Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1970, p. 4

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Walkathon More 'than 200 students of King City Secondary School turned out for the school’s fifth annual walkathon Saturday morning. Approximately one- third were grade niners. Pledges gathered to date as a result of their walkathon total $925 of the $1,100 promised. As a result of their efforts at car washing a further $62 was rais- ed last Saturday. The students plan to hold a car wash each Saturdw until the weather makes it impractical. Take your car to the school on Bond Ave- Students of grades '1 and 8 Our Lady of the Annunciation Separate School are really swinging into high gear now raising considerable sums of money for a trip to Quebec City next spring. mmnmmmmuuumuummmuuulmuuuluuuuuuuumumm Quebec City Trip 5‘0"“"119- and the Blue Hills Academy. Taking it easy on the No totalled 108, up from 75. Runner-“P Eldfed Kin! Cancer Society Stars, the local stalwarts man- The department recorded “Inlin for a recount MT- The regular monthly meeting aged to ease themselves into a 383 calls on occurrences and King is I former Markham of the King City Branch of the 4-0 Situation in short order. 355 occurrences being investi- TOWflSh‘P (30115011013 R cancer society will be held on That is. Barrie scored four gated. Will be conducted by November 2 at the home of times and Oak Ridges not at The department road speed County Court Judge 3041- Mrs. Anne Wilson, Kingsworth all. Nothing daunted Oak Ridâ€" radar was operated on 10 Brick P1151811 at 10:30 am at Road in KingSCI‘OSS Estates. ges answered with goal number occasions for a total of 27 hours the Stouflville Council Members will be making 1. However. they learned you and resulting in 35 speeding Chambers. Christmas gifts for patients. don’t lend players to the op- charges. I-llllllllim\lllliilimllllillll\\l\l\\\\l\\“llllllll“\“lllllmlllllllllllllllllllllll“millllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllillllllill l“llllllllll\llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\l\lllll\\\l\lllll\\l\\\llllulu\\1\llllllllllilllllllillllll\ll“\“l“lliilll“\liml““llill“illlllll“ll““Willillill\\l\\l\l\l\\1l1\l\\\\lll'3’a Recount Today Stouffville Mayor Ken Blyth of Oak Ridges may not be the new presi- dent of the biggest minor hockey setup in Ontario but it‘s still a force to contend with in its own small way. “We'll have 200 youngsters in our organization this win- ter." said Mr. Blyth over a coffee cup in his real estate office on Yonge Street the other day. “That's about the same as last year, a bit higher." This will be a new under- taking for Ken ‘Who has served in the capacity as a coach for the past five years of various teams in this L800 population community about to be absorbed into Rich- mond Hill under the new regional government setup. A recount for the mayor- alty .election .in .Whit~ ohurch~Stouffville may be completed today (Thurs- day) in time for the first business meeting of the York Region Municipal Council at 2pm. He replaces last year's President Ross DeGeer who, states Ken, “did a tremem dous job. worked very hard. I just hope I can contribute as much." Only two votes were the margin of victory recorded in the October 5 election for Kenneth Laushway of Stouflville. Runner-up Eldred King applied for a recount. Mr. King is a former Markham Township Consellor. It will be conducted by County Court Judge Rod- erick Phelan at 10:30 am at the Stoufiville Council Chambers. Ken will have one thing going for him which is cer- tainly a vital part of organiz- ed minor hockey: interest in children. Oak Ridges Hockey Little But Active Mr. Baker's motion was tabled two weeks earlier when Clerk-treasurer Kerr’s resignation was re~ ceived. Whitchurch T ow n s hip Councillor Merlyn Baker October 19 during a regular council session sought per- mission to withdraw his motion to accept the resig- nation of Clerk-treasurer Thomas Kerr. Councillor Baker said he decided to ask to withdraw his motion after the coun- cil received legal advice that the clerk’s resignation didn't have to be acted upon in any way by council to be effective. All members of council agreed to withdrawal of the motion. Council members are known to be still consider- ing the preparation of a statement on Mr. Kerr’s re. slgnation, but no formal ac- Baker Drops Motion On Kerr Resignation BY FRED SIMPSON 'He‘s got five of his own, , KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish 1 Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. l Orton, Yonge Street, 773-4635. in Kim: City Man THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 Whitghuyghjas Acting Clerk King City Notes Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox News w 'I‘wo grade 11 students, Ivan Petrushevsky and Paul Mc- Lorinan, ran the full 30~mile distance from the school grounds to TorOnto City Hall, taking five hours for the journey. The last of the walkers checked in at the city hall at 6:30, 10% hours after their 8am start. Richmond Hill Ward 5 Coun- cillor-elect Stewart Bell has finalized plans for his meeting with local ratepayers. It will be held November 3 at St. John's Parish Hall. Yonge Street at Jefferson. at 8 pm. All organi- zations in the area are invited to attend or to send represen- tatives. ' Three checkpoints were set up along the way â€"â€" at Keele and No. 7, Yonge and No. 7 and Yonge and Eglington -â€" where sore feet were treated and re- freshments served These were manned by volunteer members of the teaching staff and students. It is estimated that approx- imately $2,500 will be realized from the walkathon and it will be turned over to local char- ities. In the past, donations ‘have included substantial amounts to the Cancer Seciety land the Blue Hills Academy. ‘Cancer Society The students and their tea- chers thank all who have helped in any way in this ambitious task. Public Meeting The young people hope to raise the entire $4,000 required for the trip (and are even bringing in small amounts of money each week towards this objective. Youngsters with this much initiative and determina- tion certainly deserve our co- operation. nue and have all dust. dirt and grime removed at a minimum cost of 50¢. The regular monthly meeting of the King City Branch of the cancer society will be held on November 2 at the home of Mrs. Anne Wilson, Kingsworth Road in Kingscross Estates. Members will be making Christmas gifts for patients. tion on this move has yet been taken. Mrs. Margaret Bowser. a sevenâ€"year member of the township staff, has been acting clerk-treasurer for several months. She was ap- pointed by council when Mr. Kerr was given a leave of absence for health rea- sons. Mrs. Margaret Bowser pre- viously served as secretary to the clerk-treasurer and Is a Concession 3 resident. When Whitchurch Town- ship and Stouffville Village amalgamate January 1, the two municipal staffs will be organized into a single ad- ministration. Mrs. Bowser will con- tinue as acting clerk-trea- surer of the township until then. Council hasn’t yet ap- proved any change in Mrs. Bdwser’s salary in recogni- tion of her additional duties. four boys and a girl, Kathy. who is one year old and “should be ready to play hockey next year," he said facetiously. All four of his boysâ€"John. 10. Kenny, 9. Gary. 7 and David, 6 play in the Oak Ridges minor hockey setup. “We haven’t stunned the world with a lot of champion- ships," admits Ken, “because we are small and we don't have a wide drawing area but that's not our aim, any- way. “We want to give all the youngsters a chance to play. teach them sportsmanship. to have a good time," he said. Ken will undoubtedly have a different attitude this sea- son for the simple reason he won‘t be coaching and will be presiding over the league. "I guess you see things in a different light when you're not coaching," he said. “You see the other side of the problem. It'll be more time consuming but I enjoy con- tributing my share.” The Oak Ridges hockey or- ganization functions in a similar fashion as a hundred others and includes novice, Our Lady’s Guild has a dance planned for adults for the same night. Dress is optional, but prizes will be awarded for best costumes. P r o c e e d s are for charitable purpose. Tickets 'at $4.50 per couple may be pur- chased at the door or by pho'n- ing 773-4310. This happy event will be held in the gymnasium at Our Lady of the Annuncia- tion School. starting at 9 pm with, music supplied by the Oak Ridges group, “The Canadians". Oak Ridges Lions will hold their Hallowe’en Dance Friday evening in their hall in the Oak Ridges Shopping Plaza. This is also an adult dance and prizes will be awawded for costumes. Scout Auxiliary Lake Wilcox Recreation Com- mittee has planned two events for the evening of October 31. First, a party for the young children will be held at the community hall from 7 to 9 pm. A dance for the teenagers will follow, from 9 to 11:30 pm, also in the hall. Mrs. Irene Lynn, representing the district association, was pre- sent and conducted the installa- tion. Those assuming the duties of officers were: President Mrs. Murray McLeod, Vice-President He has been looking over utilities and facilities in Rich- mond Hill and has spoken high- ly of the co-operation he has-re- ceived from the present council. Rev. Robert McIlhenney of St. Paul's United Church will be chairman for the evening. Please plan to attend. This is your chance to have a hand in your future. Hallowe’en Events The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Scouting installed its new exe- cutive for the 1970-71' season October 21 at Oak Ridges Pub- lic School. Mrs. Dan McQuarrie, Treasurer Mrs. Mary Tanzos and Secretary Mrs. Helen Hunter. The ladies would like to re- mind card players that a euchre is held ‘at St. Paul's every second Monday of the month with all proceeds going to aid Scouting. ‘Minor Hockey There was public skating for all between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. leaving 'some of the “older” folk just a little stiff and sore in some rather delicate areas. Newmarket Pipe Band, under the direction of Pipe Major Jack Mark, gave a tremendous performance to set the mood for the evening. Mr. Bell‘s idea in calling the meeting is to determine what residents of this area feel are priorities in needs when we join Richmond Hill January 1, 1971. More than 300 people turned out October 18 at Bradford Arena, where more than 150 boys practice each week on "home" lce â€"- 14: miles from home. Then it happened. TV Chan- nel 3 Barrie No stars were es- corted onto the ice by three pipers to face the slaughtering squad of coaches and managers of the Oak Ridges Hockey As- sociation. It was a foregone conclusion that Oak Ridges would win since the No Stars were two players short. Generous to a fault, Oak Ridges lent their opponents the services of Bob Tomiinson and John McQuar- rle. “I don't like to refer to our OMHA teams as “All- Stars‘,” said Ken. because that tends to slight the youngsters who play in the House League. make them feel inferior, which I don’t think should be the case. We’re all in it together." peewee, bantam, midget. and juvenile brackets in the house league. It’s OMHA teams play in the North York "C" Hockey League. The Oak Ridges loop plays its games out of the Bradford Arena and is quite happy with its existence there. “We pay $18 for prime ice time and $15 an hour prac- tice time before 10 am." he said, “and you won't get a better deal than that around here.” The association charges each child paying $10 with a total limit of $30 for a family. It costs an addi- tional $5 for a child playing OMHA hockey. “We also try to build up participation by the parents by getting them to join the association at $2 a head. We had about 20 par- ents until this year when we "The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of lnterest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge: - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Elisabeth Orton, Yonge street, 773-4635, in King City Mary Dawson, 3844105. The three door prizes were won by Shirley Smith, Mrs. Pearl Comfort and Roger Smith. The evening was such a resounding success that plans are underway for another one soon. Bowling Thursday rollers: Ruff n’ Reddies 26, Slowpokes 22, Al- leycats 19, Happy Go Luckies 17, Happy Gang 17, Mae's Maidens 15, Topcats 13, Hope- less Hopefuls 11. High triple: Joan Webster 635 (286), Gloria Bridges 633 (270, 222), Gladys Blanchard 619 (247, 217), Helen Downing 600 (247, 217). High single: Marilyn Earl 212,, 203; Ginny Abrams 205, 202;'Rose Hills 270; Shirley Marrett 230; Marion Richardson 220; Isabel Plews 218; Joan Scriver 207. A special presentation was made to Ron Foerter for his devotion to minor hockey in Oak Ridges. Davy McQuarrie presented a‘ plaque given by Ken Sommers and Teddy Clague presented Mrs. Foerter with a bouquet of roses. Mr. Foerter and his wife. Lee, now reside in Tottenham and he has already started organizing hockey there. To assist him a donation of used hockey equip- ment was presented by Oak Ridges Sports Exchange. As a last historic stand to save their scalps, Oak Ridges put seven-year-old Dave Mc- Quarrie of the Little Kings All- Stars into the goal alongside “Tiny” Ken Blyth to stem the tide. But the supreme effort failed and the pale faces yield- ed to the tomahawks of the red faces from Barrie, who went home with seven pelts, giving up only two. Between the second and third periods the pipe band again entertained and a de- lightful skating performance was presented by Cathy Pant~ ling to everyone’s evident pleas- une. Cathy is responsible for the figure skating club which has been formed here. position â€" not if you want to win. John McQuarrie scored three goals against his buddies. Goalget’ters for the Ridges team were Ron Comfort and Shirley Smith. Whitchurch Township police during September laid a total of 1’77 charges, according to the depar-tment‘s monthly report tabled in council October 19 by Police Chief Fred Mason. Police In Whitchurch lay 50% More Charges This was an increase in the number of charges laid amount- ing to slightly more than 50% over the month of August. Charges laid under the Crim- inal Code in September were almost double the total for August, going from 17 to 33. Highway Traffic Act charges were down to 13 from 26. There were 37 charges laid under the Liquor Control Act in September, 11;» from 25 in August. Under Township parking by- laws 29 tickets were issued, up drastically from the single such ticket rthe month before. Nine arrests were made for other police departments, plus 28 warrants executed. There were 63 traffic tickets issued, up from 46 in August. The number of summonses served for other departments totalled 108. up from ’75. The deparfment recorded 383 calls on occurrences and 355 occurrences being investi- gated. An innovation this year will be the alloting of- an hour a week for the girls to skate under the instruction of figure skater Kathy Pant- ling of Oak Ridges. put on‘ a drive to bring the total number of members up to a hundred." “We attempted to get some kind of girls hockey going,” he said, “but we just couldn't come up with enough bodies. So we decided to do it this way." “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens," states Ken. “We’re quite happy under our present set- up but things will be worked out in some fashion. The main thing is that we will still have our youngsters playing minor hockey." As for the future of Oak Ridges hockey under regional government which will see it become part of Richmond Hill. Other members of the hockey executive are: Don McQuarrie, lst vice-presiâ€" dent; Ted Clague; 2nd vice- president; Sandra Cochrane, treasurer, Kay Metcalf. sec~ retary and John McQuarrie. house league convenor. Many friends and former members attended the final service in Mount Pisgah United Church on October 19. This was the 100th Anniversary of the third Church on the Temp- eranceville Pastoral Charge, with former minister Rev. Victor Weed of Westway United Church, Toronto. as Church News Greatly increased reports of wolves molesting farm animals in East Gwillimbury Town- ship this year has led council to add $15 to the existing $25 York County wolf bounty. Township council hopes to en- courage hunters to “clear out" the township’s wolf population. l mmtmmnnuummummmummmmmmulmmummtmm l\u\\l\\\\mummummnumumumuuuuuunmumummumuu Only last month council paid out more than $1,000 in sheep claims and it is believed most of the killings were done by wolves. On the George Baker Farm in the south end of the township, near Highway 48, wolves recently attacked a flock of 100 geese right beside the farmhouse and ham. They kill- ed 16 and mutilated many others. Attacks on dogs and cattle have also been reported. Council has sought help from the Department of Lands and Forest, which has offered to instruct any farmers bothered by wolves in wolf trapping. The department will conduct a wolf trapping school this fall, it had been announced. Farmers wish- ing to take the instruction should contact the East Gwillim- bury Township offices at ‘Shvaron. mmmnmmuunumnunullx|mun\mnmmnmumn\nmmnmm East Gwillimbury Twp. Declares War Wolves Kenneth Blyth of South Lake Road, Oak Ridges, has been ap- pointed to the Whitchurch Township Recreation Commit- tee. nuuuummmunu“\umumummuummuuunuumumuuuuuu Mr. Blyth will finish out the remainder of the 1970 term of Lou Sedore of Lake Wilcox. Kenneth Blyth Filling I970 Recreation Term Mr. Sedore resigned from the committee when he moved to Pefferlaw. Mr. Blyth is president of the Oak Ridges and District Minor Hockey Association and past chairman of the Oak Ridges Re- creation Association. Reports that the new Toronto International Air- port wlll be located be- tween Toronto and Lake Stmcoe, are incorrect, John Roberts â€"- MP York Sim- coe, stated recently. He reported Federal Minister of Transport Don Jamieson is disturbed by such statements and com- mented, “It should not he thought that the airport would necessarily be some- where on a straight line be- tween Toronto and Lake Simcoe. It will be located north of Toronto to serve Metro and the populous area to the west of it.” Mr. Roberts also reported no change in the govern- ment’s position to the use of the Beeton Flats for this airport, disclosed last spring. At that time it was stated the Beeton Flats area was not among the most suitable sites for a major airport. King Township Council- Ior Gordon Rowe doesn’t like the idea of “some tech- nical experts living in a high rise apartment in North York” telling him studded snow tires aren’t necessary. The question arose at the October 19 meeting of King Council when a letter was received from the technical advisory board of North York Borough Council ask- ing King’s support in back- ing up the province’s recent decision to ban all studded tires by April 30, 1971. Government sources esti- mate that over a 10-year period a total of $127 mil- lion damage is done to Pro- vincial and municiual roads in Ontario by studded tires. Councillor Rowe Main- tained that we have a lot- of back roads in King, gravel roads where I feel studded tires are necessary. There should be some kind of saw-off. I can‘t agree with any move to ban them all over Ontario.” He felt that northern areas'of the province should be allowed to use studded snow tires. One councillor wondered how that would help if a motorist from King would have to stop and take his studded tires off before driving into North York. The matter died as coun- cil filed the letter without taking any action. “Maybe the line should be drawn at Highway 7.” he suggested. Studded Tires Needed Hereâ€"- Rowe Metro Airport Not For Beeton Flats CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. G. JENNINGS â€" PHONE 773-5892 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS guest speaker Rev. Ivan Ken- fomer nedy and Rev. Douglas Davis ‘ final were present, and Rev. Earle U22?! Stotesbury conducted the service. Flowers on the alter table in our church on October 19 were placed in loving memory of Mrs. Cecil Fildey of Coboconk, who passed ‘away last week in hospital in Toronto. We extend sympathy to members of her family in the loss of their 10v- ing mother. Neighborhood Notes _-_..‘ -r-..- I"... a. King City Lions had their‘visiting their parent: annual auction sale on October Iey Lloyd, Aurora 17, and it was the usual success, Norman Rumble. and they would like to thank all Congratulations to who contributed in any way to man Ferguson, form its success. One of the import- of the King Sideroa ant features of this sale is the week celebrated her home baking sale by the wives day. Her daughter, of the Lions, and this year it Curtis entertained netted better than $122.00. friends at afternm ‘Speaking of the auction sale, I honor of her ma think that Fisher Street in Ferguson is now a King City. (the entrance to the the King City Lodge, The tragic developments in Quebec the past weeks has prompted the King Township Council to convey official sup- port of the drastic measures taken by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau as well as con- dolences to the wife and family of the murdered Pierre Laporte. The Council unanimously passed two resolutions October 19 â€"- one backing the federal government’s decision to invoke the controversial War Measures Act to help combat the FLQ terrorists. the second to express sincere regrets 4:0 Mrs. Laporte and her family. The first resolution dealt with the War Measures Act and was moved by Councillor Gordon Rowe and seconded by Councillor Margaret Britnell. It read: “The council and residents of the Township of King, County of York, Province of Ontario, unite with all true Canadians in deep humiliation and sorrow in the tragic death of a true Canadian patriot. Monsieur Pierre Laporte. Both resolutions will be addressed and sent personally to Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa. "We realize the deep anguish you personally must have suf- fered during the crisis. cul- minating in the enactment of the War Measures Act, and by this resolution, we of this municipality unanimously agree with your decision to bring in Trudeau Gets Backing From King In Quelling Quebec FLQ Terrorists Buy yours today where you work, bank or invest Canada Savings Bonds help you plan aheadâ€"look to the future without worry. They're Canada's most popular personal investment. Canada Savings Bonds are coid, hard cashâ€" instantly. They can be redeemed any time at their full face value plus earned interest. Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buy for cash or on instalments, in amounts ranging from $50 up to $25,000. Canada Savings Bonds are safeâ€"backed by all the resources of Canada. They’re a very special security. .F'n "1 ,NA 1 9-H)“ A: . J . v ; 1- , > 1' i)" 6"" yin- parking lot) must be the forgot- ten street in the township. I do not know who is responsible for {its upkeep, but I do know that \one would be hard put to find a more deplorable stretch of road anywhere. Mrs, Joseph Houlton and Cathy and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings were among those who attended the Aurora Drama Workshop presentation of Noel Coward’s "Blithe Spirit." Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lloyd of Delhi spent part of the week visiting their parents Mr. Wes- Iey Lloyd, Aurora and Mr. Norman Rumble. Congratulations to Mrs. Nor- man Ferguson, former resident of the King Sideroad, who this week celebrated her 87th birth- day. Her daughter. Mrs. Fred Curtis entertained a few friends at afternoon tea in honor of her mother. Mrs. Ferguson is now a resident at and enforce this Act, Just as long as needed, to suppress any ‘reign of terror’ in any area of our country. - “Through your good oflices‘ would you kindly conVey our deepest sympathy to the people of the Province of Quebec in this ‘hour of tragedy' and assure them that their presence and contribution within the structure of our great Dom- inion has always and will con- tinue to be Vital to the future of Canada." The second resolution read: “Be it hereby resolved that the Township of King, County of York, Province of Ontario, does hereby convey to Madame Laporte and the family of the late Monsieur Laporte. the deep sorrow and regret felt by the people of this municipality on the loss of Pierre Laporte, a fellow Canadian. He concluded by stating that such a hideous deed would not succeed in dividing the country but “will bring us closer to- gether than we have been in any other time in the history of Reeve Gordon Cook added his own sentiments stating that it “was propobly the most shocking instance that has taken place in the last 100 years in this nation." Canada." “We are heartsick at the tragedy that has struck our country and pledge our con- tinued support to the demo- cratic system to which Mon- sieur Laporte was devoted." investfii'ént that gmws and grows mo average annual interest to maturity The successful tender to sup. ply the township with winter sands was submitted by Lee Sand and Gravel Limited. The tender price includes the work of stockpiling the sand ready for use by the township. Contracts for purchase of the winter‘s supply of sand and salt for roads. and for an $11,434 five ton- dump truck. have been approved by Whitchurch Town- ship Council in session October 19. The purchase contracts become effective if there is no objection from provincial authorities who review the tenders. tang u“. uvvvllallly “ule WHILUI sands was submitted by Lee Sand and Gravel Limited. The tender price includes the work of stockpiling the sand ready for use by the township. The successful and lowest ten- der for sand was at $1.09 per ton. plus 17 cents a ton for stockpiling. It was accepted with the provision that delivery trucks use Bloomington Road. About 3,000 tons of course screened sand is purchase each year for sanding township roads in winter. The unsuccessful tenders The succesful dump truck tender was the second lowest and was submitted by Interna- tional Harvester Company. The tenders were required to allow for the trade-in of a 1959 GMC three-ton dump truck. The ac- cepted tender was for $11,434. The lowest tender was from ‘Emerald Isle Motor Limited of Stouffville for $10,928. But Roads Superintendent Ernest Davis said the low tender didn't meet specifications involving body metal thickness, engine displacement and provision of a spare tire and rim. The unsuccessful tenders were as follows: Floyd Preston. delivered $1.19 per ton, with 10 cents for stockpiling; Gormley Sands and Gravel, delivered $1.15 per ton. stockpiled 16 cents per ton; Consolidated ‘Sand and Gravel, delivered ‘$1.80 per ton. stockpiled 20 That’s why we say, Canada Savjngs Bonds are good today, better tomorrow; an Investment that grows and grows. 'â€" v New Canada Savings Bonds - yield an average of 774% a yea! law when held to maturity. Each $100 Bond begins with $6.75 interest for the first year, pays $7.75 inter- est for each of the next three years, and then pays $8.00 interest for each of the last seven years. On top of this you can earn interest on your interest. You can make each 5100 growto $227.50 in just 'eleven years. ‘ BUILDING MATERIALS SAND 8. GRAVEI. Open ’Til Noon Saturdays -â€" Cash and Carry Prepare your lawnmower for winter storage and your snowblower for winter use. Make necessary repairs now. Avoid the rush. Parts for all models in stock. Fast, efficient service. PRESENT THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR 10% DISCOUNT 0N LABOR Open 9 am. to 9 pm. â€"- 884-7716 399 CROSBY AVE., RICHMOND HILL Whittburcb Twp. Briefs Thornhill Building Supply Ltd. 361 JOHN ST. â€" THORNHILL 889-4137 â€" 889-4176 Reid Lawnmower Sales 8- Service â€" WE DELIVER â€" cents per ton; Miller Paving Limited, delivered $1.15 per ton. stookpiled 25 cents per ton. Miller paving Limited sub- mitted the successful $13.75 per ton tender fur coarse salt. The other tenders were $13.83 per ton from Domtar Chemicals Limited and an identical $13.83 per ton from Canadian Salt Company Limited. The other tenders were as follows: Woodbine Truck Cen- tre. $11,481; Neil Patrick Motors Limited. $11,644: Brad Walker Motors Limited; $12,047; Sies- sor Motors Newmarket Limited. $12,321 and Don Little Ford Sales Limited, $12,828.

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