Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1970, p. 1

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70L. 94, NO. 21. Vaughan Township ratepayers vho have been screaming about heir taxes soaring this year due )0 reassessment. can officially relax a little. Monday afternoon saw town-l :hip council passing a bylaw} .imibing the tax increases -â€" iue to county reassessment â€" :o a maximum of $50 or 10 per- :ent. It will also limit a decrease Ln their taxation due to re- assessment to $50 or 12 percent. Both the increases and/or de- creases are based on their 1969 ncrease in salaries am scuum osts. The increase and decrease imitations will apply over a ive year period and gradually wing upwai‘d. In 1971 the increase in tax- tion due to reassessment will e no greater than $100 or 20 . He said the tlmlt in we ran. crease has nothing to do with e natural fluctuation of costs cross the township such as an ncrease in salaries at school osts. The increase and decrease imitations will apply over a. ive year period and gradually wing upward. ‘ In 1971 the increase in tax- tion due to reassessment will e no greater than $100 or 20 ercent over the 1969 tax: in 972 no greater than $150 or 301 ercent; in 1973 no greater thanI 200 or 40 percent; in 1974. no renter than $250 or 50 percent increase over 1969. A similar scale is applied to‘ decreases in assessment. It was also pointed out that where there has been a changeI in the use or character of a' property. such lands are ex- cluded from the provisions of the bylaw. 'number of residential property ihad risen astronomically. ‘commercial and industrial prop- The furore originated because of provincial reassessment on market value which saw a large owners discovering their taxes At the same time taxes on erty had dropped dramatically. This led to protest meetings and an approach to Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy Mc- Keough for relief from the pro- blem. Similar problems had also‘ occurred in Mississauga. the1 only other municipality besides York County where reassess- ment has occurred. Final tax bills in the township are still not ready to be sent out. Illlllll\lll\llll\llll\\llllllllllllllflllitillllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllill! N o Snowmobiles He said the limit in the tax ‘mcrease has nothing to do with the natural fluctuation of costs aéross the township such as an Andrews Says letter Not An Overall Appeal Councillor Dalton MCAl‘l‘hUl‘ amphasized that. the 10 percent pr $50 increaSe limit in the rate- )ayer‘s tax bill applied “to as- lessment only." Town Solicitor Tom Fraser re- ceived instructions from Rich- mond Hill Town Council Mon- day night to seek a ruling under Section 66 of the Assessment Act on the validity of an overall appeal of all persons on the As- sessment Roll returned in 1970 lfor taxation in 1971. ' 0n instructions from council,l Clerk Russell Lynett on Octo-" ber 13 entered an overall appeal against the assessment. but in a registered letter. dated Novem-‘ her 6. Regional Assessment Commissioner Kenneth An- drews stated he had been ad- vised that such a letter. as en- tered. does not constitute a pro- per notice of appeal as required by Section 52 (2) of the Assess- ment Act. Andrews stated that he had therefore not accepted the letter as a notice of appeal. 7 Mr. Fraser pointed out that appealing the whole roll could lead to lengthy court sessions. He also reported that Vaughan Township has also appealed 'the overall roll and has received similar notification from Mr. Andrews. Reeve Donald Plaxton re-! ported it was his understandingy of a statement by Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy Mc-1 Keough earlier this year. that: this was the only procedure} which would make available [0‘ the town staff the working papers on assessment in the town and that this was the in- tent of council's action. Council- lor Lois Hancey and Mayor Wil- liam Lazenby agreed that this MVaughan‘ 15 Council Passes Bylaw. I'nwfilas in June of this year that __ “r--. .- ._ we [own bLaLL mt: “Ulnllls ~- - n” w 7 papers on assessment in the led they shOUld be fully in- town and that this was the in- formed. he declared. the Inter-Church Committee on tent of council's action. Council- He pointed out at a recent Protestant-Roman Catholic Rel- lor Lois Hancey and Mayor Wil-‘Toronto rally in support of exten-lations was published by a joint liam Lazenby agreed that this 51011 of the Roman Catholic pub- committee of the Anglican Was the intent. licly supported schools, both Church of Canada. the Baptist Clerk Russell Lynebt reportedlLiberal and New DemocraticiFederation of Canada, Churches that he had been informed that Party spokesmen supported a‘of Christ (Disciples), the Pres- the assessment review board dual system of education from byterian Church of Canada. the would sit in Richmond Hill for‘kindergarten to grade 13. 1Salvation Army of Canada and seven days. With an average of: Board Chairman John Mac-‘the United Church of Canada. 60 appeals a day. this would‘Kay suggested that the trustees‘l “Both Roman Catholic and mean that more than 400 townlbrief was probably a reply to theNon-Roman Catholic would be property owners have appealed‘presentation made by the Roqhurt by the proposed full sep- their assessments. lman Catholic secondary sclioollarate school system.“ the pam- The pamphlet published by? 'mfclic Library} 24 wright Stu Riohmnfl. H111: - - l. f! Greatest Progress In Special Programs Reports BY MARGARET LADE In the first 18 months of its existence. the York County Board of Education acquired 14 new school sites totalling 1714 acres at a cost of $915,399. Negotiations are under way on about a dozen others. and still others have been selected but no action taken. These facts were included in a director's report presented recent- ly to the board by Education Di- rector Sam Chapman. Summarizing the activities of the board sa‘nce it came into being in January, 1969, Mr. Chapman gave an accounting of the activi- ties of the planning department and various- other administrative departments of the board. During the period January 1, 1969 to June 30. 1970. said Mr. Chapman. the 41 subdivisions of more than 50 housing units and 63 smaller subdin‘sions had been examined by planning staff. 1’17 - Municipal Affairs Minister Dar- cy McKeough introduced a bill in the Ontario Legislature giv- ing any municipality in the pro- vince that had been reassessed the power to limit tax increases and phase them in over a five- year period. The bill provided that reduc- tion in taxes on industrialâ€"com- mercial asseSsment may not be more than 5 percent and in- creases of taxes on residential assessment may not be more than 10 percent or $50 because of reassessment. It was enacted under the pro- visions of Section 526A of the Municipal Aclt limiting increases or decreases in taxation caused by reassessment in the years 1970 to 1974 Similar problems had also occurred in Mississauga. the only other municipality besides York County where reassess- ment has occurred. Final tax bills in the township are still not ready to be sent out . mu\munmnumnulmum“tmuu\m\\\mmm\\ummwum "Wl’arks Chairman Shaun ‘rn q' h ui j Beg“ pointed out that p fesamn andt e pants t s motorized snow vehicles .t ‘ Nat Olilly.15.thelpant gilt VE are not permitted in any 1 um 00 exileme y smalt. an park in Richmond Hill and by (left 0 right) Mrs. Larry that offenders will be pros- Suzanne Ing, members of the 11 ecuted for any violations of Central Hospital. “"5 bylaw‘ Male orderlies needn't wor mmmmmumummuuuu1\u\umuuwmmumuuummummuI @511er caps Endorse Church Brief County Board Opposes “New Separatism A pamphlet entitled. “A N Ontario?” 'was distributed to the reasons for opposing extension school system. Mr. Thompson argued that students the board should study both mammot sides of the picture before sup- Maple 1 porting the stance of the trust- presents ees‘ association. If trustees were wanting called upon to speak on the sub- schools. ject they should be fully in- The ' formed. he declared. the Inte Last weekend's light snowfall brought out the. snowmobile operators into the town parks. resulting N o Snowmobiles Town Parks in severe damage. particuv Iarly to newly sodded and grass areas. it was reports ed at town council's meet- ing Monday evening. Despite the protests of Roman Catholic Trustee Conrad Thompson of Richmond Hill, the York County Board of Education in session November 9 endorsed the Ontario Public School Trustees’ Association Brief opposing extension of the Roman Catholic Public Schools to grade 13. In a covering letter to Board Chairman John MacKay Mr. Chap- man said. "This first report at- tempts to give the trustees and the public an overview of the acti- vities of the board in the first 18 months of its existence. Some men- tion is made of actions taken by the board itself rather than by staff. and while it could well be argued that such references have no place in the director's report to the board. their inclusion is based 6n, the lai‘ge part they played in giving direction and impetus to the school system." The director continues: "No at- tempt has been made to make this a “press relations" type of docu~ ment either in format or in selec- tion of material. The inclusion of facts which indicate success more modest that we might have wished shows, among other things. a con- viction on my part that we must be willing to take any risk except It will soon be a thing of the past to see short uniforms and shapely legs flitting around the hos- pital â€" Women’s Lib. is infiltrating the nursing profession and the pant suit is rapidly t-akingroyer! Not only is the pant suit very practical however, it can 100 extremely smart. as demonstrated above by (left 0 right) Mrs. Larry Steadman and Miss Suzanne Ing, members of the nursing staff at York Central Hospital. Male orderlies needn't worry â€" the nurses are students and supporters at the mammoth rally October 22 in Maple Leaf Gardens when they presented their reasons for wanting separate tax supported schools. “Both Roman Catholic and Non-Roman Catholic would be hurt by the proposed full sep- arate school system." the pam- "What Do You Think?" New Separatism in 1e trustees outlining )n of the separate RICHMOND HILL, ON one associated with dishonesty or with the withholding of informa- tion." The report points out that in the first meeting of the board. it adopted a policy of integration from kindergarten to grade 13 which involved changes in organi- zation. development of curriculum and profession experiences to be required of staff. In committing itself from the outset to equalizing of opportunity for all students in the county. with “equal access to the type of edu- cation best suited to the student‘s need" the board recognized that this would take several years, and that in some areas there would be no apparent progress. In consoli- dating 21 area boards. the county board found that some areas were much more advanced than others. as a result changes have been much more dramatic in some schools than in others. Roman Catholic school sup- porters are asking for extension of the separate school system. parelleling the public system. ‘up to and including grade 13. at ipuhlic expense. phlet states. Its points out that the Roman Catholics who choose to use them now have in Ontario sep- arate elementary schools up to grade 8 at public expense and private high schools. with public grants, for grades 9 and 10. This, the committee main- tains, may well lead in turn to a demand for separate teachers' colleges. 8 separate department of education and a separate cur- riculum. ZIn Essentials Unity; Au u 4v rue- ____ r_, ,, this week's issue of “The Lib- eral" hundreds of bargains and gift suggestions are listed for the early Christmas shopper. Plan to do your shopping early and beat the rush. They oppose it also on the grounds that “it poses a serious threat to Canadian unity. Throughout their m05t formative years. it will further divide Roman cannula and Non-Roman i And for the kiddies, make a cathonc young people' ‘date. Santa arrives at the Cen- The pamphlet states further “.8 at 10 am on November 28. that “A large Pemmage 0f R0' and there will be free candy man Cathoms 9"‘dently do not canes {or the children. See Page want it. In Metro, for example, 14 of the supplement for his (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) (Continued on Page 15) TARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970 Chapman Reviews First 18 Months in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" Practical and hobby subjects are the most popular courses at night schools operated by York County Board of Education in ten of the county’s secondary schools, with smaller numbers taking academic courses. ‘ Lloyd Morrison. administrat- or of adult education for the board reports a six percent in- crease in enrolment over 1969. with a total of 3.530 attending lclasses. Enrolment Up In Adult Classes At Ten York County Night Schools Bayview Secondary in Rich- mond Hill has the largest num- ber of courses and the largest enrolment. There are 1,162 people taking night classes at Bayview. Some ‘ subjects of- fered had to be dropped how- ever, when there was-"insuffic- ient interest. A minimum of 16 people ah'e required. CounCil Won’t Approve Change Condominiums Grade 9 academic subjects were offered for the first time this year, but failed to arouse sufficient interest. People who. LLOYD MORRISON needed these subjects were.'Administrator Adult Education however, placed in similarl courses. Mr. Morrison reports. Ispeeial interest subjects and _ . . A . A Most popular courses across the county were in sewing. at- tracting 602 people. There were 228 enrolled as beginners, 178 at the intermediate level, and 206 in advanced classes. }Santa Claus Is Coming|| To Richmond Heights ‘, 'Grade 12 geography and typing world politics also fell short attract of the mark, as did grade 11 with 4 English. geography and history, Don and grade A10 science and classes French. time, If Humber} Wood Prod- ucts Limited .wish to build an apartment" building at Centre West and Elizabeth Streets in Richmond Hill. they will havé to proceed on their original plan for 40 one-bedroom and 40 twoâ€" bedroom suites, which has already been approved. Earlier this week the firm applied to amend the plan to a condominium develop. ment with 5 one-bedroom. 45 twoâ€"bedroom and 10 three-bedroom suites. At that time town council de- cided to defer decision on the matter until comments were received from various municipal departments and boards. Starting this week. all stores will be open nightly, Monday through Friday. umil 9pm and on Saturdays until 6 pm. In a lS-page supplement in this week's issue of “The Lib- eral" hundreds of bargains and gift suggestions are listed for the early Christmas shopper. Plan to do your shopping early and beat the rush. Three replies were con- sidered by council Novem- ber 9. The York County Board of Educ'ation noted that the change in suite size would mean an in- crease of (from 18 to 22) children to he accommodat- ed at. Mcâ€"Conaghy Public School. Since there are only 49 vacant pupil spaces in Santa is coming to Richmond Heights Centre. and the merch- ants are preparing to welcome him. A definition of “Aims and Ob- jectives" states. “Quality which is based on traditional values but en- hanced by creative .ideas . . . . . variety which is meaningfully re‘ lated to differing needs but within available resources . . . . and de- velopment which keeps the pro- gram relevant through carefully planned and evaluated experimen‘ tation.“ In its first 18 months. t approved 55 policies des serve as a guide 19 seat; visiting hours The county was divided into four geographic areas, each with its superintendent and administrative staff, plus the special education “Area 9" which is responsible for schools for trainable retarded. phychological services, classes for children with learning disabilities. etc Because of the difficulty in pro- viding up to date facilities and educational opportunities in one At Woodbri-dge, where only 18 months. the board policies designed to that school and since it will have to accomodate 73 chil- dren from development on Cedar Avenue. it cannot ac- commodate children from the p r o p o s e d building. Council members feared this would mean a new school would have to be built. The York County Roman Catholic School Board for- saw no problem in accom- modating children from the project and Works Com- missioner Otto W h ale n pointed out that the owners have been most co-opera- tive in granting right-of- e-ntry over land to facilitate the Yonge Street project. pending deed widening transfers, and without a site plan agreement. However. on a vote a re- solution to approve the change to a condominium project (in which the in- dividual suites will he sold with a monthly payment. to cover taxes, heat, water. maintenance and repairs, etc.) was defeated. special interest subjects and typing are offered, the biggest attraction is the Yoga course with 40 enrolled. Don Head is offering eveningal D““‘“‘“" W““'.““‘“‘“"". ‘5” classes this year for the firstigovernmental offices are gwmg time, and the most popular is their employees 3, bonday .011 the upholstering course with the day before ChnStmaS’ “'hlle 41 enrolled. There is also con- Others wm be,°ff Work on the siderable interest in gourmet Monday £01mng- °°°king°y baking and mummmuuuuumuummiminimum\1nmumumummumm cake decorating. Horticulture defensive driv- N0 Coffee ing. woodworking, jewellery w. m mm work. For Council Horticulture. defensive driv- ing. woodworking. jewellery making and. art metal work. auto body repairs and beauty culture complete the offering at Don Head. Interest in technical shops is only moderate. with 88 tak- ing welding, 85 in beginners’ woodworking, 47 in auto mech- anics. 43 registered in the elec- tricity course, and 38 in elec- tronics. Commercial courses are pop- ular wherever they are of- fered. and there are 289 in typing courses. 100 in book- keeping. and 60 learning short- hand. Women's physical fitness is very popular. with 238 partic- ipants in nine schools. but only 28 men are taking similar courses. u v".-- . Conversational French has attracted 82 students to be- ginners’ classes and 40 to the intermediate level in the [our schools where it is available. Golf is also a popular course, with 87 people enrolled. and two room $11M small schools were closed in September. 1969, and students from five more were moved to larger schools with better learning resources â€"â€" such as libraries and resource centres -â€" and larger staff. While the increased enrolment in secondary schools reflects the high birth rates of the early 1950's, there has been quite a dramatic decrease in the kindergarten en- rolments in the last two years. County Board’s Education Director vr nnnnnn - pppppppp 2 classes in In 1968 there were 28.658 chil- dren in elementary schools and in 1970 there are 30,298 â€" an in- crease of 2.8 percent. In the secon- dary schools there were 11,618 in 1968, and 13.578 in 1970 â€" an in- crease of 8.6 percent. Schools for the trainable retarded have in- creased enrolment from 103 to 152 â€"â€" up 21.7 percent. "7rhis Efudént impulation Shift is reflected in the budget, for the re- spective cost of educating secon- HO'ME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 urse ' -_ , ‘ Since Boxmg Day W111 be on Hing a Saturday. some municipal and firstlgovernmental offices are giving ,1. is their employees a holiday on with the day before Christmas, while an LA -m: ‘urnr-‘r run Han Mill Pond Park To Be. Rejuvenated, Devehped Stress Naturai Beauty €111 DCLLlUu. An overall analysis and pla been prepared by Canadian Mitchel engineers, planners and landscape architects. Ontario Department of Energy and Resources as an approved park. of expenditures with a ceiling of $100,000 will be avail- $18,000 grant has already been approved that grants up to 50% able \to the local parks board. The first by the provincial cabinet. The pond. focal point of the 20-acre park, was originally damned up to operate a plan- hning mill. the report notes. Later the pond became the source of the first municipal water supply. and through the years has served for paddling, picnics. nature study, winter recreation. model boating activi- ties. fishing and as a haven for wild fowl. However, fish kills have been evident in recent years and particularly this spring when hundreds of suck- ers succumbed because of lack of oxygen in the water. garded very highly by natural- augmented by the feces of water fowl. POLISH PARK ADDED Three years ago the town purchased the former Polish Park and added it to the Mill Pond Park. This area which con- tains a large grass field is used at present for group gatherings and principally as a day-use area for young children. Rich- mond Hill Rotarians have erected a picnic shelter in that area. WILD FOWL In addition. the park is re- urhénh fn n for future development of the park has 1 Associates Limited of Bramalea. consulting and it has been acCepted by the This means report recommends immediate stabilization of the fill with plant materials. ‘ DYING FOREST To the north of the landfill site is the dying forest, “now in poor condition." of mixed shrubs and scattered tree species. It is situated on a high water table. The report recommends that when the pond is dredged the 'ooze and organic debris be de- posited there and the forest re- claimed and planted for more intensive park use. Eventually this area would include a “re treat house" with washrooms £01 a narkinz lot for 3i Hem nun Richmond Hill citizens é}; pifoudof'the natural beauty of Mill Pond Park. The parks board has already developed the southern portion, south of Mill Street, into a beauty spot to complement the natural beauty of the north- ern section. 1 a ,1- 1L- ___..1_ L..- James Knox. who presented ists as an are the consultants' report to the study wild life November 9 meeting of the summer and wi Richmond Hill Town Council in- board have main dicated the lack of oxygen was area for wild bi) caused primarily by decaying feeding area f: vegetation in the pond itself, migrating birds 1 u. Schools To Close 12|l Days For ChristmaSI| School children will get 12 days holiday at Christmas t] '5 year â€" four less than they 3 ‘t a Year ago. The schools will close on December 22 and open again on January 4. With Christmas and New Year’s Days falling on Fridays, the schools will stay open later in the week and will open soon- er than they did in 1969 when these holidays fell on Thursdays. No coffee will be served at Richmond Hill Council meetings! Several weeks ago Ward 1 Councillor Eric George received support of the ma- jority of council that coffee be served at a 10 o‘clock break. Since _council meetings have been stretching out until midnight and later, Mr. George felt that a break and coffee would help members of council cope with the heavy work- load. One night since then coffee was brought in and served â€" but that was a one shot deal. At council’s November 9 meeting a motion was in- troduced by Councillor Shaun Beggs, seconded by Deputy-reeve Mansbridge. that no coffee be served and the motion carried. Work T 0 Start In Spring dary school students and the train- able retarded is almoSt twice as great and four times as great as in the elementary schools. I 7“; nu: s...» ......... V Summer school e n r 0 1m e n t jumped from 630 in 1969 to 1.040 in 1970. with almost 55 percent of the secondary students enrolled for special classes in mathematics and 13 percent in French. There were classes for upgrading in major sub. jects in grades 9 to 13 as well as classes in English and mathematica in grade 8 and some ungraded en- richment classes for interested students. Summer schools were conducted at Thornhill Secondary School, Huron Heights Secondary in Newmarket, and Woodlands School in Thornhill. In 1969 there was a $25 regis- tration fee for summer school, but there was none in 1970 as it is now covered by provincial grants up to 50 percent of the total cost if no fee is charged. POLISH PARK ADDED plant materials Three years ago the town DYING purchased the former Polish To the nortl Park and added it to the Mill site is the dyin Pond Park. This area which con- poor condition,’ t-ains a large grass field is llSEd and scattered l at present for group gatherings and principally as a day-use area for young children. Rich- mond Hill Rotarians have erected a picnic shelter in that area for wild birds and a winter} feeding area for them. Many. migrating birds find their wayl to this pond on their way south' in the fall. where they join the! resident flock which includes two swans and several other valv uable species. This use will con- tinue to be encouraged. LANDFILL ‘ The area is surrounded’by landfill operations at present ‘and from this raw fill signifi- ‘cant amounts of soil and thereby ‘ phosphates and other soil nutâ€" rients are going directly into Vlthe upper end ofrthe lake. The 355 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL 889-5435 PHONE 727-9453 WLLD FOWL In addition. the park is re- garded very highly by natural- ists as an area in which to study wild life and plant life. summer and winter. The parks board have maintained a nesting Wilson m'blett Province T6 Pay Ail} Region Studies Cost% uuuvu v v v _ ~ _ , “The service being paid for by the province is in the nature of planning administration ad- vice and engineering administra- tion advice to the new regional municipal council." Mr. Mc- Keough commented in making the province's commitment clear. “It will be up to the new council to consider the findings of the consultants in both fields and to decide to what en’tent; that advice should be acted upon. In other words the advice prepared by the consultants will be just that. advice. and will not commit the new reg- ional municipal council to a specific course of action." ,,__ 41 ..._m The provincial government“ will pay the costs associated‘ with preliminary planning and engineering consultation for the Region of York, Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy Mc- Keough has assured Richmond Hill Town Council in a letter dated October 28. -- p,, CHEV-OLDS ur‘.-_-- _, Richmond Hill Council mem- bers became alarmed when Reg- ional Chairman Garfield Wright stated that the region would‘ have to bear the cost of any work these consultants did after January 1, and sought clarifica- tion from the Minister. Their re- iquest was backed by Stouffville. INawmarket and the Town of By MARY DAWSON Newmarket and Markham. SEE THE NEW VEGA at There were evening Classes 1]: nine secondary schools in the school year 1969-70 with 3,352 en- rolled compared with 3.213 in 1968. Figures for 1970 have not yet been compiled. As a step toward providing equality of opportunity. the board introduced kindergartens in three northern municipalities where there were none. anu Ural r leucu no uva taught to all grade 7 and 8 stu- dents. while those schools which had been teaching it earlier have been allowed to continue to do Home economics and industrial arts are now available to many grade 7 and 8 students in Mark- ham, Stouffville, N e w m a r k e t, Whitchurch and Georgina where this was not previously the case. and instrumean music is offered to some. By bringing together more grade 3‘53 Aurora Backs A"! Board Boundary .t Change none. and Oral French is now Confintfed â€"on Page 10 DYING FOREST To the north of the landfill site is the dying forest. "now in poor condition," of mixed shrubs and scattered tree species. It is situated on a high water table. The report recommends that when the pond is dredged the ooze and organic debris be de- posited there and the forest re- claimed and planted for more intensive park use. Eventually .this area would include a “re- ltreat house" with washrooms for day use, a parking lot for 38 cars and woodland trails. TABLE GRASSLAND It is also recommended that the table grassland in the north- west comer receive appropriate planting of coniferous and berry producing shrubs to attract birds and wild life and make it more interesting to naturalists. This is where the Y holds its day camp and the Rotarians have built a picnic shelter. uuv‘, -. _ .v To the east of this grassland is a hemlock-white pine’ hard- wood forest. described in the re- port as “botanically and topo- PRICE 15c PER COPY (Continued on Page 3) \lllllll\llllllll\\llllllllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllll Where Cars Cost Less! York County Board of Education has found an- other ally in its fight to maintain the southern boundary of the Region of York. At their meeting in Aurora November 9. the trustee received a letter from Mayor Illingworth of Aurora supporting the board's brief to Education Minister William Davis and Muncipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough In which it protests plans for expan- sion of Metro into Mark- ham and Vaughan Town- shins. - .- ,HJL aunpa. The matter of the south- ern boundary has been thoroughly discussed in Aurora Town C o u n c i I. wrote M‘r. Illingworth. and it was agreed that the boun- dary should remain as it is, namely at Steeles Avenue. “In addition to my per- sonal opinion, I have the united voice of my local council to speak strongly on their behalf at the regional level," the mayor continues. The present York County Council and the councils of many municipalities inside and outside of the county have also notified the board that they intend to support the brief G uarditm M ajmenance MARK or IXCELLENCE

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