\lllllllllllll\llllllllllillllllllllllllll“lilillllmlll“Mlll\ltl|\ll\\\llllfll\\lll\\llMllllllllllllllllillllilllllllulllllliillllllllllm “lullMilli“lllillll[lillllilllllillllllmill“llimllllllllllllllllll“llillllllllllllinlllllllllllllll\“llllllllllllllllllllllull\lllllliululllilllllllllill\llillllllllll“lllllllllllllllll'F Stephen Lewis was elected over Walter Pitman by 1,188 to 642, a margin of 546 votes. If we believe the press and the union leader interviewed on television at the convention, Lewis got at least 90% of 750 of the 830 union votes. The NDP regular party members pre- ferred Pitman _by about 642 to 438. As an interested observer at the recent Ontario NDP Con- vention, I was puzzled. AMERICAN UNIONS DOMINATE NDP Dear Mr. Editor: White Paper On Tax Reform - Part 3 Commons Committee Suggests Six Major Changes White Paper By BARNEY DANSON MP York North The publication of the White Paper itself was Part 1. The public hearings and national debate were Part 2. The report of the Commons Committee On Finance is Part 3. I urge you to sec- ure copies of this report from the Queen's Printer in Ottawa. It will give an in- teresting insight into the considerations which must be taken in structuring a satis- factory tax system. For the most part, the re- port is in layman's lan- guage. though certain com- plex sections may be tedi- ous reading. Your reaction will be of interest to me. The reaction of the govern- ment is crucial. In my initial column on the White Paper itself, I in- dicated six principal areas which I thOught r'equired some very serious thought. Our report suggested modif- ication in each of these areas which largely reflect my own thinking. It is impOSSible to try and cover the report in this re- port. It is a necessarily long report going into the background of our thinking and alternatives. I shall, however. highlight t h o s 6 areas which some 3.000 let- ters indicated to me were of prime concern in York North. In the montage above members of the 6th Thornhill Group which meets in the Bayview Glen Public School, exemplify the Scout Movement, which is seeking your assistance this Saturday. They are (left to right) Scout David Watts, Assistant Scoutmaster Bill Whelan and Cub Bruce Rose. Sponsor of this active group is the Bayview Glen and Area Association. “A Saturday Boy Scouts and Cubs in uniform will be out in force to sell apples throughout York Summit District, the southern part of York County. Scout Apple Day is their one money-making event a year and the public is urged to show its support of this movement, which develops leadership abilities and makes good citizens, by buying an apple. There is no set price, so be as generous as you can. At leasï¬ one group_ of boys haye gone all out to make the day successful. They spent last Saturday picking the delicious fruit they will be offering for your enjoyment. . Buy An Apple This Saturday U.S. corporations, yet his margin of victory came from the Cana- dian local of international American unions, If the_government is under the thumb of US. corporations and the NDP is under the thumb of US. unions. who speaks for the ordinary citizens of Ontario. JOHN MEDCOF Firstly, I should mention that our three principal con- clusions were that (1) the tax load on lower income Canadians should be reduc- ed; (2) there should be some sort of capital gains tax; (3) growth of the economy must be a central consider- ation in our tax system. HIGHLIGHTS 0 The income of a single person should not be reduc- ed by income taxes below $1,500 for a single person, or $2,900 for a married coup- le as suggested in the orig- inal proposals. O Deductions for child care expenses, when both parents are working, up to $500 per child under four- teen. or a maximum of $2.000 per family, as orig- inally proposed. 0 Employment expense, for such things as tools. special clothing. etc.. of $150. We further recom~ mended that this be increas- ed as soon as possible to in- clude greater amounts if substantiated. o Unemployment in s u r- ance premiums deductible and payments received to be added to the total yearly in- come for tax purposes. A 0 Expenses' iï¬Yolved in moving to a new Job to be deductible. 0 National amateur ath- letic associations and gifts of art. scientific collections, Mount Al‘bert (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) (New York Times) In an age that lives fiercely for the day, it is vital to have somebody thinking a generation ahead. While most of the world is preoccupied with the awe- some problem of the moment, the Regional Plan Association and its president, Dr. John Keith, are trying to assure East Coast Americans of the open space they will need thirty years from now if there are to survive with any humanity in the megaloplis. One approach to the preser- vation of urban sanity is to bring more green into the cities rather than drive citizens to the distant outskirts for relief. This involves conversion of river fronts, harbors and outmoded military installations from shab- by blig‘hts to urban adornments with the refreshing quality of those greens and gardens that mummnummummlmuunummmmummmnmu“m\\u\ummm\\\“mmlmumlummmmuummmummmm Keep The Future Green to public institutions to be added to deductible charit- able donations. o The maximum rate of tax to be reduced only to 60%. rather than to 50% as proposed in the White Pa- per. o The 50% rate to apply in the range exceeding $30,- 000, rather than approxi- mately $25,000 as proposed, and the maximum 60% rate apply on that exceeding $60,000. o More generous income averaging provisions, partic- ularly for widows arr orph- ans. o The possible retroactive effects on lump sum with- drawals and profit-sharing plans eliminated. n to Capital gains generally at half the rate of one’s personal income t_:{x. 0 Principal residence, in- cluding one acre of land, ex- empt from capital gains tax. 0 Capital gains tax not to apply to sales of personal property at a a price of $1,000 or less per item or set, losses on items or sets costing under $1,000 not al- lowed. o No capital gains on shares which increase in val- ue after Valuation Day if the sale price is less than that actually paid prior to Valua- tion Day. I Substantial revision of estate tax laws which would eliminate federal taxes of estates below $150,000 and ‘ The concerts between Nov- ‘ember 1 and December 20 will include performances by the Devonshire Singers, a Madrigal ‘group directed by Gary Crich- ton; The University of Toronto Chorus performing Handel’s Oratorio “Semeleâ€; a tribute to Canada Music Week by the Scarboro School System; and a special Christmas production of "Amahl And The Night Visit- ors†by Gian Carol Menotti conducted by Lloyd Bradshaw and produced by James Co]- beck. An experienced examiner, Mr. Bailey will conduct the demonstration for the benefit of the members present. The following Sunday the brilliant young classical guitar- ist, Martin Polten, will be the guest artist. There were many favorable comments following Mr. Polten’s performance last year. reports Music Director Peter Butler. After Christmas there will be two symphony concerts conduc- ted by Walter Babiak featuring works by Beethoven to honor the tri-centenary of his birth. There will also be an exhibition of the life of Beethoven at the college in February. The concerts will begin half an hour earlier this year, at 3:15 pm, and there will be guided tours at 2:30 pm for visitors who wish to View the ultra-modern building. The opening concert this Sunday will be presented by the Hart House Orchestra con- ducted by Boyd Neel. They will perform the works of Jo- hann Sebastian Bach. including the Overture in G‘ Minor and the Violin Concerto in G Minor. John Bailey. principal of the North Toronto Branch of the RCMT is to be a guest at the meeting, which will begin at 10 am and is to be held at the home of Mrs. E. G. Clark, Or- chard Boulevard, Town of Markham. Each céncert will run for ap- proximately one hour with no intermission. Music teachers of Markham Township will have an oppor- tunity to observe a demonstra- tion examination when the Markham Township Chapter of the Royal Conservatory of Mus- ic of Toronto Alumni Associa- tion meets next Monday. WANT EXTRA INCOME? A temporary job may be the answer. Read the Help Wanted Columns in “The Liberal†every week for job opportunities througout York County. Once again this year the University of Toronto’s Scar- boro College is [presenting a series of free Sunday concerts in the meeting place of the college. Military Trail south of Ellesmere Road in West Hill. Financially. the necessary ac- quisitions both within and be- yond the cities would come to some $350 million a year for the next twenty years. A lot of money? Not when you contem- plate the $4 billion a year now going into the hard concrete of highways. Not. above all, when such acquisitions are viewed as Uhe last breathing space which a society can still guarantee to its heirs. Free Concerts Begin At Scarboro College Markham Branch RCMT Besides converting and ex- panding public holdings in the cities, the association calls for the preservation of the Appala- chian chain as a great “green backdrop." Specifically it pro- poses a park system of 10,000 square miles from West Virginia to Vermount which would give one-fifth of the nation’s popula- tion easy access to one-fifth of the national parkland. relieve the concrete of Euro- pean cities. ' There is an option recom- mended to permit closely- h e l d Canadian-controlled companies the advantage of full integration. This is a com- plex and widely misunder- stood area of the White Paper proposals which our report covers in considerable detail and is worthwhile reading for every business- man. 0 Widely-held (public) and closely-held (private) comp- anies to be treated much the same insofar as the integra- tion of income is concerned. O Incentives to smaller. growing businesses. (This is the subject of a special study by the Department of Fin- ance. The principal objec- tive is to provide the neces- sary capital for a small com- pany to grow, rather than a tax advantage for incorpora- ting which others don’t en- joy). the maximum rate of tax not to apply on estates under $800,000, rather than the present $300,000. (Agree- ment to be sought with the provinces as they are the main recipients of this tax and also levy own succession duties.) >0 Conventions, seminars and business expenses con- tinue to be deductible where reasonable and nee-I essary. . Mining and oil indus- tries to continue to receive special consideration. In most respects this will re- Names Given M can Fea tures Frank Grimm, 17, of New- market will appear in the Ont- ario Supreme Court at the next assizes, on a charge of unlaw- fully being in a dwelling house. He was committed for trial in Newmarket Provincial Court, October 9. - Crashed Thru Window, Stood Naked In Cell This is as brief as I can possibly be and still cover the areas of major interest. Many of these highlights are qualified or expanded in the report itself. There are, too, many areas such as utilities. goodwill, foreign source in- come and others which I have not attempted to coVer here. We have tried to make certain that most Canadians do not pay unduly for the benefits few may enjoy. Hard arithmetic still hits the upper middle income earner the most, yet the increases in this income range are not major and are certainly much less than they would be if other forms of income, such as capital gains. Were not subject to taxation. (In the proposals, the increases for the “average family" â€"â€" a married couple with two de- pendent children under six- teen â€" are $17 if the in- come is $10.000. $177 if $15,000. The latter figure o Professionals to account on an accrual basis, as is normal business practice. with fair reserves for write- off of doubtful or bad ac- counts. Work in process not included. ent is the maximum increase in the $10,000 to $30,000 in- come range. By contrast. the reductions for the same quire a greater degree .01 qualification than at pres- Professor Frank Hogg, who died in 1951, was also director of the observatory. He lived on Richmond Street. served on the former Richmond Hill High School Board and was first chairman of the York Central District High School Board. Two former residents of Richmond Hill are among six Canadians (five astronomers and one psychicist), all deceased, to be honored by having their names given to features on the rear of the moon. Both men were on the staff of the University of Toronto. ‘ Professor Clarence Chant, who died in 1956. was the first director of the David Dunlap Observatory. located on the height of land in Markham Township. just south of the present town limits. He lived in Observatory House on the same property until his death. Dr. Chant is cred- ited with giving a strong impetus to astronomy in Canada. as well as doing research in other fields such as reception by wire or electric waves. omer‘ He was concerned .with spectroscopic investigations and astro-navigation during World War 11. Lunar maps with the new nomenclature were circulated- at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Brighton, England, last month. This is the third naming of lunar features. In a number of cases the same name represents more than one person. For instance Crater Hogg is also named for Dr. Arthur Hogg. an Australian astron- DR. CLARENCE CHANT Her eyes were suddenly lovely They sparked and danced when she smiled Those crinkles around the corners Were where thousands of laughs had piled. Old? -â€" No she is far from old Far from a cane and grey head She’ll never be old to her many friends Not even wheri‘ she is dead. But when I grew much older And could see through wiser eyes I was astonished to see she had cheated time Yet I thought time told no lies. Her hands â€" no they weren’t wrinkled They merely told tales of her life Of tending the ill and scrubbing the floor Of being playmate, mother, and wife. And when the grass is green on her grave When the grief of her passing is less Her memory will always be one of joy ' The echo of her laugh a caress. When I was just a little girl Maybe four or five . I’d look at my mother and think in alarm How can she still be alive? Her Her Her She hands seemed hideoust wrinkled teeth were not her own eyes were generously crinkled was destined to be an old crone. On My Mother his son struggled with the un- invited visitor through the house for 10 minutes, until police arrived. _ Further testimony revealed that it took two officers to sub- due the young high School stu- dent. It was also reported that Grimm stood naked in his cell for two hours, demanding that police bring him “a pure, un- touched virgin". ANGELA COX. 114 Hall Street, Richmond Hill These rates may be modi- fied as a result of our other proposals and Finance Minister Edgar Benson has committed himself to rate reductions if the total pack- age results in income beyond cu‘rrent budgetary require- ments. In summary, we have tried to make proposals which are fair, acceptable as any taxes can be. as reasonably underâ€" standable as any taxes can be, allow for appeal proced- ures, permit advance rulings (already announced by the Minister of National Reven- ue). avoid retroactlvlty and permit the greatest and most healthy growth of our econ. omy in a society which moves a bit closer to one that is just. size family with an income of $8,000 is $83, or $96 at $6,000). 7 We now look forward to Part 4 which is the legisla- tion in the spring. It should Very much reflect our recommendations. (I have a limited number of copies of this report if you write for one. Other. wise, they should be avail. able from the Queen's Prim ter, Ottawa. or at 221 Yonge St., Toronto. I shall also see that copies are available for reference at all public libraries in the federal rid- ing of York North as well as the offices of the weekly newspapers). DR. FRANK HOGG