THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 15, 1970 I III [III ll .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIlllIIIllIlIlII till I II I IIIIIIIIIIIIlIlllIilIIIIIIIIIIlIlllllIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIlIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIllIilllII.llIIIIIIIIlllIlltlllllIlIllllllIllIIIIIIlllIlllllIIIIlIIIIIIlllIl[IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IlIlIIlIWIIIIIIIIlllIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIlIIllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilillllllilllllilllllIIIIlIlIlIlIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIlIlIllIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIllllIlIIIIlIlIIIII IIlIlIlIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIllIllIIlIIlIIIlllltlIllIIlIllIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIllllIlIllIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII“IIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIII Iv, ' I I III _YOU REACH THE PEOPLE YOU NEED WITH FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PHONE 884'1105'6 0R 8844983 ' To Order Want Ads . To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads . For Information About Want Ads. '- l IIIllIIIlIIlIlIlIIIIlIIlllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII ll ‘ i . alu““I“mum‘mlunumuuummu“|I‘|uuimliiu“iiiiilliiimlumiummulll II III lIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIlllIlIlIIIIIIIIItlIIiIIIIllIlllllIlIIIIIIlIllIlIIIIlIIIIllIIIIlIIlIIIIlIIlllIlllIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIll!lIIlIIIlIIIIIIIIllIlIlIllIIIIIIIIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIlIllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIIlIlIIIIIl\IIIIlIIIIII\|IIIIIitlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘II“ I IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII‘ '35 i .EHELP wANTED! HELP WANTED l USED CARS lMISCELLA ’EOUSlMISCELLANEOUS i XPERIENCE? cook for Pop's __ _. ‘C‘m‘inued' . 1985 CHEVâ€"l ton pick up. ifcawIE'OO’KKEEPINGTa Ad“ '7'.‘““‘T?"T" . *‘ E ‘T‘ivel'n- 834-2731 th34IOF interest to gentleman â€" for duty, top shape, certified. $850.Iing services for 5111211 Edseï¬iggs. SPE‘CIREIZZTN%AII:ESERr§oms a 6 :- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second marriages .nd subsequent insegtions if wort‘ltililig unchanged. lo ‘ESEIPANION‘iierp~fo,7m;j;‘Inigigt assembly Fork in manu-‘889-6784. r a clii-ls 889-57683. _ r c4ir15lbars. kitchen cabinets, arborite' BEVA‘Nv on)?†â€" .SUddenly MYERS - MOORE EDE ‘ words for .90c and . c per word erea er. “is I,\, .Ofcdblgna] iiitiee kenvd sL ac luring £5813. or informationilgm. GT0 “cement condition CLEANING wiybows‘ land home repairs 3893889. 1 passedJ always at his home, on Friday October 9, 1970 at COMING EVENT NOTICE loc per word; min. charge 51.59 i‘f "IR. ‘im octasï¬wal ï¬sh-fl?†a “can Rd-v RICE-840-3199. ciwltsI WALLS AND FLOORS i tfclll 21951, 8518, Otut [139“g15‘1’19‘6- 7.30 O‘clock in Koh- Trinity Box NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c inâ€? .Ic‘m‘mil 331' W’I‘e ae‘ Cl“163iiiiéo’PONi‘IACTsi2'7T'at‘2ndi Day or night CARP‘ENTRT'iRn-kfrehation 0†".95 3†9° 6‘ t 9-7 'Anglican Church. Thornh‘ll .Box 67. The Liberal . c3iil4 . ‘ i‘ '3- vl“ ., .... _ . . . . Father of Olive Geraldine 1 r by CARDS 0F THANKs_ 1N MEMORD‘MS DEATHSY v . v ‘ ,4, ,car. good condition. 2260681} 7 Emirates 7 tfc23.i~ooms. additions, renovations. “11,8 James Rankin, Rich_ the Reverend Canon Reginald ENGAGEMENTS’ MARRIAGE, BIRTHS per hr x JAhllzgg‘IDEOLBLLS TO RENT 5213513. chm,“ Spun-001m â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" itile floorsTand‘ceiléggséflrzree, mm, mm Laid to’mt atilggwtllenéï¬arolfDouglas Mom.e - , t t , j . w - ,V7.-~.»â€"â€"~ W x ‘ ginning}: SPECIAL estimates. . Price. - 3.. , ~ « ,i e. au ‘1 ero Doctorand lertion $1.50 Imposmbloa No. He considered‘FLRMSHED room] cooking 1966 MLSIANG. automatic. Rug; am; Chesterfield: Dav Mi “C32. gicéimong 1Hills) Cemeteryrwi 0. Moore Ede of Thai-“21$. Classified advertisements should be in as early in the real estate selling and using our facilities, 16 Lorne, ist house‘I‘f‘qW low mileage- t‘P'IOP Con' nigh}. 884_243}3 I' ireâ€",2 "WOgTXRIOâ€"S'Câ€"Haafdp ID d†33‘ Ctoéll ', , 1 _ Ito Rollo Harvey Hamilton Myer; week as possble but not later than 6 pin on Tuesdays. .ti‘cmendous training pi‘ograni,east of Bork's Jewellers atdmon- 3951 one“ mu“ Sell‘iPEI'Vif‘IVG-‘E’T f’ ’ *r“ ‘ ‘UpHOLSITERY i am lieâ€"STOW “e a) )0†lemlof Vancouver, son of Doctor and send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone ,and background(increased IllS‘YOVIl‘gS; _r __ tfc511‘t384-4ï¬t6 jitter Lpflrd‘dgcldteriér (in eyest‘eii‘i‘iin‘kand“ Chestcmelds and chairs re_ You will-suffer no more pain Mrs. David Myers of Eaglemom us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. “Iconâ€: b-V 100% If you al'eiFURNISHED robin, cFoiEinEi1962 ACADIAN Beaumont stamens ' m 9,00% m ‘ioab "f5: cowwd like he“, You will always be with us, ’ Victoria. Australia. clw16 over ..1 and looking for aland parking facilities_ please tionivagon $75. or best offer. ' ‘ PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY And always be loved large or too small. 884-5009. ï¬x“ Ichangc act now call Mr Whit ~ 889- ‘ ' i - - h i i - 9 hone 884-1194 for a Ointment. 3964- C1“ 16. ' . v - - 101, Mr. Cuff at 88945241 or 895_ D PP “elmmï¬m‘:_Â¥ T‘VV “Vï¬Vfâ€"Wâ€"wâ€"ucii N0 ADggrliogAAAéaORCHARGE Sigrienow as your suffering is CARD 0F THANKS KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. -l. . (Continued)- .- ‘3321' Nmm BlaCk Rm†LES-Y‘EORTiEaâ€"se, 3,â€"0’oof6f0’60 sq._ft‘.'speed, posi. rally equipped. pri-imllé‘Rgï¬mggs $22155“; 8312;, All work guaranteed â€"Love. your daughter Olie. “1â€â€ hke t° thank #11 Who Free estimates. Creative Decon DRIVEWAY GRAVEL _._-.~_...___.__. ° 3 industrial space, Newkirk Road. vate. Days 884-8126. Evgs. 1-727- boxes and boat docks 'Free 65w Pick up and delivery I c1w16 refeents‘Inng ‘0 me_durmg my ofï¬ce and wowmom‘ v 9212 Crushed stone. sand_ concretciGENTLEMEN are you intercst- Features dock level loading, 9050. Martyn. c1w161mates 88945338 ' “C42 FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 "‘ ‘ * 1 “955- ESPECIauY to the Yonge St†Richvale 3393462v gravel etc†delivered in smallied In a rewarding‘career with a 16’6" 'cleai', immediate posses- EEOâ€"Recondi‘t'fâ€"dâ€"ï¬jï¬a’éh‘iâ€"-5â€";;â€"â€"_..__l tfc12 BUTT. Sadle -- SUddenly 81: nurses at York Central 811d Dr. 773-4696. tfc42 quantities. Call c. L. Knappett large Canadian Sales finance'sioni $110 "et- Lored Con'IMeclian' l f'tme rtif‘gat 'I FINLAY ELECTRIC RICIiiIOND‘IiIEITR‘OOEIN’G 1‘" Imme’ Unimwme’ °n OC‘ Bate- and Dr' McGreg†A V"? ALUMINUM 884'3089' “c37lcompany? can Mr' campben' 51mm†Ltd‘ 630‘9500' I$3oo 88192129431 5cer m 9' common free estimates‘ Gaul siiinclcs Flat Roofs A ‘Obel' 6‘ 1970’ sadie May Timid fldanks to Mrs' George . ' â€" Â¥-- e--. 884-8155 “C4 “C50 ~ ‘ ' - anytime 884-3931. tfc37i e ‘ . , Steele beloved wife of Rev 0° ea - Doors, Windows, awnings, and TEAKWOOD - ~ â€"- - -_-__._ A..-†. . .L._v._.‘ . c1w16 râ€"â€"‘ ~ - ‘, Eavesti‘oughiirg .v- - ' , '. railings, Ron Woods, 384.1514, Living, dining and bedrooms,[VI/‘A‘IVI‘RES,S H fun and Pal'I'SUBLET Office Space. 450 SCI- ft. '1QGTRâ€"AMBIIERâ€"ztgï¬on‘wé’ ('m‘ BAKERS BACKHOE {Experienced workmanship. Fl‘ec‘ ;}llg:glb,s(l\ï¬:tthdeél Egaléel) Mrs. Mary Hal“: tfc36'direct from importers ware- ume- PODS lavel‘n. 884-2752. Air conditioned Markham / ‘ .- ‘ g " EXCAVATING estimates. All \lOl‘k guaranteed. '. '. ‘ y . c Wm ..--._,-.__-._._ n . _ I, Call after rpm. 884-8284. c1w16 T,- n h- e & t 1- _ and W. J. Butt. giandmotlier YORK ALUMINUM lioiisc. Open 1-9 p.m. 454.1333 gm,“ 7% Wk“, tI-49 Yonse. Immediate occupancy.» ._ - - __. - i . c - . .i e_° "‘8' “W F 'a 91' 1"“i1884-8719. c4ivloi| of Robert Cathy and James a Free estimates Alunnnum Sid. EINAB CLAUSEN LTD‘ EXPERIENCED lellel‘. eliglll§8?.6i6_4; W_“__4 V†w_~tf_‘:1l"1964 LAURENTIAN' gOOd run- m_°,_§.8,_9i36£.4lr .-. L. Tï¬Eâ€"NIVINV[:M0VIEVR Ilal'ley, 1\"1ichael and I{a1-en ï¬ ing windows. doors. awnings I:\"l’-.7. .iiist east of Fifth Liriewlcm working conditions salary NICE FURNISHED ROOM,.PIE§ Olde“ Estate 5316' 18%;: FORTHERN PAINTING, 2. Have you anything you want Butt- Sister of Fred Steele‘DALE also glags and screen repairs I- miles east of DiXie Road) commensurate with experiencensuit business lady, parking.§?â€:’...~_____ _A __. ,°_“_. Bealï¬lï¬ntlal. commercial P811“- moved or taken away? I of Beamsville. Rested at the OCTOBERm“ phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 RITE?“- w 7 7* 7“ _lfcl9,F01' aPPOIntmeiit phone 889-889-6103. tfchISTUDEBAKER ’61. Veil" 800d mgv {menor “Id “demor- Paper 0 Need any sand or gravel? Ogden Funeral Home, Union- Auction sale a! house may]? Maple, tfcza BEDROOM and dining suite, T523- Rob'al Bank of Canada,i Bxfï¬ï¬vâ€"P‘Lâ€"Aâ€"zr condition. Safety cel‘tificatewlltlllglnrg-v __rtfrc_4?‘. Small jobs mean small priccsl, ville. Funeral service held in known as 152 Crestwood Rozd’ GARbiN‘SB'ï¬EI‘E'S Teakwood, 2 months old, rea- bade and Hwy- 7v COHCOI'd- ‘1 Richmond Hill Egg-£13 Ellie}: 57'131‘“: -SIWIGIGENERAL contracting, :rltera-‘Call Steve Sabiston after 5 pm.» Bl‘o‘m's comers U“ its d 1 block north of Steeles Ave- Loam - manure _ top dressing sggiible. Call Toronto 241- ,_~_g‘fl_\g3wl4 3000 sq ft of excellent Sm; 1966 VOLKSWAGEN, biuewrtions and additions. homes. of- 889-2625. czu'16‘ amid};- Uoctgbefl 9- {DW- between Bathurst and Yong; top soil. fill, screened loam. 5 ' “WM 'frorpvsalif‘ry ‘0 rehab“? farmer age space. 884-5669 and 364- 88:63fl--v ï¬â€™ __Cl\rvrl_6'£095ia?Cgï¬iiezegciï¬tzgniarpig‘GENERAL carpentry ,.ec1.ea_: e 193 a “10" ((3:31: St. 7 room_brick house includ- Call C. L. knappett. 884-3089. BOSC pears, apples. pepper i: ‘aftr mlg in" lad. and 1901(- 1964. tfcl3 1964 FORD Galaxie 500. V8, wibb 889_2546 p ' th3 tion rooms. alterations and I'e-L :- :l: ii: a gig bath’ on furnace' thhEd th4 232.5367 and green tomatfoes. ‘nghe Ligell‘gllfes- rite 130:; ï¬gbfgomfli’t genflm automatic. radio. white walls. ' ipairs. 884-2505. c2wl6DAVlS At St. Mary-S Hos_ tlf’izelgltir‘llte 333a breezeii'ay. elec- AJIKIOWISIXTCEII‘ITVES - DUTCH R613" “14 EXPERIENCED FURNITURE 1629' “€13 7G7cir02d Shape. ASkmg “70.1881981411wigsqggirï¬llzï¬llgioodsI pital’ Kimhener' OCtOber 13’ M W â€" '72 fggfï¬gltggi ' . BS ' r~ . . . c w - i c. - ,. .. _ Sales Service Rentals Full Variety, crocuses. hvacinths. PACKER & DRIVER LARGE.furMShed .room In new '17: rï¬jN ngE[Af, Expert workmansmp.at1°w C9St'i I I):th Sifeeett ETIEhlilglby a de-pth Of?“ feet more or Authorized Dealer mums and daffodils‘ Planti COMBINED homei 101189 - RIClwale 81'63- 2 v] , .Free estimates. Gillett Fine,-â€"â€"--â€"~â€"â€"â€"- ' -~~v« he], 7'7th veg, Smivi‘ d†b 16355, With fI‘lllt trees. raspber- All popular makes for salclspring now I Good working conditions WOUId consmerlight housekeep-El‘giss (ti/“ml 2 Eon Inc‘k-up: Edwina)“. 884-8831. “CIIIgâ€"EADUL'lch‘II “(limhnird‘hagh dauahter ~lovlce (Mrs VROberI; “es and grape Vines' The ' . ~‘ ' . i' . .. 'ing in exchan e for artia1519i (XV-1‘9 ex error. linma-li ~~ r" v I 0 0m 5 sso, i e a a ' - - property of the estate of h including new and rebuilt1 Holland Park Garden Centre Steady emploi'menl. benellIS. 1.9m 889_7118 8 pure“ culate condition. full sale price. RUBBER STAMPS St. 884-8011. tfc48i LOVQW 0f AST- SOIIS James Later Sarah Fuller Sale tiiri: Standald Portable and electric 51 Keele Si. N., Maple iApply Lamb The Mover. 889-_ '_.,_,,_ g , V WV, W - -, . . . Several type faces to choose ~ â€" of Maple and curtiss of To. _ ‘ . . . , , . $1395.L1L. B62743 ask for Alnle . . . SAHARA 6 d 8 51 61-5 , 2 p.m. Property open for m. models. SpeCIal rental i‘atesz 832-245; 4911. Also part time help. FURNISHED room. Bayvrew . . fromâ€" including Script, Blockl ‘ an eep ' route and 10 o‘l-andchildi-en . .vailable t t d i _ t i I V _ 884-4481, 889-5367. c1w16 . . fully insulated hardtom fully - ‘ I < a ' - spection: Saturday. Oct. 10 0 S u ents. 1:913 c4ii15 and Markham. gentleman we r» v wâ€. .._. - _._ -A.letters. Outline and Signature“ . ‘ _ _ Piedeceased by her husband from 9 am to 4 m d St ‘ I" H' SIMS â€"â€"T O '7â€"74tlâ€"AI HTML“ CITERKTtypist_forigenaalTof; fared 884'3540‘ Clwmilgsg THUNDERBIRD' 4 door!â€" fm serVice- can “The Lib' eqmpped’ hm.“ 3993'.AC10 En" Alexander and a brother. d 0t .17 1" p.9. an El 88 B k I" " 1‘ mm" - . .- .- ". "T"â€"'f"" _._" Landau. grey with maroon in- 91-31" 334-1105. iterprises, 12o longe St. S. ‘ UI‘ ay. 0. 10m a.m. untl me, I: 231:3! FALL SALE fife “01k and suitcliboard re- FURNISHED 1 00 in. central mm. Owner selling due to m __ __._.-e-__u~- Aurora c1w15i geste‘llathhe Cg“; :0" sale time at 2 p.m. Terms of l 0 1 lief. For construction ffi- Richmond Hill close to Yon e ' . HARRISONS CUSTOM }‘ ‘_. We . UIIEI‘a OIIIC. . n- - 0 AT 0 ce. 8 , , Sale. 10%: of purchase price 884-1745 FUN-“NC. MUSIC CENTRE Bayview Ave., Thornhill. Must‘St. and transportation. 884- gialth'agggsglï¬oo mlles' CARPENTRY ' (v CLEARANCE SALE _ dre‘YS StrEF‘tv Galt- Pl'lvate day of sale; balance made M~._._ __,v_ V 'Ifi‘3 DON MILLS ROAD have own transportation. Please‘8312. c1w15 __0n_8._;L_..' _c.i ‘Custom built homes. renova-‘30'ï¬7 dlscount 0n_all new 1910 famlly SEI‘Vlce l1€ld TllurSday- known at time of sale. This WASHER: dryer and Stove Newmarket State experience and present‘z BEDROOM apartment, also 1966 VALIANT' 273’ 4 Speed, “OTIS, additionsi and I‘epail‘S. Hohday “"fvel trailers and thk Interment mount Pleasant property will be sold subject to Parts, gears, belts. wood bear- (You can‘s miss our sign) salary to BOX 72- “The Liberal"- bachelor apartment. 884-2576. buCketS' consuL taCh‘ g°°d KitChens a Specmmy' Morris cafnpers’ 9 “Wk camper $-1199:l cemewl‘y' Toronto. Clwm reserve bid' Edgar Funer‘ ings and wr‘inger rollers cic. Phone 895-6311 °4W15 tfc15 511399- best Offer. 332-5445. Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 éiggglwlizcaliipei; fully equ11f3p1€1diMa KENZH; W d Gormley, R.R. 2, Ont. James F ' . '- o - - ' ""7 “.7 . . , â€".' - c1w16 W ; ’ rue camper u y‘ ’ C . avr oo â€" . i _ 113:: Edivr’iiizildiiscrfirlhadl:nfrglflii; Organ];mnos Emit" militias: lifeecriingfdlaï¬gqhiriltffebgbIITeiie 1 BEDROOM fumiShed apartâ€" 1965 FORD Falcon 4 door prim “wide $2299: 18" 19" 20’ and suddenly’ on Friday†Ocmber foliilelOnltlz Emil-1:302“: gird. . . . ' _ ' '* ' ment 884-4193. c2w15 . i - i i ’ . - . 8, 1970. Dav’d M " - ’ . ' tpllailtifs.dhlfths IV, 49 liidiis- Far-ma 'and Hwy, 7, Company_ Must be F-ï¬Rï¬fsï¬EDâ€"Zâ€"w kfâ€" vately owned second owner, Alcan .â€" siding, Eavestroughsiizui 1:8; elontlallels“‘hailll {Silly of 95 Garden1 Aveacï¬iggsi tioneel “111 not be reSponSIble _ila_ 0a 984-7983;; ‘ .fc9 Plus a large Stock of chord willing. conciencious worker. ‘ 1.99mi °°° "‘5 very clean, 41,600 miles. $600. Doors and Windows q pp 5a 9. e ,ey hi†deal. husband "f R th for any pubhchblhty’ pm?" SEASONED hard wood {op organs from $39 95 that anyonelgood working conditions and and Iaundly mellmes' TV’ bed‘ Firm. 884-6539. *1le For free estimates call your last Goad selection Of used D '. ~ . 0 u ' erty damage 01‘ anury t0 PUbllC fireplaces. 2253781 01, 889_ canmavimmediételv fringe benms Contact Mrs and dishes supplied. 832- vy-Sâ€"VI-‘Xï¬-Gâ€"fgl gal-:l-ik-eâ€"He-Kiss Local Contractor .;i‘ailcrs from 1: ft. up. Easy Jeaslteéigzil) gingtarglndmg: in connection with this sale. -- ‘ , , j' , . ." , " . c3w15 ‘ - V . , .iinancin, low 0er a merit. : I v ‘ v' , F ' r, A ioneer. ZflLg-L_ -,_V__W_W “€15 V15“ It‘s am d3) 01 e‘ emng â€"iM?§9n7§8973?§; 7, thus â€"~-â€".-'~ â€"~' » ,7 convert, V8 automatic, radio, 4- HANS BUTT 8894016 iFI-ee miter Storage Li‘s», rates Vld. Grandfather of l‘lli(:hael.'%11;\{lr2l (S; . inmeo t “Ct c2w15 â€"- ~ - we \\'ilI show vou how eas ‘ r . MW" *7 NICE furnished room. TV. suit . - . . .- i tfc41 ' d .- v “m 93" “- HO‘IE SH m ~ ' - y wAerEss wanted, Monday to‘busin an] 884 7615 1 14 new iihlteiialls, power steering. , ,__ a, _ ion all rentals Book now for an Kelln. Rested at the Pain“ ‘ L 0w Plese mygfdnvs ale 19 Fla-V f‘FI‘iday. 5 days a week, 7 am to . .. ess_°n_‘__' ' c w Safety certificate will be sup- BRICK & STONEWORK your fan orâ€" “winter vacation Mal‘Shall Funeral Home, 126 * “‘ * "‘ i â€"' .andscapcs u atntï¬o“ 0.1‘ the Christmas gm 3 pm. Good pay. Peter‘s UNFURNISHED basement plied. Only $2.250. Nights 884-‘Firep1aces -- chimneys â€" cus- KING CITY TRAILERS Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. 0 UESDAY Pm £2235: Gifedt esf‘nitlilge fairnilytcan en,iloy.,Resiau1-am, 7534 Yonge St†apartment. business couple only. _4761 or 884 2546. Days 889-7361, tom built -â€"â€" patios, walls, King Rd 2 miles west of Yonge Sel‘Vlce “'35 held Tuesday, 9 gngggERfaE"; Euction of 3â€"0 ' ' ons ' ‘ ' s ue 0 or 0w - ~ . . . l -2' ' - - . r ~- - i ._ . ' . ’ am. t St. M 1‘ I - 1 a“ . Tllornhill, 889 0027. L1“ 16 884 .363 attel 5 pm. tfc16 en. 40, c1“ 16 flower boxes, garages. etc. Gual sales _ Rentals _ Repairs 3 a Y mmacu ate came‘ farm. implements, Incl“. LITTLE REMBRANDT foverhead. Easy terms if desired. anteed workmanship. For free, Church. Interment Holy Cross 834_6690 574 YONGE ST_ N. c2“- EXPERIENCED hair‘styiist with 2 FURNISHED rooms, including 1963 CHEVROLET, automatic, . . Parts and Storage C . ,. iding 2 tractors. M.H.S.P. Com- , “015 â€"Fï¬ï¬flLIZE-Rï¬E-él.uf_° license required to take comâ€" T.V. In basement, private en- radio, good tires. As is $250.00. can M‘ H‘ Construciggl 773-4260 emetely; * * * Cl‘us bine‘ spreader, cuitipacker, - -- v- - â€"-â€"w-â€"â€" , A plete charge of beauty salon. trance, private bath. 884-7020. Phone 833-5857, nc3w16 _â€"‘ ‘ c1w16 _ - ,, , (mm. drill power cream sepa. CHAISE lounge. needs reu iioi- 40% off 1 - . , ‘__â€"______ l ROSS. Haney Alexander â€" P i H , - . p . . 'Call 889-4811- Cl\\16 €1W16 ‘ RON MOORE ' A r - - - rator new power fertilizer drill stering $65! occasional chair All remaining Stock - r- . . . 1933 FAIRLANE 50° V87 “"9 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING .t Mlth Ymk Gene‘al Hos' - ' i d tr tractor: $45_ 884.4341. c1w16 C.I.L. Virgo So-Green , . ECEPTIONISF. FURNISHED room and kltqhe' new' 889'9115 between 3 am ‘ Interior â€" Exterior. Free esti-. pltal on sunday’rocmber 11' N'lagaril) Sgéaheriti-is Edam3 Pt. ‘ twig-i HOLLAND pARK GARDEN ‘Wllil pl asant personality for nette on 2nd floor, parking, 5 p111. c1w16 mates. Call anytime 889_8965 1970. Harvey A_ Ross of disc, J. .. pow p _ r ,1 c ell Clalls, CENTRE medlcal ofï¬ce. typmg and ad_ Langstaff near Yonge. Busmess 1965 CHEV Belair 6 cyl auto- - tress. Do you have a drinking Broâ€"E Tliornhill. beloved husband hitch, Digs. sows, hay. grain. 5112:! 8%;_Ofgflgcl;iigi1f]leld}] and 51 Keele St. N. Maple ‘ministrative knowledge an asset. 153.831. 889-4190.- matic trans: radio’ 42 00'0 cm H t in I Th um“ 18m. If so AA can he]; Write of Irene Kearns. dear father straw, large pile scraprii'gnt, eItca ‘ Pei-“'16, 832-2455 ï¬g £011. “1‘9, p601“? and]? ‘ljjn‘f'éty ONE BEDROOM, large sitting ginal miles, mechanical certified. as er ER CL ARK or BOX 84- Richmond Hill, 01‘ call if, 901;“; hm?“ 0? El“ “1,9 grgii’egtlgfn‘gï¬t’}, :f gum-‘22 brPI‘E'CE'a. . 1' a: ~ * Hui, UCl5lferviifsa‘ you. Ta) 351;?‘1 01,1n"r‘00m, available November 1. on $795 or best offer. Call Mrs. plain and Doom-akin Plastering'lEMs'BBB}: “917 ahés's :l'a (iris-on}, Bi?) eXllleTSIHCe 0: the 9th Con Whit- fmezer. amt“? motmysuuof, bo’f‘ “REWOOD ""wrh $846789 gpollélfrlienm {rï¬ggnéng Yonge St.. close to shopping, Conn 832-1535. c1w16 Repairs a speciality 1 WHY N637 J‘Oiï¬r Strong}, Voqhaia 'Mr‘ ‘gg; church Farm sold Tanks Cash antique’ misï¬ts]: :nTie-uehldgfl DRY white birch arid maple..and Fmdavplmh agd .16“. Scfgitl‘aHFPOI‘taIIOII etc" $100 month' ITIEFKUS-TTNTTDO, excelIeâ€"Iit3 Free ESï¬mateS I A BOWLING LEAGUE? rested at the B Ring Fun-Iâ€" Sale 1 p.m.. Atkinson and 773-5443_ ' q :éz‘IllthC‘ 1" P’Iappeui 384‘3039- ‘ber, ‘ c1“.-16§§i1_'£7£.2; _,, ‘. _ï¬l‘lvlsleondition, low mileage, $695 fllIII 433‘7521 839-3135 - La‘lies’ Afterfwo“ Leagues ei-al Home, 7783 Yonge SLIWilson. Sales Mgrs. and Auc- §T6NE~1zxf~ru â€" ;.- v-v-r-z, _ A , __ N _ W 7 “('15i‘sxï¬rsï¬Awr' I;â€"'r 1h- SUBLET 2 bEdI‘OOm apartmentlprice, Greenwood Garage, 884-, d†_ “_w tf020: “"91 superVISCd nursery (at Hwy. 7Bi, Thornhill. Ser-tioneers. CZWM ivood burnliifg these 3x101118804105cti7llcl HONEY AND BEES Imature‘ with Ol'ets:ilesd‘x‘:::irenc_e 884-6676 “WM 8841' Clwml E' w' PAYNE Mixed Ev?n’llg Leagues Vice was held in the Chapel’ * ’I' * * ' S a . - ,l ‘ , \ I - - ' -' --- â€";- ‘ . .._ _. .._ W. ___,i a y ‘ , clw16 Eo‘ingEVSoutlr Nm. 1, S0 stockifm. better grade Shoe Store __ 1 BEDROOM winterized cott- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN station- Drains, septic tanks. All types ALLENCOUï¬T LANES WedneSdal' cremation: ‘ - *â€" 9§é4 5 appomtment only; 889-;mrmanent position 5 day Week age. outsrde conveniences. 773- wagon. Certified mechanically‘of concrete work. I 447 Markth Rd_ C1\t16‘OCTOBER 21, WEDNESDAy_, Farm to Y §ALE _ “-._;._- LL-_L_ ,___‘§“'15 __ Shields Foam-ear 334.5341_ 5897- c1w16 fit. Good condition. Phone 833- 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES.I Richmond 1.1m , ' Clearing farm auction at _45 and Canasi‘; $11355; 901013;? FIREWOOD. also kindling. c1w16 VERY comfortable 1.00m. Rich_ 6807 after 8 pm. c1w16 th31 After 7 p.m. - 884-5511 ,3" Holsteins, bulk cooler, milk piuce. c w. c4iiv15IASSIS~TANTâ€"â€"5hear operator mend Hill, Abstainer, 384-3395, RALPH ELMS DECORATING c10w12 quota. and mOder" farm up. White birch, clump cedar machinery, including silo un- S Painting, paper-hanging, inter- COWANâ€"In loving memory of clw16 BOY’S Snitv Size 16v brown. 81- capacity x 10’, Cincinatti, ex- NOW BOOKING hedging, 35¢. Maple, oak etc. 50¢. Black rich loam, or aged mOSt new, reasonable. 889-6378. perience a necessity. 889-5170 4 BEDROOM house, garage, im- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Club dances and banquets. loader, stable cleaner, J .D. deise]: .- h . Dr. W. Cameron Cow an, w o No. 510 tractor, (850 hrs), like manure, 75¢, Colorado Farms‘ 7 _ _ V c1w16} c1w16 mediate possesion, $185 month- grz‘an’ivr‘l’ge:Bgï¬gleifsgthéigg? Work guaranteed 88756“; 46 Hugh Graeey Orchestra. 244. passed away October 15, 1968. new JD tractor No. 630 good, Keele St. (west side). 3 ilriles 8-PIECE dining suite, whitelWAITERS_or \vgitTesEs I‘e- IÂ¥:_834'433‘I‘ Clwm Jill GoddardlJ v." .'- c T..ggll352'RLWLCiwl4igeth-ri: gfling139rgf'1ilf: ISnSVOIivyel: 1‘7R Fert. grain drill, north oilviapie. N“ _riwis oak; table. 53x chairs. biiffet,quircd full and part time. MustIROOM. with ï¬hgriâ€"faâ€"cllï¬ies. tfc18 Ch. , CREME“, b .ltIPLATTER SPIN DISC JOCKEY.i:$ tlheo m2... glory, whereGehl SU Forage ii'agon good. GARAGE SALE T_ 5123‘ 884'8953 ewmngs‘ ‘be “Perlenced' 0““ Irans‘pol"‘834'242°‘ “Wm CAT BOARDING ‘ mums an Hep aces m ' SERVICE Ithe wounded of hf: are healedIAmEd hydraulic “0‘†“Thad†1, , . _ _ ;__ _____ ‘ and repaired. Free estimates. C “16“Galwnmp “one 389 4988i 3455-. BLYTHEWOOD 87 [Household pets kittens available ExPel‘t workmanship. 20 yearséflw - 19â€â€ e~ c )‘V_6.Quiet adult building, 1 blockito good homes. Also Portrait-S Oflexperience. Phone 884-2882. I“ ‘ DAY CARE CKRRIERSTic’7’dciii7eTiiandrwest of Yonge on Richmond Stiyour pets. pastel or pencil. 389- WALKER CONSTRUCTION IFURNITURE belonging to liniiiith the balm of Gilead givemtalï¬ "9“: râ€"â€"«-- -- â€"_- bills in Richmond Hill, "' tic-1i tfc43Fiddes. formerly 7818 Siminone by the Great Physician there. J.D.S.P.. occaSions' 8842792: 630',and the tears of life are di‘ied.I5 “105- Old. new idea cut, condi- tftlz and broken hearts are mended'tioner, J.D. No. 6 Forage harves- _' favorite thresher good, Combine No. 45 good J .' All kinds of goodies, toys and. games galore, 26" girl's gold1 bike, typewriter table. kitchen table and chairs, large chest freezer, guitar and case. plus: many rriore items. Come and. have a look. 832-2604. clw16I DROP-IN electric rarigc-f 30“l coppertone, $60. 884-6309. c1w16 VI‘K‘INGjiTingerTTigshei‘, AgOodl condition $40. 88-1-1923 after! 4pm. clw16 AQUARIDRITmâ€"‘gaiioiisf‘all glass with wood top and stand, and accessories. $40. Phone 884-‘ 8729- c1w16; WANTED â€" used Ski-D651 around $250, cash. Airy old liim-i ber hatiled away free. 884-1928i or 884-9379. tiers! TWIN bedE-complete with liead-' board. 884-6919. clii-ch _-K“ __ _ _ I 8-PIECE dinette suite. 3-piece bedroom suite with mattress ‘ $50. Both sets iii good condition.‘ 889-8536. elwlï¬ CARRIIACEjlai‘peir‘Eiid cai' bed. â€" Excellent condition. 889- 2128. clw16 NUMBERâ€"of corlvectorrtype hot water rads. and covers. 889- 2453 evgs. rliv16 LADY'S \vlrite‘figtil'e‘qskï¬dsï¬ srze Slit, like new, $10. 832-8864.i “â€" _ c1w16 7 PIECE kitcheir sct7889T0‘9’i’83 . 7_VI c1w16 PIANO. completer I‘econditiOn-‘ ed. $250. Call after 6 pill. 387- V H W c1w16" PUMP. electric. Canadian Tire: never used. deep well 01' sliiil- low, with pressure tank. 1:.- lip 36.). also new double cylinder hand pump. 884-4387. 01“ 16 HORSE manure for sale. 8050 Bathul‘st SL, TIlOI'llIllII. 88E)â€"E 17839‘.‘W‘ 7‘ Â¥ ('l\\ 16 MOF‘FAT stove. 30"â€"elbcti‘icl complete brownie uniform. size? 8. 889â€"3270. ClivIGI TWO men's suits â€" ongrbliiei good condition, size 40. one; charcoal, excellent condition.‘ size 39. One sports .iackcifl brown. size 40, good ('IIIKIIIIUII. 884-5774. ('I\‘. Hi RELIABLE day care given in . - . a my home. west side of ‘l'nnrle 1"†.agd Rlcmale’ (“all Tom St. 884-4816. irclo.8‘l4.'(’,3°1‘ . W. ,.-_°1“,16 DAY care available in‘lny IIOIne:iHAIR_DRFSSER “amed‘_ Pius“ Aucncourt area} 384478]. .be experienced. Good workrngl c2w1 5 conditions. 884-8271. clwlï¬ RELIABLE day careiiriyilioine, PART time balmy“ Staff re-l fenced yard, Thornhill Gi‘een.;quued for Baynew coum‘ry‘ 389-8065. Czwls Club. Call .ilaiti-e'd, 889-4883;; _, ._. , A, ,, Â¥,_,,__ (f ‘.'1 MOTHER of 3 yr". old girl would; -- 7, _ ._ _- .‘_ love to provide day (are for gmlDOMESllL 10!‘ light house, of preschool age, fenced yardnkceping and babysitting. Thurs- 884-5937_ “Wâ€; day after-noon. Finch and “il- _._ mington. 636-0972. c1w16 TUITION IPOODLE gi'ooineifexperienced, “1' . w ~t or full time. Equipment. TEACHER. piano and theoryâ€.I .- . . -- establishing Richmond Hill. pl-mlded' [Op pa“. P-et Fau’ 8843925. tfc50‘Richmond Heights Shopping KS'SO‘CIKTED‘t ' "ï¬vl‘icentl‘e. c1w16 - . utors can re p -- * “vâ€"v :7 gm .j~ â€" â€". you now. Please call without LIGHT pael‘ngng’ “maple fol obligation. 884-2884; 884-1636. “‘°'“9“~ 9“†“met mommg °" C2“.15.afternoon, Write PO. Box 279. k. e. LITII‘. 1'1 SEMI DRIvERs NEEDED Iâ€"wih-m c 3â€"6 Experience helpful but not ACCOUNTING CLERK I necessary. for local and over- [-0031 Company I‘etlllll‘es a the-road hauling. You can earn Person 10 hell) III the account- tip to 810.000 to $15,000 per iilg department. Prelerciice \iill i'cai‘ if you are willing to loam be shown to person who has had For application. call 416-363- experience 01‘ training in ac- ~it)02. Ol‘ write Safety Dept†counting complete to trial bal- Tr‘airsport Training 5) stem of ance. Please write stating quali- Caiiada. Ltd, 207 Queens Quay “cations- age 'dIId EXPECIEd West. Toronto 117‘, Ontario salary to Box 74 “The Liberal." Canada. c2w16 c1w16 *hï¬iESSO 400 Service Centre re- quires 2 full time gas atten- . . _.. . - ‘, “2-11â€. DEAD or crippled farm animals ddn-tb 80 be picked lll) promptly. For direct V O c1w16 vA’GE L‘ RTReEnr-ant re- Iiire cull Long Distance and l,Sk quires full time waitreSses. pai‘t- ‘ for Zenith 33800, Call anythnel time waitresses for night-time Ed Pccolri & Soil. Woouviillo, shift weekends only. For inter- Um- I-IK‘OIIL‘L‘ N0. 334C - 66 New phone 832-1353. cl\\ltr' [1144 7 r T HALF-inch (Il‘lII press. flour iil‘ tiiblc liiodcl 8844203 afici- iioons or evenings. ’-*l\\ 16 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY POSITIONS AVAILABLE ‘ Bilingual sec‘y. attractive. ex- cellent shorthand and typing. . * _, N ’ " Experienced typist with dicta- phmie and some shorthand. Insee. experience helpful for W, if" N ï¬__ 7‘ fl _ one girl office. C 0 Al F L E T E L Y remodelled beauty salon. styling stations. CONTACT 3 tint stations. 2 shampoo sta- Ill-CORPS PERSONNEL lions IZ.’ [II'}t‘I’\. Ideal IOI' Iitisâ€" 18 YONGE ST. N†build and u up (illllhlllalltlll t'iiil 839-4871. RICHMOND HILL clii 16,88i-tl782 884-6970 ‘in Thorn- Extra large 1 bedroom apart- 2-303. merit available November 1. Large appliances. soft water. balcony 20'x5‘. 884-3341. 4 un-‘ dei‘gl‘ound parking spaces avail-I able. c1w16 .__ .. LL . _- .1 LARGE one and two-bedroom> apartments available in newly renovated house, Yonge Street. North, Aurora. Children wel-j .- come. Available irr:riiediately.I 884-7254, cl\\16 CPSTAIRS furnished bedsitting l'OOlll apartment including heat. hydro and water, $125. 773-4613. c1w16‘ SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment; 60 Laverock. Available Novem-I‘ ber lst. Call Mrs. Maclnnis.l 884-8205. ‘ c1w16 I LARGE sleeping room, 1 or 2 people. Good parking. 884-4068. c1w16 50 SQ. FT. office space located‘ professional building on‘ Yonge St. 884-1117. tfclï¬ APARTMENTS AVAILABLE 2 bedroom suite 3165. 3 bed- room suitc. 8185. Rem includes hydro. fridge. stOve, lieat, soft water. etc. Adults only. Call George G. Wilcock, Real Estate Broker. 884-8811. c1w16 ITOOSl'ior rent in_xi§ial?8321 283i. clw16 2 BEDROOM apartment availâ€"- able immediately one baby only. Apply Superintendent 441 Elliiwood. clw16 2‘BEDROOMITS32 we e k l r. Douirsview. 636-6837. t-lle 6 ROOM house. private drive. close to Schools 488-4386. >l\\16 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HORSES boarded. exceptionall}. beautiful Stouffville Farm. rea- sonable rates. phone 640-1369. C3tvl4 ZZvCHESï¬L'Tâ€"Eldings. 7 yrs. Old. must sell. ANY or best Otter. 884-2561, air-16 I EMPLOYMENT . POODLES, miniature beautiful jet black and dark chocolate. quality breeding, reg‘d., shots. 727-6669. tfc16i KITTENSâ€"litter}rEined, rice to ; good homes. 884-5680. clw16, POODLE pups. black miniature. registered. 889-5735. c1w16 WOOEEYâ€"mgik‘e’yfvery_tdine; purebred Chihuahua pups, My- lina bird. Call 884â€"3023. c1w16 WANTED FURNITURE slip covers cut; and fitted in your home. Workâ€"l manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 RELIABLE man. hard worker, seeks steady employment as laborer. Will consider any- thing. Phone 884-7518. nc4w13 )TAWTU RE woman will icai'e" for elderly person or semi-invalid in their on n lromc. 889-6635. references. clv. 16 EXPERIENCED office clerk will do typing. dicta or book- keeping in own home. 884-3598 after 5.30 pm. clw16 EXPERIENCED domestic for day work, would like on local. bus route Richmond Hill. 884- 8690. c1w16 GARDENING ALLIITDETST-Of landscaping. rock- eries. patios. and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy Tsï¬Ti'C TANRSTPFREPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884â€"1245 tfcz New Flagstone Patios 8.: Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 tfc43 PAINTING" INTERIOR: EXTERIOR PAINTING 884-2433 ‘ “052 Harold Elliott Construction Ltd. 884-9312 Serving York County and Area LEONARD] BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio. Stonework, Side- walk. Trenching and Excavating. Lie. No. D0033. 889-5228 tfc44 BOB’S DELIVERY SERVICE 889-5221 Local parcels and light cartage. tfc7 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- liiobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pin. 884-7716. clxilï¬ loam. peat and mushroom coni- , post b) the yard 01' load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 889- 6338 tfc42 ROTOT’I‘LLIS‘GTa'nd Fall clean- up. 898-1891. clw16 TRAVEL TOURS. cniises. rail and bus tickets. reservations and indivi- dual travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agene). 889-5643. tic 4T, BILL‘S ALTO REPAIR Specializmg in all makes models. Also specializing ill snoii mobile repairs, 889-8827 9 am - 6 pm. c4w16 RvON'S painting and decorating. Free estimates. Call 884-6516. clw16 and PLUMBING 8: HEATING Roger Proulx -- Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 .La-Salles. Quebec and many“ other addresses. If payment is met received within a period of ‘3 weeks goods will be sold fOI'I large account owing. Frank; ilLamb Ltd., Tlror'nhill. c3w16,‘ I DRESSMAKING i EXPEEENTCED dressmakiIigâ€"- D. field cultivator 10-0, gehl hi- ' my. throw forage blower goo , Papec and JUd)‘ Bab and sam c1w16 forage harvester, GMC 1960 truck hydraulic hoist box, Kent 10-0 cultipacker, Waterloo dou- ble tractor dies, Ford 4 fr. 12†3 pt. hitch plow. 40’ hay elevator, side rake, Mc-3pt. hitch cultiva- tor, new 20" stable fan, never used, surge milker, SS strainer, ‘25 gal. 11. water heater, 2 anti- Sadly missed by Ruth. Billi WANTED TO RENT GARAGE with electricity and concrete floor. Preferably with heating. Within 5 or 6 miles of alterations of all kinds. includ-, ‘ que telephones. automatic air ing children‘s clothes. Reason- gfzggflafl- C3“ Bluce compressor, Keil Intercom with .abIc. 884-4171. C4\\‘14 ,4_;W_H,‘ _____. _ fire alarm, attachment. pony BUSINESS lady being trans- saddle and bridle, steel feed . ROOM & BOARDI {ROOM andâ€"board available for gentleman. 773â€"5770. tfcl5: , l I ONE 01‘ two girl‘s pi‘eferl‘cd.i iClose to transportation and inâ€"I .dustry. 884-6236, tfcls‘ Renovations, additions. customiFULL board. packed lunclresJURGENTLY tional. private entrance, parking 889-3270. cli'le ROOM and {card in Thdrhhiii. suit young lady or gentleman. 889-2918. clw16 fei'ed from Timmins requires 1 can good, quantity of lumber' or 2 bedroom unfurnished airar’c-Ilarge quantity of good gram, ment or flat, separate entrance one_way disc'- horse cutter preferred. or house, in Maple, good, many other items not Woodbridge. or Kleinburg area. listed, including antique fumi‘ Write Box 75 “The Liberalâ€. tum, etc†the property of J' M. CZWIG Nighswander. Located at Lot_ 32 required unfur-'â€" Con. 9 Pickering TWp. (being 3 miles west of Claremont) or ilrornes, cottaaes. septic tanks Young man -â€"- $25 - -,~ k IIlSlIed house; RiChmond Hm 01" , , .- - Iand drainageb systems. 24 hr. 839-3704. ' pel 31:26: vicinity for reasonable rent. (21/; miles 5.1%i EOf it‘fll‘lgzflgi ' phone service for emergencies, ~77" - ~r , ----- -_â€" -~i Aurora 727-3874. Cl\\‘16 01‘ ‘29 “"195 " ' o , d “(,3 ROOM available. board Op- NOTE: These are extra 800 cattle and implements, 2 auction rings. Farm sold. Refreshments Terms Cash. Sale 1 Wilson, Sale c1w16 IMPLEMENTS GRAV'ELY tractor, i‘ebuilt,_4hft: available. d snow plow. the chains, besttpm. Atkinson an I offer. 222-1240. clwlsvhlrgs. and Auctioneers. ROOM arrâ€"d boa‘i‘rd‘available for 1 or 2 girls. 884-1320. clw16 Summer Properties EXCELLENT building lots, Du- clos Point. 45 miles from Rich- W YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT lnond Hill, 884-227.. tfc50 miadamanzisiii’isari-i... at us help you solve tcrized cottage, modern con- 6 \enicnces, 121‘ lake frontage on Lake Couchiching Island. - ‘ Oi'IIlia. $15,400, 889-3782. ) ‘ 2wl’ ’ c †Movmg PIOIJIemS / _ Gentleas Transportation “Lamb RIIDTZ required t’i‘onlealtOii to Richmond Hill. leaving Malton 5 pm. 884-8757. c1w16 4 THioldkerTrjiul‘eAii' l itc Persian. Bluegrass - .\.\ll‘lll‘>.l(‘l' area. 884-Tlh‘7. (Ii 16 efore you move! \ the Mover lid- 12. BIRCH A\E., THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse