Yours truly was lucky enough to attend the annual awards banquet of the Mic MaCS Girl‘s Junior Softball Team sponsored by Branch 375 Royal Canadian Legion. It was held in the Le- gion Hall November 29. OwenSIingerIand Of Mount Albert Gets Health Job York Region Council in New- mai‘ket November 26 finalized the appointment of Mount Al- bert physician Dr. Owen Sling- erland as Commissioner of Health and Welfare. ‘ His éalary will be $29,500 per year. Dr. Slingerland has been ser- ving as director of the present York County Healvh Unit since January 1. Commissioner Slingerland was born in Toronto.. born in Toronto. He served in flhe Royal Can- adian Air Force for 31/2 years. lie entered university to take he pre-medical training after discharge from the air force. Dr. Slingerland attended Wesl‘ London Hospital Medical School tin London. England. He intern-1 ed for a year in Glasgow. Scot- land. He returned to Canada in 1958 and started his medical practice in Mount Albeit. He continued there in general prac- tice for 10‘ years. Individual awards were pre- sented by various members of Branch 375 with Manager Cliff Soundy and Coaches Dale Mc- Andrews and Les Laird being honored at this time. The speakers all stressed ‘team effort as the way to suc- cess. Players absenting them. selves from games. meetings and lpraclice gain nothing but can :be the cause of much loss. To the girls who came out and per- mitted us to share in their glories â€" our sincere congratu- lations. ' Dr. Slingerland then returned' To Gord Mills‘ George Havi- 10 Toronto University for a pub- land and Marsh Tonner who mic health course. He was ap- pitched in wherever needed. I'm pointed associate medical officer certain the girls extend a rous- 9f ‘health for the York-Oshawa ing cheer of thanks. District Health Unit on May 15, This year you 105vt some 1969. games. Next year. it is our sin- ' He now lives in Mount Albert cere hope that you bring home with his wife and ‘three sons. all the marbles. Your legion Reports RICHMOND HILL CHRYSLER DODGE LIMITED 395 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, Ont Telephone: 889-1915 Chrysler Canada is pleased to announce the appoint- ment of Richmond Hill Chrysler Dodge Limited in Richmond Hill. Mr. Albert Moscarello, President and Shaun Beggs, Secretary-Treasurer with a combined experience of almost .40 years in the automobile business are ready and able to meet all your new or used car or truck requirements. If you live around Richmond Hill you’re bound to know Albert and Shaun. Albert is a very active member of the local curling club and Shaun has just been re-elected to the Richmond Hill Town Council for a second term. In the modern showroom you’ll find all the great ’71's. From the exciting sports compact Dodge Challenger to Big Dodge, the class of ’71 all the way up to the magnificent Chrysler Imperial. If it‘s trucks you‘re interested in, see the full line of Dodge trucks. And believe us Al and Shaun know their trucks. Drop in and haVe a chat with Al or Shaun, you‘ll find it interesting and profitable. That‘s Richmond Hill Chrysler Dodge. right on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill, where the key words are service and satisfaction. Legion Honors Officials Players Mic Macs ALBERT MOSCARELLO President CHRYSLER CANADA ANNOUNCES Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 Legion President Douglasi Hopson opened proceedings by welcoming all present and say- ing “a thank you†on behalf of the executive. Comrade Frank Barrott asked the blessing and before the dinner was served} Angus Philip presented Coach Ron McAndrewrs with a plaque recognizing his years of in-,‘ terest'in baseball. The donor wishes to remain anonymous» Ron and the audience all had misty eyes. . .. . V ,L ...,-,, -, _ mmediately following the sumptuous repast it was time for the awarding of trophies, as follows: Muriel Mortson â€"â€" Home Run Trophy, presented by Mr. Hop- son Erenda Laird â€"â€" Batting Trophy, presented by Mr. Bar- rott; Péggy Ollel'enshaw â€" Rookie Of The Year, presented by Mr. Philip: Jane‘t ThompSOn â€" Most Val- uable Player, presented by “Mr. Legion†Jack Sanders. This a- ward was accepted by Muriel Mortson on behalf of Janet. To Gord Mills‘ George Havi- land and Marsh Tonner who pitched in wherever needed. I'm certain the girls extend a rous- ing cheer of thanks. CHRYSLER bm you’ll find all the great "71's. ‘ts compact Dodge Challenger to of ’71 all the way up to the Imperial. If it‘s trucks you‘re full line of Dodge trucks. And CANADA LTD. S HAUN BEGGS Secretary-Treasurer g 1hemu‘ Coroner Granton took the in- Lings and‘qllest from the town council but can chambers to the public library loss. To parking lot to View the big and per-‘ywhite garbage van that killed in their|the child. vvuo y; vulvu-Avvu v-..â€" [scene i But he said the majority oi" Garbage truck driver Ericllhe firm‘s trucks are of other‘ Wright of RR 2. Newmarketï¬types. He said dual-control told of getting out of his ma- one-man trucks are also oper- lchine and finding the child‘ated by other garbage collec- partly under the back wheels. [tion firms. but that his firm Wright said he saw threezwas probably one of the first to children ahead on his side of have such vehicles. the truck, and watched them as Mr. Stackhouse said the alt- he moved ahead to the next ered truck hadn‘t had any garbage pickup. But he didn’t special license or government see the child that was crushed. inspection. He said he had been driving Mrs. Jane Philip. the dead Coroner Dr. Bernard Gran- ton told the jury no post mor- tem was carried out because of the age of the child and the nature of the injuries. He said the fatal multiple skull frac- tures and brain lacerations were caused by a crushing in- jury to the head. He said there was also evidence of crushing over the left shoulder and neck. The child exhibited no signs of life after being run over and was pronounced dead at the scene. .- >- v-,-I -u-u-n-n- -w-n- - - -u -‘ -‘ -v -r -- -‘ He said he had been driving Mrs. Jane Philip. on and off for three years for child‘s mother. said York Sanitation Limited, andlpu‘t Blair out to pla never had an accident. The‘hour before the ace truck could 'go five or 10 mph‘kept watching him 01 when driven from the rightdow. The house l side. {fencedyard She sa Garbage trucks should carry two men, one of them being a driver only, 3. Richmond Hill Inquest Jury recommended December 1. The jury also felt the Department of Transport Shauld approve private alterations to commercial vehicles before licenses are issued. The inquest was held to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of 22-mo‘nth-old Blair James Philip, son of Glen and Jane Philip, 378 UDIL ‘9 U The jury found the child died at 10:15 am November 19 by accidental means, due to skull fractures suffered while being run over by a garbage truck. A visibility test showed the‘posed to ask before crossing the driver couldn’t have' seen ‘ a road, but sometimes didn't. small child who was within Mrs Judy Staffordva resident about 15 feet of the front bum- of 377 Osiris Drive since August. per of the truck. This was the‘said Brian liked to run across same from the regular seated the street to play with the position on the left side as Stafford‘s daughter. from the special standing up On the day of the accident dual driving position installed she heard her daughter cry and on the right side. The second ran out the side door. At the steering wheel is for use by aisame moment the garbage truck Osiris Drive. DODGE singie operator and collector on‘dl‘ive a garbage route. ‘looki Robert Stackhouse of RR 2113Mlc Newmarket (Lot 13, Concession» _ MI 2. Whitchurchl, a partner in the “CE garbage collection company, 09â€â€œ said one-man garbage collection 51"“ vehicles have been operatedbaCk without incident since 1962. the ‘ Mr. Stackhouse said the firm bf?“ altered the truck cab to dual 911Ԡcontrols itself, and had three meg or four other trucks like the R1‘ 1965 model involved in the etc-Nab} cident. llgatl‘ in: 4L child‘s mother,‘ said she had put Blair out to play half an hour before the accident. and kept watching him out the win- dow. The house hadn't any fencedyard She saw Blair in the driveway and across the road at the neighbor's. Blair was usually with an older sister when he crossed the road. He was very good at watching for cars. He was sup- posed to ask before crossing the road, but sometimes didn't. On the «day of the accident she heard her daughter cry and ran out the side door. At the same moment the garbage truck driver ran in the front door looking for someone to call the police and an ambulance. Mrs. Stafford called the poâ€" lice and then went out. She could only see part of Brian. since. his head was under the back right wheels. She told the driver to move ahead and brought a blanket to cover the child. He showed no sign of life. she said. Richmond Hill Police Con- stable Paul Craine, the invest- igating officer. said the brakes of the truck were checked and were in good repair. Constable Art Haney of the Richmond Hill Police provided pictures of the scene of the accident. Evidence showed there were no visibility problems due to weather conditions at the time of the accident. Murray Kirkpatrick of 286‘ Demaine Crescent, Richmond Hill, told of being called to the scene and transporting the body to the morgue at Yorkl Central Hospital. I The inquest jury included lhe following. all from Rich- mond Hill: Harold Mabley of 14] Wood Lane. foreman: Hugh Dunlap of Bridgepori Street; Michael Catania of 242 Blue- grass Boulevard: Ralph Parreti of 435 Bent Crescent, and Mrs. Carol Hoare of 60 Starlight Crescent. STOUFFVILLE: A planning board recommendation that a large area south and ’east of the Watson Heights Subdivision be zoned industrial was defeatâ€" ed at a recent council meeting. Reeve Ken Laushway stated mat it could be 25 years be- fore the land could be utilized. CORONET The wedding will take place ‘December 28. at St. Mary's An- glican Church. Vancouver. BC. Beverley attended Jefferson Public School. is a graduate of Richmond Hill High School and is.a stewardess with Canadian lPacific Airlines. MI‘. and NII‘S. Bruce A. LOCRQJ The married couples of St. 112 Elgin Road West. Richmonleohn-S Anglican Church entw Hmv are Pleased ‘0 announce'3tained some of the married cou- the forthcoming marriage C’fj‘ples of St. Paul‘s United Church, their daughter. Beverley SusanwLake Wilcox at a Christmas to Glen Kingsley Carter. son ijparty last Friday evening. Chg- Mr. and Mrs. Herben A. Cai‘lelz‘ A r ' v***â€"~~ 7 ’77â€"? *â€"-*r-- Toronto (formerly of Vanch- ;verl. ‘ ‘ I. 1PINDER BROS. LTDfl STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS MISS BEVERLEY LOCKE To Marry Dec. 28 STEEL FABRICATING msu Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service RICHMOND HEIGHTS CEtfl_R_E My mm now rak max! an YESEE WE ARE OPEN 0“ BOXING DAY A gmwm gel To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 commii 5m: RACK 39.9.19 : Fog 3.2 Ext F510. oou PENDANTS 5.55 PLASTIC SEWING CHEST 3 PIECE DRESSER SETS Church News The service next Sunday at St. John‘s Anglican Church will be a celebration of Holy Com- munion at 10:30 am. Each Sunday evening at 9 pm on radio station CFGM. Rector Rev. Earl Gerber will conduct the weekly religious broadcast sponsored by the York Minis- terial Association. A very interesting dialogue and slides on the 1970 Oberam- mergau Passion Play was con- ducted Sunday evening at the monthly fireside at St. Mark‘s Chapel. Oak Ridges. by Mrs. Joy Harnden and Miss Elizabeth Grant. The two ladies had at- tended the play this past sum- mer and Miss Grant had seen it in 1960 and so was able to ‘note various changes in the to“ land production. To hca an n.» mb‘wn :ems macaw DOA 3" 3 MW: Aim , aï¬' a“: 457‘ . mm JEWEL CHEST chain and vehicle Egin Mills - Jefferson News lANTERN WITH BUNKER: Pr Mm. mg. .m a). a. ‘Xs'd cma‘yr Vâ€" I‘HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 10, 19 Correspondent Leonard Lomas â€" Phone '1‘adse, musical knees and a visit 2 next Sunday atlfrom Santa who distributed gifts glican Church will'were enjoyed. Devotions were ion of Holy Com-I‘led by Rev. Robert McElhinney :30 am. and slides made by St. Paul's 1y evening at 9 pm‘Sunday School students' “Love ion CFGM. Rectoriln" were shown. Refreshments :rber will conductlwere served under the _conâ€" -eligious broadcastévenorship of Shirley Comes and the York Minisâ€"Dorothy Wilton. tion- 7 _, _ iNeighborhood Notes PAPIER MACH! PIG BANK STICKY PAGE PHOTO ALBUMS 1.99m. College Preparatory Courses ofier mature students an opportunity to upgrade their academic qualifications so that they may qualify to apply for admission to a diploma or certificate program at a College of Applied Arts and Technology. WINTER SEMESTER: JANUARÂ¥ 4 T0 APRIL 23. 1971 of age or over on January 4. 1971 and have completed a satisfactory level of academic work. All applicants are considered on the basis of individual qualifications and will be required to take either a one or a two semester program. Applicants must be 19 years The following subjects are offered: Mathematics Natural Science English Chemistry Physics Drafting Typing Orientation College Preparatory Program Eat-h semester is for a length of 16 weeks. The fee per semester is $48.00 with books and supplies extra. THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY AT THE SHEPPARD CAMPUS (AT YONGE STREET). For further information contact Division, telephone 223-9661. W. T. Newnham President. "SAVINGs! The children in the classes taught by Mrs. Verna Seel and Mrs. Joan Morgan at Jefferson Public School visited the Mc- Laughlin Planetarium Thiu‘sday last and saw the current pre- sentation. The next meeting of the Jef- ferson Community Club “ill be held December 15 in the school auditorium. This will be a 1Christmas concert and will com- lmence at 7 pm sharp. MISSES’ (RIMP KNIT PANTS All classes will be participat- ing in a toyland fantasy written by Mrs. Joan Scriver and pro- duced by Jefferson School staff. The “Mixed Blessing", St. John‘s rock group. will he addâ€" MEN'S lINED (OWHIDE GLOVES WOMEN'S AN‘IRON Choose B|ackor Bw FULL SLIP 4.99". SENECA COLLEGE 3A7 1.99 UNPER. IHUBEE OFâ€"AI‘PLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO 6 PCE. BOUDOIR SET v hy'r cm" , r“: 5.") .rgr’w‘. 5 Sec . _ ‘ h. 3». 35mm SNOW KING TOBOGGAN iii/U} J L% SET OF 8 TUMBLERS 6.97 AR PRICE 2 98 anew! Solid L :1â€; 10995" ON SALE: DECJQ-‘I‘l ~12 The Registrar. Occupational Training . r," SMMIISS STRETCH MESH PAHTY HOSE ow PEGu-AP new . 00 Pt. Natural Science Chemistry Drafting Orientation Sn ing a musical note to the festi- vities and Santa will also be on hand to distribute “good- iesâ€. At an executive meeting of the club it was decided to contribute 315 towards the Pak- istan Relief Fund for medical supplies. Mrs. Edith Jones of 19th Av- enue is collecting gifts suitable for both men and women for the mental health association. Anyone wishing to share the joy of Christmas with someone who might otherwise be forgotten. please leave your gift with Mrs. Jones (884-7686! or in the box at Dynes Jewellery Store at Richmond Heights Centre. 884-3000 PICKERING ’IWP: Councill- or Jean McPherson described studded tires as a lifesaver in her family. recently. although a motion to back a request from Timmins to permit them in Northern Ontario was lost. It was pointed out that Manitoba. Quebec. New York and Michi- gan not only permit studded tires. hut encourage them. OPEN DAILY "1‘11. 9 P.M SATURDAY ’TIL 6 PH“ SIX ROLLS (HEHILLE BEDSPREAD STARGLOW HAMPER PANTY HOSE ONE SIZE FITS ALL BOX 24 R. N. Gan‘iock Chairman of the Board 8.97 ,treh 74%. Dove ie Heel! Tender :2, Cocoa Brown_ 0P1 70 i?