Driving To Drugs Covered In York County School Research Program to do the necessary research and set up a fair and equitable division of population among the wards. Let these v election promises become a reality. This is the democratic way in which to hold elections â€"- the federal government uses it, the provincial government uses it and many munic- ipalities use it. This method ensures representation by population, the basis of our government. ‘ In'the past few years and in the coming two years, Vaughan has been fortunate in spreading its represen- tation on council over the whole municipality, and most areas have had direct representation at the 1110110 11111, lb 15 uecuuuug quiu: UVJ‘ dent that the three members of the 1971-72 council from the extended areas of the new town will make a great contribution. This contribu- tion will be for the benefit of all people within the new municipality’s limits as well as for those living within the added areas. It is conceivable that if Richmond Hill had not used a ward system for this election, but had decided to elect councillors over the whole municipal- ity that at least two of these men might well have been defeated, since they would not have been known by the great majority of the towns- people â€" and the whole community would have suffered. many services and pnuantnro- pies, both local and interna- tional. that are supported by} the B’nai B’rith Women. I These include Meals on' Wheels and Sunnybrook Hos- pital, the canteen at Queen Street Mental Health Centre, and provision of hampers for needy families at Christmas time and Chunukah. The women also canvass for numerous community cam- paigns and sponsor blood donor clinics. as well as planning pro- grams for the Hebrew Club for more serious problem each time we find an apparent solution to some aspects of the pollution of our enviroment. OSHAWA â€" The introduction of regional government will re- sult in a “normal†increase tax rate for Oshawa residents pre- dicts Mayor Bruce Mackey. At a recent meeting on regional government the mayor told Oshawa Chamber of Commerce regional government would cause a “normally expected in- creased rates of taxesâ€. He the Blind and for the Vanier added, however, that the city Reform Institute for Women. For tickets for the show call can not count on either a great increase or reduction in its tax Mrs. Evelyn Feldman, 223-8574 rate. or Mrs. Sylvia Kirshner, 6645. 635- “What we can expect is tax re- form," said Mayor Mackey. i D As I stepped into his workroom, I was overcome by the odour of tanning solution and various other chemicals. A huge freezer stood in one corner, for obvious reasons, and stacks of reference books in another. Biological supplies crowed one work- bench while still another bench was ringed with the tools of the trade . . . knives, pliers, oil, paints and water colours. Near the centre of the room stood the partially finished form of a jaguar. Steve had built it himself from wire supports and excelsior to the polyfilla shaping, it was at once accurate and quite nicely done. It is Steve’s project of nearly a year now and in his spare time he works on it, mak- ing sure each ripple of a muscle in the cat’s stride is just so. It strikes me that putting the hide of the dead animal over this just isn’t necessary. From the time Steve Wright was thirteen, he (Continued on Page 14) 3‘:llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli'lllllllll Ill\llllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘? Driver education. archaeo- logical field studies, non- medical use of drugs, the effects of biculturalism on Canadian unity are among numerous experimental and research programs under- taken by staff of York County Board of Education and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in York County since the county board took office in January 1969. The industrial relations specialist, who is co-author of the $1 million report by the federal Task Force on Labor Relations, also accused the Ontario Liberal Party and the New Democrats of failing to even recog- nize that a problem exists in the in- dustry, let alone offer any possible solution. Both opposition parties have been highly critical of the sug- gested legislation and have joined the unions in presenting a united front against the government. Reports of 17 of these pro- jects have been collected and published in book form. “Growth Points 70" ready for distribution to teachers, trustees. and to those of the public that would like to study them. Some of the papers, such as “Socioâ€"Economic Back- ground. Ability and Achieve- ment Related to Book Bor- rowing Habits of Senior Pub- lic School Students†by In a brief tabled before the Legis- lature’s Standing Committee on La- bor last week Professor John Crispo, director of the University of To- ronto’s Centre on Labor Relations, has accused the Robarts Government of running scared in the face of strong opposition to its proposed changes in its'labor laws by militant factions in the trade union move- ment. Members of construction un- ions across the province have been pressuring the government to amend Bill 167 or face a massive anti-government vote in the next provincial election. _.. .q-. Mr. Crispo contends that construc- tion unions have become so powerful and conditions in the industry so chaotic that smaller companies no longer attempt to hold the line on wages. Contract negotiations are a form of collusion by which labor and management agree to pass on wage increases in the form of higher building costs to a helpless public. Mr. Crispo said the results of bar- gaining in the industry are intoler- able. The costs are incalculable, he said. “It is contributing to a rise in construction costs that precludes During recent election campaigns (including the October 5 regional election) several m e m b e r s of Vaughan Township Council pledged themselves to see that a wand system is set up for future use in township elections. We believe that they should intro- duce a bylaw to that effect at the earliest possible moment, so that their intent will not be forgotten and so that there will be plenty of time to do the necessary research and set up a fair and equitable division of population among the wards. Let these election promises become a reality. This is the democratic way in which to hold elections â€" the federal government uses it, the provincial government uses it and many munic- ipalities use it. This method ensures representation by population, the basis of our government. Ward System Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00: 15c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190†THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 5, 1970 Premier Rahal-Is And The Consiruclion Industry JOHN CRISPO An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 05h: liberal Teacher-Librarian Erna Fyn- be of George Bailey Senior School in Maple, are aimed chiefly at the professionals. Others, like "Recreation Night, An Maluation" by Teacher James Albery of Roselawn Senior S c h o o l. Richvale, and “Co-curricular ‘Interest Group’ Activities Conducted by Adult Volun- teers and Staff†by Principal John Hincks of McConaghy School. is formerly at Plea- santville School, Richmond Hill, \n'll be of considerable interest to parents. The authors and research- ers were introduced to trus- tees and press at a reception at Aurora Highlands Golf and Country Club, Aurora, on October 21. The book. published by the board's division of planning and development, directed by Superintendent Stephen Bacsalmasi, and edited by “The results of the collective bar- gaining process in the construction industry now are intolerable,†he said. “There are both protracted legal strikes or lockouts, and short but damaging illegal strikes over every- thing from recognition to jurisdic- tional disputes. It has been estimated that recent one-year settlements in Ontario com- munities brought wage increases ranging from 29.6% to 40.9%. In his brief Mr. Crispo referred to rec- ent settlements that gave 250 crane operators across the province wages of $8.00 an hour and plumbers more than $7.00 an hour and said he fears these wages will set the pattern in 1971 when about 80% of the con- struction Workers enter bargaining. Mr. Crispo maintained the prov- ince should compel multi-trade, area- tvide bargaining in the construction Industry in the hopes of getting as many people as possible into the act at once. The government of Premier John Robarts is to be congratulated in its attempts to bring some semblance of stability into the construction indus- try. Even these timid attempts at reform have been met by mass rallies and the threat of political pressure by the organized might of the trade union movement. The unions with their active political support of the New Democratic Socialists (the rec- ent Ontario New Democratic Leader- ship Convention was a good barom- eter of this support) are lost to the Conservatives in any case. The Ro- barts Government therefore should think twice before it buckles under to pressure from the unions. society’s meeting of so many vital unmet needs such as public housing and pollution abatement. “It is setting impossible wage pre- cedents and unduly upsetting long- established wage and salary relation- ships. And in the process of all this, it is aggravating what are already difficult enough bargaining relation- ships in all sorts of other industries.†The Nixon Liberals ‘have made' their usual negative response to this issue â€" they have simply followed the lead of Stephen Lewis and the New Democrats. It is becoming in- creasingly obuious that in the next provincial election the people of Ontario are going to have a clear choice between the .Robarts Tories and the Lewis-led Socialists. council table. But as long as all council members are elected over the whole municipality, the danger is always alarmingly present that one area may dominate council. A con- certed effort on behalf of a small section of a municipality and “plunkers†(ballots on which only one name is Xed, instead of five) can make this happen in any election. For Vaughan As preparations for regional gov- ernment roll into high gear in Rich- mond Hill, it is becoming quite evi- dent that the three members of the 1971-72 council from the extended areas of the new town will make a great contribution. This contribu- tion will be for the benefit of all people within the new municipality’s limits as well as for those living within the added areas. Research Officer, Brian Bumham. was officially launched at the reception. “This yearbook provides a means whereby teachers and others who participated in research or development pro- jects in York County schools in 1969 and early 1970 may make their efforts and find- ings known." said Mr. Burn- ham in the introduction to the publication. “Growth Points 70†is or- ganized around three major themes. (1) planning and building for change. (2) pro- grams to develop new skills and attitudes, ('3) using com- munity resourées.†Teacher Phillip Randell of Don Head Secondary in Rich- mond Hill describes the county's first inâ€"school driver education p r o g r a m. and Teacher Marie Johnston of Bayview Secondary School, also in Richmond Hill. ex- 'Two years ago Metro fought an unsuccesful and costly bat- tle to establish a huge garbage dump (more politely described as a land fill project) near Woodbridge in Vaughan Town- ship. The mounting pressure of garbage disposal may result in a renewal of the battle in the not too distant future. But,’ for the next round, Metro has been armed by Queen’s Park with a new piece of legislation which Several York County women are helping to organize the an- nual children’s variety show to be presented by Naomi Chapter B’nai B’rith Women at Golden Doors of Encore, Yorkdale Plaza; on November 15. Chapter president is Mrs. Ela‘ine Cyna, 62 Shady Lane in North Thornhill, and carnival chairman is Mrs. Faye Novak, 65 Shady Lane. Mrs. Fran Cohen, 30 Silver Aspen Drive, and Mrs. Shirley Worth, 30 Blue Spruce Lane, are past presidents of the chapter. Childfen's’ Variéty Show To Aid Charity The variety show is headlin- ing “Mr. Dressupâ€, well known TV personality, and there will be clowns â€" “Mr. Peanut Manâ€, “Mr. Balloon Man†â€"- and fun for all with grab bags for the kiddies. There will be three shows, at 10 am, 1pm and 3:30 pm, with proceeds going to further the many services and philanthro- pies, both local and interna- tional, that are supported by the B’nai B’rith‘ Women. These include Meals on Wheels and Sunnybrook Hos- pital, the canteen at Queen Street Mental Health Centre, and provision of hampers for needy families at Christmas time and Chunukah. The women also canvass for numerous community cam- paigns and sponsor blood donor clinics. as well as planning pro- grams for the Hebrew Club for the Blind and for the Vanier Reform Institute for Women. For tickets for the show call increase or reductiou in its tax Mrs. Evelyn Feldman, 223-8574 rate. or Mrs. Sylvia Kirshner, 635- “What we can expect is tax re- 6645. form." said Mayor Mackey. plains the process of reor- ganization as the school moved from structured to un- structured programs, with students proceeding on a credit basis rather in the locked-in system of grade by grade promotion. Also teachers at Bayview, Joel Klein and Robert Laxer describe attempts to remedy inadequate selfoimages held by many young teenagers in their project, “Helping the Student Overcome Fear of Public Speaking.†Parental and community involvement as described by Mr. Albrey and Mr. Hincks moved into the day-time rou- tine of the school in use of adult volunteers in monitor- ing lunch hours and as tea- chers aides in a program at Sharon School described by Principal John McLachlan. Teaéher John Dear of Sut‘ ton District High School, 01 Ohio Scientists Plan Single Plant To Handle Garbage And Sewage The story of Kinsmen is contained in a beautifully bound book “The Cross of Square†presented to Richmond Hill Public Library October 21 by the Richmond Hill Kinettes. It is now on the shelf at the library and will prove of interest to readers. In the above photo Mrs. Isabelle Robinson (left) presents the Kinette gift to Chief Librarian Mrs. Patricia Hart Book Gift T e/Is- About Kinsmen Don Deacon Reports will make it much easier for Metro to obtain approval to dump its tons of excess garbage on the lands of its neighbors. Concurrently, the new Toron- toâ€"Centred Region, Design for Development, unveiled a few months ago, will require a scheme for the economic treat- ment of sewage in the Yonge Street corridor and the south- ern portion of the York Reg- ion without adding to the pol- lution Iof the, n and‘ Humber Rivers' as the?1 'pass‘ through Metro. Recent research indicates we may be able to solve both these garbage and sewage problems by combining their treatment in a single plant. Two Ohio scien- tists have announce US. federal financing of a pilot project based upon studies which indi- cate that a combined system can improve recycling possibilities of materials, eliminate air pollu- tion, and produce a much more acceptable liquid effluent at a cost well below current costs of handling these wastes separate- ly. It is not enough for the pro- vincial government to merely state to what extent pollution of our environment is permitted, we sorely need to ensure that substantial research funds are available from government and corporate sources for a crash, comprehensive approach in fin- ding improved answers to the frightening ecological crisis of our times. Perhaps in that way we shall stop creating even more serious problem each time we find an apparent solution to ‘some aspects of the pollution of iour enviroment. OSHAWA â€" The introduction of regional government will re- sult in a “normal†increase tax rate for Oshawa residents pre- dicts Mayor Bruce Mackey. At a recent meeting on regional government the mayor told Oshawa Chamber of Commerce regional government would cause a “normally expected in- creased rates of taxes". He added, however, that the city can not count on either a great increase or reduction in its tax the other hand, moves out into the community by using the archaeologically rich ter- rain bordering on Lake Sim- coe for ï¬eld studies in arch- aeology. “One of the many intrigu- ing attributes of such a ven- ture is the search into the unknown, the not knowing from one minute to the next what valuable artifact is just awaiting the excavators’s trowel to bring it into view.†explains Mr. Dear. “One may often find traces of Indian fires as indicated by charcoal deposits often surrounded by hearth stones.†MLA York Centre Mr. Dear believes that many communities in York County hold such treasures and insists that archeological funds should be kept in a community museum in the area in which they are dis- cover, not transported to dis- tant points where they be- From the archeological discovery of Tut’s sar- cophagus at the turn of the century, to the amusing Friday night fright shows “Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb†or “Tales of Count Draculaâ€; man’s imagin- ation has been stirred. There is something about the preservation of things dead that fascinate us. Perhaps the association with horror movies is absurd, but this week’s spotlight is on Taxidermy -. and, after all, Hallowe’en has just passed . . . Stev‘ Wright is an enterprising young man from 0a}; Ridges who has recently made taxidermy his caree , (not your every day career decision, you’ll admit). As a man who appreciates the beauty of nature, he enjoys saving some of the grandeur she has created . . . the magnificent rack of a stag, the quiet grace of a pheasant and even the minute miracle called the humming bird. It is apparent from his mounts that he understands the animals he works with. Steve doesn’t contort the faces or bodies into aggressive or unnatural poses, but ar- ranges them as naturally as possible. The gentility of one display singularly impressed me. It was a pair of Woodcocks, one at the base of a grotesquely shaped piece of wood and its mate very beautifully, at the lowest point of its wing movement, returning to her. The display was very natural and showed to me the understanding and tenderness of the man. Somehow, taxidermy has always repelled me, just a little. The killing of any animal simply for the sake of a handsome trophy is unspeakable. My mind sees a thoughtless idiot swooping down in a plane shooting wolves with a high powered weapon and calling it sport. Naturally then, I wondered about this man, Steve Wright who is in the business of creating trophies for these people. But he too, has a distaste for butchers of this type and has turned away clients if he thought they fell into this category. Inihe Sp 011i ghft come mere curiosities A comparative study of York County’s open plan ele- mentary schools by Mr. Burnham is essentially an introduction to the studY. furnishing a solid base for more intensive studies now underway at both elementary and secondary school levels. Some of the projects are largely local, like “Planning Newmarket’s Educational Future†by Newmarket Tea- cher Ron Pegg, although its findings may be applied to other growing communities in the county. Aimed at the educator are studies by Dr. Sar Khan of OISE in “The Curriculum and Development of Mental Abilities†and Mr. BaCSal- masi's analysis of “The Place of Curriculum Com- mittees in the York County School Systemâ€. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) By BONNIE SHEPPARD In The Tradition of RA iFavor Marxist Line Women's Lib Class Warâ€"Speaker She spoke contemptuously of the Jean Drapeau victory in Montreal’s r e c e n t municipal elections and charge that not just women, but the majority of people in Quebec are oppressed. Mrs. Marks told the audience she is 27, that she came from Florida with ‘her draft-doger husband three years ago, but is now separated and works at the University of Toronto Library. She described a day care cen- ter operating on the university campus staffed largely by volun- teers and serving women of the university community. It was her work at the centre, she said, that brought her to Women’s Lib. There are too few day care centres, and government regulaâ€" tions regarding qualified super- vision are so rigid that most working women cannot afford the centres now available. By MARGARET LADE Contrary to public opinion, the Women’s Liber- ation Movement does not look upon women as the only opposed sector of society, as man as the enemy, declared representatives of Metro Women’s Lib at a meeting of York County Women’s University Club at Kingcraft on October 26. The leader of the panel of three, Alma Marks, explained that society is geared for the comfortable, there are too many “losers†in the system, that she see Women’s Lib not as a conflict between sexes, but as a cenflict between classes. Her group, said Mrs. Marks, is Marxist oriented, representative of the Women’s Working Collective and the Quebec Collective for the liberatiOn of all women. They realize, however, that there are other oppressed groups. that the major conflict is not between sexes but between classes. Experimental studies in- volving student include an OISE project, “Ten years in a Box†covering the years from 1929 to 1939 and an ex- perimental social studies course for grade 6 on the history and geography of Eurasia as described by Principal Gordon Maunder of William Armstrong School in the Town of Markham. “These 17 “points†are a representative selection of the more than three dozen projects reported to the re- search office between April 1969 and September 1970,†explains Mr Bumham. ‘ “These 17 differ mainly in that research or develop- ment had been concluded or reached a major milestone. Other projects not so far along promise, judging by their interim reports. to sus- tain the good beginning rec- orded in “Growth Points 70". If a woman wants to work.‘ charged Mrs. Marks, she usually “ends up depending on another woman doing the menial task of looking after the children." Questioned by members of the audience, she seemed unaware of the courses available for child care workers and early child- hood education supervisors. Nor was she familiar with the type of financial assist- ance available from various levels of government and day care facilities in York County. There was a murmur of proâ€" test from the audience when ers. Marks said children are better off with volunteers in a day care centre than with their ‘parents. Referring to the speaker’s earlier comments about Mar- xism. a member of the audience asked if she would like to see a Russian-type of child supervi- sion program, a society where women are expected to work away from home. “if I have to work I am not liberated,†declared the ques- tioner. Another commented, “I am a married woman, and I enjoy be- ing in my kitchen.†A third agreed, “If you are going to liberate women, you have to free them to do what they want to do. to spend all their time in the kitchen if they want to.†The university women agreed that in some areas day care centres are essential for women who are fprced to work. One in every ten families, declared Mrs. Marks, is headed by a woman. Society as a whole does not recognize this, she charged. It is harder for a woman to find a job, and most jobs for women pay much less than jobs for men. The economy, she said, is based on the assumption that a woman lives through a man, “We want an equal chance for equal work . . . but the cards stacked against us.†Another speaker, Karen Shaw,‘ 22, told the meeting that in her‘ high school days it depressed her that she could not compete in dress and dates because she could not afford the things that daughters of doctors and law- yers had. When she she said. she about dress. Dressed in slacks and baggy sweater with a bandana hiding her hair, she said she owed $1.200 in student loans. She left the college without comple- ting her course. Now unemploy- ed she shares an apartment with three other girls and only one of them has -a job. ; The women’s collective with which she is associated, said Miss Shaw, is concerned about birth control and abortion, “Up to a year ago it was illegal to give out information on birth control." Lux...u.- ...V. This is a question that has gchallenged mankind since the dawning of recorded history, ‘and Meridian Films Limited of lToronto is taking up the chal- lenge with the filming of “The Reincarnate†which began this week at Studio City in Klein- Even though Laws concerning abortion have been broadend, she continued, the procedure is so complex many women are forced to go to the United States for abortions. “First you see a doctor. and from there you go to a psychia- trist. You have to prove you are crazy because of the beauro- cracy.†Do people return to this earth for a second time, and a third, and more on the rocky road to eternal life? ... 1,4 Reincarnation Theme Of Kleinburg Film burg. nun a. Meridian President Nat Tay- lor reports that a full year of preparation and considenable research preceded the filming, which began Monday. u nu"- _ -9“, The story was written by See- leg Lester, who is also its pro- ducer It is being directed by Don Haldane, and the all-Can- adian cast includes Jack Creley, Jay Reynolds. Hugh Webster. (‘nlin Fox. Terry Tweed and Colin Fox, Terry Tweed and Sue Petrie. ‘ “Since there is world-wideY interest in the subject of the‘ occult, and particularly reincar- nation, this film is one of great timeliness and should provoke both curiosity and controversyâ€, predicts Mr. Taylor. The drama concerns an aging death, must choose the man to reincamate who, before his death. must choose the man to inherit and preserve his own mind and 8,000 years of mem- ‘ories. Often, she said. went to college, stopped worrying the abortion is delayed for so long that major surgery is required, “And‘ doc- tors hate that." Their aim, Miss Shaw con- tinued. is to use political means to get abortion laws that are more realistic. Asked about supporting women candidates for elec- tion, the third member of the panel. Caroline Cong- hey. a secretary. comment- ed scornfully that most wo- men in politics are “token womenâ€. toeing the male ‘ line in all they do for wo- l men. ‘ Reference was made to the importance of women in politics in Asia, but the panellists dis- icounted Israeli President Golda lMeir and Indian's Prime "Minisâ€" ter Indhira Ghandi as women ‘working for women. declaring. “You can be a traitor to your class." Mrs. Marks pointed out that Mrs. Meir‘s government ‘nas “kicked people out of Palestine who have lived there for years." adding, “Women in India are subservient to men." V The panellists charged that: girls are conditioned from inâ€" ï¬ancy to accept an inferior role: forced to frills. “Do you think everyone should be neuter?" snapped a member of the audience. Miss Coughey replied that she enjoyed being a girl. she had never wanted to be a boy. but she would like to be able to do the things that boys do. like taking shop in school instead of home economics. She would like to hitchâ€"hike across the country, she said, but this would be too dangerous for a girl. ‘ Girls. she continued. are tied to a family background that ‘says they have to take care of children and the home, do housework and do it Well. She had come to Women's Lib, she said, because of the attitude of men in student organizations. About the only support the speakers received came from one of the UCW who pointed out that very few women in the teaching profession are heads of departments or principals and asked, “Why is this if it is not for prejudice against women? They work just as hard.†Mrs. Marks blamed “the press" for misinterpreting the ‘ aims of the women’s liberation ' mOVenient, and at the conclus- One of the audience replied that she and her husband work- ed together as a team that she worked while he was a student and he did the housework. Now he works and she stays home. “Women around here work because they want toâ€, She told the panellists. adding, “I real- ize it is middle class.†7 “That is middle class", ag- reed Mrs. Marks. Another of the university woâ€" men suggested that education makes a big difference in the man-woman relationship. of the hustiands I know treat us as equals and think of us as equals", she de- clared. meeting refused to talk to “the press", saying she preferred to talk to “peopleâ€. Managediby Roy Rickard Ex-Richmond Hill Resident For Info. call 884-4292 LOW WINTER RATES EYTONA BEACH AREA 295 S. Atlantic Ormond Beach Florida 32074 All Units Ocean Fronts Apartments * Efficiencies Rooms Richmond Hill - 884-4690 NEW Snug as a bug" Probably not yet, if you’ve just moved in. Perhaps your Wel- come Wagon hostess can help to ease the confusion. An Easy 2-Day Drive Mrs. Owen Trunk Caflhertoday! wear dresses and HEATED POOL COLOR TV and SUN BATHING All Major Credit Cards Honored SCREENED AREA I970