THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 3. 1970 Popular Nude Sculpture Gives Unionville Old Folks Home “Swinging†Image beach lnmer touched people so tired BY HAROLD BLAINE Did the .lolly Green Giant turn brown for fall. lose his leaves. and move to the lawn of Union Villa? Ho! Ho! Ho! . Whatever the giant statue is. he‘s undoubtedly the conversa- tion piece of UnionVille Markv ham Town and Township. The sculpture leaves nothing to the imagination about the mal anatomy. “Exuberanceâ€, the front of Union Villa, has become quite a conversation piece and local attraction s the new senior citizens’ residence at Unionville. The sculpture is intended to symbolize the exuberant and “swinging†life sought in community project. Local residents in large numâ€" bers are having a look for them- selves and ‘are undoubtedly making 'up their minds about what they think. Every day there is a steady stream of cars pulling off High- way 7 into the senior citizen home parking area. The vehicles pause before the nude statue and move out. again. Ladies pretend to be talking. and peek. Men just look. “Everybody is getting their“ picture taken with it. I guess the old ladies like it." said onel workman passing by. “Look at that." he remarked to another visitor. "You're a dirty old mamâ€; came the reply out of a wide grin. “I think the thing is down-‘ right obscene,†said one elderly Woman. “They should get the news-l paper up and get a picture of grandchild over his head complete abandon. the afternoon sun. approaching the entrance of the. senior citizen rcs1dcnce. dominates the scene. lit, statue gives the place a .plcasant human character and in the It is on the lawn in front of and frightened Union Villa's glassâ€"fronted din- soul Alas. in body and best emotions, made waiting to reason has gently. knows that such an ac. me so much of the cathedral at it i see it in its entirety. not home for 163 tion encompasses many of life‘s builders of the Gothic age that just a particular section" The sculpture my contribution became what . the majority of he. is Simply my way of saying it is." ing room. facing southwest and holders not only grasp the sig- ‘Gloria in excelsis deo'. For (‘al ‘nificance of the sculpture. but It is encountered by everyone also identify with it. “For anyone who ever obeyed and an urge of gladness. tossed a Zooduill child There is no doubt the flood- lensely ".\nd standing there in l'nâ€" trator oi‘ l'nion Villa, the sculp- ionville, it is also a compli- lure is a thin: of beauty. the mcnt to all whose strength of "I never come to work and about our home and the dream of pass by ll without seeing a new out to see it. into the air and stood Unionville Home come true. It swccp, or catch it was that spirit which reminded line." i BOB BRABY'S Performance Centre / Racing Engines ONE-STOP RACE CAR PREPARATION Chrysler Products Our Specialty PHONE 889-1116 14 Essex Avenue. l'nit 34 - Thornhill. Ont. MACHINE SHOP SERVICES elderly York County people. There are to Whether the talk praises the he 80 Single rooms, 25 double said sculptor Cntermann. statue or not doesn‘t really rooms. 18 double bed care Peppler, adminis- matter. says the administrator. rooms. and an infii'mary. There "The important thing is that are also craft rooms. a green- pcople here are talking house. gift shop. a library. coming small dining areas where resi- This is what we dents can cntcrtain their famil- anoilior graceful want.“ tics, a restaurant television he sajs. “When i look L'nion Villa is planned as and interdcnominational chapel. endoro'iiy’stuart‘s Studio) giant nude sculpture in ince the recent opening of the operation of this new makes it something other than; just another building. Habitues don't seem to even‘ notice it. Female employees‘l walk by. doing things like dig‘ in their purses for car keys. They drive away without giving it a glance. Youngsters ride by on bicy- cles and don‘t even notice. Titled "Exuberance", the sculpture has engendered quite a bit of public comment. espe- cially after Robert Andras. Fed- _ eral Minister responsible fori housing, officially opened Union‘ Villa last month. It is done in welded metal and is painted a lustrous brown.‘ According to its creator.l Gerd Untermann. a Berlin na-i tive now in Toronto. "Exuber- ance" is intended to symbolize the continuation of a virile and useful life. He sees his work in direct relationship to what is happening inside the residence.‘ "The people who look at “Ex-l it. They had one before. but itiuberance†and call it obscenei was covered up," said the work-tare the same who hasten to _ man. The sculpture is of a nude. _ man. twice life size. tossing his. Town Council Backsl Tire Studs In North The Ontario Government has| ’ taken steps to ban the use of. studded tires in the province' after April 30. 1971. Richmond Hill Town Council is on record as approving this legislation a few weeks ago. because of dam- age to the road surfaces and the highway markings. :cover a naked three-year-old on l l Beer, Liquor Stores Beer and liquor stores in Richmond Hill and other Ont- ario locations will be closed Christmas, Boxing and New Year's Days and will close at 6pm Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Spokesmen for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario and Brewer‘s Warehousing Company; Limited said outlets that norm-3 Holiday Season Hours ' Magellan «mun-WWI»... .. softener during rinse o Durable mini-wash basket 0 3 washâ€"rinse temperature settings 0 Delicate fabric and permanent press cycle 0 3 water levels plus separate mini-wash O 2 wash speeds Automatic Dryer with permanent press cycle 0 Safety start switch 0 Setting for permanent press and wash ’n wear g You r‘e milesAahead at: \c g5 s. Automatic Washer with Mini-Wash Basket and free Jet Swirl Fabric Softener 0 Jet Swirl automatically dispenses fabric \‘~~~-~‘ ' N \ ‘s‘\' "é. is} . 25" COLOR TV A superb. top value table model with hand- some cabinet finished in walnut-grained vinyl. Color minder control; set and forget volume control. Pre-set fine tuning; Insta- View reception â€" no long wait for tubes to warm up. Resonant 6†x4†speakers. And of course, perfect vivid color. 133148 LIB 307 9CHARGE lT! 2†come TV , THE ELEGANT GRANDEE Handsome, yet elegant describe GE’s latest ultra-fine features. A new 26" straight-edged screen conceals the brightest picture tube ever built into a TV. In addition: lnsta-View reception, a Customatic Tint Lock, automatic fine tuning control . . . and much more! 7-year protection plan on the picture, and Monday November 23_ the ally close at 6 or 8pm will l'€-‘ same c o u n 0 i1 approved a main open until 9 pm December 1 year free home service. resolution from the Town of 21‘ 22' 23 and 30 in “105‘ al'eag'l . 4-way venlllatlon A ' Timmins asking that the use of “Hours in Swiss] ‘1?!“ norm" . Porcelaln enamEI drum G“ studded tires in Northern Ont- a y Sta-V Op?" “'1†pm “105‘ . L ‘ 5.. . . . . - . - . ‘ argelinttrap .x at .- <' «x at: arm during the “.mter months of which are in Metropolitan ‘ ’ . I yrs Q X . K \k .. t \ 3 .« be permitted The northern gold areas will remain the same. . High speed setting O$§f ukiKASWNWiN§QN .79. (fox c mining town council believes Beer stores that normally ;§\‘\ ‘9 Rm,“ > ‘ \\\§\\:§.§§~ N§a-xwv \N or \"y«\' flaw \"\ We the additional “few afforded open at noon will open two , {Mix r...“ 4 suck: \NW N M ‘Q Isa-“fl rs. "ix g‘~\§ o l T » y E ‘ -. .. hours earlier Decem r 24 and “s u' \b‘“\?~\:~\‘\\ \ \‘i \ \s“ (r . s. .- . . .. ' 'i‘ by the use of studded tires far he xv §\\\\\ N §\ \“\§\\ s §~§.\s\‘_ \ \4 gr § _ ~~ , . . outweighs alleged damage studs 31- _ l “’5‘? 0‘3" * “Eâ€; ‘t C \ A i I I E are supposed to cause to road-‘ $303â€: . . n gnaw wet!“ - . “55- Samson Dominion Councillor Lois Hancey felt the government will understand that Richmond Hill favors the banning of studded tires in Southern Ontario but belie\es their use should be permitted in the northern part of the prov- ince. ‘ Vaughan Township Council has officially backed the prov- ince's ban on the tires. but King Township Council on October 19 shelved the matter. as council- lors expressed the belief that studded tires were not all bad, Massachusetts motorists can use studded snow tires for three more years. it is reported. until results of two studies being c0n-. groted have been assessed. Even _ en. the proposed banning s! ' ‘ legislation will only limit their.;rwhn‘0nd 1â€â€œ 11's: to winter months. November [V C E E: Electric Mixer Lightweight portable mixer Offers $ storage compartment. AC converter or4 / "D" cell batteries operate the unit. Also includes remote control mike and a blanktape cassette. \“l N --.“1~.>\ \{s‘s . J .P-rï¬â€˜ § 1 A rugged, portable cassette tape recorder with GEquality. This modelfeatureslbwlt- in Automatic Level Control. A Slide-a- matic T-Barfunction control. Microphone 3 speeds and Nylon beaters With fingertip ejection. Detachable cord. Full 1 year warranty. Ch0ice of White. Avocado or Harvest Gold. s». I x †}Ԥ\\ ‘ ‘\ \w“, :3 ï¬xs‘rl... See all these great buys at: Christmas Layaway. 51 Down KKWKYI’KKHIKHKHRKKIï¬HK’IKKKKKKII A mmmmmmmmmmanarmamamammmammamaamamam IE ‘ ii sTonEs it 0 319i ‘ m are already ban- gwhere the RFII'V‘V‘l Action is ~ "r" 'emstates‘ “WW0†"F'G’m ’5 ' ‘ " NTRE RI HM ND HILL 8 8 4 4 4 xgw CHRISTMAS urn RS, MONDAY T0 FRIDAY, †111l "3â€" ‘ “"7"†3: RICHMOND HEIGH'S CE __V___†0‘ ___w E n a _ __,g_.__ s AJI. TO 9. PM. _ SATL'RDAYS. s Adi. TO 6 PM.