J oscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants ' 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474«5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1111 LEONARD 889-6662 Brian H. Cowrn CHARTERED ACCOUN'] ANT 306 Bayview Plan Telephone 889-8275 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Toronto Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Ernie Brock 8. Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 884-6663 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Auto Transmissmn & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonze St. South Aurora. Ontario Accountants 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Leno’s Machine Shop Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. PROFESSIONAL 8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . Corner Agency Limited Engineering 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-1379 CUSTOM WORK Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Carpentry Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Rear 47 Yonge St. s. Aux-on, Onurlo Forestry THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday Insurance 884-7 7 74 LTD. ROSENBERG 363-3959 Barrow Insurance Servuces Ltd. 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture4 Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. Office Supplies BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS~ I BEAMS % Belgian ART STUDIOS Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop . W. Kirchen, GD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill C.CM. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Landscaping Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 Optometrists aim-Wallpaper 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Ontario Land Surveyor: STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY DICK MAIER INTERIORS LTD. LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Thornhill Insurance 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 889-1059 By Appointment Surveyors 889-5344 (Continued) 884-3962 221-3485 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Bunny Snow’s T.V. In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill P.C.V. Class A. c. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling Complete Antenna Service ADMIRAL SALES a: SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 $6.00 PER HOUR DRIVING LESSONS . . . IF you return to a home evenly heated with our fuel oil. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 10 Lessons $50 Special Student Rates Stansbury’s Driver Training Phone 884-8396 You can enjoy that walk in the brisk autumn air TV Repairs Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS None are quite so alone as the stranger in town. or the newcomers to the neighbor- hood. Remember_ ypur_!ast mgvo Remember your last move ...how you felt as the moving van pulled away . . . how you more than half wished you'd never come? Spare your new neighbors feelings such as these. Let the Welcome Wagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feel at home. Help stamp out strangers. Call Welcome Wagon today Oct. 29, 1970 Trucking by LICENSED INSTRUCTOR 884-1013 364-2625 7:7me a-mmmmluuumi\\lml\m\l\l\lllmu\mmunmun“\mmumnmnmmmumlnmmu\l\\ummmuummuuumunu\l\mmmmmuumx\ummmmuummnummummumumumum“mumul\\\u1l11\\\llnlmun\\\\uuummmuunnmummunmmumnmuumnu4' Municipal Government Reform Must Precede Regional Planning The other week Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy Mc- Keough told a planning confer- ence in Kitchener that Ontario currently lacks "the political machinery for taking the kind of decisive action that is needed for implementing good com- munity and regional plans." He was speaking to the Ontario Division of the Community Planning Association of Canada. One of the first actions of the Weathermen was to split into small bands known 55 “affinity groups." which would protect each other during confrontations with gauuauuu. but Lcua, unc an finity groups, the commune." Many of the recent bomb- ings have been attributed to "tribes" or communes like the “New Year's Gang" which ship in SDS. the civil-rights movement, and other “move- ment†organizations provide the basic links between com- munes. One former SDS member in San Francisco; Isla Vista. Madison. Wise; Ann Arbor. Mich; the East Village in New York City as “liberated zones" from which radical change will emerge. :I‘mnullllllllllllmllllll\lllllllllll“\\\llm1ll“lll\l\ll“l\\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllll“\lllllllll\“lllllllll\l“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllull“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmullll\llllllllllllll\lllllllllllll\llllllllll\llllllllllllll\lll“llllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\\\\\\\l\\l‘F He claimed that reform of municipal and county govern- ment into regional governments must precede planning on a re- gional basis, so that such plan- ning may be implemented by the responsible governing body. Darcy McKeough Mr. McKeough noted that under the regional forms of government he has introduced to date, planning is a responsi- bility of the elected council rather than of appointed plan- ing boards. As a result, he said, “the accountability for decision- making and responsibility is clearly visible to the local elec- torate.†~ The Minister said the “tradi- tional†system in Ontario makes it difficult for the electorate to know who makes the planning decisions. “I believe that what is most important is that people understand who is making the decision. The confusion that oc- curs in the voter’s mind from the profusion of local boards and commissions . . . makes for poor participation and leads to erosion of local responsibility.†(Continued from Page 2) duty of white radicals was to help in their liberation. while accepting the vanguard role of black revolutionaries. ‘INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT Bemardine Dohrn. cur- rently leader of the Weather- men, and newly named to the FBI’s 10 most-wanted list. shouted to her supporters in the dinghy Chicago Stadium in 1969: "Things are incredi- bly different from a year ago. We now recognize we are part of an international movement. We can’t just talk about revolution now; we have to act." . He rejected the argument that placing planning responsi- bilities in the hands of elected representatives reduces the op- portunity for citizen participa- tion in this area. Mr. McKeough noted that local governments are “hamper-t ed and frustrated in reaching their full capacity and capabili- ties†by a lack of financial re- sources. He pointed out that Ontario has taken the first step toward an urgently needed com- plete and meaningful reform of local taxation by assessing all real properties in the province at market value. “ to establish a uniform, equitable and consis- tent local tax base.†' He stated that the Provincial Government recognizes that the municipalities must have more money. “We are negotiating with the Federal Government for more room in the income tax field so we will have in- creased funds to transfer to the municipalities.†He said finan- cial aid to regional governments ‘is being increased. ' The Minister also stressed the critical nature of “public par- ticiptation" in these reform programs. Planning changes must reflect “the needs and the resolutions of the people in the region. Our overriding objective is to develop practical policies that reflect the wishes of most Ontarians to improve the qua- lity of the human condition. But for these programs to reach their full potential, we must have the interest and under- standing of all citizens in the way decisions are made. What weâ€" are talking about today is the design of a new society for Ontario." “We know none of this can be achieved through a sudden and traumatic upheaval. Rather it is a process of determined and guided evolution focussing on the ways and means of coming to grips with the phenomenon of rapid urbanization." he said. In September. in San Diego, California. Mrs. McKeough tpld $1717 intemétional audience that many of the problems facing urban society today stem £30311 an “erosion of responsibility†in government. As a result, ac- countability to the people has been clouded by an unclear de- finition of where responsibility rests. “Certainly in Ontario. the sysâ€" tem of provincial-local govern- ment is characterized by a pro- Liferation of soâ€"called respon- sible bodies both at the provin- cial and local levels." These problems, he said. have contributed to the need for a reform of local government in Ontario, 21 program he defined as process of consultation and cwperation between the muni- cipal and provincial levels of government â€" a partnership approach. Urban, Guerrillas T 0 Spread Terror He said this partnership is important but ultimately the responsibility for effective change and meaningful reform rests with the provincial gov- ernment. The province recog- nizes its constitutional responsi- bility to ensure an effective structure of local government, according to the Minsiter. Mr. McKeough cited reform of the local system of taxation. the reassessment program and regional and development poli- cies as key factors in establish- ing a more meaningful system of loc'al government. He did not view favorably the use of public referenda in de- ciding local reform programs. Each reform program is pre- ceded by years of “study, dis- cussion, hearings, proposals, ne- gotiation and legislative de- bate.†but then the final deci- sion must rest with the elected representative, he claimed. “In Ontario,†he continued,j "the provincial government has the constitutional responsibility for local government and con- sequently for its reform. We cannot pass the buck in that respect, nor do we choose to. We have taken the View that at some point the rhetoric must cease and action begin.†the police. By early 1970 most Weathermen had gone underground into radical communes. How about a brisk ï¬ve-mile hike through a blaze of fall color this weekend? This breakdown paralleled a trend among the most radi- cal segment of activists. For- mally organized political ac- tivity fell out of favor; more anarchistic. hit-and-run street actions off campus became common. Two activists from Berkeley wrote in a Sept. issue of “New Left Notes“. the SDS publication, as early as 1968, “With the change in The Metro Conservation Authority has arranged such a hike for nature lovers through the fall-flecked woodlands of the 750-acre Glen Haï¬y Con- servation Area this Sunday commencing at 10:30am. Plan Five-Mile Color Hike For This Coming Sunday Morning , Glen Halfy Area is located in Albion Township, one mile south of Mono Mills and High- . . : forms of action have come the new forms of or- ganization: the cells, the af- finity groups, the commune." Our Thing has always been to make the Bug solid, dependable and practical. But lately, some people have been taking our thing, and doing their own. (Like adding cufe flowers and kinky paint iobs.) Frankly, we're delighted. And what's more, we'd like to We’ve done our thing. Now you can do yours. took credit for the explosion at the University of Wiscon- sin. MAO METAPHOR RECALLED One of the primary needs for guerrilla survival, accord- ing to the legendary meta- phor of Mao Tse-tung. is "sympathetic water in which the guerrilla fish can swim" â€" or hide. The existence of an unstructured network of political â€" and nonpolitical â€" collectives located in cities and countryside provides this water. way The hike, led by Authority Naturalist Ken Strasser, will commence from the area’s south parking lot and proceed to the Glen Haï¬'y extensï¬en known as “The Dingle.†Those taking part will be able to ob- tain a splendid panoramic View of the entire countryside from several advantage points along ‘the edge of the escarpment. Networks of friendship and contacts from past member- ship in SDS, the civil-rights movement. and other “move- ment" organizations provide the basic links between com- munes. - (Continued from Page 2) the loom, and stitched it together to complete it. As all artists grow and change with time, as they must, Fiona now feels a dissatisfaction with the style in which she created this. Scandinavian prints and weaves have captured her imagination and only now is it beginning to influence her work. She might make it work well with more experimentation._ Another of her commissions was to design a fabric that would stand up to the wear and tear on the furniture at frenetic Toronto International Air- port. Fiona designed a weave of suitable fibre and by the very nature of the intricate weave itself; it worked. It will be integrated slowly as the present material wears out. As a designer for Eaton’s of Canada, Fiona was responsible for presentations to industrial clients of the textile and furniture departments. This involved setting up 3-dimentional models of apartments and hotel units. Currently, Fiona is employed by The House Of Braemore on Dufferin near Finch. She is an “Interior Consultantâ€, guiding customers in their selection of colours and styles of furniture and accessories. At home, aside from the drastic renovations, her immed- iate project is a wall hanging in warm earth colors approximately 2’x6’. Her new “Jack Loom†allows her far more freedom than she had on her old loom and she feels challenged by it. 7 A It is only five years since Fiona and I kibbitzed together at OCA, but she has made very creative use of her time since then. She is still unsure of her direction, but in her experimentation has pro- duced some exciting avenues for herself. It will be interesting to see which of these tangents Fiona will develop into her own style. I hope she sustains the originality and freshness she displays now. Peace Fiona. On a clear day, one can see In The Spotlight I78 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HILL/889-7701 offer a few suggestions: ï¬ke snazzy mag wheels, chrome stoneguords, driving ï¬ghts, or our racy racing stripes. (You can get them at any VW dealer’s.) The beauty of if all is, that now you can take on old Beetle and put it back in the groove, or do some for out W. & P. Motors Limifeci who quit in 1969 because he didn‘t want to be involved in Weatherman violence ex- plained, “All a fugitive needs is the subscription list for “New Left Notes" in any city and he can ï¬nd food, money, and shelter. While the actual number of violent collectives may not be great. many are located in areas populated by a toler- ant youth culture which pro- vides cover. Tom Hayden. perhaps the leading radical theoretician of the move- ment. labels white youth “ghetto communities" like Berkeley. Haight - Ashbury in San Francisco; Isla Vista. Madison. Wisc.; Ann Arbor, Mich; the East Village in New York City as “liberated zones" from which radical change will emerge. the tall buildings in downtown Toronto. There should be sufï¬cient fall color left to warrant bring- ing along your camera for some photography. Those taking part are re- minded to bring a lunch and beverage, wear sturdy footwear and to dress warmly. Further information may be obtained by contacting the authority ofï¬ces at 889-5425. A TRIP TO SPADINA AVE. By Roberta Wirtanen and Joanne Tremblay On October 13 at 9:20 we left Don Head. Aboard the bus were two classes from retail merch- andising and a class from hos- pital services. We dropped the hospital service class off at Sick Children’s Hospital. Then we continued to Spadina Ave.; we got off at Spadina and came to the Regent Dress Co. There we shopped for girls' clothing for our school store. The things we bought are as~follows: Shirt tales. leather skirts. blouses, corduroys, pant suits, dresses and corduroy skirts. After shopping. we went on our way to a restaurant and ate our lunch and enjoyed every minute of it. We saw many types of people down there, most of whom were very very friendly. Then after lunch we came to Grant Wholesalers and shopped for boys' clothes as denly awakened by a thunder- ous noise outside their window. Mr. Jones jumped out of his bed and ran to the window. “Who’s there" he shouted ang- rily. “It's only me, danV shout- ed Ted. Ted was 18, almost 19 and he loved cars. He was working on a Chrysler engine that he wanted to put in his 1940 Willys. Ted just finished putting in an lsky racing cam along with a four barrel carb in the engine. Ted stood about 5’6" and had dark hair and eyes and was spotted with axle grease from the engine. He could see his dad didn't want to be disturbed in the middle of the night so he apologized and promised he would be more quiet. The sun soon rose over the house peaks of the little Town of Sheridan. Ted had worked all night on his car and was ready to run it in the drag races which were going to be held early that same day. After shopping. we went on our way to a restaurant and ate our lunch and enjoyed every minute of it. We saw many types of people down there, most of whom were very very friendly. Then after lunch we came to Grant Wholesalers and shopped for boys' clothes as follows: corduroys, flares and shirts. After a long wait, we went back to a restaurant and had a snack or drink: after that We waited for the bus and met the kids from hospital services. We returned to our school and all in all, it was a pretty good trip. We would enjoy going again! THE BUSINESS MACHINE SHOW By Jackie Smith On October 8 our class had the opportunity of going down- ‘town to the ONE to see the Business Machine Show which was held in the Automotive building. In the building it- self were hundreds of machines which were shown by a demon- stration. After the demonstra- tion, pamphlets were given out with every machine. The peo- ple were very pleasant to talk to. This made the trip more interesting. TRAFFIC COURT By Adelina Losier On October 21 We went to a traffic court in Richmond Hill. We got there at 9:30 and the court did not start until 10:00 o'clock. It was interesting to listen to the jury and to the witnesses and defendants’ words. Some of them did not make sense but it was nice of them to let us come and listen to it. Mr. Phil Randell, the driver education teacher. and Constable Hamilton took us. \ THE LAST RUN By Rodger Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Jones were sud- Don Head Secondary School DON HEADLINES NOW is a good time to plant trees and shrubs. Large trees moved by experts. Tree orders of 50 or more sold at wholesale prices All Varieties Free Estimates - - - Phone 884-7774 RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE 8: FORESTRY C0. lTD. things to a new one. . We've always built the Volkswagen tough enough ’ro survive anything anybody or any place could dish out. n Now it looks like it will evan survive a whole new gen- eration. LANDSCAPING It was a beautiful day for a race; Ted had only a few hours sleep and was still a little tired. The red coupe shone brightly in the sun. It was 8 o'clock and the race was to be held at 10 o‘clock. Ted was all set at 9 o‘clock and was pulling out of the barn when his mother shouted at him and said: "Ted. your lunch". He ran back and kissed her softly on the cheek and told her not to worry. but his ‘mother did worry every time he went to the strip. Ted. :said if I win today it will be my last run. with relish Ted arrived at the track at 9:30 and was all ready for the time trials in the low 7's. He brought his car to the lights. the green light came on and he screamed down the strip. Ted heard some strange noise in the engine and in a split second the engine blew up and the car was surrounded in flames. Ted was still safe because of his fire suit he had on but the car had started to shake and he was in real trouble. The back tire fell 1off under the pressure of the shaking car and it started to spin. Ted was completely help- less and was losing his se1f< control. The car came to a stop and Ted jumped out of it. It was a total write-off. Ted remembered what he had told his mother earlier that day and was going to keep his promise to her. Ted is just a spectator now and his car still sits at the end of the track as a memo to the other drivers. Ted‘s inother smiled