Air Cadet Squardon 778 Is very happy to announce promo- tion of Second Lieutenant George Ridgely and George Good to First Lieutenants early in September. Mr. Woods is the squadron‘s adjutant and Mr. Ridgely is the training officer. Thursday 778 Squadron start- ed its first NCO course. This is designed to train cadets to be- come leaders as non-commis- lsioned officers. They learn this iby taking and giving their fel- ‘low cadets drill. In the first period the cadets wrote down some of the basics given by the Course Instructor Ken Madill. In the second ‘period they practiced drill. ‘while some tried to command The wires are humming with congratulations for Freddie Bird and his group that won the All-Ontario Country and West- ern Music Championship the other week. Was talking to Freddie and he was telling how tough the judges are. All pro music men so they would look for the little things to make their judgements on. From all reports it was an all out team effort that made them winners. We would like to extend a hearty welcome to all visitors to our community. Thanksgiving was the last long weekend until the Christmas season â€"â€" hope everybody enjoyed themselves. A warm welcome to George Summers and his lovely daugh- ter from Chelthanham, England. They are the guests of Douglas and Rita Hopson. Mr. Summers is our Doug’s brother-in-law. May I on behalf of us all say that I hope you have enjoyed yourselves; the trips to see the beautiful colored leaves and the trip to Niagara Falls. 7 Also theâ€"sharing of our Vest-time Thanksgiving. To the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ab Roberts. Their guests were from the farming district of Delhi. Beautiful scenery up that way. How about this? It was a sur- prise to all of us to hear that Bud and Gerry Chapman are celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary this weekend. Sin- cere best wishes to you both. You don‘t look old enough to be married that long. To Jill. may you have many more happy birthdays like the one you had on Friday night. Freddie Bird Group Are All-Ontario Country And Western Music Champs Our social evenings get nicer as they go along. Friday night was quiet in one sense, but there was so much fun going that laughter was the style of the evening. Found out about a turkey roll. It isn't something you eat (at least not immediate- ly); nor do you hog-tie the two footed beast. But it was loads of fun. Welcome back to Arthur and Lucy Rickard from their trip souflh. They looked like a couple of newly weds. Beautiful tans. Gosh I had a load of laughs the other night. Was hearing what everyone thought of this column. Many thanks for the kind words fellas. To all our ailing members and also to the community as a whole, 11 any of you are not feeling up to par â€"â€" come along and get better. You are all needed. Branch 375: Don’t forget the big com and Wiener roast plan- ned for this Satdrday. It is to be held at the George Diceman's Farm. Admission a dollar; time 2100 hours. See you all there for a wonderful evening of fun and dancing. Be sure to bring your appetites with you. Spent the weekend on the reservation with the inmates of Bedlam Abbey. Now that is a real gone bunch. For a time I thought I was back in the BALLANTRAE â€"â€" This Whit- church Township hamlet is likely to grow substantially in the near future. Although no agreement has been signed with council, the developer of a proposed 90-acre. 57-home sub- division reports he has already sold several lots and hopes to‘ have ten homes completed this year which will sell from $27,- 995 to $37,200. A seven-acre park site is included. Roads are to be paved with all wiring underground and heating will he all-electric. Water will come from drilled wells and waste disposed of through septic tanks. STOUFFVILLE â€" With the problems caused by a housem moving on the Main Street four years ago, council has recommended that an alternate route be used by a firm which applied for permission to move a 26x51x21 foot building on a float along the village’s main thoroughfare. In 1966 an 80- ton brick house being moved by rollers became marooned in other traffic and had to be re- routed. FLIGHT LINE 778 By LAC Walter Schmidt Holding First NCO Course Yourlegian Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884.5260 the flight. The junior and recruit flights practised drill also. In a few weeks these cadets will be able to march like seniors. In the second period the cadets learned armament from Tom McKeage. Mr. McKeage taught the cadets the position for holding a rifle and hunter safety. - ‘ auu “nu-u“. -__-.,,, The senior and advanced flights, now combined because of the NCO course. learned hunter safety. In the second period Corporal Jerry Totham gave the cadets some practise at drill. Squadron 778 is still on the lookout for boys. aged 13 to 18, who wish to join. Are you in- terested? Be an Air Cadet. RCAF; the warden of the Abbey sounded so much like our old PT sergeant. She had us work- ing so hard that when I went home, just had enough strength to flop on the sack and flake out. But boy did she do a grand job on the eats department. That crew went to town at mess call: didn't even leave enough for me to take home in a doggy bag. iFound out that they have an ambitious bunch there. One wants to be a writer. Really had to laugh as her wee effort. First time she had ever worked a type« writer (not too many errors come to think of it). Another wee inmate didn’t do such a bad job on his effort to make a bird house. He remarked that probably some darn robin would leome along and comdemn it. 1The Wrens are the only birds that would fit into it. But I thought he earned an "A" for effort. Have a good question for you folks. Have you made your plans for New Year‘s Eve as yet. From what I hear, it is go- ing to be the usual riot at the Legion. But more about that later. HaLIOWe'en is coming up. May we have the pleasure of your company on October 31? There will be prizes galore. Loads of fun. Dancing and refreshments. Excellent music. I didn’t know that soccer play- ‘ ed such a big part in the life of our community. l-Iave heard members of the Abbey talking about it but thought it was only played in the schools nowadays. Found out the other night that there are quite a few former pro players living in our loca- lity. Sounds like it should be fun. Gordie Hunter was explaining‘ the fine points of the game to me. can recall watching some games that were really exciting when in the service. By the way, did you all enjoy the way Gor- die did his turn of entertaining. Here there is a rumour that he may be forming his own band. Between him and his brother Georgie there is a lot of rhythm. Hurrah this kid is getting a chance to go back to school for‘ a while. Never can get tired of learning something. Sorry that I’m letting you folks down next week â€"â€" but this person will be out of town. Trying to soak up something that will enable me to give you better reports. More interesting and n at e w o rth y. Wish me luck. FLOWERS “FLORAL DESIGNS WITH YOU IN MIND†Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wedding Consultants Wire Orders Accepted LAURELEA FLOWERS 3213 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL 884-5211 e w W l m M J . . x \ §§¥§ ANDERSON - McPl-IEE Beautiful late summer wea- ther enhanced the scene at St. John‘s Anglican Church, Jef- ferson, September 12, when Ella Marie Anderson, y o u n ge s t daughter of Mr. John Ander- son, Jefferson, became the bride of Robert James McPhee, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Phee of Minesing, (formerly of R. R. 3 King City). Two baskets of white mums and pink gladioli adorned the front of the small, old country style, church. The double ring ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Earl Gerber. Mrs. Dorothy Wilton, a friend of the bride. sang two beautiful solos â€"â€" “How Great Thou Art". just before the bride entered the church and “The Lord's Prayer" during the signing of the register. The bride was gracefully at- tired in a full length dress and coat ensemble of beautiful white satin with white lace trim on sleeves and the coat‘s train. She carried a bouquet of1 white carnations intermixed with red roses and flowing rib- bons. Miss Karen Wilton of Jef- ferson was maid of honor and Miss Denise Chapman of Agin- court and Miss Elsie Anderson, sister of the bride, were brides- maids. The attendants were all dressed alike in empire style gowns of soft green dotted swiss with matching veils, which were produced by their own talents. The maid of honor carried a bouquet of white carnations with pink sweetheart roses, and the bridesmaids carried bou- quets of carnations with yellow roses. The groom was attended by his brother Angus McPhee of Sault Ste. Marie, and the ushers were, Arnold McPhee of Mines- ing and John Jackson of Maple. All wore black double breasted tuxedos. The reception was held in the Masonic Hall in Richmond Hill, where the bride’s sister, Miss Helen Anderson received, wear- ing a mauve and white crepe dress with a corsiage of small pink roses. r_ The groom's mother assisted, wearing a rose pink dress with a matching corsage of light pink and white roses. Guests from Bruce Mines, Correspondent Leonard Lomas â€" Phone ' Sault Ste. Marie, Weston. Wood- be worn Fall wedding bridge. King City and Richmond ing and ANDERSON - McPHEE Hill. attended. 7 commen Elgin Mills - Jefferson News RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The North Mall -â€" 8 THANK YOU Boy Scout TO THE ELECTORS IN WARD 4 RICHMOND HILL My sincere thanks for your confidence and generous support in electing me as your councillor in Ward 4. Discount Cleaners and Repairs Shaun Beggs Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Unionville and Markham SUPPORT SCOUTIN G SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 YORK SUMMIT DISTRICT two beautiful eat Thou Art“. bride entered “The Lord‘s he signing of gracefully at- igth dress and of beautiful vhite lace trim Ie coat's train. 1 bouquet of s intermixed id flowing rib- Wilton of Jef- of honor and pman of Agin- 2lsie Anderson, a “yarn hridpe- The service at St. John's An- glican Church next Sunday will be morning prayer at 10 am. Community Club The first meeting of the sea- son of the Jefferson Community and Recreational Association was held October 6 at the school. Election of a new execu- tive for the year resulted as follows: President Mrs. Bonnie Thompson, Vice-President Mrs. Joan Seriver. Secretary Mrs. Flo O‘Donnell, Treasurer Mrs. Carol Bolton. Mrs. Joan Eld- ridge will be social convenor‘ with three assistant, Mrs. Beryl Ritchie, Mrs. Freda Apfel and Mrs. Eileen Gradeen. 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Serving the Community under the Wright 3; Taylor and Pipher Chapels smce 1876 mars/ml! )ndent Leonard Lomas â€" Phone 884-3000 Sault Ste. Marie, Weston. Wood-be worn. but light. warm cloth- bridge, King City and Richmond ing and rubber boots are re- Hill. attended. commended. Refreshments will The bride chose for her wed- be provided. but each girl ding trip a light green dress should bring her favourite with matching checked coat, and drink. black patent accessories. Church News Since their return from a This being Survival Week. the honeymoon in Northern Ontario, recto,- at St, John‘s Anglican the newlyweds have resided at Church spoke on “Ecology And 43 Markham Road- RiChmond This Plundered Planet." at the Hill. 10 am Eucharist Sunday and Neighbo'h‘md Nous brought the dangers of pollu- The Temperancevme 4‘H tion home to those present. The bride chose for her wed- ding trip a light green dress with matching checked coat, and black patent accessories. The Temperanceville 4-H Club reconvened last Saturday for a 10-week course in dress- making. The meetings are held Saturday mornings at the home of Mrs. Wilfred James. Mrs. Charles Henshaw is the leader. Trustees Warren Bailie and Mrs. Deena Simpson. who will both represent the new Rich- mond Hill on York County Board of Education, were present. Scouts and Clubs First Jefferson Cubs and Scouts were out Saturday pick- ing apples Tor the annual apple day. The Cubs had 100% turn- out and a number of Scouts and parents joined them to lend a hand despite the wet weather. The group committee thanks the boys for a job well done. ' ~.._,., _-_ _, The annual Apple Day is this coming Saturday and your gen- erous support is asked to help maintain Scouting in the com- munity, when the boys call on you. Brownies The first “Brownie Revel†for this year is being held October 17 at the home of Mrs. D. Hea- vener, Bayview Avenue, Lake Wilcox. Jefferson Brownies will leave the school promptly at 11 am and should return by 4:30 pm. Brownie uniforms will not LIMITED QUALITY CLEANING AT DISCOUNT PRICES 884-1062 884-6171 Next Sunday the services will i be a celebration of Holy Com- munion at 8 am and Morning Prayer at 10 am. at which a team of three laymen from Toronto will be present and will speak at the sermon time. They are: Harry Kent. an Air Canada pilot; Mrs. Charlotte Welch, housewife and full-time secre- tary with Weston’s: ‘and Bill -__., Leggethersonnel trainer for North West Life. After the service a coffee hour will be held in the base- ment of the parish hall, which will afford the congregation a chance to meet our guests for the day. Mrs. Irene Boyle will be in charge of the refreshments. At 8 pm the congregation is invited to be present in St. Paul‘s Anglican Church, Bloor Street, for the evening meeting of the Bardsley Mission. This mission starts October 15 and runs for 10 consecutive even- ings, commencing at 8 pm. Cars will be running from St. John’s nightly and we understand St.Mary‘s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. is chartering a bus. It has been decided to move the hour of service to 10:30 am. when the clock changes, and keep it there throughout the year instead of a 10 am service in summer and an 11 am service in winter. The first Sunday at this new time will be the first Sunday in November, All Saints’ Day, November 1. Sympathy Earn higher interest on our Guaranteed Investment Certiï¬cates now paying as high as eight and three quarter percent. VICTORM and TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 RICHMOND HILL G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. The semor Irusr Company devoted entirely to serving the people ofOnrario. While some trustees felt a welding course in the school should equip a student for em- ployment. others argued that its purpose was to give the stud- ent general basic knowledge of welding skills. _ The purpose of vocational education was the subject of lengthy discussion at a meeting of York County Board of Edu- cation on September 28. (Adverti eeeeeee Board To Review GpaluowwI MAI-L‘Aï¬fiews Vocational Education; Dv;nn n D;n]nmnnrl unl The board had before it a report of the welding sub- committee of its advisory vo- cational committee which rec- ommended setting upvsix major welding shops in county schools. The report had been sub- mitted to Program Consultant William Bergey of the Depart- ment of Education for com- ment and was returned with a covering letter outlining the basic roles of technical pro- grams in the intermediate and senior divisions of the school system. - nu 1L. Technical programs. said Mr. The report was first submit- Bergey. should provide broad- ted to the board in May, then base courses which would ac- referred to the advisory vo- quaint the student with a gen- cational committee of staff and eral understanding of various subsequently forwarded to de- technologies which would help partment consultant. the student in career decisions. As a result of the various re- It should also give all stu- ports and comments, said dents some general technical Mr. Kinnee, changes would be knowledge and should provide made in planning new shops. some specialized training for It was agreed that careful those who intend to go to consideration of the purpose of work immediately after gradu- vocational education in relation ating from secondary school. to general education should be 4-1-... L_e-_A _ _ . . a I. a _ ~ ‘ _ . _ _ .. ....,, _c H “We should listen to the ex- perts," declared Sutton Trust- ee Les Burrows, a member of the advisory vocational commit- tee. “It should be a practical course. Welding is useful on the farm and in industry. In our present course welding is little more than a hobby craft." Committee Chairman William Neale told the board the com- mittee agreed the welding course should not produce spec- ialists, but should be part of a well rounded course that would be useful to those going into industry as well as those who are headed for community coll- eges or universities. The report included extensive ,,,:u. 884-1107 recommendations for improving and updating existing shops as well as for equipping new shops. Advisory Vocational Commit- tee Chairman Morlee Kinnee. a Vaughan Twp. trustee, agreed. “We have to open up our thinking on the whole purpose of the advisory vocational Committee Chairman Morlee Kinnee, a Vaughan Township trustee. agreed. “This is an extremely helpful report," commented Education Director Sam Chapman. "It forces us to zero in on the basic question of what we are going to do in our shops and it has .pointed up some basic deficiencies in equipment." “We have to open up our thinking on the whole purpose of the advisory vocational com- mittee. We should devote time to thinking. ‘Where do we go in vocational education?‘ The_report is most valuable." to general education should be taken before any changes are made in the present course. Is it the purpose of vocational courses to turn out skilled or semi-skilled tradesmen for -in- dustry, or merely to provide some “technical literacy" for students as a part of their general education? It was_ agreed' that careful consideration of the purpose of vocational education in relation The trustees also approved a staff recommendation that changes in the present courses should take place only after considering the provincial and local industrial environment. You get a complete material package and easy to follow plans . . . all wall framing, bevel siding, foil, plywood sheathing, asphalt roofing, steel gar- age doors, trim, nails, everything you need to build an attractive sound garage. Nothing Down With a Beaver Budget Account Build it yourself and save, now with the help of a budget account . . . terms to suit your budget $100 to $4000. First class ECONOMY, a 12’x20’ garage, complete material pack- age with simple blueprints. No waste, quality throughout, I solid value. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970' 5 Located 2 Miles South of Maple on Kéele Street Phone Beaver Village - 223-8505 Price War In Richmond Hill Seafood Corner challenges all comers. He is giving his fish and chips (English style) away for only 45c. The merchants of the Mall are of varied opinion about his sanity. But all agree nobody. but nobody makes better fish and chips. Beneficial Finance. York-Slmcoe Sports Store. Atlas Photo Supplies, Bennett's Textiles, Bunny Snow TV Repairs. Bernina Sewing Centre defy anybody to say they have tasted better. Discount Cleaners say except Colin. Free edge stitcher if you can beat this offer if you don‘t believe the merchants. Any Tuesday Fish 8: Chips 45c. Come on out to Pickering Generating Station Treat your‘familly to an interest-packed Sunday' afternoon outing at Canada’s largest nuclear power plant. IT'SGREAT Take in the conducted tour, the ï¬lms, models and displays. Discover the wonders of the atom at work in industry and agriculture. Welcome, Sundays, 1.00 pm. to 5.00 Pm. Take Highway 40 1 to Liver- pool Road South (Interchange 64 ), % then follow the "Nuclear Station†{ signs to the information Centre. For further information call 2 82-578 1 Cadet 16 x 20 Car-And-A-Half Cadet 22 x 20 TWO - CAR $499. $679. Reg. $449 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Reg. $565 Reg. $749