Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1970, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 I III [III ll .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIlllIIIllIlIlII till I II I IIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllIilIIIIIIIIIIlIlllllIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIlIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIllIilllII.llIIIIIIIIlllIlltlllllIlIllllllIllIIIIIIlllIlllllIIIIlIIIIIIlllIl[IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IlIlIIlIWIIIIIIIIlllIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIIllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilillllllilllllilllllIIIIlIlIlIlIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIlIlIllIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIllllIlIIIIlIlIIIII IIlIlIlIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIllIllIIlIIlIIIlllltlIllIIlIllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIllllIlIllIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIII Iv, ' I I III _YOU REACH THE PEOPLE YOU NEED WITH FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PHONE 884'1105'6 0R 8844983 ' To Order Want Ads . To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads . For Information About Want Ads. '- l IIIllIIIlIIlIlIlIIIIlIIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII ll ‘ i . alu““I“mum‘mlunumuuummu“|I‘|uuimliiu“iiiiilliiimlumiummulll II III lIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIlllIlIlIIIIIIIIItlIIiIIIIllIlllllIlIIIIIIlIllIlIIIIlIIIIllIIIIlIIlIIIIlIIlllIlllIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIll!lIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIllIlIlIllIIIIIIIIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIIlIlIIIIIl\IIIIlIIIIII\|IIIIIitlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘II“ I IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII‘ '35 i .EHELP wANTED! HELP WANTED l USED CARS lMISCELLA ’EOUSlMISCELLANEOUS i XPERIENCE? cook for Pop's __ _. ‘C‘m‘inued' . 1985 CHEVâ€"l ton pick up. ifcawIE'OO’KKEEPINGTa Ad“ '7'.‘““‘T?"T" . *‘ E ‘T‘ivel'n- 834-2731 th34IOF interest to gentleman â€" for duty, top shape, certified. $850.Iing services for 5111211 Edsefiiggs. SPE‘CIREIZZTN%AII:ESERr§oms a 6 :- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second marriages .nd subsequent insegtions if wort‘ltililig unchanged. lo ‘ESEIPANION‘iierp~fo,7m;j;‘Inigigt assembly Fork in manu-‘889-6784. r a clii-ls 889-57683. _ r c4ir15lbars. kitchen cabinets, arborite' BEVA‘Nv on)?” â€" .SUddenly MYERS - MOORE EDE ‘ words for .90c and . c per word erea er. “is I,\, .Ofcdblgna] iiitiee kenvd sL ac luring £5813. or informationilgm. GT0 “cement condition CLEANING wiybows‘ land home repairs 3893889. 1 passedJ always at his home, on Friday October 9, 1970 at COMING EVENT NOTICE loc per word; min. charge 51.59 i‘f "IR. ‘im octasfiwal fish-fl?” a “can Rd-v RICE-840-3199. ciwltsI WALLS AND FLOORS i tfclll 21951, 8518, Otut [139“g15‘1’19‘6- 7.30 O‘clock in Koh- Trinity Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c in”? .Ic‘m‘mil 331' W’I‘e ae‘ Cl“163iiiiéo’PONi‘IACTsi2'7T'at‘2ndi Day or night CARP‘ENTRT'iRn-kfrehation 0” ".95 3” 9° 6‘ t 9-7 'Anglican Church. Thornh‘ll .Box 67. The Liberal . c3iil4 . ‘ i‘ '3- vl“ ., .... _ . . . . Father of Olive Geraldine 1 r by CARDS 0F THANKs_ 1N MEMORD‘MS DEATHSY v . v ‘ ,4, ,car. good condition. 2260681} 7 Emirates 7 tfc23.i~ooms. additions, renovations. “11,8 James Rankin, Rich_ the Reverend Canon Reginald ENGAGEMENTS’ MARRIAGE, BIRTHS per hr x JAhllzgg‘IDEOLBLLS TO RENT 5213513. chm,“ Spun-001m â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" itile floorsTand‘ceiléggséflrzree, mm, mm Laid to’mt atilggwtllenéfiarolfDouglas Mom.e - , t t , j . w - ,V7.-~.»â€"â€"~ W x ‘ ginning}: SPECIAL estimates. . Price. - 3.. , ~ « ,i e. au ‘1 ero Doctorand lertion $1.50 Imposmbloa No. He considered‘FLRMSHED room] cooking 1966 MLSIANG. automatic. Rug; am; Chesterfield: Dav Mi “C32. gicéimong 1Hills) Cemeteryrwi 0. Moore Ede of Thai-“21$. Classified advertisements should be in as early in the real estate selling and using our facilities, 16 Lorne, ist house‘I‘f‘qW low mileage- t‘P'IOP Con' nigh}. 884_243}3 I' ireâ€",2 "WOgTXRIOâ€"S'Câ€"Haafdp ID d” 33‘ Ctoéll ', , 1 _ Ito Rollo Harvey Hamilton Myer; week as possble but not later than 6 pin on Tuesdays. .ti‘cmendous training pi‘ograni,east of Bork's Jewellers atdmon- 3951 one“ mu“ Sell‘iPEI'Vif‘IVG-‘E’T f’ ’ *r“ ‘ ‘UpHOLSITERY i am lieâ€"STOW “e a) )0” lemlof Vancouver, son of Doctor and send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone ,and background(increased IllS‘YOVIl‘gS; _r __ tfc511‘t384-4fit6 jitter Lpflrd‘dgcldteriér (in eyest‘eii‘i‘iin‘kand“ Chestcmelds and chairs re_ You will-suffer no more pain Mrs. David Myers of Eaglemom us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. “Icon”: b-V 100% If you al'eiFURNISHED robin, cFoiEinEi1962 ACADIAN Beaumont stamens ' m 9,00% m ‘ioab "f5: cowwd like he“, You will always be with us, ’ Victoria. Australia. clw16 over ..1 and looking for aland parking facilities_ please tionivagon $75. or best offer. ' ‘ PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY And always be loved large or too small. 884-5009. fix“ Ichangc act now call Mr Whit ~ 889- ‘ ' i - - h i i - 9 hone 884-1194 for a Ointment. 3964- C1“ 16. ' . v - - 101, Mr. Cuff at 88945241 or 895_ D PP “elmmfim‘:_Â¥ T‘VV “VfiVfâ€"Wâ€"wâ€"ucii N0 ADggrliogAAAéaORCHARGE Sigrienow as your suffering is CARD 0F THANKS KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. -l. . (Continued)- .- ‘3321' Nmm BlaCk Rm” LES-Y‘EORTiEaâ€"se, 3,â€"0’oof6f0’60 sq._ft‘.'speed, posi. rally equipped. pri-imllé‘Rgfimggs $22155“; 8312;, All work guaranteed â€"Love. your daughter Olie. “1”” hke t° thank #11 Who Free estimates. Creative Decon DRIVEWAY GRAVEL _._-.~_...___.__. ° 3 industrial space, Newkirk Road. vate. Days 884-8126. Evgs. 1-727- boxes and boat docks 'Free 65w Pick up and delivery I c1w16 refeents‘Inng ‘0 me_durmg my office and wowmom‘ v 9212 Crushed stone. sand_ concretciGENTLEMEN are you intercst- Features dock level loading, 9050. Martyn. c1w161mates 88945338 ' “C42 FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 "‘ ‘ * 1 “955- ESPECIauY to the Yonge St” Richvale 3393462v gravel etc” delivered in smallied In a rewarding‘career with a 16’6" 'cleai', immediate posses- EEOâ€"Recondi‘t'fâ€"dâ€"fijfia’éh‘iâ€"-5â€";;â€"â€"_..__l tfc12 BUTT. Sadle -- SUddenly 81: nurses at York Central 811d Dr. 773-4696. tfc42 quantities. Call c. L. Knappett large Canadian Sales finance'sioni $110 "et- Lored Con'IMeclian' l f'tme rtif‘gat 'I FINLAY ELECTRIC RICIiiIOND‘IiIEITR‘OOEIN’G 1‘" Imme’ Unimwme’ °n OC‘ Bate- and Dr' McGreg” A V"? ALUMINUM 884'3089' “c37lcompany? can Mr' campben' 51mm” Ltd‘ 630‘9500' I$3oo 88192129431 5cer m 9' common free estimates‘ Gaul siiinclcs Flat Roofs A ‘Obel' 6‘ 1970’ sadie May Timid fldanks to Mrs' George . ' â€" Â¥-- e--. 884-8155 “C4 “C50 ~ ‘ ' - anytime 884-3931. tfc37i e ‘ . , Steele beloved wife of Rev 0° ea - Doors, Windows, awnings, and TEAKWOOD - ~ â€"- - -_-__._ A..-” . . .L._v._.‘ . c1w16 râ€"â€"‘ ~ - ‘, Eavesti‘oughiirg .v- - ' , '. railings, Ron Woods, 384.1514, Living, dining and bedrooms,[VI/‘A‘IVI‘RES,S H fun and Pal'I'SUBLET Office Space. 450 SCI- ft. '1QGTRâ€"AMBIIERâ€"ztgfion‘wé’ ('m‘ BAKERS BACKHOE {Experienced workmanship. Fl‘ec‘ ;}llg:glb,s(l\fi:tthdeél Egaléel) Mrs. Mary Hal“: tfc36'direct from importers ware- ume- PODS lavel‘n. 884-2752. Air conditioned Markham / ‘ .- ‘ g " EXCAVATING estimates. All \lOl‘k guaranteed. '. '. ‘ y . c Wm ..--._,-.__-._._ n . _ I, Call after rpm. 884-8284. c1w16 T,- n h- e & t 1- _ and W. J. Butt. giandmotlier YORK ALUMINUM lioiisc. Open 1-9 p.m. 454.1333 gm,“ 7% Wk“, tI-49 Yonse. Immediate occupancy.» ._ - - __. - i . c - . .i e_° "‘8' “W F 'a 91' 1"“i1884-8719. c4ivloi| of Robert Cathy and James a Free estimates Alunnnum Sid. EINAB CLAUSEN LTD‘ EXPERIENCED lellel‘. eliglll§8?.6i6_4; W_“__4 V” w_~tf_‘:1l"1964 LAURENTIAN' gOOd run- m_°,_§.8,_9i36£.4lr .-. L. TfiEâ€"NIVINV[:M0VIEVR Ilal'ley, 1\"1ichael and I{a1-en fi ing windows. doors. awnings I:\"l’-.7. .iiist east of Fifth Liriewlcm working conditions salary NICE FURNISHED ROOM,.PIE§ Olde“ Estate 5316' 18%;: FORTHERN PAINTING, 2. Have you anything you want Butt- Sister of Fred Steele‘DALE also glags and screen repairs I- miles east of DiXie Road) commensurate with experiencensuit business lady, parking.§?”:’...~_____ _A __. ,°_“_. Bealfilfintlal. commercial P811“- moved or taken away? I of Beamsville. Rested at the OCTOBERm“ phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 RITE?“- w 7 7* 7“ _lfcl9,F01' aPPOIntmeiit phone 889-889-6103. tfchISTUDEBAKER ’61. Veil" 800d mgv {menor “Id “demor- Paper 0 Need any sand or gravel? Ogden Funeral Home, Union- Auction sale a! house may]? Maple, tfcza BEDROOM and dining suite, T523- Rob'al Bank of Canada,i Bxffifivâ€"P‘Lâ€"Aâ€"zr condition. Safety cel‘tificatewlltlllglnrg-v __rtfrc_4?‘. Small jobs mean small priccsl, ville. Funeral service held in known as 152 Crestwood Rozd’ GARbiN‘SB'fiEI‘E'S Teakwood, 2 months old, rea- bade and Hwy- 7v COHCOI'd- ‘1 Richmond Hill Egg-£13 Ellie}: 57'131‘“: -SIWIGIGENERAL contracting, :rltera-‘Call Steve Sabiston after 5 pm.» Bl‘o‘m's comers U“ its d 1 block north of Steeles Ave- Loam - manure _ top dressing sggiible. Call Toronto 241- ,_~_g‘fl_\g3wl4 3000 sq ft of excellent Sm; 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, biuewrtions and additions. homes. of- 889-2625. czu'16‘ amid};- Uoctgbefl 9- {DW- between Bathurst and Yong; top soil. fill, screened loam. 5 ' “WM 'frorpvsalif‘ry ‘0 rehab“? farmer age space. 884-5669 and 364- 88:63fl--v fi’ __Cl\rvrl_6'£095ia?Cgfiiiezegcifitzgniarpig‘GENERAL carpentry ,.ec1.ea_: e 193 a “10" ((3:31: St. 7 room_brick house includ- Call C. L. knappett. 884-3089. BOSC pears, apples. pepper i: ‘aftr mlg in" lad. and 1901(- 1964. tfcl3 1964 FORD Galaxie 500. V8, wibb 889_2546 p ' th3 tion rooms. alterations and I'e-L :- :l: ii: a gig bath’ on furnace' thhEd th4 232.5367 and green tomatfoes. ‘nghe Ligell‘gllfes- rite 130:; figbfgomfli’t genflm automatic. radio. white walls. ' ipairs. 884-2505. c2wl6DAVlS At St. Mary-S Hos_ tlf’izelgltir‘llte 333a breezeii'ay. elec- AJIKIOWISIXTCEII‘ITVES - DUTCH R613" “14 EXPERIENCED FURNITURE 1629' “€13 7G7cir02d Shape. ASkmg “70.1881981411wigsqggirfillzfillgioodsI pital’ Kimhener' OCtOber 13’ M W â€" '72 fggffigltggi ' . BS ' r~ . . . c w - i c. - ,. .. _ Sales Service Rentals Full Variety, crocuses. hvacinths. PACKER & DRIVER LARGE.furMShed .room In new '17: rfijN ngE[Af, Expert workmansmp.at1°w C9St'i I I):th Sifeeett ETIEhlilglby a de-pth Of?“ feet more or Authorized Dealer mums and daffodils‘ Planti COMBINED homei 101189 - RIClwale 81'63- 2 v] , .Free estimates. Gillett Fine,-â€"â€"--â€"~â€"â€"â€"- ' -~~v« he], 7'7th veg, Smivi‘ d” b 16355, With fI‘lllt trees. raspber- All popular makes for salclspring now I Good working conditions WOUId consmerlight housekeep-El‘giss (ti/“ml 2 Eon Inc‘k-up: Edwina)“. 884-8831. “CIIIgâ€"EADUL'lch‘II “(limhnird‘hagh dauahter ~lovlce (Mrs VROberI; “es and grape Vines' The ' . ~‘ ' . i' . .. 'ing in exchan e for artia1519i (XV-1‘9 ex error. linma-li ~~ r" v I 0 0m 5 sso, i e a a ' - - property of the estate of h including new and rebuilt1 Holland Park Garden Centre Steady emploi'menl. benellIS. 1.9m 889_7118 8 pure“ culate condition. full sale price. RUBBER STAMPS St. 884-8011. tfc48i LOVQW 0f AST- SOIIS James Later Sarah Fuller Sale tiiri: Standald Portable and electric 51 Keele Si. N., Maple iApply Lamb The Mover. 889-_ '_.,_,,_ g , V WV, W - -, . . . Several type faces to choose ~ â€" of Maple and curtiss of To. _ ‘ . . . , , . $1395.L1L. B62743 ask for Alnle . . . SAHARA 6 d 8 51 61-5 , 2 p.m. Property open for m. models. SpeCIal rental i‘atesz 832-245; 4911. Also part time help. FURNISHED room. Bayvrew . . fromâ€" including Script, Blockl ‘ an eep ' route and 10 o‘l-andchildi-en . .vailable t t d i _ t i I V _ 884-4481, 889-5367. c1w16 . . fully insulated hardtom fully - ‘ I < a ' - spection: Saturday. Oct. 10 0 S u ents. 1:913 c4ii15 and Markham. gentleman we r» v w”. .._. - _._ -A.letters. Outline and Signature“ . ‘ _ _ Piedeceased by her husband from 9 am to 4 m d St ‘ I" H' SIMS â€"â€"T O '7â€"74tlâ€"AI HTML“ CITERKTtypist_forigenaalTof; fared 884'3540‘ Clwmilgsg THUNDERBIRD' 4 door!â€" fm serVice- can “The Lib' eqmpped’ hm.“ 3993'.AC10 En" Alexander and a brother. d 0t .17 1" p.9. an El 88 B k I" " 1‘ mm" - . .- .- ". "T"â€"'f"" _._" Landau. grey with maroon in- 91-31" 334-1105. iterprises, 12o longe St. S. ‘ UI‘ ay. 0. 10m a.m. untl me, I: 231:3! FALL SALE fife “01k and suitcliboard re- FURNISHED 1 00 in. central mm. Owner selling due to m __ __._.-e-__u~- Aurora c1w15i geste‘llathhe Cg“; :0" sale time at 2 p.m. Terms of l 0 1 lief. For construction ffi- Richmond Hill close to Yon e ' . HARRISONS CUSTOM }‘ ‘_. We . UIIEI‘a OIIIC. . n- - 0 AT 0 ce. 8 , , Sale. 10%: of purchase price 884-1745 FUN-“NC. MUSIC CENTRE Bayview Ave., Thornhill. Must‘St. and transportation. 884- gialth'agggsglfioo mlles' CARPENTRY ' (v CLEARANCE SALE _ dre‘YS StrEF‘tv Galt- Pl'lvate day of sale; balance made M~._._ __,v_ V 'Ifi‘3 DON MILLS ROAD have own transportation. Please‘8312. c1w15 __0n_8._;L_..' _c.i ‘Custom built homes. renova-‘30'fi7 dlscount 0n_all new 1910 famlly SEI‘Vlce l1€ld TllurSday- known at time of sale. This WASHER: dryer and Stove Newmarket State experience and present‘z BEDROOM apartment, also 1966 VALIANT' 273’ 4 Speed, “OTIS, additionsi and I‘epail‘S. Hohday “"fvel trailers and thk Interment mount Pleasant property will be sold subject to Parts, gears, belts. wood bear- (You can‘s miss our sign) salary to BOX 72- “The Liberal"- bachelor apartment. 884-2576. buCketS' consuL taCh‘ g°°d KitChens a Specmmy' Morris cafnpers’ 9 “Wk camper $-1199:l cemewl‘y' Toronto. Clwm reserve bid' Edgar Funer‘ ings and wr‘inger rollers cic. Phone 895-6311 °4W15 tfc15 511399- best Offer. 332-5445. Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 éiggglwlizcaliipei; fully equ11f3p1€1diMa KENZH; W d Gormley, R.R. 2, Ont. James F ' . '- o - - ' ""7 “.7 . . , â€".' - c1w16 W ; ’ rue camper u y‘ ’ C . avr oo â€" . i _ 113:: Edivr’iiizildiiscrfirlhadl:nfrglflii; Organ];mnos Emit" militias: lifeecriingfdlafigqhiriltffebgbIITeiie 1 BEDROOM fumiShed apartâ€" 1965 FORD Falcon 4 door prim “wide $2299: 18" 19" 20’ and suddenly’ on Friday” Ocmber foliilelOnltlz Emil-1:302“: gird. . . . ' _ ' '* ' ment 884-4193. c2w15 . i - i i ’ . - . 8, 1970. Dav’d M " - ’ . ' tpllailtifs.dhlfths IV, 49 liidiis- Far-ma 'and Hwy, 7, Company_ Must be F-fiRfifsfiEDâ€"Zâ€"w kfâ€" vately owned second owner, Alcan .â€" siding, Eavestroughsiizui 1:8; elontlallels“‘hailll {Silly of 95 Garden1 Aveacfiiggsi tioneel “111 not be reSponSIble _ila_ 0a 984-7983;; ‘ .fc9 Plus a large Stock of chord willing. conciencious worker. ‘ 1.99mi °°° "‘5 very clean, 41,600 miles. $600. Doors and Windows q pp 5a 9. e ,ey hi” deal. husband "f R th for any pubhchblhty’ pm?" SEASONED hard wood {op organs from $39 95 that anyonelgood working conditions and and Iaundly mellmes' TV’ bed‘ Firm. 884-6539. *1le For free estimates call your last Goad selection Of used D '. ~ . 0 u ' erty damage 01‘ anury t0 PUbllC fireplaces. 2253781 01, 889_ canmavimmediételv fringe benms Contact Mrs and dishes supplied. 832- vy-Sâ€"VI-‘Xfi-Gâ€"fgl gal-:l-ik-eâ€"He-Kiss Local Contractor .;i‘ailcrs from 1: ft. up. Easy Jeaslteéigzil) gingtarglndmg: in connection with this sale. -- ‘ , , j' , . ." , " . c3w15 ‘ - V . , .iinancin, low 0er a merit. : I v ‘ v' , F ' r, A ioneer. ZflLg-L_ -,_V__W_W “€15 V15“ It‘s am d3) 01 e‘ emng â€"iM?§9n7§8973?§; 7, thus â€"~-â€".-'~ â€"~' » ,7 convert, V8 automatic, radio, 4- HANS BUTT 8894016 iFI-ee miter Storage Li‘s», rates Vld. Grandfather of l‘lli(:hael.'%11;\{lr2l (S; . inmeo t “Ct c2w15 â€"- ~ - we \\'ilI show vou how eas ‘ r . MW" *7 NICE furnished room. TV. suit . - . . .- i tfc41 ' d .- v “m 93" “- HO‘IE SH m ~ ' - y wAerEss wanted, Monday to‘busin an] 884 7615 1 14 new iihlteiialls, power steering. , ,__ a, _ ion all rentals Book now for an Kelln. Rested at the Pain“ ‘ L 0w Plese mygfdnvs ale 19 Fla-V f‘FI‘iday. 5 days a week, 7 am to . .. ess_°n_‘__' ' c w Safety certificate will be sup- BRICK & STONEWORK your fan orâ€" “winter vacation Mal‘Shall Funeral Home, 126 * “‘ * "‘ i â€"' .andscapcs u atntfio“ 0.1‘ the Christmas gm 3 pm. Good pay. Peter‘s UNFURNISHED basement plied. Only $2.250. Nights 884-‘Firep1aces -- chimneys â€" cus- KING CITY TRAILERS Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. 0 UESDAY Pm £2235: Gifedt esf‘nitlilge fairnilytcan en,iloy.,Resiau1-am, 7534 Yonge St” apartment. business couple only. _4761 or 884 2546. Days 889-7361, tom built -â€"â€" patios, walls, King Rd 2 miles west of Yonge Sel‘Vlce “'35 held Tuesday, 9 gngggERfaE"; Euction of 3â€"0 ' ' ons ' ‘ ' s ue 0 or 0w - ~ . . . l -2' ' - - . r ~- - i ._ . ' . ’ am. t St. M 1‘ I - 1 a“ . Tllornhill, 889 0027. L1“ 16 884 .363 attel 5 pm. tfc16 en. 40, c1“ 16 flower boxes, garages. etc. Gual sales _ Rentals _ Repairs 3 a Y mmacu ate came‘ farm. implements, Incl“. LITTLE REMBRANDT foverhead. Easy terms if desired. anteed workmanship. For free, Church. Interment Holy Cross 834_6690 574 YONGE ST_ N. c2“- EXPERIENCED hair‘styiist with 2 FURNISHED rooms, including 1963 CHEVROLET, automatic, . . Parts and Storage C . ,. iding 2 tractors. M.H.S.P. Com- , “015 â€"FfififlLIZE-RfiE-él.uf_° license required to take comâ€" T.V. In basement, private en- radio, good tires. As is $250.00. can M‘ H‘ Construciggl 773-4260 emetely; * * * Cl‘us bine‘ spreader, cuitipacker, - -- v- - â€"-â€"w-â€"â€" , A plete charge of beauty salon. trance, private bath. 884-7020. Phone 833-5857, nc3w16 _â€"‘ ‘ c1w16 _ - ,, , (mm. drill power cream sepa. CHAISE lounge. needs reu iioi- 40% off 1 - . , ‘__â€"______ l ROSS. Haney Alexander â€" P i H , - . p . . 'Call 889-4811- Cl\\16 €1W16 ‘ RON MOORE ' A r - - - rator new power fertilizer drill stering $65! occasional chair All remaining Stock - r- . . . 1933 FAIRLANE 50° V87 “"9 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING .t Mlth Ymk Gene‘al Hos' - ' i d tr tractor: $45_ 884.4341. c1w16 C.I.L. Virgo So-Green , . ECEPTIONISF. FURNISHED room and kltqhe' new' 889'9115 between 3 am ‘ Interior â€" Exterior. Free esti-. pltal on sunday’rocmber 11' N'lagaril) Sgéaheriti-is Edam3 Pt. ‘ twig-i HOLLAND pARK GARDEN ‘Wllil pl asant personality for nette on 2nd floor, parking, 5 p111. c1w16 mates. Call anytime 889_8965 1970. Harvey A_ Ross of disc, J. .. pow p _ r ,1 c ell Clalls, CENTRE medlcal office. typmg and ad_ Langstaff near Yonge. Busmess 1965 CHEV Belair 6 cyl auto- - tress. Do you have a drinking Broâ€"E Tliornhill. beloved husband hitch, Digs. sows, hay. grain. 5112:! 8%;_Ofgflgcl;iigi1f]leld}] and 51 Keele St. N. Maple ‘ministrative knowledge an asset. 153.831. 889-4190.- matic trans: radio’ 42 00'0 cm H t in I Th um“ 18m. If so AA can he]; Write of Irene Kearns. dear father straw, large pile scraprii'gnt, eItca ‘ Pei-“'16, 832-2455 fig £011. “1‘9, p601“? and]? ‘ljjn‘f'éty ONE BEDROOM, large sitting ginal miles, mechanical certified. as er ER CL ARK or BOX 84- Richmond Hill, 01‘ call if, 901;“; hm?“ 0? El“ “1,9 grgii’egtlgfn‘gfit’}, :f gum-‘22 brPI‘E'CE'a. . 1' a: ~ * Hui, UCl5lferviifsa‘ you. Ta) 351;?‘1 01,1n"r‘00m, available November 1. on $795 or best offer. Call Mrs. plain and Doom-akin Plastering'lEMs'BBB}: “917 ahés's :l'a (iris-on}, Bi?) eXllleTSIHCe 0: the 9th Con Whit- fmezer. amt“? motmysuuof, bo’f‘ “REWOOD ""wrh $846789 gpollélfrlienm {rfiggnéng Yonge St.. close to shopping, Conn 832-1535. c1w16 Repairs a speciality 1 WHY N637 J‘Oifir Strong}, Voqhaia 'Mr‘ ‘gg; church Farm sold Tanks Cash antique’ misfits]: :nTie-uehldgfl DRY white birch arid maple..and Fmdavplmh agd .16“. Scfgitl‘aHFPOI‘taIIOII etc" $100 month' ITIEFKUS-TTNTTDO, excelIeâ€"Iit3 Free ESfimateS I A BOWLING LEAGUE? rested at the B Ring Fun-Iâ€" Sale 1 p.m.. Atkinson and 773-5443_ ' q :éz‘IllthC‘ 1" P’Iappeui 384‘3039- ‘ber, ‘ c1“.-16§§i1_'£7£.2; _,, ‘. _fil‘lvlsleondition, low mileage, $695 fllIII 433‘7521 839-3135 - La‘lies’ Afterfwo“ Leagues ei-al Home, 7783 Yonge SLIWilson. Sales Mgrs. and Auc- §T6NE~1zxf~ru â€" ;.- v-v-r-z, _ A , __ N _ W 7 “('15i‘sxfirsfiAwr' I;â€"'r 1h- SUBLET 2 bEdI‘OOm apartmentlprice, Greenwood Garage, 884-, d” _ “_w tf020: “"91 superVISCd nursery (at Hwy. 7Bi, Thornhill. Ser-tioneers. CZWM ivood burnliifg these 3x101118804105cti7llcl HONEY AND BEES Imature‘ with Ol'ets:ilesd‘x‘:::irenc_e 884-6676 “WM 8841' Clwml E' w' PAYNE Mixed Ev?n’llg Leagues Vice was held in the Chapel’ * ’I' * * ' S a . - ,l ‘ , \ I - - ' -' --- â€";- ‘ . .._ _. .._ W. ___,i a y ‘ , clw16 Eo‘ingEVSoutlr Nm. 1, S0 stockifm. better grade Shoe Store __ 1 BEDROOM winterized cott- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN station- Drains, septic tanks. All types ALLENCOUfiT LANES WedneSdal' cremation: ‘ - *â€" 9§é4 5 appomtment only; 889-;mrmanent position 5 day Week age. outsrde conveniences. 773- wagon. Certified mechanically‘of concrete work. I 447 Markth Rd_ C1\t16‘OCTOBER 21, WEDNESDAy_, Farm to Y §ALE _ “-._;._- LL-_L_ ,___‘§“'15 __ Shields Foam-ear 334.5341_ 5897- c1w16 fit. Good condition. Phone 833- 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES.I Richmond 1.1m , ' Clearing farm auction at _45 and Canasi‘; $11355; 901013;? FIREWOOD. also kindling. c1w16 VERY comfortable 1.00m. Rich_ 6807 after 8 pm. c1w16 th31 After 7 p.m. - 884-5511 ,3" Holsteins, bulk cooler, milk piuce. c w. c4iiv15IASSIS~TANTâ€"â€"5hear operator mend Hill, Abstainer, 384-3395, RALPH ELMS DECORATING c10w12 quota. and mOder" farm up. White birch, clump cedar machinery, including silo un- S Painting, paper-hanging, inter- COWANâ€"In loving memory of clw16 BOY’S Snitv Size 16v brown. 81- capacity x 10’, Cincinatti, ex- NOW BOOKING hedging, 35¢. Maple, oak etc. 50¢. Black rich loam, or aged mOSt new, reasonable. 889-6378. perience a necessity. 889-5170 4 BEDROOM house, garage, im- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Club dances and banquets. loader, stable cleaner, J .D. deise]: .- h . Dr. W. Cameron Cow an, w o No. 510 tractor, (850 hrs), like manure, 75¢, Colorado Farms‘ 7 _ _ V c1w16} c1w16 mediate possesion, $185 month- grz‘an’ivr‘l’ge:Bgfigleifsgthéigg? Work guaranteed 88756“; 46 Hugh Graeey Orchestra. 244. passed away October 15, 1968. new JD tractor No. 630 good, Keele St. (west side). 3 ilriles 8-PIECE dining suite, whitelWAITERS_or \vgitTesEs I‘e- IÂ¥:_834'433‘I‘ Clwm Jill GoddardlJ v." .'- c T..ggll352'RLWLCiwl4igeth-ri: gfling139rgf'1ilf: ISnSVOIivyel: 1‘7R Fert. grain drill, north oilviapie. N“ _riwis oak; table. 53x chairs. biiffet,quircd full and part time. MustIROOM. with fihgriâ€"faâ€"cllfiies. tfc18 Ch. , CREME“, b .ltIPLATTER SPIN DISC JOCKEY.i:$ tlheo m2... glory, whereGehl SU Forage ii'agon good. GARAGE SALE T_ 5123‘ 884'8953 ewmngs‘ ‘be “Perlenced' 0““ Irans‘pol"‘834'242°‘ “Wm CAT BOARDING ‘ mums an Hep aces m ' SERVICE Ithe wounded of hf: are healedIAmEd hydraulic “0‘” “Thad” 1, , . _ _ ;__ _____ ‘ and repaired. Free estimates. C “16“Galwnmp “one 389 4988i 3455-. BLYTHEWOOD 87 [Household pets kittens available ExPel‘t workmanship. 20 yearséflw - 19”” e~ c )‘V_6.Quiet adult building, 1 blockito good homes. Also Portrait-S Oflexperience. Phone 884-2882. I“ ‘ DAY CARE CKRRIERSTic’7’dciii7eTiiandrwest of Yonge on Richmond Stiyour pets. pastel or pencil. 389- WALKER CONSTRUCTION IFURNITURE belonging to liniiiith the balm of Gilead givemtalfi "9“: râ€"â€"«-- -- â€"_- bills in Richmond Hill, "' tic-1i tfc43Fiddes. formerly 7818 Siminone by the Great Physician there. J.D.S.P.. occaSions' 8842792: 630',and the tears of life are di‘ied.I5 “105- Old. new idea cut, condi- tftlz and broken hearts are mended'tioner, J.D. No. 6 Forage harves- _' favorite thresher good, Combine No. 45 good J .' All kinds of goodies, toys and. games galore, 26" girl's gold1 bike, typewriter table. kitchen table and chairs, large chest freezer, guitar and case. plus: many rriore items. Come and. have a look. 832-2604. clw16I DROP-IN electric rarigc-f 30“l coppertone, $60. 884-6309. c1w16 VI‘K‘INGjiTingerTTigshei‘, AgOodl condition $40. 88-1-1923 after! 4pm. clw16 AQUARIDRITmâ€"‘gaiioiisf‘all glass with wood top and stand, and accessories. $40. Phone 884-‘ 8729- c1w16; WANTED â€" used Ski-D651 around $250, cash. Airy old liim-i ber hatiled away free. 884-1928i or 884-9379. tiers! TWIN bedE-complete with liead-' board. 884-6919. clii-ch _-K“ __ _ _ I 8-PIECE dinette suite. 3-piece bedroom suite with mattress ‘ $50. Both sets iii good condition.‘ 889-8536. elwlfi CARRIIACEjlai‘peir‘Eiid cai' bed. â€" Excellent condition. 889- 2128. clw16 NUMBERâ€"of corlvectorrtype hot water rads. and covers. 889- 2453 evgs. rliv16 LADY'S \vlrite‘figtil'e‘qskfidsfi srze Slit, like new, $10. 832-8864.i “â€" _ c1w16 7 PIECE kitcheir sct7889T0‘9’i’83 . 7_VI c1w16 PIANO. completer I‘econditiOn-‘ ed. $250. Call after 6 pill. 387- V H W c1w16" PUMP. electric. Canadian Tire: never used. deep well 01' sliiil- low, with pressure tank. 1:.- lip 36.). also new double cylinder hand pump. 884-4387. 01“ 16 HORSE manure for sale. 8050 Bathul‘st SL, TIlOI'llIllII. 88E)â€"E 17839‘.‘W‘ 7‘ Â¥ ('l\\ 16 MOF‘FAT stove. 30"â€"elbcti‘icl complete brownie uniform. size? 8. 889â€"3270. ClivIGI TWO men's suits â€" ongrbliiei good condition, size 40. one; charcoal, excellent condition.‘ size 39. One sports .iackcifl brown. size 40, good ('IIIKIIIIUII. 884-5774. ('I\‘. Hi RELIABLE day care given in . - . a my home. west side of ‘l'nnrle 1"” .agd Rlcmale’ (“all Tom St. 884-4816. irclo.8‘l4.'(’,3°1‘ . W. ,.-_°1“,16 DAY care available in‘lny IIOIne:iHAIR_DRFSSER “amed‘_ Pius“ Aucncourt area} 384478]. .be experienced. Good workrngl c2w1 5 conditions. 884-8271. clwlfi RELIABLE day careiiriyilioine, PART time balmy“ Staff re-l fenced yard, Thornhill Gi‘een.;quued for Baynew coum‘ry‘ 389-8065. Czwls Club. Call .ilaiti-e'd, 889-4883;; _, ._. , A, ,, Â¥,_,,__ (f ‘.'1 MOTHER of 3 yr". old girl would; -- 7, _ ._ _- .‘_ love to provide day (are for gmlDOMESllL 10!‘ light house, of preschool age, fenced yardnkceping and babysitting. Thurs- 884-5937_ “W”; day after-noon. Finch and “il- _._ mington. 636-0972. c1w16 TUITION IPOODLE gi'ooineifexperienced, “1' . w ~t or full time. Equipment. TEACHER. piano and theory”.I .- . . -- establishing Richmond Hill. pl-mlded' [Op pa“. P-et Fau’ 8843925. tfc50‘Richmond Heights Shopping KS'SO‘CIKTED‘t ' "fivl‘icentl‘e. c1w16 - . utors can re p -- * “vâ€"v :7 gm .j~ â€" â€". you now. Please call without LIGHT pael‘ngng’ “maple fol obligation. 884-2884; 884-1636. “‘°'“9“~ 9“” “met mommg °" C2“.15.afternoon, Write PO. Box 279. k. e. LITII‘. 1'1 SEMI DRIvERs NEEDED Iâ€"wih-m c 3â€"6 Experience helpful but not ACCOUNTING CLERK I necessary. for local and over- [-0031 Company I‘etlllll‘es a the-road hauling. You can earn Person 10 hell) III the account- tip to 810.000 to $15,000 per iilg department. Prelerciice \iill i'cai‘ if you are willing to loam be shown to person who has had For application. call 416-363- experience 01‘ training in ac- ~it)02. Ol‘ write Safety Dept” counting complete to trial bal- Tr‘airsport Training 5) stem of ance. Please write stating quali- Caiiada. Ltd, 207 Queens Quay “cations- age 'dIId EXPECIEd West. Toronto 117‘, Ontario salary to Box 74 “The Liberal." Canada. c2w16 c1w16 *hfiiESSO 400 Service Centre re- quires 2 full time gas atten- . . _.. . - ‘, “2-11”. DEAD or crippled farm animals ddn-tb 80 be picked lll) promptly. For direct V O c1w16 vA’GE L‘ RTReEnr-ant re- Iiire cull Long Distance and l,Sk quires full time waitreSses. pai‘t- ‘ for Zenith 33800, Call anythnel time waitresses for night-time Ed Pccolri & Soil. Woouviillo, shift weekends only. For inter- Um- I-IK‘OIIL‘L‘ N0. 334C - 66 New phone 832-1353. cl\\ltr' [1144 7 r T HALF-inch (Il‘lII press. flour iil‘ tiiblc liiodcl 8844203 afici- iioons or evenings. ’-*l\\ 16 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY POSITIONS AVAILABLE ‘ Bilingual sec‘y. attractive. ex- cellent shorthand and typing. . * _, N ’ " Experienced typist with dicta- phmie and some shorthand. Insee. experience helpful for W, if" N fi__ 7‘ fl _ one girl office. C 0 Al F L E T E L Y remodelled beauty salon. styling stations. CONTACT 3 tint stations. 2 shampoo sta- Ill-CORPS PERSONNEL lions IZ.’ [II'}t‘I’\. Ideal IOI' Iitisâ€" 18 YONGE ST. N” build and u up (illllhlllalltlll t'iiil 839-4871. RICHMOND HILL clii 16,88i-tl782 884-6970 ‘in Thorn- Extra large 1 bedroom apart- 2-303. merit available November 1. Large appliances. soft water. balcony 20'x5‘. 884-3341. 4 un-‘ dei‘gl‘ound parking spaces avail-I able. c1w16 .__ .. LL . _- .1 LARGE one and two-bedroom> apartments available in newly renovated house, Yonge Street. North, Aurora. Children wel-j .- come. Available irr:riiediately.I 884-7254, cl\\16 CPSTAIRS furnished bedsitting l'OOlll apartment including heat. hydro and water, $125. 773-4613. c1w16‘ SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment; 60 Laverock. Available Novem-I‘ ber lst. Call Mrs. Maclnnis.l 884-8205. ‘ c1w16 I LARGE sleeping room, 1 or 2 people. Good parking. 884-4068. c1w16 50 SQ. FT. office space located‘ professional building on‘ Yonge St. 884-1117. tfclfi APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 bedroom suite 3165. 3 bed- room suitc. 8185. Rem includes hydro. fridge. stOve, lieat, soft water. etc. Adults only. Call George G. Wilcock, Real Estate Broker. 884-8811. c1w16 ITOOSl'ior rent in_xi§ial?8321 283i. clw16 2 BEDROOM apartment availâ€"- able immediately one baby only. Apply Superintendent 441 Elliiwood. clw16 2‘BEDROOMITS32 we e k l r. Douirsview. 636-6837. t-lle 6 ROOM house. private drive. close to Schools 488-4386. >l\\16 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES boarded. exceptionall}. beautiful Stouffville Farm. rea- sonable rates. phone 640-1369. C3tvl4 ZZvCHESfiL'Tâ€"Eldings. 7 yrs. Old. must sell. ANY or best Otter. 884-2561, air-16 I EMPLOYMENT . POODLES, miniature beautiful jet black and dark chocolate. quality breeding, reg‘d., shots. 727-6669. tfc16i KITTENSâ€"litter}rEined, rice to ; good homes. 884-5680. clw16, POODLE pups. black miniature. registered. 889-5735. c1w16 WOOEEYâ€"mgik‘e’yfvery_tdine; purebred Chihuahua pups, My- lina bird. Call 884â€"3023. c1w16 WANTED FURNITURE slip covers cut; and fitted in your home. Workâ€"l manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 RELIABLE man. hard worker, seeks steady employment as laborer. Will consider any- thing. Phone 884-7518. nc4w13 )TAWTU RE woman will icai'e" for elderly person or semi-invalid in their on n lromc. 889-6635. references. clv. 16 EXPERIENCED office clerk will do typing. dicta or book- keeping in own home. 884-3598 after 5.30 pm. clw16 EXPERIENCED domestic for day work, would like on local. bus route Richmond Hill. 884- 8690. c1w16 GARDENING ALLIITDETST-Of landscaping. rock- eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy TsfiTi'C TANRSTPFREPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884â€"1245 tfcz New Flagstone Patios 8.: Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 tfc43 PAINTING" INTERIOR: EXTERIOR PAINTING 884-2433 ‘ “052 Harold Elliott Construction Ltd. 884-9312 Serving York County and Area LEONARD] BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework, Side- walk. Trenching and Excavating. Lie. No. D0033. 889-5228 tfc44 BOB’S DELIVERY SERVICE 889-5221 Local parcels and light cartage. tfc7 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- liiobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pin. 884-7716. clxilfi loam. peat and mushroom coni- , post b) the yard 01' load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889- 6338 tfc42 ROTOT’I‘LLIS‘GTa'nd Fall clean- up. 898-1891. clw16 TRAVEL TOURS. cniises. rail and bus tickets. reservations and indivi- dual travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agene). 889-5643. tic 4T, BILL‘S ALTO REPAIR Specializmg in all makes models. Also specializing ill snoii mobile repairs, 889-8827 9 am - 6 pm. c4w16 RvON'S painting and decorating. Free estimates. Call 884-6516. clw16 and PLUMBING 8: HEATING Roger Proulx -- Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 .La-Salles. Quebec and many“ other addresses. If payment is met received within a period of ‘3 weeks goods will be sold fOI'I large account owing. Frank; ilLamb Ltd., Tlror'nhill. c3w16,‘ I DRESSMAKING i EXPEEENTCED dressmakiIigâ€"- D. field cultivator 10-0, gehl hi- ' my. throw forage blower goo , Papec and JUd)‘ Bab and sam c1w16 forage harvester, GMC 1960 truck hydraulic hoist box, Kent 10-0 cultipacker, Waterloo dou- ble tractor dies, Ford 4 fr. 12” 3 pt. hitch plow. 40’ hay elevator, side rake, Mc-3pt. hitch cultiva- tor, new 20" stable fan, never used, surge milker, SS strainer, ‘25 gal. 11. water heater, 2 anti- Sadly missed by Ruth. Billi WANTED TO RENT GARAGE with electricity and concrete floor. Preferably with heating. Within 5 or 6 miles of alterations of all kinds. includ-, ‘ que telephones. automatic air ing children‘s clothes. Reason- gfzggflafl- C3“ Bluce compressor, Keil Intercom with .abIc. 884-4171. C4\\‘14 ,4_;W_H,‘ _____. _ fire alarm, attachment. pony BUSINESS lady being trans- saddle and bridle, steel feed . ROOM & BOARDI {ROOM andâ€"board available for gentleman. 773â€"5770. tfcl5: , l I ONE 01‘ two girl‘s pi‘eferl‘cd.i iClose to transportation and inâ€"I .dustry. 884-6236, tfcls‘ Renovations, additions. customiFULL board. packed lunclresJURGENTLY tional. private entrance, parking 889-3270. cli'le ROOM and {card in Thdrhhiii. suit young lady or gentleman. 889-2918. clw16 fei'ed from Timmins requires 1 can good, quantity of lumber' or 2 bedroom unfurnished airar’c-Ilarge quantity of good gram, ment or flat, separate entrance one_way disc'- horse cutter preferred. or house, in Maple, good, many other items not Woodbridge. or Kleinburg area. listed, including antique fumi‘ Write Box 75 “The Liberal”. tum, etc” the property of J' M. CZWIG Nighswander. Located at Lot_ 32 required unfur-'â€" Con. 9 Pickering TWp. (being 3 miles west of Claremont) or ilrornes, cottaaes. septic tanks Young man -â€"- $25 - -,~ k IIlSlIed house; RiChmond Hm 01" , , .- - Iand drainageb systems. 24 hr. 839-3704. ' pel 31:26: vicinity for reasonable rent. (21/; miles 5.1%i EOf it‘fll‘lgzflgi ' phone service for emergencies, ~77" - ~r , ----- -_â€" -~i Aurora 727-3874. Cl\\‘16 01‘ ‘29 “"195 " ' o , d “(,3 ROOM available. board Op- NOTE: These are extra 800 cattle and implements, 2 auction rings. Farm sold. Refreshments Terms Cash. Sale 1 Wilson, Sale c1w16 IMPLEMENTS GRAV'ELY tractor, i‘ebuilt,_4hft: available. d snow plow. the chains, besttpm. Atkinson an I offer. 222-1240. clwlsvhlrgs. and Auctioneers. ROOM arrâ€"d boa‘i‘rd‘available for 1 or 2 girls. 884-1320. clw16 Summer Properties EXCELLENT building lots, Du- clos Point. 45 miles from Rich- W YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT lnond Hill, 884-227.. tfc50 miadamanzisiii’isari-i... at us help you solve tcrized cottage, modern con- 6 \enicnces, 121‘ lake frontage on Lake Couchiching Island. - ‘ Oi'IIlia. $15,400, 889-3782. ) ‘ 2wl’ ’ c ” Movmg PIOIJIemS / _ Gentleas Transportation “Lamb RIIDTZ required t’i‘onlealtOii to Richmond Hill. leaving Malton 5 pm. 884-8757. c1w16 4 THioldkerTrjiul‘eAii' l itc Persian. Bluegrass - .\.\ll‘lll‘>.l(‘l' area. 884-Tlh‘7. (Ii 16 efore you move! \ the Mover lid- 12. BIRCH A\E., THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse

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