Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1970, p. 19

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584-4101 The 2nd Thornhill Venturers for boys 14-17 has been formed 4 Yonge Street South and is starting up soon. Casey , 1 Rozycki is Venturer adviser and NURSE'IA‘CHARGE Austin Palmer is co-advisor. MISS JANE BOWMAN Hhe boys will chose their own mnmllmuuumunmmmwumum“I\muuuuummmm[2:52:35 and 1mg” “‘5 and elect Plans are now complete for (9245-11230 am). Just 40c covers the cross-Canada Caravan spon- babysitting, refreshments and a sored by the UCW, November 6 pleasant morning of socializing from 2 to 4:30 pm. This will be with others in the community followed by a dessert and as well as a variety of stimulat- COHEE party at 7:30 pm. The ing program to add new dimen- caravan is a unique collection sions to the lives of todaY’S of four boutiques representing busy wives and mothers. the West, Ontario, Quebec and Tuesday, NOVembeI‘ 3. the the Maritimes. Many lovely fellOWShiP 1‘00!“ Of New”- articles. typical of the various brook United will be trans- religions have been gathered formed to the “Den of Ant- iquity". Ruth Graner and Sheila Iseman will display their col. A dinner party celebrated the occasion including guests from Owen Sound. mmnmmunuummununnmminimammuunmnummmuuuv‘[gab]; of antiques for your pleasure and you may purchase . o. N. any items. Delving into the past might just make the present more interesting. For more in- VICTOR&%§&%DER 0F {agraation please phone 222- At Thornhill United Church purchased. October 25 the Sacrement of A special feature wilbbe .a Baptism was administered to.silent auction. This is sxmph- Marliese Barbara, daughter of fied process in which you can Mr. and Mrs. Dieter Maren, bid by ballot for a beautiful Steeles Avenue; and to Deborah handmade afghan, etc. Contri- Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. butions for this auction from Ronald Mitchell, Blue Spruce your hobbies, such as paintings. Lane. ceramics and handwork of any Deborah wore a 75-year-old kind would be greatly apprec- handmade dress for her christ- iated. . ‘ ening- It was very long and Don’t forget the opportunity fashioned with a high frilly sale this Saturday at Holy necklace which was the style Trinity Anglican Church. . then. “Women Now!" -â€" a morning Church News VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY DANCING AND PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM HEAD OFFICE: 1720 MIDLAND AVE., 757-1193 C... AUTHORIZED SERVICE & GENERAL ELECTRIC PROCTOR~SILEX McGRAW-EDISON HOOVER t t t g: Small Appliance Every Tuesday Night, 6 pm. to 9.30 pm. at Heintzman House ‘ ROYAL ORCHARD BLVD. - THORNHILL For information call Gilda LoRusso 884-5559 or 884-4290 7590 YONGE ST., THORNHILL (JUST SOUTH OF NO. 7 HIGHWAY) We specialize in repairing small appliances Repair Service South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News 884-4101 Phone 889-5610 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BABBOUR -â€" PHONE 889-5205 together to be admired and Scouts frqm United Church nut-chased. .Who are gomg VACUUM CLEANERS TOASTERS “ IRONS KETTLES PERCOLATORS, ETC. FOR ALL AGES “Women Now!" â€" a morning cofi‘ee group plus -â€" meets the first Tuesday of each month at Newtonbrook United Church In .â€" 1< nn ,_.\ Y..-‘ An- -nunra Today (Thursday) a going-up ceremony will be held for 2nd Thornhill Scouts and Cubs. Parents are invited. They meet at Henderson Avenue School. Scouts & Cubs PARTS FOR . . . TOASTMASTER SAMSON-DOMINION REGINA PRODUCTS TOASTESS CORP. LEWYT Contri- Cubs of 2nd Thornhill are on from looking for a leader and the raintings, Scouts of this group need : of any assistants. Call Ron McKnight‘ apprec- at 889-4281 if you can providel Cub leadership or 889-2941 if >ortunity you can assist with the Scouts. at Holy Twelve boys from 2nd Thorn- ch. hill plan to attend the camp at morning Boyd Conservation area Oct- Leets the ober 30, 31 and November 1. nonth at They have invited a group of Church‘Scouts from St. Edwards 5th Licensing District No. 6 Take notice that Bryn Enterprises Limited having, its head office at Suite 2500, 401 Bay Street trading under the firm and style of The Copper Kettle restaurant of the City of Toronto in the County of York will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board 01 Ontario to be held at the offices of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lake- shore Blvd. East in the City 01 Toronto in the County of York on Friday the Twentieth day of No- vember 1970, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock E.S.T. in the torenoon for he issuance of a Dining Lounge Licence for the sale and consump- tion of liquor with meals for the following premises: The Copper Kettle. 7529 Yonge Street, Thornâ€" hill, Ontario, a suburban family style restaurant. Any person who is resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of the objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne the registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East. Toronto 2, Ontario, at 'east ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. Dated at: Toronto this 16th day of October1970 Bryn Enterprises Limited 401 Bay Street, Toronto. Peter Rossi, Almond Avenue. has told us he will try again for election to Markham Town- ship Council in 1972. He repoxts being greatly appreciative of the support of members of this community who helped him in his recent campaign. Doncaster Community Ladies Club’s November meeting will be held November 12 at 8pm, at the home of Mrs. Muriel Malinski. David Porter will be on hand to diseuss the newly formed Help Mate Service. This will be an informal meeting and all neighbours interested are cordially invited to attend. Does anyone have weight- lifting equipment they are willing to donate to Help Mate? It is urgently needed. Mr. and Mrs. William Clow and Miss Annie Gilchrist from Owen Sonnd and Miss Milly Clow of the University of Western Ontario were among the wedding guests. Congratulations to Marlene 2'0 bu Dorothy Steele of Steeles Camp Avenue and Gordon Edmon- second stone Clow, 57 Clarke Avenue, pl'esse‘ who were married October 23 PEFiOd at Willowdale United Church. A Whene‘ reception fOIIOWed at the home tunity of the bride, 51 Steeles Avenue. “101 Maid of honor was Bonnie Leagu‘ Mason. bridesmaid was Janice “3d '11 Callingham. best man was over 2‘ William Clow and usher was 031’: J' Garry Stamp_ Richar -, u__..- Willowdale to join them. The camp has been organized by York Summit and will include about 200 Scouts. Neighbourhood Notes NOTICE OF APPLICATION v Scouts from 2nd Thomhill who are going up into Ven- turers include George Beard- wood, Bob McCrimmon. Bradley Job, Gary Jenkins, Mike Cowie and Bruce Rozycki. WHO’S THE PANT-IN See Ad on Page 10 The Liquor Licence Act Hallwe‘en Saturday the youngsters will be out in force on their trick or treat rounds. A special re- quest is made to all motorists to be extra careful, so that the evening may not bring mishaps and resulting unhappiness. Brown Owl Mrs. Lois Callum and Tawny Owl Ellen Sexton are holding their Brownie meetings at Ross Doan School every Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dolly Brown, Pemberton Road, is president of the Guides and‘ Brownies Mothers’ Association and hopes to have some news in the near future regarding a Guide company. Friends and neighbors wish Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cummer and daughter Debbie good luck in their new home. The Cum- mers will be moving to New- market Friday. Debbie and her school friends enjoyed a cookout going-away party at her home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Masters were guests at the golden wed- ding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews of Richmond Hill last week. Thornhill Ladies’ Bowling League, who bowl on Mondays, had the following ladies bowl over 200, including their handi- cap: Joy Pickthall â€"â€" 226, Betty Richardson â€"- 247, Shirley Hopper â€" 214. Jean Young â€" 249. Helene Winter â€"â€" 223, Penny Dunleavy â€"- 200, Dor- othy Stevens -â€" 219. Billy Maver â€"- 218. Ruth Brain â€"- 243, Eva Salb â€"â€" 208, Lynn Leffler â€"- 221, Mary Lou Murphy â€"â€"- 222. Liz Mills 265, Monika Gibbings â€"â€" 229, Pat Cosford â€"â€" 210. Marian Duncan Neighborhood Notes Friday, October 30, a Havl- lowe'en Dance at the Lions Hall, Spruce Avenue, buffet and refreshments. For tickets contact Dick Greenfield at 884-2547. A Hallowe’en Ball the same night at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 375. Costume OMHAâ€"Thornhill In the opening game of the season, Redi-mix Cement, Thornhill Novices (ten and under) was defeated by the Richmond Hill powerhouse 64 last Friday in Richmond Hill. There was a two goal perfor- mance by Scott Howson. Thorn- hill Novices begins with many new faces this season. Coach Jim Grant expects improved performances from week to week as play progresses. last Friday in Richmond Hill. There was a two goal perfor- mance by Scott Howson. Thorn- hill Novices begins with many new faces this season. Coach Jim Grant expects improved performances from week to week as play progresses. Saturday October 24 at Doublerink, the Redi-mix team was beaten by Camp Borden 3-2 in spite of goals by Scott Howson and Wayne Grant. Thornhill led in the first period 2-0 but gave way to the strong Camp Borden Crew in the second period. Camp Borden __.__ r . Although Liz Mills had the high single without handicap this week of 265. Betty Richard- son had a clean svveep of all the other categories, High Average â€"â€" 179, High Triple ’Flat â€"â€" 601. High Single Flat _ 205 and High triple with handi- cap â€"â€" 727. North Thornhill Ladies’ Bowling Following are the results of the North Thornhill Ladies’ Bowling this week: High Three Flat -â€" Wendy Collard â€" 517, High Single Flat -â€"- Marilyn McViear -â€"- 202, High Three second period. Camp Borden "'°"~ " ” - pressed hard again in the third M-cvwar â€"- 202’ High Three period, and stopped Thornhill “1th Handlcap â€" - Margaret whenever they had an oppor- Wiigb Eaggfcaind HighMS’figle tunit . \V ' _‘ an yn -y “Pat.” Ehefiaine'- .5“ McVicar â€"- 237. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS DON LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES FRIDAY NOON T0 MONDAY MORNING MAVERICKS MUSTANGS GALAXIE plus 120 mile Each week during the coming months Liberal Writer Margaret Houghton will be covering the Thornhill sports scene. Mrs. Houghton will be remembered for her excellent reporting of the baseball scene during the sum- mer She is looking forward to hearing from individuals and groups involved in any sports activity in the Thom- hill area. Please contact ‘Mrs. Houghton at her home 61 Shady Lane, phone 889-3073. $11.95 CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehreus 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 HfiME\ / WEST 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE” 3 168 Yonge St., Richmond Hill s 12c mile plus 12c mile plus 12c 1: (Insurance Included) Also Avaliable: Country Squire $17.95 plus 120 mile And Low Daily and Weekly Rates Sports By Margaret Houghton (Evenings) CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE - Riclwule District BY MARGARET HOUGHTON RENT- A - CAR $13.95 The lst Langstaff Scout and Cub Ladies’- Auxiliary had as guest speaker at the October meeting Mrs. Judy Flow of the Richmond Hill and Thorn- hill Area Family Services. At present clients of this service are limited because only one counsellor, Rev. Keith Page, is available, but with help and hard work, it is hoped to in- crease the hours and have an office of their own, Mrs. Flow reported. The grade 4 students of Charles Howitt Public School spent a pleasant day at the Bur- lington Outdoor Recreation Centre at Kleinburg October 29. At present the service is working out of St. Mary’s An- glican Church with clients re- The ladies of Carrville Unit- ed Church will be serving a hot turkey buffet this Wednesday evening, Take out orders will also be filled. The same night at 7:30 pm a community dance and buffet will be held at the North Thornhill Recreation Centre (Heintzman House). Refresh- ments and dancing at 7:30 pm, buffet at 10 pm. Tickets avail- able from members of Christ the King Lutheran Church Council or at the church of- fices in Thomhill. N eighborhod Notes Winner of the electric blen- der at the Lionettes’ tea and bazaar held last Saturday was Mrs. Edward Taurins, 151 Gar- den Avenue. Monday, November 16, Rich- vale Lions will host the Rich- vale Senior Citizens at a din- ner. parade. Tickets may be ob- tained from the Legion, Rick‘s Fina Station, or Hilltop Fum- iture in the Hill, as tables are reserved. Dancing from 9 pm to 1 am. Team Standings â€"- Teddy Bears â€"â€" 25, Ponies 21. Poodles â€"â€" 18, Pussy Cats â€"â€" 17, Chip- munks â€"â€" 13 and Beavers â€" 11. Marilyn McVicar was the only bowler with a game over 200 with 202. HOCKEY COACHES Two volunteer coaches are needed for the Thornhill Pres- byterian Church Hockey Teams, which began their season on October 17. Anyone interested should contact Doug James through the church office. “Thev standings for this week are as foHOWS: Jacks â€"- 19, Kings â€"- 16, Queens â€"â€" 14, Aces -â€" 234, Ruth Colbume â€" 247 and Sybil Lester â€" 243. plus 12c mile 889-1105 Serving the Community under the Wright 3; Taylor and Pipher Chapels mace 1876 126 mars/tall aunera/ $01719 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Inez and Rickie Greenfield and Barb and Debbie Smith motored to Rolphton, near Deep River, to visit Barb’s par- ents. While there they visited the Des Joachims Hydro-Elec- tric Dam in Eastern Ontario, the largest in Canada. Remember the family fun night at Cam'ville United Church November 13 at 8 pm. This sounds like a good even- ing of socializing. This coming Sunday the choir of Holy Trinity Church, Guildwood, will be visiting Em- manuel for a sung Evensong. The following Sunday guest preacher will be Emmanuel’s good friend and former incum- bent, Rev. Fred Jackson. The Richvale Lionettes held a very successful bazaar and bake sale at the community hall October 24. The good weather held for the afternoon the members had worked so long for. The door prize went to Mrs. Edward Taurins of Garden Avenue. Dannie Rivait had his tonsils removed in York County Hos- pital, Newmarket, October 20. Dannie’s grandmother, Mrs. Hazel Greaves motored from Belle River near Windsor to be with him. Binhday greetings to David Bone, who will be six years old November 2. Parents Without Partners: This is an organization for sin- gle parents to help them cope with the problems of raising a family on their own. Emman- uel Anglican Church has given this group facilities for meet- ings. The first was held Oc- tober 14. For further infor- mation please call Mrs. Max- ine Stevens at 884-6823. Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves 526 Carrville Road Phone 884-2552 Neighborhood Notes The ACW annual tea, bazaar and bake sale will be held Nov- ember 21 and not the 28th as mentioned previously. Other children, said Mr. Mc- Mahon seem to spend an un- reasonable amount of time on buses going to and from schools. Another trustee observed that in some rural areas children are on buses for as long as three The ACW of Emmanuel Ang- lican Church will meet Novem- ber 3 at 8 pm. After the bus- iness meeting a fun night will be held. LIMITED Thornhill Trustee Gordon McMahon has brought the mat- ter to the board, stating there is considerable dissatisfaction with bus service in his area. Some parents complain that their children have too far to walk and travel hazardous routes over railway tracks and on busy streets. Other children, said Mr. Mc- Mahon seem to spend an un- reasonable amount of time on buses going to and from schools. Another trustee observed that Reporting to a meeting of the countv board October 20, superintendent Joe Hodge told gtrustees staff is gathering in~ formation and intends to pre- pare a brief. Trustee ‘McMahon reported that many ratepayers in the Thornhill area are concerned about the future of the area. The board has three schools in the area Metro wants to annex â€"St. Luke’s St. Robert’s and the new St. Anthony’s school due to open soon in North Thornhill. ferred to them by ministers doctors, lawyers, etc. At a meeting of York County Roman Catholic School Board on October 20 Business Admini- strator Percy Laframboise re- ported that the building pro- jects are coming ahead on schedule. The new St. Anthony’s School in North Thornhill should be completed by Decem- ber 15, the addition to St. Joseph's School, Aurora will be ready by December 5. and the addition to St. Thomas Acquinas School in Keswick will be finished in ltime for school re- opening January 4. About 300 peOple. including clergy and several trustees. at- tended the oflficial opening of the addition to St. Mark's School October 18 in Stoufiville reported Whitchurch-Stouffville Trustee John McDermott. Special recognition was giVen to several mothers who go into the school regularly to assist the teachers of primary grades. Speaking at a meeting of the board on October 20. Mr. Mc- Dermott commented. “I must say I have increased respect for parent involvement in the schools." schools." Officials of the board met * * * “' * October 15 with officials of Trustees of York County Metro Roman Catholic Board to Roman Catholic School Boardldiscuss the impliations of a pro~ want 3 Clearly defined Policy on posed take-over by Metro of the busing children too and from southern portions of Markham school. and Vaughan Townships. Thornhill Trustee Gordon Reporting to a meeting of the McMahon has brought the mat- county board October 20, ter to the board, stating there superintendent Joe Hodge told is considerable dissatisfaction.trustees staff is gathering in. with bus service in _his aheajformation and intends to pre- PHONE 889-3806 884-1061 TURN SPARE (ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Catholic School Rd. Briefs CARRVILLE ANY person who is resident in the licensing district may ob- ject to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with MR. H. J. BROWNE, the Registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Boule~ vard East, Toronto 2, Ontario,‘ at least ten days before the meeting at which the applica- tion is to be heard. DATED at Toronto this 19th day of October, 1970. ED carrying on business as Villa Nova Restaurant and Steak House, of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor ‘Licence Board of Ontario, to be held at the offices of the Li- ‘quor Licence Board of Ontario, ‘55 Lakeshore Blvd. East, in the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on Friday, the Twen- tieth day of November, 1970. at the hour of 9:30 o’clock ,E.S.T. in the forenoon for the lissuance OF A. DINING LOUNGE LICENCE FOR THE‘ SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF LIQUOR WITH MEALS, in‘ the following premises known‘ as Villa Nova Restaurant and, Steak House and being located in a one storey brick building, at the northeast corner of Keele Street and Highway No. 7, which said restaurant is mu~ nicipally known as 2220 High- way No. 7, Concord, Ontario, being part of Lot 6, Com cession 3, in the said Town~ ship of Vaughan. The dim- ensions of the said restaur- ant are 70 feet more or less, by 62 feet more or less and the restaurant has a seating capac- ity of 194 persons and has or will have the necessary accom- modation, facilities and equip- ment as required by the regu- lations under The Liquor Lic- ence Act and amendments thereto for premises classified as a restaurant. A committee of York County Roman Catholic School Board headed by Markham Towuship Trustee June Mallon has been working for some time on pre- paration of a progress report for 1969 and 1970. Mrs. Mallon presented a draft of the report to a meeting of the board on October 20. The trustees agreed that the report, which they refer to as “June’s Journal”. should be circulated as widely as possible through the schools and churches, to a selected mailing list and in any other manner local trustees might consider desirable. hours a day going to and from school. The majority of the board felt more could be done in sharing bus routes with York County Board of Education, particularly kindergarten routes for children who attend school for only half a day. At its meeting October 20 the board instructed staff to formu- late a policy for consideration. Meanwhile one bus will be added in Thornhill area until the new St. Anthony’s School on Kirk Drive opens January 4. The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF API‘LICATION Licensing District No. 6 TAKE NOTICE that VILLA NOVA RESTAURANT LIMIT~ ////////////////////////)WM)((( ( (( ( ( ( ( ((1! (ll MAC HEATING co. § ®Anl~lannvnrl rnn rrrrrrr A i carrying on business as Villa Nova Restaurant and Steak House, 2220 Highway No. '7 and Keele SL, Concord, Ontario. VILLA NOVA RESTAURANT LIMITED p/‘Authorized Consumers GAS Contractor In York County 20 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE IN SERVICE We’re happy to announce the forming of MAC HEATING (30., Mechanical Contractors. Registered Staff includes Licensed Electricians & Sheet Metal Experts, Piping & Servicemen. WE WILL SERVICE YOUR HEATING REQUIREMENTS ,1,” r- l _ Office-41M le, 24} m@@@ ! Try Us, 889 0506 Unit 2’ 3p jHOt Line 884-7977 after bus. hours ’1,“ MEN IN YOUR AREA / Aurora Thomhill Uxbridge Unionville Newmarket Richmond Hill Keswick Markham Bradford Stouffville Woodbridge Areas Serviced Sorry, we only service the Clean Fuel. wonderful “Natural Ga Call Mac â€"- you will be glad you did! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursd The Art Of Illumination â€" By P. D'Ancona: Toul- ouse-Lautrec ~â€" By F. Novotny; Rodin â€" By Auguste Rodin; Bruegel â€" By F. Fross mann: Whistler â€" By Denys Sutton; Homer Watspn ~. By Mary Cassatt â€" By Frederick Sweefi- , , - am y Painting â€" By Herbert Read; A Concise Histo etian Painting â€" By Jorm Steer: American 1 The Nineteenth Century ~â€" by Barbara Novak; City Mother Goose â€" By Eve Merriam; Pop Lucy Lippard: Canadian Art: Vital Decades - Duval; Norman Rockwell â€" By T. S. Buechner K NEW ADDITIONS TO OUR ART RICHMOND HILL Earn higher interest on out Guaranteed'Investment Certifimies now paying as high as eight and three quarter percent. VIUI Ufllil and UIIDI TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. WCTORM and GREY THORNHILL FLORISTS >261 Baythom Avenue Now A charming colourful floral arrange- ment centered around an exotic orchid. Displayed in a llne English bone-china tea cup. Makes a lovely giftwith the cup and saucera lasting bonus. THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System Family Reading ChargaxWelcomed - FulHMreSeMco .The senior Trust C ampany devoted entirely (9 serving the people of Ontario. ORCHID METRO WIDE DELIVERY I 889-9083 Thomhi", Ontario 0 FALL CLEAN-UPS o LANDSCAPING o MAINTENANCE Dick Maier Landscape Contractor Thornhill â€" 889-5344 in a tea cup Oct. 29, 19 ?m; Pop Art COLLECTION 785 884-1107 The I'nner 70 ‘t â€" By By Paul

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