a-umuumn\lmlmmnummuuuu1unuIumuullm\\\\mmlm1\u\u\\\\uu\\mumuuummmnm McFEE â€"- J. B. would like to' ' announce the birth of his little sister, Nancy Joan, _ [M11 and Mrs. Hugh M. O‘Brien weighing 8 lbs. 7 025.. on _ . Wednesday, October 21. of King Clty are happy to an- 1970. Happy parents are nounce the forthcoming marri- John and Barbara. Many age of their daughter Margaret thanks to Dr. D. McGregor Gertrude to Mr. Ronald Gilbert and staff of York Central Ingham son of Mrs. Beryl Hospital. c1w18 Brownlee and the late Gilbert Ingham of Kleinburg. The mar- riage to take place Kleinburg United Church on Saturday November 14, 1970 at 4 o’clock. \ \muma i'l\|m\ll\\\“l“\\ll““lHl\l\ll\ll\“l\\lllll\\\lllll\\l\\\\\lllll\\\\\lll“lllflll“lllll\l\\l\\\\“\l\\1\lll\\ll\\“ll\l1\\l‘l“lllll“lllll\\l“ll“lllll\\\ll\“lllll\l\mlllluululï¬llull1m““mullm\“llmmlll1\l\l\\\11\l\\“ll\ A __ A._ ._--.‘vvra Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Beacock of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Linda. to Mr. Robert Moon, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Moon of Toronto. The marriage will take place De- cember 4, 1970, at Richmond Hill United Church. *lw18 GOLDEN WEDDING The family of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eade of RR 1, Gormley. extend an invitation to their friends and relatives to an Open House at their home on Saturday, November 7, 1970, 2â€"5pmand8-10pm. CARD 0F THANKS In the midst of our sorrow, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown to us in the loss of a loving wife and mother. We wish also to thank Rev. Jenkinson for his consoling message, all the donors of the beautiful floral tributes, dona- tions to the Hospital Fund and Cancer Fund, the Pallbearers, the nurses on the fourth floor of York Central Hospital and Grant A. Marshall Funeral Home. John Empringham and Family. *1w18 Anniupraarp Due to Increased Business 0 Company Benefits 0 5 Day Week 0 Steady Work Apply TWIN HILLS MERCURY Mr. Wilkinson Mechanic \ the Mover Lid. Wanted Immediately EXPERIENCED 12" BIRCH AVE, THORNHILL Modem Storage Warehouse ifï¬irtha LEVENDALE PASTRY SHOP I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGENT et us help you solve All your Moving problems 884-4441 efore you move! * * * OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK * * *' * I b munu‘nn“““““““‘6 *1w18 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. O‘Brien of King City are happy to anâ€" nounce the forthcoming marri- age of their daughter Margaret Gertrude to Mr. Ronald Gilbert Ingham son of Mrs. Beryl HAGERMAN. Mildred â€" At St. ‘ Catharines General Hospital, Monday, October 26, 1970. Mildred Hagerman, wife of Percival A. Hagerman of 137 Church St., St. Catharines, in her 80th year. Rested at the Vineland Chapel of the Tallman Funeral Home, Hwy. 8, until after visiting hours Tuesday evening, then restâ€" ing at the Hagerman family residence, Victoria Square, where service will be held Thursday at 2 pm. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. SMITH. Harry (Smith and Mar- tin Ltd. of Weston) -â€" Sud- denly, at his home, Puccini Dr.. RR No. 3, King, on Mon- day. October 26, 1970, Harry Smith, beloved husband of Muriel Maye Dory, dear fa- ther of Lionel, Gary, Dianne (Mrs. Ron Clancy) and Wenâ€" dy, brother of Wilfred, Dor- is, Jean, Charles and Edna, and also survived by 9 grand- children. Resting at the Marâ€" shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Thursday 2.30 pm. Interment Newmarket Ceme- tery. c1w18 iflnflhrnming marrLagw WINDAS, George Earnest Jul- ian (Tom) â€" At York Central Hospital on Wednesday ev- ening, October 21, 1970. Tom‘ Windas, beloved son of the late George and Sarah Win- das of Maple. Dear brother of Gertrude (Mrs. Albert Ireland) and the late William. Jennie, Minnie, Wilfred and John. Rested at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Interment Maple Cemetery. clw18 JONES: In loving memory of our dear father Albert E. Jones who passed away 0c- tober 30, 1965. ‘Ten-derly we treasure the past, 1With memories that will always In Mrmnriam last. â€"â€"Lovingly remembered by family. CAKE SPECIAL HOME MADE BREAD, BUNS, ROLLS COFFEE CAKES, DOUGHNUTS, SWEET GOODS FRESH PASTRIES AND DANISH PASTRIES MEAT PIES, BEEF ROLLS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOME MADE COOKIES ImmumumunImullummnunumm“\ummuIlumumunmuuummuuumumumlu\mumummuu‘ 889-4911-2-3 Gentle as 3 Lamb c1w18 I books c1w18 .10 120 l Hill. irday. etery. c1w18 NOVEMBER 7, SATURDAY â€" Auction Sale of household furn- iture, 3 piece Chesterfield suite, Philco refrigerator, man-tel raâ€" dio, propane 4 burner gas stove, kitchen chrome set, stands, din- ing room suite, washing ma- chine, large hall rack with plate glass mirror (good), beds, dress- ers, springs and mattresses, bedding, large quantity of an- tique china in sets (extra good), quantity of odd dishes, several pieces of satin glass, cooking utensils. Many other articles not mentioned. Turn north of Davis Drive on Main St.. New- market. 1 block to Agar St., No. 425. The property of Mrs. Ethel Ruthven. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone 887-5311. SOUTH BLOCK TELEPHONE 884-6691 OCTOBER 31, SATURADY. 12 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards I re- ceived during my stay in York Central Hospital. Also special thanks to the nurses on the 3rd floor, also Drs. Golab and Big- ford. Evelyn Cooper c1w18 SALE REGISTER§ noon -â€" Auction of numerous antiques, items of furniture Tollware, glass, china. lamps, books and many miscellaneous items belonging to the estate of the late Mary Hagedorn at Lot 16, Concession 3, Vaughan on Sherwood Sideroad. 3/; mile east of Keele and 4 miles north of Highway 7, 1 mile south of Maple. See posters for list. This is a very extensive list of anti- ‘ques and other items. ll Clearing auction for the estate of the late Lettie McNeely (for- merly of Brooklin), to be held at the Altona Community Cen- tre located (2 miles east of Stouffville) including comports, cut glass, cake stands, pressed glass, oil lamps, lantern, iron pots, pine pieces (antique), num- ber of clocks, Bayruth, Beaver sealers, brass pail, brass school bell, copper boiler, quantity of odd dishes, fire screen, ivory dresser set, pine cradle, pine writing desk, bake board, par- lor chairs, hall chairs, rocking chairs, Boston rocker, small cabinet (brass lined), dining room table and chairs, spool bed, silver tea service, picture frames, new quilts, star design, Jacob’s ladder, quilt tops, (These are lovely quilts.) an- tique spreads, gramophone and records (good), wash stands, hall seat, platform rocker, in- complete toilet sets. real Buf- falo robe, churn, scales, mirrors, music, organ stool, arm chairs, stereoscope viewer cards, bul- let mould, butter bowl prints, beds, small tables. Other items not listed. Note: Remember the place at the Altona Community Centre at‘ 1 pm. (Standard time). Don’t miss this sale. Atâ€" kinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneer. clw18 mu. vv†caugnt up Wiui a gang t centrated mostly on color tele- vision sets. * a 9‘ >3: The first series of Markham Township break-ins was solved when Midland Police Depart- ment arrested a man found in possession of property stolen during a house break-in at Markham Township. On Saturday October 24 Markham Township and Mid- 1 [and Police arrested Douglas Grimes, 20, of West Hill, Scar-‘ bore, and David Allen, 17, of no fixed abode. A third suspect is being sought for questioning. Markham Township Police Detectives Douglas Tribbling and Bruce Findlay are conduct- ing the investigation and es- corted Grimes and Allen to the Markham Township Police offices. Grimes and Allen were chargâ€" ed with a number of break-ins and appeared Monday in Rich- mond Hill Provincial Court to be remanded for setting of a trial' date. They are also wanted for questioning in regard to break-ins in Pickering and Metro. Metro Police last week arres- ted Robert Finnigan. 17, of Unionville on break-in and n. -11.- .1____,__ OCTOBER 31, SATURDAY â€"â€" SHARON â€" Property owners in East Gwillimbury Township may get their 1970 tax bills before Christmas, but only if there is a minimum of break- down and problems on compu- ters in Toronto, council has learned. The township clerk ;hopes to have the computer figures by late November which will permit him to have the lbills out by December 15. NEWMARKET: T o w ni council has no objection to construction of a Safeway grocery and de- partment store on Davis Drive opposite the Newmarket Shop- ping Plaza. The proposal has been approved in principle by East Gwillimbury. LEVENDALE PASTRY SHOP ONLY Gord Orr, Auctioneef HALLOWE'EN COOKIES 55¢ DOZ. c2w1'7 c2w18 in Markham Township haianownship Police Chief Harvey Cox told "The Liberalâ€. The arrests were made through co-operation with Midland, North Gwillimbury and Metro Police. But even as Markham’s bur- glars were being caught, there appeared to be two or three new series of burglaries emerg- ing in Richmond Hill, Richvale and Thornhill during the week- end. Tndustrial plant office cash Thieves entered a garage.1accident jacked up a car, and removed Vaughan four wheels and tires early Damag Monday morning at 42 Leisure iCIe Wat k _ Lane. A tachometer was also‘Mullin V break-m last weekend over 3 taken out of the car belonging T0\V'[‘S“1i" one block area of Industrial to Wayne Downey. In anc Road in Richmond Hill. The articles were v1 d ber 21 1 At York Nutal Spinning and $420_ a ue at Carrville were bo1 Specialty Limited, 35 Industrial Road, entry was gained by breaking a window and $60 cash was stolen from the office. While the owner was only away shopping for about 10 They minutes Friday at 8:20 pm at ROCkï¬fn the Richmond Heights Shopping $321,: ï¬ree Bunches Of Burglaries Solved hiï¬dustrial plant office cash seemed to be the target of a series of break-ins in Richmond Hill. RicliEEh'd 1'1111' and Thornhill involved cash and jewelry in homes. A _ uv An assortment of fairly small, fairly valuable and readily movable items was cleaned out of a Richvale home by stealthy thieves on the weekend. Last week Whitchurch Police- caught up with a gang that con- centrated mostly on color tele- vision sets. The first series of Markham Township break-ins was solved when Midland Police Depart- ment arrested a man found in possession of property stolen during a house break-in at Markham Township. On Saturday October 24 Markham Township and Mid- land Police arrested Douglas Grimes, 20, of West Hill, Scar- boro, and David Allen, 17, of no fixed abode. A third suspect is being sought for questioning. Fire at the scene of at 17-car {three-locomotive derailment "south of Woodbridge on a CN [railway line Sunday evening‘ 'ldestroyed a carload of news-1 'iprint. l Vaughan Township Firemen :“sweated in†ï¬refighting equip- {ment on theIr backs to the iisolated location 500 yards west ‘of Islington Avenue and north 'of the Little 8th Concession ‘ near Steeles Avenue West. Arrests last week cleared up two separate series of burglaries in Markham Township, and another series in North Gwirlimburx. .1 ,, ,r 1.,,___.1A-__ Markham Townshirp Police Detectives Douglas Tribbling and Bruce Findlay are conduct- ing the investigation and es- DUI-IUD Au. LVV -.- a“ “This is the third or fourth gang of burglars picked up in the county in recent weeks. It is to be hoped this sort of thing comes to an end,†Mark- ham Township Police Chief Harvey Cox told “The Liberalâ€. The arrests were made through co-operation with Midland, North Gwillimbury and Metro Police. Grimes and Allen were charg- ed with a number of break-ins and appeared Monday in Rich- mond Hill Provincial Court to be remanded for setting of a tnial' date. They are also wanted for questioning in regard to break-ins in Pickering and Metro. r; ........- "Humber River by a portable Several small explosions in a [pump carried in by firemen. iflooded space heater at the '1 A Canadian National spokes-\home of Harry Woods on Rose- ‘man said the train wreck took view Avenue brought out Rich- place two weeks ago. At thejmond Hill Firemen at 2:30 pm "time the track was only cleared,0ctober 25. enough to allow trafï¬c throughd The house was ï¬lled with Clearing up the equipment‘smoke but there was no ï¬re scattered along the rail line‘damage reported. 4‘hadn't yet started. 1 Town ï¬remen October 23 at Ann “nun- Metro Police last week arres- ted Robert Finnigan. 17, of Unionville on break-in and thefts charges. V I Vaughan Firemen stood by October 22 on Highway '7 West, near Highway 27, while work- | men with a cutting torch freed As a result of this arrest Markham Township Police have solved four break-ins and a break-in attempt, Chief Cox said. Last week Markham Tovwn-l ship Police Sergeant Evan Kel- ley stopped a vehicle stolen from North Gwillimbury by four youths. As a result, several North Gwill'lmbury break-in cases have been solved, Chief Cox said. "October 23. ‘Department’s rescue squad. 1 Fire damage was estimatedi Mrs. Eva Maria Kucharski of I‘at $400 at West Electrical Con-402, Inverlochy B oulevard, tracting, Lot 29 Bathurst Street, North Thomhill was freed from I when a digging machine back-iher crushed car September 23 ï¬re ignited hydraulic fluid. at Yonge Street and Baythorn ‘ Vaughan Firemen were called}Drive. ‘to the scene at 2:15 pm October; “A great big thank you to all 14. [the men Who helped me so I An oven short circuit waset‘ficiently at the scene of the blamed for a stove ï¬re call ataccident. Thank you also from “6-29. nm Fridav to the home of my three children,†she wrote. Markham Township Police are investigating a Thornhill break-in in which $300 in jewelry was stolen Sunday. There was also an apparently related break-in attempt at an- other Thornhill residence. ‘were a camera, skiis and a lawn William Lazenby explained 'mower. Works Commissioner Otto * * * * Whalen reported he had been Burglal's got $176 in three assured by the OWRC (which {breakâ€"ins and an attempted operates the town’s sewage dis- Another three break-‘ins‘ in On the Vaughan Township side of Yonge Street in Thorn- hill while the owner was in the garden. somebody entered a house and made off with a purse containing a small amount of cash. On Avenue Road in Richvale Friday the front door of a home was forced and $800 worth of property was removed. Included were a camera, skiis and a lawn mower. Carload Of Newsprint Is Burned At CNR Wreck Near Woodbridge Water was IIfted from the Humber River by a portable pump carrigd ip‘by firemen. MNBEO'dy was injured in the original derailment. Cause of Sunday‘s ï¬re wasn‘t yet known. a moibï¬st from aâ€"wrecked car at 7:45 pm. Flammable fuel was washed from Nashville Road, 311 mile west of Highway 27, after a 6:26 pm motor vehicle collision An oven short circuit was blamed for a stove ï¬re can at 6:32 pm Friday to the home of At Peerless Instrument Comâ€" pany of Canada Limited, 67 In- dustrial Road, entry was gained by breaking the glass in a rear door. About $60 was taken from a petty cash box in the office. dustrial Road, entry was gained The 1961 Chevorlet belonged‘Qeâ€"ï¬icfe $1,500, police estimated. by breaking the glass in a rear to an Osiris Drive resident and )k a: In 1 door- AbOUt $60 Was takenfmm hadn’t yet been recovered at Driver James Melia. 20, of 3 a petty cash box in the office. press time. North Road, Oak Ridges, suf- At Perry-hi“. WOOd Indus‘ -A music tape deck valued at fered a bruised chin in a tries, 52 Industl‘lal Road. entry $80 was stolen from Leonard 9:05 am crash October 20 at was again achieved by breaking Buckland's car parked in the Bayview and 16th Avenues in a window. About $56 was taken driveway Saturday at 256 Bay- Markham Township. from the office cash box. view Avenue. Driver of the other vehicle, Somebody tried to pry open The car was locked and had an Uxbridge Lines Limited bus, the rear door at William Klees to be forced open, Was John Carter. 35, 0f 10 m... Richmond Street. Maple. uni-1 ano “fhn‘lncn'ln Monfe R0 Annual“- lnnlnul “arbor! Somebody tried to pry open the rear door at William Klees and Sons Wholesale Meats. 69 Industrial Road, but failed to gain entry. In a daytime break-in and theft Friday at the home of James Lepper, 255 Mills Street. money and jewelry to a total of $108 was stolen. Someone broke into the home through a recreation room win- dow while the occupants were away. The house was ransacked, town police said. Money and jewelry totalling $275 in value was taken on the same day in a breakâ€"in at the apartment of George MacKin- non at 134 Lucas Street. uvu n» -V _ Taken was a collection of silver dollars and a watch. Other jewelry belonging to Mrs. MacKinnon was apparently left untouched. Entry seemed to have been gained by slipping the latch with a plastic credit card. The apartment’s contents were insured. In the wee hours of the morn-l ing Saturday at 86 Arnold Cres-l cent the front bumper and license plate were left where they were pulled off a stolen car. The car had apparently gone out of control and up on the lawn, tearing up the sod (Continued from Page 1) sider property that was not properly servicedf However, William McCord, who, with his partner Robert Tompkins, received council’s approval of the project at a special council meeting Octo- ber 9, produced a letter, signed by E. G. Dykes, senior execu- tive officer Special Project‘ Branch, Department of Public ‘Works, accepting an offer to lease 4,000 square feet of space for a provincial court for a per- iod of 10 years starting in 1971. The letter dated September 8 stated that a lease would be prepared. Health Unit Says No Septic Tank Reeve Donald Plaxton report-1 ed he had been assured that the builders are prepared to pay for pumping and transporting of the contents of a holding tank and to post an indemnity bond to protect the municipal- ity against this cost. “This would be a matter for a bind- ing agreement between the town and the builders,†Mayor Bernard Pattinson, 9 Thornbank Road, Thornhill. Anbther defective stove oven sent ï¬remen to 223 Crestwood Road in South Thornhill at 3:12 pm Octobeg‘ 21. Vaughan Firemen were called at 3:03 am October 20 to extinguish a rubbisnï¬re at the Filtration Products of Canada Limited property, 65 Duncan Road, Richvale. There was no damage. Town ï¬remen October 23 at 3pm were called to 402 Mark- ham Road when an apartment dweller thought she smelled a gas leak. H The odor was traced to a nearby roof where tar was being used by workmen. An accident victim now spending a long convalescence in Sunnybrook Hospital recover- ing from spinal injuries has written her thanks to the Vaughan Township Fire Department’s rescue squad. lvalued at $75 and damaging an ash tree Wï¬ieâ€" siolén car belonged to a Toronto man and was later re- covered by Markham Township Police. While the owner was only away shopping for about 10 minutes Friday at 8:20 pm at the Richmond Heights Shopping Centre, a locked parked station- lwagon was stolen. Another locked parked car was forced open Friday at 36 Church Street South and nine 8-track tapes valued at $65 were“ stolen. I The car belonged to Fred Totben. Whitchurch Township Police at 6:50 am Saturday picked up a youth who was found walking south on Woodbine Avenue through Vandorf. He turned out to be an es- capee from the juvenile deten- tion home at 311 Jarvis Street in Toronto. He was involved with a car stolen from 32 Division, Metro. The car was subsequently re- covered by East Gwill'imbury Police. The boy was turned over to the Metro Youth Bureau. The office of HPE Industries Limited on Snidercroft Road in Vaughan Township Saturday was broken into, but nothing was reported stolen. Theré was also a break-in Friday at the Maple Sunoco Service Station on Keele Street. A small window at the rear of the building was smashed, but nothing was missing there either. posal plant) that it would have no objection to handling the sewage from the holding tank. The health unit’s letter warn-l ed council that “this could be- come a major undertaking be- cause of the enquiries and dis- cussions this office has had concerning sewage holding tanks within the extended boundaries of Richmond Hill.†Council gave unanimous ap/ proval to a motion by Reeve Plaxton, seconded by Council- lor Eric George, that planning board be asked to consider a policy in respect to the con- struction of holding tanks in the expanded boundaries \ of Richmond Hill and a suggested agreement pertaining to their use and servicing. Speaking to his motion, ‘ Mr. Plaxton said, “I feel economic necessity will force us to establish a num- ber of holding tanks where soil conditions may not be amenable to septic tanks to beneï¬t the municipality. A committee of two. Coun- cillors Hancey and Schiller was named to pursue, with all due haste, a study to determine if and where other suitable sites, which could be fully municip- ally serviced, could be made available for York County court facilities. The motion origin- ally was for the mayor and Mrs. Hancey to form the committee, but when the mayor objected. Mr. Schiller volunteered to serve. isdiction," stated Mayor Lazen- by. “I don’t mind talking to real estate agents, but why should we be out doing their job? This is a job for our ad- ministration staff.†“I disagree.†hit back Mrs. Hancey. “It is our job to pro- mote the municipality and make things happen rather than let them happen.†Richmond Hill Rams Lose 8-2 To Rangers A five goal outburst in some-‘up a seven pom what leisurely fashion pricked‘rest of the fiel the balloon of the Richmondltinue a hot pa Hill Junior B Rams Tuesday‘omy two games night at the arena as theyidata dropped an 8-2 decision to the Tim Saul 19; x7-â€"1y‘ ,,,__ _--n "w surf-.. 7 , league leading North York! Rangers. The Rams made a game of it for the first two periods trail-I ing by just 3-2 going into thatl final one but had trouble eveni getting a shot on net in a list-| less 20 minutes of hockey. , North York free-wheeled in‘ on Goalie Louis Moore m‘thout‘ interference from Ram defence} men on most occasions and the“ result was inevitable. ‘ Keith McDonald led North 1York with two goals. The oth- {ers went to Dave Murray, Rick lMiller, Tony Crawford, Sean iCoughlan, Dave Wright, and ‘Walter Coburn. Barry Head and John Barnett lscored for the Rams. For the results of Sunday’s games see earlier story on lpage 11. ivaon’t think this is my jur- Several motorists were in- jured, some drivers face charges, and there was exten- sive damage in Markham. Vaughan and Richmond Hill accidents last week. Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham Crashes Take Toll Drivers Bruce Moulton of Nashville and Charles Mullin of Spenvalley Drive, Downsview, plus passenger James Roberts of Dixon Road, Weston, were in- jured Friday in a major accident on County Road 49 in In another major crash Octo- ber 21 at Bathurst Street and Carrville Road. the two drivers were both injured. . “-5 ...... Damage to the Moulton veh- icle was $1,700 and to the Mullin vehicle $1,500. Vaughan Township Police estimated. " They wellngeorge Regan of Rockford Road, Willowdale and Barbara Hooper of 7985 Bath- urst Street. Damage to the Regan vehicle was $700 and to the Hooper vehicle $1,500, police estimated. Toéal damage in thue accident was estimated by Markham Township Police at I In a three-car “chain-re- action’flaccident October 21 at 12:22pm on Steeles Avenue East, near Leslie Street. driver Margaret McLoughlin of 543 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 27, hurt her left leg. _ The drivers of the other two cars were Carol Tovee of Tor- onto and John Mchwn of 30 Upper Canada Drive, Apartment 305, Willowdale. ovu, n u vvvvvvvvv Total damage was estimated at $600. A young Thornhill driver was slightly injured in a car-truck collision at 4:40 pm October 21 opposite 188 Steeles Avenue East Carol Southam of 31 Pheasant Valley Court. aged 20 suffered afterward from a rather stiff neck‘and a sore left arm. Thomhill 17-yearâ€"old Sharon MacDonald of 175 John Street also‘suffered from a sore neck after a 5:10 pm October 21 accident on Steeles Avenue East. near Bayview. Driver ofvifxé flue}: was Fred Strauch, 47, of 28 Pemberton Road, Richvale. -...,. . _ , _ . V V Damage was estimated at $?00 for the car and $150 for the truck. A charge was pend- ing after the accident, Markham Township Police said. She was a passenger in a car driven by Evan McDonough of 175 John Street, aged 60. ‘lsion was driven by Carmine l'ision 'was driven by Carmen Silia, 39, of 931 Wilson Avenue, Apartment 9, Downsview. ‘The Silia vehicle had an esti- mated $300 damage and the McDonough vehicle $175, police said. The men were led by Norm Waite with 719 (222, 244, 253); John Filkus 653 (188, 216, 249); and Bill White with 640 (199, 206. 235). The executive would appre- ciate if members get a couple of friends to bowl in the league as regulars due to the illness of ‘ certain regular bowlers. ABC BOWLING The Little Beavers continue to lead the pack with 28 points with two more nights remain- ing to the end of the first series. In second place are the Go Getters with 23 points followed by the Fowl Liners with 22 points. The Mushrooms are still leading in total points for the President’s Trophy. Isobel PIeWS led the ladies with 704 (237, 240, 221'). Teresa Laveunesse with second with 634 (198. 191, 245). Shirley Reisenweber was third with 622 (202, 220, 200). ABC MEN’S MAJOR Action reached the halfway mark last Monday in the first series. Doaneâ€"Hall No. 1 has opened up a seven point lead over the rest of the field as they con- tinue a hot pace having lost nnlv two games in 18 rolled to u“.-. Tim Saul leads the league average race with 257, followed by team-mate Henry Knuckey at 255. Brune Pezz'm, 254 and John Moore, 250. round out the list of bowlers with 250 or bet- ‘seeking a band sharing arrange- lment with the same committee ‘in Aurora. It hopes that by such an arrangement it will be possible to have at least seven bands in each parade to give Santa a really musical welcome. Standings: Deane-Half No. 1,‘ 37; Team No. 9, 30; Crown Life, 28; Hall‘s Fuel, 28; Powell Fen- cing, 24; Allencourt Lanes, 21; ABC No. 1, 21; ABC No. 3, 19; ABC No. 2. 18: Deaneâ€"Hall No. 2, 16; Lucky Seven 10; Reid's Cartgage. 0. NEWMAEKET â€"â€" The Santa FClaus Parade Committee is BOWLING RESULTS fï¬tz VandenBrand, 19, of 235 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 00 Beechy Drive, Richmond Hill,|mond Hill was charged with careless driv- ing after an October 24 9pm accident on Yonge Street South. South. His vehicle was in collision with the rear of another driven by Larry De Baeremaeker, 22, of 91 Lawrence Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, police said. The damage total was esti- mated at $425. In a slight accident at 9:20 pm Friday at the Allencourt Plaza in Richmond Hill, there was an estimated $130 damage. Sunday morning, many mem- bers of Headford United Church worshipped at Victoria Square in honor of the 90th anniver- sary of that church. Mrs. Jean Rumble and the Headford Choir sang, “How Great Thou Art†with the Victoria Square Choir and Guest Organist Lynn Reid. Rev. Gordon Winch, director of the Distress Centre in Toronto, was the guest speaker. His talk on the work being done at the centre was very informative. 7 One car Was driven by Joanne Sevilli. 18, of RR 1. Gormley.» Driver of the .parked car in- volved was Mrs. Bertha Curtis of 112 Lawrence Avenue. Rich- Mr. Winch also recalled many amusing experiences as “Padre of the Pubsâ€. One incident in- into a'pub by the speaker. The two sat down at a table and were talking with some of the patrons. When it came time to leave, they stood up, but Mr. Winch’s friend‘s legs becamel entangled in the table legs. He stumbled, upset the table, staggered across the room and 'broke a chair he had grabbed ,for support, ending up on his ' back on the floor. At this point ' Mr. Winch decided not to take ’his friend into the pub again. _ He was detrimental to the' image Mr. Winch was trying to , create. And he had had only * ONE drink â€" of ginger ale! volved another minister. taken ‘ Church NeWS “Congratulations ,to Bruce Terry, who turned 16 years old October 25. _____________â€"â€"â€"- Many thanks to Marilyn Rum- of Toronto and Jamcs mn- ble for writing the column last Richmond HilL Chmpr c' week in my absence and for do- man 15 Gordon Elder of 1 ing such a excellent job of it. City_ Neighborhood notes Willowdale-Thornhill P ‘ Stephen Leuschner celebrated ter will hold a plant tour 1'0 ‘his birthday last week by taking members today ITlnu-svlay a group of friends out bowling.'bus leaves the plaza at Bay then home afterwards for a and Sheppard Avonues pizza. This is the type of party 6:45 pm. The tour will covc any 13-year-old boy would en- stages of construction of inv {giant plant. Unit 1 is sched jOY 'OPENING SALE After fifteen years Ron W0( has moved to Yonge Street Skiroule snowmobiles, parts RON wooos ALUMINUM Prods. A leading manufacturer of bottling machinâ€" ery in Northwest Toronto offers an excellent op- portunity for an assistant in machinery sales and service administration. Requirements include technical school background, with administrative experience in industry. '1 1 This is a trainee pOSitIOIl Ior a care individual. Please submit complete resume to BOX 79, “THE LIBERAL†Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT HEADFORD NEWS out bowling. bus leaves the plaza at Bayvicw Yards for a and Sheppard Avenues at ype of party 6:45 pm. The tour will cover all y would en- stages of construciion of the lgiant plant. Unit 1 is scheduled ,to Bruce to be in operation next January. 16 years old Chapter Chairman is Gordon Pepper of Willowdale. trainee position for a career-minded 884-1514 96 YONGE ST. N. Ron Woods Aluminum Products 3 Street with a complete line of as. parts and accessories. Alex Sutherland of Nether- ford Road. Maple, had an esti- mated $300 damage to his car in an accident Saturday at Keelé Street and Langstaff Road. ' The other driver. Giovanni Rea of Alameda Avenue, T01:- onto, had an estimated $509 damage, Vaughan Township Police said. I In an accident at Bathurst Street and Carrville Road Fri- day. Olive Bukowiecki of 118 Duncan Road. Thornhill. had an estimated $100 damage to he? vehicle. . ‘ The other driver, Robert Coffey of Farrell Avenue. Wil- lowdale, had $150 damage. Wedding anniversaries were celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Wes Clark October 24 and by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble Octo- ber 25. Albert Leek and his fiancee. Marilyn Hawker, were honored at a community shower held at Headford Church Friday even- ing. Many attractive and useful gifts were presented to the couple by friends from Head- ford and other areas who at- tend. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Clark were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark in Aurora. Collective Bargaining ls Subject For Panel York Chapter of the Assoc- iation of Professional Engineers of Ontario is holding a dinner meeting and panel discussion November 3 at the Summit Golf and Country Club, Jefferson commencing at 6:30 pm. The panel discussion will focus on collective bargain-1g for engineers. Panelists will in. clude, Dr. W. K. Bilzins'd or Guelph. vice-president ol' the parent association: M. A. Sutton of Toronto and James Fir“; of Richmond Hill. Ch’mmr 6‘"??- man is Gordon Elder of King City. 29, 1970 its