Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1970, p. 14

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14 J oscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1111 LEONARD R. ROSENBERG a; ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 834-7110 84 Yonge St. South Aurora. Ontario CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 306 Bayview Plan Telephone 889-8275 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT» 89 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill PHILIP G. RAYSON 889-6662 Manfred W. Stecker CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 70 Amoro Drive Rexdale 610 Ontario 743-5287 130 Centre St. W. Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL BY Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Brian H. Cowan 884-6663 Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Accountants SAME DAY CLEANHNG SERVICE . . . A Auto Transmission Same Day Shirt Service IN BY 10â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Phone Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare” PROFESSIONAL 8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Leno’s Machine Shop Engineering CUSTOM WORK THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 19, 1970 Carpentry STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry IN BY 10 â€"â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 SATURDAY Mister 884-7774 889-9191 884-1788 Toronto Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Barrow Insurance SerVIces Ltd. TELEPHONE 7 27-9488-9 Ernie Brock & Son 16 Yonge Street‘North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery. Typewriter and Adder Sales. A. W. Kirchen, GD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 ,Office Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Corner Agency Limited Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonze Street N. 334-1551 - 384-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 Landscaping Sporting Goods 25 Grundview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop C.C.M. 3: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line 0! Sporting Goods Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Auron. Ontario Optometrists DICK MAIER LANDSCAPING 8: MAINTENANCE Thornhlll 889-5344 Insurance By Appointment 884-3962 363-3959 IPaint-Wallpaper RUMBLE TRANSPORT BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Bunny Snow’s T.V. In The Mall. 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill ART STUDIOS “111m\lllllll1m“l\\lllllllllllll\lll11\\l\l\lll\lllll\ll\\1\\\llllllllllmml’ mmm\ummunluummmmiuum“m11lu\u\uuuuummnnmm DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling Complete Antenna Service AGS and ROGERS MAJESTIC SALES and SERVICE VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. Ontario Land Surveyors 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN Phone 884-6521 INTERIORS LTD. TV Repairs STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service 889-1059 Surveyors Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 221-3485 At a time when our country of the most aggravating. major is deeply distressed and torn reasons is the fact that ou 154......“nâ€" un ‘9 V~~r-a by murder by FLQ Terrorists. we find our nation being seriously undermigned in Ontario by an insidious enemy â€"- the 'foreign textbooks. Recently a number of Thorn- hill grade 2 parents were ap- palled to be given American flags which their children had colored and proudly brought hnmp from school. the recent kidnappings and Department of Education re- quires a book to be printed before it is eligible for con- sideration as a textbook. With the comparatively small market open to our Canadian publish- ers, compared to U.S. publish- ers, the former simply cannot always risk the substantial cost of printing a manuscript before an indication of the potential They had market. r7..- flags which their children had colored and proudly brought home from school. They had colored the Stars and Stripes at the end of the class on word pictures when the teacher had asked them to now color "our flag" in the children's work- books. In a recent visit I paid to the library in Unionville Public School. approximately nine out of ten books on the shelves were U.S. publications. Mrs. Edna Kerr. the attractive and popular librarian. told me that the selection of books was bas- ed on their “rating” by educa- tion book critics. Apparently our education book critics do not feel Canadian authors have “found themselves". Our Canadian publishing in- dustry is rapidly becoming com- pletely foreign dominated. One About 6,915 students are en- rolled this fall in full and part- time courses at Seneca College, Willowd‘ale, according to figures released last week by college officials. Seneca is a community college serving the borough of North York and York County. Seneca Full â€" Time Day Student Enrolment Is Up 31% Over I969 Full-time day students total 3,165, up about 31% in compari- son to last fall's enrolment. Slightly more than half (54%) of Seneca‘s total full and part time enrolment is made up of students in continuing educaâ€" tion programs and other off- campus course offerings. Among full-time day students,nearly 660 (about one in fiver are taking applied arts pro- grams. ‘They're interested in such fields as applied communi- cations, audio-visual techniques, early childhood education, fashion arts, law enforcement, library techniques, municipal administration, social service ‘and social research techniques. First semester enrolment in these courses is up nearly 16% compared to fall of 1969. Another 660 students at Seneca are enrolled in various! courses in the business division.1 Registration in the first semes- ter of these programs is show- ing a 35% increase over last year. Seneca’s courses in busi- ness include accounting, busi- ness and corporate administra- tion, general business, general insurance, law administration, marketing, real estate, secre- tarial science and tourist indus- ltry administration. In engineering technology. more than 600 students are studying various courses in aviation, building environment. cartography, chemistry, civil, electronic, mechanical, pollution control and other courses at the technical and technological levels. Total enrolment in first semester engineering technology ‘courses is up about 24% over last year. A smaller specialized group of students. about half the size of the other divisions. are studying computer systems and computer programming in the data pro- cessing division. They currently number around 270 students. Another 320 students are in (Continued from Page 2) shows cave Shirley a confidence in herself and her talent. / Right now, Shirley Foster finds herself at a crossroads . . . She knows her paintings sell well and she knows the techniques she employs are popular â€" but out of the confidence gained from the art show successes has grown a desire to create some- thing more from within; not just a pretty or pleas- antly well executed painting, but something individ- ual and unique. The experimentation has begun. Shirley has added a modern tool of the trade to her paint box â€" the aerosol spray bomb. The things she is doing are fun but as yet, they are just that. It may be easily seen from these paintings that she handles a conventional airbrush well. One of the spray bomb paintings which was particularly strik- ing to me was an earthrise over the moon. The now familiar brilliant blue and white orb rises over the barren moonscape, but what makes it unique is the textured background. Shirley has adhered kitty- litter to her board and painted it a rich deep velvety brown. It is highly successful. One of the things she enjoys about being an artist is the individuality it gives her. It is wonder- ful that she is a fine wife and devoted mother of three children, but this special creativity allows her to be Shirley Foster, alone. Her husband is thrilled with her talent and her success. This year Shirley looks forward to entering still more art shows. For those who are familiar with Shirley's palette knife technique, there will be some of those paintings present in her displays. But I think her friends and followers are in for a pleasant and exciting surprise when Shirley shows her talents and develops her own techniques from within her- self. It’s coming . . . Every wish for success Shirley. In The Spotlight The Insidious Enemy â€"â€" Foreign Textbooks Don Deacon Reports If they could sell Canadian‘ textbooks in the US. market it; would be possible. But that requires a complete U.S. em- phasis on all material. Unfort- unately. our book critics do not consider this important. As a result of their lack of encour- agement and support our Can- adian authors and publishers are rapidly dwindling in influ- ence. The Government of Ontario should be a major factor in reviving and building out Can- adian publishing industry in- stead of the reverse. In doing so, it would arrest the erosion of our Canadian culture result- ing from present policies of the Department of Education. nursing and in part-time courses. First semester enrolment in data processing 15.20% higher than in 1969. Students taking occupational training programs at Seneca on a full-time basis number ap- proximately 650 at the present time. This is- nearly double the figure for the same period last year. Many of these students are receiving financial assist- ance from the federal govern- ment. There are currently 2.550 Seneca students enrolled this fall in the continuing education division, nearly 21% more than last year at the same time. Seneca has at least 130 differ- ent evening courses under way on its two campuses this fall. Continuing education programs are also offered during the win- ter and the summer. In off-campus locations in business and industry, another 1,200 students are taking part- time courses in Seneca‘s busi- ness and industrial training di- vision. Registration here is al- most three times the year ago level. Among first semester enrol- ments in day programs â€" sig- nificant because they indicate current student interests â€"â€" the most popular courses this fall have been law enforcement, library techniques, municipal administration, business admin- istration, legal secretarial, gen- eral business, real estate, com- puter programing and data pro- cessing. Two new programs in tourist industry administration and in pollution control techni- ques have also attracted full class-size quotas. Seneca P r e S‘i d e n t William Newnham states that, by 1975, combined full and part-time en- rolment at Seneca in all three semesters will probably exceed 43,000. STOUFFVILLE â€"â€" The work of the local police Hallowe’en Night has received high praise from the businessmen’s associa- tion. Described as one of the quietest on record, the evenmg‘s peace was attributed to close co- operation between police and the young people MLA York Centre Brotherhood was the theme of Saturday at 10 am. for 10%. the annual York Summit Dist- miles starting and ending at St. rict Venturer and‘Scout Camp- Gabriel’s Anglican Church, oree held October 30 to Novâ€" Richmond Hill East. ember 1 at Boyd Conservation Checkpoints at 1% mile in- Park. Three Venturer com- tervals will be set up and two panies and 12 Scout troops, cars with first aid facilities will numbering 114 boys registered patrol the route at all times. with 17 leaders and six mem- Money earned by participants bers of a service crew. The 5th in this walk will be distributed: Annual District Scout Camporee Stresses Theme 01‘ Brotherhood with 17 leaders and six mem- Money earned by participants bers .of a service crew. The 5th in this walk will be distributed: Lansmg Scout Troop checked $50 to Blue Springs Training in as guests. Centre, then 50% of the remain- der to the group committee and .‘s o 50% to help finance the new 0 A roof on the Centennial Swim- 1.0 A O ming Pool. The service crew. under the direction of Brian Gentles. Brian Weston and Maartin Heil- bron. planned, organized and operated this event. The camp, which opened orfficially at mid- nitht Friday, was a success, de- spite rain, and much of that credit goes to the youthful service crew composed of leaders 18-25 years of age, who spent much time and effort in promoting the camporee. The service crew is a rela- tively new idea to scouting. The boys are mostly former Ventur- ers or would-be Rovers, working in the organization as leaders or assistant leaders. They are will- ing to help any Scouters who meet with problems and are looking for more members, who don’t have to have been Scouts. Saturday‘s program at the camporee included setting up Scouting displays, games and a talent show around the evening campfire. Sunday from 11 am to 2pm the camp was open to visitors and three Cub packs, a num- ber of group committee mem- bers and parents were inter- ested guests and witnessed “Scouting in Action." This in- cluded fire lighting, log sawing, compass orientation, canoe por- taging and pioneer projects. The Venturers and Scouts de- monstrated their pioneering abilities by erecting an aerial tramway. building a Klondike sled and making rope. T‘he cooks prepared. cooked and offered for consumption “bannock,” a bread used by the original pioneers of this country. 3RD RICHMOND HILL A Scout-A-Thon is an organ- ized, sponsored walk by Scouts, Cubs and Venturerrs over a pre- larranged route. One is planned by 3rd Richmond Hill for this Checkpoints at 1% mile in- tervals will be set up and two cars with first aid facilities will patrol the route at all times. Cubs will be expected to walk 4.4 miles to checkpoint 3 where free refreshments will be dis- pensed. To qualify for badges Scouts and Venturers will be carrying full pack. Jas. Lawson QC Head Assessment Review Ct. James Lawson. QC, 3 practis- ing lawyer and former business executive, has been appointed chairman of the new Assessment Review Court of Ontario. Mr. Lawson's appointment is effec- tive immediately. One of Mr. Lawson‘s first duties will be to arrange for the Court to hear assessment appeals in every municipality of Ontario. The court replaces the courts of revision for hearing all appeals relating to assessment. (Courts of revision are being re- tained for certain other pur- poses). In announcing Mr. Lawson's appointment, Municipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough said: “Mr. Lawson has considerable experience in administration and municipal law and thus is well qualified to serve as chair- man of the Assessment Review Court." Mr. Lawson is a graduate of the Royal Military College and Osgoode Hall Law Sohool. He was first president and manag- ing director of Odeon Theatres and Arthur Rank affiliated com- panies in Canada, and former president of Ansco of Canada Limited (now GAF Canada Limited). A former partner in the firm of Lawson, Cannon and Fediow, he is married with four children. BROUGHAM â€" Consideration will be given to a zoning bylaw amendment to permit Howard Burton to continue his present business in heavy industrial equipment on the Brock Road. The site is zoned agriculture, but Mr. Burton has been oper- ating a business there for 20 years, starting as a woodwork- ing shop. Richvale Scaffold Rentals‘ 9114 YONGE ST. ‘ 5 WE RENT : CONTRACTORS I EQUIPMENT ““Iu‘uu“nu‘- “ Scaffolding * Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ -â€" Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton THORNHILL Dam: Jonas FISH&CHIPS I89 YONGE STREET NORTH PHONE: 884-9291 ' frésh flavour! 889-1059

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