Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Nov 1970, p. 14

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'Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474â€"5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 89 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill 889-9191 on'NARn n. ROSENBERG a; ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountant- Telephone 884-711. M Yonge St. South Aurora, Ontario CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 306 Bayvlew Plan Telephone 889-8275 PHILIP G. RAYSON 14 889-6662 Manfred W. Steckler ‘ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 70 Amoro Drive Rexdale 610 Ontario 743-5287 BY Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 TREES ARE OUR. BUSINESS Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Brian H. Cowan Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. 884-6693 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialist Auto Transmission H. Van Dyke - Arborist SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Accountants 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . Leno’s Machine Shop Same Day Shir! Service IN BY 10 -â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Phone Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare” SAME DAY nnv CLEANING SERVICE... A Engineering CUSTOM WORK Carpentry STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1970 884-7774 INBY loâ€"OUTBYS MONDAY TO SATURDAY Toronto Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Barrow Insurance Serwces ltd. TELEPHONE 7 27-9488-9 Ernie Brock & Son 18 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4281 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. ISporting Goods A. W. Kirchen, GD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Office Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 25 Yonge Street South ' Richmond Hill, 884-1213 I Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Corner Agency Limited C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicyclu Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Landscaping Fire, Auto md Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-1379 Optometrists Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. lieu 47 Yonge St. s. Aux-on. Ontario DICK MAIER LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Thornhfll Insurance By Appointment 889-5344 884-3962 363-3959 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Bunny Snow’s T.V. In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N "Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill l“lll“mml\lll\lmm“ul“11l“1111\\\\\l1\ll1“\lllu\\\\\\lll\lllll\ll\\\ll\1I BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT :ummuummmumumuuuumiumumuulmuuuumumlum ART STUDIOS PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL T0 TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Complete Antenna Service ADMIRAL SALES a: SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Phone 884-6521 aint-Wallpaper Ontarlo Land Surveyor- 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Yates & Yates STEEL FABRICATING FREE DELIVERY Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service INTERIORS LTD. TV Repairs 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 889-1059 To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Surveyors Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 221-3485 Ontario. he points out. is al- ready moving towards uniform assessment. and Municipal Af- fairs Minister Darcy McKeough has expressed keen interest in the idea. of taxation and grants between municipalities, the provinces and the federal government. lars __Ai the same time, he said. it would correct many inequities that exist in the present system Assessments in Ontario today vary from 100 per cent of real value to 4 per cent of real value. and from 10 per cent to 150 per cent on business, he said. Considering that the provin~ cial grants to municipalities and the federal grants to provinces are based on assessment, the wide disparity of criteria used for assessment creates gross in- equity. he said. 1 1 L, W, -H Hy Chappell MP. Peel South (Liberal) says that a uniform Canadian assessment system. placing market value, on all real estate. could be kept up to date with a computer system and would save millions of dol- Reqfigéts for the formula have also come from Nova Scotia and Alberta, says Mr. Chap_pe1_l. ‘ A suburban Toronto MP has come up with an idea for uni- form real estate assessment across Canada and he claims the proposal is gaining s‘upporg. uuuuv , n- v...â€" Mr. Chappell would have all property assessed by a point system, which could be varied in computers to up-date values as the economic conditions changed either nationally or locally. New water and 'sewage sys~ tem service to a particular area. for example, would increase land values. The computer could be fed facts on such changes, increasing assessed values. In addition, if a municipality, a province, or the federal gov- ernment had to expropriate for government purposes, the cost of expropriation could be instantly retrieved from the computer. “Market values would give a fair basis for provincial grants and could be used as one of the main indices for federal equali- zation grants,” he said. The system could also be used for valuation, if and when some of the provisions of Finance Minister Benson’s White Paper on Tax Reform come into effect. The same figures should be used for assessment, valuation for estate and gift taxes, and for calculating capital gains, he said. Liberal MP Suggests Uniform Assessment Across Canada .y»-.v. v... Costs of various routes for highways, for example, would be available in minutes, remov- ing the need for expensive and appraisal teams. Hit and miss formulas for as- sessmeht are not fair to indivi- duals or to municipalities," said Mr. Chappell. He also suggests that govern- ments put a ceiling on the potential tax increase such a re. assessing would create, with in- creases staggered over perhaps five years. 7 _ â€" - 1. “Ad LA'V d-___ There rfiight be a dual taxation system to remove potential in- Name Two Men To Water Resources The Ontario Water Resources Commission, established in 1956, to be responsible for water management in Ontario, has been brought up to strength by the appointment of two men to fill the existing vacancies. The new appointees are F. S. Hollingsworth of Sault Ste. Marie and Dr. C. A. Martin of Milton. The former is president of two manufacturing firms in “The 500". Dr. Martin, a physician, is one of the pioneers in the establishment of the 16 Mile Creek Conservation Autho- rity and Was instrumental in establishment of the Kelso Lake Conservation Area. He served as mayor of Milton from 1936 to 1938 and is the past Warden of Halton County. At present he is a member of the board of governors of Sheridan College. Other members of the com‘ mission are Chairman Donald Collins. Vice-Chairman John Root MLA, H. E. Brown and Leo Venchiarutti, both of Tor- onto and D. A. Moodie of Rich- mond Hill. Through the years the com- mission has pioneered many pollution abatement and water support programs. with the re- sult that it has become one of the most efficient water man- agement agencies in North America. It gives leadership in water supply and waste man- agement in Ontario. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Folks who contract with us for fuel oil live without worry. They know their winters will be cozin warm. If a man lost through fiddling with his assessment figures, it would be just too bad, in the eyes of lawyers. said Mr. Chap- pell. l\\\\\1\l\\\“\\\1\llll\l\l\\\\\l\lllllmlll\\\ll\mm““lll\\\\ll\\\\lll\\\\m“) “If an owner successfully strove for a low assessment he would gain on municipal taxes or if a gift or inheritance tax were involved. But on the other hand if there was a subsequent capital gain, expropriation, or insurance loss, he would have lost." said Mr. Chappell. equities of the system that might squeeze farmers. he §va»i_d. Mrs. Woodburn Thomson, a past president of the Richmond Hill Curtain Club and now pre- sident of the Central Ontario Drama League attended the Dominion Drama Festival ex- ecutive meeting in Montreal on October 23-24th. Land ownership has un- ‘ dergone radical change in the past few years, the re- searcher said. Farmers re- ‘ quire more capital per em- ployee than in any other industry. mmumnmummuuunlunmmuunnmulmtmnummmmmuw‘ The cross Canada delegates considered the interim report of Dr. Philip Spensley on the total picture of theatre in Canada, with reference to the possible change in role the DDF may make. He felt it very important that there be a national body‘ representing amateur theatre which comprises, he says over 80% of theatre in Canada for ‘which he has a deep re- spect. With the comments of those studying his report he will bring in a final report which will be the centre of the DDF executive meeting to be held in Toronto in January. League has been freed to alter the format of its annual festival‘ to one which it is hoped will be more suitable to the needs of this region. The format sug- gested last year by the Curtain Club was that of a “Travelling Festival" with each group per-‘ forming in its own theatre and the adjudicator making its com- ments public to the audience of the night. A festival committee has been set up with the part- icipating groups to work out details of operation and awards system of noncompetitive, but merit basis. When Mr. Dennis Stainer made his presentation to the CODL he hoped this would be fairer and less ex- pensive for the participants. New Format For CODI. Festival One year ago the DDF began the painful task of self studv in its attempt to evolve a more viable role in the light of the recent tremendous growth of both professional and amateur theatre. As an early step to re- organization, the 1971 National Festival is being widely ex- panded and virtually the whole of the National Arts Centre, the theatre, studio, salon, foyers, lawns and roofs, will be opened beyond its member groups for the broadly conceived pic- ture of a truer national show- case festival. Invitations have already been sent to pro- fessional and semiaprofessional, amateur avantgarde groups etc. that can be contacted and while the Canada Council travel grant has been withdrawn this year for participants. accombda- tion is being arranged in Ottawa for the week of May 17 to 22. It is expected that the festival will be somewhere between Edinburgh and Woodstock. Dr. Spensley holds a Ph D. in acting, pedagogy and play- writing and presently holds a teaching position in the drama department at the University of Guelph. A Canada Council grant of $10,000 has funded his study which involved a cross Canada tour to contact local theatre bodies at all levels. A gala ceremony and party will mark the finale of the festival after the closing date of March 6. The Curtain Club's first entry into the regional festival in 1959 won them the regional trophy and in the many times they have entered since they have always come off with several honors. the last being the Bessborough Trophy in 1969 for the best production of a classic play in the zone (Ont- ario is made up of four regions). The amount of land an individual owns should not be a gauge of how much ed- ucation tax he has to pay, an agricultural marketing researcher from the Ont- ario Agricultural College. University of Guelph said in a speech at Fergus on October 20. Murray MacGregor told Rotarians that governments are sometimes tempted to manipulate taxes to their advantage. Mr. MacGregor told the group that there art? has- ically two types of taxes: ones for which the payer sees tangible products and “the other kind.” For the first, taxpayers see sewers, water systems and roads, Mr. MacGregor said. In the second, how- ever, the taxpayer cannot assess the Indirect benefits of education. School Tax Shouldn’t Be Based On Land The Central Ontario Drama Seneca College’s weekly ser- ies of musical concerts. launch- ed last September. is being ex- tended by popuLar demand to mid-December Free and open to the public, each weekly program is a com- The public should be allowed more information on provincial assessment procedures, says the Bureau of Municiple Research. The bureau is an independent, non-profit organization which has 5 udied civic issues for more ¢ an 50 years. Current property assessment in Ontario is riddled with ineq- uities and inconsistencies, the bureau said October 20 in a re~ port. Properties are under-as- sessed, over-assessed and some are not assessed at all. It proposed four changes in the Assessment Act: 0 Removal of a section which prevents assessors or employ- ees of a municipality from dis- closing information to the public which is not on the assessment roll. I Enactment of legislation to permit assessors to discuss or make public any assessment in- formation pertinent to rtheir work. 0 Revision of the assessment rolls so they carry more com- plete information on rental ‘data, type of structure and ac- tivity for which the property is being used. 0 Greater accessibility by the public to assessment files on properties to give a history on the individual assessments. Public Should Know How Assessment Works (Continued from Page 2) filled his room with outdoor diSplays, complete with trees and painted skys. He spent as much time in the woods as he could and he drew pictures of animals and birds. He is fulfilling a dream now by making taxidermy his livelihood and has recently begun capturing his own trophies by camera, not gun. As well as preparing trophies of fish, foul and animals for sportsmen, he does some biological experimentation for schools with dyes and latex red and blues for tracking. Friends bring in small birds, (such as the humming bird mentioned before) that have hit window panes or have been found by their children and Steve mounts them. He dipped into one of the tanning bins and pulled out a bear skin to show me how it softens. It is imperative to the trophy that the bear be shot in season or the hair will simply fall out. Steve went on to show the forms he has carved for fish. Steve Wright takes a great deal of pride in his work and indeed has a sensitivity to the beauty of nature. Every wish for continued success Steve. Ontarians are the kind of people who wouldn’t be here if there was any place better. We are people who came from a hundred lands and stayed to build. People with backbone and brawn and a hunger to succeed. Men and women who’ve created a stan- dard of living in decades that other lands worked centuries to build. If we have a flaw it’s our chronic modesty. Ontarians may be proud to be Ontarians and Canadians . . . they just seldom tell anyone. From an economic point of view that’s wrong. The more people we have boosting Ontario and Canada the better it is. And we’ve got a lot to boost with. At a time when the dollar is having many demands made on it, Ontarians can note that provincial taxes have held the line in 1970. And wehadamnplmtobootYmneededprograms have not been neglected. The Ontario Housing Corporation for example, has housed 129900 people to date and currently has almost a billion dollars worth of programs active in nearly 200 Ontario Communities. We need a. Vlgorous economy of course, to support these important programs. And, that’s where you come in. Though our productivity has doubled in ten years and our incomes in twelve, Ontarians don’t sit on their successes. There’s a demanding decade aheadfull of challenges and opportunities to make the quality of our lives better yet. To meet these challenges, we’ve got to believe in ourselves. Which, when you think about it, isn’t such a bad idea. Everytime you boost Ontario . . . Ontario and Canada get a little stronger. Government of Ontario John Robarts, Prime Minister. In The Spotlight Seneca Concert Series Ontario. .. Is there any place you’d rather be? bination of light and classical music extending over a period of one hour and forty-five min- utes. The series runs every Thursday at 7 pm on Seneca’s Finch Campus, Finch Avenue East at Woodbine. Concerts during November and December will feature rock. blues, jazz and dixieland in combination with classical guit- ar, strings and piano trio. The O’Keefe Centre Orchestra will be featured on December 10. The full schedule of remaining concerts is listed at the end at this story. Dr. William McCauley, Sene- ca’s recently appointed director of music, says the concerts are jointly sponsored by Seneca and the Trust Fund of the Tor- onto Musicians Association on a cost-sharing basis Following the Christmas-New Year’s period, the Seneca con- certs will resume January 7. Balance Bf Schedule November - December 1970 November 5: Light ‘â€" Ginni Grant, Blues. Classical: Martin Polten, Guitarist (‘by popular request). November 12: Light â€"â€" Peter. Sunny and company, Rock Comedy. Classical: The Cham- ber Players of Toronto, Strings. November 26: Light -â€" Ted and Cathy Moses, Jazz. Classi- cal: The Orford String Quartet. Deéember 10: Combined â€" O’Keefe Centre Orchestra. November 19: Light â€"â€" Trump Davidson, Dixieland. Classical: Hyman G o o d m a n. Violinist, Erica Goodman, Harpist. December 3: Light â€" Stone- Eree, Rock. Classical: Faculty of Music Student Piano Trio (Uni- versity of Toronto). More than 170 people includ- ing representatives of 25 ser-‘ vice and fraternal groups crow- ded the workshop at ARC In- dustries. 321 Enford Road, Oc-' tober 20 for a general meeting ‘ of the York Central Association . for the Mentally Retarded. ‘ They were shown two films. “Hi Look Us Over" dealt with the “Retarded Olympics" held at the ONE in 1969. The audi- ence was delighted to see the children from Thomhaven School and the trainees from ABC Industries participating in this film. It was colorful and cheerful. 25 Service Groups learn About Retardation At YCAMR Meeting “Danny and Nicky" was an honest and serious film showlng the alternative environments open to the retarded in out so- ciety. at this time. and packedl an emotional wallop. The film followed two retarded boys in their day to day life. Danny lives with his family in Montreal ‘and attends the John F. Kenne- dy School during the day. Nicky is a patient in the Ontario Hos- pital at Orillia and attends school there. Monday. November 2 to 6 haven and the trainee students of 10 area secondary ARC Industries will be school will be out on the annual their parents. membe Christmas card blitz. President friends on that occasion COMMERCIAL COURSES FOR ADULTS The following daytime courses will be offered at Seneca College’s Sheppard Campus (at Yonge St.) COMMERCIAL-CLERICAL (Starting November 16, 1970) 40 Weeks Fee: $12000 (Payable in two installments) Typing Fundamental Office Systems English Bookkeeping and Business Machines Prerequisite: Ontario Grade 8 or equivalent CLERK-TYPIST (Starting November 9, 1970) 24 Weeks Fee: $72.00 (Payable in two installments) Typing Office Procedures English Bookkeeping and Business Machines Prerequisite: Ontario Grade 10 or equivalent (knowledge of typing preferred). FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: You may ,qualify for a training allowance under the “Occupational Training for Adults” program sponsored by the Department of Manpower and Immigration. See your Canada Manpower Centre for details. THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY FOR APPLICATIONS AND FURTHER INFOR- MATION: Contact the Registrar, Occupational Training Division. at 223-9661. SENECA COLLEGE W. T. Newnham President OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO Dr. Arnold Aral announced. Preparations for the blitz would require three volunteer work sessions by members. The association is planning a different approach to fund-rais- ing the president reported. Since costs are spiralling so greatIY. new sources of revenue are be- ing sought. and it has been de- cided to experiment in the so- cial realm. The first project is a dinner- dance at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre November 27. Due to space the guest list will have to be limited to 125 couples. There will be a cock- tail. hour, a sukiyaki dinner complete with all traditional trappings, an eXCellent oriental ‘program and dancing to an ex- cellent modern orchestra. Dr. Arai stressed the fact that literature on retardation is also available from the association. The next general meeting of YCAMR. November 17 will be a social happening and dance at the Victoria Square Community Hall. Senior students of Thorn- haven and the trainees from ABC Industries will be hosting their parents. members and R. N. Garriock Chairman of the Board

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