Georgie and Harry Burton were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. William Mustard in To- ronto on Friday evening. 0n Salurday evening there was 3 Burton Family shower for Charlotte . Mustard and Keith Burton. The shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Langford in Queens- ville. The children of the com- munity are asked to take part in the 10 am service that day as there will be no Sunday School. Neighborhood Notes Following the delicious din- ner, a ‘very interesting talk was given by Carmen Hamilton who compared junior farmers of 25 years ago with the modern day members. Sunday, December 13 is White Gift Sunday at Headford United, and gifts of canned goods, good used clothing or cash will be most welcome. The junior farmers held their annual turkey supper last Wed- nesday evening in Buttonville Hall. Several other hamlet bylaws, Including one for Victoria Square, are ready for third reading at any time. Church News The hamlet bylaws given third reading were as follows: Bylaw 2603, Box Grove; Bylaw 2604, Brown's Corners; Bylaw 2605, Buttonville; Bylaw 2606, Dixon's Hill The council also moved to amend the township‘s rural area zoning Bylaw 2325-68 to pro- hibit the raising of fur bearing animals in hamlets. Third and final reading was given in Markham Township Council November 16 for four hamlet development control by- laws.- Pass Markham Hamlet Growth Control laws Raymond and Pat Moss re- turned last weekend from a week's trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. The trip was a prize awarded by Gulf Oil to the B & M station operated by the Moss family. Mr. and Mrs. Moss senior were unable to go along because of Mrs. Moss’ recent illness. The Ernie Waltons are set- tled in their winter home at 409 Locklie Street, Dunedin, Florida. In a recent note Mrs.‘ Walton tells of their activities at the Methodist Church there.‘ with services, suppers and the like. Sounds like home. ' Members of Buttonville YCHA are presently gathering two or three days a week at the home of Mrs. Reg Allen in order to complete the table dec- orations for the doctors’ staff party in Richmond Hill next week. » Thist a wonderful opportun- ity to enjoy a game and shop at the same time. All proceeds are for York Central Hospital where the auxiliary provides the little extras that mean so much to hospital patients. M Neighborhood Notes It is YCHA benefit euchre night at Buttonville Hall Fri- day when the Buttonville Branch YCHA will be having a euchre party, bake sale and gift sale with prizes and re- freshments. RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 Headford News The cold has come â€" but you‘re prepared. Lucky folks â€" you thought to call us at 884-1313 and order metered service fuel oil. TIME FOR OUR FUEL OIL MRS. MARIE DUNLEAVY Phone 884-3035 Congratulations to Ross and Newest Patterns & Styles Give Him a . . . GIFT CERTIFICATE “Clothier to Gentlemen" Bond Clothes In The North Mall Richmond Heights Centre Made-to-Measure SUITS $89.50 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. E. LEAF R. R. Gormley Phone nï¬ï¬Yï¬â€˜SOLOMON RIVIERA SLACKS from $11.95 (Finished Same Day) Correspon dent: Guaranteed Fit BUTTONVILLE NEWS In a class for theSVe'digreed red clover seed, Dalton Rumney RR 2 Gormley, placed third. Davidson Brothers of Agin- court-Stouffville won a first in 2-1'owed barley and a fifth on soft white winter wheat. for Christmas trees For the second year in a row, Frank Hendry RR 1. Goodwood, Uxbridge Township farmer, walked off with three individual championships m classes for rye, carrots and onions. He had won the rye title in 1969. Uxbridge Farmers Win At Royal Winter Fair Next week the junior choir directed by Mrs. Marguerite Jones with Sharon Buch‘an‘an accompanist will entertain pa- tients at the St. John’s Conval- escent Hospital in Willowdale. On December 13 and 20 they will sing at White Gift and Christmas Services, and at the church concert on December 18. On Wednesday evening the Brown's Corners United Church Happy Timers, Unit 1 of the United Church Women held a scarf and pin demonstration and sale. The attendance was small but enthusiasm was high and people were in a buying mood -â€" a good night. Rev. Dugan spoke on “What do the Temptations Mean to Us?†and Mrs. Donald Reesor accompanied the senior choir in the anthem. It was the first Sunday in Advent this week and at Brown’s Corners United Church Gwen Hewitt assisted Rev. Chris Dugan with the lighting of the first candle. Next Sunday night at Mark- ham District High School. Cen- tennial Baptist Church is sponsoring an appreciation night for police officers in the area. Among the guests will be Chief Harvey Cox of Markham Town- ship and Chief Fred White of the Town of Markham. The Metro Police Silver Band will also be in attendance. Police officers in our local for- ces are second to none and d3- serve our support. I; should be an interesting evening. It was good to see Mrs. A. W. Miller back In the choir at Brown's Corners United Church Sunday Mrs. Miller has been unable to attend since her acci- dent last June. On Wednesday evening of last and T week the Buttonville ‘Women‘s ersley, Institute members catered Sunday when the junior farmers held mond 1‘ their annual banquet 31: Button- Steve ville Hall. There were about at York 185 guests present. mend E Church News _ The WI also decided to sell Albert Hawkins on November ,Lois Bake;- on the arrival of a Norman Brown had to re- tickets on the crib quilt. 25, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare ison, Graham, at Seal-bow Cen- turn to Sunnybrook Hospital The Tweedsmuir History Bolender on November 28. tenary Hospital on November last Thursday. His maDYiBOOK Committee elecfed were On Sunday at 7:30 pm the 16_ a brother for Leslie Ann friends hope this will be only’yMrs. Harry Smith, Miss Ferne Wainfleet Gospel Four, well and Sandra. Congratulations a Short stay. ‘Gamblev Ml‘S- Flï¬d Munroe and known quartette, will be preâ€" also to Proud grandparents. Bill! Miss Mary Thornton RN oerrS- Charles MIISted- . , ‘senting an evening of music at and Agnes Baker and the Aggaro, Ethiopia, Miss Cathy The December meetmg “’ln‘Heise Hill Church. Moorbys of Gormley. Ferguson RN, also of Ethiopia,be held December 16 at “‘9‘ The youth Christmas Ban- On Wednesday evening of last and T. Thornton of Kindâ€""11°me of Mrs- R°bert Rewiring}: for the Christian Service week the BUtmnvme ‘WOmen’s ersley. Saskatchewan spent When Mrs' Harry Hum wln‘Brigade Pioneer Girls Senior Institute members catered Sunday with Mr_ and Mrs. Des_ demonstrate floral arrangement‘Colonist‘S and Omega’ns was when the junior farmer_s held mend Meed. and gift wrapping. hm M “,MMHAM, “W†â€""’""’ [Neighborhood Notes Phone 499-0376 A number of Gormley resi- dents visited the Steckley Fun- eral Home in Barrie where Ewart Johnson of Shanty Bay was resting. Mr. Johnson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson who had the store and post office here at Gormley from 1904 to 1910. Several from our community enjoyed the Pennsylvania Ger- man Folklore Society banquet at Victoria Square Hall on Sat- urday evening. Dr. Eric Sisel of Huntsville was the guest speaker. Gormley Women’s InstituCe met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Clarence Cruick- shank with nine members pres- ent. It was decided to send $5 to the Save the Children Fund. Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. Annie Hilts, a long- ltime resident of Gormley, is improving in Galt Hospital. Mrs. Hilts was 90 years old in June. Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Sider and children of India were greeted at Malton on Thursday by their relatives here. Rev. and Mrs. Sider (nee Erma Heise) are home for a three month furlough. Miss Joyce Harvey celebrated another birthday Thursday. Joyce has not been in good health lately and is staying with Miss Irene Knights at Keswick. Mrs. Charles Milsted and Charleen had dinner Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan of Dundalk. Miss Betty Sproxton RN of Huancao, Peru, is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproxton. Betty was sent north as a com- panion to Mrs. Judith Colley of Kansas City who had suffered a stroke. She was allowed this opportunity to fly to Malton and spend a short time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barkey and family of Pickering visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproxton on Sunday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKinnon, Darlene and David who have moved into Hilda Hoadley’s apartment. Mrs. Norman Brown was a guest on Saturday at the wed- ding of her granddaughter Donna Deeks and Gordon Thomson at Marshall Memorial United Church in Ancaster. Little Shirley Brillinger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Brillinger, welcomed her baby brother, Stephen Walter, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yake cele- brated their 30th wedding an- niversary with their daughter and son-imlaw in Vineland last weekend. HGormley Neighborhaod Notes Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cam- pey and family of Trenton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Campey. Steven Meed was hospitalized at York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill, last Wednesday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Baker (nee Lois Moorby) on the birth of their baby boy. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED â€" 887-5445 s I The WI also decided to sell,A1bert Hawkins on November Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hall- rman spent the weekend with - relatives in Guelph. 1 Clarence Doner will be cele~ bratng his 80th birthday and his family will be holding Open House for him on Saturday at the home of his son and daugh-- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner. Three esteemed couples of the Missionary Church have celebrated their golden wed- ding anniversaries in Novem. her: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eade on November 7, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sudeyko of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sud- eyko. Russell Heise has been in bed this past week with an injured knee. Rev. and .Mrs. HaWey Hall- man attended the ministerial retreat at Hanover on Tuesday and Wednesday. Church News Both Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins have been faithful members of the Missionary Church through these 50 years. Their son, Ray, served as a printer under the Missionary Society for several years in Nigeria, Africa. On November 25, 1970, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins celebrated their golden wedding annivers- ary when 150 friends and rela- tives visited them. Mrs. Harry Mingay of Markham, sister of Mr. Hawkins, Mrs. Allan Ray- mer. also of Markham, and Mrs. Milton Cole of West Hill pour- ed tea in the afternoon. In the evening Mrs. Clifford Burkholder and Mrs. Delbert Baker were in charge of the tea table. The two daughters-in- law and granddaughters were assisted by Miss Bonnie Harvey in serving the guests. Telegrams were received from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Opposition Leader Robert Stanfield MP, John Roberts MP York Simcoe, May- or William Dennison of Toronto and Donald Deacon MLA York Centre. A beautiful floral bouquet was telegraphed from an eld- erly aunt. Mrs. Franklin Bow- man of Short Hills, New Jers- ey. Other beautiful gifts, flor- al arrangements and cards were tangible evidence of the esteem held for this fine cou- ple. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins lived! On Thursday the regular in or around Markham until Women’s Missionary Society they bought and moved to their meeting was held in the fellow- present farm on Concession 3, ship hall of the Missionary Whitchurch, in 1949. They have Church. The annual re-org- two sons, John and Ray, both anization was conducted by living in houses on the same Mrs. H. S. Hallman with the farm, and eight grandchildren. following elected: On November 15. 1920. Miss Minnie Raymer, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan- iel Raymer of Markham, was united in marriage with Albert Hawkins. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hawkins of Highland Creek with Rev. Robert Elth- rington officiating. Miss Nettie Raymer (later Mrs. Joseph Koch) was her sis- ter’s bridesmaid, and Joseph Raymer was best man. Wedding music was played by Miss Edith Raymer. I On Sunday at 7:30 pm the[ There were 17 tables of .Wainfleet Gospel Four, wellieuchre players at the com- lknown quartette, will be 'pre-Emunity hall last Friday evening, )senting an evenlng of musxc at and prize winning ladies were HEiSC Hm Churdl. iMrs. Jessie Grainger, Mrs. The youth Christmas Ban-Agnes Foster and Mrs. Harvey quet for the Christian Service Collard. Men prize winners Brigade, Pioneer Girls, Senior‘rwere George Foster. Howard Colonists and Omegans was’Gehring and Ed Fraser. held on WednESday- Some winners of the lucky At 7:30 pm on December 13 draw for apples were Linda the annual Sunday School Sepp, Jim Curtis and Charlie Christmas Program will be pre- Hart, sented in the Missionary ‘ - Church. _.Tl‘°_‘f‘f"3.f‘ff‘l‘f.?af§y “11.35 Work Committee Mrs. Mur- ray Bennett. Mrs. Paul Bolen- der, Mrs. William Hall and Mrs. Allan Empringham. President Mrs. Geoff Campey, Vice-President Mrs. Fred Yake. Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Jack Wright, Assistant Secretary- Treasurer Mrs. H. S. Hallman. Program Committee - the ex- ecutive plus Mrs. Barry Ben- field, Mrs. Ron Elliott and Mrs. Murray Bennett. At the close of the service, Mrs. William Hall was pre- sented with a lovely shower for her baby daughter, Gloria. The junior sewing circle of' Heise Hill Church met on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Ron Empringham. The joint sewing circles of Heise Hill Church held their Christmas meeting on Monday in the form of a Christmas din- net. Jim had four rambunctions boys and only one room for them to sleep in. Now, he needed to turn the TV room into another bedroom. His ï¬rst move was to the Commerce. Where he asked for a Bankplan loan. \Ve sat down with Jim and found out how much furniture, rugs, and re-decorating the room would cost. Then we set up a monthly repayment plan that his budget could afford. This kindiof planned personal service is why we call it a Bankplan loan. More of us do more for you at the Commerce. Jim Easton got a Commerce Bankplan loan and se arated ths boys from e boys. Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Kenneth Petty will de- monstrate her tumbling-rock jeWellery, and a hearty invita- tion is extended to all the Dadies of the community. The Union Villa Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar will be held at the Villa, 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Last Saturday afternoon Miss} Patricia Butler of Aurora and} Nelson McKay of Toronto Were married in a candlelight servicel in V i c t o ria Square United Church. Rev. Martin Jenkinson officiated. gulcllllcu ‘IU Jcala UCLCJII,‘ at 8 pm December 11 -â€"- the ‘ last for this year. The first Church News euchre of 1971 Will be 0“ Janu‘ The small basket of flowers ary 8, so keep this date open- on the communion table of Vic- A very succeSSfUI turkey toria Square United Sunday shoot, Sponsored by Victoria morning and the pink candala- Square Lions Club was held bra were from the McKay-But- Saturday at the park- zler Wedding on Saturday. The annual meeting of the Victoria Square Community Centre Board of Trustees will be held at 8 pm Monday at the hall. Everyone is urged to at- tend. The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at 8 pm Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John McCague. For roll call bring a gift valued at $1. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT RR. 2, Gormley â€" _-._.r "WV , It’s one more way more ofus do more for you at the Commerce. Whether you need money to make room for an expanding family or to plan for the education ofa teenage daughter or son, we’d like to help with a carefully worked out Bankplan loan. , ‘: MRS. W. SANDLE A reception at the Summit Golf and Country Club. Jeffer- son, followed. The happy couple will be living in Toronto. Wedding anniversary greet. ings to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis married 34 years Decem- ber 5, Mr. and Mrs. William Orr married 54 years December 6, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Har- die married 26 years Decem- ber 9. Leave a border around each stamp so that the stamps will not be damaged. Most of us think of this as a project at Christmas time, but it is actually something that we would like to carry out all year round. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Rolph Boynton December 3. Harvey Collard December 5 and Don Canning December 7. The church service on Sunday morning was by candlelight. Gifts of used clothing, canned goods of any kind are urgently needed. Cash gifts of any amount will also be most wel- come. It is nearing the time of year when greeting cards will be coming, so please remember to save your used stamps and give them to Mrs. A. Frisby for the Lepper Mission. ‘ The annual White Gift Ser- vice will be held at 11:30 am December 13. This is the day that we remember tHose less fortunate than ourselves. Telephone 887-5421 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Des. 3, 1970' CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Build YOUR Financial Future OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE MEMBERS â€"â€" Life-insured savings with share dividends -â€" 71/2% Deposit Account rates still available ~â€"â€" Remember our low-cost loans It’s easy to become a member, just call our office today! Office Hours: 10:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Mon. to Fri. 7:30 pm. - 9:00 pm. Mon. and Fri. Richmond Hill COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 66 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill at your