Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Nov 1970, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘liursday. Nov. 36. IEJTii Maple, Kleinburg Concord 8. Edgeley News "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord, Edgelcy and Kleinburg_ Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord. Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Lucille sham 8934432. IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE Helen was surprised in her prettiest night attire, and it is said that this was the first time anyone had seen Dick at a loss ‘for words! The couple were preâ€" sented with a lovely silver candelabra. and everyone en- joyed the evening with the lunch and beverages brought A surprise party was given along by the guests. November 19 for Helen and t ,, *, Dick Taylor. of Jackson Street, Ilelcii and Dick Taylor were on the occasion of their 25th‘given a second surprise party wedding anniversary. ’I‘lieilast Saturday evening at the group, which has been namediVellore Hall. planned and car- the Japanese Maple friends, Ill-,l'lcd through by their daughters, eluding Bessie and Fred Conâ€" Beverly and Nancy. their neice stable. Velma and Ab Rutherâ€"vLynda Cooper. and all their ford, F10 and Reg Rouse and friends who worked so hard to Det and Lloyd Palmer wcreiarrange the surprise party for those who visited Japan last‘over 50 guests. Everyone enâ€" year on the Lions‘ convention joyed the lovely buffet lunch. trip. and the Taylor's were showered - Man Vaughan! Township Comm. Seek; Senior Citizen Home Site future projects that might be of an unsuitable nature. Other problems included an existing sewage problem on ad- jacent properties, insufficient parking, poor drainage in the area because of clay soil. The sponsoring committee’s decision to withdraw the appli- cation came before council had a chance to vote for or against “innit Vaughan Township 'Council :has appointed a committee of :ithree of its own members to :;work with United Church offic- mials in establishing a suitable :‘area for a proposed senior cit- :izens home. '2', The appointment came Nov- ,_:embei' 16 with the three-man ncommittee comprising Reeve :Garnet Williams, Deputy-reeve 2.‘Albert Rutherford and Coun- the proposal. . :fiillor Gordon Risk. , It was decided instead that a A proposal to construct an'committee council would work :eightssuite senior citizen homelwith the sponsoring church com-. mittee to find a more suitable locale. _ . In other busmess. couneil washed its hands of a request by immediate area. the Metro Region Conservation The home, as conceived by a for fa nanc i at support for committee of seven citizens re-‘the extension of its Flood con- resenting Maple United Church, trol and Water Conservation had been opposed by the town- Plan for 1971-1975. I ship planning board. Council noted that effective Reasons being the protest by 1971 the new Regional CounCil the residents that it would mean of York County will be respon- introducing an apartment build- sible for the levy and collection ing into a single family arcapf funds required by the con- thereby creating a precedent foriservation authority. :on Jackson Street in Maple had -been withdrawn at a previous meeting in the wake of opposi- tion from the residents in the IGA. Tim and Taylor ‘ Kuchei‘awy got a goal' d Glen Amodeo scored‘ the lone goal for Universal. For Crestwood. Dale Line put PEEWEE ATOMS For Ci'estwood Texaco played Arc-lBODby tic last week and tied the game 93011 an 5-81]. In two goals. with Bill Allen Vaughan HaWkS downed scorin a Goal and an assist. Bob Bayleyg :nd Scott Grahman Robeit Edmandson and Ian with lovely gifts in honor of the occasion. usual tables featured along willi Post Office. cut up fresh beef. and features for the kiddies. iii- «ma» Prolii's grade 88's will make the same outing. with Constable Jim llamilton. Lloyd Palmer also received a surprise last Sunday evening. when he came in from work and eluding Santa? Public Library We would like to remind the The staff at the senior school last Monday was busy checking 1:Scliool. :Lowell "Chief" Myers of Naylon, iln St. Matthew's United Church} was told that the basement floor was flooded. and went down to parents of )Oungstcrs in the grades 3 to 8 classes to look into find the recreation l'OOIil IIIICCI the contest being mm b_\' the with 26 friends and inembeisof library in conjuncnon with the family present to help him Young Canada Book week, celebrate his birthday. I l Roly Kefl‘cr attended the 60th which is over. but the contest runs till the end of the month. In the two groups. grades 5 and anniversary or M“ and 3113- 6 together. and grades 7 and 8 Ernest Stong of Willowdale. lastdogcmm.‘ a prize will bC given weekend. along with his cousin.‘of a book or the student's choice. .MI‘S- Milli" H0i1€$~ 0f Toronto Entry forms are. available from ‘Mr. and Mrs. Stong are related the library ,to several Maple residents. and Home and School Mr. Stong was a sclioolmate of This Frida‘,‘ me mothers 01. 3M“ Kare“ the home and school are pre- ‘ senting Robert Louis Stephen- son‘s “Kidnapped” on the movie , . schedule. at the George Bailey Wilhelm Jansen of Richmond School. to begin at 8 pm The ‘Street. last weekend. when theirmhmvmd mould be over by 945 ' . .. 7- ' o s _ . . fawn-v" Henn‘ 'iplm‘ T‘lglziThe interest is mainly for senior 133‘” all“ Jacque.lne an an”? school students. since this story la" evenmg for {flequ and le'is likelv to be on their reading ’latives from some distance. Ill-,progra‘fi and i: not like” to ‘cm'dmg Ottawa' and the” nmgh'ihold the interest of children bo‘s' . lyounger than grade four. Dr. Ramsay Ai‘initage of Shaeorge Bail" school Stephen‘s Anglican Church wasI The senior’ school has been on hand to propose the toaSt.t° a beehive of extra curricular acâ€" me honored couple' along mm tivity during the last week, with their minister from Willowdale.Ia11 the grade 6 class“ Spending Rev. Luis Tamminga. INovembel. 18 at the Ontario The guests were.entertaiiiedscience Centre. the grade 88.5 mm “111510 and Slngmg andiwith their teacher. Mrs. Eleanor lit >lt * II! An unusual 251li anniversary was celebrated for Mr. and Mrs. itures‘ of a world tour from tlliS‘byjdge Meteorological Weather lasllsuinmei.‘ d d 1__ :Research Station. accompanied Tley (“13059 a most 61" by Mrs. Sylvia Plante, Mrs. Tm}: Chlgkenct ‘51“an; Lileéhlarj Lynn. and Lloyd Profit. 19011993" tlpa‘ “:5 $9.193: e ‘This outing was in conjunction 0 mung 19 en el amne ' with studies on weather, Congratulations to all of those‘ Thanks is extended to the ' V - . ' . . .' S: , $11.10 [138:9 Venioiédmanggégsgélfnparents who accompanied these 115 d5 “09 10 e '3 outings and made it even more our community! . ~ . educational to the students who We had someone wlnspei in were in smaller groups and our ear recently, to suggest that:thence able to learn more‘ we watch Tiny Talent Time on Last week the 8A class‘ with channel 11' Hamllton on Deceln'lMerrill McPliail attended the b” 6' “‘he“ “RPM” 5“ Chns'lRichinond Hill Traffic Court tine Bm‘m' gwmg a plano 5010',and next week Mrs. Eleanor Christine is in the open space , centre at the Joseph Gibson and her friends won’t want to miss this! * * >i< >ir congratulations l [Craine - Richmond Hill i Hearty to‘ Street. who will be celebrating his 79th birthday December 1. Happy birthday, Chief! Mi-s. Barney Bi-yan showed pic-ImeiL Visited me Maplfiwood: the science room and office after a weekend breakâ€"in. Al- though no malicious damage was done. equipment was taken from the science lab. and the office jwas disturbed. The Vaughan lPolice were expecting to lay leliarges at any time. Gibson School Thursday November 19. visi- tors from Pcterboro spent the (lay with the staff of the junior. school. Principal Terry Wilson? of the Fairview Public School.‘ and Teachers. Mrs. Jean Gcrow and llarold Denisen were quite impressed with our system. Bowling Ladies â€"- November 16 Sherry took 5 from Rye. leaving them ‘2. Brandy took 5 leaving Gin ‘with 2. Rum took 5 leaving Porl' It is the belief of the staff or the Gibso J‘Xi‘h 2 and Scotch split with given the opportunity to read aloud every scho Itl’,‘;‘,‘,',“’., takmg 4 and lea‘mg teacher with little if any time to develop the 0 Parents of the children have come to th spend some time as part of the working team i during the day and listen to children read, hel assignments, run off stencils, type assignments This leaves Rum still on top in the second series, with 12 points. Sherry right behind with 10 and Rye. Brandy and Port ,all with 7. Scotch with 6, Gin tasks. “‘3‘ 41;“? Vodka With 3- ‘ Principal Roy Robson points out that th e‘ a “"31 had a many €00" and the teachers are pleased â€" the teachers” w night taking all three highl 1scores. with hiin single of 267.} high triple of 740 and high. average of 206. Pioneers â€"~ The men bowled community. All are beiiefitting. In the above picture (left to right) are Richard Redford, APHOIfILDav'ld Long and Jeff Gai'i‘att with Volunteer (Photo by Stuart's Studio‘ Volunteers Help Maple Children To Read ii School here that each young pupil should be. ol day. But in most classes this would leave the ther basic skills which a child must acquire. e rescue and more than 20 have volunteered to n the school. They arrive at different times p a child drill on mathematical facts, mark and assist the teachers in numerous other e children are pleased, the volunteers are pleased orkload has been lightened, the children are responding to the one-to-one relationship and the volunteers are contributing something to the Stephen Richard Mrs. Sylvia Gipps. Fitzgibbon, last Thursday night with Good- ‘erhain‘s team taking all 7 points} ‘from Craibe's and Borrett's tak-j ing 5 from Downey‘s leaving‘ . Klein burg Klarion . . Neighborhood Notes Borrett 5 team. then is on top, .. 4 . . . r with 33 points, Gooderham.s in. Luncheon guest with Miss she can have a signiiicant shale .. _ . ‘Merle Hainbly last Thursday in the slia )ing of Canada EeCOPd ,.pla.c.e “1th 23 p°.mt.s'iwas Mrs. Arthur Boissoneau, ofthi'ougli the bdllot box,” said the owney s with 16 and Craibesicanmngton' ‘speakers “lgznloweeks again took h _ Barry Sinith of Kleinburg Es-‘i They urged parents to teach for the mam b t , 0n?‘,5§tates, is laid up for a few weeks,their children that the system 6121. h hi i _y ("3ng fills with sprained legs. after escap-Iby which Canada is governed is “g lee 0‘ 13“ We?“ “WT ing serious injury in an excava- democracy which is government a. 669 this “993‘ and 1115 high tion cave in. iby the will of the people. Slngle'Of 285 “1111 a “'llopplng Mrs. Glen Phillips. Napier Lunch was served around the 318 “"5 Week- ,Street, is recuperating in Toron- big, cosy kitchen table by the ’ ‘ ’ to General Hospital. hostess and Mrs. Jack Thomson , A rabid-looking fox was sight-,and Mrs. Ed Miller. ‘ 'ed crossing Highway 27 north ofi The December meeting Policeman Wed: nadian fails to realize that he or will your children to stay away from be held December 8 at 1 pm at all strange animals. the home of Mrs. Jack Thomson, Save your Dominion Store,74 DOn Bay Drive. Kleinburg tapes for me, please. My barber- lEstateS. Bring a “‘l‘apped gift shopper organization “Sweetd‘or the mentally retarded Adelines” of Brampton-Brama-i Don‘t miss the Kleinburg I The Voice I this hamlet last week. So warn have a Christmas theme. It will LEGAL NOTICE TO: WILLIAM G. IRWIN TAKE NOTICE THAT BAR- BARA GAIL SUFFEL, an in- Of Concord iNeig‘hborhood Notes ‘ I Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, Highway 7, {am by her next friend BAR on the brith of their daughterlBARA GARDINER SUFFELI November 2. The 8 1b. 7 OZ.I_ BARBARA GARDINER ilittle girl was named Sharon glflgFFEL hwe commenced Dis_ Lynn. Mrs. Anderson was Guide ‘ ‘ assistant for Ist Concord Guides D2231; 22,13? OEBtllfewDil: laSt Wm" . . . trict of Southern Alberta. Jud- ‘ A happy birthday is wished icial District of Calgarv to ,.e_ for Harry Fraser, who will be cover from you Special dam_ 13* November 2.8- ages in the amount of SIX Belated greetings are sent to HUNDRED & FORTy_SEVEN Mrs. Gail McNeilly. who cele- DOLLARS and NINE‘TY CENTS brated her birthday NOVCIIIbeI‘M564790’ plus costs‘ being the 13- ' lelaim against you with regard I Pleas? call TOUI‘ FOI'I‘GSDOH' to a collision which occurred dent with articles of interest to on or about the 22nd day of ‘ Senior Citizens The seniors enjoyed an after- noon of games, November 16, after the excutive had held a brief business meeting. , movie to be shown by Reg, Rouse on November 23. andi ‘setting is available there. Early in December. members plan a shopping excursion, pos- sibly to Yorkdale. and the saiy dinner. catered by the each a goal. For Arctic Ray Mondolo earn- ed two goals, Scott Lawson two ' goals and an assist and Joe Ar- rlgo a goal. European Delicatessen took Hunter. Pat Hudeina got thenadies of the Ucw. was of“. lone goal for superior‘ iciallv announced for December. Rielivale Lions downed DH 8:?” :AS a special treat Donald; A 3 to 1‘ Deacon, Liberal MP for York David Clendenan sparked thelc°unty_ will be on hand to give Lions with two goals and Dennis|a Short address_ Tickets will bei Riley earned the other goal. Forfavailable from Ed Barrett, 501d. St. Matthew‘s United Church. Richmond Hill, was decorated with white gl‘adioli and pink, mauve and white Chrysanthe- Plans were confirmed for a mums on the altar and ribbons} with Chrysanthemums to mark the pews. for the September 19 ‘ander Craine. Rev. John McTav- ,ish officiated at the ceremony. jand Mrs. Bud Renshaw played ltraditional we (1 din g music. Superior 2 10 1 With £0315 by Christmas __ second anniveprocalist was the bride's uncle, Bruce Edgar. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. George Edgar and the late Mr. Edgar. 47 King High Drive, Concord, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Eileen Craine, 304 Paliser Crescent South, Rich- mond Hill. best man and Russell Burbidge,l Dave Keith and Jim Mitchell as ushers. The bridesmaids wore gowns in fuseliia pink Swiss lace fash- ioned similarly to the bride’s but with only one tier of pink‘ bowling. November 30 in Ricli-Iwedd'irig of Vondalee Gail Edgarydaisies and ribbon. They wore‘card missing, Would this person mond Hill. since automatic pin to Police Constable Paul Alex- wide brimmed fuschia pink hats,p1ease phone Jean Donnei'al at iand carried baskets of blue leornflowers with trailing ivy. The guests were received all ,the Heintzman House in North ‘Thornhill by Mrs. Edgar \thI ,wore a mauve lace coat over a1 .sheer long gown and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The groom‘s mother chose a long gown and a coat of American Beauty silk worsted, trimmed with beaded braid and a white orchid corsage. lea, is hoping to collect $70,000iGuide and Brownie Christmas‘the community. trips. V'ISItOl'S,NoV'embe1“ AD 1969 between worth to purchase a vvheelehair‘BaZBa!‘ this Saturday from l‘bii‘thS. anniversaries or birth-la motor vehicle owned by the for a muscular dystrophy pa. to 4 pm in the United Church. tient. At the Guides‘ card party No- vember 13, one of the persons who bought the leftover packs of cards went home with one: ‘ 893-1203. This coming Sunday is winter communion at Kleinburg United Church and December 13 will‘ be White Gift Sunday. WI Mrs. Dirk Vermeer. Nashville. Brocade Dresses & Pant Suits for Christmas said BARBARA GAIL SUFFEL and a motor vehicle owned and Ioperated by WILLIAM G. IR- WIN. . AND FURTHER TAKE NO- ;TICE THAT unless within Thir- ity ‘30! days from the date of itliis publication, you file with the Clerk of the District Court, , Court House. Calgary. Alberta, ,a Statement of Defence or De- ‘mand of Notice, and serve a . copy of the same upon the Sol- ' iciiors for the Plaintiff, Messrs. 'days. ' Fenerty McGillivray, Robert- ‘son. Prowse, Brennan, Fraser, IBeil 8; Code. at 1500 Guinness IHouse, Calgary, Alberta, then 1the Plaintiff will be at liberty ' to note you in default without Ifurther notice to you. Made on the premises. See this selection now at . . . DOROTHY'S DRESS SHOP was hostess November 17 for the meeting of the Kleinburg-Nash- ville WI. The program on citiâ€" zenship was conducted by Presi-, dent Miss Merle Hambly and' Mrs. Gary MacDonald. ‘ four goals and shut out Parkersh with great goaltending by 133.4de 8; A David Moore scored the Grant. €031; Joey Battista scored two goalsBANrAMS The Contractors scored 3 and an assist, Brian Hobbs ai . , . goal and an assist and Keithlgoals 0"” maple L'Ons 2' “I‘m Coxworthyâ€" also earned a goal."lim welkOff taking two goals' UniVel-Sal lost to IGA 2 to 1. Bill ‘ Lamont a goal and Jim â€"â€" _ .7 ..‘Ellssif earning two assists. Peter “ ‘ ~ ' ' d Ron Davis scored A I<iasei an §avedrnylhe lthe goals for the Lions. . Del Brocco downed Fred‘s Shell 5 to 3 with goals by Ricky an assist and by Wally Pierson and Doug Fox who had one itleworth the third one. :MiDGE'r B's Brooker who earned three and goals for Fred's and Kevin Shut- , Given in marriage by her 1“ “Vane?- lbrother. Jeffrey Edgar. the i Presm'ter‘a“ Church bride was gowned in white i The young people junior and senior Bible classes empire line with a high c0113.. were laviShl-V entertamed re"iand puff sleeves with three tiers cemLV- 3”” We." had 5139'“ of lace and ribbon trimming the salurday afternoon Working In bottom of the skirt. She carried the church. at the home of Art 3 bollquel or gladion in blend. and June Hills. Malareii Road. mg hues or pink and lavender The kids filled up on hambur- accented with gypsophlla, She gers and pop, and had a great‘wore a wide brimmed hat of time for nearly three hours mohair with a white satin rib- playing games and watchinglbon bow and long steamers movies Art had taken of various hanging down the back. _ church activities. Everyone who‘ Her attendants were her sis- her six-year-old honor: cousin ieveniiig. The ladies of St. P' ' ‘ian Church met at the h , [65m tel Gregory McComb as ringbearer: ead" Reed warn” Scored t“volivas able to attend had a fine-161‘ Cal'Ol-An" Edgar as maid or‘ Andrew‘s Kelly Geberdt as flower girl:‘ er cousin, seven - year - old. The Midgets played against h I Mrs Carl C00 6,. . iRielimond Hill and downed nglfilwil. 1‘3 ' p ’land her sister Sharman Edgar them 7 to 4. For Midgets. y' , ‘ . .~ - ‘and the groom‘s sisters, Patv l ‘ . _ ' ‘ ' i Aitli Mrs. Mari Robson in theiC H . d S Craine as‘ Imam" Bl omle? eamed. t“ 0‘chair and some 15 members Lame 3.” “San ’ ‘ goals and an aSSist. Alex Bittner present a lendthv business bridesmaids. ‘ . _ lput in three goals, Bill Edmond- ' h ' Attending the groom were, meeting was held. followed by‘D 0‘ “‘9 Swiss lace, fashioned on the‘ iek Witteman of Thornliill as‘ The bride‘s grandmother, Mrs. Martha Hunter wore a blue lace‘ and crepe two-piece dress with. a corsage of white orchids. Following atrip to Northern. Ontario. in. and Mrs. Paul? Craine have taken up residence in Thornhill. “The right to vote is one of the privileges of a Canadian ci- MAPLE PLAZA ago that our mothers fought for and obtained the right to vote for women. New Canadians va~ lue this privilege most highly, .but the average native-born Ca- Putyour KNOTTED . . : BIRCH m $6.60 MAPLE 832-2472 ‘ * omomwm SAVE $3.00 OFF SL’GGESTED RETAIL PRICE ON A GALLON OI“ FIRST QUALITY PAINT AND A 2" PURE BRISTLE BRUSH Id 720 NEW CUSTOM MIXED COLORS PLUS WHITE i W TA quiet little man who became a giant :_in the history or cancer reseai . ii mDr. George PapdllwIIIdDH wuo .vas Show in Cheers. Ill 1885 and men in :Florida in 1962. has saved that .es of dens otthousards of Home Know.“ :as Dr.Pap be if er 'en a who» Rest for detecirhgi range: ii. the .eli; 'fillhe cet‘vn bem'e the». aw io 'Calltel’, Ol’ Ellie” ba’inPl -S at 3." ea: 5. land eastly coraoie siage. 'thwas this device. know i. as me Pap Tesmvliich saved the 1.1e or Mrs. ‘Tlieresa Smith of London Omar lo. -Luckily, in 1965, Mrs. Smith was 7a medical technologist at 5:. Joseph s 1 Hospital in London ai‘o‘ therefore -kuew abouttne Pap 'l e.-'. a-.d rad o .e. :ltshowed she. had a I‘ aI oi amt :Conlmed to one spot 0 i "-1-: u 9 ~10; ~ She :iidei .'.e v' a «e: rv ' w :a' m T treatments a‘ld r. .- an“ _» e 'Mas cured oi ire « a- Lei. "It I hadn't bee! ' Hg *6 'cviolog, depaiiin .n ' hashadaiest \‘IP \a : nu. Illal‘l'lOS‘.“1p‘C' ~ in V. oxer the age 0' .,3 s 0.. i : A *- , Pap Testeervinzo es . sinipleaiiditca-isa.e.~o: livouwouldllketoea "'oiea ’, thisliie-savvugteSi speak‘oxmr doctororcalwbui eta .. . :0' to Canadian Cancer Soc letv Cancer ran be human I son a goal and two assists and l .the first in the new study series |Gary Leonard a goal and an “How the Word Gets Around", assist. . . . . presented by Mrs. Ida McDonald For Richmond Hill. Ixout - . . ‘ .> . _ Heilbron. Bob Boniiell. Don assmed b“ “1: Janet 5“ ler land and Mrs. Marj Robson. Hymns were sung. accom- panied by Mrs. Jean Miller at the piano and the meeting was closed with Mrs. Margaret Andrew. Teston United Tomorrow. iFi‘iday". the day to attend "Teston Expo ‘70". the annual Christmas bazaar beâ€" ginning at 7:30 pm. This is an ever-popular event that most of the local folk make a point of attending each year with all the .Bone and Craig Snider each earned a goal. ,OMHA On November 12 the Maple Midgets scored three goals, downiug‘Bradlord who had one. Digby Bourke scored twice and Paul Banks once. Assists went to Billy May. LBobby Kenney and Steve Twi- dale. The Midgets played against iSehoniberg and lost 2-0, Nov- I ember 20. is i PEEWEES ‘ - Saturday. November 21. WI" Maple played Selioniberg and our Bees won 4-2. Steve Crombe scored two goals with Rob Fen- toil and Eddie Gundei't each putting one in the net. Assists went (0 Blair Suther- land. Larry Chase and Greg Munsliaw. Saturday Over Schomberg 4 -l Maple ()MllA Bantams came with a line 4-] win Saturday over Scliombei‘g in play at Schomberg Scliomberg did its best but the there was no denying the Maple Nov ember H. bots downed Bradford Ill-l. boys who simply oui~powered Greg Muiisliaw earned three them, of the goals. Eddie Gundei't two and Steven Crombe two with one each by Blair Sutherland. ‘Bobby Wilmot and Larry Chase. Assists in this game went to Bobby Wilmot with two. with Jim .lcllison and Eddie Gunâ€" dcrt. Da\i(l 'l‘vidalc Stole C‘ronibe and Dale Line each earning one Danny Stapley led Maple with two goals. Robbie Yoteff had one. and Peter Fraser the final one on a penalty shot. Assists went to Peter Fraser and Mario DePiero with one each. Jl'll Barron got the lone tall) 101' Sclioiiioerz assisted by Ron Smith and Lin” Munsliai a benediction by f‘d i N0 LONGERâ€"NEEDED Someone else will be happy till good. ‘appliances which you no longer, to buy any of those s need. Reach them fast and easy with a low cost Liberal Wantâ€" â€"_â€"â€"-â€" KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 ' LESSONS by LICENSED INSTRL‘CTOR $6.00 PER HOUR 10 Lessons 550 Special Student Rates Stansbury‘s Driver Training Phone 84-8396 "J Most of the money invested in our high interest paying Guai‘a loans we make in the Your investment in your community to g 171:" \rumr I'm deleted :"T."II‘('li G. RICHMOND HILL getyour mortgage Certificates has a priority in mortgage Certificates not only helps you. it helps (lie people of 0mm .11. RM .. GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 A. WAKELIN. MANAGER lZl YONGE ST. N. DOMESTIC . . . (While They Last) Reg. $I0.95 Heavy Duty Plastic 3 1 PKGS. . (10 toabagislteg. 31.4900 KITCHEN SIZE BAGS - 29c PKG. (15 TO A PKG.) FACTOR} CLEARANCES . . LUXURIOUS KITCHEN CABINET PRICE Beautifully pi'cfinished inside, fully covered with washable viiin in white color. Burma-Teak woodgrain in furniture finish, In six standard sizes. magnetic catches and black colonial-style knobs. postformed countertops in Arborite Beige Scrim. SEE [5 FOR ALI. YOL'R NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS We carry Name Brand Floor 8: Ceiling Tiles 8; a Big Variety of Wall Panelling CAD/[MC BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. iitced lnv estinent SLIIIIC 'd I'E‘d . 'ictoria and Grey row and prosper. {(uiitmii" so ‘i" O0.0.0...OQOO...0.0000.......990.99....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’ PHONE 832-2271 KEELE ST.. MAPLE Norm of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. l‘IOLll:. 8.30 a in to 5 .HJ pin - l‘llda} 850 am to 9 pm - Sal 830 am to 5 pm SST-1107 ‘99.0.0....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?OOOOOOOOOOOOOO”OOOOOOOOOOO. O WWMOOOOOOOwQOOOOOOOO“OQ 0.9”...”

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