The Hospital for Sick Child-I Convé’ning this annual event l‘en's women's aU-‘Iilial‘y ls,‘is M'rs. Jean Merritt. assisted by having its annual open houseIMrS. Marjorie Mitchell, Mrs. from 10 am to 223019111 in theleen Casement. Mrs. Bev. Mac- nurses‘ residence on Elizaâ€" Donald a'nd Mrs, Jean Barton. beth Street behind the hos- Mark the date on your ca}- pital’s main entrance at 555 endalâ€" and plan to attend _ UniVeI‘SitY Avenue. the homemade baking will be a The purpose of the Open boon for weekend entertaining. house is to give the public * :u a: some idea of the work gone by A wine and cheese party is the women‘s allXilial‘y 311d tojbeing held this Friday from 8 to promote the 555 Shop near the;10;30 pm by the Pleasantville Gerrard Street entrance to theisranch of the YCHA at the hOSPital- ‘White House. the charming Shop 555 is open every day. country home of Flavia and and proceeds of the shop aS‘Ernest Redelmeier on the Maple well as those from the open‘Sideroad. RecciVing the Sacrament oil The hospital visiting com- Baptism at RiChmond HillImittee of the ladies’ auxiliary Unit“! Chum“ 135‘ sunda-V"to Branch 375, Royal Canadian were Jennifer Jean. daughter oLLegiom reported the monthly M" and 1"â€5' D- Barrow'vivisit to Sunnybrook Hospital Cynthia Louise' daughter 0f Ml*Icompleted with visitors, Audrie and Mrs. D. Bownes, Shannon Apperley’ Kay Gallant, Hap Leigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘patterson and Lucy Richani J. Ewing. Christine Marie, Sports Ofï¬cer Mary Robson daughter 01' Mr. and Mrs. Rnhas completed plans for the Farrell' Jeffrey Donald' 50‘“ 0f Zone E2 Shuffleboard to be held Mr' and Mrs‘ 1" Mable-V and November 14 at Legion Court. Danie" 5°“ M M" and Mrs- A- The local team will be defend- zeeman' imz its championship title won The vocal music last Sunday morning at Richmond Hill United Church was from the repertoire of the Missionary Sisters. _ Instrumental music‘ was played by Mark Crawford on guitar. Peter Flemming, mar- acus and Wendy Sawyer, claves. Maarten played several roles at Bayview last year, among them Lucentio in “The Taming Of The Shrew." Dr. Robert McClure. Moder- ator of the United Church in Canada will be speaking on Sunday next at 7:30 pm in Woodbridge United Church Auditorium. The church is located on 8th Avenue, north of Highway 7. Maarlen Heilbrnn. a former student of Buyview Secondary School, is taking part in a pro- duction of “Alice In Wonder- land", opening November 6 at Ryerson Theatre. Shop 555 is open every day, and proceeds of the shop as well as those from the open house are used to support Various projects in the hospital for which no other funds are available. Toys, hand-made children's clothes, gifts suitable for teen- agers. Christmas decorations, home baking and handicraft articles made and contributed by members of the auxiliary will be on sale at the open house. There will also be tours of the hospital for those who are interestedâ€"a chance to see the wonderful facilities or this rapidly expanding hospital de- signed speciï¬cally for children. Mrs. Woodburn Thomson, past president of the Curtain Club and now president of the Cen- tral Ontario Drama League attended the executive meeting of the Dominion Drama Festival held October 23-24 in Montreal. Children's Hospital Having Open House FAST CURATE PRSSCRIPI’IOH sumc E ANNOUNCEMENT ‘ Karl‘s Beauty S a l o n, Rich- mond Heights Centre takes great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Joe to their staff. Joe is well-known to Richmond Hill residents for his exceptional s t y l i n g ability. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 tome in soon VNOVember b at Shorin after her return she 9' ‘ left again for Greenbank in Ed several I‘Olesfl‘Vest Virginia to visit her son, §t foal? aangiDr. David Hogs; assistant direc- 1“ The Tammg‘tor of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. ahd meet him A singâ€"song at sunset around the ï¬re concluded this fun get- together, where the generation gap was completely forgottenâ€" except maybe by a few who had overdone the physical activity! Dr. Helen Hogs of Richmond Street has recently returned from a short holiday with her cousin, Dr. Beatrice Whiteside, at her home in Geneva, Switzer- land. _‘,,,.v.., .Vrv. ._.. V visit t Sunnybrook Hospital‘ Entertaining at. miscellaneous completed with Visitors. Audrie showers for Miss Sandra Cal- Apperley, Kay Gallant, Hap verley prior to her recent marâ€" Patterson and Lucy Richard. riage to Robert Leamen at St. Sports Officer Mary RObSODlMatthew’s United Church were has Completed Plans for the the groom’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Zone E2 Shuffleboard to be held Pat Leamen of Wi-llowdale, Jan- November 14 at Legion Court. ice Echlan of Thornhill and The 10081 188111 will be defend- the bride’s sisters, Marie and ing its championship title won Peggy of Richmond H111, last year. ‘ A personal shower and din- On November 2. at 4.30 pm on the CBC TV program “Drop- lnâ€, 3 film of the fair will be televised which will include a shot of the scarecrow. along with other prize winning en- tries. St. Matthew’s Church Country Fair Bazaar, being held Novem- ber 6 from 6:30 to 9:30pm, has been planned as a “family affair†with booths of interest to young and old alike. games prior to the eXCellenL meal of barbecued favourites â€" hot dogs. hamburgersâ€"cooked to perfection and served by the boys‘ fathers. Making its debut at the party will be the auxiliary cook book. “The Coral Cook,†which will be on sale at the hospital gift shop early in November. Tickets; while they last, may be obtained by calling Iva White at 884-3189. MiSS Barbara Sinden‘s class from MacKillop Public School won first prize for its scare- crow at the Markham Fair, held earlier this month. A cookout at Polish Park on Sunday last was enjoyed by *l‘he youth. along with a few of the hardier adults partici- pated in a variety-of energetic familiés of the lst Beverley Acres Scouts, Venturers and Cubs. Ian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross of Centre Street West, is employed by the American Hos- pital Supply Company. Visiting family and friends in Richmond Hill this week was Ian Ross of Ottawa, who was in Toronto to attend the Ontario Hospitals’ tion held at the Royal York Hotel. Ian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ross of Centre Street West, is employed by the American Hos- pital Supply Company. :0: xi it! MiSS Barbara Sinden‘s class from MacKillop Public School won first prize for its scare- crow at the Markham Fair, held earlier this month. On November 2, at 4.30 pm on the CBC TV program “Drop- lnâ€, a film of the fair will be televised which will include'a chni‘ of the scarecrow. along Association Conven- _ l The new choirmaster at St. .Mary’s Anglican Church is Edi 'Luka, a member of the teach- ing staf-f at Sutton High School.‘ Mr. Luka, who received hisj Hon. BM. Ed. specializing in‘ vocal and instrumental music,. is currently taking the evening ronto, studying towards his MA in music education. this new appointment and is looking forward to establishing a first class choir. but stresses the need for more voices in every section. If you enjoy singing, go along to the 11 am service at St. Mary‘s on Sunday next and in- troduce yourself to Mr. Luka afterwards â€" he‘ll be delighted course at the University of To» He is very enthusiastic about A very enjoyable two weeks has been spent by Margot and sister and brother-in-law, Vera and Graham Hall of Shepperton ‘and twin sister Mrs. Robert ’1‘ h o m p s o n of Teddington, of whom are ‘Middlesex. all ï¬rst trip to ‘making their Canada. Accompanying them and show- ing them the ropes was Mrs. Thompson‘s son Roger. who ‘made his initial visit here ï¬ve years ago. Shortly after their arrival they rented a car, which enabled them to get a good in- sight into the Canadian way of life â€" in the home. cottage, cultural and entertainment pur- suits. l t Gerry Crack entertaining his: District 707. which stretches from Belleville to Orangeville and from Toronto to Alliston. a: a: up Forty-three members and wives of Richmond Hill Lawn Bowlers enjoyed a delicious meal at the annual dinner held in Buttonville Hall last week. The caterers were members of Buttonville WI. President Larry Wales, Sec- retary Dan Boyle and Treas- urer Ted Mansbridge were re- elected to another term in of- fice. Slides of their world tour were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hampsted of Richmond Hill, showing scenic and arch- itectural beauty, natural phen- omena, and ancient cultures in :Aa -_.1 A.. -L..-1 :A A seminar on "Christianity On The Job" is being held Nov- ember 6-8 at the Aurora Con- ference Centre of the Anglican Church. These weekend seminars, held several times a year. are designed for people of all de- nominations to share views ‘and methods on how to improve the quality of their lives. Several members of the plan- ning committeé are local resi- dents â€"â€" Mrs. Bernice Lever of Denham Drive; Monroe Ash- kanase. Leisure Lane: John Pounder, Romac Court and Bob Sheppard of Lucas Street. Further details on the sem- inar may be obtained by calling 889-6703 Boys and ofl'icers of four Sea Cadet Corps â€" the Scarboro Corps from Scarboro, the Van- guard Corps from Toronto, the Illustrious Corps from Weston and the Patriot Corps from Richmond Hill â€" paraded to St. Mary's Anglican Church last Sunday morning. with the Scar- boro Corps Band under Band- master Jim Alexander. The salute following the service was taken by Lt. Com- mander Hunter. the senior cadet ofï¬cer in the Toronto area. cadet ofï¬cer in the Torontoi Mr. Wainwright has lived for area. ’20 years in Richmond Hill and The Patriot Corps meets atlis a graduate of Richmond Hill St. Mary‘s on Monday nights,‘High 'School. He and Miss under the direction of Lt. Dave Kaeser are both certified Can- Ellison, assisted by Ex. Ofï¬cer adian ski instructors, and plan Jim Doige. The corps consists of {to live in the Lauentian area of 35 boys ranging in age from 13‘.Quebec where they will both be to 16. the Sea Cadet age range-teaching skiing at Grey Rocks is 13 to 18. ‘lnn. her return she She is hoping that her has- pitalization will terminate a series of incidents that have occurred in her family during the past few months â€"- her husband has just had his cast removed having suffered a broken foot and her son Terry broke his wrist a week ago while playing hockey for the Minor Midget All Stars! to meet you The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Calverley of Paliser Crescent South and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Leamen of Kirk Drive, Thornhill. Mrs. William Rice of Skopit Drive has been a patient for the past three weeks at York Cen- tral Hospital. where she re- cently underwent major surgery. through the bush and dinner over an open ï¬re. A personal shower and din- ner at the Town and Country in Toronto was held by her aunt, Mrs. 'Al Hall, and fellowimuummunlluumm\umuumummmmumuumumnumnw staff members at the Dept. of . Lands and Forests,‘ Queen’s! What’s COOklng? Park, entertained at a crystal} shower and dinner at the Sav-' arin. ' Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends n.4,." mhu nnf‘ chm-n Han Mrs. Rice, a former employee of the local branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia, is now working with the bank at Concord and her many friends hope it will not be too long before she is able to resume her duties there and that acéidents and hospitals will be a thing of the past. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaeser of Clifton Heights, a suburb of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Claire Maire Kaeser, to Dean Lewis Wainwright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wainwright, 47 Pemberton Road, Richmond Hill, on Nov- ember 7. Miss Kaeser is a graduate of ArchbiShOp Prendergast High School and attended Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital‘s School of Medical Technology in Phila- delphia. Volunteers are urgently needed for the Hopehaven Nursery School for Re- tarded Children held at Richmond Hill Baptist Church on Wright Street. If you can spare two hours on a Monday or Thursday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 am. your help would certainly be apprec- iated. Also needed are drivers to transport children from outlying districts â€" if you can help in either capacity, please call 884-1776.. Announce Wedding CLAIRE KAESER. ' A short business meeting er preceded the talk at which optickets for a “Luncheon Is _n_lServed†meal were distributed u._3to members. The dinner will be m‘served at 6:30 pm November 11. Anne Ellison, Allison Bulova, Carol Wood and Margaret Urqu- hart, all between the ages of 12 to 13 years, were the ï¬rst girls in the area to receive this honor. At the camp, held during the weekend of September 26, the girls showed a true pioneer spirit, as apart from a tent, they had to completely fend for themselves â€" making a table, digging a grease pit. starting a ï¬re, and cooking all their meals â€" all under extremely un- favourable weather conditions. enabled them to get a good in- sight into the Canadian way of life â€" in the home. cottage, cultural and entertainment pur- suits. Camping from Friday to Sun- day. under very primitive con- ditions earned the Pioneer Badge for four girls from the 14th Richmond Hill Guide Com- pany. The 14th Guides and leaders are proud of their achievement and extend heartiest congratula- tions. On Thanksgiving Monday, approximately 12 Guides part- icipated in a bicycle hike to Gamble Sideroad, walked through the bush and cooked dinner over an open ï¬re. Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the marine with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€"- how about yours? WHOLE MEAL LIMA SOUP 3Alb. ground lean beef 1 tbsp. cooking oil 1 medium onion 1: ypkg. (12 oz.) frozen limas 1 cup canned tomatoes 2 tsp. salt 1 cup sliced celery Brown beef in 011‘ Add chop- ped onion and brown slightly. Add frozen limas and 3 cups water together with tomatoes and salt. Simmer 30 minutes or until limas are tender. Add celery and cook 15 minutes longer. Big bowls of this and thick slices of French rye bread make a tasty and ï¬lling supper or luncheon dish. Serves 6. Mrs. Mina Tamblyn of Thom- hill, who is a counsellor at the Donwood Foundation. located near Sunnybrook Hospital, had high praise for the work of The Richmond Hill Social Plan- ning Council, when she spoke October 21 to members of the M&M Guild of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Tambly-n outlined briefly the accomplishments of the council to date and pointed out the need for volunteers for the new Help Mate service Donwood treats addiction of all types, she reported. by sub- stituting people for chemicals. She noted it takes ï¬ve to 20 years to make an alcoholic, but less than a Week to become addicted to morphine. If the patient really wants to get well, Donwood dries them out and then provides psychotherapy in groups. Even after discharge, the foundation keeps in touch with its patients for as long as its help is needed. Mrs. Clarke Bradley. Illll“\l\lllllll\\\\\\ll\\\\ll\l\\\\\l\lllll\|l\l\“Nullll“lllllll\\1\l\\\\\\\\l\\l “I’d rather know a lot more about marijuana and its effects. before I decide whether its use should be legalized," stated the speaker. “The use of alcohol is legal. and we know what prob- lems it brings to many people." PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS %\ ' GLASSES ° CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Quinta S. 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL g; On Monday last, the club was honored by a visit from District Governor Peter Suttie, a Rot- arian since 1954, who, in his 'present capacity, directs the efforts of 53 clubs in Rotary 5616 District 707. which stretches 311d from Belleville to Orangevilie hlS.and from Toronto to Alliston. [Rotary News 1 Guests at the October 19 jmeeting of the local Rotary 'Club held at the Summit Golf {and Country Club were John Downie, Willowdale, Gord Rice, Armour Heights and Judd Hop- ‘kins of Willowdale. waiting for help (8 of them in Richmond Hill). A club assembly was held with reports from various com- mitte chairmen. Ed Nokes also gave a review of the Big Brothers of York County. Al- though this branch was only started last year. when the Rotary Club. along with other community clubs ï¬nanced the initial cost. it already has 39 active cases and 14 boys On October 23, pupils of Room 3 Class at McConaghy Public School visited Redstone Stable on 18th Avenue, owned by C. Rothstien. The enthusiastic group re- ceived lectures and demon- strations on the different aspects of riding and various breeds of horses. President Larry Wales, Sec- retary Dan Boyle and Treas- urer Ted Mansbridge were re- elected to another term in of- fice. were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hampsted of Richmond Hill, showing scenic and arch- itectural beauty, natural phen- omena, and ancient cultures in Asia, Africa and Australia. The bowlers were honored to have as guests Provincial Vice-President and Secretary Cy English and Mrs. English of Leaside. and the newly-elected president of the Provincial Lawn Bowling Tournament Don Gibson and Mrs. Gibson of Etobicoke Miss Laurel Reid appeared in full dress to show and demon- strate the age old art of riding side saddle and the children saw and discussed western and English riding techniques. A jumping display was performed by Miss Reid and dressage was demonstrated by the group’s teacher, Mrs. Doreen Kirk- patrick. Gordon Fenn. the local black- smith, kindly-donated his time to enable the children to see the shoeing and dressing of a horse’s hoof. ' The trip was a tremendous success and the young visitors extended their thanks to Mr. Rothstien, Miss Reid and Mr. Fenn for making it possible. The Business Girl's Section of the Richmond Hill Curling. Club held its ï¬rst general meeting of the season October 14, chaired by newly elected President Phil Richard, with 48 members in attendance. Kathy Brayshaw read the minutes of the last meeting in April and Elaine Elliott gave the treasurer’s report. Membership and training is in the capable hands of Helen Schoneï¬er, who arranged training for old and new members during the week of October 19. Games for the season will be organized by Eva Walker, Kathy Richards, Marion McGill and Marg Standing. There will be an “Aches and Pains Spiel" for the ï¬rst three weeks of curling to get into shape for things to come. Liz McKay reported on prizes for the coming year and Helen Tonner and Hazel Olynec of the social and publicity committee reported it was too early in the season to report! Kay Hardcastle. representa- tive to the Southern Ontario‘ Ladies Curling Association,‘y gave her report on its activities during the summer months. Gloria Crotin reported that already bonspiels were being posted and made a pressing appeal for help. _ The meeting closed and mem- bers resumed old aquaintances and mulled over the activities of the summer. This division of the Curling Club would be pleased to wel- come new members. Business girls curl on Wednesday nights at 7pm and anyone interested in joining the group for good healthy exercise and fellowship is invited to go to the club, view the facilities and talk to the manager. Estelle Markham A.R.C.T. â€" R.M.T. PIANO and THEORY REGISTER NOW FOR WINTER TERM Beginning Nov. 9th 884-3787 An attractive English visitor About to Richmond Hill is Miss Curtain Babs Worthy from London, Eng- wives, at land. currently staying with party h Miss Louise Monks on Wood- Michael Babs, who plans to take up residence in Canada, met Louise during the latter's stay in London, while both were employed at a publishing house on Fleet Street. lane Among those attending the Ontario Hospitals Auxiliaries Association Convention at the Royal York Hotel October 25-28 were several members of York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Included in the number were President Mrs. Robert Sillcox, last Vice-President Mrs. Glen- ville Temple, Past President Mrs. Edward Spears (who part- icipated in a round table forum for auxiliaries to small com- munity hospitals) Mrs. William Lazenby. Allenbrae Branch, Mrs. Lewis Sims, East Central Branch and Mrs. Rodney Stan- ï¬eld, public relations director and member of Pleasantville Branch. Also of special signiï¬cance was the presence of Mrs. William Barker, Richvale Branch, Mrs J. Morawski of King. Mrs. C. H. Sanders, Rich- ;mond East Central Branch and mm. N. Thompson of Oak Ridges Branch. These four members were honored with presentations‘ of honorary life memberships in the association, for special contributions that they, over many hours, days, weeks, months and years, have unstintingly given to York Central Hospital Auxiliary. a; .wwwwv v 1 Two local ï¬lm makers, Maarten Heilb‘ron and Rob Nicholson, have been com- missioned by York Summit District Boy Scouts to make a ï¬lm of Camporee Brother- hood at Boyd Park this weekend. Rob will be shooting most of the ï¬lm and Maar- ten will record the sound. This is their second ï¬lm. their ï¬rst being “The Chief Robbins Storyâ€. -WW RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The North Mall â€" 8 Getting in the spirit of the holiday in Bermuda she just won, is Mrs. Margaret Unger of Elmwood Avenue, seen at the left of the picture above. The all-expense trip for two to the sunny south was the prize in a lucky draw, a feature of the very successful annual bazaar presented by the CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church on October 17. Also in the picture are Mrs. Unger’s daughter, Gabriele-Marie and her husband, Frank, and Richmond Hill Councillor-Elect Andy Chateauvert, who drew the winning ticket. Discount Cleaners and Repairs Appointment Will Escape T 0 Sunny (limes About '70 members of the Curtain Club. husbands and wives, attended the Green Room party held at the home of Michael and Dagmar Matyas on Roosevelt Drive following the ï¬nal performance of “There's A Girl In My Soup.†The traditional poem, written and read by Dennis Stainer, joshing the cast and crew, was a literary master-piece, setting the pace for an extremely good party. Convening the buffet dinner was Marylo Graham, whose culinary skill was only sur- passed by her very attractive midi â€" both of which received many compliments from the club's gourmets and followers ‘of haute couture. Installation ceremonies were held at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Wrixon Hall, Octo- ber 6 for Richmond Hill Chap- ter OES, when Mrs. Mavis Gates was installed worthy matron and her husband. Norman, was installed worthy patron for the coming year. The ceremonies were underl‘ the direction of Mrs. Hilda Ludr : low. installing matron, and 4 Herbert Ludlow installing pat-‘j ron, assisted by Mrs. Donnaél Madill, Willowdale, as marsh-H a1, Mrs. Gladys Watts, organ-5‘ ist. and Mrs. Willa DeGuerre, ; soloist, both of Markham, Mrs. ; Florence Gordon, chaplain, and ’ past matrons and patrons of the Richmond Hill Chapter. ‘ Other ofï¬cers installed were‘. Associate Matron Elsie Mey' Grandel, Associate Patron‘ Stewart McGrandel, Conduct“ ress Margaret Gosling. Associ» ate Conductress Dorothy Tuck-ll er. Chaplain Jean Mirrlees,l Marshal Nellie Fox. Organist. Constance Snaith, Ada - Velma Potts. Ruth - Helen Walker,l Esther - Nellie Scarlett, Marthag‘ Richmond Hill OES Installation Oct. 6 - Joy Wiseman, Electra - Lois ' Scott, Warder Edith Houghtonl and Sentinal George Holden. ulnu ~-......_- v...y_c,y 77V See picture on Pag “27077-ofll this issue. A QUALITY CLEANING AT DISCOUNT PRICES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurscl Christmas? Gift E Tiny Tots Portraits 884â€"67 884-6171 (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Oct 1970 W