MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North, Maple Pastor: D. S. Davidson 233-9725 Sunday Services 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 mm. â€" Worship Service 1 pm. â€" Evening Service bursary Facilities for both Services ‘ THE CHURCH OF ST- STJOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL 75 03mm] street Bayview at Crosby Richmond Hill Richmond Hill (Convention of om. a: Qua) Rcv- David N. SPIN!“ Rev. Richard McPhee 884-4236 9:45 am. Sunday School Honorary Assistant Rev. Herbert-11 aim _ Morning Worship Newton-Smith _Nursery Provided SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1970 Everyone Welcome SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT HMGSTAFF 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion - BAPTIST CHURCH 8130 :‘m‘S-E Mlonf‘mg Plrlayern (Fellowship of Evangelical BagmNur c °° °’ 8 a“ Baptist Churches in Camda) 3’ my 25 Church Street, Thornhill SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 8 ~â€"- Holy Communion 10.30 â€" Baptism Service Sermon: Rev. David McGuire Church School and nursery. 7 pm. Evening Service Youth program following Wednesday M Holy Communion Brooke and Jane Streak Rector , Rev. Canon H3 11. Howden, BA. MONTH , SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1970 SUNDAY BEFORE ADVEN'I‘ 8 mm. â€" Holy Communion Men's Corporate Communion Breakfast. Speaker â€"- Rev. Thoma-s Chidlow 10.30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Preadher: The Rector '1 pm â€"â€" Church Parade of Cubs. Scouts and Rovers. Preacher Mr. Bruce Tucker There wiill be no service this Wednesday. Will resume on Wednesday November 25. ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armin" ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN Yonze At Vaughan Richmond Hill 884-2227 Rector: Rev. David McGuire Asst. Rev. Fred Jackson 0 mm. â€" Holy Communion 11 mm. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Ilnday of month at 11 mm. Maokay Drive â€"- Richvale l A". George Young B.A.. 8.1). 889-6789 Mr. Robert Long. Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1970 SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9:30 am. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Family Service Junior Classes and Nursery Young People Invited Mr. Graham Upcraft LRAM Organist and Choir Director OUR. MOTH ANNIVERSARY RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) 884-3091 ‘ SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1970 9.45 am. -â€" Bible School for all ages. ’ 11 am. â€" Rev. Roy Vanderlip 7 pm. â€" Rev. Roy Vanderljp Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Have You A Relative â€" Friend Who Needs Nursing Care and Has Limited Funds â€" Pension, Eta? HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Call â€" 640-3061 â€" Stouffville ALLIANCE ANGLICAN EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH GREEN GABLES MANOR The Manor is available to Bed or Ambulatory Guests â€"- Aged or Convalescent -â€" receive person- alized, professional care in a. spacious and con- genial country home atmosphere on a 14-acre estate. Private and semi-private accommoda- tions. BAPTIST NURSING CARE They are eligible for kind competent in a modern licenced nursing home WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Meet UI Where Weldrlck Road Meets Bathurst Rev. B. T. McSpadden, Pastor 884-7859 We Preach the Redeemer Resurrection. Rapture and Revelation SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1970 '0 am. â€"â€" Bible School 11 am. â€"- Moming.Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service 1 Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting While expecting Christ’s return we welcome Your's. An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the City LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street, Thornhill Pastor Tom Cowan MA. BD. 9. 50 am. -â€" Bible School for all ages 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service Pastor: Tom Cowan 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Pastor: Tom Cowan Supervised Nursery at All Sun- day Services THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17. Yonge Street (Convention of Ont. a; Que.) Rev. Ernest L. Johns B.A., B.D. . 884-5816 Mr. R. Richardson Organist and Choirmaster. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 11 am. â€"- Family service Nursery care énd childrens classes. ‘ 12:15 pm. â€"â€" Coffee and dyna- mic group. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Baniew Avenue 5.. Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 Last Sunday After Trinity 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday Church School 11 am. -â€" The Service Nursery care is provided during the service. Royal Orchard Blvd. Bay Thorn Drive. Thornhill, Ontnrio Arnold D. Weigel, B.A.. B.D.‘ Pastor Phone 889-0873 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1970 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday Church School grades 3 up 11 am. â€" Sunday Church School nursery to grade 2 11 am. â€"- Family Worship ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9.45 am. â€" Sunday Church School 11 a.m. â€" Our Service to God (The Friendly Church) For Information call the Pantor at 832-2528 / ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE. ONT. AND ST. PAUL’S PRESBYT’ERIAN 7 CON. VAUGHAN TWP. Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1970 10 am. â€"â€" St. Andrew's Church Sunday School. 11 am. â€" St. Paul’s Church and Sunday School PRESBYTERIAN CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN Welcome THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street 1 Thornhill, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1970 Minister The Rev. D. T. Evans. B.A.. BD., D.D., Moderator 96th General Assembly Guest Speaker The Rev. R. Douglas MacDonald, B4A.. Thomhill Ont. THE PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD 9.30 am - 11.00 am - 7.00 pm Church School: 9:30 am. Grades III - VIII 11 am. â€"- Grades Nursery - 11 You will be welcome RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. William Wallace Minister Miss Joan Weir Organlst and Choir Director SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1970 9:45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Junior 8: Senior departments. 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Nursery and Kindergarten Friday â€" Junior choir practice 7 run; Senior choir practice 8 Tuesday 6:30 pm. â€" Brownies Wednesday Thursday 9.45 am. Richmond Hill United Church, “A Morning Out." Further information con- tact Mrs. Betty Hazel 884-5525. '7 pm. -â€" Cubs Saturday. November 21 8 pm. â€"â€" Church Social A film will be presented by Mr. Russell Tilt entitled. “Birds, Bees and the Flowers of On- tario" Family night . ' cmuw’nILE UNITED L'T'fe'é'tud : CHURCH 7.30 pm. B b 1 I Minister "â€"‘_â€"â€"_"â€"â€" .‘XRev. Harold W. Kemp BA., BB. BOYS AND GIRLS I Organist: Miss Doris Mitchell Make regular pocket money on I. Choir Director a Liberal paper route. Estab- I. Mrs. Irene Bowes lished routes may be available IKSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 197olin your area. Phone Carner 510 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Circulation, 884-1105. The Missionary Church RICHMOND HILL (Beverley Acres School) Pastor, Rev. Andrew P. Jones 884-6136 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9.50 am. â€"- Family Bible Hour. There is a class for Everyone 11 am. â€" Morning Worship The Pastor will speak Wednesday 8 pm. â€"â€" Mid-week Service Prayer and Bible Study Thursday 7.30 pm. â€" Youth Fellowship Week Night Activities are in members’ homes. Call 884-6136 for further informa- tion. Everyone welcome to this new Evangelical Church with a new minister. Rev. B. S. Hallman, Minister 887-5846 Thurs. 8 pm. -r W.M.S. in Fel- lowship Hall Fri. 6.45 pm. â€"â€" Youth Fellow- ship. Will tour Ontario Science Centre. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9.50 am. â€" Family Bible School Classes for all ages. ‘ For Bus transportation to S. School from Lake Wilcox and Prestons Lake. phone 887-5303. 11 a.m. & 7.30 pm. Worship with the Pastor preaching. Wed. Nov. 25 8 pm. â€" Mis- sionary Prayer Service. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Need returned missionaries to Ethio- pia (S.I.M.) will speak and show pictures of their work. “A Warm Welcome Awaits You" SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1970 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Sermon: “Christianity In The World of Religions†Church School \ 9.30 am. â€" Ages 6 -14 I 11 am. â€"â€" Ages 3-5 THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH “Serving Since 1803" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 930 am. -â€" Church School 12 years and up 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship ‘Christianity and our Indian Friends†Church School up to 11 years Minister; Rev. Alfred C. Mc- Alister BA, BB. For Further Information Call 889-2131 GORMLEY MISSIONARY CHURCH ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. John McTavish Minister. 884-5526 JACKPOT $500 NOVEMBER 24 â€" 20 Regular Games $20 1 share the wealth â€" 1 rainbow â€"- 1 pie plate Earlybirds 7.30 All Welcome UNITED EVERY TUESDAY - 8 RM. St. Mary’s Parish Hall Yonge St. N. â€" Richmond Hill (opposite Canadian Tire) WELCOME RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yuan and Centre Streets) Mlnlsten The Rev. Robert F. Smith 884-1675 Rev. Allen E. Elliott - 889-9126 Organist and Cholr Leader Gordon M. Fleming Church Office 884-1301 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9:45 am. â€"â€" Primary Church School Ages 6-8 inclusive “ Come in, World" 11 am. â€" Nursery and Kin- dergarten 11 am. â€"- Worship Service "A word with a double mean- ingn MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele and Church Streets, Maple. Ontario. Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: SUNDAY SERVICES 11 am. â€"- Public Worship 11:00 am. -â€" Church School Come To Worship â€"â€" Depart To Serve A Welcome To All. RICHMOND BILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 80 Elgin Mills Road West Pastor, F. C. J. Pearse 222-2200 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Saturday 9.30 am. â€" Sabbath School Pastor Rev. David A. Dyer, 3A., B.D. 884-6629 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9:45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Service Special Guest Speaker: Rev. E. S. Bull â€" Conference Superintendent RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner. of Elmwood and Rugglel vice Missionary Rally â€" Full Colour Film “Conquers for Christ" Other Denominations Thursday 9.45 am. â€"â€" Ladies Coffee Cup Bible Study Hour Saturday â€"- Youth Night -- Bowling â€"â€" Tuesday 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Hour Wednesday 6.45 pm. â€" Christian Youth Crusaders DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke and Willowdale Sts.) SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Family Service, Speaker: Mr. Lindsay Hislop ,‘, 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Speaker: Mr. Lindsay Hislop Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting and Bible Study 24 Oak Avenue, Richvale SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1970 9.30 am. -â€" The Lord’s Supper 11 am. â€"â€" Family Bible Hour‘ Speaker: Mr. John Mair ‘ 11 am. â€" Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6 and Bible school for grades '7 and up 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service 1 Speaker: Mr. Miller Tuesday 8 am. â€" Bible Study and Prayer Thursday 10 am. -â€"- Ladies’ Coffee Hour every other Thursday Friday 7.00 pm. â€"â€"~ Richvale Juniors Grades 2 - 8 8.00 pm. â€" Young People’s every other Friday Saturday 7.00 am. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting All Are Welcome NOT A DENOMINATION A CHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT ORDER A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Road and King High Drive CONCORD A. E. Atkinson Minister, 889-3364 D. Paterson. Sec. 225-9745 SUNDAY SERVICES 9.45 am. â€" Bible Study (classes for all) 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€"- Communion Service Wednesday 7.30 pm. â€" Bible Study RICHVALE BIBLE CHA?EL (Baby Care Provided) 55 NUMBERS Sunday Evening Ser~ Stay-laters The Very Reverend Suitbert Bernard Moors, Prior of Mary- lake Monastery, King City, died November 10 as the result of injuries sustained in an auto- mobile accident. The head-on collision occurred near Malone, New York State, October 26. Father Moors suffered a cere- bral concussion and a fractured leg. Very Rev. S. B. Moors Prior Of Marylake Monastery Dies From Injuries In Car Crash His funeral service was held at Marylake Shrine November 13, with a concelebr-a‘ted Mass at 11am. Burial followed in Sacred Heart Cemetery. ViFafher Moor was among the first Augustinians who came to Maryl-ake in 1942. He served as Xmas Music A t St. Marst “Alice In Wierdsville" Musical Slated For December 17,18,19 The mixed-up White Rabbit in‘ Alice in Wonderland kept say- ing in panic...“1‘m late, I’m late." This is the way OMNI OBLI is beginning to feel about its proposed Christmas Musical, farce, and satire, slated for December 1'7, 18 and 19 called “Alice in Wierdsville.†“A Gift of Christmas Music" will be presented by the 90-voice Etobicoke Centennial Choir at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on December 8 at 8.39 pm. This widely known group has been singing to capacity audiences in Etobicoke and area since 1967 and as the title indicates, will offer an excellent program of seasonal music. Members of St. Mary’s Choir in conjunction with the church are sponsoring the concert, and proceeds will be used to assist the Richmond Hill and Thornhill Family serviceS, a fairly costly community service to which St. Mary’s has pledged support. The realization this week that‘ only four rehearsals are left be- fore opening night has sobered the young cast into settling dOWn and getting things done. The first half of the production is shaping up Well and John Stephenson, major domo in charge of scenery, lights and sound, reports the stage is three - quarters finished. Joe Durand, the mixed-up hippie in “Alice,†summed up the situa- tion nicely when he said, “Man we gotta move, ya hear, we got- ta move.†vTâ€"ickétslt $1. eaélf may be obtained from any choir member by calling Mrs. Adrian Lennox at 884-4821. The three night performance will 'be in aid of the Richmond Hill Family Counselling Service and tickets will be available within the next few days. “Alice In Wierdsville" is produced by Hiembers of OMNI OBLI as a program of public services for the town. A fï¬ï¬her successful service project of the OMNI clan last week was the ï¬rst big night of the “Purple Pickleâ€, Richmond Hill's first drop-in coffee house.‘ Last Saturday Club Double 0-2 members (a younger OMNI OBLI), assisted by some of the older group, opened rthe doors of the “Purple Pickle" from 7:30 to 11:30 to the town’s youth. The 1response \hy the local teen types Music Alumni Recital Markham Wednesday A number of Markham Town- ship music teachers are present- ing their students in recital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Sissons, RRl, Markham, next Wednesday evening. The teachers are members of the Royal Conservatory of Mu- sic of Toronto Alumni Associa- tion, Markham Township Chap- ter. All members of the associa- tion and families, as well as families of uhe students, are in- vited. Bernard Bonnelli, of 610 War- den Avenue Scarboro. was ser- iously injured November 7171 a three-car collision in Mark- ham Township. The accident oc- curred on Highway 7 near Con- cession 5. at 4:15 pm. by Joseph Shepherd of Brooklin. Damage was estimated at $2,250. The investigating officer was Provincial Constable Jim Orris.‘ The car driven by Mr. Ban-Igate‘i nilli was in collision with a car driven by Ada Lenaghan of RR Fat 1 Unionville and a car drivenlat 101 f‘nâ€"A. Extensive damage was done to four hydro transformers when they fell off a tractor trailer One Man Killed, One Injured In Highway Traffic Crashes OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT Suitbert Superior from 1953 to 1959 and pf Mary- returned to the monastery in ity, died 1968, again serving in that cap- -esu1t of city until his death. REPORT Born in Germany, Father ,picting life in countries of Moors emigrated to the United South America was shown. States as a youth and was an William Walker of Markham, upholsterer in Philadelphia be- chairman of York Presbytery, fore being ordained as priest of was the guest speaker at the the Augustinian Order in 1939. afternoon session. He stressed Three other members of the the need for better communica- community were injured in the tions and co-oï¬eration between crash which led to the driver clergy and laity; between diff- of the other car being charged erent courts or the church: bet- with failure to yield the right ween Christian men and Christ- of way. The others injured were ian women working within the Rev. Stanislaus Treu. Brother church. ' Three other members of the community were injured in the crash which led to the driver of the other car being charged with failure to yield the right of way. The others injured were Rev. Stanislaus Treu, Brother Ninian Marsh and Brother Jo- ‘seph Walker. was most gratifying On hand to keep the order of things open and above board ware two adults who reported little trouble with the operation. The OMNI Hall used for the‘ drop-in can hold up to 100 people comfortably, and this limited number made those who attended more determined to keep hold of their tables, much to the chagrin of the young folk who had to wait outside. Visiting folk artist Bill Slater performed well with a diversified program of folk tunes. The “Purple Pickle†will open its doors once again next Sat- urday art 7:30 pm for the teen types of Richmond Hill. nuuuum\muuuummunumuumu“lmunmmumumumnmu Fewer Pennies This Year mummuumuuummmmuuumnmummuunmmmmmnm driven by Lloyd Marshall of Hamilton at the junction of Highway 7 and 48 in Markham Township November 10, shortly after noon. The damage was estimated at $20,000. Provincial Constable Ian Robertson investi- Fatally injured November 10‘ at 10:30 was 50-year-old Edward Carducci oi Innisfil Township? when the car he was driving south on Highway 400 south of the York-Simcoe County line in King Township went out of con- trol. It struck a tree. Damage was estimated at $2,000. In- vestigating the accident was «Provincial Constable Tom Jones. Mrs. Mary Carter, South Taylor Mills Drive. in her second year as York County representative for UNICEF, reports that the Hallowe’en Shellouts to feed and clothe the hungry children of the world are down somewhat this year, due probably to the inclement weather on October 31. Although complete re- turns are not in as yet, Mrs. Carter reports indications are that the school children in Richmond Hill raised about $1,000 that evening and the total for York County will be in the neigh- borhood of $1,200. Last year that total was $2,000. triple what it had been the pre- vious year. Mrs. Carter expresses her heartfelt thanks to the boards of education, prin- cipals, teachers, children and volunteer workers who participated in this year’s drive for pennies. It was quite evident that the eager youngsters who carried the orange and black UNICEF Boxes had a real understanding of the work these pennies will underwrite in developing countries. United Church Women'fty. Biopposes Rally In King City: (Continued from Page 1) The need for better communi- cations between church and people was stressed at the an- nual *fall rally of the United Church Women of York_Prcsbyâ€" terial in King City United Church on November 5. The group was welcomed by Presbyterial Presidem Mrs. Donald Findlay of King City and King City UCW President Mrs. Donald Hadwin. Mrs. Stuart Watson of Stouf- fville. leadership development chairman. led rthe group in a worship service stressing the ap- yproachability of God through Christ. She was assisted by Mrs. James Mills of Uxbridge, solo- ist: Mrs. Norman Gibson. King City; Mrs. Amold Gardhouse, Sharon; Mrs. Ross Gilbert, Markham; and Mrs. Donald Walker. also of Markham. _ William Bird, manager of the Ryerson Book Store. presented new literature available for the current study on “The Americas". Mr. Bird spoke of the concern among United Church people at the news of the sale of the church-owned Ryerscm Press â€" a difficult de- cision made necessary for finan- ‘cial reasons. he explained. Miss Margaret Smith, deacon- ess at Rosedele United Church in Toronto, formerly at Mark- h‘am United Church, presented program ideas for the winter study on “The Americas." The film, “A problem of Power" de- ‘ypicting life in countries of The day ended with’viewing of the film, “That All May Be One,†a film produced by the United Church to §how what it is trying to accomplish in aid to the underprivileged. For our last meeting in Oc- tober St. Matthew’s CGIT had a Hallowe’en Party led by Jo- Anne Plume, Kathy Plume and Nancy Stoness. The members were put in groups and had to dress a pumpkin and write a ‘story about it. There was cos- tume judging and the winners were Debbie Joyce as a litter- bug, Dawn Abbet and Karen Tennant as Popeye and Olive Oil, Lorie Btooshooft as Aunt Jemima and our winning leader was Mrs. Donna Smith as the Jolly Green Giant. C G I 7' Doing: For our first meeting in November we had initiation and the new girls had to wear slacks. blouse on backwards, father’s undershirt, eleven pig- tails, oven mitts, one slipper and one runner. The new lead- ers had to wear eleven pigtails, oven mitts, long underwear, diaper and with make-up on half of their faces only. The girls in charge of this night were Linda Robbins. Deb- ra Stoness, Cathy Loughlin, Maureen Caldwell. The woféhip service was led by Mrs. Dogma} _Smi§h. We had By J0 ANNE PLUME St. Matthew’s United Church e" singsong led by Joan Plume. We then went to groups and there were 69 people present. émï¬mmmï¬mmmmï¬hï¬ï¬mï¬mmmmï¬m THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 19, 1970 MONDAY through FRIDAY 9 AM. to 9 PM. DAILY SATURDAYS UNTIL 6 PM; FOR CHRISTMAS Commencing Thursday, November 19th 250 YONGE ST., N. CENTRE nearly 40 per cent of Roman Catholics direct their school taxes and send their children to public schools." It argues that “At a time when people of many faiths are being drawn together for im- proved social action. community planning and religious activities, it is backward-looking to ex- tend separatism into high schools." The committee urges that “'The denominational advantage accruing to the Roman Catholic Church through the public sup- port of elementary separate schools should not be extended by giving public funds to sep- arate high schools." It objects to the proposal “Be- cause a complete separate school system would have its own buildings, fully equipped and staffed, involving much costly duplication within the community and much higher taxes. "In many localities the div- iding of secondary school youth between public and separate schools would leave each system with too small an enrolment to offer suffciernt ï¬echnical and academic options to students or to pay adequate salaries to teachers." w’l‘hé inter-church committee urges trustees not to “knock†the other side, but to be posi- tive. “We want a united Canada, and we must begin with a un- ited community. We all deplore the spirit of separatism that is growing in Canada. Just such a ART SHOW AND SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOV. 20th of Original Oil Paintings from the gallery of WILLIAM GAMON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 - 3-8 PM. Door Prize Admission 50c ST. GABRIEL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Bayview and Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill at LEVENDALE RICHMOND HILL CINNIYJOX pleural: 67 YONGE ST. STORES TO SERVE YOU LOTS OF FREE PARKING 42,23" 9; NE W 3mm cassmv AND THE sunoaNca mo" NIGHTLY AT 7 O’CLOCK Notmammaflers. butnnstofitistm. ADDED ATTRACTION spirit of separatism could grow in Ontario. sday, Nov. 19, 1970 New Separatism" “If the young people of today are separated in schools. the adults of tomorrow will have this disability to overcome. To live and work happily together, people need to learn and play together at school." The pamphlet points out. “Every duplication is bound to raise taxes," and urges, “You should pursuade your friends and neighbors. both in private ‘conversation and through panel ‘discussions, to support the pub- ‘lic school system in Ontario.†In endorsing this stand. declared Mr. Thompson, trustees could be commit- ting themselves to addres- sing public meetings on the subject. His motion that a committee be appointed to study the question and bring in recommendations was seconded by New- market Trustee Jack Had- tield. but was defeated by a majority of the board. i;University Club look iAtChurchlnThe'70's 7 New memBersra-re welcome. For further information call Mrs. Janet Faer at 884-3348. PANAVISION' COLOR 5V DELUXE "The Church in the "70's" will be the topic for the November meeting of York County Branch of the Canadian Federation of University Women. Rev. John Hunter 0! Aurora United Church will be the spea- ker at 8:30 pm Monday at King- craft in King City. ODEON 884-6221 g