Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1970, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 24. 1970 Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News “The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburg. Maple, please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord. Mrs. (‘arol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg‘. Mrs. Lucille Shaw. 893-1432. last Wednesday evening in the" ‘storm. Wally Kucherawy was enjoyed a delicious dinner of ‘killed while on a service call roast beef and home-made pics with the tow truck from the served by the ladies of the I‘Ma‘ple BP station. owned by UCW. On the occasion 01’ their members of his family. second anniversary as a club. Wally is survived by his 1110â€" Mrs. Det ther, Mrs. Nellie from Siston, Manitoba, and‘birthday cake with trick cand- We would like to extend a brothers Mitro, John and Stan les that president Paul Snider warm Canadian-Maple w'el- of Maple and Bill of Torontodjust couldn‘t blow out. come to Mrs. Mary Blair who Sympathy from the entire As guests for the occasion. is in'Maple for the Christmas community goes out to this;MLA Donald Deacon. \‘ork season. visiting with her dau-‘well-know'n and well-liked fam-.’Centre. and Mrs. Deacon were ghter and family, Mr. and Mrs. ily in their bereavement. as‘present. Mr. Deacon spoke on Alistair Sutherland. Sandra.lwell as to Miss Janice Lynnflthe “Home Plan" of the prov- David and Blair of Netherfordfalso of Maple. with whom Wal-lincial government to provide Road. Mrs. Blair comes fromily was to become engaged. [help when needed for the shut- Greenock, Scotland. and we do‘Senior Citizens tin, the ill and the elderly. hope she enjoys her winter. The sehi01.sha\.e had a very The government feels that visit in Maple. §husy month beginning with a help when needed will assist * * t * Shopping hh) to Yorkdale De_ older people to continue in Congratulations to the lucky camber 7‘ whon Mrs. Lee Hyhd‘itheir own homes. independent- winners of the Lions Ski-doodhs‘ Edythe Bhketh hh.s.‘Ed_ ly, longer. and thus they will On December 14 the seniors Palmer and Mrs. KucherawyiPearl Jarrett prmided a huge. Following the business por- tion 01' the meeting. a delicious lunch of Christmas goodies w as served by Mrs. lda McDonald and the hostess. Mrs. Margaret Andrew. The annual (‘hristmas ('Ollâ€" gregation and Sunday school pot luck supper was held De- cember 17 in the Maple Comâ€" munity Hall, with well over 100 members and children present. With each pot luck supper we attend. we become even more convinced that there are some marvellous cooks in Map- le. The children of the Sunday school. Explorers and the Bi- ble classes provided the even- ing's entertainment with an old-fashioned Christmas con- cert. The young people of the Bi- IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE before the holidays fast ap- proaching. each class in the ‘senior school is busy rehearsing .ior a concert to he put on for ‘the school on Tuesday after- noon. with a great variety of entertainment for the students. We would like to wish all the teachers and staff in the schools a \ery merry Christmas and happy New Year and a happy and safe holiday from all the parents and children in the schools. Bowling The scores for the men‘s league were not readily avail- able to us at press time, but we will hope to have them for our readers for the next issue of the Liberal. Ladies' -7 On December 14. 1Gin bowled against Rye and .took all 7 points. Rum took 5 draw, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Elson‘ha Brian and Mrs. Dot Palmehalso contribute their lale‘iltS‘blC classes circulated singing pohhs from gtotch Show, took of Jackson Street. Mflple- The drove members for a morningiand knowledge to their com'lHGOd RC51 Y“ MOW-V Gentle"'5 from Branth and ‘Vodka took whole family including parentshof shopping Several of the'mlmities fol“ much longer titanium" and Art Hills of Malarenl5 from P0” ' t Cal and Jean Miller, were thril- seniors went along as we“ in those W110 feel the burdens OflRoad led off the program withi This Ieavéq ghen-V on hm led to bear that their efforts their own cars‘ keeping a home too much to a short film he had taken atlwhh 26 poin‘tsihhh' Ohh, 0m; to support the Lions and to They enjoyed a lunch anducope Willi. ivarious church activities from‘game to 60 in the gecon'd so]; Win that Ski‘doo had “many returned for the afternooni The seniors found bow Mr-lfamil-V da-V serViccs and Slmda“'lizes Rve is a close second with Paid Off! We also congratulalelnieetlng of games. They wouldland MFS' Deacon Charmmg'lSChOOI "135595 10 the more am'l24- Brandv in third place with Dick Taylor who sold the win-iiike to take this opportunity"“‘ien‘l1y People “"10 “‘0'? int-fusing Strip 13km at the Picniclzai Rum with 22 Gin with 20 nlng thkEt- {to extend their thanks to the .eresmd in the Week“ aai‘m' in June or “‘is No”- 3Port with 19 Viodka with iii * * "' . lladies who so kindly provided les 0f me gm”? Brian Bronifield. Brian llay'.;and scotch with 15. we “'Qllld like to lake “"5 transportation and helped them It “"35 a Speaal "eat It.“ have‘Robbie Hudson and Chris Plun-l Ellen Borneman took tho Opportunity 10 e-‘llelld 10 alllwith their shopping. “eve”! members back will 1h“lket sang "Deck the Halls" withlhiah single for the evening 0111‘ readers. young and 01d, 3 The next evening, December'gi‘ng 1°" the dmne“ “'lth Mlflswthe rest of the Sunday schooliw-iih 271 and Ev Auhei-tln had safe, happy 311‘! Very merryls, the ladies of the UCW held Mar-V Jones 0‘” fro!“ 5‘1'10h'751assistiiig and accompanied by}; good night with a 672 high Christmas! It is our fervent their annual Christmas pot Convalescent Hospital in \tlil-i‘Lisa Hudson at the piano. triple * Wish that those who are ti-av-‘luck Suppeh and invited the lowdale. Mrs. Laura Wiltshire The Ex lover 6‘0 11‘ Det‘ Palmer m” holds hiohl elling at; Christmas time, be it seniors to join with them an(hout from Toronto where she is:the ,eadefship 5f] Highs uni; average with 210 i b I . - u _ _ n - ,~ , i . c ‘ °Versea5- to 1’10"“ 0“ Just to smg for their supper. “0W “"13 and M” Miss Pioneers â€" December 17. Edi Bessiei . . . . , . - _ - and and aSSisted by 11 re our ovn d5 ~ . w 11 . - i , Wilson back fio R h ‘ . ‘. . . . reeturnmsafely :merl tau“ 1 Aftel enjoymg an ekceuent m m mend Rosemary Brice and Miss GaillBorretts team lost all 7 potntsl h 1' happy meal. the seniors presented-amHmiV“he?e Sil‘e 1‘5 “0“3 ‘ .‘Cooher presented a pantomimelto Jack Gooderliam‘s and Orne o idayl excellent program of recmh Mis. Wiltshiie came out fiom .. . . ,, i _ .. 4 _ . a q. a is . . . ° . . Toronto with Mrs Norman Boo_lof Scrooges Christmas .These DOWIIBY‘: team took 5 f1 om; - tlons‘ Smgmg and musmi "1' ' 'Pete Craibe's, leaving them‘ . i - . , - . . . . girls were Lisa and Kellie A wave of shocked disbelief cludlng poetry wmten and re-.gers mothel. M15. Malgaiet Hudson. Chm.” Comm,- Kim with 2‘ s 9 k \n ‘ N“AGO Map/e Presbyterian: Get Into Cris pirt Last Wednesday nights generous snow blanket put everyone in the proper Christmas mood for the annual pot luck supper of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening. The supper held in the Maple Community Centre was attended by the children of the Sundav School as well as members of the congregation and everyone enjoyed the generous servings of seasonal good things to eat from the buffet table. 731'sI:Islet:'ziziezeizzeimicimiziemmismtzrétetazzmzrammimmstmmi} ‘i eietauzteeztezKlankmeezzaieiéieiota-Keenanexzeezaiavzmzzomwa'ezw: meaning of followed by deep sadness swept cued by Mal), EmmgtonyiMidd eton, who was made wel McCallum‘ Valerie Stephenson. This leaves Gooderham on _ the dove of through Maple \Vlth the ne‘VS and a reeltatlon bv Ml-S' Mal-g- calne 0L” SCDIOIS- I ‘ L v ‘ h 3 i1 ts Bontett‘s of the death of another of tlie'aret Andre“,- Wa'm Hall gave Two special guests who ent-{Ceat 791 am‘om' lbalen‘ Ivgnsfi- 1e. 0P ‘21] )1]. , le.-Cl ’40 0i ts ,_ peace fill the young men of our communityitwo Christmas number. accom ertained were Rita Moore at the. 9”“19 Amb‘OS“ 5am“ IVE-lam 59°”. 1 ‘1‘” “' ‘ P n. ‘ r ' ' f c 1Llsa Mahhs_ Nancy Fraser‘ Den. Dow ney s third place with 30 no“ _ 4 hearts 0 I ian d l“ " “ ‘ . . . p 0 an a” 0” “ho sangline James and Roberta Sander- and Games bl‘mg “9 the real" __._ panied on the iano b’ Mrs. p l beautifully, and led in the car-, Flossie Bagg. Forte“ Oliver son with Barbara Feeheley aswvith 21. . 1 ‘ i: a” me" this day' front Discount Cleaners & Bond Clothes KINGSDALE ANIMAL .and Earl Ma 8 h _01 Singing. The girls drewg. . _ ‘ . a ,. - . a “double dfet€,sang2011°SSa-t:id smiles when they were intro;lJunlm abislstam‘ .The glf’upl .Ed Bone“ Wok “1.9 hlgh HOSPITAL 0 h u m ' d d “Tl K ff . S- . . .. closed their play With the sing-ltriple for the night with 570 and er, Roland Keffer, Biff Andrew “09 as ‘e .e 9‘ 15“?” 2 ing of “Joy to the World" and Jim Craibe had the high a i ,, - - DR. CARL HEDER and Earl Magee sang. The en_ aauglitei‘s of their proud father, D M St I 'M k single with 253 In The North Mall â€" Richmond Heights Centre . I tire assembly sang Christmas: my heffeh honor“y pmSh ona ep'ienson. ai Si . . I. , . . . .. ~. , _ . . . nce this was the annual We 7-77 manyâ€"Vii"? . - -r a ~~7~~#â€"â€"â€"â€" 833 5401 carols to round out the even_ dentu‘ r. {0}“ a‘fd Jaliile,,Caltel sangtbowl night Alex Bishop Ed xmzmxmememeziziexmemmiaiemewmxnmmwzmmzzxwg , mg During the meehhg‘ Pauli “e Thiee Kings aceompan- Harding Nérman Payne hercyfi B t ' h ’ ’ ' es l8 es Snider announced that planslléd by Rosemary Brice at the were underway for an evening‘PlanO- 'Wmifmmxmmmmgxmmfim Puterbaugh. Ed Smart. Chief 1‘; S mmsmmxmmxmn “Mhhfih TWO WAREHOUSE LOCATIONS: . . i a â€" 7 -' _lMyers. Len Weeks and Ed Bor-iu f . at the Ice Capades January 26.. Thlee anoel-‘i ‘alelle Slel’h i ‘ 0’ a . i v Merry ChrlStmaS lThe money, $2.50 per persongenson, Kellie Hudson and Lino-;re_tt took home turkeys These y CORNER l\'0. 7 & WOODBINE AVE. \ AND ,must be in by January 16' Since‘sey Creighton sang the Christ h‘inners wéeye chosen fiom hidâ€" [Merry #5 2160 N0. 7 HIGH“.AY at KEELE ST. ‘ ‘~ ‘mas lullaby “Aw ' M -‘ 9“ SCOTen . A , h V a bus must be lined, and seats‘ a\ in a an A lucky draw “35,3150 held. (Jhrlstnlas AND Sf RES 11‘: reserved. please. contact mewâ€"lg?” With Cheryl COOPEI‘ at the‘ .bers of the entertainment com-iplano- mittee. Mm Margaret penlmgj The children of the nursery V v _ ,_ ,, ton, Mrs. Hilda Allen or Mrs.’and kindel'gal‘len Pl‘esemedlcal‘e' These “ele Money ‘ Alice Hall or treasurer andluThe Lonely Bell" “'illl Kll‘lelain‘ Barney Bria.“ Ome secretary Mr. and MrS. Ed lvens cast as the bell who was Downey and Pete Clalbe' Barrett, so sad because he could not Presbyterian Church contribute to the spirit of . h The ladies of St. Andrew’s Christmas. Arun Bajaj as the , WA-WMS met for their Christ- star who shone and 1er the chrIStmas was T eme mas meeting at the manse De. Wise men to the manger. Scott ‘Elson dressed as Santa. who Vellore withvpartieipates in Christmas by with one winner from each Team taking home a Christmas w Willowdale {z Downsview 7% Brampton :3 Oakville shamanism»:Manamaâ€"ammo: mammal».anemia-Mimi)sz a:xxxexmsmzmmmzmmxmeaemeaemmmmxmonumental/g: Township of Vaughan PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY . It is hereby proclaimed that & . Happy New Year aaaaaaaaaaamxxmaaaanaaaaawahmmmzmaaaaaamazt Happy New Year FROM MANAGEMENT &' STAFF SUBURBAN RADIATOR Wigwam“:numxxxxxmmxmxxmeexmme; cembe“ 16- The program v. 5 1V l FROM THE MANAGEMENT & STAFF la Riviera Coiffure ii A3.3124Ziafiahfimammflaahmm313036}Pl)l?t?t?l22t% , began 1 Merry lMI‘s. Ross Robson presiding. jglVlng. the a n g e l S Alison . - _ . . . .‘ 83243590 ' maple Plaza ' Maple l ‘and the Christmas entertaiiiâ€" ‘Cl‘elglllon and Leslie Grossel “19 top” {m we Detembel Christmas and Happy . .. .. i ’ -»W[was.- -r s - » 7-. .' mehh m place of the rewlarhho pammpate by smgmg‘ and meeting of Vellme maria;mmaahaizarmmamazement}natamaizmziarmmsmaamamama Study. was presented by Mrs-iAhdmw Cartel. as a little;Elgi§itl:l::h::§ethe roll call was: . . .. x ‘ . - .t ‘ . b' ‘ Maly camelon and Mix Lombe Christmas tree who also shines. MIR Ray Phillips gave her} . cooper with a story written by‘and cheers at Christmas were‘repom of the area convemion -'eizzaiaieziezevezésieJaimie:zezzaisieiésétare. raeeiezeeeisieréeeeieaeteieléz’ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE é ’1 531‘ KKKKKW’KIE'E‘EKfiKKKK’KKKKiflhfilfilfi V Glé‘filzéfl‘fi New Year Minton C' JOhnsmni I‘Etil‘ediihe Show Stealers 0f the even"held at the Royal York Hotel in1 Baptist minister from Thom'lmg‘ . . Toronto. that the offices 0f from hill, “How The Littlest Cherub rhlS Skit was presemed by Mrs. Alex Bishop reported on - Saturday December s a was Late For Christmas” the teachers of the class Gail ' ,. . . ‘ i th su sful bazaai held at. The program had been beau- Cooper, Sandra Sutherland. as- Yoerk “Egg?” Newmarket_ tifully prepared by Mrs. Vivian Slsted by Bill Wright and Gary Mrs Lom’e weldrick read the g . . AdC'OCk S Dominion Hardware story, “My Father’s Miracle Ma le V Grant who had done excellent Forrest. p , out. i ii illustrations to accompany thel Angels Michelle Fortin. Hea- Christmas" which Showed how .- mxaxmnumnmmxmmmmshamanism)?‘stow. “1,91 Lamont Blenda GYOSSK the testive season was brighten- iLisa Hudson sang “O Come All ed and enjoyed even though Cir- the Township of Vaughan ‘ Will Be Closed will be observed as Boxing Day for the Township of Vaughan mmmmnaisimsibmmmammmm (‘itizens are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. 'i'l'fl KKKKK’ZKKKflKKKEKKKKKKKKKKKK'éKIKKKKIQEKKKKKKEK he. Manama;at;a.maamaiammamamasmaaaammammamamhamaaaa E ’QZEK’K’fil’é’vZKK’flK‘K-‘EK’KZAG KKK'KKKK’K mammamaiaimamziammaiaiziaiaimziaiaaiaiaizai209227201 W Ye Faithful" with Rosemary cumstances were difficult. . Bl'lf‘e all the Planoa Mrs. Roy Bowen spoke about “N . 'l‘f‘llle finds?“ Played 3 SOl_0.Christmas plants, telling how to GARNET \\'JLLIAA;\[SV : 0l 0 lLOli’lblgllll 10d“ the Pl- care for them hand their star Reeve am}. an 11059 (‘ll 1‘0” “llO‘ratinv. For exai ple an African 0 had not partici ated sang “511- \~' )5 i ll“.‘. 1 -a't ' 28’ ’_ N P iolct and a Cl istmts c c us . . . . . . ,. . . . . . OFF st; ' ‘ i i , . 9m Mglll ~ each received three stars. (:01) bA\ [3 [Hit QUEEN ‘ “(£51m RUA'L PR1“ - 9 With the audience ‘ll v ii 13- r Fll' ~ d - d ON A GALLON or FIRST QUALITY . "Jingle Bells“. Santa Eli-ICES gainlescalllixlde“Eeitltgg {limo-a: F" 0- Jaclml‘dnv “elk iaaaahwmmwwmww-Mayawneaeaeaaewme; PAINT AND A 2” PURE BRISTLE BRUSH O wvith candy bags for the childâ€" played progressively. and res- Township Of Vaughan Q ren and a waltz with Mrs. Jean embled bingo in that as soon . . Q lMiller. :as one had a beetle assembled 9&5"?hagga'g'z?“TEN;3733*3!??'?‘3‘3*??‘3‘B‘E'Thg'gmfi‘ig'y'wza" Q Mrs. Lee llynd would like to by means of dice and numbers.iwaists-misses“isWE55ms’m‘mmflmwfli‘t‘mm“W”: '.. : .remind the girls of her Ex- “Beetle” was called out. Thee; £51 . . . y ‘ lplorer group that there will was stopped and each .1; at 720 NEW CUSTOM MIth COLORS . lno meetings over the liolidayshpé‘l'son counted the points earn- 5; g , , , iwith the first meeting in the Cd in that Pound» ‘» -' . PLLS “ leE : ‘new year on January 7, At the close of the meeting a i; g . Lutheran Church delicious Christmas lunch was § g Q Just a reminder of the Can- sewed' 3” 5 4~\_qy 6.. ' ‘ ( _ . sel'Vlce at Zion Lllth- â€" "“7"_"_*’V""~W "_ g g BURNISHED R‘pr‘" U u“ . .c . . . . . . . . a 3-D â€" Reg. smog . Church Christmas Eve at is 5 SUMMER Y V . , . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.90 â€" Reg. S 8.4.) A 1.00 pm with no service on {.1 2 yKlttOTTY CEDAR, 4 XS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.95 9 Christmas Dav ‘Jee ’ Univ rsal 51’ 5 HICKOR). 4x8xl.“ .. '1l1£‘.\' Lasin . . . . . . 39.95 9 The candelight service is a p e ’2 F , _ _ T Y _ h _ nioving experience for every- $3 5 {RE “ 00D OAK RILB'DR ~00 Lb- Bag 51.00 3 ‘one. when each worshipper is g 12 ‘xlzn VINYL ASB _ . ._ _ given a candle of his own which {w L FLOORTILE.... . . . . . . lochdth O. â€" * A (5 Different Colors. ' . is to be lighted from his neigh- a 2‘ ’ . m h n r . or's candle. symbolizinU the " " ) s v- s _. Mi - l“ 59 Cork Billboard. 15 LA . . . . . . . . . . $-40 viiâ€"ht“) . . . . . . . . . . $4.90 : passing on of the light God sent 5-“ g' SKIL PO‘VER TOOLS CENTREâ€" . into the world in the form of 2:] a tiny Babe. 3i 5‘ O . Gibson School $5 1 1 h P l 5' : With the holidays: coming tip. it: 0 e e 0 g G B s .00 . 1several of the classes ha\e been II ‘ on outings includine Mrs Pat- l' t" "r . ricia Blake‘s " D ‘ . Q N class and Mrs 5 " (10 to a bag! - Re°. . . lrene Wests‘ clac l 'n a e 3‘ e l a v s s r - ., _ , _ , ,h _ . -s to Biiil- 54 ~ KITCHEB SIZE BAGS -9L PIxG. (1.) '10 A PEG.) : ington Outdoor Resources Cen- - ‘ y :5; FACTOR} CLEARANCES . . LUXURIOUS o “‘9' and “‘3' B13“ and “‘3‘ ‘ 7 5 . . Corrine Severn‘s classes to City i‘ K a . Hall to skate. with a look at the . 5 0 ’3 H I 1 O . Christmas windows and a visit I is” . to Eaton‘s Toyland and Santa. E; 2 a z 3 Mrs. Mohini Mehta and Mrs. T t d . it 0 fi . . U Joan Brieht planned to take BS [IVE e 1 h C l ’3 ‘ aqdardfilzes: Beal‘tmlll." prefinished inside. fully covered with . 11W” “IRS-“0“ ‘0 Cl” “3” ‘0 G k if e ii Vinyl in white color. Burma-Teak woodgrain in furniture finish. : ‘kmo film I” “no” Slam“ 13" obanyWhere wor er atches and black colonialâ€"style knobs. postformed couiitertops . Aliilil(:,"‘\'.lhi of W. (h, on "5 . .. s. i v s ; I‘ 7 -- '. . .- . i} Beige Scum. . hhmol filmed Chm“? mod 3: t . .\. “illiams A. ll. Rutheitoid .2 is - . - " YOL'R NEEDS [N HOME IMPRO\-E‘IE\«TS 0 last Friday at noon tor their Ree‘e DeplllF'RCeVe fl ' AND COTTAGE MATERan ‘ A : ChileCQllim'ut E . . V _ _ _‘ . I I _ rs. ia ant iondos was at 55 a u Brand I‘loor & Ceiling Tiles & a Big \ai‘iety o the school last Friday to enter- 9 ff. , . ’3 of “all Panelling Q tain the children with Christâ€" S ie D- h- l'l'asel' . . h. . . . . ~_ ‘ h . 31 . .. - Q mas liltlle. Fiom our expert bales & ban-Ice i..- J. C. Gilbert . ence. Mi. Gondos leates a great to a . . impression on the children. es- (196,8) ,LTD‘ R' D' MCAMhur f!" ' KEELE ST.. MAPLE . penal“. some “ho “VOUld be 91’” XOTGE 81" G' Rink Nortn of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. : 19"“ .mpocmd "0 Show an} soutthQIf] l1. T. ‘Villn‘l'l‘l'llll - ' Fl‘lda.‘ 8.30 am to 9 pm. â€" Sat. 8.2‘0 a m, t 5 in?” “110w” m mm” lc‘lmmu 1 5‘7. ‘ .' w i ..”.”m”.;. .0..i:“... Bailey school [egg] Leg goth] 799 Loununm‘ f3 1.. “Nu the last {in} of sihtiol \1 'nzzamzmaa Zh}. 3. 9.213%?«2G-‘1i2Câ€""t ;l}!?|;‘l.;lzl’:nf:t In 2 2.1.}. >.;43i1.;.2.}.

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