Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1970, p. 4

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‘W’ g-mumunumulmmumulmuu\Ilmmnnm1mlmlm1\x\nummmnmlmuummmuumummuluumumummummu“muum1mun1mm“munmmmumum“munnlmun\qulmmuummnuuuxnmuumnuununmmummmuuuumuu\\nuuuuunnmuuuuu‘ ; _ A. , “We’re getting into the category of pay of $10,250 plus fringe benents Ior nrsn class 2 received by secondary school teachers and I feel constables. 3 the educational standards of officers should be Council was opting for an 11 percent pay «- upgraded too.” increase and finally settled for 14 percent. “lllllllllllllllllllllllll“lIll“lll“llll“\lllllllllllllllllllllll“llll\\llllll\\l\l\\ll\'l\ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“Illl“l“l““lulllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllll\lllllllllllllllll“ll“ll“\llllllllllllllllll“ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllll“\llllllllllllllllllllll gags Ridges - Lake Wilcox .+ mh .- n nre-lfhe date for the Christmas con-lwill be welcomed by Sgntg an School News Pupils of Oak Ridges Public School have a new sense of pride and accomplishment for they now have a school crest and a school motto for the first time in the history of this com- munity. The school’s parent- teacher association sponsored a contest among the pupils with the results being announced at an assembly on the morning of December 8 in the auditorium. King Township Councillor Gordon Rowe, regional council- lor-elect for the new Town of Richmond Hill, was there to present a trophy to David Topp who designed the prize-winning Wichurch Council Fears Noise From Snowmobile§ Whitchurch’s new zoning by- law that now controls develop- ment from one end of the town- ship to the other, has been used to hold up the opening of a commercial wi ter resort. Prop- osed at Cedar alley, the pro- ject would have included trails for the Metro area's growing thousands of snowmobilers. New Controls Block Winter Resort No longer can any Whitchurch Township land be used for new purposes without the approval of the community through the municipal authority. The change to a situation where development is controlled has brought a reaction from the man who planned the com- mercial winter resort operation at Cedar Valley. Bluegrass Turf Farms Limite‘d president Werner Berger be- lieves his proposed project is a good one. He says the develop- ment has been blocked by the whims of a Whitchurch Town- ship Council which shuffles from one pile of poorly re- searched papers to another. vac- Illating between fact and fancy. I i This being the first time the Whitchurch municipal authori- ties have used the new develop- ment controls. they no doubt have proceeded cautiously and slowly as they found their way over new ground. The situation is complicated by the fact that new zoning By- law 2083 was only passed Sept- ember 6 and its continued ex- istence depends on whether or not it gets ratified by the prov- incial authorities. But generally it is the usual situation where the develop- ment control process holds up proposed projects while the nec- essary procedures are followedifrom and the community has time to make up its mind about the des- irability of a proposed project. take a poll of the Cedar Valley area by mail. sending out 30 letters to property owners. There were 16 replies, of which 10 were opposed to the pro-‘ ject. Councillor Merlyn Baker told "The Liberal" he felt council turned down the project on the grounds that neighboring resi- dents didn't want it. The noise snowmobiles would be mostly on weekends from 6 to 12 pm, the most undesirable time possible. ,1, A; _-._-.. But generally it is the usual situation where the develop- ment control process holds up proposed projects while the nec- Apparently the new develop- ment controls needn't have been applied if the township council hadn't had some doubts about the desirability of the project. There won't be any choice. how- ever, when Bylaw 2083 gets signed at Queen’s Park. The area around the Bluegrass Turf Farms Limited project is occupied mainly by large coun- trv estates owned by people who work outside the area. These people are concerned ideal for snowmobiles in the re-‘ about the noise hazard. They forestation areas, he says. ‘ are also concerned that the in- t t a: a: itial project proposed could be On the other hand. Bluegrass the start of something bigger. Turf Farms owns 418 acres at Elsewhere in the township there Cedar Valley that lie dormant have been complaints about through the winter months. The noise travelling many miles firm wants to develop a year- from a go-kart racing location. round operation and add to its according to one member of staff of permanent employees. council, 7 The firm maintains that the Police Settle 1970 Wage Contract First Class Constable To Get $9,350 “V'va u...° .. -..- council, The firm maintains that the The Bluegrass Turf Farms number of snowmobile owners property is now zoned agricul- is large and burgeoning, and tural under the new bylaw and that there is a legitimate need Whitchurch Council has decided for the kind of project planned. King Township Police and council have settled their salary differences for 1970 with the former receiving a 14 percent wage increase for a first class constable. Under the new contract a first class con- stable will receive $9,350, a $1,100 increase over the former $8,200. “We feel this will bring our force up to a comparable level with the salaries paid in neigh- boring areas of the county such as Richmond Hill,” stated Councillor Gordon Rowe who chaired council’s police committee. He pointed out that the township was anxious to settle with the police before regional govern- ment takes over in January, “so that they will go into the new system on an equal basis with other forces. From there on in it’ll be a new ball game." Mr. Rowe added that police salaries were reaching the point where that “I can only hope that the standard of requirements for new recruits will rise accordingly. KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX "The Liberal” is always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Orton, Yonge Street. 773-4635, in King City Mar: no: 11A: THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, crest. The councillor also pre- sented a gem bracelet to Amy Pascuchwho suggested the new school motto, "Be A Fellow Worker.” . At a later date a plaque bear: ing the crest and the motto, re- cognizing the contributions of these two pupils will be placed in the school and replicas of the crest and pins will be available for purchase by the children. The general consensus is that young people seldom get invol- ved in serious trouble when they have a feeling of pride and involvement. These seem to be instilled in the pupils at Oak Ridges Public School, due, no doubt, to the effozts of the staff and the support of the parents, but mainly to the dynamic Prin- cipal Ed Burlew who came to the school in September. unanimously that the firm must apply for a zoning change to al- low a commercial use. Such a change in zoning would'be ex- pected to be accompanied by an increase in assessment and taxes. To get a zoning change, the developer will have to convince the community and council that his project is desirable. ‘Even if he gets council approval, he may end up having to convince the Ontario Municipal Board if any of the neighbors actively oppose the development. This kind of control over new developments that may change‘ the character and the environ- ment of the locality is exactly the reason Ontario municipalit- ies are being required to have Official Plans and zoning by- laws. Like Whitchurch. King Town- ship recently adopted an Offic- ial Plan. In King there also re- cently has been a similar hassle over a proposed ski resort. Bluegrass Turfl Farms after September 6 applied to' Whit- church Council under the town- ship‘s old regulations, Bylaw 1460 and Bylaw 2025, for a Vic? ualling house and place of am-‘ usement on Lot 31 East Half. Concession 5. Township council decided to take a poll of the Cedar Valley area by mail. sending out 30 letters to property owners. There were 16 replies, of which Wéage‘sâ€"dgiIIfiecember 16. is There are thousands of acres of reforestation land in Whit- church, and these are all open to snowmobilers, says Council- lor Baker. The proposed project wouldior unusmms Ems- attract large numbers of Metro Cancer Society snowmobilers to Cedar Valley. Gifts for men patients at These People “mm 3115‘: as “'911‘ Princess Margaret Hospital, To- go back to the reforestationrmnto‘ were brought to the an- areas where they won't botherinual Christmas meeting of King anyone. There are plenty of'cny Cancer Society, held at the nude. well-cleaned-out roads home of Mrs, Allan Henderson. ideal for snonobiies in the re- Twenty members were present forestatlon areas, he says. to wrap the attractive gifts. t i: II: it ‘ They also brought candy for the \ 0n the other hand. Bluegrass‘children's party at thehospital. the date for the Christmas con- cert to be presented by the pu- pils of this school. There will be a short business meeting 9f the PTA, following which the chil- dren will present a program. ac- companied by the Aurora “Sweet Adelines." It is hoped that the wife of Chief Andrew Big Canoe of Georgina Island and some of the Indian children from the re- serve will be able to be present as special guests to accept a gift of toys which the children have ‘been gathering for some weeks. Their presence, however, will depend on the weather, because of the trip to the mainland from the island and return. [Lake Wilcox Recreation “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items or Interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Elisabeth Orton, Yonge Street, 773-4635, in King City Mary Dawson. 884-1105. satiricâ€"{é}: December 19. is Santa Claus day at Lake_Wi}cox EBEEmfinity H511. All children from infants to 14 years of age He said that pay increases shouldn’t be con- sidered as “something that comes automatically every year. They should be merited.” Constable Clayton Aspden, who headed the negotiating team for the police association, com- mented that “we’re quite happy with the settle- ment.” Negotiations for the 1970 salary contract have been going on since July and were completed December 2. The 1970 salary scale for the 16-man force with last year’s wages in brackets are as follows: Sergeant, $10,050 ($8,950); first class con- stable, $9,350 ($8,200); second class constable, $8,600 ($7,700); third class constable, $8,300 ($7,400) ; probationary constable, $6,920 ($6,200) ; cadet, $5,930 ($5,300); stenographers, $5,350 ($4,600); police clerks, $5,060 $4,600). A-..L..-,.L It says two adjacent large tracts of rolling bush-covered lands haVe been acquired for snow- mobile trails. The firm says miles of safetrails for snowmobiles have been planned through deep, snow-laden and sound-swallow- ing bush. There would also be facilities ,for non-snowmobilers. Included would be many hills for tobagganing, a three-acre pond for skating, space to tramp or snowshoe. and possibly rides. ly’x,vvv, , I, v . . v v v . v _ . _ ~ All other conditioanVlof the new contract remain the same as agreed upon in the 1969 negotiations. _ g .u 1- 1' “A LL- ...1.‘.. l1v5v Ktvgnestage of the negotiations the police were seeking a 25 percent pay increase to a rate of $10,250 plus fringe benefits for first class constables. It remains to be seen whether Bluegrass Turf Farms can con- vince the people of Cedar Val- ley and the new Whitchurch- Stouffville Town Council. In the meantime, the company has announced plans to conduct its resort operation on a golf course property in Uxbridge Township that already has a clubhouse to provide refresh- ment and other indoor facilities. Prizewinners at the NOVember 24 euchre sponsored by the Las- kay WI were Josie Wells, Sarah Cole, Agnes Walker, Elmer Had- win, Ed Foerter and Tom Wal- Ker. The door prizes went to Jean McMurchy and Laurie Boys. prizes went to Pearl O’Brien, Ada Docks, Josie WellsyClyde Cairns. Scott Smeltzer and Tom 1Walker with travelling prizes going to Mrs. George Hopcroft and Marshall McMurchy. Sixteen members of the WI had 'Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Gordon, December 9. They enjoyed the seasonal food, the beautiful dec- orated home and an exchange of Christmas gifts. Cancer Society Dec. 17, 1970 ~...-... v- .. The nexg H1évefing “ill be held in February. At the December 4 euchre the King City Notes ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF OAK RIDGES 22 YONGE STREET NORTH (North of King Sideroad) PHONE 773-4313 Van Gorder DVM "’ is always pleased to publish items of will be welcomed by Santa and receive a gift betWeen the hours of one and four pm. Our Lady’s Guild Members Of Our Lady’s Guild‘ held their December meeting in party form. The ladies exchan- ged gifts which were delivered by Santa Claus (Mrs. Rita Szeller). A movie “Man: and His Skateboard” was shown and the ladies gained some insight into the suffering and discomforts of arthritis. Guild members are now busy in the Newmarket Health Cen- tre, wrapping gifts which have been donated for mental pat- ients. By the way, it is still not to late to make your contribu- tion. Baskets for the less fortunate at Christmas are also being pre- pared in conjunction with St. Vincent de Paul Society. All plans are complete for the gala New Year’s Eve dance sponsored by Guild members at the school on Bond Avenue. “The 4 Jacks" will supply the music and included in the very nominal price per couple will be a buffet supper, favors, prizes, etc. Mrs. Rita Szeller is the con- venor and would appreciate res- ervations being made by calling ‘Mrs. Nory Paxton at 773-5498. The first guild meeting of 1971 will be held January 5, the usual first Tuesday of the month. Wedding KINGâ€"THOROGOOD Saturday, November 28, Shu- eszelle Anne Thorogood and Martin Edward King were un- ited in the bonds of Holy Mat- rimony at Trinity United Church, Newmarket by Rev. Norman Pick. The bride wore a long white silk gown, trimmed with pale pink ribbon and heavy lace. Her shoulder length veil was adorn- ed with white roses. 7 Page Boy Russell Ransome Junior carried her long train of of matching material. Her Matron of Honor Isabelle‘ Ransome wore a long pink em- broidered silk gown and mat- ching headdress. Bridesmaid Bubbles Trudeau also wore a floor-length gown of pink ny- lon. trimmed with white daisies and matching headdress. ife'ception folloWed at Lake Wilcox Reception Hall. Church News The bride and her attendants all carried nosegays of pink roses, white Chrysanthemums and lily-of-the-valley. A candlelight service will be held in St. Paul’s United Church, South Road, Lake Wil- cox, at 11 pm Christmas Eve. A cordial invitation to all in the community is extended. PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 0tonobee BA. 1-3344 . Leonard DVM Dangerous King Driver Jailed And Fined $300 A King Tow-ughip man in Richmond Hill court admitted driving dangeroust during the November 7 Unionville accident that critically injured a former Miss Toronto contestant from Markham. Peter Williston. 24. of Lot 21 Concession ’7, was kept in jail one week before being fined $300 on December 8. Williston was also barred from the road for nine months by Provincial Judge Maurice Charles. Carol Payne of 19th Avenue, a student nurse, almost lost her left eye in the accident. She had 50 stitches to her face and also suffered a broken pelvis. Her fiancee William Baldasti of West Hill was with her, but es- caped with minor injuries. Her brother, however, was critically injured. minor injuries. Only after hearing submis- sions from Williston‘s lawyer and evidence of Williston‘s character did Judge Charles de-‘ cide to let the convicted dan- gerous driver off with a fine. Referring to the accident, the judge said it was evident a motor vehicle is a most lethal weapon in the hands of man ‘today. He said someone who had ‘driven like Williston had done. should go to prison. A $350,000 ski centre on King Township’s Concession 5 re- ceived a reluctant 3-1 vote in flavor of it from council last week despite reservations about an adjacent helicopter runway. King Okays Ski Centre But ., With Reluctance ....- “*0--- Councillor Margaret Britnell} opposed the ski centre princi- pally because she had been in- formed that Dominion Helicop- ters want to lease a 200-foot piece of land from the Rough ‘Valley Ski Centre owners to enlarge its runway. Mrs. Britnell felt that this could be a source of trouble for area residents noting that there was nothing to stop the com- pany from turning its property into an airport. She wanted the ski centre owners to insert a clause into the agreement with the town- ship that no portion of the ski area would be leased to the heli- copter company. A spokesman for the ski‘ valley interests said there was no intention to lease the land at the moment but refused to commit himself for the future. The spokesman, Lawyer Ron ‘Abbey, said it was his feeling that his clients had been very fair with council in agreeing to fair with council in agreeing ton-estmctea. ,7.--‘ Williéton also suffered only §APRIL SHOWERS SET by PRETTY, POLLY All Sheer Sug. List $1.19 & $1.29 . . . . . . . . Hand Lotion, Cologne, & Bubble Bath EVE PANTY HOSE Sug. List $2.75 Body'Lotion & Bath Powder (Rambling Rage, Daisy Fresh or Wild Violet) Sug. List' $4.00 Ravettq EAIHMENSEMBLE lb Black Magic CHOCOLATES HEATING PAD DeLUXE 100% Wet-Proof. Variable Heat Switch Sug. List $10.98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTAC C Cold Capsules 10's Sug. List $1.49 SHOPPERS at . . . Sug. List $2.50 HOW MUCH CAN WE SAVE its request to date He indicated it was his opin- ion the owners had made enough concessions to council when the area contains no pro- hibitive zoning Lbylaw against a ski centre. Council finally approved the ski centre on a recorded vote requested by Mrs. Britnell. Ap- proving the venture was De- putyâ€"reeve Ken Mactaggart, Councillors Lorne Goodfellow and Gordon Rowe. Reeve Gor- don Cook missed this portion of the meeting arriving shortly before the close. The meeting saw Perry Bar-l den, son of Henry Borden who is among the residents protest! ing the centre, reminding coun- cil of a previous resolution that no building permit would be considered until opinions on the project had been received from the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the Metro Con- servation Authority. The ski centre includes such concessions as a promise not to seek a liquor licence without council approval, no summer operation, and no music on the slopes. Operatian times are also restricted. Gall Ridges Public School Get: Crest And M0130 Oak Ridges Public School now has an official crest and motto thanks to its PTAz '1_‘he adult group sponsored a contest among the pupils â€" Amy Pascucci comlng up with the Winning motto, “Be A Fellow Worker” and David Topp designing the winning ‘crest which incorporates this motto with a silhouette of the school. n , ,, , , _ . . . -- n ,, n|__.1__ 1.-'IA.. .. «bid-n1. bills ulULbU wuu a nuuuucvuc u; ouc Dbuvuh _ In the above picture (left to right) PTA Past President Mrs. Peggy Clarke holds a of the winning entry while King Township Councillor Gordon Rowe presents a trophy to Topp, with. Prinqipel Ed Burlew_showing evident approval. 1 ‘ 1 '1- “ 4,“..-1---‘ 1... LL”. “nuns: al- a 12+D Wlbll .LJJuvxyou uu uuuunv ullvvvnnnb VvAuvAAv -VVâ€"u Replicas of the crest and pins will ye availabig' for purchase by the pupils 3W Polaroid Color Pak II Camera Sug. List $39.95 20 Exposure 126 or 35 Sug. List $4.75 . . . . . . Kodachrome SLIDE FILM Zippitv 593$??? ..... $4.49? Sug. List $8.95 by AURORA Sug. List $11.95 SKITTLE BOWL AIRPLANE MODELS by U.P.C. Sug. List $1.69 by MATTEL Sug‘ STAR SEEKER 8 YONGE ST. N., at WELLINGTON NEE? $13315!“ 727-3111 LOW PRESCRIPTION PRICES ALWAYS YOU TODA Y.’ List $15.95 ELS SATURDAYS 9 A.M. â€" 6 SUNDAYS NOON â€" 6 (Photo by Stuart's Studio) $21773 at a later date. $1.99 L a sketch to David

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