SALES REPRESENTATIVES Electriciti TOP COMMISSION FULL OR PART TIME CALL MR. JEFFE’RY - 884-8111 Progress CABLE T. V. Hallowe'en Dance Buffet Supper Saturday, Oct. 31 - 8 pm. at the LIONS HALL 102 Centre St. 12.. Richmond Hill { Best Costume, Spot 5: Door Prizes * Featuring: THE HI-HATS! The Band with a Beat -â€" ONLY $1.50 PER PERSON â€"â€" Sponsored by I.O.F. Court Simcoe 1314 Tickets: Seafood Corner. Richmond Heights Centre Or . . . Stamped self-addressed envelope to Mrs. J. Clark, Recording Secretary, 13 Bailey Cres., Aurora for Ullcl flAp11C§. L‘uvyxuun; ‘9- ill-Illllllllll-I-I Clip this coupon For each dinner you purchase at the regular price of 85c you will receive another dinner FREE! Bring this coupon to - SAM COOK, Chairman Davey Jones Fish’n Chips are a real bargain anytime. Now you can take home that same delicious fish’n chips, coated in Davey’s special batter, at an even greater saving. VALUABLE COUPON ’! BUY ONE DINNER â€" GET ONE FREE Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission 56 Yonge St. North 187 Yonge Street North [Seneca’s’ Third Convocation Saturday Nearly 360 students will offi- cially graduate from Seneca College in Willowdale at the college’s third annual convoca- tion Saturday afternoon. The number of students gra-‘Seneca to receive six-semester duating in the class of 1970 is (three year) diplomas. Of these. more than twice as large as 44 are in business, 19 in data those who received certificatestprocessing and 20 in engineer- and diplomas in the previous ing technology. convocation held in May. 1969, Graduates receiving four- when 175 students graduated. semester (two year) diplomas At Seneca’s first convocation in number 244. Sixty percent of the spring of 1968, there Were these are receiving diplomas just one dozen graduates. in various applied arts courses. This fall’s convocation will be The others will be awarded dipâ€" tihe first held at Seneca's Finch lomas in business (38), data pro- lAvenue Campus. and in its new- cessing (16) and engineering Hy completed theatre-auditorium technology (42). Paws Jonas APPLY : Proofcheckers Required RONALDS-FEDERATED LTD. 225 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL FISH’N CHIPS Day Shift 8 am. - 4:30 pm. Evenings 4 pm. - 12 Midnight Richmond Hill Offer Expires: November 151: Some 83 students in the class of 1970 will be the first at Seneca to receive six-semester (three year) diplomas. Of these, 44 are in business. 19 in data .processing and 20 in engineer- ling technology. which seats 1.100 persons. Sat- urday’s convocation ceremony begins at 1:30 pm. take a Sick and tired of doing dishes? An automatic electric dishwasher will wash, rinse and dry your dishes hygienically clean for pennies a day. Don’t be a dishwasher â€" buy one! Clip this coupon lifetime holiday from dishes LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY of certificates for courses cov- One student due to receive ï¬ring two semeSters (01“? yea†his four-semester diploma in A highlight Of this third 311' law enforcement. is Thomas nual convocation will be the Quigg. who completed his dip- awarding 0f “‘9 conege'? ï¬rst Ioma course through the con- honorary diplomas- Reelpifl}ts tinuing education division of will be former Metro Police the college_ Chief James Mackey and James At Saturday’s convocation Serwce‘ former ma3§°rk°f g1: ceremony. the student Valedic- B°r°ugh.°f North. 01" ‘torian will be Robert Greer, MaCkey 15 .now chairman 0f the former president of the stud- Olga?†323$; 3:21;: 30:11,}: ent administratige cgunlcil, wliig 3“ 15 a ' is to receive is ip oma C9nege’5 W enforfzrmesntwfg marketing administration. VISOW commgttee‘. . 2 S: .c an graduates will he wel- Anotiher 32 students will re- ceive recognition in the form of certificates for courses cov- ering two semesjzers (one year). was one of the original charter members of the board of gov- ernors of Seneca. The honor- ary diplomas will be presented by Chairman Nom Garriock, of the board of governors. Among graduating students are 22 who have completed certificate courses through the college‘s continuing education division. Nineteen of this num- ber are to receive certificates in law enforcement. These wk Full employee benefits I * Permanent position | * Pleasant working conditions I Official application forms and further infor- mation may be obtained from the undersigned. BRYDON ELLIS, SECRETARY : 4 YONGE STREET SOUTH I I ‘1 PHONE 884-4466 ‘7‘““‘7‘7‘A‘“‘“‘ Richmond Hill Hydro | PROPERTY RENTAL TOOL 3; Due; MAKER AGENT \ with several years‘ . , experience in tool making, Young lady “nth two years die casting, jigs and fixtures experience in property man- and maintenance of plastic agement and rental. moulds. These represent only a. few qualified clients on file For further information please contact your local WILLOWDALE has an opening in the Line Department for the position of Department of Manpower & Immigration 4985 YONGE ST. AL HORWOOD, Superintendent xgi LINEMAN CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE JOURNEYMAN your hydra 884-4466 At Saturday’s convocation ceremony. the student Valedic- torian will be Robert Greer, former president of the stud- ent administrative council, who is to receive his diploma in marketing administration. are all men who are currently active on a police force. New graduates will be welâ€" comed as members of the Sen- eca Alumni by Howard Bin- stock. president of the alumni association. Convocation music will be provided by the Northlandia Wind Ensemble under the di- rection of David Clothier, and by a Seneca singing group rec- ently organized by Seneca’s Music Director William Mc- Cauley. TOOL 85 DIE MAKER with several years‘ experience in tool making, die casting, jigs and fixtures and maintenance of plastic moulds. 221-9343 Two 10ca1 youths and a cow were the victims of accidents last week. At press time in satisfactory condition at York Central Hos- pital with back injuries and facial lacerations was Gerry Schell. 18. of 7791 Yonge Street. Thornhill. Two Young Men And Cow In Car Crashes Sunday, October 11 at about 5 am Mr. Schell was the driver of a car that went out of con- trol and smashed into a hydro pole at. Pearson Avenue and ‘Roosevelt Drive in Richvale. ï¬hdiï¬i Rowley. 17, of 110 Not all bargains are found at. auctions! 1 best buys around ax}; f_ou1‘1‘d Fight In You ' TIA-.1; url iVUL 2111 uaigaum ax» nun“. w- ._-__, best buys around are found right In your own home -â€" in Liberal Classifieds, that is! Here you’ll find a Wide choice of merchandise and services from which to choose â€"â€" including homes, cars, pets, jobs, rentals, furniture and much more â€"-â€" all priced to sell. The convenient Liberal Classified listings make it the one-stop shopping centre for the budget-minded household. Try it today â€"â€" it’s easy, convenient and inexpensive! 1an LmnnAu, .anuhloim 1.1m, Ummo, .Luutoudy, 006. .10, .1540 GGING GGING GGING GGING GGING Oak Avenue. Richvale. a pas- senger in the Schell car. suf- fered an injured right leg and was released from hospital October 12. Damage to the car was esti- mated at $2.000. Vaughan Township Police said Damage was estimated at‘sex Avenue. $1,000 at about 10:25 pm Octo~ Mr. Brenzall': ber 10 when a car hit a wander- calliSion With a: ing cow on Bathurst Street, Eric Jordan, 4! north of Steeles Avenue West, Taylor Mills D Vaughan Police said. Police estim The car was driven by Brian 8 total of $800 found a My Sincere Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to the citizens of the Town of Richmond Hill for electing me as their Regional Councillor ’ A, Donald Plaxton Regional Councillor - Elect \ Charged by Richmond Hill iPolice for making an improper iright turn in a 1:33 am October ‘10 accident at Essex Avenue and Markham Road was Charles Brenzall. 45,0f 279 Sus- 1sex Avenue. Phillips of 44 Woodward Ave- nue. South Thomhill. Mr. Brenzall's vehicle was in collision with another driven by Eric Jordan, 40. of 329 South Taylor Mills Drive. Police estimated damage at