Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1970, p. 5

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Frantic digging operations by would-be rescuers failed to un- cover his body until about 9:10 and at 9:12 he was pronounced dead by Dr. Bernard Granton at the scene. The inquest held October 20 .at the Vaughan Township Muni- cipal Office also saw the jury. comprising four men and a wo- man, recommend “That stricter enforcement of safety rules be observed in the operation of the front-end loaders working in the pit." Official time of Scott's death was listed as 9:12 am on August 12. He died of suffocation as the result of being buried in gravel which cascaded down on him around 8.15 am of the same morning. Scott was employed as a summertime front-end loader operator at the large pit owned by Pinewood Aggregates Lim- ited on the east side of Keele Street about a mile north of Maple. A COFOHBI‘YS Jury has recom- coroner’s jury that the sand â€" mended that the slope of 3 described as fairly wet by Maple gravel pit be reduced to Vaughan Township Police Con- assure safer working conditions stable Brian Thurston â€" would in the wake of the August 12 have smothered the victim in death in a cave-in of 22-year- less than five minutes. old engineering Student D°nald “He would have had to be L°£°“ 0f RR King City' freed within about two minutes You get a complete material package and easy to follow plans . . . all wall framing, bevel siding, foil, plywood sheathing, asphalt roofing, steel gar- age doors, trim, nails, everything you need to build an attractive sound garage. Nothing Down With a Beaver Budget Account Build it yourself and séVe, now with the help of a budget account . . . terms to suit your budget $100 to $4000. Coroner Dr. Granton told the See Them At Beaver First class ECU garage. comple‘ age with simpll waste. quality solid value. LARGE LAND OWNERS Let us help You KEEP ONTARIO GREEN Dead trees removed at REASONABLE prices. Experienced men, modern methods and equip- ment. Take advantage of our LOWER RATES during fall and winter months Free estimates - - - Phone 884-7774 INQUEST: RICHMOND HILI. TREE SERVICE & FORESTRY CO. LTD. class ECONOMY, a 12'x20‘ e. complete material pack- rith simple blueprints. No nuality throughout, a Phone Beaver Village - 223-8505 Located 2 Miles South of Maple on Keele Street Mr. McDonald then described his initial attempts to unearth “He walked over to my loader and stood between the bank and my machine. I guess he wanted to talk to me. Just then part of the bank came down burying him to his waist. There was no warning. “He told me not to move the machine but before I could do anything another load came down and buried him com- pletely. He was pinned against my machine." Evidence revealed that the incident occurred in an area of the pit being worked on by the deceased in one front-end loa- der and William McDonald, 38, of Orangeville, in another. Mr. McDonald testified that Scott had gotten off his loader and had approached McDonald’s loader. or any assistance would have been futile even if an inhalator had been used," stated Dr. Granton. Ask Stricter Safety Enforcement Maple Gravel Pit Following Death Cadet 22 x 20 TWO-CAR Cadet 16 x 20 Car-And-A-Half Members of the jury were Joan Lenore, Samuel Kaiser, Lloyd Profit, James Brownlee. and Allan Wilkie. all of Klein- burg. Also testifying was Brian Douglas Anderson, RR 1, Gorm- ley. a former employee; Sieg- friend Migain, of Toronto, supervisor, Dr. E. G. Warburton, pathologist at York County Hospital in Newmarket, and Murray Kirkpatrick of Scott Ambulance of Richmond Hill who attended the scene and assisted in rescue operations. Mining Inspector Samuel A1- tan, of London. said he visited the scene after the accident and stated no violation as to the height of the bank had occurred. Part owner of the pit. Floyd Walker of 174 Mill Pond Court. Richmond Hill, described Scott as being “basically cautious. a relatively safe operator. I'd say he was safe 99 percent of the time. I would say the other one percent had to be the accident which occurred." Mr. Walker said the gravel bank was between "40 and 50 feet straight up and down" but stated that it came within the regulations of the Ontario Min- ing Act. He described the height of the bank as about 40-feet straight up from the ground but said there was “quite a slope on it" running down to his ma- chine which he estimated was 35 feet away from the actual [ace of the bank. Mr. McDonald said all front- end loaders operators were warned never to go too close to any banks or get between their loaders and the bank. He said it wasn’t normal for an operator to get but of his loader. “I guess he just wanted to talk to me." he said. Mr. Scott whigh were futile; after which he ran for assist- ance. Village $679. $499. Reg. $449 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Reg. $565 Reg. $749 Branch 116 exudes such an air of hospitality that you feel right at home as soon as you walk through the doors. This hall is fairly new (only nine years old and all paid for); the appointments are such that an interior decorator would drool. Soft lighting combined with the sense of welcome make it a Legion Branch not to be missed. On Saturday evening I was luclw enough to attend the dis- trict ball. Music was provided by a wonderful little combo â€"â€" four pieces. One of the musi- cians was the mother to another member of the group. She blew one of the sweetest trumpets heard anywhere. The group called themselves “The Twy- lites”. As their name implies, the music was sweet and low. I could even dance. A change of pace. Swing for the younger set. Loads of fun, laughter and pleasant company. Intermission. Tickets were sold by smiling ladies of the auxiliary. Proceeds from this draw go towards new equipment for the new hospital. After the draw, the ladies auxiliary served a tastefull buffet that was much appreciated by all those attend- mg. During the weekend of Octo- ber 16-18. your reporter had the opportunity of visiting Branch 116, Strathroy. This branch was hosting a district seminar on leadership and development. Once again dance time and the hours fled before the wings of times. The National Anthem brought the exciting evening to a close. Bright eyed and bushy tailed we all rallied round at 0900 hours for the beginning of the seminar. Steaming coffee and fresh doughnuts were on tap through the whole day. The lectures were interesting and well presented. Any questions from the floor were well thought out and the answers were concise and clear. Every- thing rolled along like some welled oiled piece of machinery. Lunch time. Again the ladies (bless their hard working souls) provided a dinner that found nothing wanting. Everyone had brought their appetites with them and the hot dinner soon disappeared like snow beneath a hot sun. On to the second half of the seminar. Again lectures, questions and answers that left us with information that will directly help every branch. To the wonderful members of this hard working branch; to the ladies auxiliary; please accept the sincere thanks and congra- tulations of all those attended. Your hospitality and that of your community will long be remembered. Thank you. To the members of ’ this squadron that won awards at the squadron dinner on October 15, we offer you our sincere congratulations. To those who didn’t win â€" remember there is always another chance and you can try a little harded. Your efforts are to be commended. Congratulations to you ladies of the auxiliary for the super job and you did filling in dur- ing the emergency. Your help was greatly appreciated. Eligible voters of Richmond Hill Ward 5 (north of the Gamble Sideroad) are remind- ed of a meeting to be held at iSt. John’s Parish Hall. Yonge \Street North at the Jefferson Sideroad November 3 at 8 pm by Councillor-Elect Stewart Bell. Mr. 3“ hopes to see a large numbes of the public of this ward at the meeting, so he can gain a wider view of the needs of residents and priori- ties for formulating plans for the future of the area. The following week, Novem- ber 10, at 7:45 pm at Jefferson School, the community club will hold a euchre and bridge night. Owing to the above an- nounced meeting the monthly meeting of Jefferson Commun- ity and Recreational Associa- tion has been changed to Nov- ember 2 at Jefferson School, at which time Stephen Newroth, director of “Daybreak”, home for the mentally retarded on Yonge Street, will address the meeting on the work carried out there and at the Vanier In- stitute of L'Arche "in France. Two films, one on each loca- tion, will be shown. The meet- ing will commence at 7:45 pm sharp. It is hoped there will. be a good turnout to hear from‘ these new neighbors. It is interesting to note that the new ward line runs straight along the Gamble Sideroad. The provincial riding boundary follows the King - Vaughan, Whitchurch - Markham Town- lines and the federal riding boundary follows Gamble east to Yonge Street and then north to the Markham-Whitchurch Townline and continues east- ward along that road. Community Club It is hoped that William Hodgson, MLA York North; Regional Councillor Gordon Rowe and York County Board of Education Trustee Bob Houghton will be present. Meet The Councillor After being away, even for Your Reporter Attended Leadership Seminar At Branch 116, Strathroy ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 Y ourlegion Reports Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 Saturday night October 17 was cool and bright. The fire roared merrily shooting sparks into the sky. The reflection from flames lit up the laughing faces seated around it. This set the scene for the evening. The aroma coming from the huge pot was mouth watering. Just wait until we sinlk our fang-s into that com. Anyone want a hot dog? Fingers were made be- fore forks in this instance. Jokes were flying around. Some friends were meeting again for some time. Old acquaintances were telling all the news from some time back. It was an even- ing of fun. Say, George, just how old is that pot that the corn is cooking in? I would imagine it to be about 125 years of age. The social evenings are get- ting better. Would like to see more of the community out to share our evenings of entertain- ment. Our Friday nights are full of surprises; laughter abounds; fn'ends greet one an- other after a long week's labor. This is how we relax. Getting recharged for another week of toil. Do let us have the pleasure of your company some Friday night soon. To Tilly and George Diceman; to all the others that helped it make this evening a blast, Thank You. To any and all our many friends in the community that are not up to par â€" please hurry and get well. We cannot afford to have you absent from the many activities going on. Besides you are all such won- derful folks that you are missed. To any that have escaped from sick-bay, glad to have you back. one weekend, it is amazing how much happier I am to be back with you all. The best part is going away is the return. Hear there are some things to shout about. To Bill Simpson: may you have many more happy birthdays. Mr. Simpson is cele- brating his 75th birthday this week. To our own Bill Hughes. Bill isn’t saying just how old he is but he has a long way to go to catch up to Mr. Simpson. To any of you who are cele- brating birthdays or anniver- saries, do have a happy time and make them something to remember. Cheers. Don’t forget this Friday Is the big Hallowe'en Dance at the Legion. Loads of fun and prizes. From what I heard, the costumes are going to be out of this world. See you all there. This coming weekend Is the district sports dinner. Here are the prizes for a whole years work. From the grapevine I hear there are some 96 prizes in all, Also by the same wire. it seems Branch 375 should be bringing home 35 or thereabout prizes. Seems there is a shuffle- board tournament on the wind. Here's hoping and wishing you lads luck and bring home some more loot. A large number of the par- ish have attended the Bards- ley Mission over the past 10 days. Tuesday a group of men who work in the city met for supper and then went on to the mission. Wednesday the choir attended. A pot luck supper was held Sunday after- noon prior to going down to the mission. The committee appointed to arrange celebrations to mark the 125th anniversary of St. John’s Church was scheduled to meet October 27 for its first meeting. Several members of the par- ish are intending to travel through Southwestern Ontario on a two-day tour which will in- clude the Jack Miner Bird Sanctuary on Lake Erie. Nov- ember 9 and 10. The full itin- erary is posted on the church notice board and further details can be obtained from Jean Lo- mas (884-2000). The tour is offered by Travelways of Can- ada and will‘ cost $26.50 (ex- cluding meals). Congratulatons are extended to David and Liz Beadle. RR 2, Gormley. on the birth of a daughter. Christine Anne; and to Bob and Jean Doig of Aur- ora on the birth of a daughter, Jeanette Christine. A letter has been received from Captain Ray Taylor. Church Army. thanking St. John's congregation for the produce received from the Har- vest Home Service in Septem- ber. Please note the change in service time (from 10 to 10.30 am). It is intended to keep this hour throughout the year in future. vwwvvu JUVVVUVV 1 IVIIDVDWVIUU, llwlbl “'0 Services at St. John’s Angli- can Church Sunday will be cel- Last Thursday 778 Squadron NCO courses. Those who passed ebration of Holy Communion at held its second annual parent received certificates: G e rry 8 am and The Litany at 10:30 and son night. The parents en- Topham. Wayne Neillson, Brian am. There will also be a fire- joyed a delicious meal served Dament. Ron Lipka and Walter side at 7:30 pm at St. Mark’s by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Schmidt. ChapeL Oak Ridges- . Royal Canadian Legion Branch Also during summer camp Pleas_e_note_ the Change In 375. many cadets received snort: Church News TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Frank Jedljcek is the new warrant officer second class. Wayne Good and Brian Snow- don were prdmoted to flight sergeant; Jim Francis, Gerry Topham zmd Wayne Neillson to sergeant; Brian Dament. Ron Lipka and Walter Schmidt to corporal. Jim Francis. 778's first cadet to attend a flying scholarship course. received his wings. He did all his work in London. During the summer camp in Trenton. several cadets were on mun“ummmmmunqummmunuuuumnmmuuuuuuuuuw Royal Canadian Legion Branch Also during summer camp 375. many cadets received sports After the meal came the awards. These. with the recipi- moment almoet all cadets had ent’s name engraved, were been awaitingâ€" the awards and presented to Tom Lamb. Chris promotions. Captain Victor Montgomery. Awlyne Barrot, Vierin congratulated the cadets Mark Dumas and Sandy Mur- and handed out the promotions. dock. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE The present zoning is for rural residential use and the requested zoning was C2 â€"- highway commercial uses which cater solely to the needs of the travelling and vacationing public, in- cluding service stations, public garages, motels and restaurants. Council based its decision not to approve the applica- tion to rezone on the fact that after January 1 the area will be in me _ Town of Richmond Hill. “It’s a decision for Rich- mond Hill to make,” stated Councillor David Fraser. This action has been recom- mended by the township’s planning board. The land, owned by Superior Sodding Company, is located on the west side of Yonge, north of Brook- side Drive and the Hall Service Station and oppo- site the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home. An application for rezon- ing to permit construction of a 30-unit mm“ M "* Street North was turned down at the October 19 meeting of Vaughan Town- ship Council. By LAC Walter Schmidt Cadets Receive Promotions, Awards Drawin nunr «cum osmmnt! Motel Decision For The Hill FLIGHT LINE 778 PULLOVERS WITH TOQUES A plastic fume may [Inn mmlnz bo- . Eager to show their apprecia- tion. the N005 of 778 Squadron presented a gift to the former Commanding Officer Major Robert McMeekin. Are you willing to lend your time Thursday evenings? Would you like to be one of the cadets who receive awards and pro- motions? You can! Join the Air COQUETTES PANTY HOSE Cadets. OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.59 Pr. Styled 1ar easy dress w‘rm domes inside! 5 and shoulder straps buttoned to hunt bub. aim or Prints. lnlanks' 9-24 Months. COTION CORDUROY CRAWLERS WHERE’S THE PANT-IN See Ad on Page 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct 1.00"- NORTH MALI. fiEW§ $21050 chum RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE RICHMOND HILL HASTA LA VISTA! ADIEU! AU REVOIR! ARIVEDERCI! AUF WIEDERSEHN! TOODLE-OO! In any language. goodbye for now! (In print only that is) from:_Beneficial Finance, York-Simcoe Sports. Atlas Photo Supplies. Bennett's Home Textiles. Bond Clothes. Discount Cleaners, Bunny Snow‘s TV Repairs. Bernina Sewing Machines and Seafood Corner. We‘ll be seeing you as usual in “The Mall". where your patronage is appreciated. Why not drop In soon and say “hello”? Dick Smyth (Advertisement) Not all the news is bad. Dick Smyth tells you some of the good news. Mornings at 7 and 8. _H the news 102 Centre St. 13.. Richmond Hill Best Costume, Spot & Door Prize: Featuring: THE Hl-HATS! The Band with a Beat â€" ONLY $1.50 PER PERSON â€" Sponsored by I.O.F. Court Simcoe 1314 Tickets: Seafood Corner. Richmond Heights Centre 01‘ . . . Stamped self-addressed envelope to Mrs. J. Clark, Recording Secretary, 13 Bailey Cres.. Aurora < Hallowe'en Dance Buffet Supper Sat, Oct. 31 - 8.30 pm. at the LIONS HALL I . . ,i .l OPEN DAILY ’TIL 6 RM. THURS. & FRI. ’TIL 9 RM. SHELL-OUT TREATS mesa: SPECIAL ram: {mum (Advertisement) I00 Olll “1mm: 29, 1970 88¢ In ZWBB‘

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