wul oe taxm the cadets oz . 778 gliding. ie will also be! In the second period all cad- teaching other classes. ets, other than the NCO group, saw a film on leader- Last week Richmond Hill . . . High School opened its doors ship. This explained how to be- ‘ 'come a good leader and what for the squadron. The NCO| . - Course used a classroom for can happen If one Is nat' their written work. which There is still plenty of time dealt Wlth the proper com- to join this active squadron. mands to be used by NCO's. Any boy or young man wishing In the second period these to join will be accepted. Be a cogmands were practised. good junior citizen. be an AIR With Glenville Farms Dairy Milk available most every- where. we have you pretty Well surrounded. Good for you! It means that wherever you live, you can buy the freshest milk around - Glen- ville Farms Milk. If you’ve been buying some other brand of milk. give up. Surround a cold glassful of Glenville Farms Milk and find out how fresh milk really can be. GLENVILLE Farms Dairy See Them Al Beaver Village BEAVER You get a complete material package and easy to follow plans . . . all wall framing, bevel siding, foil, plywood sheathing, asphalt roofing, steel gar- age doors, trim, nails, everything you need to build an attractive sound garage. Nothing Down With a Beaver Budget Account Build it yourself and save, now with the help of a budget account . . . terms to suit your budget $100 to $4000. - Beaver Cadet Garages Smart, Trim And Very Practical (“mm-m A??? First class ECO! garage. comple" age with simple waste. quality solid value. Lessons In Gliding Now Available The Only Locally Owned Dairy In This Area FLIGHT LINE 778 class ECONOMY, a 12'x20' e. complete material pack- rith simple blueprints. No nuality throughout, a By LAC Walter Schmidt Phone Beaver Village - 223-8505 Located 2 Miles South of Maple on Keele Street and recruit flights went out- side for marching drill. They found it hard at first, but fin- ally got the idea. The re- mainder of the senior and ad- vanced flights studied naviga- Cadet 12 x 20 SINGLE CAR Cadet 16 x 20 Car-And-A-Half Cadet 22 x 20 TWO - CAR It is manned by 100 volun- teers. some of whom devote many hours to counselling the young mother-to-be, encourag- ing her to have her child, help- ing her find employment or financial assistance, and in many cases continuing their counselling and help after the baby is born, Mrs. Summerhill explained to her audience. About 30 doctors throughout Metro are also involved. If re- quested, the volunteers will as- sist the young girl in telling her parents about her condition and her problems. IConvert Mrs. louise Summerhill iBirth Right Has Helped 2,000 Girls Mrs. Summerhill. a married woman and a mother, became concerned about the concerted effort of a segment of the popu- lation to have abortion laws liberalized, coupled with "the pillâ€, acceptance of preâ€"marital sex and of divorce. She decided to do what she could to counter- act this breakdown in the moral fibre of society and was soon joined by others who believed as she does that “abuses of freedom can cause a drift down the easy road". Mrs. Summerhill was a convert to Roman Catho- licism at the age of 17 and her husband also is a convert. Mrs. Summerhill pointed out that distance from Toronto does not matter, that Birth Right has had calls from Richmond Hill and the surrounding area and have been able to secure local medical attention for the girls. More than 2,000 pregnant women have been helped by Birth Right, Mrs. Louise Summerhill, its president told more than 30 members of the Catholic Women’s League of Our Lady Queen of the World Richmond Hill East, at its regular meeting October 14. Birth Right, developed two years ago to offer girls in trouble an alternative to a visit to a back- room abortionist, is located on Coxwell Avenue, To- ronto. It is non-sectarian, although all financial aid it has received so far has come from the National Council of the CWL. $399. $499. $679. Reg. $449 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Reg. $565 Reg. $749 “When a woman has a pro- blem which makes it difficult to bring her child into the world, she should be able to trust the community to provide the assis- tance she needs," the speaker In answer to a question, Mrs. Summerhill r e p o r t e d about 10% of those seeking help from Birth Right are married women â€" most in their twenties â€" who are expecting their second or third child. The volunteers often are approached by fathers, husbands or boy friends, she reported. Birth Right has been working in a crowded room in a base- ment on Coxwell Avenue, but will be moving into larger quar- ters on the same street at the end of this month. Volunteers man two telephones which may be reached by dialing 469-1111. She also reported that there are now four centres in the U.S.A. patterned on Birth Right and others are well advanced in the planning stages. Chicago will have three offices. which are almost ready for opening. They will operate under the name ATA which stands for Al- ternate To Abortion. she said. “Abortion is a violent ending of pregnancy which has gotten in the way for a moment,†states the speaker. “Dismay at eight weeks may become joy at eight months, whereas abor- tion may have psychologi- cal effects which last a life- time." “Pregnancy and birth are works of God, and if we ignore the sacredness of life we may eliminate life itself," she warn- ed. NORTH MALI. NEWS Could these accidents have been prevented? The Ontario Safety L e a g u e thinks that the majority of them could â€" if experi- enced drivers learned to drive defensively, and R i c h m o n (1 Hill District YWCA is backing them up by sponsoring two defensive driving courses in Rich- mond Hill. Twenty people have been killed in automobile acci- dents in York County so far this year, ten of them drivers, five passengers and five pedestrians. There will be daytime classes from 9:30 to 11:30 am next Tuesday and Thursday and on November 3 and 5. Evening classes will be held Monday and Wednesday from 8 to 10 pm, and again on November 2 and 4. Both courses will be held in St. J ohn’s Baptist Church on Oxford Street. There is a $5 fee for the four classes in each course, and those participating will receive a basic kit which they may keep for future reference. In the few , years the courses have been offered. the safety league has found that the thinking and atti- tudes of licensed drivers can be remoulded in this A THIEF IN THE NIGHT Remember we said we thought Bennett’s Textiles were selling hot materials? Now we are sure. Atlas Photo Supplies has a picture of Colin sneaking in the back door with a load of goods. Sea Food Corner, Beneficial Finance and Bernina Sewing Machines counted ten such visits. York Simcoe Sports Store, Bunny Snow TV Repairs and Bond Clothes and Discount Cleaners said watch Bennett’s prices drop below cost. It happened. P.S. Ask at Ben- nett's for the hot goods and watch the reaction. Reduce Accidents By Defensive Driving Any veteran or dependant who may require advice or assistance with regard to Veteran’s Affairs and wishes to arrange an interview with this officer should telephone 884-0086. No payment is required for this Legion Service (Advertisement) THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 375 RICHMOND HILL LEGION COURT MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 at 10:00 am. ALL VETERANS PLEASE NOTE ‘At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We Will Remember Them.†The Command Service Bureau Officer will be present at RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL maintained and went on to out- line the assistance Birth Right provides. Besides encouraging the pregnant girl to have her baby, a position as a mother's helper is found for her which provides her with a room and board and $20 a week in pay. She is helped to apply for OHSIP coverage and put in touch with a doctor. If neces- sary, she is helped in securing welfare payments. Maternity clothes or material from which to make her own and her baby‘s apparel at a "drop-in centre" are provided. Each baby is pro- vided with a layette made by volunteers. Above all Birth Right offers these girls love and under- standing of their problem in contrast to society. which still puts a label on unwanted chil- drens begrudges help given to the poor and ostracizes unwed mothers. Offering arguments against the claims of those who favor revision of Canadian law to'per- mit abortions at will, Mrs. Summerhill pointed out that their argument that the world faces overpopulation within a few years is a fallacy, Backing up her argument, she stated that the U.S.A. has only 55 persons per square mile at present: India, where overpopulation is blamed for famine, has 300 plus persons per square mile; Eng- land has 600 plus and Holland 800 plus (both prosperous coun- tries). She noted that India is lnow becoming self-sufficient, and if starvation still continues there it is because of poor trans- portation and distribution facili- ties, she claimed. As for pollution of our en- vironment, a n o t h er argument usde in favor of abortion, Mrs. Summerhill claimed that only 7% of the mountains of waste which require disposal comes from households, the rest is a byproduct of industry. “It is therefore up to business execu- tives and technologists to solve our pollution problems,†she maintained. “Population has no- thing to do with it. Instruction is given by specially trained teachers with two objectives in mind â€" to help the motor- ist identify sloppy and dan- gerous driving habits he is unconcious of, and to train the motorist to avoid acci- dents despite the actions of other drivers and adverse driving conditions. series of four two-hour classes, and many com- panies have sponsored courses for their drivers. For example, the Toronto Transit Commission arrang- ed a course for three groups of “high accident†drivers, and found that the safety record of those who participated improved 60 percent. Canadian National Ex- press and the National De- partment of Defense also found an improved safety record among employees who took the defensive dri- ving course. The driver learns how to handle a skid on slippery roads, how to avoid head on and rear end collisions, how to cope with the un- expected ~â€" a blowout, a child on the road. Enrolment in t h e s e courses is limited to 60, and persons interested should contact the “Y†at 8844811. (Advertisement) Neighborhood Notes All eligible voters of Ward 5 of Richmond Hill are invited to a meeting organized by Coun- cillor Stewart Bell at St. John’s Anglican Church Parish Hall on November 3 at 8 pm. It is hoped that Regional Councillor-Elect Gordon Rowe. William Hodgson MLA. York North and York County Board of Education Trustee-elect for Richmond Hill. a resident of Oak Ridges and trustee for the new Town of Richmond Hill, will be present. After a lunch of hamburgers. marshmallows and apples they enjoyed a walk through bush and fields collecting coccoons and leaves. and afterwards each “Six†had to make up a story based on four words given them by Brown Owl Bon- nie Gillett. Church News St. John’s Anglican Church will celebrate Holy Commun- ion at 10 am on Sunday. A reminder that November 1 the hour of the main service “I. nnnnn ‘_ 1n.on a...‘ Neighborhood Notes All eligible voters of Ward 5 of Richmond Hill are invited to a meeting organized by Coun- The purpose of the meeting is to study priorities and ques- tions to be raised for the de- velopment of this new “north- end†of the new Town of Rich- mond Hill. Ward 5 covers the area north of the Gamble Road to the nor- thern boundary of the new town The ladies’ auxiliary of the Jefferson Scouts, Cubs and Brownies will meet at Jeffer- son Pubiic Scool from 7 to 8:30 pm on October 26. The Brownies enjoyed a “Revel†at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Heavener on saturday. at CFRB Sideroad. and runs from Bathurst Street to the proposed Highway 404. In the last six months prices of hogs have dropped around 25%. amounting to over $15 per hog, York County Agricul- tural Representative Al Wall states this week. “With prices around 27 and 28 cents, pro- ducers must be wondering if they might drop more yet, and when the cycle will turn in the other direction. Price changes like this are hard to live with," stated Mr. Wall. However, he pointed out some things that indicate to him that prices won’t go any lower and that there might be a small gain before too long. “$15 is far more than the profit on a hog," he noted. His first reason for limited optimism is that the numbers of carcasses and cuts coming from the West aren’t as large as predicted earlier. His second reason is that there has been some improve- ment lately in the amount of pork consumed per person. Ad- vertising and promotion in chain stores is showing some results, he reports. Corn problems in the USA. may result in a drop in hog numbers there and will affect Sees Firming Of Pork Prices But No Great Increase For Year The provincial government’s rebate of $20 million to farm property owners is a triumph for farmers and their organiz- ations. according to Ontario Federation of Agriculture Pres- ident Gordon Hill. “By withholding their educa- tion taxes, farmers dramatically told the government of their hard-pressed situation â€" a sit- uation in which they have been paying 12% of their net in- comes in the form of property taxes, while others paid only 4.5% ~â€"- and the government responded by granting farmers a 25% rebate on their property taxes," Mr. Hill noted. A poll by mail of all OFA members found that a conclus- ive majority was prepared to aCCept the property tax rebate RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE DISCOVERY DISCOUNTS ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON queue. Sim: 01-2. ‘ INFANT'S SLEEPER Snélzh $.09†Illh damn Inzenevs c2-n "an! and leg meg-w u easy d'essi Pmk, “~12, YU'N, Tur- ¢ 50 Human: but in am mm new†Pmca :9; Pkg. 2ms39¢ 35' (all! Bangotha Clown 'un toy! thsua msida makes nose squeak. Colored blue, black and orange. TREAT BAGS 25% Tax Rebate Great Victory BOP BAG CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 menu. 1.00 W PLACE MATS boc'n'a‘mn'timun'uim. 77¢ A reminder that November 1 the hour of the main service changes to 10:30 am. Last Sunday was celebrated as Laity Sunday. The lessons were read by Mrs. Dorothy Wilton and Mrs. Betty Carson. A lay team from Toronto de- livered the sermon â€" Bill Leg- get, Mrs. Charlotte Welch, and Harry Kent. After the service there was a coffee hour at which the “Mixed Blessings". a youth group from Oak Ridges, pro- vided musical entertainment. Several members of the con- gregation have been down to the Bardsley Mission at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor Street. The mission continues through until Sunday evening. the Canadian market too. He notes that these things will just help us to hold our own. Hog numbers are still very high and no big price changes are expected for a year at least. “To suggest bigger volumes as a remedy seems to be self- defeating,†the ag. reg. com- mented, “but from a business management point of view, it’s a sound answer to slim profit margins." “It’s of interest that produc- tion of all kinds of meat is at quite high levels right now. so switching isn't the answer unâ€" less it’s to sheep. Lamb is still imported in large quantities, and if a person really wants to be different, we don’t nearly meet our requirements for goat meat," Mr. Wall recommends. downs of the market certainly“ add to the challenge of managn ing any livestock farm. Thel market restrictions between‘ provinces on poultry products‘ is a new element in the picture. and may eventually result in‘l some national plans for mar-" keting." } In concluding his weekly re-}' part he stated. “The up and' as the first step towards a sol-'I ution of the education tax problem. But members have ‘ directed their executive to con- tinue to press the government for action on their demands fort a system of education taxation; based. on ability to pay, rather than on property. ’ ‘ They are also demanding that the government implement the recommendations of the Committee on Assessment and Taxation so that thousands of farmers in high land areas ad- jacent to expanding urban cen- tres are not penalized for their location. If these demands are not met, the OFA membership promises that they will “resort \to more direct action again." 50-50 YARN 50°; Woolâ€"50% ‘ Nylan! 101 balls. Ba": Many new snades. TMUIIJIL ur. Dainty white habnail glass has; with bless colored Mm is topped with a Balle. rina shade In whim. plnk or blue. BOUDOIR [AMP THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursda OUR REGULAR we: ‘ulhwash and 3am!!! 17 Oz. container. SPECIAL PRICE 'I.'|7 2.74 a‘amsxvi,§er‘.‘sb‘a :“““““““““ 2 {3254.250 Oua‘ C’Jndvï¬enl bowl 2 Place mould“ unhar- uemht qunle Vutuves "Wu-Tu!" covering and uni-shad hnvdware. 13' Vinny l. 21' Wanna-r h Blun or Grnn‘ swm BOWL Ms Ila Ind an: on I tray. OUR R Round lacqueved SAIL WITH US TURBO-JET lUGGAGE Potato Salad, Coleslaw, European Variety of meats and cheeses, pickles, buns, bread & butter â€"- coffee, plates & cups. BAR SERVICE IF REQUIRED For information _ Phone 832 1212 EUROPEAN- DELICATESSEN MAPLE PLAZA. MAPLE 4.50 SAILING - ROPE WORK SEAMANSHIP - SPORTS - MOVIES FIRST AID - CAMP JOIN NAVY LEAGUE CADET CORPS Buffet ‘51er Catering to Clubs & Parties COMPLETE MEAL "AIMEE" BALL Apply -‘ St. Mary’s Anglican Church (Wrixon Hall) Corner of Yonge & Vaughan Friday Nights" - 7:30 pm. ‘2m450 Richmond Hill Royal Canadian Legion BOYS - 11-13 YRS. OF AGE IROQUOIS OUR Rj l5.97= KRESGE PRICE FREE UNIFORM AR PRICE OPEN DAILY ’TIL 6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. ’TIL 9 RM. $1.45 _per Plate ADVERTISED ITEMS ON SALE OCT. 22 ' 23 - 24 Anon“ colorful dupes. GIFT WRAP KRESGE PRICE 12 the“ Mummy ba-m Il'hmap m nnch pazhge rud colorful . Dance till 1.00 am. to the swinging musdc of the popular lst Costume Prize ' $30 Basket of Groceries $100 in additional prizes All for $1.50 per At the door, The Legion, I Rick’s Fina and Hilltop ' Furniture A OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.69 THURS. FRI. SAT. For high wall, 10w wall or floor registers! DEFLECTO ~/. 98¢ 1 #7 Suede Vinyl styles an lined WIth 100% rayon shevpa-typc pile. Lmht or Dark Brown stud". WOMEN’S HI-HATS Table Reservations GRAND COSTUME PARADE Oct TICKETS Buffet 99‘ 1970 ofl