Funtime at the day centre on Saturday was also well attend- ed with members enjoying an auction sale and competitions. Proceeds from the auction were given later as prizes for a card bingo. They all thoroughly enjoyed the discussions. films, group talks, hikes, sing-songs and crafts and Val took part in the informal Sunday service. Val Firman. Alice, Thomas and Jackie Waugh {mm St. Gabriel's Anglican Church atâ€" tended a conference at Friendly Acres, Alton, held November 20 Informal Sunday service. The theme for the conference was “Freedom to Choose" which proved a most interesting and informative topic to work on. A unique evening at the (‘an- adian Japanese Cultural Cen- tre, Don Mills. has been planned as a benefit evening for the York Central Association For The Mentally Retarded. R. 11. Senior Citizens :to a better understanding of the‘ “The Speakeasy Flanpcrs of‘others and the unhappiness is 375th Avenue†-â€" ssh. members resolved on Christmas day. of the ladies' auxiliary to It‘s an absorbing play. dealing Branch 375, Royal Canadian mm a problem prevalent in the Legion -â€" gave a record crowd home today â€"- lack of com-i of senior citizens a wonderfulmunication. ‘ evening ol‘ entertainment lasti Tickets at $1.25 for adults and‘ WGdHCSdab’ “'ilh Singing. (lane-‘75 cents for students may be obâ€"‘ ing. a mime of “Stan and Ollie"1tained by calling Joan Ryland at‘ and a silent movie entitled;884-2917 or at the door. Cul‘tain‘ “Triumph of Virtue over Sin," time 8pm. I “'1 'cl vas hr 1" . . Ku‘lxu‘iayy llaf‘eslféfm Mrs_ Joan llllllllllllllllllll\\\l\llltlllllllllllllllllllll\llllllltllllllllltllllllllltlilltill Dixon expressed her pleasure at What’s Cooking? the large attendance of senior citizens, who. at the end of the. Aimost everyone has a Special show mindled with the cast ‘d~ , - - - . ‘ =‘ ish \\ hlch family or friends \\ lule membei s of the IODE lenjoy __ why not share that served refl‘QShlncnls' iI-nninn “'6â€: nlll‘ rnndnl‘c ha 1'1“ President Stewart. MacPher- son, on behalf of the senior citi- zens, thanked the 'speakeasy flappers‘ for a most enjoyable evening. Refreshments were served and a vote of‘thanks was ex- tended to Mrs. Gwen Grist for a very entertaining afternoon. Being hold this Friday. the lestiviiies will begin with a cocktail hour. followed by a complete Sukyaki dinner. an oriental program and ballroom dancing. It will be an evening to re- member with all proceeds for the benefit of local mentally re- tamed. ‘Tickets at be obtained or 884-2706 tax exempt. As part of its 100111 Anniver- sary celebrations, the Metro- politan Museum of New York has arranged 12 tour-visits in the past seven months. The latest of these visits took place on Thursday and Friday of last week and included 73 visitors from the Mississippi Art As‘sociation. the Louisville Art Gallery. the Cleveland Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum (18 members of the members‘ group went on the jaunt. includ- ing Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier of '"r'he White House" Maple Side- road). Guests were quartered at the Westbury Hotel and were taken on behind the scenes tours of the museum's exhibition work- shops and study facilities. Two special exhibitions “Be- fore .Cortes" fmeso-Ameriean sculptures) and “Fifty Centuries of Art†'masterpieees from the museum's colleetionsl were toured with audio guides. in addition, participants toured three private art collections in Fifth Avenue apartments and Were guests at a cocktail party at the home of MT. and Mrs. Ronald Tree IU.S. delegate to Ronald Tree IU.S. delegate to the UN) and at a dinner at the Cosmopolitan Club: It w_as a whirlwind. exciting ’End-of-week. meeting on Wed the home of Mrs. on Sugar Maple There was a g and the group Christmas decor; Christmas decorations for the hospital gift shop. Al the next meeting work will begin on another quilt. The Pleasanlville Branch of the YCHA hold its November Talonth young dancers. they are pupils of the Dennis Moore School of Dancing in Bayview Plaza. jener laplc Lane. \S a good attendance group worked on decorations for the $25 per person may by calling 884-8401 All donations are Wednesday 1215! at Mrs. Rod Standï¬eld aplo Lane. Place wafer mixture on top and pat down with a wet spoon or spatula (mixture will be thick and sticky) Cover with another layer of coconut. Cover with Saran wrap or wax paper and put in refriger- ator for at least 3-5 days. uuumwmuuuuuuuuun1mu“\muumnmuuummuummmu We were delighted to receive a call last week from Dennis Thatcher. a resident of Rich- mond Hill for many years prior to moving to Toronto. While here. he appeared many times in Curtain Club productions. often 1n character roles, and with his deep brown voice and delightful sense of timing. he soon became a firm favorite with local audien- ccs. Having been an actor in Eng- land. Dennis still had strong leanings towards professional theatre, so after consierable thought decided to forsake the business world and toss his hat in the theatrical ring. Butter a small square pan and place a layer of coconut on the bottom. Aimost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy -â€"- why not share the "chine with our readers. be i* main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column ~â€" how about yours? 1 pkg wafers 1 can milk He is now taking a short sab- batical before leaving in Janu- ary for Ottawa where he is opening in Joe Orton‘s "What The Butler Saw" at the National Arts Centre and at the end of the run‘ he leaves to join “Jane Eyre" in London. England â€" his original stamping ground. Following closely in Dennis‘ footprints is his daughter Wen- dy. a very accomplished actress, who has recently returned from starring in “The Importance Of Being Earnest" at The Citadel Theatre, Edmonton. under the direction of Sean Mulcahy. Who knows! Richmond Hill may yet boost a Henry and Jane Fonda combination! Good luck to them both â€"- they certainly have the ability. We‘ll watch their pl‘ogreSS with great in- terest. The first phase included many television commercials and act- ing assignments and before long he was reâ€"united with his first love -â€" the stage. and he has never looked back! Last year he was with the Charlottetown Festival. accomm anying the company in the early part of this your to Osaka. Jap- an with “Anne of Green Gables". On his return he again spent the season in Charlotte- town. appearing in numerous plays, including “Jane Eyre." which is slated to open in Lonâ€" don's West End next year. She will shortly be filming an episode for the television series “Mission Impossible" and next year. hopes to be acting in Charlottetown. l The play is based on a famin reunion at Christmas time, with lgaiety everywhere but in the hearts of these people. The daughter must give up her love in order to care for her aging parson father. The father in turn is heartsick because he has never had the confidence of his children and never realized what tragedy had struck his younger daughter. However. in the final action everyone comes to a better understanding of the others and the unhappiness is resolved on Christmas day. It's an absorbing play. dealing with a problem prevalent in the home today â€"â€" lack of com- munication. CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOWS cups miniature marsh Eagle Brand condensed Christie Chocolate put in refriger- Eve Harwood, a graduate of L 3-5 days. Richmond Hill High School. cur- Mm. L. Adair. rently taking the Honors English Maryland, USA; Course at McMaster University, Hamilton, was a member of the \llllllllllll\llll\l\lll\lllllllllllllllllllll college team competing against -‘, . . , M‘cGill University in University L’llltigoés 1ï¬ggyigi:Challenge. televised November 35mm“ of Rich_ll5 on Channel 9. mam, years prim. Also on the Bit-Master team 01.01110. twas Scott Tremaine. Thornhill. . he appeared who along with Eve and Edward n Curtain Club Koroway ‘a recent participant men m characternith the York Unnfersity team) his deep hmwnrmakos an unpresswe total of igmml sense ofTtliree students from the area won became a.‘served by the York County Board of Education, to be sel- :ith local audiena lected as contestants, The annual Christmas Gift program for patients under special care held by the York County Branch, Mental Health Association, is now underway and boxes for unwrapped gifts have been placed at Dynes Jewlâ€" lers. Richmond Heights Centre and Allencoui't Pharmacy, A1- iencourt Centre. The final collection from the boxes will be on December 8. so while family Christmas shop- ping. why not buy an extra gift for the less fortunates and don- ate it to this very worthy cause? Your gift will brighten Chi‘ist- mas for these patients, many of whom are forgotten during the festive season. Arrangements were made at a meeting held last Wednesday at the home of Secretary Mrs. Ros- alind Anderson on Centre Street West. Eve. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hal-wood of Rich- mond Street. Tickets are $3 and can be ob- tained by calling Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie at 884-5212 or from members of the association. A good turnout of members attended the last meeting of the Curtain Club held November 16 at the theatre, rear of 25 Yonge Street North. Luncheon at - the newly o p e n e (1 historical Doctor'si House Restaurant in Kleinburg‘ and a tour of the McMichael Art Gallery will be the January 27 project of members of the Local Association, Richmond Hill West. to aid Girl Guides in the district. There will be two Sit- tings â€" at 12:30 and 1:30 pm. Chaired by President Den- nis Stainer. the main dis- cussion took place on the possi- bility of presenting a children's nis Stainer, the main dis- The pediatric ward of York cussion took place on the possi- Central Hospital was decorated bility of presenting a children'siNovember 18 by a dozen mem- play. entry in the Central Ont-xbers, who completed the job in ario Drama Festival and the‘labout two hours. next production “Next Time I’llf Last Sunday a small. but very Sing To You,†which opens this energetic group of Rotarians Friday. ‘drove some 75 miles to haul and A progress report was also load Christmas trees on a large heard from Chris Steel, chairâ€" tractor trailer and bring them to man of the ways and means‘Richmond Hill for the club‘s an- committee for the proposed newlnual Christmas tree sale. The theatre. :lot this year is in front of Ron- The program, a show of‘ alds Federated, Yonge Street colored slides from past produc-‘North. tions. was presented by John‘ On Decembers amasquerade Postlethwaite. These as usual, is being held at the Old Manse, caused many ribald commentsVCentre Street East. particularly those taken of ear- Last Monday evening the pro- lier productions, in which theggram was presented by B‘nai fashions could now be conotBrith and next week Doug Allen sidered “mod†but the actors‘will explain “Operation Face- somewhat aged! lift.“ play. entry in the Central Ont- ario Drama Festival and the next production “Next Time I'll Sing To You,†which opens this Friday. A progress report was also heard from Chris Steel, chair- man of the ways and means committee for the proposed new theatre. With Christmas just six weeks away, the social whirl is gaining in moment- um and wine and cheese, sherry, cocktail and just good old fashioned Christ- mas parties are hailing in the festive season. , Why not keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your merrymak- ing by calling the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6 on by dropping a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we’d be pleased to hear from you. The servic‘e is free -â€" but items must be in the office by 10 am Tuesday morning for inclusion in the current issue PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS % ° GLASSES ' CONTACT LENSES “FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIQN’f Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9 pm Quinn 5. 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL A 884-1955 @ l The grade 7 class of St. Mari" ‘wlmmaculate Roman Catholic School is holding a rummage sale this Saturday starting at 9:30 am in the basement of the lchurch. The boys are currently staying at Vancouver Island and then intend heading south along the coast pos- sibly to San Francisco â€" their plans only dependent on the elasticity of their money and the servica- bility of the van! All!!!llllllllllll)Illlllllllllllll“!lllllllllllllflllllIlllllllllllllllllllmllllm Chuck Taylor conducted the program which was designed to discuss “Rotary Foundation". He had prepared four questions, one each on financing, award- ees, liason and policy of the Rotary Foundation and these questions were paSSed to four Rotai‘ians who were asked to ad- dress the meeting with the an- swers, with a three minute time- limit imposed for each. Visitors attending the Novem- for the Purple Pickle, Richmond ber 16 meeting of the Rotary Hill‘s first drop-in coffee house Club held at the Summit Golf was a great success last Satur- and Country Club were David day with over 150 teenagers Walker from Johannesburg, continually cramming the lim- South Africa, a guest of Buster ited space of the OMNI Hall to Vermuelen, Rotarian George‘hear the rock group, Sykes, a Hinder from Willowdale and‘local musical groupf George Chassis, president of‘ Tentative plans call for a New the local Lions Club. iYear’s Day Dance or “Start The Chuck Taylor conducted the Year Right Bash†â€" watch this program which was designed to column for further details discuss “Rotary Foundation“. He; The young committee of the had prepared four questions, Purple Pickle has been working one each on financing, award- quite hard in lining up volun. ees, liason and policy of the teer adults to visit the drop-in Rotary Foundation and theseieaeh weekend to keep the pro- questions were passed to four gram on an even keel, and last Rotarians who were asked to ad- weeks visitors were Mr. and dress the meeting with the an-‘M‘rs. Len Pug‘h, Mrs. Hodgins swers. with a three minute timeâ€"11nd JOhn Bork- This Thursday Keith McColl will present “Canada‘s Changing North†and following the show Flavia and Ernest Redelmeier have invited Rotarians and their wives to meet Mr. McColl at their home. Donations will be gratefully accepted which may be taken to the church on Friday evening. Rotary News They enjoyed a leisurely drive to the west coast. camping by the wayside and have written glowing reports about the scenic beauty along the route. particularly the Rockies and their first port of call â€" Vancouver. While touring the city who should they bump into at Stanley Park but the Monks Family (Mary, Harold and son. Charlie) former resi- dents of Woodlane. who have recently taken up re- sidence there. They left Thanksgiving weekend, having purchased an old delivery van. fitted it out with bunks. chairs, a coleman stove and a heater (all the comforts of home!). and so far are having a ball! How many of us would like to drop everything. get in a car and take off to the west coast and parts unâ€" known? It's probably been a lifetime dream of many. but the opportunity just hasn't arisen. Four Richmond Hill youths are currently enjoy- ing such an adventure â€" Bruce Hutchinson, Murray Phillips. Derek Andrews and John Dunkley â€" all former students of Rich- mond Hill High School. Tickets at $1 each are avail- able from Mrs. Marion Lennox. 884-4821, Les Nicholls 884â€"3825 or from any member of St. Mary's Choir. The second night of operation for the Purple Pickle, Richmond Hill‘s first drop-in coffee house was a great success last Satur- day with over 150 teenagers continually cramming the limâ€" ited space of the OMNI Hall to hear the rock group, Sykes, a Members of Club Double 0-2‘5‘ Purple Pickle will be meeting; on Wednesday evening at OMNI Hall to form an official opera- ting committee and all in terested young bloods are wel- come to attend. [ To help meet this need St. Mary‘s Anglican Church and choir are presenting the 90 voice Etobicoke Centennial Choir in concert at the church on Tuesday. December 8. pro- ceeds of which will go to the family services. Club Doflble 0-2 is an out- reach program of Richmond Hill United Church. Richmond Hill and Thornhill The staff and operating com- Family Services is a vital com-lmittee of Richmond Hill Day- munity project but like anyicare Centre. St. Mary's Anglican newly initiated service needs'ChurclL are celebrating their financial assistance. first anniversary on December 1 To help meet this need smand extend an invitation to local Mary‘s Anglican Church and and area residents to tour the choir are presenting the 90 centre and discuss with com- voice Etobicoke Centennial mittee members. over coffee, Choir in concert at the church the benefits 0f day Care for NE- on Tuesday. December 8. proaschool kindergarten children ceeds of which will go to the‘and the need for expansion of family services. this type of service in the York Tammie go e1 Mill. awn mm;i,‘C0unty al‘ea- On display at the Richâ€" mond Hill Public Library this week will be a collec- tion of paintings from the studio of local Artist Buster Vermeulen of Centre Street East. The show will include paintings in pastels. oils and acrylics, including three delightful pastels of Richmond Hill United and Presbyterian Churches and the Mill Pond. which were commissioned by the Rich- mond Hill Civic Improve- ment Committee to be used on postcards depicting the historic and natural beauty of Richmond Hill. The cards, the first of their kind, will be on sale in the stores within the next month. For an interesting feature on this artist read this week's “In The Spotlight†Column on the editorial page. Avoid the Traffic Jungie of Yonge Street! _V I WYN-DOT Ladies' Wear, Bayview Plaza RICHMOND HILL Established 14 years ANHXS noted for specials in yard goods. “0015 3; zippers BUT DID YOU KNOW? RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The “North Mall†-- S We have an excellent line of ladies’ sportswear at BARGAIN prices â€"â€" well-known makes such as Gaymwn and Wyndham slacks and pant suits. BA YVIEW PLAZA WYN-DOT THE LADIES’ SHOP “There’s only one thing worth understanding, only one thing worth thinking about and that is that I am a mind. locked in 1200 grams of brain, locked in a quarter of an inch of skull and the only key to this person is death" says Rudge (George Truss, far right) early in the play “Next Time I’ll Sing To Youâ€. which opens this Friday at the Curtain Club Theatre. Other cast members (left to right) Paul Wood, Heather Smithurst, Frank Steele and Brian Moore ponder on Rudge‘s explanation of human dilemma. ' The play, directed by Dagmar Matyas, runs November 27, 28, December 2 - 5, 9 - 12 and tickets may be obtained by calling Yvette Steel at 884-7065. and Repairs Discount Cleaners Shop inâ€"pleasant country surroundings a GET THE BEST AT LESS AT Is There A Purpose In Another's Existence P 884-2214 About 100 service club mem: bers sat down to a delicious din- ner at the Lions Club Hall on November 19, when the Rich- mond Hill Lions were hosts to members of the Rotary, Kins- man and Civitan Clubs. Presi- dent Joe Malboeuf of Rotary, Gordon Trivett of Kinsman, and Casy DeQuartel of Civitan in- troduced the various members of their clubs who were warmly welcomed by the Lions Club members. Secondâ€"Vice Presi- dent Bill Honeyman was in the ‘chair, 'and delighted his aud- ience with his fund of Scottish stories, told only as a real Scotsman could tell them. He would advise parents of players not to stress to their sons that the all important thing is to win the game. but that they be true sportsmen whether they win or loose. Also that parents not keep an eye on the money involved. with a young player signing up, but to consider first that he gets a good education. Of 240 players now involved in Canadian hoc- key. only 24 have a university education, 38 finished high school. Mr. Eagelson was introduced by Lion Grant Marshall. and thanked by Kinsman, Gordon Triveu, who presented him with one of Lion Doug Boyd‘s tril- lium Spoons. On its anniversaiy. the centre will be open from 9:30 am to 12 noon and 1:30 pm to 5pm. and the staff is looking forward to a good turnout to help them cele- brate this auspicious occasion. The main speaker was Alan Eagelson, who, while president of the Ontario Progressive Con- servative Association, chose to speak on hockey. the operation of which he has had wide ex- perience. An accomplished speaker, Mr. Eagelson approach- ed his subject with a warm hu- man touch. and this, with added humor, produced a talk which delighted his audience. There are some things in today’s hockey set-up that Mr. Eagelson would like to change. Save Your'Cleaning Tickets A Two-Piece Suit or Plain Dress Cleaned FREE with every $15.00 in tickets Den Doings FREE! FREE! of ladies’ sportsyear at R. HILL LIONS CLUB RICHMOND HILL 884-6171 Present at the celebration was Provincial President Rose Man- ning‘ of Goldwater and 3rd Vice- President Lillian Reeves of Windsor of the Ontario Provin- cial Command Ladies’ Auxiliary. The show committee of the 9 ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion. pre- sented its current show “375th) Avenue Speakeasy" on Monday last to the auxiliary members of} Branch 67. Royal Canadian Le-j gion, Lindsay. on the occasion of! its 23rd birthday. 7â€.â€99 On Wednesday last the cast presented a show to the local Senior Citizens’ Club and the Richmond Hill Chapter of the IODE assisted by donating and serving refreshments. This coming Friday the auxiliary will be entertaining branch members and guests. ANNOUNCEMENT fA-Sllrkadrhh ammmrmmmamnnxmmhhmmmm {KK‘RWKE Open Every Night from Thurs., Nov. 26 to 9 pm. Fridays until 10 pm. Phone 884-9339 Showing the newest styles in CORDS, VELVETS. JEANS SWEATERS and BELTS. 24 Yonge St. North (CWWVVWVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvv Vv‘vvvv‘v $ é for that é Christmas Portrait ‘ 1} a : c: (I) H. 93 H5 CD 2 Q... 93 ‘< (I) pâ€"u Eh (-1. W \ M Â¥L§~kL~4LpN xxx/xxx \ \t. wwwvvwwvvwvwwwvy-WWVWWWWVN (WWW Richmond Hill’s first Unisex Sh0p of the RICHMOND HILL DAY CARE CENTRE Would be happy to welcome you and your fr 9.30 am. - 12 Noon and 1.30 pm. - 5 pm. Their First Anniversary on TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1970 The Staff and Operating Committee at St. Mary’s Anglican Church and your friends to _§?$)§ W ~29