is -c‘h.-.. Senior Citizens V The regular monthly meeting -of Thornhill Senior Citizens‘w’asl . .‘held October 28 in Holy Trinity‘ L'Church Hall. Thirtyâ€"seven mem- fbers were in attendance includâ€" ‘ing one new member, .Miss :Florence Neale, who was intro- Tduced and given a warm wel- fcome. Birthday greetings were ‘a birthday in October. I 3 A short business meeting fol- ilowed during which Mrs. CiSSle TMoate was appointed secretary. :extended to all members havmgéand remarkable la [live in Thornhill. In the same Province of Ontario and she also received a personal tele- gram from Premier John Roâ€"l barts and his wife. It was a very THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Nm‘. 5. 1970 Thornhill and Distrci News “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers i Please Call Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 ferent countries. Presbyterian Church The WMS October meeting was held in the educational happy birthday for a charming‘room of the church with a good house. for the past 65 years. United Church Scottish C o u n i r y Dance FOUOWIng the busmess meet"iclasses are now being held at ting J03 wai" entertained mcm' Thornhill United every Saiur-. :bers with his beautiful colored Câ€"slides of Japan. which he hadlDecember 5. "Itaken during a three week vaca- ftion there earlier this year. Mrs, ’Cathy Walker then read a poem ~:“This Troubled World" written 'iby Vida Williamson of Richvale. '. During the meeting it was an- :nounced that the usual Christ- 'mas Dinner would take place on .iDecember 2 at the church. ILadies of Holy Trinity ACW ‘would be entertaining the senior ‘citizens and there would also be the customary exchange ofl gifts. value of which is not to exceed $1. Another date for members to; look forward to is November; 24. when they will be holding‘ -an evening of euchre. begining ,at 8 pm. Tickets are $1 and reâ€"_ _freshments will be served and prizes offered. Any one is in- ..vited to attend and tickets are available from any member of the senior citizens. _- The next regular meeting will 1be held on November 17 and members will be entertained by a choir of senior citizens from North York. Any senior citizens in the Thornhill area would be most welcome. Celebrates 90th Birthday . Mrs. Etta Johns. 7636 Yonge Street, last week celebrated her 90th birthday and the happy oc- casion wasmarked by a delight- :ful tea party given for her by, :her daughters Mrs. Esther Hep-' hum of Orillia and Mrs. Mary ‘ILittIe of Weston. , Many lfriends came to offer their con- ;gratulations. to Mrs. Johns and 0 FALL CLEAN-UPS o LANDSCAPING o MAINTENANCE Dick Maier Landscape Thornhill day from 9 am to 12 noon until, There will howâ€" ever. be no class on Novembte 14. Please phone Mrs. Jean} Shelson at 889-2131, for morej information. The Sunday school is urgently in need of extra help. In the primary department, an assist- ant superintendent and four teachers â€" grades I. 2 and 3 are required. In the junior department. a superintendent. an assistant superintendent and‘ 15 leaders â€"- grades 4. 5 and 6 are required. If you would like to offer your services call Har-‘ old Farrant at 889-7156. I Don't forget the exciting Cross-Country Caravan com-l ing to Thornhill United‘ this Friday. Afternoon tea will be served between 2 and 4.30 pm and in the even- ing there will be desserts and coffee from 7.30 to 9.00 pm. The four exciting boutiques“ each representing a different province will be open from 2 pm and the silent auction will be conducted right through un- til the evening. Christ The King Church Don't forget the clothing drive now being held by the women of the Church and which ends this weekend. Good used cloth- ing may be left at the church and will be donated to the Lutheran . Lutheran World Relief Fund. Mrs. Judy Mardon is convenor. On November 14 a bake and make sale will be held at the church from 1.30 until 3 pm. Contractor 889-5344 .nl-u e‘ili::-.: -. 6 p.m. to DANCING AND PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM FOR ALL AGES Every Tuesday Night, \ at Heintzman House ROYAL ORCHARD BLVD. - THORNHILL l 9.30 p.m. l isiblyl Imeetings for the fall season. come. dy. who has$attendance President Mrs. Nor- man Nixon was in the chair and Ithe theme of the meeting was missionary work. Members .opened the meeting with the ‘singing of Hymn 797 which n as followed by the Lord‘s Prayer. Mrs. Fred Porter then gave an extremely interesting talk onl missionary work. and a veryl informative group of were shown on India. which a question period fol-‘ lowed. I Hymn 373 was then sung and flamenco dancers and shopping the offering taken up by Mrs; Ralph Camsell and Mrs. Gibson,‘ with Mrs. Camsell giving the offertory prayer. The mec‘ingl closed with a prayer by Mrs} Ormiston and a luncheon and social period followed. Sculpture by Cruise Friends of Stephen Cruisc.‘ who lived in Thornhill for many‘ years before moving to Toronto. will be interested to hear ofl this latest exhibition of sculp- ture. The exhibition took place} n the Thornhill area. Socially Speaking In Thornhill .'among the many lovely flowers and then on December 14 at liers. and gifts she received were 90 8.15 the women of the Church fumifure; the walled city of gorgeous red roses from her.will hold an evening of demon- Toledo with its narrow streets son. Dr. Ralph Johns and his strations. discussion and studyland a 13m century cathedral; Wife. a framed plaque from the on Christmas customs in dif-fthe home of El Greco. the fam- porcelains and period lcus Spanish artists: the ruins of .Alcazar‘ El Escorial. Pantheon of the Spanish Kings which is a stupendous monastry living at the base of the Guadamarra Mountains, and the Valley of the Fallen. a gigantic memorial to those who fell in the tragic Civil War of the ‘30's. Thel memorial is in the form of a1 subterranean church built into the mountain and surmounted1 .by a gigantic cross almost 500 feet high. From Madrid they flew to the slides Malaga Airport and bussed to‘, afterITorremolinos on the Costa dell Sol, where they enjoyed more sun. typical Spanish restaurants. for leather goods etc. Ole and happy memories! Guides and Brownies Members of lst Langstaff Guide Company recently atten- ded a patrol leader camp at Boyd Conservation Area, during \vhich they took part in an all day hike. They also participated in a bike at Albion Hills on October 24. Congratulations to members of the above company who have recently been awarded badges: l l i from October 22 to November 4IChild Care â€"â€" Dunreath Thompâ€": and was held at Glendon Col-Ison. Jean Gourley. Linda and‘ ‘ Wine And Cheese Party Brings End To Tennis Season Camperâ€"Margaret Ball, Karen, lege of the University of‘ Toronto. The show, which clos-l ed on Wednesday. was extreme-I ly successful. I Enjoy Vacation In Spain Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marks,I Thornridge Drive, recently re} turned from a two week vacaq tion in Spain, where they en-I joyed warm sunny weather every day. They flew first to} Madrid where they stayed for‘ five days at the Hotel Luz Pala- cio. taking guided tours down‘ the main street of Jose Antonio, around University City with its many new and modern looking buildings, and also the flea market. They also saw a bullfight, but remarked that they would not like to see another (beef was not on the menu that night!) Other places of interest which they saw included the Royal Palace of the Spanish Kings and! Queens. which is now a museum chandeâ€" filled with tapestries, Louise Corssline. Meredith Hill and Patty Lewis: Canoeist â€" Louise Gorssline: Backyard Moorehouse. Louise Gorsslinc: Religion and Life â€" Dunreath Thompson! Water Siding Louise Gorssline, Linda Gorss- line: Outdoor Cook â€"â€" Margaret Ball. Dunreath Thompson. Jean Gourley. Linda G o r s s l i n e. Louise Corssline. Karen Moore- house: Backyard Cook â€" Linda GorSsline. Karen Moorehouse and Margaret Ball: Swimmer â€" Dunreath Thompson: Physical Fitness â€" Patty Lewis. Jean Gourley, Margaret Ball: Athlete â€"â€"- Linda and Louise Gorssline: 2nd Class â€" Karen Moorehouse. Jean Gourley. Congratulations too to the fol- lowing 15t Langstaff Brownies who have recently earned badges: Ruth MacEachern and Margaret Lloyd â€" housekeeper, Cari Billing; Cathy Lewis â€"â€" writer. RICHVAI. E NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White, 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 ‘ Community NeWS TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sen- have started their club The Richvale Branch meets at the home of Shirley Gibson, 29 Clareridge Drive each Tuesday at 8 pm. Anyone interested in joining is asked to come along. or to ob- tain further information, call Shirley at 889-5663. Teenagers to senior citizens are all wel- The lst Langstaff Cub and: Day Parade in Richmond Hill onl Sunday at 2 pm. The parade will go along Markham Road to Yonge Street and north to the Cenotaph at McConaghy Public School. There will also be a Remem- brance Day Dinner Saturday when veterans of World War 1 will be guests of Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion. The Newmarket Pipe Band will be in attendance. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mrs. Heinz ‘the executive of the Royal Or-3 . Barbara Rowe. More Pupils Than Wo l I After hearing York County Board of Education Chairman John MacKay describe thel board’s reasons for opposing a change in the county‘s southern boundary, parents attending a1 meeting Wednesday of last week at Royal Orchard Schoon adopted a resolution instructing chard Parent Education Assoc- iation to protest to. Premier John Robarts against any north- ward Metro expansion. Mr. MacKay explained that 13 York County schools are south of the proposed Highway 407, which would likely be the new boundary. The loss to the county of this area, with its tax assessment and these 13 schools. would seriously dislo- cate the county's school system. There are both financial and l i lights of the summer. Thornhill Tennis Club brought a very successful 1970 season to a close October 23 by holding a wine and cheese party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Condy, 40 Delair Crescent. Everyone enjoyed the attractive and delicious food on the buffet table and recalling the high- All in all it was a real “fun†party. Seen above at the buffet are (left to right) Village Trustee Eric Cole, Dorothy Cole, President Phylis Moon, Stan Finch and Although this party marked the official end of the playing season for the tennis club, several “hardy members are still enjoying the game on the courts located in the village park. rkers Boundary Changes, New Schools Dscussed At Thornhll Meeting for the citizens of the area to! was made expressly so that theI area would be large enough' and well enough co-ordinated fol provide the services the citi- zens need. This was also the. reason for the formation of the county board of education. Mr. MacKay quoted Educa-i tion Minister William Davis as, saying, when the new board wasi being planned. “You need a' large enough area and assess-l ment so you can do necessary things like psychological test- ing.†The York County Board is now less than two years old, ,and after a busy period of or- iganization, Mr. MacKay said. it is now in a position to do the tasks it was formed to do. It absorb, Mr. MacKay said. Thelmeans that the learning force. change to regional governmentiis larger than the working forcel LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 ‘Neighborhood Notes Langstaff Home and School Association is making ï¬nal pre- parations for its fall dance at like Heintzman House on Royal Orchard Boulevard on Saturday. Music will be provided by a ldisc jockey. and there will be ‘corsages for the ladies as well ‘as door prizes. spot dance prizes and a buffet supper. Enquiries jabout tickets should be made to ‘Mrs. Geoffrey Cook. 889-4553. In the absence of the presi- dent. Vice-President Mrs. Violet Ablett chaired the October meeting of the Langstaff Wom- en's Institute which was held at the home of Mrs. Jan Robbins. Mrs. Ruby Manol, who is lea- ving the area to live in South Porcupine. was given a Wom- en's Institute pin. Ruby, who 'has been a loyal member for years. will be missed by her friends in the group. Peggy Morris will arrange the rental of the WI Santa suits this year. Mrs. Joyce Curtis. citizen- ship and education convenor. gave the program. Mrs. Curtis. who is an avid bird watcher. gave a talk on the many inter- esting varieties of birds that visit her feeding station. i Refreshments were served by ers. Dorothy Marshall and Mrs. ‘Betty Pa‘ttison. Church News Next Sunday evening at Em- manuel Anglican Church there will be a special program for iyoung people. A youth group II‘ “Iâ€! lumilli ll‘l! ' IIIIIIII . i ' from St. Stephen‘s Anglican in Metro will come with guitars and other musical instruments to join with people in this area in an evening of fun. Starting time is 7 pm and all young people in the area are invited. The guest preacher at next Sunday's service will be Rev. Fred Jackson of St. Mary's An- glican in Richmond Hill. It will be a service of remembrance. The annual Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar of Emmanuel Angli- can will be held November 21 in the parish hall. There will be gifts, baked goods and candy. Tickets for the tea and a chance on the door prize are available from any of the ladies of the ACW or from your correspon- dent. , I ll . a l ‘ I, I I _ - ‘ Iniuinnil y l ' Ill 1 I ll . I l lllllll (Photo by Stuart's Studio) ‘WVVVVW’V ; Ring Funeral Home 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 are adult job.holders. This which pays for the student‘s‘ education. One planned-for school, Bay-, view-Fairway. will be construct-j ed on an open plan. and each child will be able to make con- tinuous progress according toi is own ability. The school to} be built in the Shields-Snowl Subdivision by 1972 will prob-I ably also be built on the openl plan. An open plan school can pro- vide the flexibility necessary to, ensure a suitable program for each child. “One child,-for instance. may need to run in Math, walk in English. and crawl in French,†as Mr. Bac- salmasi put it. The school ex-' pects and helps each child to via Motorcoach 14 DAYS OF RELAXATION AND SUNSHINE Departure Dates ‘ " departures for S 1 9 TWIN I Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., I HAWAII PACKAGE TOUR for 2 weeks from $439 ._'TRAVELWAYS TOURS Convenient Mar., Apr. (each of 2) 226-4804 ' /. l I _ Scout Ladies Auxiliary held a Dudichum. 49 Westwood Lane.'I‘-l~lm€in implicationS. Ml‘. Mac- should not hav to ff th I r du - ‘d' ' ' ' I For information call Gilda LORUSSO travelling bake sale on October who was this year‘s winner of‘Kay said, referring to the brief dislocations thatewouljlubeercauss‘:biliti: accm mg to hls man I z _ _ 129 and wish to thank all those the York County and DistrictiOPDOSing 3 boundary Cha“geied by a boundar han ' i i E ’ Z 884 5559 or 884 4249 who purchased baking for sup-.Read Estate Board‘s Home Car which was prepared by the ‘ y C gel MORE. OPEN CLASSES I 2 . porting the group. iden Contest Her prize “as aniyork County Board of Educa_\ MORE PUPILS THAN ’ When it was formed the. Some of the new Scouts ofioil painting by Artist Langleyilion. In its five year capital WORKERS mum-V board mhemed three. I WE RENT open plan schools. It is plan-‘ ning three more such schools. and also plans to have somel new additions to schools con- structed on the open plan. In the Langstaff group are lookingiDonges of Willowdale. formerly forecast and development plan. Stephen BacsalmaSiv Sl‘pel’m" for parts or all of the new uni-‘of Richmond Hill. ‘the board has based its plan on tender†0f research and deVel'I forms, berets, 'shirts. ties. etc. Belated birthday greetings go lhe present area. and/depends."pment for the \Ork Co‘mt-V if you have a part of a uniform Christopher Craigie. 21 on the assessment of the wholelBoard the†described the need ‘ lfor school construction in the EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 5 T0 9 PM. Saturdays As Usual 7 em. to 3 p.m. to - I and wish to sell or donate it, Yongehurst Boulevard. who ceâ€"‘area. V v V please call Mrs. Joan Richards lebrated his eighth birthday on; Many students now live on‘lnca] area- 4 Bemee" xUnge about three Years the“? “’111 be .' at 889-0284. October 30 with some of his one side of the proposed bound- Street LESI‘G Str99t~ Steelesiappmx‘mately 15 59110015 ha"- School pals. lam, and attend a school on the Avenue and Highway 7. he said. lthere are 26 subd1v1310ns. either‘ The marriage 0f Lorie Montâ€"other side. These students, , _ I gomery. daughter of Mr_ and‘would need to transfer to a difflex'isting. under construction, or‘ MI‘S- Gordon M0ntg0m€rÂ¥~‘ferent school. The board ofiplanned' _ ‘ Thornhill. t0 Ernie Falconer.lediication's brief states, “The. There are now e‘ght SChOOIS son of Mrs. E. Falconer and theiproposed transfer of ‘in this area, with 4.250 pupil. lands . . late Nll‘. J. Falconer Of \VillOW-lwould result in a 1055 to Yorklplaces' Slr‘lce the 59h°°15 aet' ually contain approximately 4.4 dal€~ i00k Place QCtOber 31 in‘County of 3460 student places , Emmanuel Anglican Church and of 3072 students at the ele- 800 Stl‘denis‘ they are 115mg ing a partial or complete openl plan. During a question period Mr. Bacsalmasi was asked whether teachers are being prepared to ;- teach in open plan schools. He ' replied that last year the board‘ held a number of workshops and seminars for teachers who are or will be teaching in anI The Monday Night Cub Pack is in need of assistance. If any- one can give their time for an hour or so to help the move- lment, please call Herb McGuf- fin at 889-3637. The Saturday program of ‘films for children at Richmond ‘iIill High School is now under ~ EQUIPMENT Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters ' Pumps Trenchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18’ boom Richvale. H'ï¬â€˜h‘i Richvale ‘1 ‘ THORNHILL Lift Capacity - 2 ton Scaffold" Rentals ï¬ssile 9114 YONGE ST. 889-1059 HARoLi) g KEFFER REALTOR L'i‘ng. ; sunlibili) ; ,KEFFER; " Rusti‘oi‘i LTD; j THORNHILL HOMES WANTED â€" CAN YOU HELP US TO HELP OTHERS â€" Clients have asked our Salespeople to locate the follow ing properties: 3-5 bedroom village home. up to 560.000. 3 bedroom home. large treed lot. up to 555.000 cash. Centre hall 3 bedroom plus den. up to 345.000. Call me for confidential consultation Mr H. F. Keffer. 889-8181 Member of Toronto and York County Real Estate Boards ' meetings will way. These films are especially ~made for children from 7 to 13 This week‘s program includes; "The Stolen Airliner" and part, two of “Masters of Venusâ€. The‘ show starts at 2 pm and admis- sion is 30 cents. Children under. seven should be accompanied " by a parent. Adults. are admit- ted free. These programs are managed by a small group of parents as- sisted by the library club of Richmond Hill High School. Willowcrest Rebekah No. 296 of the IOOF will be holding their annual bazaar and euchre Saturday at the North York Memorial Community Hall. 5090 Yonge Street. Willowdale. at 2 pm. Euchre begins at 8 pm and everyone is invited to at- tend. An informative meeting of the new Richvale Ranger Crew was held Saturday at the home of their Captain Mrs. M. Matias. 68 Roosevelt Drive Future be on the first and third Wednesday of every month beginning at 7:30 pm at the same address. Rangers are for girls from 14 ._' .Ilrs. Marinas at 889-5181 There will be a Remembrance Lodgel .Church News The clothing drive at Christ the King Lutheran Church clo», ses this Saturday. All clothing should be brought to the church for use by Lutheran World Re- lief. The convenor of this drive is Mrs. Judy Mardon. If you have 1good used clothing, please take it-to the church. Women of the church are al- so busy preparing for their Bake and Make Sale November 14 .from 1:30 to 3 pm. The Anglican Church Women of Emmanuel Church held their monthly meeting on Tuesday. The business meeting was fol- lowed by a fun night and re- freshments. The Sunday school at Emman- uel has divided into two groups. Those from grade 4 up attend at 9:30 am and the younger boys and girls at ll am. The leader of the young people at the church is Mrs. Bernice Lever. If you haven't yet joined this group with your ideas. homes. beefs. please call her at 889-6703. Anyone wishing to purchase a church calendar is asked to call to 18 with or without Girl .\Irs. Caroline Cook at 889-4553, Guide experience. They are heir: produced co- Richvale now has its first operatively by the Anglican and Land Ranger Company. and all United Churches. and are de- new girls are welcome. For fur- signed with pler “ of room for ' flier information please contact writing down es. appoint- ments. etc, in ti‘ space alloted for each day. mentary lev Ident places and 1510 students at the secondary level." EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL The loss to York County of Thornlea Secondary School. which opened in 1968. would be especially regrettable. Mr. Mac- Kay said. As the board brief states, “Thornlea draws stud- .ents from well beyond its nor- mal attendance areas. The staff were attracted to it because of‘ its experimental nature. and a considerable amount of board support has been devoted to designing and establishing the special programs in the school. But the evolution has only be- gun. and five or ten years will be required before valid con- clusions can be drawn “ Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough announced last May that a change in York COUHU"S southern boundary was probable. and would take place in about two years, Since then Mr. McKeough has indi- cated that the province may re- consider the proposal. Mr. MacKay noted that many changes have occurred in the area within the past two years. The county board was formed. The new regional council has been elected. Tax assessments have been put on a county-wide basis. and assessments have been made at market value. a new method These are changes enough 9L and of 1814 Stu_ about 14 portable classrooms. If plans for the new subdivisions ‘proceed on schedule about 4.000 more students will come into the schools in the next ‘three years, Five more schools would be needed. This places a heavy financial burden on the board of education. ‘ Mr. Bacsalmasi added that there are now more students in school. in Canada. than there IMPACT by JEAN CHRETIEN Federal Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern at Thornhill Secondary School Friday. November 13 Subject: Under Attack Relating to Problems of Arctic Sover- eignty and Indian. Metis and Eskimo Communities. Chairman: Barney Danson. MP York North Parliamentary Secretary to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Sponsored by the Little L’ of the Board of Student Senators Guests Welcome open plan school. The boards in-service training for teachers‘ ' is extensive: altogether 68 pro- grams were provided last year. Stan Greenwood, chairman of the Royal Orcahrd Parent Edu-‘ cation Committee. chaired the meeting. Messrs. MacKay and .. Bacsalmasi were introduced by Markham Township Trustee John Honsberger. } l l L_.,..,. Featuring: Country Fresh Meats * Vegetables Dairy Products * Eggs * Delicatessen * Etc. Also: ANTIQUES and HANDICRAFTS all at REAL SAVINGS! * Fruits Development 3:30 p.m. On Policies and Plans YONGE AND ELGIN STS.. THORNHILL Soak a Ample Free Parking Admission Free » ow » 1'. 2n. .- W‘;:‘~