Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1970, p. 5

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23 Skiddoo. Oh you kid â€"‘ these sayings of the Roaring Twenties were brought to life again Friday night when the 18- dies auxiliary presented their annual show. This year the theme was of fringed dresses, bobbed hair, head-bands and bath-tub gin. “375th Avenue Speak-Easy”. Say who sent you. If anyone missed this show â€" you missed a treat. These girls were a treat to watch. So many funny sketches that it is hard to pick out anyone for particular men- tion. The same applies to indi: viduals. Can mention one thing, they had everyone howl- ing. Our Elsie Burnie, just ,going off stage. showing a part of her bloomers. The audience went wild girls â€" and I use that word properly because if you can put on a show like this every year, you'll never grow old -â€" you were just great. The cos- tumes for the show were made by Lucy Rickard. J-‘WbIIVA-D vvu.r . u - . . v w v . - w . . “ â€" . _ _ V . . , E lights broken, and foul language used by children The trustees are hoping that by posting signs % in the school grounds. and giving police the necessary authorization to 5 She reported in an interview that it was investigate complaints, the annoyance and van- ; impossible to entertain guests outdoors on a nice dalism will be reduced. at- Will‘llllmlmllllllllllmllllilllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\ll\llllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllull“lllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllmullillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-F ll!llll“lllllllllllllllllllllll At the conclusiOn of the show. President Joan Dickson of the auxiliary presented Pres- ident Douglas Hopson with a cheque for $1,500.00. The lad- ies of the auxiliary worked many long hours to raise this money to aid the branch. Com- rade Doug‘s sincere words of thanks expressed the feelings of all the members. We had a further surprise when President Dickson pre- sented Frances Bloss with the Zone E2 certificate and bursary to further her education. Miss Bloss is in her first year at York University. Please accept our sincere congratulations, Miss Bloss. To all the members of the ladies auxiliaryâ€"a very hearty “Thank You" for such 3 won- ~nuumuumuummmnmum“nlu\ummmmmmuuumm\nu1mmmuunmummwmum“I\muunuumnuu“mun“ummm1mumuuuuumuu1l11nx11xllnu\mulmuuumuunnmumnuumumumuuuuummmun1nuuuuul1‘xuuumunuuumulmmumuu Go Anywhere/AnyTime with 4-Wheel Drive The board’s solicitor and various police de- partments were asked what police require in order to enter school grounds to investigate com- plaints. ._ r ___ ._ . . .4. ll,,_ property. r ........ A resident of Neal Drive for 14 years, Mrs. Hagborg lives just behind Beverley Acres School. She reports that the situation there has improved with the shorter days and cooler vyeather. ' -H-o-v'vever {Ii-cola” Weather, ice often forms in low-lying areas on the school grounds and children skate there. 889-1189 Previously when citizens have complained to police about noise and vandalism, they have been told by local police that they have no authority to remove trespassers from school Following a complaint in September by 3 Richmond Hill woman, Mrs. Marilyn Hagbord of 298 Neal Drive, that motorcycles posed a danger to children playing on school grounds, the trus- tees directed staff to investigate. “Snowmobiles are a real danger to the child- ren,” she told “The Liberal”. . Motorized vehicles are not the only problem at Beverley Acres, however. In a letter she sent to Richmond Hill Council September 8 Mrs. Hagborg complained of vandalism, windows and lights broken, and foul language used by children in the school grounds. Following protests from citizens in various parts of the county, the board agreed at its meet- ing November 9 that signs should be put up on school properties prohibiting the use of motor- lzed vehicles on school premises. In addition, letters will be sent to all police departments in the county giving police authority to proceed under the Petty Trespass Act against trespassers on school property. Ban Snowmobiles, Motor Vehicles From York County School Property People riding snowmobiles, mini-bikes, motor cycles and other motorized vehicles around the school grounds belonging to York County Board of Education are now subject to fines of from $10 to $100. WEE a wneu WM: FAKER ’S TBSl-III‘IVB ll illSl Illl‘ Illll Sales & Service (1968) LTD. 9144 YONGE ST. Just South of Richmond Hill ‘JGBIJ' Ladies Auxiliary Present $1,500 Cheque to Branch 375 Universal Your legion Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 889-1799 Old tunes, new tunes, polkas â€"- all well mixed to provide fun for all. This is something dif- ferent and met with the ap- ‘proval of all. Won‘t you come back again fellows â€"- you are great. During the evening members of the auxiliary sold tickets on a mystery draw. Who is going to win and what? Three members of the show drew the winning tickets and these are the winners: Gloria Sanford (530152) the winner Mrs. Pete, a mystery prize; Joan Dickson (530157) a bushel of groceries won by Mrs. Sanders. derful evening of entertain- ment. Following the show and pre- sentations â€"- we had a further treat. The Ulster Accordion Band of Toronto to play for our dancing pleasure. Some dozen members of this well known group put on a dancing session that turned everyone on. These two ladies later told me that this was the first time they had won anything. Lucy Rickard (530317) a basket of‘ vegetables won by Tommy. Sanford. ‘ Then back to dancing. So the evening passed. Nice people to meet. good dancing music. most of all friendship. Won’t you all come out” to a Branch 375 social evening and join in the fun? Say Bob. during the evening many people asked me if our pixilated emcee was in any way related to gravel-voiced Andy Devine. How’s that for a com- pliment! The wires are tapping that birthday greetings are in order. Also hear that a few wedding anniversaries are being cele- brated. Special birth-day greet- ings to Sam Johnson, Edie Tit- shall and Cec Bolton. Here’s news that should cheer your hearts. mates. The latest gen has it that in social sports against Woodbridge. our branch has come out tops for the past two weekends. Way to go lads. Don't forget the December 12 bowling dance. Tickets $1.50 per person. This event promises to be a ball. Any further infor: mation needed, then call George Diceman at 832-1298 or at the Legion (884-0086) after 7 pm. New Year's Eve. This is the Thing. Come to where the ac- tion is. Wear your best bib andfg tucker. Have fun. Good music. I Hot buffet. Tickets $12.00 per§ couple. More about this in com-: ing weeks. ', r mikummmum xi Ill 7 As you know it ls coming up; __ coffee, plates &‘cups_ ' . . . I Christmas Party tlme. Thls year lady members of the; BAR SERVICE IF REQUIRED 1 321?:i‘e;s"é:fi::::§° £3: :1“? For information 332.1212 i on December 13. Next Friday‘ Phone evening at th soc’al do, they; - ' tre will be selling6 ticklets on mys-‘l l RIChmond Helggizzczeln tery prizes to raise funds for‘ MAPLE pLAZA, MAPLE 1 Telephone - this event. Won't you come out, ‘:______________â€"____,» and maybe be a lucky winner.I5;guaflxxflxmmnzxxmzfizaxmezzmzemaémemmxkKxxzéaeaizxxaxxxaaxuzsxamemfi The Midget League Hockey!! Dance followed the Grey Cup 3' game last Saturday. In support: of midget hockey, this event was in the capable hands of George Sullivan. From all re- ports ii was a smashing suc- cess. The door prize was a pair of tickets (reds) to a Maple Leaf game. The lucky winner was Arthur Rickard. I IKMKKKKKKKWKK 9! that should I * winner“ 0U 1Ull c on. o. luuxuuuuu 11111 ;uv.w UV- ---- fl 1 ’ 5 Minister of Social and Family Services John Yaremko atten- ded the official opening of the new wing to York Manor, New- market. He presented a cheque for $70,025.10 as part of the On- tario Government’s contribution to this home for the aged. A provincial grant of $250 has been approved to undertake a preliminary study at the head- waters of the Schomberg River for possible acquisition in the future of conservation lands in the Pottageville Conservation Area. Energy and Resources Man- agement Minister George Kerr is studying legislation to stop littering and waste-processing problems caused by non-return- able containers. He has in. day, ‘The language is very embarrassing. It was so nice and peaceful when we came here. It is a shame that it is going like this.” When the school was built about 13 years ago, the caretaker laid out beautiful gardens, and the grounds were very attractive, Mrs. Hagborg reports. 7 But things have changed. ‘ , “It is hérd tovunderstand tHe vandalism. It gets your dander up. This is our home, and we want to stay here.” “The troubie-makers”, she saysâ€"“look like lost sheep. They sit in doorways of the school in the rain and snow. They seem to have no place to go.” Since the school is surrounded by a large com- munity of medium-priced homes, there is a very large population of children of all ages, but no organized recreational program outside of the Cubs, Guides and some softball in the spring. The board heard similar complaints from a deputation of parents and youth leaders from East Gwillimbury Heights last spring. They complained that adults and children using Maple Leaf School in the heart of the subdivision were constantly harrassed by hoodlums and vandals, but could not get the police to act without authority from the board. Although the police could take action if they caught the vandals in the act, or find people to identify them, Mrs. Hagborg found that it was not much use to call the police. By the time they arrived, the culprits would have disappeared._ On the other hand, she does not want to see children excluded from the property com- pletely as the school is well used by the com- munity for meetings of Cubs and Guides, but she feels the board would be wise to construct a high fence and a gate with a lock. Authorized adults could be issued keys when they were given permits .to use the school or the gronds, declares Mrs. Hagborg, but the vandals and disturbers of the peace would be excluded. DON LITTLE FORD SALES LTD. Potato Salad, Coleslaw, European Variety of meats and cheeses, pickles, buns, bread & butter â€"- coffee, plates & cups. BAR SERVICE IF REQUIRED Per Day Plus 7c Mile Pop Bottle Legislation Coming! 168 Yonge St., Richmond Hill v Featuring Gifts of Distinction KAYSER SLEEPWEAR - LOUNGE WEAR BLOUSES - - - SLACKS PANT SUITS and Many More Fashionable Gifts USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN 30 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Phone 884-3163 PINTO $6.50 er Day Per Day Per Da; 3 7c Mile Plus 8c Mile Plus 10c 1‘ (Insurance Included) Also Available . . . Ford Custom 500 Hardtops and Station Wagons Buffet Style Catering to Clubs & Parties COMPLETE MEAL WNNIFORM UNlQUE Special Weekend and Weekly Rates OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS MAVERICKS MUSTAN GS $7.50 $9.50 Queen 3 Park Report RENT- A - CAR William Hodgson MLA. dicated that one of the obvious ways of doing this is to require a deposit on all soft drink con- tainers and that both cans and bottles be returnable. Mr. Kerr also announced he is considering increasing the deâ€" posit on soft drink bottles, at- tempting to arrive at standard- ization on three or four bottle shapes and letting grocers charge soft drink producers for handling bottles. He stated he has been told cans can easily be made returnable and reusable. Three new parks were opened this summer to give Ontario a total of 100 provincial parks in operation. Their total area ex- ceeds eight million acres. An ad- ditional 75 provincial park areas are held in reserve for future development by the Department of Lands and Forests. $1.45 â€"per Plate York North Per Day Plus 10c Mile 889-1105 How DOES a plane fly? Last Thursday 778 Squadron saw the film, “How An Airplane Flies", as part of their training. The four forces acting on an airplane were explained. They are lift and weight and drag and thrust. Lift must be equal to weight and thrust must be equal to drag. In an airplane these forces‘ must meet at a point or thel plane will not fly. if it does it will not be stable. | "We have all kinds of time to select which bank we want. They could all haVe been here today to make a presentation,” Jsaid Mayor Illingworth. H The film went on to explain how each of these forces acts on a plane. Without hearing proposals from competing banks anxious to make representations. the new York Region Council Novâ€" ember 12 named the Toronto- Dominion Bank as interim re- gion corporation banker. Aurora Mayor Dick Illing- Worth 5 t r o n g 1 y opposed the council action. Markham Councillor J a m e s Jongeneel called for a one- month limit on the appointment. tift is the force that acts mostly on the wings to raise UiNo tirne limit was set on the duration of the appointment. Richmond Hill Councillor Donald Plaxton wanted the ap- pointment to be on an interim bays so the other banks could be brought before councu to be heard. New York Region Council Chooses Interim Banker Without Hearing Vaughan Mayor Garnet Williams and Richmond Hill Mayor William Lazen- by formed a majority of the special personnel com- mittee that recommended appointment of the Toron- to-Dominion Bank for the period up to January 1, 1972. Committee Chairman Jon- geneel made a minority recom- mendation favoring a one-month appointment. “The only fair way was to have them invited to appear be- fore us. It would only take an hour. "If we haven’t got time to do this before January 1, we’ll be breaking one of the basic prin- ciples of democratic government at the very beginning," said the Aurora Mayor. Councillor Plaxton said he was approached by all the banks, just as was probably the case for all other mem- bers of region council. “They all asked for an oppor- tunity to make a presentation. Their request should be honor- ed," said Mr. Plaxton. Mayor Illingworth charg- ed that using the excuse of a time emergency to make an interim appointment was just a “cover-up” for mak- ing an appointment that would go on and on, and ENPD Bushnell EXPO...l:ha totally new prismatic binacular.Cool white fiberglass body is even stronger than steel. but lighter. Shockproof (kid-proof”. Waterproof (it floats”. Goof-proof (nothing to learn or break}. 8-pLJver for all family fun. Coated lenses and prisms. EXPO s23.95. EVERYDNE’S BINOCULAR fliglu (in? 778' What Makes An Airplane Fly? By Corporal Walter Schmidt $24.95 the aircraft. Air passes over and under the wings. to produce lift by thrust which propels the air- plane. It is hindered by its own weight and by drag. the resist- ance it. has as it passes through the air. Several cadets went to the rifle range in Aurora. 778 cadets are doing very well at the tar- gets with some scoring 70 and 80. If you are interested in air- craft or in flying, join the Air Cadets. Be there Thursday at Royal Canadian Legion. Yonge Street North. across from the municipal building. never really be democra- tically reconsidered. The Lazenby-Williams re- commendation from committee was as follows: “Whereas the staff of the treasury department is not. hired at present, and therefore can- not make recommendations to us; “And whereas there is insuf- ficient time at present to hear the individual presentations from each of the individual es- tablishments; “And whereas it is necessary for banking facilities to be in operation as of January 1; “It is recommended to the regional council that (the pre- cent York County banker) the Toronto-Dominion Bank, be re- quested to continue as the 'bank for the Regional Municipality of York for the year 1971, and that during the year the council hear representations from the banks which have made proposals at this time. BOLTON â€" Murray Hesp of Bolton, has announced that he intends to seek elect-ion to the Peel County Board of Education. Mr. Hesp will be running in Albion. Bolton and Caledon East. He has four years exper- ience as a member of the Bolton Public School Board and was representative on the interim school organization committee in 1968 for the Village of B01- \ton. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE MEN’S 4 INCH TIES KRESGE 2 SPECIAL for 5 PRICE . 24’ TALL Sh TODDLER bou 4.91 68‘ FOCAL sun: VIEWER ,, , . 49% POINSETTIA PLANT , Thursday. November 26. at 1?" Oak Ridges Public School a H Citizens' Committee for Ward at 5 of the new Town of Richmond g9 Hill was formed with six mem- he bers appointed to the executive. _ Two will represent the north- west, two the northeast and two - the south end of the ward. Scouts & Cubs Your support is again solic-| ited this year by lst Jefferson‘ Scout and Cub Troop by purg chasing your Christmas Tree from them. The trees are scheduled to be delivered today (Thursday) to the parking lot of the Holiday Ranch Restaur- ant on Yonge Street North. The Scouts will be in attendance to sell the trees each week night, ‘with the Cubs assisting on Sat- lurdays. iCltizens’ Committee As there were no residents of the Jefferson area of the ward present, the two south end members selected were Robert Cornes of the Gormley Sideroad and Dr. Gerald Gold of Gormley. This new committee will meet again next Thursday and another public meeting will be arranged for the beginning of the new year, after the Christ- mas season is over. The next meeting of the Jef- ferson Community and Recrea- tional Association will be held at the school December 15. when there will be a Christmas Concert in the gymnasium. Christmas Concert iaii'kirm' m’sa 3"."A'. was > ,IP.: . H235 ma: mend esl Elgin Milis - Jefferson News 4.5x ouus' NYLON KHI‘I' FLARE! Styled (I FREIGHT TRAIN SET THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 3, 1970 Inuit a r5121 Int-‘1: 1‘11 Correspondent Leonard Lomas \Church News ENGLISH TOT SETS BRUSH & SHOE lugs Ind The services at St. John‘s Anglican Church Sunday will be a celebration of Holy Com-; munion at 8 am, the Litany at 10:30 am. Holy Baptism at 3 pm and the monthly “fireside” at St. Mark‘s Chapel at 7:30 pm. Two members or the congrega- tion (Mrs. Joy Harnden and Miss Elizabeth Grant) will be presenting slides and “dia- logue” on the Oberammergau ‘Passion Play which they attend- ed this past summer at the latter service. Last Sunday morning a fam- ily service was held at St. John‘s at which gifts for the “kitchen shower" were dedi- cated. The lesson was read by Heather Gerber. Cindy Wil‘ ton read “The Story of Mary‘ Jones.” the background story to the film, “To Bala For A Bible", which was shown in place of the sermon. This was the story of the founding of the British and Foreign Bible The play is presented every 10 years and this is a great op- portunity to learn of this event, so you can begin now to plan to see it in 1980. The advisory board met Tues- day evening for their final meeting of 1970. The ladies’ Bible study ses- sions are being held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Beynon in Aurora at 10 am Wednesday mornings. The imarried couples club will meet December 4 for its Christmas Party. DELECTO CHOCOLATE 1099 B" SANTA (lAUS SUCKERS an,“ Inn. 2r 1 puma Inert-fl HOODS 8. BONNETS mars/tall Juneral flame Serving the Community under the Wright & Taylor and Pipher Chapels [men 1876 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill Phone 884-3000 ON SALE THURS. FRI. SAT. DEC. 3 ' 4 ' 5 Society of which the Canadian Bible Society is an auxiliary. Ul This Sunday, the second Sun- day in Advent, is called Bible Sunday. Paperback copies of the New Testament of the New English Bible will be on sale for 40c each. The Mixed Blessings, St. John‘s rhythm group, provided a medley of six songs and Brenda Ash sang “The Holy City". The church was packed for the service with 137 in the congregation. OPEN DAILY ’TIL 9 RM. SATURDAY ’TIL 6 RM. Several ladies from St. John’s attended the meeting of the deanery ACW held Thurs- day of last week at Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church in Thorn- hill. The devotions were taken by the rector, Rural Dean Can- on Reginald Howden. Main speaker was Mrs. Margaret Brit< ton of Stouffville, who. as a member of the committee on evangelism spoke on the fol- lowup to the Bardsley Mission. Those present also had an opportunity to purchase works sold by Pakistan Embroideries. a project of the Dominion ACW that gives employment to many village women in Pakistan by providing an outlet for their work. Sponsor for this diocese. Mrs. George Rice, was present to display the merchandise. Also present were Miss Susan Skene, consultant co-ordinator for the ACW and Mrs. Thomas Gracie of Bowmanville, chair- man of the deaneries commit. tee. ' MAKE-UP MIRROR LIMITED 884-1062 SPLI VIEW-MASTER GWTTACK WY TEA SET "("1 SPUUL "’6! 99.? MAGNUS CHORD ORGAN 26 & 29 plan qu KRESGE PRICE GE mun. PF >LE . nu uv. 29.95

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