]6 'I'HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hlll Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edge “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord, Edgeley and manhunt. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper. 832-2408; in Edgeley and Cone ord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. ‘,<(Ia\. Nov. o. Illitl ey News Klein bm'g Klarion' The Voice 0; Concord . i i . llavimanl who were married in Weston L'mted Church on Fri- day Miss Murial Adams, King City. held a kitchen shower at her home. October :23. in honor of Margaret O‘Brien. bride- elect. with many close friends and relatives attending. 1 A community shower will be ,held in honor of Margaret Nov- ‘embcr 5 in 'l‘eston L'nited Church. at 8:30 pm. Don Coffey. Schombei': held a stag party in honor of Ron ln-‘ gham, one of his sales stall. October 30. My neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shepherd. RR 1. Klein- burg. are \ery proud of their ,new nephew. Ronald Dean. born September 30 in St. Joseph‘s Ilslospital. Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rescorl 'Norah Luckhurstl. Bolton. I Kleinburg and Nashville lRecreational Committee is {sponsoring a free women‘s “ï¬t- ness night" in Kleinburg Junior Public School. starting tonight ,l’l‘bursdayl from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. 1Mrs. Leslie James. high school Mrs, Bruce John hosted the \\'o0dbrid2(‘ 1. nit of the cancer Blood Donor Clinic Rememberance Day there will comm, “1- “hmh Che has h“.n be a blood donor clinic at mos,de ml. H“. mm “11.0,. 'I‘hoi'nhill L'niled Church. Dild- years at her Ivleinber: home ‘ 7 7 7 PFC {WM "- _ September 24 for its annual meeting. The new president is Mrs. John Frame of Wood-I bridge. Open space students of KIeili-, burg .lunior Public School visit- ed Toronto City Hall and the animal section of the Royal On- tario Museuili as a supplement to their studies of animals Oc- tober 26. Mrs. Neil Watson is l‘t‘c0\'(‘l'- ing in Western Hospital. Toronâ€" to, after having undergone sur- gery followingr rupture of a vein in her head. The extensive sur- TOWNSHIP or VAUGHAN 1850 TENDER FOR SNOWPLOWING AND SANDING gory took five hours. Iler many" friends will be happy to know SEALED TENDERS (‘IC'dt‘Iy 1the operation was a “KL-05S .marked HS 10 contents \\‘III be received by the undersigned SCARBORO â€"- ’l‘he Scarboro [Board of Education rejected a proposal October 19 that smok- ing regulations in the borough's secondary schools be relaxed. The proposal recommended that smoking areas, now outlined by until: 12:00 Noon, Tuesday. November 10, 1970, for snowplowing and sanding equipment including operators and fuel. Sand and sander at- tachments to be supplied by the Ric/1 vale Senior Citizens Are Two Years Old ‘qvllPQIIUVIII'V‘C‘bI'ons-' Lions Hull on Spruce Street October 14 at 1:30 pm. because of illness. After a delicious roast beef dinner, provided, prepared and served by the three daughters of Stan Woods â€"â€" Inez Greenâ€" field, Marg Broom and Fran Purves â€"- with the All but one of the 27 members of Richvale Senior Citizens were present for the club‘s second birthday party in the The other member, Mrs. Evelyn Cooper, was it assistance of Verna Bain, ice cream and birthday Entertainment was provided by Pastor Tom Cowan of Langstaff Baptist Church and Mrs. Cowan. their vocal duets, accompanied by Mr. Cowan on his guitar. Movies of past activities of the group rounded out the afternoon’s program. In the picture above (left to right) at the head table are: Stan Woods. MrfCow-an, Vice-President Ina Lane, Program Convenor Reta Alexander, Secretary Marg Gladding' and Mrs. Cowan. The seniors are now busily preparing handmade articles for their bazaar to be held November 14. wear, embroidery, handmade toys and many other interesting items, there will be a table of home baking for sale. President of the seniors is Will nable to be present I I cake were relished. The seniors emoyed iam Johnson. Besides knitted : " '“""“ Jneighborh ood’s is named Steven William. .neighbors drop-in a “lady pump- i'fhey were going out to “trick- .- - . - . lpliyslcal education teacher. will the hoard. should be m», m we Lilllileblhlllls RIOIn‘ngci- i.vnoto_by' Stuart‘s Studim be In charge. discretion of principals, 19_‘ -~ - v a!“ , A card party open to the m it a; it I " ' Public will be held November Tender forms may be oblain- , I13 at 8 pm. WILLCHVDALE :s- Hb'dl‘n SCI- ed from the office of the under- s Jennifer Bird held a pJ party‘vice to a wide area of North signed. ‘ _ last Friday evening when manynork “35 “It 0‘1 abom 69â€" Lowest or any tender not Sales & Servwe .of her friends attended. Theloct‘me“ 26 “he†a feed?" “no necessarilv accepted girls had a good time but notlat , isRoad station burned out. North iYork Hydro ofï¬cials said most Another proud couple with a serum was restored within an ï¬rst child are Mr. and Mrs. Tom‘hour‘ enough slumbering which typical of this type of party. McClelland. Kleinburg Estates. Concratulaiions to Mr. and ley .\\cnue from 1 to 4pm and Congratulations to .\Il'. and Now iliai lllc gull season is KII‘S Illlli “ho \H‘l‘f‘ mill'l‘lk‘d 6-3I30D-ll Ploase come out and Mrs. Bob Wmneuski .\nn llaw- o\cr it would be nice in 399 1);“:â€" October ill in St. Mary's An- offer your gift to life. See you Illilll‘ who were married by Rev. cuts bringing Illt‘il‘ children out Sllk‘im CIWWIL ilt‘llmond “I†“Iâ€?! John Hodgson in \Voodbridge IOS|]]](I;5~\‘5('I]00I and moi-hm“) Mrs. Hills is the dtlLlFJhlL‘l‘ OI i'i_ m“ - < , . . recently. services. Services in the L'nited 311' and “VS- Wllllï¬m Hill‘l‘ls OI KINGSDALE ANIMAL Lucme bhaw‘ 8934431 Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Church are at 9.43am with Rev. Richmond Hill and Jim IS “10 .ert Schnaar. 123 L‘amlaren Cl‘es- William Reid in the pulpit. .\'o\' 50“ 0f 31f- x’lnd “IFS. Sid Hills. HOSPITAL cent. are pleased to hear of the William Reid in lll‘ ulsit. .‘ov- Vaughan BOUIt‘Vafd- Concord- adoption of baby Karin Louise ember l the condrriaiion \was AlllllVE‘f-‘HIIV SI'CC’IIHSS 20 01†DR' CARL HEDER Schnaar. imde him wry; in tho “n. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young. 833-5401 Congratulations to Mr. and them by Mrs. (ilcn Phillips and KT“: Ill‘lll Dl'll‘t‘. “110 “CFC Mrs. Robert Shaw tnee Mar)†Dr. Harold Baliner. mill‘l'lNI 5 Will's OCIObt‘l' 31- ‘Jeen’ Wagoneer lleiisiiliuulslile IIBW IIIXIII'I IIISIIIB with famous go-anywhere 4-Wheel Drive TEST-DRIVE THE 2-CAR CAR TODAY (1968) LTD. 9144 YONGE ST. Just South of Richmond Hill 889-1189 889-1799 R. H. Kraft. P.Eng., Township Engineer, Township of Vaughan. Maple, Ontario. Ontario llydro's Castleï¬eldi Their new son, born October 29,‘ Last Saturday night we had kin" and a gentleman “Convict.†A few of the little spooks .ortreat“ friends. Meet Your Local _ a a “E Icalled before we left for 3 Hal- ylovve‘en Dance at Pine Ridge SHUR- GAIN ining of interest and support for ‘IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE . pany of loyal friends and sup- porters of the Bible society from all the churches in Maple. It should mark a new begin- on Ryder Road. Senior Citizens The seniorshave planned a trip to the McLaughlin Plane- Hill. and have made their home WI. November 11. Mrs. Marâ€",points and Brandy and Gin tiedy garet Jackson and Mrs. Annie‘ Palmer will have charge of the‘ program, and Mrs. Meal Wilson; and Mrs. Velma Jennings will ia society which has as its one objective. the publication of IHoly Scripture in 122111 ltthci) lan- , cmages of the wor . . egan, mi}? comielt , . ‘ ‘ in 1804 in Old London With its‘ by :1; saggï¬gdicgtgiglzposri’i'eig ivery first translatioli‘i foil/Canada; - . 'i‘a free gift to t e ana a i _. under the capable leade1~§liip oftMoha“.k Indians and n'ow putri .2211: segretgu" Rev- lishes Holy Scripture in more‘ n .ew 13‘" “‘1 51-" even‘ than 1,000 tonaues. ing. Evasfozile of the. cult/Istapding The concerfwas rlnagriï¬cehg Men s 0 9 year m 3p e' v varied throng iou . W1 1 It brought to a successml C11Tilliruce Dow. in his lovely tenor max. the month of stirring cele-jvoice Singing negro Spirituals_ brations which marked 100 yearsiDixie' Dezn' Whose name is M Christian sewn?“ bly d.thelknown throughout America. pioneer Wesleyan etio lStS‘M. . . .a of accordion and the United Church ofiï¬ï¬tsiua plogl m Canada. I The young people had a pro- 3 ’é % be on the lunch committee. Anglican Church tai'ium November 3, with a re-[ port to follow next week. The Program for November 9‘. The season of bazaars is again is being Planned With Remem-iupon us and this Saturday is lot brance Day in mind. Ibe kept open to attend the an-} On October 26, MI‘S. Ednainual Christmas Bazaar held byl Bryan presented a program of‘ihe ladies of the ACW and the beautiful slides that she and her Sunday school. The bazaar will husband Barney had taken last be opened at 2 pm for two hours summer when they travelled on for the sale of home baking, a conduc'wd 1011f '6 h I‘ 0 u g h preserves, fabrics. Christmas de- EUI‘OPP Climaxed With the Pasâ€" corations and gifts, cut flowers sion Play at Oberammergau in'and a junior Anglican table Bavaria. The scenery and views with candy etc. Afternoon tea of castles were magnificent, and Iwill also be a feature. 1 as usual. Mrs. Bryan‘s commen- Presbyterian Church l [‘3er asSiStEd by Barney! made The Teachers of the kinder-1 the afternoon garten classes through grade 3, l \DQ!l-v.-v The concert was happilyi‘minent place in the program. ecumenical. with Rev. NormanlThe famous ..End Time Singers†-' Boogers" giving to can to “VOY'iwith their vigorous and distinc- Ship .ai‘d vowing a welcome to‘tive Christian message and the the cmzens 0f Mapie' - -. I“Canadian Sound" with their D1" Ramsay Armxiage' mimritelling witness. Thanks for the _ter of St. Stephens Anglican Splendid program are also due ' Chm-cm was the Chamnan' to Mrs. William Knapp, organist I Rev John Arbuckle of Zion . . ' - and Mrs. Bruce Dow. pianist and Lutheran read the scripture to Earl Hansen and William .Some interesting facts have held a Hallowe‘en Party for come to our attention about the their children on Saturday. with; IPassion Play. including the factia happy group of children inI ‘that there are many around the some marvellous costumes in at-‘ i'world in Roman Catholic counâ€"itendance. The young people. as-, tries on Good Friday. 'sisted by Rev. and Mrs. B. F. It seems that religious plays AUdl‘ewi en’flï¬'t'dimad the young‘ were quite common during the STBI‘S With games, costumes middle Ages and as early as the indging and I‘EfI‘EShments. 13th century were widespread United Church l : lesson. Rev. B. F. Andrew of ’ - Geen who head up the 10cal . ’ - ‘ r0. v . , St‘ Andrews PIESbyteuan p executive of the soc1ety. It was 1 nounced the benediction. , ‘ V , l ‘ Mrs. Earl Hansen, of the,a memmablieyflflg» - in many parts of Germany. In The ladies of the UCW are 1633, the Village of Oberam-iholding their “Frosty Fairâ€.r mergau was afflicted by aiNovember 14 at 2 pm. As special for second place with 27. Rum has come up to fouith spot with 20. Port follows with 19. Rye, with~18. Scotch with 15 and Vodka with 10. The last game of the first series were bowled November 2, with scores and winner in next weeks column. Pioneers -â€" October 29. Len Weeks earned the high triple with 573 and also took the high single with 245. Jack Gooderllain's team took all seven points from Pete Craibe’s men and Ed Barrett’s team took 4 Orne Downey's team was left with 3. Ed Bor- rett‘s team is still on top with 16 points. Jack Gooderham‘s next in line with 14. Pete Craibe's third place with 7 and Orne Downey‘s men have 5. Men â€" No scores available. Scouts and Cubs Frank Robson tells us that no campaign for selling manure in the village will be run this year for the Scouts, but that anyone interested in a half or a full load should contact Frank at 832-2490 and he will see that they get their fertilizer. Anyone wishing smaller lots will be most Welcome to pick up their own at Findlay Farms. Country Club IMart Kenney‘s Ranch). but found to our eha-‘ grin it is no longer in operation. 50 we attended the costume‘ party at the Woodbridge Legion: Mackenzie Senior Public. School has chosen an executive for its student council: Presi- dent Greta Bodker, Vice-Presi- dent Wayne Colton. Secretary Dean Bi‘illinger and Treasurer gBob Bonner. * The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION Licensing District No. 6 TAKE NOTICE that VILLA NOVA RESTAURANT LIMIT- ED carrying on business asI Villa Nova Restaurant and Steak House, of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor [Licence Board of Ontario. to be held at the offices of the Li- ;quor Licence Board of Ontario. I55 Lakeshore Blvd. East. in the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on Friday. the Twen- tieth day of November, 1970, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock‘ EST. in the forenoon for the' issuance OF A DINING1 LOUNGE LICENCE FOR THE. SALE AND CONSUMPTION or LIQUOR WITH MEALS, in} the following premises known} Representative- Gary Richardson is “Mr. SHUR-GAIN‘ throughout York and Ontario Counties. Gary's background, which includes graduation from MacDonald Agricultural College plus Feed Service Mill experience in York County, places him in an excellent position to assist and work with livestock and poultry producers. Gary Richardson Whether your farming activity involves cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, horses or rabbits, Gary Richardson is anxious to be of service to you. The SHCR-GAIN feeding and herd health programs which Gary represents are Research-Farm proven to provide maximum benefits and profits for you. For complete SHUR-GAIN Feed Service information contact your local SHUR-GAIN Dealer or call Gary Richardson at (416) 763-2674 collect. .as Villa Nova Restaurant andl Christian Missionary Alliance; was, above all. responsible for: ' organizing an excellent program. We know that friends an neighbors of the Kenneth Ker- d‘and the town council vowed telCentennial year. there will be Next time the Bible society‘l'igans- chentlr moved from ~ plans a scared concert, it wiII,MaPlP- \leI be happy to hear be jammed to the roof. Thislihat \trhe engaginent of daugltiiâ€" ~ » v ‘ com-‘ er. l ancy as een announce , “me the†“as a splendid Iwith the wedding to take place \in the Maple United Church, ,November 27 at 7 pm. Nancy is engaged to be married to Chris i 1Button. son of Mr. and Mrs. ’ ,‘Charles Button of Australia. ‘ wlr $011 It A bridal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Jim Spencer, Jackson Street, October 26. to Correspondent: Mrs. Frances Purves 526 Carrville Road Phone 884-2552 ‘severe epidemic of the plagueflfeatures in this, the church‘s give 3 501811111 presentation of story telling for the small fry. the Passion and Death of Jesusavhile mommy brouses. and. every 10 years to the end oflspecial tables for men and for time if the people of their viii-,boys and girls. age were Spare‘i The Story goesl The usual home baking. Dreâ€" that from then on the villagers serves and girls “.i†3150' be on recovered and the vow was display. 1 1carried out the very next year .' . Durin the ar v ‘ l l . g ye 5' 58 9131 p ays are very happy with the numberi have had to be suspended due‘ , , l to political influence and war of students who volunteered to . . ‘ llect pennies for UNICEF onI time. In 1950 the play attracted co , . , , . half a million spectators. More Hallween‘ 0V9] 50 wungSteISI have attended each year, until, carried the little mad" and from the original Single perfor_Iorange boxes in aid of children. ghonor Nancy Kerrigan. Mrs. mance in 1950 the play was p,.e_ ;in other COUml'iES- I ,. Neighborhood Notes ispencei‘ with her daughtelzisented' 33 times ‘ The School bus safety patrolsi ' Birthday wishes are extendedLomse Court, entertained a 11 are working out very “911‘ and : to lime Joe Read who celebrat-LIIOSt of guests, with friends of : ed November 3. Ithe bride to be and friends of - Rev. John Patterson was back her family. They were assisted : for the services at Carrvillelby daughter Helen Buchanan United Church November 1 and‘and daughter-inâ€"law Susanne started a series of very intei'est-lSpencer. The bride was presen- ' ing sermons on the “Fallen ted with a set of kitchen pans Saints." The choir, made up Of from the assembled guests along > junior girls, sang an anthem with a collection of small kit- The season is from May ti September. with the perform- ,anee beginning 8:30 in the Imorning and lasting until 6 in the evening. . There are 125 parts in the play as well as those of singers. soloists, the chorus and silent roles. I one bus driver has even com- imented that he wondered what: was wrong with the kids since‘ they were so quiet and well be- haved. These patrols include, both schools. I derway for the grade 6 students' Scouts and Cubs. with the money going to the Steak House and being located ‘in a one storey brick building. This is believed by many gar-lat the northeast corner ofl t deners to be the best time of year to add manure to the garâ€" den before the freeze up, and time's a’wasting! WIlI’l‘BY ~â€" In a brief on the Oshawa Area Planning and Devâ€" elopment Study, Whitby council bitterly attacked Oshawa‘s charge that it may be under-‘ represented and over-charged in regional gavernment. l’l‘he brief presented to a disâ€", cussion meeting October 20 strongly opposed the demand for representation by popula- tion made in Osliawa‘s pres- entation the previous week. The‘ Whitby‘brief charged that the third discussion paper gave the city too much representation rather than to little. Oshawa said it would pay Dental inspection will be un-i$9.25 million toward regionaliJ, roads by 1976, but only $2 " ‘cession 3. Keele Street and Highway i‘o. I7, which said restaurant is mu- nicipally known as 2220 High< Iway No. 7, Concord, Ontario. being part of Lot 6, Con-i in the said Town- ship of Vaughan. The dim: ensions of the said restaur-I ant are '70 feet more or less, byI 62 feet more or less and the restaurant has a seating capac-I ‘ity of 194 persons and has 01" will have the necessary accomâ€" modation, facilities and equip? ment as required by the regu- lations under The Liquor Lic- ‘ence Act and amendments Ithereto for premises classified as a restaurant. i ANY person who is resident in the licensing district may ob- ject to the application. and the grounds of objection in writing Isllall be filed with MR. H. BROWNE, the Registrar‘ ‘of the licensing district. whose Ol‘F SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ON A GALLON OF FIRST QUALITY PAINT AND A 2" PURE BRISTLE BRUSH ONE can FL†W' 720 NEW CUSTOM MIXED COLORS PLUS WHITE W RC" 4’x8’ $6.60 Reg. $I0.95 NATURAL.. KNOTTED . DOMESTIC . . . (While They Last) Heavy Duty PICS‘I'EC November 10. million of this would be spentladdress is 55 Lakesliore Boule- - very sweetly. , [Chen items. As well as an 0pp0r-. The original play took place , . _. , V . ,, - , , i , . 9 .- . The Ucw members areztunity for the guests to visit in the church and then “RSI Report cards will be out bylin' ille§1;3.1tliald \thitthye“52%:‘lfrdeiastier'fmdogt: 6.efOOrnetaitiIOé 149 : deeply Rpmeiative for theiwm‘ the Charming bl‘ide~t0-be.,m°"ed Ollt into the ODEH. and me end 0f November' and a“ pii'iocsi .a‘ndmivdiirlldliiecflve $59Iineetiiig at which the applicaâ€" (10 to a bag) - Reg. 5 I many willing workers \vho‘who has been away from Maple finally in 1815 a theatre was Parents “'hO 31'8 Concerned abOUtip ‘ {ion is to be heard, KITCHEN SIZE BAGS _ 29c pKG_ (15 To A PKG.) worked so hard to make the an-‘ nual turkey supper a successful ' event. Remember the family fun night at the church hall Nov- - ember 13 at 8pm. : Richvale Lions held a Hal-L , lowe'en Dance at their hall Fri- ' day evening with everyone com- ing in costume. some really in- - teresting creations being noticed. Prize for best man‘s constume went to Ian Cox- wort‘hy as an Indian. and the ladies' award went to the other : half of the Greenï¬eld "dice." - Norma. ‘ 'l‘he Lionettes have planned a ,‘ hard times of Pogey Dance for ‘ November 28 at the Lions llall. - Tickets are available from any ' of the members. Frank Purves and Stan Wood motored to Maxwell October ‘27 to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley. Mrs. Seeley is the former Laura Prentice who at- tended school in Carrville a half century ago. On the return trio ' they stoppcd Ill \‘listou to visit for more than a year. the even- constructed. and reconstructed ing provided an opportunity to again in The stage visit with each other after a is lnost impressive. with the .1ong summer and a busy fall. chews on a two plane stage at . >i Ye is a the front and the action at the The many friends of ‘Mrs. rear on the second Plane- _Mary Jones. who is still in SH There is no artificial lighting. John‘s Convalescent Hospital, and the play takes place in day- ;Willowdale. would like to wish light with the mountains. sky1 her a speedy return home. land clouds as backdrop, and the ‘Several of her friends from the scenery changes, 40 in all. are ‘WI and from the Maple Senior carried out electi‘icallv. The Citizens have visited with her, table used for the Last~Supper and have been cheered by her is more than 200 years old and sunny smile. In turn they have some of the costumes as well helped her to pass a few hours as the two crosses used could be of her long' stay away from well considered museum pieces. home. Although the actual text of the play goes back to the 1601 century. it has been re-worked is n e . It is to be hoped that liarry Jackson. who has been in York several times. and the music Central Hospital recently will be was written in the earlv 19Lh well on the way to recovery, century by Oberamihergau and will be able to return home. musician. His many friends are thinking of him and wishing a quick return to good health. A sincere welcome from the community goes out to John This would seem to be a most memorable event for one to be fortunate enough to attend. one never for-gotten. anything to do with their child‘s progress, etc.. is urged to con- tact the school for an interview with his teacher. Many parents do not realize the benefit de~ rived by both the parent and students from interview with teachers. A request is being put forth for parents or grade 8 students to volunteer to drive students to the traffic couhs in Rich~ mond Hill on or about Novem~ ber 18. in the morning. and to be on hand to bring them back before lunch. This is an unusual opportunity for the students to observed the "wheels of Justice†in motion. Bowling Ladies October 36. the high single w as taken by Sharon Groundsell with 285. the high triple was earned by Ann King's 651 and June Wilson holds the high average with 2203. Port took 4 points and Vodka took 3. Sherry took 6. Brandy 1. Gin the John McLeods. Iormcrh Rlcllvale of and S‘JH‘IIHC Spencer, c hn have unwed to Maple from Richmond Women‘s Institute took 4 and Rye and Rum took Mr. John Corklll llI 'l‘hoinl ill all 7 points from Scotch This \\1II he the hostess lo the Maple teams Sherry on top with 32 4 million in work. The Whitby brief said this would be 00501 by construction of an $18 million north-south, expressway within Oshawa‘si west boundary. It said also that; the city‘s regional road pay-. Nova Restaurant and Steak ments would be offset by the": House, 2220 Highway No. 7 region picking up Oshawa‘si and Keele St, debts for arterial roads it has‘ debentured. The following.r work Large tree plantingr 0 Dead tree and stump Free Estimates - - RICHMOND HILL TREE OWNERS Let us help you KEEP ONTARIO GREEN Tree and shrub pruning. cabling and surgery Landscaping and sodding Municipal 11 orks and Hydro Clearance Harold VanDyke, Prof. Arborist & FORESTRY CO. LTD. DATED at Toronto this 19th day of October. 1970. VILLA NOVA RESTAL‘RANT LIMITED carrying on business as Villa Concord. Ontario. should be done now 1‘ transplanting removal - Phone 884- 7774 TREE SERVICE 3 PKGS. $1.00 FACTORY CLEARANCES . . LUXURIOUS KITCHEN CABINET 6i 1/2 WALL CUPBOARDS PRICE In six standard sizes. Beautifully prefinished inside, fully covci‘ednwlth washable viiin in white color. Burma-Teak weodgrain in furniture finish. magnetic catches and black colonial-style knobs. postt'ormed countertops in Arborite Beige Scrim. SEE ['8 FOR ALI. YOL'R NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ANI) COTTAGE MATERIALS We carry Name Brand Floor & Ceiling Tiles 8; a Big Val‘lel.“ of Wall Panelling CAD/[MC BUILDING PRODUCTS (0. PHONE 832-2271 KEELE ST.. MAPLE \orln of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. to 9 pm. â€" Sat. 8:30 am. to 5 ram. GO0.0000..OOOWCOOO...OOOOWWOOOOâ€OOOOOOOQOOOO llouis. 8 30 a in. If) 5 .10 p Ill - Irina; (3‘ ill) a in O...†OOOOwooooooaoQoooaAOAooo¢94¢9¢ oowooomo