:fj’EDIGREE baby carriage, 4 :years old, $45. 884â€"6157. c1w20 :33ERSIAN lamb coifsiifm; Zlike new. Reasonable. 773â€"4610. "" c1w20 EPA-CE heater. 55.000 BTUJS-kil’hilipsielectric can opener ascmall tank and blower. almosliwim knife sharpener. 889â€"7839. tale“: Cost $140 last year, sell; (-1\\'20 3353238“- th‘e m°““‘“gs‘l3§?6%bnR61{lE 'dmélxe table. blen- â€"» 3â€"“. _. r -7 V, V 0,,“u‘ .3dor, movie camera and light bar. :EOAL 011 lamp and lantei’n.3332_1092. cl\\*20 "bane rocker other miscellanâ€"l 7 ~ ’ ' ~ ll 110- f. ou I 889_ 913_ , ,2 PIANO and bench, sma : “‘9 _S_*_6,___.,___Wm_u“ 9.1mm 389-2170. c1\\'2.0 EgQUARIUMS. Complete, hoods†m ~r fl ~ - " W flumps. filters and all, 4 to‘3 POINT hxdloplane. 201 “choose from in different sizes mercury- 884'1341' c “‘ liï¬ncluding prize fishes. just in ARBORi E counter tops $235.. mime for Christmas giving. best per n. Formica $17.00 per sheet nit?" 887‘5684‘ C2“'20 (stock colors only». Loughlin g~§ocfvï¬iï¬iu£§657séif 1:: Lumber. Yonge at Scott DriYe. .2114). and stand $90; flange- Richvale. 889-1109._ clu'ZO mounted oil purner $40. Extra Sfb’Vf; ageâ€"mid†4flbul‘ner meavy galvanized range boiler, heavy duty. 22", very clean. 884- ZTZDSed one season $15. Heavy bag. 2977 clwzo IZmSt bag and wall mounted _ -_â€"' 7.- . A_ v†if. #7.: .S-bl-acket $50. 389_1508_ SPRUCE bass ne‘“ £1111le K‘Cdlcl . DCSIIIIIUID dllKJL 0 h I ‘)‘ H ' advanced lessons. Rc nlals 'S‘j'oo‘ sno‘mlowe" “2 v 4 hp" Toronto Organ Comm, 5254‘;Yardmen$200.00.Welder.trans- yonge St†Willowdale’ 222_H'ormer 220 v 75 amps. $50.00, 22243701. c4w17ibookcase $;S.OO.C childrens win- ..-._ “*â€"â€"~~ â€"-~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€">ter coats. 6†ontinental bed ;: ï¬sgsogi’iglflgï¬vogqg 16 $30.00. 30" .Continental bed amen Cut, [0’12 méh (“Pm- $12.oo . carnage $20.00, crib :inch iengms. Phone 832~2455 am? {nattress $20'00‘ Playtex oiiolland Park Garden Centre nmsm SEt $2'00' me.5h.plawen :51 Keele St. North Maple '{$10.00. chest of drawels $15.00. w ‘ ' - 884-4602. c1w20 - tfc17: W- rr-w ~ ~ 7 'â€â€˜- ’;’“ 7 ~ â€" d it DANISH walnut table. 4 chairs, 359163.“ bah! (31113:? .fr‘ses; skates $10. 832-8864. WASHER. dryer and stove pairs, gears, belts. Wood bear- ings and wringcr rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math's TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tl'c9 SEASONED hard \\'ood~l'or- fireplaces. 225-2781 or 889- 2102. ~ “015 KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor. office and showroom. 9212 Yonge SL, Richvale. 889-2462, '773-4696. tfc42 ’GARDEN SUPPLXES Loam - manure - top dressing. top soil, fill. screened loam. Call C. L. Knappeu. 884-3089. tfc4 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer ‘ All popular makes for sale: including new and rebuiltl standard portable and electric? models. Special rental rates; available to students. ) L. 1!. SIMS 1 l ,_ ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. 7 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple. tfc28 ORGANS - home models. new from.$399 up: large selection. Authorized Hammond, Lowrcy. Forfisa dealer. Beginners and advanced lessons. R c n 1 a l 5. Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 'Yonge St.. Willowdale, 222- :3 section Chesterfield suite. 2 z§tép tables. coffee table, tele~ :phone chair. like new. half :gn‘ice. 889-3774. c1w20 ‘ZTYPEWRITER. Royal. full size. :8 yrs. old.‘ action tuned last :year. with typing desk $65.00. ~884~8309_ c1w20 HOME SHOW Paintings â€"â€" Landscapes Portraits Private Lessons LITTLE REMBRANDT 88443690. 574 YONGE ST. N :SPECIAL upholstery sale. Ches- aerfield suites. loveseats. kitchen :chairs. Very reasonable. Free Estimates. Adanac Upholsten'. 7343-1982. c2w20 :SUMP pump. Beatty,â€"ne\v con~ :aition. 221-3532. c1w20 :DINETTE suite and continental fled. 773-5334. c1\v20 ::sNow tires 700 x 13, 2 for $20, :SNOW tires 700 x 13, 2 for $20, Snow blower $150. Sunbeam ï¬ander $20. Skill belt sander :vith bag $55. child‘s school desk ~510. refrigerator $10, 15" Dun- :lop radial ‘tires 4 for $100. I'.~'.‘sitle\\v'alk slabs 50¢ each. 560 x :13 tires 3 for $10, chain saw 35100. Ramsel gun $50. 889-7223. 1‘ c1\\'20 FUR cpat. black Persian Lambi full length. Part of estate. Ex- :ellent condition. 889-3054. 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1970 mmmmnmmummmmlummuummu\mmlmmum\nummuu\mmumnmlln\m\mumllunu\muuumumuummmuuumuuuumunm\mununliulmlnulul\ulmummuumuuuuuull\\mmuu\1m\uuummuu1mntuuuulillmun\nluu1|mmmmm\1\u1lum1ll11x\t\unulm1u\nuuuumtmI\Itlxmumuxum\uuumuu\ulmumum1t\\\1umumumumummmumuuuuu“1m\\autumn\mu1ln11m\\\\\muumuuunumummmmuuuuu\umumu“mulml\uuumnmuuuuuu\\mumunuuuuuumlmlmulumuuumunlulumunlu1u\u\\\\1mmu\t\\tumunun“ulu1\\\uuumuuuumllmu\\lJ WWW If. PHONE 884-1105-6 OR 884-1983 0 To Order Want Ads .' To Receive Help In Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads. uuumnmunmmmum“uuuumumumumummunmumuulmumuunumum1numumuu“\muunuu\uuumuuummuumuuuuuuuuumuuumumuuuuumuumumuw uuuuummmmummmumuuuuuI\uluuumu1umuummuumuu‘uuulmuuuuuumuummmuuumummmumuumuu\\uuunmm\uu\\mumuuuuumuummu\\muumuuuuuuuuuuum\uumumuuuunum\mmumlmmmmumuuumr “mull!l\\\“\“mll“[\ll\\\m“lll(“mml\l\l\l\\l\\\\uull[lullm“mullllllll\l\\l\\\\\\ll\l\l\ll“N“WW1m“N““\Wllmmuull“\l\llll‘lll\\\\lllll\llllll\lulu“\llulllmumummm 5 . HAS stove, 2 electric stoves, :18 cu. ft. freezer. 2 rocking I,!:hairs. 9 piece dining room ï¬nite, 2 Captain’s chairs, quan- [tity of other chairs. 1 love s'eat, 2 piece settee, 2 grama- phones. 2 garage doors 8 ft. x '1 ft. 773-5448. c1\\’20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .84: per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second Ind subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word: min. charge 51.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATIIS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be In as early in the week as possble but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send. ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. ALUMINUM STORMS DOORS & WINDOWS 884-2433 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE YOU REACH THE PEOPLE YOU NEED WITH FAST-ACTION CLASSIFIED WANT ADS 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill 884-1745 1fc36 """"" §PRUCE bass fiddle. new cover. “W20 excellent condition, beautiful me 2 sound. 884-3220. *1w20 , tele- BEST offer accepted for piano, ‘ half train set. school black-board, c1w20 doll carriage. child’s rocking 11 Size. chair, garden tractor, All in a 1,“;good condition. 889-2422. c1w20 U015 clw‘ZO BCOI‘. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL 9212 Crushed stone. sand. concrete £462, gravel etc., delivered in small “€42 quantities. Call C. L. Knappett ~â€"~â€" 884-3089. tfc37 tfc20 . . .. :tric ates WATER SOFTENERS Miracle water conditioners. .1“ humidifiers. sales. sewice and ‘ rentals. also salt delivery ser- Fg‘ vice Call Gerald Morlock 884- R1 4016 after 4.30 pm. tfc17 mt ISININGVEmm sung-mode}? 7 1:5 tlc3‘pieccs. 884-2551. tfclS 23 r .k,__.__ , 2 Love'BEDROOM. diniiig'roonfTe'aki _ leal'- wood, 3 months old, reasonable. 'â€" etc. 241â€"5971. c4\r18 ] ’lec‘ YOU get a good deal mo? for H, 31" your money at Wyn-Dot Ladies m dPS' Wear. Bulk zippers approxi- 1e, “:9 mately half price. Ladies Crim-l â€"‘ ‘for plene slacks only $9.98 and E‘ 839- $10.98 usually $13.98 â€" Lay-a- ° 5915 way plan now for Christmas. :W Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 (2 miles eaSt 0f DiXie Road‘ boat trailer. takes 2 skidoos. Bramalea». _ v tfc10 reasonable. 884â€"5074. cleO Dï¬TEï¬ULBS HEAD skis and Cober step-in Full Variety. CI‘OCUSES. hyaCinUlS. harness $85. 884-3248. c1w20 “Hips and dafdefls' PlantIAUTOMATIC GE washer. dryer, spring now. . . . - ,. ~ - Holland Park Garden Centre {ligége‘am and dlsh“ “5118:1330 51 Keele St. N.. Maple ._,__, __--, ,_, .,, ..7 832-2455 1962 MOFFAT gas stove. goqd Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line DRY white birch and maple C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. ISA I V In W I'LALA RICHMOND “IL! ONT :SERVICE station attendant, 2 8843914" ‘ ' Wears experience. must be neat c2wlg in appearance, able to drive a v_ ,_ ' tow truck. CUSTOM bu11t heavy duty Class “A†mechanic. experience snowmobile t ra i 1 e r. $100.00 on front end alignment machine (new). Call 773-5922 evenings. and scope is essential. Bob €1W19 Donald Esso. 9700 Yonge St.. BOOKCASE bed with Inattl’esisiChmond Hi“. 334-8011- ARA'IO LIVE chickens $1.25 each. Gourmet cooking Citron. Pep- per and Hubbard Squash. 884- 6367. tfc20 MAN’S Hudson Bay jacket, size 36-38, Ladies cloth coat, size 14. girls 3 piece snowsuit, size 3-x. Philips electric can opener with knife sharpener. 889â€"7839. (-l\\'20 dinette tablev blen- der, movie camera and light bar. 832â€"1092. c1\\*20 PIANO ï¬nd" bench, smalliup- right 889â€"2170. c1\\"2.0 chail‘,‘ gal‘dven tractor. All in good condition. 889-2422. c1w20 RCA Victor TVjâ€"floor model, walnut cabinet $55, kitchen set 525. 889-5945. c1w20 UTILITY trailer, 2500 lb. capa- city. reasonable 884-4866 even- ings. c1w20 ATTENTION An olive green crimplene dress with wood buttons on cuff and neck. size 12. was sold in error at the Opportunity Sale on Saturday October 31 at Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill. Re- ward offered for its return. Mrs. J. Shields 889-2984 after 7 pm. clw‘ZO ï¬OCKE?â€"_;)a?lt? and braces. size 38, also hockey net. 884â€" 3007. cl\\'20 ANTIQUE dining room suite. solid oak. 6 chairs. round table and china cabinet $150. 884- 4088. c1w20 BARREL furniture, bars. rockers. chairs on casters. planters, etc. made from new and old barrels. Call 884-4866 evenings. 21" PENNSYLVANIA power reel with Briggs and Stratton, engine. $50.00. used. 884â€"7716. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD‘ WYN-DOT ‘ THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT 884-2214 FOR SALE TEAKWOOD FIREWOOD (Continued) $1.25 each. Citron. Pep- Squash. 884- tchO ailind’ Str‘atton, EXPEIiI’ENCED man to drive :1. 884-7716. [truck and work in shop. Lough- clw‘ZO'lin Lumber, 889-1109. clw‘lO c1\\‘20 tfc15 tfclS clw20 ï¬â€˜iRd-étools, Men’éï¬rsrkates size 889-3154. *1w20 9 fused once). 773-46517. c1w29 JA_NI'FI?O‘RIAL service or person' REPAIRING. your boy’s or wanting to work part time to husband‘s work clothes, rea- clean Laundromat after 11 pm. sonable. 2nd house from Yonge, 7 days per week and open Laun- 889-4328. c1w20 di‘omat Sundays and holidays at 8 am. Apply in person to Mr. Jack Barth of Barth‘s Cleaners, 1% Yonge St. N. c1\\‘20 “Interimâ€"iv} writ) I-IBAIR of bookcas-ez_liéadboiards. $20. 884-3216. clw20 SKIDOO trailer, light converted IAU’l‘OMATIC GElwasher. dryer, CASHIERSjV‘l-ufs’elung “pep refrigerator and dlshwasher. 884- ience‘ full time preferred, pep 7197' W__V‘VV M CI‘VZO manent position. Chain store 1962 MOFFAT gas stove. good experience helpful. Usual com- condition. 884-2788. *IWZO pany benefits. Apply Mrs. Nem- et. office manager. Canadian also others; sandwich grill Tlre Store' 70 Yonge St‘ N" waffle iron; many more kitchen i‘flmnd #_°1W20 utensils; also some dressmakers PARTS MAN, experienced Pre- items. A reproduction (20" x fen-ed. Usual company benefits. 24") of Tom Thompson painting Apply Mr. Stather. Canadian u COFFEE pei‘collator (automatic). F HELP WANTED FIREPLACE wood. Maple and Red Oak. Well seasoned. De- livered. 884-8948. *2w19 BLUE sectional sofa with matching coffee table. 889-8349. c1w20 “Westwind†All articles in new condition. 889-3025. *1w20 RUPP Maiâ€"bike. 571p and‘lï¬aT- met. Two weeks old. $250.00. Phone 884-7179. c1w20 2 yr. old HAfRDRESSER wanted. good working conditions with excel- lent wages. 884â€"2321. tfc18 EXPERIENCED cook for Pop’s Tavern. 884-2752. tfc34 WAITRESS â€" full and part1 time. Pop‘s Tavern. 884-2752. CLERK-TYPIST for private club in Thornhill area. Perm- anent position, no weekends. Must be excellent typisl. Call 889-4818 between 9-5 pm. HA’IRDRESSER,_ full time. 884- 4581. c1\\'20 REéISTERED ï¬ur‘se for day work in nursing home, no en- cumbrance. 889â€"7090. c1w20 SERVICE station attendant.‘ part time. References, neat apâ€" pearance. Apply Texaco, 7161 Yonge St, Thornhill. c1\\‘20 Starting gl‘essihg future. but not to Box EXPERIENCED legal secretar- ies for evenings and Saturdays Write Box 87, "The Liberal". EXPERIENCED engine rebuild- er required for machine shop in Thomhill area. Call 889- 8444. Ask for Wilf‘ cl\\‘20 AERSOL PACKAGHGG LTD.“ Vacancies for: Line Foreman. day and even- ing shifts. Experience in packâ€" aging industry is essential and ability to direct labor. Labeller Mechanic, day shift preferrably, with experience in New-way labellers. Labeller Operator. evening shift with experience in can- ning industry. Apply in per- son to 8001 Keele St.. or tele~ phone Mrs. S. Kent, 889-7356. c1w20 BOOKKEEPER For general ledger and financial statement work, with progres- sive industry. CALL Illâ€"CORPS PERSONNEL l8 YONGE ST. N. 884-6782 DENTAL ASSISTANT IN MAPLE ting two days a week pro- sihg to five in the near re. Experienced preferred, not necessary. Send resume tax 86, “The Liberal". FQR SALE ‘ HELP WANTED I TO RENT, MISCELLANEOUQMISCELLANEQE!_ "USED CARS_ J u‘aner, 115le CUIIVEL’LCU ~â€"â€"â€" *\ ’7’ 7 ailer, takes 2 skidoos. TYPISTS WANTED ter 2 months work ble. 88+5074. c1w20 APPI'OXima December to January 8.30 to Skis W CObel‘ 51539-113 4.30 pm. 5 day week. Call 889: Oi Spanish cabinet TV 773-5840. clw20 nc3w18 ncleO PARTS MAN, experienced pre- ' fen-ed. Usual company benefits. Apply Mr. Stathei‘. Canadian v'Tire Store. 70 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill c1w20 MATURE woman to work half _ days 5 days a week, some ex- perience working with figures. desirable but not essential. For interview call 889~757l. c1w20 clw20 c1\\‘20 tfc49 tfc18 clw20 SALES representative for a large export. shipping and mov- ing company. Must have experi- ence. Apply at World Wide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill. cleO Experienced Typist Mature woman. part time, medi- cal offices. 884-5569. clw20 EXPERIENCED office help, female preferred. for insurance claims office in Thornhill. 'I‘S'pâ€" ing. 889-4933. c1\x‘20 EARTAtime codk’fdr day nur- sery. Thornhill area. 889-8166. OLDER “01mm to live in and assist in care of 8 year old school girl. Some light house work. Might suit pensioner. 889-3154. *1w20 ‘EXPERIENCED in typing and telephone for general office duties. Neat in appearance. Apply World Wide Shipping, 360 Newkirk Rd. clw20 3641 EXPERIENCED S e n s em a t i c operator. Own transportation. EXPERIENCED cleaning wo- man every second week. Bayâ€" view-Steeles area. 889-3898. 884-6944 AI EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Do you have a drinking probâ€" lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfc17 PLATTER SPIN DISC JOCKEY SERVICE All occasions. Elm-2792. tfc19 NEW Skidoo Club in the Hill, Limited selective membership. 200 acres. Observation tower, storage and clubhouse facilities. Box 88 “The Liberal". c1\\'20 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, \Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. tfc44 A good used wheelchair type. 884-1688 after 7 pm OLD TV’s in any condition, for student practice. 889-2422. LEARN to ride and have fun doing it. Individual lessons or in groups â€" 3.00 per hour. Trail riding Saturdays and Sun- days â€"~ $2.00 per hour; Hayâ€" rides evenings and week-ends. Enquire about equestrian proâ€" gram for school classes during the week. For information or brochure call Rexlee Pines Rid- ing Stable 939â€"2525 or 857.1636. c3w13 RIDING STABLES‘é'sBi CAT. small grey female, Nov- ember 6‘ on Bayview Avenue North. Reward. 384-3036. SATURDAY. Blue Gfass - Elgin Mills area. white cat, grey mark between ears. 884-1763. c1w20 MALE tabby. black and gré} stripe. red collar. Thornhill area. Reward $5.00. 889-3269. and WHY NOT JOIN A BOWLING LEAGUE? Ladies‘ Afternoon Leagues with supervised nursery Mixed Evening Leagues Cail 2 SHEI‘EKNDiponies and quar terhorse gelding. Pony saddl 447 Markham Rd. Richmond Hill After 7 p.m. - 884-5511 c10w12 ALLEP'COURT LANES PERSONAL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED LOST c1w20 latic RECREATION room and bed- tatiom room, refrigerator and stove and garage. Single people. 884- ENCY 7320. c1w20 ClWZO SPACE wanted shitable for clw20 c1w20 cleO 721:1? maï¬ï¬‚‘hioruse overlooking tfc17 golf course at 133 Oxford St. A 1| Ann ,4an M AAAAA a saddle 25 GUINEA pig’sâ€"m- 531:884; c1w20 338:1 clw‘ZO *1W20 any FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16'6" clear. immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. BAYVIEW’PLAZA Richmond Hill 3000 sq. ft. of excellent stor- age space. 884-5669 and 364- 1964. . tfc13 NIHCE furnished room'f'rl‘VTs'Git business girl. 884-7615. clw14‘ 50 SQ. FT. office space 165% in professional building on Yonge St. 884-1117. tfc16 FURNISHED room, c o o kin g facilities, 16 Lorne. Ist house east of Bork‘s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHEDFi'obm. c 0.0 k i n g and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfclS ROOM with cooking facilities, garage if needed, nurse pre- ferred, near hospital. 884-1623. c1w20 small auto body repair shop. ‘ _â€"]§ï¬TCRâ€"&‘s’foâ€"Nï¬dn}{†C§:;1~al or north loeation.1§§296 Fireplaces __ Chimneys __ cus_ 6 ' c V tom built â€" patios, walls, XPARTMENT'two bedrooms. flower-boxes, garages. etc. Guar- December 1. Mature adults re- anteed workmanship. For free fel‘ences $158- 62 Hunt. 384'2889 estimate call M. H. Construction after 5 and weekends. *3W20 884-3484. :fcz APARTMENT two bedrooms. December 1. Mature adults re- ferences $158. 62 Hunt. 884â€"2889 after 5 and weekends. *3w20 ROOM to let close to Yonge. Parking and cooking facilities, suit male. For appointment. Call 884-7474 after 6. *1w20 FLAT for rent, Mail; alga}. bgï¬ple in mid 20‘s preferred. 889-4021. c1w20 FLORIDA E _e ,7 .. Modern oceanfront apt. furn-I E. W. PAYNE ished, heated pool, in Holly-Drains. septic tanks. All types \\-‘ood. Dec. - Jan. 887-5103. Iof concrete work. \ c1w20‘889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES 1 bedroom apartment. suitabletrv"#_ _ (A for couple. Thornhill ai‘ea.‘RALPli ELNiS’DEEORATIRG Phone 889-9488. C1\\'20 Painting, paperhanging, inter- SINGLE accOmmOdation’ bed- ior and exterior. Free estimates. mum, mnm nrivnfn hath in Work guaranteed. 887-5610. SINGLE accbmmodation, bed- sitting room, private bath in modern home, after 4 pm and Weekends. 889-5326. c1w20 STORE, Yonge at Sheppard, approx, 1000 sq. ft. $350. Base- ment and heat included. 486- 85780 cl\\'20 $125.00. Adults. 486-8578 iXRGE 3 bedroom town housej 1E2 baths, garage, children wel-l come. 884-6558. clw20' 2 BEDROORI‘Zï¬Ã©ftnment, adult building, close to tranSportatjon, December lst. 884â€"8076. FURNISHED room. cooking and laundry facilities. TV, bedding and dishes supplied. $15-$18 weekly. 832-2518 after 6 pm. A bright 4 room, over store 2 BEDROOM upper duplex. Gormley area, all conviences, broadloom thrbughout. 888â€"1923. - c1\\'20 E‘URNISHED room in Maple. 832â€"2631. c1w20 1 BEDROOM. aiErAtment. 8841 2576. . tfc20 TWO bedroom ground floor apartment to sublet. Adults only. 884-3461. c1w20 6FFICE space 800 sq. ft. cen- trally located. 889-6161. KPARTR’IERTT-KVAILABLE ‘ New owner Betty'Forsyth, Dog grooming â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 all 488-4386 mornings ADORABLE black poodle pups very reasonable. 884-6934. AQUARIUM $7.95 New 15 gallon all glass meta- frame. Hush 1 pump C.S.A. ap- proved. Reg. $5.95. now $3.49. Expert poodle clipping. Pet Fair. 884-3094. clw20 GOLDEN Retriever 1 yr. old. Female, spayed. 884-4727. PETS FOR SALE “THE POODLE PUFF†Expert Styling Terriers 773-5849 cleO Cl “'20 c2w20 cl “‘20 tfc20 c1\\-20 tfc19 884-2433 tfc23 SHAMPO~61NGw FALL SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc52 PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone ~â€" 884-1650. tfc24 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889â€"6338. tfc42 BAKER'S BACKIIOE EXCAVATI‘NG Tl'enching. sewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tch FINLAY ELECTRIC Contractor, free estimates. Call anytime. 884-3931, tfc37 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 FLOOR COVERING All types floor tile, sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll Webb. 889-2546. tfc3|DO you value your home 01- FLOOR CESVERING your property? . _ All types floor tile, sheet goods. P0 you want the best In paint- Expert workmanship at low cost. mg W3†Papermg and decorat- Free estimates. Gillett Fine mg 0f lany kind? ' Floom 834_8831_ “€11 ReSIdential 01‘ commercnal ., . . All work guaranteed RUBBER STAMPS ‘We have a decorating consultant Several type faces to choose on our staff. that would be more from â€" including Script. 13100“ than pleased to assist you in letters, Outline and signature yours needs. Call 334.6516. â€"â€" fast service. Call “The le- tfclg eral†8844105. ,, n'I'In [AWNIWDWFD HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 ALUlvaNUM HOME 1 & PAPERHANGING IMPROVEMENTS I R_ E. DUNN Alcan â€"- siding. Eavestroughs 727.3303 Doors and Windows tfcl For free estimates call your‘ ‘STIRLIN'GfMjA’I’NTENANCE Local Contractor ' CLEANING HANS BUTT 889-4016 1 WINDOWS WALLS , , V, “411' HARDWOOD FLOORS BRICK & STONEWORK 1 884-1311 RON MOORE \nic. PAINTING - PAPERHANGING‘ 889-1649 Interior - Exterior. Free esti-. *1\\'19 mates. Call anytime. 889-8965.:â€"GENERAI:Q{R'pE'NTRYA » _7_7 “C35i Licence Plastering Thomhiu‘Rec. Rooms, kitchens. floor tile, R, CLARK {counter tops. repair and re- Plain and Decorative Plastering,‘fin1511ing 0f furniture. Free Repairs in Speciality estimates- n mnntn\v RICHMOND HILL ROOFING Shingles - Flat Roofs Eavestroughing Experienced workmanship. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 884-8719‘ c4u'19 C HIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 LEONARD! ï¬nurnn “a ##7â€" CONSTRUCTION iCLEANINGï¬Ely 01: weekly. Concrete. Drain and General:0wn transportation. 884â€"3294.2 clw 0 Repairs. Patio, Stonework. Sideâ€" w_a1k. Trenching and Excavating..ExpER1ENCED typist seeks “9- No- D0033. Iposition. 384-3143. c1\\'20 BOB‘S DELIVERY SERVICE 889â€"5221 Local parcels and light cal-tage. tic? ONTARIO SCHOOL OF UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields and chairs re- covered like new. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR LABOR All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 tfc12 DECORATING Painting, paperhanging. vinyls. 24 years. Free estimates. A. Rollinson, 833-6671. tfc18 CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions. renovations, tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. ’1‘. Price. 889-3653. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or Night 'hEO’NLiï¬â€™ï¬Iâ€"BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION vPAINTING ‘uau um-aou mummy. LN-“ . _ 1 r, . INTERIOR EXTERIOR IEXPERIENCED typist would Free Estimates 488-7521 889-: C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 PAINTING 884-2433 889-5228 889-3185 . SEPTIC TANKS [mes' Get your septic tank cleaned tfcz and inspected before freeze-up. G Special prices 0n subdivision )aint- houses (2 or more). Call for apelu free estimates. Hansen Bros. “€49 Contracting. 832-1275.‘ tfcl'? 1E3- HOUSE PAINTING 5, 0f_vInterior and exterior painting, mmuvinyl work and paperhanging. tfc20 tfc46 “043 tfc5‘l “€44 tic-2 I R. WHITTAKER Fencing Contractor [All types of farm fences. For in- formation call 888-1753. RR 1 Gormlcy. tfc17 SHAMPOOING WINTER SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 HOUSE PAINTnk‘G SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms, bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite and home repairs. License E1716. 889-2889. tfc20 889-2625 THE MINI-MOVE]! 0 Have you anything you want moved or taken away? 0 Need any sand or gravel? 0 Small jobs mean small prices. Call Steve Sabiston after 5 pm. MOBILE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Tune-ups brakes, front end, general repairs, licensed mecha- mo i J OHN’S i 884-8580 01‘ 640-2913 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 WOMAN to do ironing in your home or my home. 884-7772. CLEANING lady available, no transportation. Please call 884- 3093. c2w19 ENERGETIC, reliable young man, 17, seeks permanent posi- tion. Has chauffeurs licence. Would prefer to learn trade. Will consider anything. Please phone Walter Kirk at 889-5784. nc3w19 MATURE person seeks casual ltemporaryb or part-time work. Experienced in office work, typing. shorthand, bookkeeping. manuscripts. Will accept work to be done in my home. 884- 675": *1w20 TEENAGE giï¬'would like baby sitting job. Experienced. ,884â€" 5380 after 4 pm. cl\\'20 WILL type envelopes at home. Call 884-4371 mornings. c1w20 1-6;; {0 do typing at home. 339. 0202. â€" W clxmul YOUNG MAN MATURE woman will babysit Room and board, side entrance afternoons orevenings.889-2175. to finished rec. room, share ClW20‘facilities. Own furniture would ‘be a help. 635-6361 between 14-8 pm, clw20 CLEANING, daily or weeklf. Own transportation. 884-3294. I Cl\v20!ROOM and board ‘available for 7~- .nnn EXPERIENCEâ€"D typist seeks position. 884-3143. c1\\'20 BOOKKEEPING. inventory cal- culations. all office procedures. Free pickup and delivery. 884- mm c1\\'20 Free 6580 SMALL home in the country 895-3914 after 6 pm. c1w20 C 0 U P L E, non-smokers. ab- staiuers. required furnished 1 bedroom or bedsitting room and kitchen. parking, Richmond Hill area. 694â€"7672. c1w20 FURNISHED a p a room “'1 within ea tral Hos 3375130’ lot $8.500 EMPLOYMENT WANTED EBTS FOR SALE 3580 or 640-2913. (:1 VINCE‘S'CAIfliEiTRY PAINTING 8; PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN with cooking facilities 1 easy access of York Cen- Hospital. 226-0395 after c1w20 WANTED TO RENT R. TOBIEN’ 889-1922 tment ox c2w19 tfclflsta ton GMC. 1959, as is, best offer. 884-6480. c1w20 intillg, 1966 MGB, radio, wire wheels; né‘ing- excellent condition $1095. 02w18 1965 MG 1100 sports sedan, EW-Itwin carbs, excellent condition c1wl8 5878 tfclB cleO tfc18 tfclS Hï¬â€˜lWKarman Ghia. red conv. lBest offer. 889-9612. c1w20 $1965 Fail‘lane. 6 cylinder, cert- ified. Lic. No. 327279. $500. '889-4328 after 5 pm. clw20 1964 Beaumont, 283. 4 speed; un- ccrtified. Can be seen at cor- ner of Taylor Mills Dr. S. and Bayview. For more informa- lion call 293-0439 after 6 pm. Asking $450 or best offer. 1562 FALCON 4 door. 6 cylinâ€" der. Best offer. 884-2788. *lw20 i962 Studebaker Lark, gon running condition. original mileage 52,823. $200 or best {twin carbs, excellent condmon $675. 1962 Volkswagen, new paint and starter. ideal second car re- duced to $445. The above cars have been reâ€" conditioned and certified. {1962 Mini. good condition, as is 135195. 884-8841. cwzo offer. 884-5434. c1w20 T930 Buick, automatic. $100.00. 884-7434. clw20 1964 Karman Ghia, red conv. 7193707117617 standard, good dition. $75 or best offer. 567]. C dition. $75 or best offer. 773- RIDE Wanted 7.00 am. Yonge~ 5611: r _ # »__ CZW‘ZO Weldrick to University- College, 1967 Austin 1100. good condi- leaving 5 pm. 884-7989. tion, will get certified. $800 or cleO best offer 01‘ will trade. CalleVENI’N'GS and SW ,â€"_ ~ . - ,- 4 1 y \oxk- after 51-“ 773-0112- "1“201dale to Mable. 832-2533. '*1w20 after six. 773-5112. ’3‘1w20i 1968 CAMARO 228, loadFd'.‘ Mint shape. 833-5076, 889-9132. c1w20‘ 1966 MGB, radio, wire wheels! excellent condition 51095. , 1965 MG 1100 sports sedan.‘ twin carbs, excellent condition $675. 1962 Volkswagen, new paint and' starter, ideal second car re- duced to $445. The above cars have been reâ€" conditioned and certified. 1962 Mini. good condition. as is $195. 884-8841. c1w20| 1962 FALCON, must sell, best offer. 884-1559. c1w20 64 CHEV, 2, door sedan, V8 au- tomatic. good condition. Phone, Ray at 884-6177. c1w20li 1966 CHEV pickup V-8, long, box heavy duty, new lug tires, custom rear bumper and trailer hitch 42,000 miles $1050. 889- 7024. CIWZO Auction sale ol‘ household furn- iture. G.E. washing machine and clothes dryer. kitchen cabinet: chrome kitchen table and chairs, apartment size piano; vacuum c 1 e a n e r Roth Trumpet. two guitars â€" violin and case, dishes, cooking utensils: iools, Beaver electric saw and jointer, good condition. in the Town of Markham, 38 Parkway Avenue â€" 2nd Street South of tracks, on Highway 48. Property of Mrs. C. Herron. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer Auctioneer, Gormley 887-5311. c2le 1 it 5" 1 NOVEMBER 14. SATURDAY â€" Auction Sale of household furniture. 2 Pine glass cub- boards, Dominion organ. extra good with mirror, mantel radio, Findiav cook stove. 21†Motoâ€" DAVâ€"Elite? axrailable in my home. 884-8642. tfc17 iN my home $12 per \\'eék._8&37t: 4985. ‘ tfc19 VA... ~-v._- “a; an, L»): . l 1966 CHEV pickup V-8. long‘ box heavy duty, new lug tires, custom rear bumper and trailer hitch 42,000 miles $1050. 889- c‘lw20‘ 1967 CHEV Impala V8. power brakes and steering. 2 dr. hard top, tinted windshield. good con-i dition $1250. 889-5862. cleO ______ c_ ._ A ,’9 1965 CUSTOM sports Pontiac .. door convertible, V8. 884~93311 after 6.30 pm. c2w20' 1962 FALCON stationwagon. good shape. Also aluminum door. 887â€"5614. clw20 1964 MERCURY Econoline van with special roof converted into; camper. 884-2788. *1w201‘ NOVEMBER 14, SATURDAY â€" Auction Sale of household furniture. 2 Pine glass cub- boards, Dominion organ. extra good with mirror, mantel radio, Findlay cook stove. 21†Motoâ€" rola TV. 4 burner Gurney elec- tric stove, near new. Bedroom furniture. spool type bed and stand to match, bedding, china. glassware, antique dishes. pine tables, stands, jugs. pine ben- ches, antique clock, 1 Victrola and records. Don’t miss this lsale, good lot of old antiques, at. the Village of Ringwood, 3 houses south of Ringwood cor- ner, on East side of Highway 48 property of Mrs. A. Summer- feldt. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 AI_.:_ 5 Barman Ann- ï¬es? CUSTOM sports Pontiac 2 door convertible, V8. 884-9331 after 6.30 pm. c2w20 1962 FALCON stétionwagon, good shape. Also aluminum door. 887-5614. clw20 ï¬Â§:;'e in myihome. close to Charles Howitt School, Rich- vale. 889-8449. c1w20 AVAILABLE imey apartment, Markham Road and Essex Av- enue. $15 weekly. 884-3483.- D_AY care availableimy home fenced yard, Thornhill Green 889-8065. c2\\'2( {9’69 MOT’OERTfl‘h’JpH $575. Excellent condition. 889-1123 after 6. c2w20 1963 16 hp SET-Hoe and double trailer. $525. 884-8317. clw20 1969 BOMBARDIER SEi-doo 18 hp. Excellent condition. $475. 884-3035. c1w20 1968 SNOW tCz-uiser) trailer and accessories. Best offer. 884-8702 before 12 noon. c1w20 ‘1968 16 hp Moto 5-1,â€:3‘350. 3321 \1584. c1w20 ME. 10 Tractor $700. MF. 12 Tractor $900. M.F. 35 Tractor $1650. M.F. 16 Blade $175. M.F. 300 Ski-Whiz $500‘ M.F. 500 Ski~Whiz $850. Take a closer look at Massey- Ferguson Corner TOURS, c‘ ROOM & BOARD tickets, reserva1 dual travel. call Travel AgenCY- SN OWMOBILES 01‘2 FOR SALE IMPLEMEN TS DAY CARE M and board ainlable for 2 girls. 884-1320. tfc20 Rumble Tractor Don Mills-Stouffville Rd Gormley 887-5886 cruises. rail and bus reservations and indwi- TRAVEL A. H. Ch 889â€"5643 reighton clw20 u lllLu‘y-vr-4-v‘, V, *1w20:fe1dt. Terms éasn. Sale at 12.30 pm. Alvin S, Farmer, Auc- tioneer. Phone 837-5311. c2w19 mgr tfc17 :88?- tfc19 ymate 6. clw20 NOVEMBER 19 THURSDAYâ€"a .Auction sale of unredeemed pledges 7:30 pm. Victoria, Square Community Hall. 2B2 ‘miles south of Gormley, 33/4, Smiles north of Highway 7, Don Mills Road. 200 lots of unre- deemed pledges. Under instruc- tions of prominent Ontario pawnbrokei'. Watches. Gent's and ladies’ rings, diamond rings, shavers. numerous other artiâ€" Icles. Every watch carries a ‘\\'ritten guarantee. Free drawâ€"- lady‘s diamond ring. Alvin S. Farmer auctioneer, Gormlcy, ;Ont. 887-5311 c2w19 4. a. c4w20 c1w20‘ er and 4-8702 c1w20 ). 33E; c].wZO RD trance share would atween c1\\'20 ile for tfc20 â€" __.â€" NOVEMBER 21. SATURDAY â€"- Auction Sale of household fur- ‘niture, 21†TV Philips good con- 'dition, large radio, Rogers Ma- ;jestic record cabinet, eight leg drop leaf table. good Philips Erefrigerator, Westinghouse 4. burner electric stove, antique ‘chest of drawers, writing desk, bedroom furniture, dishe s. glassware. 1 set of 25 antique iwooden planes over 100 years lold and other tools. tea wagon like new. Many other articles not mentioned. in the toxm of 'Aurora at 12 Cousins Drive, off Yonge St.. East of 13550 Ser- vice Station. The property of E. C. Finch. Term Cash, Sale at 1 pm. Alvin S. Farmer, Auc- tioneer, phone 887-5311. c2\r20 l con c1w20 se to Rich- lw20 nent, Av- Llw20 omc, rcen. 2\\'20 :S 555%. -1123 2w20 )uble l\\'20 i-doo NOVEMBER 20. FRIDAY EVE- ‘N'ING â€"â€" Auction sale of ap- proximately 20 different kinds of clocks, including a grand- father clock. about. 18 pieces of good furniture, lamps, one Bull's Eye lamp. glassware; jugs; yiron pots: crooks; sleigh bells: Lelectric china lamp: quantity of ‘hand painted china - (most of “the china comes from Englandr at Victoria Square Community miles north of N0. 7 >Highway, 212 miles South of Gormle)‘ on Don Mills Rd. - 200 articles in all. Goods open for m- ‘spection from 4 pm. till sale time â€" catalogue supplied. Sale Hall. 33/. at 7.30 pm sharp â€"- Alvin 5. .Farmer, Auctioneer â€" 887-5311. c2w20 tfc4 ALL types of landscaping, rock- erios. patios, and retaining walls of railroad ties or stone. Sandy loam. peat and mushroom com- post by the yard or load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick, 889â€" 6338. tfc42 13‘ HOUSE trailer equipped with heater. cooking stove and fridge. sleeps 4. Good condition. $750. 773-5878. c1w20 U~HAUL. local and onéivay. Bob Donald's Esso, 9700 Yonge St. 884-8011. tfc48 13' HOUSE trailer eauinned date to Maple. 832-2533 NOVEMBER 13 FRIDAY SALE REGISTERS NOVEMBER 21, SATURDAY -- 12 noon. Auction Sale of house- hold furniture items including: lHeintzman piano with bench, pine and birds-eye Maple desk, 'antique) granny rocker, Vic- torian living room chair, pine Iboxes. R.C.A. TV. various wood- ien chairs. some high backs. 3 x 3 wall mirror. Chesterfield (green) ‘with matching chair, antique lsausage machine, various items a: -mm (Helms, 2 moustache (antique) granny rower, v“;- torian living room chair, pine boxes. R.C.A. TV. various wood- en chairs. some high backs. 3 x 3 wall mirror, Chesterfield (green) with matching chair, antique sausage machine, various items of china dishes. 2 moustache cups, items of carnival glass, quantity of hand tools. garden tools, aluminum extension lad- (191‘. Many. many other good clean items of furniture and misc. items. For Roy E. Keffer and Len Klinck at 12 Idleswift Dr.. Thomhill. lst street south of Highway No. 7 off Yonge then west on Longbridge to 2nd road then left at Vista View. Gord Orr, Auctioneer. c2w20 Transportation GARDENING TRAILERS 1\\'20