Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1970, p. 13

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Many Curtain Club members. husbands and wives, attended the Green Room Party held fol- lowing the final performance of “Next Time I‘ll Sing To You” at the home of Roz and John Anderson on Centre Street West. Management and staff of Little Ford. enjoyed a Christ- mas dinner and dance on Dec- ember 12 at the Aurora High- lands Golf and Country Club. During the evening a gift to commemorate 25 years of ser- vice was presented to Whit Johnson, of the new car delivery department. A family service will be held Christmas Eve at 7:30 at Rich- mond Hill United Church with the Seekers presenting a con- temporary version of the Christ- mas story. All the small fry are invited as the service will be most inâ€" formal and finish in plenty of time to hang their stockings by the chimney. - The "hostess with the most- ess” lived up to her reputation with ,an excellent repast and later in the evening tribute was paid to Director Dagmar Mat- yas by a poem written and read by Brian Moore (Dust) and a presentation. from the cast and crew in appreciation of her guidance and ability. Mr. Biggin, his wife and fam- ily, live on Millpond Court. 'l‘he Guaranty Trust Com- pany of Canada has announced the appointment of Robert Big- g‘in as manager of real estate for Metropolitan Toronto. .110 has had a wealth of ex- He has had a wealth of ex- perience in the real estate field and most recently was a dir- cctor of Yonge and Biggin Limited. The ladies auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal-Canadian Legion, take this opportunity of wish- ing all its members and mem- bers of other organizations with whom they‘ve worked during the past year, a merry Christ- mas and a very successful New Year. [KKlllKKK‘KKKKKKKK‘KKKKKKKJIKKKKKKKKK‘KKK‘K’EKK’Q Blessed Christmas Season and a Happy New Year WE ARE CLOSED THE 25th, 26th AND 27th 0F DEC., 1970, AND THE lst 2nd, AND 3rd OF JAN, 1971 Hoping to be of service to you again in 1971 Joan Gdodhoofd Toni van Ravenzwaaij 423mmmmmahhmawmazmmmiammwflm3amhamsxmzmammxmmmxzs MWKWKKWW :mmmmmzmmaamamammam 'I RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 250 Yonge St. N. 884-6881 GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE JANE 7 The THURSDAY, DEC. 3IST ’l‘ickets must be picked up the day before â€" so hurry. hurry. Limited number of tickets left 2 BLOCKS SOUTH OF NO. 7 HIGHWAY (Next to Doublerink Arenas) Wish our valuable clients $20.00 PER COUPLE FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE ALL OF US AT Favours & Noisemakers 889-6967 At the 10:30 am service omhan was won by can rrencn Christmas morning at St. Mary’sjand the second prize. a teddy Anglican Church, two youngjbear, won by Mrs. E. Schmarow- boys â€"â€" Danny Smith, son of the ski. Richmond Hill United Church‘ The next meetng will be held minister. Rev. Robert Smith and January 11 at. the home of Mrs. Smith. and Richard Ver- Chairman Jennie Polyniak, on meulen, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. 68 Bcavel‘ton Road South. Buster Vermeulen, will have at * * * spirited discussion with Rev.‘ As a Christmas project. mem- Fred Jackson on Christmas bers of the Richmond Hill Jay- 1970, cettes entertained residents of The service will not only have special appeal to children, but also to parents, enabling them to get an insight into the view- points of the younger genera- tion. The volunteers of York Coun- ty Mental Health Association wrapped 1.026 gifts for the 513 mental patients living in 34 approved homes in York Counâ€" ty recently, then learned that they were responsible for 63 patients in another approved home. The small gifts for each one were added to the original number reported last week. mm1umuuuuuuunm1mumlunxuuumuuunluumuuumuuuw mmunmuuuuuu\ummuummmum\\\\\muuuuuumumumuu Miss Janet French of Thunder Bay will be spending the Christ- mas Vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl French and brothers in them Church Street home. Gifts were still being re- ceived last week and these, along with other surplus gifts will be sent to Metro to help reduce some of the gifts lost there when a fire broke out in the basement of the Canadian M e n t a 1 Health Association’s headquarters. Entertaining on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard of Altam- ira Road who held a sur- prise family dinner party for his mother, Mrs. Helena Pollard in honor of her 80th birthday. “The Liberal" joins with her many friends in extend- ing congratulations. good wishes and many happy re- turns. Anne and Ted Shaw and children, John and Judy, {ormerly of Crosby Avenue. now residing in San Jose. California, would like to Wish all their many friends and past acquaintances a very merry Christmas and a most happy and prosperous New Year. On Sunday, she was the guest of honor at an Open House held by her son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Pollard of Tyneview Lane, with over 100 guests dropping in to convey their good wishes. Celebrates 80th Birthday COUNTRY CLUB St. Mary’s ACW President Shirley Switzer recently en- ‘tertained members of the ex- ecutive at her Starlight Cres- ‘cent home and during the brief business session, Treasurer Anna 'Little reported a total of $2,- 000 available for disbursement. Of this, the executive voted $1,000 to the churchwarden to ibe applied to the mortgage prin- cipal, $600 for outreach pur- poses and $400 to charitable i organizations. mammamaa‘mammamzmmmam They are used to aid the 1e13- rosy cause and the only require- ment is that the stamps are cut from the envelopes leaving a 1/4 inch or more around the edges. Contributions, however small. would be very much appreciated and may be left at the office ofl Richmond Hill United Church or with Mrs. Edith Boynton of 47 Centre Street East. The Delta Lambda Chapter 0U An enjoyable Christmas gath- the Phi Beta Kappa Sororitymring was held December 18 by held its annual Christmas partflpupils of Mrs. Ruth Croucher at the home of June Worsdale ADCM. the former Ruth Garson. in King. \ Santa visited and refreshments It was reported that the hat and jeweller show “Bonnets and Baubles" held November 19 was a great success. The draw for the knitted afgâ€" han was won by Carl French and the second prize, a teddy bear, won by Mrs. E. Schmarow- ski. As a Christmas project. mem- bers of the Richmond Hill Jay- cettes entertained residents of Union Villa in Unionville on December 14 with a program of choral selections by the Jay- cettes and neighboring teen- agers. and a singâ€"aâ€"long with the residents. Falling snow on the trees as seen through the picture winâ€" dows provided a perfect Christ- mas setting for the evening, which everyone thoroughly en- joyed. After leaving Union Villa. the Jaycettes returned to the home of Chairman Mrs. K. Thompson of Kerswell Drive for refreshments. Other committee members were Mrs. P. Blake and Mrs. T. Wallace. Mechrs began the evening WiUl a three nfile hayride re- tunfing to Junes for warnnh and cheer. The Allenbrae Branch of YCHA met November 23 at Bent Crescent. Sincere thanks are extended to all who have contributed in the past and every good wish for a very happy Christmas. The Christmas Eve Commun- ion Service being held at 11 pm at St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be preceded by an hour of carols by the church choir. The rector, Rev. David McGuire will preach the sermon. Did you realize that all the stamps on your regular and Christmas mail can be put to good use. On Christmas morning, Com- munion services will be held at Sam and 10:30 am. The latter will be a family service and the sermon given by Rev. Fred Jackson. , On December 27. the service will be a little different, with participation by children of the church school and Christmas carols. The sermon, Rev. Jack- son. Recognizing that the need is’ The Pac“ “tends 3 hearty particularly great in Tommokvelcome to fathers. Ray llarris this winter, $100 was sent to}?md RObert (31°5th and 15 (181' Downtown Church Workers’gighted to have their assxstance. $150 to the Salvation Army,! Two Christmas parties have $100 to the Scott Mission andtbeen held this week â€"- for the finally $50 to the Co-ordinated'Cubs at Walter Scott Public Welfare Services of Richmond‘School on Tuesday and the Hill. Scouts, who enjoyed a swimming Congratulations to the ACW party on Wednesday, returning on an enviable record of acomp-‘to the school for Christmas lishment. 1 fare. To Be Married December 28 BRIAN EDWARD MORRISEY ANN SIMONE WAERN Mr. and Mrs. Lennart Waern, 283 Conestoga Avenue, Richmond Hill, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Ann Simone to Brian Edward Morrisey. son of Mrs. E. J. H. Morrisey and the late Col. E. J. H. Morrisey of Ottawa. The marriage will take place .December 28 at 7:15 pm in Centennial United Church, Highland Creek. the 443 ea Enjoying Christmas and the 0iglNew Year in jolly old England ch is Mrs. Arthur Rickard of May of Avenue, who is staying with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Ashby of pd Eastham, near London. The final Curtain Club meet- ing for the year was held Dec- ember 14, chaired by Vice- President Chris Steel. Business included reports on at w the last play “Nem Time I‘ll T} Sing To You," an impassionediMon plea for unpaid dues from Mem- then bership Secretary Beth Jones, and discussion on the children’s play very and the casting dates for the succ next play “Devil’s Advocate” be- ing directed by Tony Miller. A Ti The program “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" directed by Dagmar Matyas, included original material from the pens of Ron Solloway, Tony Hiscoke, Gerry Crack, Neville Cross and the director. It dwelt on many aspects of Christmas â€"â€" some amusing, several distressing and others unknown, giving members rwmh food for thought about the fest- ive season. no doubt performing some of her intricate dance routines from “37th Avenue Speakeasy” the recent‘ show performed by the ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion. Mrs. Rickard will be greatly missed during the festive season at the Legionâ€" however, the Legion’s loss will be England's gain! Santa visited and refreshments were served. During her visit she will be joining in the family celebra- tions for her mother’s 88th birthday on Old Year’s Day, The 8th Richmond Hill Cubs and Scouts recently held a joint meeting when the following Cubs were invested: Mark Woodhead, Rick Harris and Kevin Kernohan. At a previous meeting the folâ€" lowing received their red and white scarves: Charlie Gloster. Paul Thomas. Paul Morse and Michael Taylor. The pet keeper badge was pie-{chill one hour. sented to Wayne Herron and; Form into one inch balls; dip the cyclist to Michael Ross. in egg white and roll in nuts. Winner of the best decorated Place on cookie Sheet and top basket for Apple Day was each with 3 cherry pieces ar- Charlie Gloster, who won a ranged 0n PetBIS. Bake at 350 flashlight. The three best cost- degrees for 18 minutes. Let umes for the Hallowe’en party stand a few minutes before re- were Mark Woodhead, Gavin moving from cookie sheet. If deâ€" Newell and David McMullen. SiI‘Ed, wrap tightly and freeze. 'T‘ho hank nvfunflc n hDQva Makes coomes. What are your plans for Christmas? At home with the family, with out-of- town relatives or friends, or on a trip to the sunny south? Why not keep “Life in the Hill” columns up to date with your seasonal activit- ies by calling the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6 or by dropping a line to 63 Yonge Street South? The service is free, but all news items must be in the office by 10:30 am Tuesday morning for in- clusion in the current issue. The editor would like to take this opportunity of wishing one and all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Miss Barbara Southwell. a stewardess with Canadian Pac- ific Airlines, returned from Vancouver on Monday to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Frank Southwell on Church Street South. Mrs. Southwell's son and his wife, David and Joanna, from Kingston will be arriving on Christmas Eve to join in the family festiVities. Mary Monks. formerly of‘ Richmond Hill, now living in Vancouver, was a most attrac- tive and interesting guest on the series “Man At The Centre” televised recently over CBC on “Extrasensory Perception." She gave a vivid description of two experiences â€" of “see- ing” her husband Harold in a motorcycle crash, then finding out shortly afterwards that he had indeed crashed. suffering lthe identical injuries she had [foreseen and "seeing" the Mal- ton air disaster of July 5 two weeks before it actually oc- curred, and discovering that the ‘details were exactly as she had dreamed them. It was a fascinating program, with the host taking the skep- tical viewpoint, leaving viewers to decide for themselves whether it was the subconsious at work or ESP. The many friends of the Monks Family have missed them during the festive season and extend best wishes for a a concert attended by a large audience of parents. brothers, sisters and interested friends. The highlight of the afternoon was the singing of “O Tannen- baum” in the original German, by the senior group under the direction of Nursery Director Mrs. Johanna Kunze. fnerry Christmas and every success for the New Year. The Richmond Hill Day Care Centre began its celebration of Christmas last Wednesday when the children and staff presented On Wednesday. parents and children were entertained at a grand Christmas party at the centre. In spite of his busy schedule. Santa Claus dropped in to extend his best wishes for the festive season. Almost everyone has a special dish \vhichv family or friends enjoy â€"â€" why not share the var-inc with our readers. be if main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be nublish- ed in this column â€"- how about yours? A full Christmas dinner, in- stead of the usual hot noon meal, will be served on Decem- ber 24, a fitting windup to a busy pre-Ohristmas season. The thanks of the community go out at this time to Mrs. Kunze, Mrs. Gwen Cardwell, Miss Angela Forsdyke, Miss Doreen Apps, Miss Nancy Fisher. Mrs. Gertrude Coffin, Mrs. Lois Ball, Mrs. May Wil- son and Mrs. Emmy Bubeloff for making this first year of op- eration such a successful one. A pilot project in York Coun-l ty, the local centre serves as a' model day nursery for many other communities in the area. Much of the credit for this goes to Mrs. Kunze and, her staff. uuuuuuumum“\mu\ummIlIuu1iuuu1|\immmmuuuumnuu 1"} cup shortening 1/; cup brown sugar 1 egg yolk 1 tblsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp. salt. 1 slightly beaten egg white 1/é cup finely chopped Cali- fornia walnuts Candied cherries, cut in eighths. Cream shortening and sugar. Beat in egg yolk. lemon juice and vanilla. Sift flour and salt together: stir into mixture; chill one hour. mumuuuumuumumummumuumIuuumnuuuuumumuum Christmas belongs to little children” -â€" whoever said that, must have had in mind just such a service as the Nativity Tableau presented Sunday morning by the children of the nursery and kindergarten of Richmond Hill United Church and directed by Dorie Hiscott and choir leader Mrs. Jean Thompson. In a real manger filled with straw and watched by a donkey's head, lay the baby Jesus who was seven week old Martha Jane Monkman â€"in keeping with the times and Women‘s Lib! All the little ones wore suit- able costumes â€" the Mother Mary, Jane Perratt, and Joseph, Christopher Clark were kneel- ing by the manger. The three Wise Men bearing gifts were Drew Thompson, Mark Dimpfel and Scott Judge. The little an- gels with wings and stars and the shepherds complete with crooks and lambs joined in the chorus of “Away in the Man- ger.” Following this, the child ren walked down the aisles and a full sanctuary rewarded them for their efforts. It made so many other aspects of the Christmas “rush” pale into in- significance. as the congregation watched the faces of these “small types.” The youngest shepherd, Robbie Smith, 5011 of the Rev. Bob Smith. decided to return to the pulpit for a “re- peat performance” to the de- light of everyone. There were forty-six children in the tableau, capably assisted by four teenagers dressed as angels. They were Marion Bab- cock. Heather Wilson, Elizabeth Miller and Cheryl Rogers. What’s Cooking? POlNSET’l‘IA PETAL COOKIES l A champagne luncheon with her bridesmaids preceded the picturesque afternoon wedding of Denise Irene, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Har- court of Richmond Hill, held October 3 at St. John‘s Anglican Church Jefferson. The bride- groom, Wayne McKillop, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKillop of Winnipeg. The bride was radiant in a superb wedding dress designed by David Rea â€"â€" of French rib- bon lace, with a sheer yoke enhanced with a ruffle trim of lace, long sleeves and high waist accented by lace-edged ribbon and the full skirt incorporating a cathedral train. Her veil cas- caded from a matching head- piece embroidered with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white roses. Roses Theme 0f love/ y Fall Wedding DENISE HARCOURT CHARMING BRIDE 0F “5 _NE McKILLOP with der were dressed in ethereal the ding ihter Har- held lican ride- the neth in a gned rib- yoke n of vaist abon iting white chiffon floor-length gowns and Juliet caps and each held a long stemmed red rose. Flower Girl Kerri Snider also wore white chiffon, with a sash of cranberry red velvet and car- ried a flower basket filled with pink roses. Ring Bearer Grant Meder was striking in a black velvet Tom Jones outfit with white lace and ruffle trim. A very elegant full-length flowing gown of champagne beige silk knit was worn by the bride‘s mother with matching- gold trimmed sari scarf, gold ac- cessories and a corsage of gold roses on her lame muff. gowns A reception for 120 guests neld a was held at the country home of ‘lower the bride’s parents, with ex- wore quisite floral arrangements of sh of roses (the bride's f a v o rite 1 car. flower) which predominated 1 with throughout the wedding. En- Grant tertainment was provided by the black bride's father, with his dance with group “The Ambassadors,” m. which later in the evening play- longthted music for dancing. sional hymn “0 Perfect Love." For her going away outfit the bride wore a tailored navy blue pant suit, with red accessories, and the happy couple flew from Out of town guests attending the wedding were Major and Mrs. John Croft, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Croft, Oshawa; Mrs. John McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. A. Meder, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. W. McKillop, Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harcourt, Belfast, Ireland and CBC Dance Instructor Brian Foley of Toronto. . Buttonville in a private plane, piloted by the groom (a pilot with Toronto Airways) for a honeymoon in the Bahamas. They are now living in Don Mills.

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