Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1970, p. 9

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Church News monton for the funeral. The sewing circle of Heise The East York Barbershop- Iâ€"Iill Brethern of Christ Church pers won the Ontario District met Monday night at the home Regional Chorus competition in ofâ€"--Mrs. Peter Beintema. Toronto last Saturday. Keith Love Feast will be held at Hood of Gormley is a member Heise Hill Church this week- of this chorus which will repre- end, beginning at 2 pm Satur- sent Canada in a contest in New day. Bishop E. J. Swalm will be Orleans in July â€" the only the guest speaker. Canadian chorus that will be 'T‘hp 97m annivarurv will be entered in this contest-7 The 97th anniversary will be observed Sunday at the Gorm- leyr Missionary Church. Rev. Willis Hunking of Nigeria, Africa, will be the guest speaker both services, and the Bridle- wood Male Quartette will pro- vide special singing. A number from Gormley Missionary Church are partici- pating in the walkâ€"a-thon Satur- day from Elmira to Kitchener in aid of Emmanuel Bible Col- lege, Kitchener. Neighborhood Notes Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. their fiarents, Mr. and Mrs. LeWis in the sudden passing of Clifford Wingen her husband, Major Fred Lewis. Miss Freda Henderson, Mrs. Major and Mrs. Lewis Were Charles Milsted and Charleen visiting their son and daughter-lbw dinner on Saturday with inâ€"Iaw, Sergeant and Mrs. Fred Mrs ,Fred Schelke and Mary of Lewis when Major Lewis be- Richmond Hill, came ill and died in hospital Mn and Mrs Merle Coney- there. hparp of Listowel visited Mr. Services were held Saturday at St. Nicholas Anglican Church, Scarboro, with interment in Pine Hills Cemetery. Their son, George Lewis. came from Ed- Lions The Victoria Square Lions Club 11th Anniversary Charter Night was held in the commu- nity hall on Wednesday evening of last week. Following a deli- cious banquet catered by the Victoria Square Women's Insti- tute. the program was conduct- ed by Lion President Frank Brumwell. ‘ Introduction of head table guests and visiting clubs was made by Fast Deputy District Governor Lawson Mumberson. About 20 farmers of the Uxbridge Township east of Stouffville are taking legal action against Revenue Prop- erties Company Limited and its subsidiary, Century City Dev- elopments. Deputy District Governor Jack Chapman brought greet- ings. as did Zone Chairman Tom Guests speaker was Stephen Roman of Victoria Square, a leading Ontario industrialist and financier, who‘spoke on “The Changing Society". The farmers are among 90 people who sold land to the development firm which had planned to develop 6,000 acres in three model communities which would house 150,000. Century City Planners Facing Foreclosures The developers have invested about $7 million in the area, but Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough reported last week that his department is just beginning to study and analyze briefs submitted from municipalities north of Metro and it could be six months before it arrives at a decision regarding the Uxbridge area. Meanvflme the farmers who sold land to Revenue are becoming impatient. “We can’t wait that long for our money." says Frank Hul- shof of Concession 2 who is waiting for the $6,000 owing on the 70 acres he sold to the developers. Even though writs of fore- closure have been filed, how- eVer, Century City and Revenue will be given six months from the date of court judgement to bring their payments up to date. “Hopefully we will have some word before that as to what the government intends to do." said Louis Devor, an official of Revenue. Robert Kish, 33, former spec- ial projects manager at Eaton’s. October 21 was sentenced to one year in reformatory for de- frauding the department store $27,500. Kish, who lives in RRl, Mark- ham, pleaded guilty before Judge Charles Opper. Reformatory Term In Robt. Kish Fraud Case Crown Attorney David Hob- son said Kish converted the store’s money by making up cheques to his own use between May, 1969 and last September, Full restitution has been made. Court was told the money was used to pay off construction costs on a farm while Kish lived in a Thorncliffe apart- meat. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED R.R. 2, Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE GORMLEY NEWS Telephone 887-5445 sou , the Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett had of Stroud Spent Sunday with Mr. acres and Mrs. Herman Mortson. “mes Mr. and Mrs. Merton Brown, )0_ Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- dified son spent Sunday with Mr. and 3 but Mrs. Harvey Collard and June. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and family of Wainfleet and Mr. and_Mrs. Gary Winger of Sud- bury spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coney- beare of Listowel visited Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko on Saturday. Mrs. Ella Ratcliffe of Stouff- ville spent Sunday with Mrs. Mabel Sanderson and attended the anniversary services at Vic- ;toria Square United Church. Turner. The toast to the ladies was proposed by Lion Tony Compagna, and Mrs. John Lee replied. Mrs. Louisa Rye of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Beulah Jones. L Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zurosky ‘(Karen Baxter) were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clax‘ence Steckley. Carl Walker and Mrs. Walker, and Lion Gordon McWhirter on behalf of the club, presented them with two beautiful lamps. He also presented Carl with a suitable Lions plaque. Carl was made an honorary life member of the Lions Club. iion Mumberson read an ad- dress to Lion Charter President Past District Governor Orr made the presentation of the attendance awards. Neighborhood Notes Mr. Walker thanked the club with a few wen chosen words. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Don Canning, October 29, Dale Barker, 8. October 29, Mrs. Lawrence Boynton, October 30, Heather Williams and Maria Horsch, October 30, and Mrs. Faye Wills, November 1. It was birthday Sunday at' Victoria Square United Church, ‘ the 90th Anniversary of the church. A birthday cake was‘ beautifully d e c o r a t e d. Mrs. Alice Perkins, eldest member attending Sunday school, and ‘Margarite Frisby and Kris Mik- kelson. two of the youngest. cut the cake and everyone sang “Happy Birthday”. Each person present received a piece of the cake. Many thanks to Superinten- dent Mrs. Martin Jenkinson for her kindness and work in pre- paring the party. At Sunday anniversary ser- vice at 11 am, the guest speaker was Rev. Gordon Winch, direc- tor of the church’s Toronto Dis- tress Centre. The guest organist was Miss Lynne Reid. The choir of Head- ford United Church and its lea- der, Mrs. Stewart Rumble, as- sisted the local choir with the special music. The annual turkey supper will be held in the community cen- on November 11 from 5 to 8:30 pm. Get your tickets now. They may be obtained from any mem- ber of Victoria Square United lChurch Women or from Mrs. lStanley DeFoe. At‘the 7:30 pm service the choir of St. Matthew’s United Church. Richmond Hill East, under the leadership of Mrs. Eileen Robbins and Mrs. Gloria Park. presented a musical even- ing which was very much appre- ciated by all. Following the service. the ladies of the church served light refreshments in the Sunday school room and a social hour followed. The flowers in the church were in loving memory of Mrs. John Empringham. The CGIT began its fall acti- vities last week. and will be meeting every Tuesday even- ing at 7 pm in the Sunday school. Telephone 887-5421 The leaders, Mrs. Cora Brodie and Mrs. Shirley VanToL invite all girls 12 years and over to attend. The community offers sym- pathy to the Craigie Family on the death of Mrs. Craigie’s father at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. Mrs. Craigie received word early last week, and flew home for the funeral. Mrs. Patricia Moss has been assisting in the kindergai‘ten‘at Royal Orchard Public School this fall. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill‘s daughters Allie and F10 have returned to their respective homes in South Porcupine and British Columbia after a month HELP! The Christian educa- tion committee at Brown‘s Corners United Church is look- ing for a good used portable record player, to be used by youth groups. The old one has ‘had it! [ Anyone who has one they would like to dispense with. please call Bruce Armstrong at 297-1697, or Harvey Brown at 640-1117. Isobel Hood went to Rhode Island with the Markham Mel- ody Makers when they entered intemational competition there the weekend of October 17. Deputy-reeve Anthony Ro- man, Mayor of the new Town of Markham. was guest speaker at a recent breakfast meeting held gt St. Andrew’s United Church, Markham. Church News ‘ ways On Sunday at Brown’s Cor- ners United, Rev. Chris Dugan chose for his subject “Against Our Fear Stands Faith", and shared with the congregation “A 23rd Psalm For Busy People” â€"â€"-- You may want to clip it. “The Lord is my Pace- setter, I shall not rush, He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals. He leads me in of efficiency; through calmness of mind, and His guidance is peace. Even though I have had a great deal to do each day, I will not fret, for his presence is here. His timelessness, His all importance Will keep me in balance. Youth groups are in full swing at Brown’s Corners United. Explorers meet each Monday at 6:30 pm under the direction of Mrs. Eleanor Web- ster. At 7:30 pm CGIT meets under the leadership of Mrs. Arthur Hewitt. Tyro’ boys meet Tuesdays at 7pm with Richard Carr and Gordon Brown as leaders. And commencing Nov- ember 3, the Sigma-C Boys’ group will meet at 7pm with Harvey Brown and Brian Rey- nolds, leaders. On Thursdays at 7pm the junior choir meets under the leadership of Mrs. Marguerite Jones. At 8pm Mrs. Don Reesor directs the senior choir. My cup of joyous energy overflows. Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruit of my hours, for I shall walk in the place of my Lord. and dwell in his house forever.” people. Bill Hood has acted as building chairman, and received the key from the Architect Ted Sievenpiper at opening cereâ€" monies. Ray McTavish, Bud and Beryl Lunney received plaudits for their contributions â€"-Ray as chairman of fund raising from industry in the area, Bud as board treasurer, and Beryl as president of the Auxiliary. Tony Roman has been chair- man of the finance committee; Keith Kennedy who is the new councillor for the Town of Markham representing this area has carried a very heavy load for several years as chairman of the Board of Union Villa. Mr. Stephen Roman is honorary chairman of the advisory board, ‘and listed among the members ‘of this board are Donald Dea- con, M.L.A., Garnet H. Francey, Tom Gayford, Fred McLen- .aghan. Dusan Miklas (formerly jtownship engineer). Mrs Fred Patterson and Mrs." Florence Decon have been ’ credited with the planning and 4 Button ville Community Happening: 16 INDUSTRIAL Six cylinder. automatic. Ideal student's car. Lic. L66146. 889-8830 PHONE 884-8134 ‘di 1968 Vauxhall SL Full Price $1181. Full Price $149. Automatic. Lic. P58158 KING OF THE IMPORT MANY MORE USED CARS AT LOW, LOW PRICES 1961 Comet “King David’s Month End Specials” Among local people attending Saturday‘s opening were Mrs. George Kellv. Mrs. P. W. Baker, Rev. Chris Dugan. Rev.‘ William Butt, Mr. Jack Rodick. Mrs. Ken Stephenson, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, the Craigs, Miss Mary Rodick Mrs. D. E. Hood, Miss Rhea Scott, Greg and Chris Hood were there with their parents, and there were many others in the standing room only crowd. Jody Brown son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown (Betty Patterson) was a specially invited guest. He was the youngest walker in the 1970 ;walk of ages. It is a beautiful, beautiful place and the residents attend- ing were loud in their praise of their new home. Euchre Last Friday night at Button- ville WI Hall there were 27 tables of players plus two for the bi-weekly game sponsored by Buttonville WI. Winners at this third game of the autumn series were Mrs. Harold Mcâ€" Carthy. Mrs. R. Brillinger, Mrs. fiffifiivis, Mrs. Keith Gin-son, H Slack, Russell Burr, F. Skinner and Michael Thomas. V Bylaws to provide modem zoning protection for nine Markham Township hamlets were given first and second reading by Markham Township Council at the regular meeting Markham Township's Hamlets Being Zoned The bylaws will probably be given third and final reading at the 1:30 pm meeting of town- ship council November 2 at Buttonvilie. ‘ held October 19 The township planning office started work on modern de- velopment guidelines for the hamlets early this summer, with Victoria Square being the first considered. The bylaws have now been fully processed by planning board and recommended to council. The individual bylaws and the hamlets they cover are as fol- lows: Bylaw 2603 for Box Grove; Bylaw 2604 for Brown’s Cor- ners; Bylaw 2605 for Button- ville; Bylaw 2606 for Dixon‘s Hill; Bylaw 2607 for Gormley: Bylaw 2608 for Hagerman’s Corners; Bylaw 2609 for Locust Hill; Bylaw 2610 for Milliken; and Bylaw 2611 for Victoria 7 First of all there is Bylaw 2602 that provides for hamlet zoning in the township, Square Mrs. 7 George Tooley and UUPYMM'E ® - Copies . Everything in less than a minute . . . A A Richmond Heights Centre PHOTO a t1 a S SUPPLIES COPYMATE ® Radio white walls, winterized. Lic. N04 P58289. Full Price $1591. Deluxe. Radio, gas heater. Lic. 215-260‘ Full Price $1091. 1968 Datsun 1600 Sports 33m, Hastesses for the, evening oun' were Mrs. Janet Rodick. Mrs, “her Walter Craig. MiSS Cora Brodie, Mrs. John Donaldson, Miss ding Elizabeth French and Mrs. E. Mrs. Hill. The next game will be W. played November 6. Rev. Lttle Theatre Produ’ction dleleovember 11-14 1967 Volkswagen PHONE 499-0376 ‘ Mrs. Joan Meharg, publicity directress for the Markham lLittle Theatre tells us the next ‘production “The Burning Man" will be staged at Markham District High School from Nov- ember 11-14, inclusive. The cast of this mystery play includes Bunty Webb, Marilyn Bam- hardt. Delores Rafuse, Ron Hindle, Ross Lazzara, Bill Birch and Rick Mortimer. Tickets are available at all Markham drug stores. Tuesdays are flmfik * Dam: Jonas Fish & Chips Dinner Days FOR ONLY 49 CENTS EACH A Next Tuesday you can iake home as many delicious Davey Jones fish and chip dinners as you wanf. 187 YONGE ST. N. PHONE : 884-9291 See Conymate in action today at . . . 884-3221 Scotian Gold Apple-Punch, Apple-Cherry or Apple-Orange Kraft Processed “Singles” Dominion Fancy Frozen Crinkle Cut Potatoes FRUIT DRINKS 3 28;: 89¢ CHEESE SLICES 5:: 35¢ TOMATOES 6 Varieties Frozen Green Giant (In Butter Sauce) DOMINION DOES IT AGAIN! ICE CAPADES at '/2 PRICE OPENING NIGHT TUES. NOV. 3RD - 8 RM. AT MAPLE LEAF GARDENS. Every $5.00 in purchases en- titles you to a reserved seat at V2 price. Scotian Gold Fancy TOOTH PASTE FRENCH FRIES 231::- 39¢ Aylmer Choice APPLESAUCE 19¢ 100 Off Pepsodent Family Pack - 6 to 9 Chops Per Tray - Quarter SLICED PORK LOIN lb. 69¢ PUMPKIN PIE 2 Zgigsz' 8 5¢ 83 Custom decorate any room with handsome, practical shelving unitsâ€"installed in minutes! Florida N o. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS 2 2:: 29¢ Almost seven weeks ago Dominion launched the Family Bargain Book with big savings for you on Custom Decorator adjustable shelving. Public response has been so overwhelming that we have had difficulty keeping all stores adequately supplied in all sizes. Good news! if you want extra shelves they are now in plentiful supply . . . in all sizes. . .at the regular low prices you see in the chart at the right. If you are just joining in the coupon savings programme . . . remember . . . there are still six big weeks of coupon savings in store for you. Don’t miss out . . . visit your neighbourhood Dominion this week! Hurrinou can still share in Six Weeks of Big Savings! Richmello THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 Size Giant ze Tube 55¢ 19 oz. Tin 28¢ Breakfast BACON IIb.pkq. 67¢ Family Pack - 6 to 9 Chops Per Tray - Quarter CUSTOM 1 DECORATOR . SHELVING B.C. Grown - Fancy Anjou PEARS Gold Crown Reconstituted APPLE JUICE 4c Off Pure Seedless Red Raspberry 0r Black Currant CHIVER'S JAM Kleenex Assorted Colours Sonnet - In Parchment MARGARINE Honey Comb 6 02., Sugar Crisp 9 oz. or Alpha Bits 10 M. Jello Lemon Flavour POST CEREALS 5:3. 37¢ PIE FILLING NOW! In all sizes... at our Regular Low Prices...inexpensive.. practical...glamorous Values effective until closing Tuesday, November 3rd, 1970 in Richmond Hill. We reserve the right to limit quantities. 7,11 You Go Home Happy! 8' x 24' 8' x 36" 8")(48' WHEN YOU SHOP AT $3.99 $5.49 $6.99 I DI L g are Size 80’s II. $1.40 $1.90 $2.40 12“]:k2f-49sé 1 Lb. Pkg. 19¢ $2.59 $1

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