CONTENTS OF HOME fSewing machine and cabinet $125; Italian Provincial king- size bedroom suite $800; dining room table, 6 chairs $375; Dual stereo tape recorder $195; car record player $20. 889-9271. clwIB WHEEL chair, new $150.00. Asking $100.00. Flash recharge- able with attachments. seldom used. New $85.00. Asking $50.00. 38443796. "1“ 18 . MOVING SOUTH Expensive lady's coats. size 10- :12, fur trimmed, $30 each: purses $2 each; 4~draxver chest 4512; ï¬re screen grate and tongs .520; cedar planter $7: hammoek 39: Spanish kitchen set $125; 2 hrbai‘ite end tables. 810 pair: haby walker $5; rocking horse $5. 889~0236. c1\\'18 gal-9630. . “w†WALNUT dining room table 9 PIECE dining room suitelnnd chairs. Marconi hi~fi, bed solid walnut. 884-3589 after 6:30!chesterfield â€"- suitable for cotâ€" ‘pm. c1\\‘18itage. 884-9362. c1w18 mgedmom' ches. SNOW tires, pair 650x13, pre- terï¬eld’ dining suites, “ringer m_1um white walls. on rims. fits masher, electric stove 30†Elm-'60 Valiant. 8895944. clw18 11-0home TV, stereo AM/FM ONE large bench vice 10 inch radio combination. coffee and open-mg $20 or best offer 88+ gtep tables, exercise bicycle.l1443. élwla ortable hairdryer, household â€"â€"â€"-~________u guides, 2-3 piece sets lad:\"s?HUR§flD£FIERS. 2 Viking auto- Iuggage. lady‘s clothing, inclu-gmatlc’ 5-0 éa‘lh- 334-7466. ding pink formal and \vintergwrm‘AA‘M clwia coats, size 1214. 884.2334. :2 FORMAL dresses, size 137$ NEARLY new ladies and men's iclothes. We also carry the finest Iurs. Syd's Nearly New Clothes Shop, 3364 Yonge St. Toronto. 481-9690. ‘ clwls GIRLS Brownie outï¬t, size 12‘12 nuns mm wheels, 650 x 15, good condition. 884-7103. c1w18lgggy4g§§d 4 "10“th $10 630“- GENTLEL’IAN'éâ€"\\'intgl; overm â€"' fl ‘ r 7 n v.†fl?†coats size 38 and 42' navy ameRlB and mattress. jolly Jum- gl.ey_ Also 2 suns Size 36 and 38 D61" walker, $25. 884-2145 after navy and grey mixture, reason-‘3 pm- “Mg able. 294-1340. cluvls‘fymR ’on Stove andï¬riage'. EASY wringer \\'a»shér,dautoma-i‘fl‘fï¬iqmï¬gfl-fg‘gig? tic pump, 5 years old. excellenttl969 TRIUMPH chopper. ex- condition $20. 88443122. clw18ltended front end. chopper seat bRIB lahdimattl‘ess, eKElléï¬t and rail. 889-8125: _ @1113 'condition $20.884â€"3122. c1w18 REFRIGERATOR 10 cu. ft.; CAPTAIN'S chairs, heavi’ Q71); aE’thatic di‘yel‘. excellent con- pld $15. Will sell separately; 12‘ ï¬â€˜ï¬‚‘ï¬Ã©â€˜qul- c1\\'18 ï¬breglass boat, excellent for BEDROOM‘ dining room, Tar. : ting or fishing. $80; 40‘wood. 3 months old, reasonable. Mu covy duclm $2 â€"â€" $4, 727- 241-5971. c4\\‘18 4.186. c1w18 a“ “‘ †â€"â€" gxnw TIFF: IORGANS - home models, new ‘from $399 up; large selection. Authorized Hammond Lowrey. _Fal'fisa dealer. Beginners and advanced lessons. Rentals »'l‘01'onto Organ Centre, 52:34 TYonge $1.. Willowdale, 222â€" ?6517. 222-6701. c4w17 ‘ SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed Birch, Oak, Maple, Beech. Cut to 12 inch or 16 inch lengths. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Centre, 51.Keele St. North, Maple. - clu'18 HUNTER'S Spgéigljâ€"fgï¬zhlrad‘KA‘LART 8 mm. niovie'viewér 1968 16 HP Ski-Duo and'doubl‘e ,Econoline Van made into cam. Editor, stroller, high chair, in- trailer $525: 22 gal. water hea- .per, sleeps 4' insulated. maho_ fant seat and booster seat, jolly ter â€"- complete $15. 884-8317. :gany panelled, cupboards and jumper. 834-8987. CIWIB c1w18 gstorage, excellent condition, $400 DINING room suite, modern, 7 NEED 3 Hobby? We teacï¬ 0" be“ Offer- 834-3577- €1W17 piecgs. 884-2551. tfc18 crafts, embroidery, painting, ‘ORGANSâ€"Thome models, new DINING ROOM sï¬fï¬;_‘ etc. and espepially to shut-ins, ‘go anywhere. or teach at home, tl'ch‘ 7 Chris from $399 up; larde selection. 7 iece solid k 1 ' éuthorized Hammochd’ Lom‘e-V-Fbvpcraftsman. 8211‘ 5;:eï¬g4b311111tireasonable‘ 884-57557" 014W“; l'artisa dealer. Beginners and1334_4559. clw13‘GO-CART â€" needs some re- E‘dvanoed lessons. R-e ntglsy» “ FrfniiYD-nab 7 pair. $60. 889-8349. (-lwls WANTED â€" used around $250, cash. Any ber hauled away free. HOME SHOW Paintings â€"â€" Landscapes Portraits Private Lessons LITTLE REMBRANDT 884-6690, 574 YONGE ST. N. “015 WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903‘ tfc9 fireplaces. 225-2781 or 889- 2102. thI5 SEASONED hard wood for Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale‘ including new and r e b u i l t} standard portable and electric‘ models. Special rental rates} available to students. ‘ L. H. SIMS i 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill 884-1745 ' GARDEN SUPPLIES Loam - manure - top dressing, top soil, fill. screened loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-8089. tfc4 Mapie Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 ALUMINUM ‘i-JUdv. [lCJI 66 Doors. windows, awnings, andl TEAKWOOD railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. lLiving, dining and bedrooms. tfc361direcl from importers wareâ€" â€ï¬ï¬kâ€"fï¬mï¬ï¬râ€"lhouse. Open 1â€"9 pm. 454-1388 :KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. __;"."“‘,‘,‘:‘Vc‘." _ 7__‘ LFree estimates. Creative Decor. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL 1 office and showroom. 9212 Crushed stone. sand. cancrete: Yonge St., Richvale. 889-2432.‘gravel etc, delivered in small 773-4696. tl'c42 quantities. Call C. L. Knappett A‘L'UMâ€"‘INUM' ' 884-3089. x M > tfc37 i-lll\\|\\\\\\m\\lummmmmu\uulnumuunmnuumnmiumm“ulmmmlmmmlnulmmuumulmummuuuummnmumunuuunuu1muuuunmummlmmummuunml {lullllllluuulllllllllHllllll\llllllllllllll\\l\\|l|\|lllllllll\ll|Vll!H“llllllllum“lill‘IlmllWlI“ mmmulunumummnuunmuuuuuuummunmumunummununuuumummmmumuuumI\muuumu\ImmuIunlmmmunulmlInuuumIul\nu“mumuuummmuw 4nunmummmmlnmmmmmummmnumuluummmuummnuuuuum“\mumunmuuuIImmulquu!IummI“munuuuu\\\uu&\ \_. 7 7 l \ ll\“l\\l\l“\l\l\I\1lll\\l\\llllll\\l\l‘ “munuuumumummuImumuumul ' No Trick To Classified _ Treat Yourself To Result; â€" phone 884-1105-6 Anytime x.mmmmmmammmumlmunmumunIumumnmnulinmmulmmumluluIIllllmmmmllullllllmlullumilllmulmmmmlmuIMllllllllmlllllllllluulllllllllllllmlllllllllm’muIImmmuInumImmmnuIumxtmmnmI|nunnun‘lnnuImuInmnunmmnmvnnn nlllmllnumlnmmmmmmm m\m\\u\\\\\\\l\u\u\mun“ummunnumummmuum\\ulmunmuuuumn\\\\\\\\uuumn\umummumm“mmumuuuuuuummu«mumumuummuulumuluuunmunuquumumum\uumuumuumuuumuunmmmuummumummummumumtmumuunmmuImuumuuuuuummuuuummmuunmmumummmnmunuummmmuun \uuumum\uumuumuumu|tmull\\\\mun1mmummummuuuuuutmummu1uuuu1xm1uua\\mm1muumuummummuuulmummmuuumumuuuumunu\mu“1mmmunluuumumumuuunulm\\u\mu\\mm“munuummmmmumli CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lat insertion 10 words 81.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words {or .90e and .Se per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge 51.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- Iertio- - $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. â€"ii’PEÂ¥VR11‘Eï¬Sâ€"v ADDING MACHINES YORK ALUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 29, 1970 tfc3 d stove 0d bear- lers etc. to elec- mall ap- 9 Indus- tfc9 nod for or 889- tfc15 cape! \lDT ST. N. “015 Ski-D00, old lum-I 884-1928 'Miracle w a t e r conditioners. humidifiers, sales, service and rentals, also salt delivery ser- vice. Call Gerald Morlock 884â€" 4016 after 4.30 pm. tfcl? DO you have a project in re-. finishing. upholstering, or re- doing old articles? We have numerous small pieces of furniture available at reason- able prices. Uplands Furniture. 8236 Yonge St., Thornhill. 889- 5582. Open Wed, Thurs, and Fri. evenings til 9 pm. clw18 CONTINENTAL beds with mat- tresses, $15 and $30, 36†bunk beds complete $40.. 30" bunk complete $35., 2 chest of draw- ers $20 each: 30†child's bed and dresser set $45.. single bed and mattress $25. crib and mat- tress. can‘iage, etc. 884-4602. ‘1. r- 4g .ADMIRAL 17†color TV, sixi lmonths old. still under war- aranty. Owner leaving for Eng-r land, $435.00 â€"- 884â€"6521. E c1w18I 3'4" PINE plywood $9.95 sheet; floor tile 16¢ each. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge and Scott Dr. Richvale, 889-1109. c2w18 PEERLESS wringer washer, ex- cellent condition $45. after 6 pm. 225-6883. c1w18 WEDDING gown. size 5. Cost new $160. asking $80 or best offer. Phone after 5 pm. 889- c1\\‘18 condition $10: evening gown with matching coat. size 18. pink: 2 girl's coats. blue plaid and blue. Size 12. 884-4340. 1E YONGE srf‘ix‘rj," RICHMOND HILL 884-6782 884-6970 n_ W7 c1w18 DRIVER SAL'E‘siiiXN For established drycleaning route. Must be neat and able to meet public. Must be bondable. Apply Wimbridge Cleaners, 9724 Yonge St. chle SERVICE station attendant, 2 years experience, must be neat in appearance, able to drive a tow truck. Class "A" mechanic, experience on front end alignment machine and scope is essential. Bob Donald Esso. 9700 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. 884~8011; V_‘ I a tfclB CAREER opportunity withâ€"lead: in Canadian dailv newsoaper. c1w18 emf“? WRIINU tfcl7 tfc28 BOSC pears, apples. pepper squash and green tomatoes. mm, 884-6367. tfc14 ,3} WRINGER ’washer, 3 yrs. old, perfect running condition, $30. 18 884-4675. clwl8 also steel posts 6’ and 1443. 1443. C1Wl8 SKIDEO n‘aile}, custom made. 773-5405. ' c1\\'18 SNOW fence 50' and 100 SNACK bari'chEee maker, 3 piece: boy’s used clothes. size 1-4. 889-6417. clu‘18 SHOT gun. pump, 16 gauge, 6 shot Savage Stevens, $50. 884- 1977. cl\\‘18 GOALIE’Skates, ecu Bauer, size 5, excellent condition. 884- 6910. ’EIWIB â€"_-â€"~_‘_h‘â€"â€"§â€"~â€" LADY’S wmter coat. like new, green, size 16-17. $55. 884-8350. clwlS 1443 ' ' ' ' 'awn,tHAIRDRESSERKdetEE, good \_ . . . . _. ‘ ]_ HUMIDIFIERS' 2 Viking autwpmrkmg condltlons “1th exce ~ ’ . 2 2 . 1 mane, $20 each 884-7466. 1lent “ages 884- 3 1 tfc 8 - elwlg COOK, please apply Scotts F*â€"‘“ï¬.â€" |Chicken Villa. 191 Yonge St. N._ 2 FORMAL dresses’ Size 13‘ onelRichmond Hill, in person only. summer and other winter. Must} c1w18 be seen. ve: reasonable. 884- - . 2561_ y c1w1‘B‘BUILDI‘NG renovations requlr- SNOW TIRES Most popular sizes. $17.50 each. Sobie's Supertest, Don Mills Rd.. 1101111 of Hwy. 7. 297-1701. *2w18 F.L.Q. EXPOSE For background and activities. Write: Box 233. Willowdale. Ont. $1.00. *1\\'18 SYMPHONIC record player. ask. ing $45. also a green formal size 10-11 and shoes to match size 7-B asking $30. Phone 884- 6802 ask for May after 6.30 pm. *1w18 2 TIRES with wheélsiï¬) x 15, only used 4 months, $10 each. 889-4690. c1w18 Cï¬'Bln'd"méttxléfibiliv‘jdmL per. walker, $25. 884-2145 after 3 pm. c1w18 DINING ROOM SUITE 7 piece solid oak. .hand built by craftsman. Call after 4 pm. 884-4559. (‘1\\‘18 FIREWOOD, also kindling. 832-1390. (‘4w15 FIREWOOD DRY white birch and maple C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. DUTCH BULBS Full Variety, cl'ocuses. hyacinths. tulips and daffodils. Plant spring now. y Holland Park Garden Cent-re ; 51 Kecle St. N.. Maple I 832-2455 Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line, (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclO EINAR CLAUSEN LTD‘ WATER SOFTENERS FOR SALE (Continued) LLHAO IBANK requires ledger keaper, Teak-[experience not nec‘essary. Apply 'nable. Bank of Nova Scotia, Thornhill. c4w18 889â€"4961. c1w18 rolls 11 mal- pink: 2 girl’s coats. blue plald 4302. and blue. Size 12. 884-4340. clwls c1w18 viewer 1968 16 HP Ski-D00 and double in in- trailer $525: 22 gal, water hea- E, jolly ter â€"- complete $15. 884-8317. c1w18 c1w18 lern, 7 NEED a Hobby? We teach tfc18‘crafts, embroidery, painting, ï¬f“ etc. and especially to shut-ins, - . go anywhere, or teach at home, 4133:}: reasonable. 884-5787. clwls‘GO-CART â€" nieedsvsoine re; ’ ‘* ‘pair. $60. 889-8349. clw18 :Vmes_ ‘lVRINCERii'aEIIEI'.i verf’goo‘d wdak‘icondition $50: also firewoodupm. *1“.-13:$12 truckload. 884-4866, evgs.‘ CAREER opportunity with lead- ing Canadian daily newspaper. Opportunity for advancement. The man we desire must be of good character, have a good credit rating and late model car. Previous circulation experience is not necessary as .we train the man selected. , fl Experience in meeting the pub- he as a clerk in direct selling or as a route salesman is a de- finite asset. lFol‘ appointment telephone Mr. \Law at 884-7174 between 13 clwlB NIGHT-WAT‘CHMAN 884» tfcls tfc15 :e_ 3'4" PINE plywood $9.95 sheet; Ve floor tile 16¢ each. Loughlin of Lumber, Yonge and Scott Dr. ,h_ Richvale. 889-1109. c2w18 CLEANING help for Richmond Hill Arena. 884-1368. c1w18 LICENSED mechanic, flat rate. 884-6521. c1w18 DRIVER required for light de- livery van, must be neat and know city. Apply 65 Duncan Rd.. Thomhill. c1w18 WAITRESS â€" full dim Dart- WAITRESS - full and part time. Pop's Tavern. 884-2752. SERVICE station attendaï¬t re-INew owner Betty Forsyth. Dog quireq for full time. must belgroomingâ€" poodlesa specialty. expenenced. references needed.|Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 APP†“W‘s Em 88+343-18'poonms, mama c jet black and dark chocolate, ELEA‘NINGï¬elpqur Richmond‘qualjty breeding, reg'd., shots. HOUSEKEEPERifull time, 8-5 phone 884-5673 after 6 pm. BUILDING renovationsvrequir- ed. Contact owner. 8844712. {grmsmpersonnel wâ€"râ€"amed to<Cau 884-6944 for appointment. ‘ c1w18 ‘sell for well established comp-. any in Richmond Hill area. Ex- cellent opportunities, must have - car. Write Box 77, “Th Lib- I eral". 31mg ‘ EXPERIENCED maintenance TOURS, cruises, rail and lugs man. required for country dub, tickets, reservations and mdwx- good working conditions, year dual travel. call A. H. Creighton round employment. Mrs. Los- Travel Agency. 889-5643. ell, 889-4833. c1w18 . “€43 HAIRDRESSER walked, goodiIG' FIBREGLASS boal_ m‘th working conditions with excel- 43 HP 500“ mom“. 5673' Can‘t lent Wages. 884-2321. tfc18 after} va 339-3934- 9““? EIOOK, please appjrscons' 16’ S TA R C R A F T aluminum Chicken Villa. 191 Yonue St. N..‘b°at» 5? Evinwde "10"?“- Teeâ€"1 Richmond Hill, in pelgon only. Nee trailer, loads of extias. 889m mm“; 2815. c1wl8 DAY care needed 3 days week,| M.R.T.P.S. _ in my home, Baythom Village,!Good hourly rates, 4% vacation Thornhill. 889-1023. c1w18pay. "The Liberal". *3w18 COUNTRY club desires baby- sitter, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursday. Mrs. Losell, 889- 4833‘ c1w18 NATURAL finish aluminum <torm door and screen with fit- tings, 34†wide. $15.00. Phone 884-3611. nc2w18 SIX cemetery plots, sidé by side with path, Thomhill Cemetery. Write Box 82 "The Liberal". 1968 16 HP Ski-D00 and double trailer $525: 22 gal. water hea- ter â€"- complete $15. 884-8317. c1w18 WOOD for fireplaces. 773-5488. c1w18 Small grocery - confectionery business for sale. Store and liv- ing quarters at reasonable rent, ideal for couple, 884-6908. GIRL'S coat sizes 10. 12. 11 teen, winter, like new. girl‘s skates size 2 and 4, boy's 12‘ 884â€"5634. c1w18 14 chairs, excellent condition. 884â€"5756. c1w18 APPL S, McIntosh, Spy, Deli- cious, ourtland, Tolman Sweet, Manning Orchards, RR 2 Duf- ferin Street. Maple. 1 mile south of Maple Sideroad 3 miles north of No. 7 Highway. tfc18 TEEN size 12 Borg lined Sue- dine coat. like new, $25 or best offer. 884-5192 after 5:30 pm. c1w18 LLOYD pram, converts to ca} bed. 889-5509. c1w18 [LLOYD baby can-iagefin ’g'ooa condition 315; crib and mattress excellent condition $25; 884- 5632 after 5 pm. c1w18 FRESH cabbagejood for sau- erkraut. 884-4854. c1w18 FRIDGE _ oner model. good working order: walnut table and PUMPKINS Pick out your own at Purple Acres Farm, 2 miles north of Maple Road. 7th Concession of Vaughan. 832â€"1410. c2‘w17 GOOD Cheer oil furnace, with controls and plenums in excel- lent working condition, $95. 832-2527 after 6 pm. c1w18 HELP WANTED 7 PIECE dining room gum; 23" TV, etc; in excellent condi- tion. 226-2915. tfcl’l ADULT Hallowe‘en costumés for rent, $4 and up. 773-4437. RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE ! HELP WANTED nc3w18 c2vw1 8 *lwlB tfc49 c1\\'18 ‘Permaneinit c2w18 clwl7 hf}; SERVICE station attendant, 2 †years experience, must be neat lw18 . V . , W in appearance, able to drive a COSt tow truck. be“ Class "A" mechanic, experience 389' on front end alignment machine and scope is essential. Bob 727-6669. ' tfc16 SHEPHERD puppies, attractive, bred for temperament, shots. Aurora, 7213326. c2w18 WIRE haired fox terriers champion sired. reg‘d., shots $80. 884â€"2163, 884-6580. BEAGLE pupsfs iweeks, 889- 2345. c1w18 16 FT. moulded mahogany, 75 hp Johnson, electric, all con- trols, Gator trailer. 884-8817. , c1w18 Permanent position for night watchman, applicant‘must have Stationary Engineers papers, gas fired central heating plant. Room available for single man, references required. Apply in writing or telephone 9~5 pm Mon-Fri. Burser's Office, St. Andrew's College Aurora. Ontario, For established drycleaning route. Must be neat and able to meet public. Must be bondable. Apply Wimbridge Cleaners, 9724 Yonge St. c1w18 DICTA-TYPIST * For small busy office with lots of variety. General office experience help- ful. PETS FOR SALE 1 (Continued) ï¬ï¬ 1EXPERIENCED cook (or Pop‘smacij ‘Tavern. 884-2752. 7 7 {£034 east “Ex JANITOR DOUBLES an INCOME ‘FUF Impossible? No! He consideredjand real estate selling and using our‘phm tremendous training program‘ and background increased his F65 income by 100%. If you are indt over 21 and looking for a Fem change. act now. call Mr. White lave or Mr. Cuff at 889-6241 or 895- ,cian 3321. Norm Black ’Reauy’Lté' CONTACT III-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 416-727-4274 clwla tfcl5 F.L.Q. EXPOSE For background and activities Write: Box 233, Willowdale Ont. $1.00. ‘1le FURNITURE‘ belonging to Mr. Fiddes. formerly 7818 Simmone La-Salles, Quebec and many other addresses. If payment is not received within a period of 3 weeks goods will be sold for large account owing. Frank Lamb Ltd., Thomhill, c3w16 PLATTER SPIN DISC JOCKEY SERVICE All occasions. 884-2792; 630- 2250. 11’ch FRAME oil heated workshop with industrial power, approx. 30' x 100’, 1/52 acre storage area in Maple. 884-7020 or 832-8926. c1w18 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or can EMS-8684. tfc17 FURNISHED room, c e n t 1‘ 31 Richmond Hill close to Yonge St. and transportation. 884-8312. c1w18 BED-SITTING room. Abstainer only, very reasonable. 884-5787. clw18 5 ROOM house on 2 acres, lake frontage, inside conveniences, on South Road, Lake Wilcox, $165. Last 2 months rent in ad- vance. 633-8880. c1w1’7 â€"â€"â€"â€"v â€"â€"~~M 7:- ’~- ‘ E. W. PAYNE FURNISHED mom 773-5483189Dra1’n5. septic tanks. All types ._ c “ -iof concrete work LARGE 4 room apartment with'339.5762 FREE ESTIMATES bath in new 2 family home. tfc31 $150 monthly. 773-5978. c1w18 Dntnu 1" MC “um-“,Am'na FITRIHSHED’ room. TV, rpark- ing, no cooking, must he relia- ble, $15 weekly. 884-4602. ONE bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. 884-7243. FURNISHED room and house- keeping must have transporta- tion. $15. weekly. 884-2561. LARGE furnished room in new home. Yonge - Richvale area. 889-7118. tfcl’l fBEDROOM, 2 storey house. 1 acre lot. 266-7491. c2w17 SMALL apartment on farm. reaâ€" sonable. Write Box 80 “The Liberal". tfc18 ROOM to rent. 884-1638. Yonge St. N., Aurora, large 1 and 2 bedroom apartments in renovated house. furnished or unfurnished. Large lot. children welcome. Available immediately. 884-7254. c1w18 APARTMENT AVAILABLE 2 bedroom suite $165. Rent in- cludes hydro. fridge. stove. heat. soft water. etc. Adults only. Call George G. Wilcock, Real Estate Broker. 884-8811. c1w18 FLAT for reï¬t, Maple area. couple in mid-twenties prefer- red. 889-4021. c1w18 UNFURNISHED bed-sitting room and kitchen with stove and fridge. Call after 6 pm. 889-5597. c1w18 GIRL wishes same to share furnished apartment, reason- able. 884-6895. clwl7 FURNISHED and unfurnished room in Maple. 832-2631. c1w18 FURNISHED room with kitchen facilities for rent. 884-2420. 7 ROOM house, rec. room 488- 4386. c1w18 Richmond Hill 3,000 sq. ft. of excellent stor~ age space. 8846669 and 364~ 1964. tfc13 ï¬ï¬Dï¬Sdesuit‘géï¬i‘l'eRan. 3871‘. 1629. tfc13 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. . tfc51 FURNISHED room. c o o kin g1 and parking facilities. Please[ phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc151 FOR lease._3;000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road; Features dock level loading,l 16'6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. WHY NOT JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE? Ladies’ Afternoon Leagues wim supervised nursery Mixed Evening Leagues ONE MONTH’S FREE RENT After ALLENCOURT LAKES 447 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill PERSONAL 7110 12:21:19: _ffllSCELLANEQHS{MISCELLANEOUS{ USED CARS { EMPLOYMENT QUE‘h nï¬.‘ .. A A1 : .‘ nl Dnnt'vv’ngni Va 7 ‘m‘ ' ~ ' "‘iwviifl vâ€"_â€" #__._iA â€"i,, 884-5511 c10w12 clwls c1w18 c1w18 c 1 W1 8 'c1w18 1w18 00':- mm lmates tfc50 ‘Harold Elliott Construction Ltd. 884-9312 Serving York County and Area Renovations, additions, custom homes. cottages, septic tanks and drainage system. 24 hr. {phone service for emergencies. ‘ tfc5 woï¬TKRIZYSCHOOL 0F ‘relia UPHOLSTERY .â€" Chesterfields and chairs re; ‘ covered like new. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLYâ€"ALL no ADDITIONAL CHARGE ‘ gm 1 FOR LABOR log N All work guaranteed 103m Pick up and delivery post FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 estjnâ€" tfc12 6338. BILL’S AUTO REPAIR Specializing in all makes and models. Also specializing in snowmobile repairs. 889-8827 9 am - 6 pm; c4w16 BOB'S DELIVERY SERVICE 889-5221 Local parcels and light cartage. tfc7 LEONARD! BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- walk. Trenching and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. Painting, paperhanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 887-5610. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884â€"2882. RALPH ELMS DECORATING R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs 3 Speciality Plastering RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior â€" Exterior. Free esti~ mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 BRICK & STONEWORK Fireplaces â€"- chimneys â€" cusâ€" tom bullt â€"â€" patios. walls, flower-boxes, garages. etc. Guarâ€" anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. rfc2 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova» Lions. additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4016 ' FLOOR COVERING , All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfc11 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential. commercial paintâ€" ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884â€"5697, tfc49' GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. th3 Several type faces to choose from â€"-- including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"- fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884~1105. Trenching, sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfc2 mates. 889â€"6338. tfc FINLAY ELECTRIC Contractor. free estimates. C anytime. 884-3931. tfc BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- ‘VALKER. CONSTRUCTION tfc43 ‘sEï¬TIC TA‘NRS‘ Pï¬MPED terior, carpentry work. altera- RICHMOND HILL ROOFING tions. rec rooms. no job too Shingles - Flat ROOfs large or too small. 884-5009. _ Eavesu'oughing . “C41 Experxenced workmansmp. Free .--'â€" . *â€"â€"r :â€" estimates. All work guaranteed. RAILROAD nes £01 sale. lel 88443719. c4w15 hnHfl rnhï¬nind umlla “qu‘n\« ' DUUAALLI’IIVU and account- ing services for small business. 889-5683. c4w15 PLUMBING & HEATINGâ€" Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or Night 884-2433 SHAMPOOING FALL SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc52 PAINTING exterior and in- terior, carpentry work. altera- tions. rec rooms. no job too large or too small. 884-5009. tfc41 Will RAILROAD tie;_fnr uln tfc23‘ R. WHITTAKER , Fencing Contractor ‘All types of farm fences. For in- formation call 888-1753. RR 1 Gormley. tfc17 VINCE‘S CARPENTRY SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms,. bars kitchen cabinets. arboritel 1and home repairs. 889-2889. tfcll CARPEï¬â€˜hY‘Ti'orkfrecreation rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 RICHMOND HILL ROOFING Shingles - Flat Roofs Eavestroughing Experienced workmanship. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 1966 MUSTANG, automatic, radio, low mileage. tip-top con- dition. Best offer, must sell. 884-4816 after 1 pm. tfc16 1970 CUSTOM Riviera 2 door hardtop sitting in our new car showroom. 7.000 miles, remain- der of new car warranty. Inclu- ding power steering, power brakes, power windows, 6-way power seat. tilt steering wheel, chrome mouldings, custom in- terior with notch back front seat, white walls and wheel discs, electric rear window de- froster. Cameo beige exterior. matching interior, with dark brown vinyl top. Licence No. 54245J. Save $2,100. Call Bev. Barry at Kinnear Pontiac Buick Ltd., 839-9651 or 8844481. BOOKKEEPINGV and account:’ R. WHITTAKER ing services for small business. Fencing Contractor 889-5683. c4w15"All types of farm fences. For in- pfmjgma‘ggmï¬m formation call 888-1753. RR 1 Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" GOI'mle-V' , _ ‘L 884-1650. fro-24 Vlnl‘w'c nanbEurinv PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR Free Estimates 488-7521 889-: New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 “mu. “0% f vmca's CARPENTRY _" CLEA&i&G*w1§ï¬bï¬/’S_‘ SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms, bars kitchen cabinets. arborite WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or Night ‘and home repairs. 889-2889. 884-2433 tfc23 _r~___»___kw_r*wv_tfl hSIâ€"{KMâ€"Pï¬ï¬câ€" CARPENTRY work, recreation FALL SPECML rooms. additions, renovations, ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS RUBBER STAMPS Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 PAINTING 884-0433 889-5228 889-3185 Thornhill tfc44 tfcs‘l “C43 tfc46 tchO tfc41 tch 'é’s'tL SEPTIC TANKS “C42 Get your septic tank cleaned and inspected before freeze~up. Special prices on subdivision C311 houses I2 01' more). Call for “C37 free estimates. Hansen Bros. Contracting. 832â€"1275. tfc17 IiECbRAi‘iN'G z(IROiOMiand board available for _ gentleman. 773-5770. tfc15 STUDENT or business girl in exchange baby sitting, etc. ‘Thomhill. 889-8666. c2w17 ALL types of landscaping, rock- eries. patios, and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam, peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. Harmick, 889- STORAGE area required, ap- prox. 400-600 ground floor, location dry and secure. (barn. double garage, etc ideal). Phone Mrs. Koster. T. R. Ser- vices Ltd. 925-9333 or 889-3033 clw18 ARE you going south for the'joy the benefits of central ware- winter, I bedroom furnished‘housing. advertising support, apartment wanted to sublet and full line merchandising. December lst to April 151. by Write Scorpion c/o H. L. Tur- reh‘able lady. 733-5935, . tut-miner Limited, Blenheim Ontario. ,7 c2w18 TEACHING couple require flat, self contained or 2 bedroom apartment, Richmond Hill area. for Dec. 1. 884-5049. c4w18 GENTLEMAN to share room in'picked up promptly. For direct farm home, good meals packed line call Long Distance and ask lunches. 884-8855. c1w18 for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. # Peconi 8.: son, Woodville, IOnt. Licence No. 324C - 66. Fï¬fLiboard, packed lunchesï¬fyfl- young man, $25 week. 889-1965 ME 8704. c1w17,po\\'er. x GENTLEMAN. large bedsittmg'884-2632 room, packed lunches, laundry}â€" $23 weekly. 884-7687. clwlB; ‘ ROOM and board available for 1 or 2 girls. 884â€"1320. c1w16 RESPECTABLE older working man. TV. parking, $25. second house from Yonge. 889-4328. c1\v17 LOTS of experience, care in my home, pre-schoolers, Thomhill area. 889-5967. c1wlB RodMâ€"ï¬hd board available for DAY CARE in my home. 5 days per week, north of Richmond Hill. 884-3045. c1w18 2 children 2 years and up from Sunday nite to Friday nite. 884â€" 7761. c1w18 and Markham Rd. area. 884- 6660. cZwlT WANTED for 2 yr. o'l‘d â€" 3 days week, Bluegrass-Alsace Road area. 884-7997. c1w18 8847-8580 or 640-2513. c5512; DO you value your home or ,your property? ‘Do you want the best in paint- ;ing wall papering and decorat- ing of any kind? Residential or commercial All work guaranteed We have a decorating consultant on our staff. that would be more than pleased to assist you in yours needs. Call 884-6516. tfc18 REID LAWNMOWER PRIVATE 1964 Falcon Sport Coupe, only $625. Finished in ermine white with red bucket seats, matchmg interior. Radio, white wall tires, wire wheel covers, four speed floor shift. safety certificate. Call 884-8680. clw18 1969 GRAND Prix's, your pick of three, all of these cars are power equipped, one with air- conditioning, all have low mile- age. Take your pick at $3595. Ask for Wayne Peachman, 884- 4481. c1w18 DAY care available. Bayview EXPERIENCED nursery fas- sistant will give day care for 2 children under 2. 884-8282. RELIABLE day care given in my home, west side of Y'onge St. 884-4816. lEclO DAY care available in 7my home. 884-8642. “617 ROOM & BOARD 1 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 88437716. HOUSE PAINTING Interior and exterior painting. guy! work and paperhanging Painting, paperhanging. vinyls. 24 years. Free estimates. A. Rollinson. 833-6671. tfc18 STIRLING MAINTENANCE CLEANING WINDOWS W'ALLS HARDWOOD FLOORS 884-1311 GARDENING EXPERIENCED MAN WITH CHAIN SAW TREE CUTTING AND PRUNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 936-4897 DAY CARE PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 WANTED TO RENT LIL-42 11305 Ll‘lLV (lump II‘UCK goon fl ls'shape‘ must sell for lack of c _ space, $500. full price. 889-4641. :NCE c1w18 S 1962 CHRYSLER mechanically ‘ lfit, A-1 condition. 884-6898. is I clwlB (fc18i1966 VW stationwagon 1â€"565. gas heater. snow tires, good condition, $1000. or best offer. 223â€"7112. clw18 'LADY’S 1965 Custom Ford, 4 v“? , fdoor, auto, snows, good, blue: clwlS '832-2533. gloss CHEV 12 ton, 6 cylinder, 02w18jiong box. wide side. $1.595. Ex- ILEARN to ride and have fun doing it. Individual lessons or in groups â€"â€" 3.00 per hour. Trail riding Saturdays and Sun- days ~ $2.00 per hour. Hay- rides evenings and week-ends. Enquire about equestrian pro- gram for school classes during ‘the week. For information or ‘brochure call Rexlee Pines Rid- ‘ing Stable 939-2525 or 857-1636. l cBwlB LOST ‘o‘crosER 23. Tabby camel; c2w1’7 tfc18 lake. in Parry Sound area. Mini- mum 100' frontage. priced from 33.000. and up. 773-4352. Earn extra dollars with Scor- pion! Become associated with one of the industry’s Largest or- ganizations. Scorpion wants you, if you are an aggressive re- tailer or individual interested in earning extra dollars with one of today’s most talked about and admired snowmobiles. En- joy the benefits of central ware- LAKEFRON‘T LOTS Waterfront lots on secluded GOioDiused English saddle and used sump pump. Must be rea- sonable. 884-2579. c1w18 Summer PrOperties DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct ‘1"9EE’AM‘BASSAD’0R DPL Wa- 5t. 884-8011. gon. power brakes and steering, _._________ automatic. radio. tinted \n'n'dâ€" shield. wood panels, snow tires. ‘less than 24000 miles, still ï¬ï¬Eâ€"RIENCI under warranty. $2.595. 884- alterations of 2344._‘_ “1Wâ€. ing children's 1960 ONTIAC, running good. able. 884-4171 $150 or best offer. 889-9724 -â€"--~~ evgs. r » c1\\'18 gggggivu‘lfll 1962 VOLKSWAGEN. new paint ’â€"‘â€"'~.-â€" job.excellent running condition, No L0N( certified. $475 full price. 884- 8841. c1w18 Someone e1 to buy any o _m____; , __. 7 _ - appliances wh 1966 METEOR convertible, full need. power. new transmission, $800. Reach the; 884-2632. €2W17 with a low Cl NEED BASIC TRANSPORTATION? ‘ Clean 1965 Rambler Classic 2 dr. sedan. 6 cyl. auto. radio. License L72430, full price $895. Certiâ€" (ied‘ Ask for Arnie. Kinnear Pontiac Buick Ltd. 884-4481. c1\\'18 ing, fadio, tinted, windshield, snow tires an extra wheels, $1,500. 884-2334. c1w18 1796677FALCON 2 door. 6 cylin- der standard, new snow tires. 884â€"1414 after 6. c1w18 ,_,.4_____‘_ ____._ ._r 1967 BUICK, 2 door hardtop, 1 owner, automatic, power steer- 1968 CHEV ’2 ton, 6 cylinder, A . __ _ v-“ ._ ., . _ long box‘ wide side. $1.595. lax-OCTOBER 23. Tabby cat, 1 year cellent condition. Has radio and,01d male. black and grey stripe. rear bumper. Licence no. B9323.â€â€˜ed collar. Thornridge Dr. 889- Call Ferris at Kinnear Pontiac, 3269. clw18 884-4481_ c1w18 m 1964 VOLVO, radio, new brakes, clutch and exhaust system, new snow tires. winterized and cer- tified. $795 full price. 884-8841. clw18 1967 PONTIAC} door sedanu‘ANY off}; ut 1‘1 _2- power steering. radio. 884-8384. ’ m S 5e ' 884013215 (51“18 “Iâ€" HOCKEY player leaving town. _ __/“fll_5 '69 convertible Firebird, red. FRIENDLY half grown kitten. automatic power brakes andiCentre west, Friday 23rd. 884â€" steering. bucket seats, ne\\~‘2438. - c1w18 whitewall tires, radio‘ stereo tape. financing arranged. $2.650. 884-3525. c1w18|RlDlNG STARIFS 1958 CHEV dump truck good shape, must _sell for lack of space, $500. full price. 889-4641. chle 1967 Volkswagen deluxe. low ‘â€" mileage, exceptional condition. Licence No. L63227. “3.13m 5 1966 MGB, hard top and soft,562‘_ 9 top. tape deck, fully recondi- tioned. Licence No. L63645. WOMAN to 1969 MGB convertible, _\vire home or my wheels, low mileage, like new. Licence No. 40111. 7%“ NEILL DATSUN LTD. 13115113: Yonge St.. 1 mile north of cal. fare 88: Richmond Hill ‘_____j“ 889-0972 SNOWMOBILE DEALERS WANTED 773-4661 c1w18 tfcl'? tfc44 elm-18 IDRESSMAKING and alterations 889~8054. tfcl8 Nï¬ONGER NEEDED Reach them fast and easy with a low cost Liberal Want. EXPERIENCED ,dressmaking â€"« alterations of all kinds, includ- ing children's clothes. Reason- Someone else will to buy any of those appliances which you need. Ad establishing 7 Richmond 8843925. TEKCHER, piano and theory, U-HAUL. local and one-way. Bob Donald's Essa. 9700 Yonge St. 884â€"8011. tfc48 2 CHESTNUT geldings. both 7 yrs. of age, will accept best and 1969 OLYMPIC ski-doc, 18 hp. Asking $475. 884-3035. EXPERIENCED 'cleaning ladyâ€"- 5 to 6 hours $2. per hour plus ‘car fare. 884-3101. c1w18 iEXPERIENCED bookkeeper de- sires employment. Richmond Hill al‘ea. good references, 884- 4826. chle Don't despair. Just give us a call, we’ll fix it up quick as a wink and guarantee it too! We’re open 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week. Come in soon and see our large selection of new and used sets at realistic prices. EXPERIENEED Dutch cleaning lady would like housework, available 5 days a week. 773- nlu'1R Bunny Snow's TV NUMBER of purebred dogs have been found in the last week by Canine Control in the Thornhill and Richmond Hill area. Would people missing a purebred dog of any kind please call 889-1081 or 887-5562. RIDING STABLES stationwagon, will do- odd job; 884-7522. c2w18 EXEERIENCED handyman \{ith ouuo. c1w17 FIRST year - Seneca College student taking general business requires work of any kind. Will consider anything. Reliable. re- sponsible hard worker. Avail- able daily from 1.30 pm on. Phone Ron Clarke. 889-31% Phone Ron Clarke, 889:3185.m‘ 3wnc1'T FINNISH woman desires house- work. $14 daily. Friday. Satur- day. 8.30 - 2.30. 491-4103. In The North Mall Richmond Heights Centre FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps. etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 GENERAL clerical, has own transportation, full time, 884- Anna 8906 DRESSMAKING SNOWMOBILES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TV ACTING UP? TRAILERS 884-652] TUITION Van All. MAKES 0F mausqu yUAlIIY smmcE WANTED FOUND Phone 884-1105 days a week. 773- c1w18 ~xr do ironing in your home. 884-7772. be happy still good no longer c4w18 cl\\'18 c1\\'18 Hill- tfc50 clw18 c2‘w18