Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1970, p. 20

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20 THE LIBERAL, filcnmona r1111. untarlo. 1Ilu1'bua3.‘. um. m. mm Find Ralph Misener Guilty Obstructing Humane Society Offici‘s Charged following a break-in at Maple and facing 10 or 11 more charges for uttering stolen cheques, two Newmarket men at last report were in Don Jail after appearing in Richmond Hill Provincial Court October nan». “r, Hill Provincial? Court October 22. They were scheduled to he brought back to court in Ricl1-’ mond Hill today (Thursday). .Remanded without bail “as Leonard Beasley of 217 Main Street, Newmarket. Beasley is wanted in British Columbia for parole viqlation,t Crown Attorney John Apple.- gath told the court. The rother man charged is Robert Morton of RR 3. New-f market (Woodbine Avenue). Morton's bail was set at 32,-1 500 cash or $5,000 property with one surety. by Provincial: ‘ Drive; Judge Maurice Charles. The recently settled strike at Pre-Con Murray Limited on Yonge Street in Richvale had its sequel in Richmond Hill Provincial Court last week as several former strikers faced charges. Three Richmond Hill men October 22 pleaded guilty to causing a disturbance August 21 in a public place by imped- ing or molesting other persons. They were: David Capping, 20, Of 314 South Taylor Mills Lloyd Cooper, 20. of 329 Bluegrass Boulevard: and Michael Selig. 22‘ of 39 Ben- son Avenue. On this charge the three The initial charge against the two men is for a break-in and theft October 11 at Craw- ford-Ontario Sand and Gravel Company, Kecle Street, Maple. Crown Attorney Applegath bauble Arrest After Maple Break-In, Pre-Con Murray Strikers Given Fines SNOW WORRIES . .. RELIABLE TOUGH ECONOMICAL SEE ALL OUR “71" MODEL SEDANS M4104 I300 303 NORTH YONGE ST. “7],. Your FAMILY TIRE CENTRE Jib III. I\-'v-VIIVIIIâ€"II‘I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Oct BRU T0 PIVA YOUR NEW MANAGER And Some For Less told the court the charge in- volves theft of a cheque writer and personal cheques that were uttered. He said a further 10 or 11 charges would be laid. On this charge the three were given suspended sentences and placed on two years‘ proâ€" bation. Judge Charles said he was giving suspended sentences on this charge because the three Open Monday to Saturday 8 am. - 6 p.111. â€" Friday 9 pm. SEE THE REVOLUTIONARY COME IN EARLY â€"â€" AVOID THE RUSH. SAVE ON OUR $10.00 WINTER TIRE SALE . . . LET US KEEP YOU SAFELY ON THE ROAD. "NEW" RICHMOND HILL ~ Mills! The three accused threw 20. ofibeer bottles, rocks and other :1; and missiles at the bus. Mr. Acton 9 Ben- followed them in his car. forc- ‘ing the strikers‘ car of the road. three‘The strikers abandoned their 1tences'c1‘ipp1ed vehicle and were sub- 5‘ pro-‘sequently caught. Outlining the evidence on the disturbance charge. Crown Attorney Applegath told of an incident on Highway 7. He said the three were in a car driven by Cooper and followed a bus carrying Pre-Con strikebreak- ers. had already been fined earlier in the week on other charges. They were out of jobs and should have learned a lesson, he said. The firm's Vice-President John Acton of 444 The Kings- way. lslington. took the witness stand and agreed to withdrawal of two other charges against the threesome. Another striker was tried and found guilty on the reduc- ed charge of common assault. 4800 CC 98 HP. OVERHEAD CAM 4-SPEED ALL SYNCHROMESH DUAL HEADLIGHTS POWER ASSISTED BRAKES Willialâ€"n Henderson, 20. of DUTY HEAVY 29, 1970 YOUR CHOICE OF WINTER TIRES: RETREADS - FIBER- GLASS BELTED . WIDE OVALS - IST LINE 4-PLY. Also Special Prices on Radials Someone kicked in the win- dow of a strike breaker's car, showering glass over the driver and passengers, and slightly scratching the driver‘s neck and arm. The driver and a passenger testified that Hen derson picked up a piece of chrome-plated iron from the window and hit the driver over the shoulder. 168 Garden Avenue. Langstaff,‘ Misener was fined $50 on had p‘leaded not guilty to a each of the two charges of ob- charge of assault causing bodily structing an officer. or five harm. days consecutive on each con- Evidence was of an incident Viction. Evidence was of an incident at the Pre-Con plant entrance in the picket line August 19 a‘. 4:30 to 5 pm. ‘ Henderson denied hitting thr driver. saying he ran up to pul’ a friend away from the scene when Mr. Acton came out to take pictures of the incident. A Bradford striker pleaded guilty to threatening a mem- ber of the firm‘s management with violence. Roy Brown. 28. of 198 Hol- land Street. was fined $75 or $15 days. placed on a year‘s probation, and given 30 days to pay. ' ‘ Henderson was fined $75 or 15 days in jail. He was placed on 12 months probation and given 14 days to pay his fine Crown Attorney Appl'egath said Brown yelled “If I don‘t get you here. I‘ll get you at the track“ lmeaning the Pinecrest Speedwayl. This occured July 2 at. the Pre-Con plant gate be- tween 2245 pm and 3:30 pm. In a decision October 22 for an October 8 trial. Judge Charles found Ralph Misener of Mable guilty of obstructing two Ontario Humane Society officers June 11._ The officers were inspecting and removing a large number of dogs from the custody of Mrs. Rose Misener at RR 1. Maple. Judge Charles said Misener was guilty of obstructing. but was not guilty of the additional charge of assaulting the two of- ficers. Request For Tenders Sealed Tenders clearly ident- ified will-be received up to 4.00 pm. local time November 6. 1970. in the Purchasing De-E partment. The York County Board of Education. 22 Church Street. Aurora. (PO. Box 401. Details and bidding instruc- tions are available from the Purchasing Department. J. J. MacKay, | Chairman Buy One Tire at regular price ~â€" Second Tire for Paper Supplies and Exercise Books THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 889-7714 S. L. G. Chapman. Director of Education An Oak Ridges youth lober 22 in Richmond Hill vincial Coul‘t was charged two breakins in the town. vincial Court was charged with' Edward Ferrill. 19. or no two breakins in the town. ffixed address, was in court Oc- Melvin Nolan. 19. of 72 Elm‘tober 22 for sentence after Grove. had his case. adjournediearlier conviction for theft over to October 26 and was released $50 on September 4. on cash bail. i He was sent to Ontario Re- Judge Charles set bail at formatory for six months def~ $250 cash or $500 pl‘opertyiinate and nine months inde- with one surety. terminate. It is alleged that Nolan com- mitted break. enter and theft October 14 at St. Joseph‘s Sep- arate School. Roney Road. He is also charged with breaking Into Foam and Plastics Indus- tries Limited. 264 Newkirk Road October 14. Judge Charles set bail at $250 cash or $500 property with one surety. 7”; t 7“ *‘ ' George McKay. 17. of 8 How- ~ The complainant said she was Ronald Applegalh. 23. of 42 ard Street. Apartment To-‘no longer a manager for the acâ€" Hubbard Boulevard. Toronto. ronto, was in court October 22[Cllsed's husband. but still saw pleaded guilty in Richmond'lor sentence. ilhe estranged husband from Hill Court October 22 to a‘ McKay was previously con-time to time when he came by charge of impaired driVing. [victed of a July 21 break-in andlto talk business. He was f11’1th $200 01‘ 60 daysntheft at Provincial Smeltingl The accused woman blamed and given 30 days to pay. His Company. Creditstone Road. the complainant for estrange. driver‘s license is automatic- Pinecrest. in Vaughan Town- ment of the husband. The ac- ally suspended for three months ship. He was also convicted cused repeatedly had to be sil- by the Department of Trans-.for causing someone to fraud- enced by Judge Charles. and port. lulently pass a stolen Provincial nearly had to be restrained by The Crown Attorney told the‘Smelting cheque at the Royallpolice. court the offence took placelBank of Canada Branch. 27661 The accused woman's lawyer October 21 at 3:45 am. A‘Keele Street. Hold the court the situation was He was fined $200 or 60 days. and given 30 days to pay. His driver‘s license is automatic- ally suspended for three months by the Department of Trans- port. The Crown Attorney fold the court the offence took place October 21 at 3:45 am. A Vaughan police cruiser met a Volkswagen running d o w n Keele Street at about 35 mph with a flat tire and a smell of burning rubber in the air. The police turfled and fol- lowed the Volkswagen as it, turned onto Highway 7. It went off the highway, down in- to a culvert. They found four people in by Judge Charles. 1N0 evidence was offered by l the car with an open case of3 Thom had admitted commit-Crown Attorney. ' beer. Driver Applegath wasting break. enter and theft} Bird was charged June found to be unable to walk onlSeptember 23 at a garage locat- along with two other youths. his own power and had aied at 521 Yonge Street North! breathalyzer reading of 2.50.?in Richmond Hill. the court was told. * * * "' TURN SPARE ROOM Crown Attorney Applegath A Willowdale woman in Rich- INTO SPARE CASH told the court he was probably‘mond Hill Court October 22 BY USING related in some way to the ac-lwas fined $100 or-15 days for LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Free layaway with guaranteed Christmas delivery HERE’S WHY BEVERLEY IS Reg. Value $69.95 Make your move now from crib to bed. spare room to guest room. Here is a complete continental unit to give you years of comfortable service. Complete with washable \‘inyl headboard. Beverley quilt-top mattress and matching box spring, and set of legs‘ Act now! ing: no shifting or bunc’hing ever! longer service COMFORTABLE CONTINENTAL 45 Complete $49.33 2. COlL-ON-COIL COMFORT DOWNY 3. POSTURE CONSTRUCTION Pro- with Smooth, firm spine - level comfort right where you need it most. For a relax- ed, restful sleep. cused Applegath. but they “ere asault. She was given 14 days not acquainted. 1to pay. Judge Charles said he didn‘t She pleaded not guilty to the think there would be any con-‘assault charge and to a threat- flict of interest and allowed thefenlng charge which was with- Crown Attorney to handle the drawn. Judge Charles said he didn‘t think there would be any con- flict of interest. and allowed the Crown Attorney to handle the case. Fei‘i‘ill still faces trial Nov- ember 24 for break. enter and theft during August and Sep- tember at the Cascade Service Station on Highway 48. He is to appear in court once each week until trial. SINCE 1898 26 STORES TO BELIEVE IN Richmond Heights Centre, Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill He had pleaded guilty and was given a suspended sent- ence. He was placed on two years‘ probation. David Thorn. 19. 0f 5785 session was dismissed by Judge‘ Yonge Street. Willowdale. in,Charles in Provincial Court: local court October 22, was September 28. sentenced to 12 months definite} Stephen Bird. 16. of 260 Rug- and 12 months indeterminateigles Avenue. pleaded not guilty. by Judge Charles. 1N0 evidence was offered by the Thorn had admitted commit-ECrown Attorney. ' ting break. enter and theft} Bird was charged June 20 September 23 at a garage locat- along with two other youths. ed at 521 Yonge Street North! in Richmond Hill. | YOLLES & BURROUGHES gem If? The complainant was a Rich- mond Hill woman who worked as manager of a business owned by the accused woman's es- tranged husband. Evidence in court was that an ear ring dangling from a pierc- ed ear of the complainant was painfully pulled and that the complainant and the accused both were receiving a large number of harassing telephone calls. Vaughan Township Police Sergeant James Nugent ducked and was narrowly missed by either an ash tray or a cup and saucer thrown at the com- plainant by the accused. The accused woman blamedthe complainant for estrange- ment of the husband. The ac- cused repeatedly had to be sil- enced by Judge Charles. and] nearly had to be restrained by? The accus_ed woman's lawyer told the court the situation was also the subject of action in civil court. . A charge against 3 Richmond Hill youth for marijuana pos- session was dismissed by Judge Charles in Provincial Court September 28. Head R. Hill Chapter 055 Installed as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of the Richmond Hill Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star October 6 were Mavis Cates and her husband Norman Cates of 131 Markham Road. The installation ceremony was preceded by a banquet in Wrixon Hall. attended by 130 members of the chapter and guests from Strongsville, Ohio, as well as from less distant points. Mr. Cates presented his wife with a gavel from the Holy Land to use during her one-year term of office as the presiding head of the local chapter. Mrs. Cates presented her husband with a-Masonic Bible and sons 10-year-old David and seven-year-old Brian pinned a corsage on their mother. ' [ticlegram of congratulations was received from the CBS in Strongsville, Ohio, with which the local chapter is exchanging annual visits. Box Spring FREE DELIVERY FREE STORAGE 'TIL NEEDED ’ FREE LAYAWAY USE YOUR CREDIT â€" NO MONEY ] MR. AND MRS. NORMAN CATES Reg. Value $49.95 A complete bedding ensemble by Beverley. makers of Springwall, is yours at this unbelievably low price. A luxuriously comfortable mattress with a deluxe scroll-stitched quilt top, and companion box spring. Famous Beverley balanced construction: pre-built borders to prevent sagging; scienti- fically designed to give you more comfort. longer service. Ticking is dramatic damask in serene shades. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Each Mattress or NO MONEY DOWN Shop ’th 9 Thurs. & Fri.

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