'14 jbscelyn, Laughlin, \ Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. EEONARD a. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Awauntnnk Telephone 884-7110 84 Yongo St. South Aurora. Ontario 884-4474â€"5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 306 Bayview Plan Telephone 889-8275 889-6662 By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. 1’. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Brian H. Cowan PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL Edith M. McCall ELECTROLOGIST Hours: 9 mm. - 1 pm. & 4 pm. - 9 11.111. Richmond Hill Tree Service & : Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Axborist STOUFFVILLE: The lease on the present police cruiser ex- pires December 31 and the matter will be brought to the attention of the York Regional Police Commission. The car's mileage meter registers 94,0001 miles. Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Auto Transmission Accountants 3A7“: DAY nnv CLEANING SERVICE... A Same Day Shirt Service PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . IN BY 10 â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Phone Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare†SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Leno’s Machine Shop CUSTOM WORK Electrolysis . . ‘A. W. Kirchen, O.D. Engineerlng ‘ 17 Yonge St. N. â€"* Richmond Hill Carpentry THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 3, 1970 STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry 884-6663 INBYIOâ€"OUTBY5 MONDAY TO SATURDAY 884-8771 884-77 74 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Barrow Insurance SerVIces ltd. Toronto 363-3! 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Ernie Brock & Son 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Corner Agency Limited Sporting Goods Fire. Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Thornhill - 889-0242 Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. Rear 47 Yonge st. S. Aurora, Ontario Optometrists Ontario Land Surveyors Insurance Yates & Yates 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale By Appointment Surveyors 884-3962 221-3485 Supplies 363-3959 lPaint-Wallpaper RUMBLE TRANSPORT BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Bunny Snow’s In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill ART STUDIOS Mmlmu1i\uuuuuuuml\1munummm“\1\uuuuunumum“w P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling Complete Antenna Service AGS and ROGERS MAJESTIC SALES and SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals mu1mmuull\mmumuumummuum1u\\\\\m\\\uuu\\\\umu\m VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 9114 Yonge St. Richvale 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN FREE DELIVERY NEW IN TOWN INTERIORS LTD. Phone 884-6521 TV Repairs Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 889-1059 and don ’t know which way to turn, call the Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 ï¬mflvgggg awn/m, If you’re ' slightly less next spring. Our basic divergence from the Benson White Paper was to insist that considerations of growth were as important as equity in framing a tax system. Like the government we advo- cated a capital gains tax â€"â€" but at lighter rates. The White Paper had suggested that capital gains be taxed as ordin- ary income â€" the committee urged that they be taxed at half the rate of personal income tax. In practice this 'would introduce a capital gains tax in Canada at than American levels. On the most fundamental ls- sue the committee supported the government proposal. That issue is integration. The White Paper proposed that a credit be given to company shareholders for the corporation tax which had been paid on company pro- fits. This credit they could ap- ply to their personal tax. For large companies with stock is- sued in the stock market the credit would be 50% of tax. For others it would be a complete credit. The purpose of the proposal is to avoid the "double" taxation mhinh n+hprwise would take Most of my summer was rate schedule, but with impor- spent in Ottawa helping to draft tant modifications. Instead of the report of the House of applying a top rate of 50 Per Commons Committee on Tax cent on income over $24,000, as Reform. Our report was pre- the White Paper proposes, the sented to the Commons early in committee would apply the 50 October and provides I believe. per cent rate at $30.000 01‘ both an equitable and accept- higher and it recommends a top able basis for the government‘slrate of 60 per cent on income legislation -â€" expected early over $60,000. He)“ Spï¬ng- A On the most fundamental is: The committee urged that no capital gains tax *bc_ collected on the sale of a residence. nor‘ on stock shares every five years (as proposed by the government) nor on personal property valued under $1,000 per item. Making these changes lead us to re- commend that the tax on capital gains be applied upon death, and this in turn led us to re- commend a great relaxation on estate taxes â€"- «namely that no estate tax be collected on es- tates valued at less than $150,- 000. Business men will be interes- ted in proposals which will af- fect them. We recommended there be strict accounting on claimed business expenses. We were extremely concerned about the position of small businesses â€"this is one are-a where there is great public controversy. The committee decided small busi- nesses should be helped â€"-â€" but it could not agree on whether this assistance should be to all small businesses, those which are new businesses, or those that are growth businesses. The committee supported the basic approach to the mineral re- source industries outlined in the White Paper, but adopted pro- posals to encourage more pro- cessing of these resources in Canada. The Commons Committee ac- cepts the White Paper proposal to raise personal exemptions to $1,400 from $1,000 for single persons and to $2,800 from $2,000 for married persons. V The Commons Committee ac- cepts the form of the proposed Now is the time to make pro- vision for proper and convenient care of your dog during the coming winter, says local Can- ine Control Officer James Ryan. Canine Control Officer Advises Dog Owners 0n Wintertime Care Keeping animals in applies the whole year round, not just in summer, says Mr. Ryan. “If a dog is unfortunate en- ough to be hit by a car and in- jujred in winter, it suffers a lot more than in summer. So to av- oid getting them 'hurt in the first place keep them under con- trol. “Anybody who lets his dog run is simply displaying to the world he really isn‘t an animal lover in any way. People whose animals are found running at large can be charged and fined up to $50 for the offence," says the canine control officer. If your dog is kept in a fen. ced yard. now is the time to check the fence to see if it is secure. There will soon be frost and ice to hamper repair work. Benson’s White Paper On Taxation If a dog is kept outside in a kennel or house. the building should be insulated if possible. The dog house should be raised from the ground on two pieces of wood. or in some other way, so there is an air gap between the floor and ground. A draft cloth of some kind should be hung over the ken- nel opening. Sacking or canvas are suitable materials. This keeps drafts away from your dog. r‘People who would normally tie their dogs securely during the day may find it impossible Avod the Christmas blush. a El ea ry. Out 0% town: Dec. 13th. Local: Dec. 17th. John Roberts MP The purpose of the proposal is‘ to avoid the “double†taxation which otherwise would take place on company profits. The committee decided that is was difficult to apply differ- ent standards to the two kinds of businesses. It recommended therefore a 50% credit of tax for ,all companies. ’ In sum. the proposals put for- ward by the committee meet most of the criticism levelled against the White Paper. One corresponding result, however, is that the low income earners. w‘hile assisted by the commit- tee proposal, will not improve their position as much as the original White Paper suggested. My own hope is that the Minis- ter of Finance, Mr. Benson will be able to go further in this direction that the committee was able to go. I have a limited number of‘ copies of the committee report â€"- I urge those who want more detail on our tax reform pro- posals to write me for a copy â€"â€" care of the House of Com- mons, Ottawa. You might be interested in the response to the question- naire I sent to every house in York Simcoe «asking, among other things, “DO YOU FAVOR THE GOVERNMENT TAX RE- FORM PROPOSALS? "its: 33%; N0: 41%; NOT SURE: 26%. OTTAWA REPORT Interestingly the young fav- ored it â€"- the age group 18 to 25 supported by a ratio of 4to 1. But the over 25 age group had three opposed for every two supporters. and a large group were undecided -â€"â€" especially in Aurora and Newmarket. to do this in winter. This may be particularly true for the lad-y of the house if she has forgotten about the chain and has allowed it to become buried in the ice or snow. The best way to prevent this is to provide now for a high place to hang the chain when it isn’t being used," says Mr. Ryan. LEMONVILLE â€"- A beautiful thoroughbred filly, owned by Jim and Louise Milligan of Lemonville, in Whitchurch Township came home a double winner from the Royal Winter Fair. ‘ Dogs kep/c out all night in winter should be the long- haired variety. Short-haired dogs are usually unable to with- stand long severe cold nights in winter without suffering ex- posure. Precautions taken now will help keep dogs off the roads in winter time. Allowing dogs to run in winter is unfair both to the animals and to the motor- ists. On icy roads a dog doesn’t stand a chance, and the motorist has even less of a chance, says Mr. Ryan. Dogs running loose can cause motorists to have ac- ciden’ts. For further advice on winter care of your dog, Mr. Ryan in- vites owners to call Canine Con- trol at 8894081 or 887-5562. She not only topped the year- ling filly class, but also went on to take the junior championsnlp. Her siré is Nashua Belle. owned by James Sabiston of Unionville‘ YORK SIMCOE (Continued from Page 2) theory of directing and acting. Michael, after casting the play in the conven- tional way of most directors, stepped out of the “moldâ€. He started the whole group on improvis- ations. trust exercises and individual confrontation of each other in a positive way. Thus, in a very short time in a room filled with strangers, Michael could easily select those who domineered, took com- mand, and those who were in need of his help in confidence building. A neat trick indeed! Judy was beside herself as she tried to explainâ€" “We all sat in a circle and Michael crushed a paper bag, shaped it and convinced us it was a dying bird. Then he passed it to the first person in the circle . . . you should have seen their faces Bonnie (fantastic!). We really believed it was a wounded bird and some of the people actually had tears in their eyes as they cradled it to their breasts. In a few minutes it took the bird to go full circle, we became one in our grief for this creature. As the last person handed it back to Michael, he moved to the centre of the circle, laid the bird gently down -â€" then violently smashed down and crushed it under his heel. Explosive results! In- stant hatred! The whole group turned on him, normally shy young girls swore vehemently at him and others started toward him.†(Pretty powerful stuff eh?) Judy told me of other exercises he had them perform and was clearly_excited ahout it. Michael plans to have all these “strangers†continue like this until Christmas, without so much as a glance at the script. He can afford this luxury because “Birdie†won’t be staged until May when it opens at Hart House. He is extremely pleased with last week’s confrontation and feels his people are reallyrbecoming a cohesive group. If Judy’s reaction is indicative of the remaining members of the cast, Michael Stanwick is capable of fantastic person-to-person results. Enthusiasm? I’m not even in this thing and I’m enthusiastic! Terrific! months from now). CHRISTMAS DANCE & BUFFET SUPPER Saturday, Dec. 5th - 8:30 PM. at the LIONS HALL In The Spotlight Featuring: The Hi-Hats The Band With A Beat! 102 Centre St. E. - Richmond Hill Spot and Door Prizes - Bar Facilities Tickets Only $1.50 Each â€" Available at Seafood Corner. North Mall, Richmond Heights Centre or at the door. Sponsored by 1.0.F. Court Simcoe 1314 (I‘ll let you know how Bye-Bye Birdie fares six any Beetle ever. “it has a 'cerngieteiy new suspension system for a softer ride. The front track is wider for better hondiing. The brakes are bigger for quicker stops. It has a longer wheelbase than the Beetie. Yet it has a shorter turning radius for easier parking. All in on, it's 89 ways better than the Beetle Vlfhtâ€"e'reby making it the only this year that stands any chant the Volkswagen. _ of old. And if yoi think ob as any greaf‘surprise. Uauu, Ulww- â€"v.lâ€"..- Because this yea {of all years, If anyone was going to build a new small car to be better than the Volkswagen, you knew who it would be. . 178 YONGE STREET NORTH/RICHMOND HILL/889-7701 It has a trunk that carries twice asrï¬iuch as W. 8: P. Motors Limited The Super Beetle. about if, that shouldn't come the only new smafl car any chance of replacing Let it throw! This is TORO'S rugged 14" SNOW PUP.“ Throws snow up to 15 feet. Cleans a 50-foot driveway in ten minutes flat. Weighs orin 22 lbs. (80 even the wife and kids can handle him.) 1 No chute to clog. 1:19_'ét9Ia$1.6 BFleem. j When the weather outSIde lS frlghtful Let it throw! This is TORO'S husky 20" SNOW HOUND.° 31/2 h.p. Rugged chain drive. Bites into snow as deep as 16 inches. Hurls up to half a ton of snow a minute. Yet. it won't cost you $400 like a lot of other big snow mowers, Take one home / Let it throw! 399 CROSBY AVE. This is the new "526" -â€"superior in every way to other, comparably priced- snowthrowers. Pivoting scraper blade cleans right down to the pavement without hanging up. ‘ The 14†impeller throws snow faster and farther than olhaLmiLs, TORQ You don‘t need a lotta dough to handle a lotta snow. REID LAWNMOWER SALES & SERVICE 884-7716