eoimiey Neighborhood Noies'voiunieers Wanted â€" Grandsons,l Dow Sons For Seniors At Union Villa‘ CORRES Neighborhood Notes Sympathy is extended to Mrs. erS.‘Hearing Aid Association in John Evans, Jacqueline Art Hannah» and April on the DaSSing Of Mr. Evans late Sat-iHe was accompanied by Victor visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mar- after severaljSmith, owner of the Christianling at Thornton on Sunday. urday n i g h t months of illness. Mr. Evans spent quite a number of weeks in hospital, but had been at home for sevâ€" eral weeks. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from Kingdom Hall in Stouffville. Norman Brown is now at home after many weeks in hos- pital. Miss Arvilla Forrester had surgery at Centenary Hospital in Scarboro last week. Robert Millcn had eye surg- ervon Friday in York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. Mrs. Elias Elliott has been moved to Forest Glen Home on Davis Drive, RR 3. Newmarket. Mrs. Anthony Nigh left last week to spend the winter PONDENT: Benfield the Barry convention of National Chicago for four days last week.‘ lBook Centre in Metro. While, in Chicago they visited Moodyl ‘Bible Institute and the Pacific. ;Garden Mission. ‘ Mrs. Fred Thwaites of Lon-, 'don spent a few days with her ’sister, Mrs. Fred Munroe. ‘ ; Quite a number of friends land relatives from our com- lmunity attended the funeral of gFred Climcnhagc at Stevensâ€" ville on Wednesday. Misses Muriel and Annie] lAlexander of Hanover spent? 1several days with their brother-. lin-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger jwere Sunday dinner guests of‘ ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Spragge of Aurora. l Mr. and Mrs. John Chamber- months at her home in Florida. Century City Lawyer Defends Toronto-Centr The solicitor for Century City Devolopers. Richard Ro- hmer of Toronto, has firmly denied allegations that the devâ€" elopers are exerting pressure on the provincial government to gain support for their plan folrl development east of Stouff- Vl e. RICHARD ROI-IMER Century City Solicitor In a lengthy letter in the Nov- ember 3 issue of Toronto Star Mr. Rohmer replies to a letter written by Margaret Scrivener, an appointed member Of Metro. Planning Board, and published October 18 in the same paper. Mrs. Scrivener charged that In the Century City land as- sembly next door to “sleepy†Stouffville, “one of Ontario’s largest development companies has amassed 8,400 acres of the precious Great Pine Ridge for a new town of 150,000 people.†“The facts are that the Cen- tury City proposal is for only 35,000 people on 3.200 acres of land abutting Stouffville,†writes Mr. Rohmer, “a proposi- tion which is consistent with Goals Plans 1, 2 and 3 of the Metro Toronto ransportation Study (MTARTS) published by the Government of Ontario in 1968." He states further that the MTARTS study shows Stouff- ville as a point of growth of up to 50,000 people. “Centuiy City is served by two railways, one of which al- ready lias a commputer service. Highway access is good. A supply of ground water is avail- able. No sewage effluent would be put into streams or pipes for transportatiOn to Lake Ontario,†states-Mr. Rohmer. The project, he explains, would provide low-cost housing in a rolling, treed setting for VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Neilson welcomed their second daughter last week. A sister for Alison. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Lloyd Canning. November 12; Lorna Hibbard, November 12; Brian Besley. four, November 13: Brian and Shirley Einpringâ€" ham, 14. November 15. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague, Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace attended the 96th birthday party for Mrs. Margaret McCague on Saturday evening at the home, of her daughter. Mrs. Margaret Cummings in York Mills. Mrs. Neil Campbell Of St please bring them. Hostesses:- Catharines was a visitor at Sun-‘Mrs. N. Bell and Mrs. Richard iFrisbv ‘ I . - ‘ day school on Sunday. Another euclire party will be held in the community hall on Friday at 8 pm. Lions Club It was baseball night at the regular meeting of the Victoria ing of last week. The presentation of the Lions Trophy was made to the But-‘Willowdale will demonstrate the‘ tonville Boys Softball Team b)‘,art of Christmas decorations, of WillowdaleJMrs. Claire Butler and Regionized." he declares. i ed Region Plan hundreds of average-wage fam- ilies who live or work in eastern Metro or Oshawa. The plan is far outside the jurisdiction of Metro Planning Board, Mr. Rohmer points out, adding, “The council and plan- ning board of Uxbridge, in which Century City is located, does not go ahead it will be be- cause of the new policy of the Ontario government as set out in the Toronto-Centred Region Plan will decree that it shall not. The land for Century City was assembled in 1968, Mr. onto-Centred Region Plan was not released until the summer 1970. At the same time, he adds the government asked for submis- sions and representations from interested parties, and that Cen- tury City, along with other dev-' elopers had complied. Mrs. Scrivener alleges that in the making of these submis- sions “pressure is being ex- erted,’ writes the Toronto lawyer. While maintaining that the loss to Century City owners and f to hundreds of members of the public who are shareholders and mortgagees will be enormous if the Toronto-Centred plan is put in effect, Mr. Rohmer conceded, “The government of Ontario has moved ahead far in advance of any comparable jurisdiction on the North Am- erican continent with an ap- proach, a concept and a plan for the future orderly development of the Toronto-centred region. The plan limits the growth of Metro for valid economic and land-use regions, not for the re- asons alleged by Mrs. Scrivener. i.e. ‘pul‘ely to restrain the growth of Toronto’s influence and power, of which the pro- vince has long been ‘jealous.’ “The government should be congratulated for this progres- sive effort rather than critic- Some people will be hurt by the government plan, Mr. Rohmer admits, others will‘ gain: “Whatever the solutions. are, it can be expected that theyl will be in the form of principles which can be applied to the whole of the Torontoâ€"centred‘ plan, rather than piecemeal to one project." Meanwhile Century City‘s! parent company. Revenue Prop- erties Limited, is in arrears of mortgage payments to many Uxbridge Township residents who sold land to the company for the development, and sev- eral of the mortgagees have threatened forclosure. Telephone 887-5421 hall next Tuesday at 8:15 pm ,and it will be the community betterment night. The Lions are holding a; turkey shoot in the community [park on November 28 at 1 pm.‘ Further details at a later date., iWomen’s Institute 1 The November meeting of the. WI will be held next Tuesday. evening, at 8 pm at the home of Mrs. Frank Brumwell, with the theme being photography. Roll call is to be answered by’ f‘The Funniest Picture I Have lTaken." Anyone who has any funny pictures they have taken‘ [Church News The United Church Women ‘will meet in the Sunday school on Wednesday of next week at 2 pm. Please note change of time. l l ‘are invited to attend. ; Mrs. Margaret Stratford of Stratford teaches night who is past presldï¬â€˜nt 0f the 011"classes in North York four eve~ tario Amateur Softball Associa- tion. The league is comprised of llcadford and to the Buttonvillc. Victoria Square teams. A film of the last game of the Stanley Cup finals that was won by the Toronto Maple Leafs was shown and was in 1967 much enjoyed by all. Hot dogs and pop were served to the boys and their coaches The next meeting of the club will he held in the communityreport having a wonderful time.. nings weekly and is a very artis- ‘tic and creative Person. Please make a special effort attend and bring your friends. The CGIT girls accompanied by one of their leaders. Mrs. Shirley Van Tol. attended the Ice Capades at the Maple Leaf Gardens on Saturday evening. later returning to the home of .Mrs. Van Tol where they en- joyed refreshments. The MRS. CHAS. MILSTED attended ailain of Willowdale had supper 887-5445 on Saturday with Mrs. Beulah, Jones. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. William Ash afternoon. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Beulah Jones were Mr. Mrs. Lake. l day after spending six and 3,15 half weeks with her son and;organization of a male equival- daughter-in-law and two daugh-‘ent. ters. Meridith Ash has sold his farm this past week. Golden Wedding On November 10, 1920, Miss Mabel Flintoff. daughter of Mr.’ and Mrs. Charles Flintoff, and Ernest Eade. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Eade. of Vandorf were married at the home of the bride's parents at Pine Or- chard by Rev. Robert Hall, lv11 and‘Peppler. formerly Lloyd Hall of Preston ministrator of lHome in Dieter Fischer Isbert‘s mother‘impressed with the succ ' returned to Germany Wednes-lteen girls as volunteers that he With for The men and boys of the com-‘ii to the teen group. however, munity are bemg Oï¬eled equal but hopes to combine all ages rights at the new Union V'illa‘in a father-son or teenage-adult, Home for the Aged in Union- group. i i 13, "There is a great need for‘ The Villa's Administrator Cal having the male brawn and assistant ad.,brain put to work on behalf of‘ the Bat-crest the residents." says Mr. Peppler.l Metro. has been so "Men and boys are required forl egg of the heavier work and to assist projects using tools and: 11 for making furniture. especially for‘ outdoors. Then. too. there is a‘ ‘need for men and boys helpingi to set up programs and relating: :to the residents." 1 l Mr. Peppler feels the relationl of son. grandson and grand- now putting out a ca He does not intend to conï¬ne father w’ll help to cement nderâ€" Standing1 between the ggnera- Correspondent: MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 ,tions, as it has with the girls ,and women. Boys and men who .do not have a grandfather may, ‘relate more closely to the resi-, :dents who do not have childrenl CGIT meetings have resumedlor grandchildren. Headford and Vlcmriai “In this way." declares Mr. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Nov. 12, 1970 9‘ NTHEY 60! BY rnnusnnnsg .. A dale. . - . friends and relatives. ROhmel commues’ but the Top visited their home in Gormley. Telegrams were received from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Progressive Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield, Premier John Robarts and Donald Deacon MLA, York Centre. Miss Greta Flintoff and Mrs. Robert Mills, both of Newmar- ket and sisters of Mrs. Bruce and Mr. Eade’s sister, Mrs. Lulu Neddry of Aurora Mrs. John Cruikshank, a former and his Sister-in-law, Mrs. Ste- resident of the Headford area, ven Eade of Newmarket, all who now lives in Orangeville. assisted at the tea table. Grand- Mrs, Cruikshank has recently re- daughters served as waitresses turned home Eade, roses, and cards. pate pastor of the Christian Church n Newmarket. For two years Mr. and Mrs. Eade ,lived moved to Vandorf when Mr. Eade was CNR. In 1963, after Mr. Eade hadlmbary completed almost 40 years with Asistant Secretary _ Jean Van_ the company he retired as sec- derkooy. tion foreman. in Orillia. They Square, and Cora Brodie and Shirley Van T01 have again 1970-71 season are: Presidentâ€"â€" employe‘i by the Julie Dunleavy, Vice-President â€"- Betty Sandle, Recording Sec- Joyce Homer and To start the season off well, For many years they have on Saturday the girls all bundled been members of the Gormley Missionary Church. Here Mrs. Eade has been active in the sewing circles and, years, in the Sunday School. . . The couple have three child- have approved the project If It ren. Grace (Mrs. Bruce Crowd- er of Richmond Hill), Edna of Neighborhood NOWS Gormley and Bruce of Mark- There are also nine grandchildren. Last Saturday afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. were “At Home" to or the guests. The grandchildren presented their grandparents with 50 gold and the children gave their parents a beautiful gold rocker. in early Eade their . I Over 130 particularly eIIJOyable, into Shirley Vain Tol's station wagon and took in the Ice Crap- ades. Then back to the Van Tol home for refreshments and to play records, to end a very enjoyable day. Gloria Lee and her grand- mother, Mrs. McDougall also at- tended the Ice Capades on Sat- urday. Mrs. McDougall, who is 70 years old, had never seen the show before, and found it On Sunday Jean and Cummer Lee spent the day at Mrs. Mc- Dougall’s home in Grand Valley. While there they showed films of their recent trip to the Scan- dinavian countries to several members of the family. Mrs. McDougall returned home with Jean and Cummer, to visit them for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee also visited from hospital, where she was recovering from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Don Langford of Queensville visited Georgie and Harry Burton on Saturday. The Burtons were also pleased that MI" and Mrs' Eade were re' all the members of their family cipients of many other gifts ,. They really apprec_ were able to come home during iated their many friends on this occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary. Church New the week. On Thursday Kathie and Doug Curr from Graven-burst visited overnight, and Richard Heise Hill Sewing Circle lad-,and Keith Burton. and Keith’s ies met all day Tuesday at the home of Mrs, Amos Baker mare away at college, came home Maple. Special services Pennsylvania, is are being held this week at 7:45 pm iniplayed host to the boys base- Heise Hill Church. Rev. Thom- ball teams from Headford, Vic- as Frantz, pastor of the Church P01“ Square. But'tonVille and of the Good Shepherd in Belle- Oak Ridges on Tuesday evening fonte, guest speaker. the fiancee Charlotte Mustard, who for the weekend. The Victoria Square Lions of last weekend the boys saw a film and enjoyed hot dogs and This will be followed by the P01). and the BUttonVille team, ices Saturday at 10:15 am, 1:45, pm and 7:30 pm, and also three services on Sunday. Rev. Harvey Stickley, pastor: of Port Colborne Brethren in Christ Church, will also partici- Rev. Stickley is a local Gormley boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar‘ Stickley. in these services. 54th annual Bible Conference Winner 0f the‘ PlaYOffS, were at Heise Hill Church on Sat- urday and Sunday, with serv- presented with a trophy. volunteered to be the girls’l leaders. The officers for thel Peppler, “we will be involving in cementing relationships of value to the residents and developing some the community much needed actIVities to keep all ages active. Another phase of life at the Villa that is in the process of development is the musical pro- gram. Now that the Villa has an organ and a piano, the search is instru- ments. An accordian would be very helpful immediately, says on for other musical Om Discount-v , TO STAY DOWN WEEK IN - ‘ orirsiscouii ER in "R'SEEPL‘DISCOIINT i stir -' -- -"‘.DEEP‘9ISCOIINT;_' " ï¬ghtielpgrtersnwgll; 323d instru- '~..’ . EVERY EVERY DAY - v - ~ The Villa (is also Iooltcsing fï¬r 18‘; ngï¬ngbï¬iaghetti or r(Ij‘amli‘zbell;I Soar? Adm-n Dominion Pure .' pianists an organis w 0 ur ey 00 e HAIR SPRAY 1 ‘. would like to piractticehon Villa 2 Lb, pkg, 10 Oz, Tin 7 Oz. Size '21:)0312'131Ketchul’ : equipment. an a t e same ‘ ' -, time offering hours of musical Macaroni & Cheese Amex Clear Imperial Soft Coloured Pure Vegetable ‘i entertainment for the resi- Kraft Dinner AMMONIA MARGARINE iUNICO OIL 7"- dents. 71/4 Oz. Pkg. 64 Oz. Cont. ¢ 1 Lb, Pkg_ i 128 Oh Tin llllllllllllllllllll’tlllllllllllllllll’llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ Heinz In Tomato Sauce success Liquid ‘ C , I . risco Kraft Philadelphia Plain ‘ Clocks Featured §ng§ETTI 16¢ 57148203 YVAX 84¢ SHORTENING 38¢ Cream Cheese 20¢ ‘- . z. n . on . L . k . 3 Old English Tea 1 b P g 4 01- Pkg- -_ . . Bovril Bravo R‘ h H P ' - i - ‘ - Handicrafts and hobbies , 10 me 0 meessed Plain Bick 5 Plain or Garlic , will be an added attraction CORNED BEEF ¢ LIQUID WAX ,5 Cheese Slices DILL PICKLES 5! ‘ at the Old English Tea and 12 02- Tin 16 Oz. Cont- 1 Lb. Pkg. ¢ 32 Oz. Jar â€" Bake Sale sponsored an- ' ; nually by the Victoria Kam POWdel‘ed Detergent Kraft Sweet Mixed Square, Headford, Gormley Luncheon Meat ¢ DOMINO BLUE 65¢ CHEESE WHIZ Rose Pickles ’- Branch of York Central 12 Oz. Sq. Tm 2 Lb. Box 1 Lb. Jai- 15 Oz. Jar ¢ ' Hospital Auxiliary. I In addition to paintings, Egggggilmon {Stavflélï¬d Detergent Nabisco Libby Deep Brown "_ needlecrafts, etc. done by _ Shredded Wheat Beans with Pork _- local people, there is to be 7% 02. Tm King Size Box 15 Oz. Pkg. 14 Oz. Tin - a display of clocks from the I_.___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"- . collection of Carl Walker of gztï¬eye S alm 0 n feBdï¬â€˜;dSI§g{f/.em Kellogg's Richmello :- Victoria Square. , Com Flakes l n .j M'r- Walker has long 14% 0" Tm Giant Size 30" 12 Oz Pkg EngztaJatr COffee ‘. made a hobby of clocks, and y . i ' __'___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" - some of those to be shown aggï¬sl‘ï¬lgken Nomue IF.)ng? t KeIIOgg's Instant Coffee I were built by him. Others ‘ I e e ergen ' ri ie YUBAN .' are very old and have been Pkg' 0f 2 Envs' ¢ Giant Size Box £13: link?) S 8 Oz. Jar '. restore?) and put ‘iin urn-kit}: Campbenrs ' Wâ€" : order. no is ma e en ire y BEEF SOUP Alka Seltzer Kellogg's ic me o 1 ' of wood- L s- 67 SPECIAL “K†BEAN COFFEE ' Timepieces of all types 10 01' Tin arge me if 15 Oz. pkg, 1 Lb. Bag .‘ fascinate Mr. Walker, and Campbell’s Cream of k 1 he has made an extensive Qua er arna ion 5 study of sundials, printing soup rl‘gï¬iiirosiiltzer Instant Oats ¢ COFFEE MATE -_ descriptive and informative ' 44 Oz. Pkg. 6 Oz. J 31' ~- material and creating sun- dials in various sizes and styles. The tea will be held in Victoria Square Community Hall from 2 to 5pm on November 21. Admission is 50 cents for adults, chil- dren free. All proceeds will go to the work of the auxil- iary. Chairman for the tea is Mrs. Anthony Roman. wife of the new regional mayor. UNIONVILLE AND DISTRICT HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION presents the film “Why Billy Can't Learn" SPEAKERS Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup' ENO Golden Crown Choice ___’__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ___.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-' ‘. Chase & Sanborn All Purpose Coffee - FR IT ALTS APPLE JUICE 2° 01- Tm Lang, SHE 48 Oz. Tin 1 Lb- Bag .’ Campbell’s . 'â€"_â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"'_ 7 Green Pea Soup Anacm E. D. Smith Garden Cocktail I\lé’hife, Slitï¬read ’ ._ 10 21W nears 79¢ mosses. 20¢: Campbell’s Condensed ‘ , . ' hmello Hot Dog or 1 Tomato Soup Ems“ s ï¬ll-CERINKS Edmburg Buns ‘ 10 Oz. m l2¢ 13:3: ilz’eOWDER 67¢ 48 Oz. Tm . 28¢ Pkg. of 8 29¢ ‘: O ON FAMOUS DOMINION QUALITY COMPARE! MORE THAN EVER IT’S “‘i‘r â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"â€"_â€"I/ BRAND STEER BEEF N'I' PRICES MEATS! MAINLY BECAUSE OF THE MEAT! . ‘QE ‘ llvu -IDI|ir0 3:: I lAurora Sideroad east of Con- All ladies of the congregationj Square Lions on Tuesday even-land community plus any friends girls ' There has been a good re- sponse to the appeal for good, used clothing and bedding for Northern Ontario. The annual Sunday School. Christmas Program at Gormley Missionary Church has been set for December 13 at 7:30 pm. BALLANTRAE -â€" A horse was killed in a two-car crash on tlie‘ Cession 9, Whichurch Township. Kenneth Frase'r was driving along the Sideroad when he was forced to swerve to avoid two horses in his path. He hit a Veh- icle driven by Robert Wall of Mount Albert. MRS. MARIAN HOWORTH Canadian Association For Children With Learning Disabilities and MAYNARD HALLMAN Superintendent of Special Education York County Board of Education * ‘k * The New Executive for 1970-71 will be installed by Markham Township Trustee Mrs. Louise Aimone TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 8:15 pm. PARKVIEW PUBLIC SCHOOL Fonthill Boulevard, Unionville CANADA’S FINEST RED 0R BLUE NATURALLY AGED â€" GOVERNMENT INSPECTED EASY TO CARVE - NO FAT ADDED! SHORT RIB ROAST BONELESS BRISKET PLATE Shoulder ROAST LB. 57¢ Pot ROAST iiiiiiiimsniks lb. 74¢ ' IDIOJ‘: .v‘niiiii. ‘lllli Ii - .i-,l l Give beauty to your Home I 70 OFF Add to the Spirit of ._. the Christmas Season. l This Offer Good Until November 30th 0“"% '. §y ' 7m 4:; 7014: 8:317:02- *0" o vim‘ LAURELEA FLOWERS i 32B YONGE STREET S. 884-5le ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS CENTRE PIECES. DOOR KNOCKERS 8: ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS WREATHS. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 889-9593 After Hours in. 5 1! . Prime Rib Roast lb. Blade Bone Removed Ib. LB. 57¢ SPARE RIBS BLADE ROAST LllzllllliWIEESTopmlb. 49¢ Prime Rib Roast lb. 78¢ Meaty Short Cut. 6th & 7th Rib Swift's Premium Mild Cured Swift's Premium Sliced, 6 Oz. Pkg. BLADE STEAKS lb. 68¢ Cottage Rolls lb. illENiiii llb. pkg. 54¢ 3i Cooked Ham 55¢ SB‘OLSOENIIW lb. 29¢ Dinner Hams lb. 9555/; mm“ _. - WARRIOR. yxemii‘aisco'un" s f _ l l Dominion Frozen Fancy Sliced iAll Popular Brands STRAWBERRIES l CIGARETTES 115 Oz. Pkg. .Reg. Size Ctn. of 200 Beekist , LIQUID HONEY l 16 Oz. Jar lBilly Bee Liquid or 1 1 V H r 39 ¢ 1 §z’%a£“éf'ni m" innouonour THE STORE! i lOrange Crystals g X‘I’III iRichmello Glazed ’ 3,69¢iYEAST DONUTS Pkg. of 12 Richmello Raisin or 28¢.APPLE PIES Holiday Farms Frozen ‘ SWING BEEF PATTIES 159 m 02. EM - 2 Lb. Pkg. ; 1Dominion Frozen lAllen‘s Asst'd Flavours ‘Broccoli Cuts ‘ Egrgit gginks '2 Lb. Bag "WWII z. 124 02. Pic i8 Varieties Lanng iconvenient - Easy to Use V lDominion Fancy Frozen iC kt .1 ‘1. ‘ , 0C 31 1 IX X : ‘ 51, 2 Oz. Pkg. ‘ SSOAFOM R011 7 2 Lb. Bag ______’_â€"â€" 1 Nortman’s with Pectin .‘t . 'h J ' S no erry am ‘ 24 Oz. Btl. :â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€".â€"'_â€"'â€" I Dominion Frozen Cl‘inkle Cut lgiggéï¬Â¥Â§rmues Peek Frean 4 Varieties Puss ‘N Boots : Richmello ~ . ' " n X-TIII AT FOOD ‘PEANUT BUTTER ' ‘ZFiif‘gganes Asst'd Sizes Each S5 0L Tin 3 Lb. Jar L†lDCminion’S 0““ Brand Domino Champion Beef, Chicken. Liver momma 13¢! kg. of 90 _________â€"â€"-â€" Budget NOW OPEN DOG FOOD THURSDAY and FRIDAY 1501.1†NIGHTS Humpty Dumpty Florida Garden\Fr:sh, Tender ' ' l ' ' GREEN BE.» NC ' ' Eigler’Iigi‘es LPTIL 9 P"“' Lb. POTATO CHIPS ‘ General Mills x ‘ Corn Flakes 10 Oz. Pkg. @235! ' Premium Quality - Large Size ‘ ‘ . N. N to. Bi A As 7,. r ‘ Assorted Colours - Kleenex . Lb. ill Oz. Bag