Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1970, p. 12

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Joscelyn; Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884â€"4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 684â€"1177 fioNARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South Aurora. Ontario lawrence H. Silverberg CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 22 Silver Aspen Drive Thornhill Business 630-8551 Home 889-0747 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 306 Bayview Plaza Telephone 889-8275 889-6662 CUSTOM WORK By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) ROSS 130 Centre St. W. o 884-1788 Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Bridn H. Cowen Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS Barrow Insurance Servuces Ltd. Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists SAME DAY DRY CLEANING SERVICE . . . A Same Day Shin-I Service Accountants IN BY 10â€" OUT BY 5 MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 9724 Yonge St. South Phone Experts + Care = “Fabric Care Beyond Compare” Auto Transmission PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS H. Van Dyke - Arborist Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Engineering THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 31, 1970 Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 8844551 - 884-1219 Res. - 884-9708 Carpentry IN BY 10 â€"0UT BY 5 MONDAY T0 SATURDAY Forestry 884-6663 Insurance 884-7 774 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Flnance Service Ernie Brock 8. Son Toronto 363-3! 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill 889-1379 TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge St. 5. Anton, Ontu'io l 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. I Optometrists A. W. Kitchen, 0. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Office Supplies I. A. Office Furniture EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in OFFICE FURNITURE Richmond Heights Centre (Next to Carla’s Barber Shop) H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 STOUFFVILLE: Heike Sch‘ reder, a former student of Stouffville District Secondary School and now attending Geo- rge S. Henry Collegiate has been selected as one of 12 fin- alists in The Toronto Telegram's A: LL- Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Kiter Four Sweetheart 6f the Year. Heike served as life- guard and swimming instrucâ€" tress at the Stouffville pool last summer. Corner Agency Limited BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Belgian ART STUDIOS Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. W. LTD. Kirby Brock Maple. Ont. aim-Wallpaper Insurance 9114 Yonge St. Richvale INTERIORS LTD. FREE DELIVERY By Appointment 889-1059 (Continued) 884-3962 884-1031 363-3959 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 A. L. HAMES Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Bunny Snow’s In The Mall, 250 Yonge St. N Richmond Heights Centre Richmond Hill P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL T0 TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling C.C.M. 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line 0! Sporting Goods Piano Tuning Complete Antenna Service AGS and ROGERS MAJESTIC SALES and SERVICE Repairs to All Makes Call us about Rentals Ontario Land Surveyors Yates & Yates Tuner - Technician 782-6750 Phone 884-6521 None are quite so alone as the stranger in town, or the newcomers to the neighbor~ hood. Remember your last move you felt as the moving van pulled away . . . how you more than half wished you'd never come? Spare your new neighbors feelings such as these. Let theWelcome Wagon Hostess bring greetings and gifts to make them feel at home. Help stamp out strangers. Cfll Welcome Wagon today I HELP STAMP OUT STRANGERS 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale TV Repairs Mrs. Owen Trunk Rlchmond Hill - 884-4690 Surveyors Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 221-3485 @fisz/g'qwu DD. By Bruce Shaver Don Head welcomed back last year‘s graduating students Nov- ember 4. The program began with a prayer by Mr. David Jeanneret. Then came greetings from Head Girl Lynda Woodhouse and Head Boy Ron Woodward. Presentation of certificates was made by Trustee Morley Kinnee of the York County Board of Education and chair- man of the advisory vocational comrfiittee. Remarks to the graduates were made by Assistant Athle- tic Director, Ted Summerville, Seneca College. The prize for proficiency in social studies was given to Debâ€" bie Johnson by Mrs. M. S. H. Verrico on behalf of the IODE, Richmond Hill Chapter. The prize for general prof- iciency in all subjects was pre- sented to Robert Graves by Mrs. Raymond Foord on behalf of the Richmond Hill IODE Rich- mond Rose Chapter. The closing remarks were giv- en by Principal Charles Seath. The following graduates were present: Carol Cillis, Judy Cox, Marlayna Dale, Tim Elliott, Bruce Fairy, Peter Frazer. Rob- ert Graves. Lynn Ivany, Debbie Johnson. Darlene Mills, Terry Rae, Monika Pitzchel. WORK EXPERIENCE WEEK Students in the second and third year courses were out for a work study program from November 23 to December 4. The purpose of this program is to expose students to a real work situation. We believe that as a result of this program stu- dents will get a better insight into different phases of business and industry and hopefully it will guide them into a choice of career. This should also give students the opportunity to see the attitudes and responsibilities necessary to perform well in a job. We have had a wonderful co- operation from all industries and businesses contacted. Here are some comments from the students. By Bernice Ponsford I worked at Wimbridge Dry Cleaning tagging. packaging shirts, filling the dryer and dry cleaning machines, silk finishing and pants pressing. They were very nice; I learned a lot and I didn’t get bored. By Clarence Brown I worked for Cuthbertson Service Centre in refrigeration and electrical repairs. I enjoyed it very much and I got a part- time job. By Joe Fleming I worked for Bob’s Fish and Chips for Marten Van Schubert. I helped clean up, served and took money. The people were Dutch; I liked them a lot and I had so much fun. I also got a part-time job there. Larry Cassell I worked for the head chef at Cedar Brae Golf Club. I do work there and I feel that I did fairly well but I did make mis- takes. It was quite different from working part-time. By Glen Mino ‘ I worked for A & B Contrac- tors helping to repair and re- model houses. I liked the people: I learned -a lot while working and I now have a part- time job with them. By Beverley Ponsford I worked for Thornhaven School. It is in Richmond Hill at Ne'wkirk and Centre Street. DON HEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION INOTICE T0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MARTIN STYRMO, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Building Contractor, de- ceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of MARTIN STYRMO, late of the Township ‘of Markham, in the County of 1 York, Building Contractor, de- ceased, who died on or about‘ the let day of July, 1969, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executor of the last will and Testament of the said deceased on or before the 20th day of January, 1971, full part- iculars of their claims. Im- mediately after the aforesaid date the Executor will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to such claims of which he shall then, have notice. DATED at Markham, this 16th day of December, 1970. LESLIE HART. Executor of the Estate of MARTIN STYRMO By his solicitors. v, CA'I'I‘ANACH, HINDSON & SUTTON, 52 Main Street North, Markham, Ontario. Don Head Secondary School DON HEADLINES I taught some kids their work Please Note Holmes Electric Fire alarm connection to Richmond Hill Fire now available directly Hall. GORMLEY, ONTARIO "ass-1,970 Contact authorized representative. “There are a number of reasons for the total lag in utilization of educational TV," he continues. “Teachers feel threatened by it. They pass it off, using defensive phrases such as ‘I don’t teach that way‘, ‘It doesn’t fit into my curricu- They read to me. I got along really great with the employers. They were really nice. I think I did a pretty good job. I learned a lot about children and how to handle them. I learned what they might say. They were really polite and nice if you were nIce to them. I enjoyed it there and would like to go back. A PAT ON THE BACK ' Most of us do a pretty good job (at least some of the time we do) and it‘s nice to hear about it. We can't mention ev- eryone who deserves to be praised but here is a pat on the back for some of them. We'll mention others next issue. From outdoor education, a pat on the back for Bill Benfield and Allison Funston for succes- sfully executing the first out- door education cookout and anâ€" other pat-for Fred Zinner for his outdoor education display. From the math centre we hear of mathematicians Allan Harrison and Ricky Pearson who have completed every unit. Everyone has admired the red chaise in the merchandising dis- play window. Did you know it was the work of Sandy Murdoch and Ron Davies. In metal shop Paul .Degli-Angeli has com- pleted a superb fishing tackle box and proven himself a nat- ural for sheet metal work. In building construction Car- son Thorn has produced a gun rack and Don Hatton a coffee table, both of which deserve much praise. In dry cleaning we hear there are three first class hustlers who did so well in work ex- perience that they have got partâ€"time jobs and will be of- fered fullâ€"time jobs in the future. George Robson deserves special mention for his cheer- fulness and good ideas. He is an ideal storekeeper. In upholstery Mike D’Eath did a fine job on a green tub chair for Mr. Ron Hyde. Debbie Ohno deserves a pat on the back for good all round work in home management. Pam Ohno and Allan Harrison for their accomplishments in business machines and John Craig and Lorne Johnston for their excellent work in auto body. A RIDE IN A TWIN COMANCHE -By Barry Abbott Ron Woodward and Paul Im- perial put the most effort into the driver education course. Chosen from 43 students, their reward was a trip in the CFRB Twin Comanche. They saw all the main arteries of Toronto during the rush hour. Parents And Teachers To Examine TV In Education In Seneca Course Is television a boon or a‘ threat to education in the home and in the school? A ten-week course to begin at Seneca Col- lege in Willowdale in January will give parents and teachers an opportunity to examine to- gether the effect of this power- iful media on learning. It will be‘the first time a course has been offered on the use of TV for educational pur- poses with both parents and teachers participating. The course will be headed by Dr. Robert Reid, a resident of Scar- boro and supervisor of com- munication education for the \United Church of Canada. The subject is entitled, “Us- ing TV as an Education Med- ium”; and classes will be held every Wednesday at Seneca’s Finch Campus, Finch and Wood- bine Avenues, from 7:30 to 9:30‘ pm beginning January 13. It is one of more than 170 di- ploma and special interest sub- jects being offered through the college’s continuing education division this winter. Technological advances in ed- ucational TV have outstripped its utilization and a parent - teacher crisis exists, declares Dr. Reid. He plans in the course to lead discussions on how to patch the growing rift between home and school, using tele- vision as the basis. “Vast sums of money have been poured into the technol- ogy of educational TV at con- siderable expense to the tax- payer,” he points out. “We have Channel 19, and META on Channels 6 and 9; yet only a small percentage of teachers are using TV as an educational tool. We’re even talking about closed circuit TV to the schools through cable. Technologically, uve can do it tomorrow. but no one is talking about what is go- ing on it.” Dr. Reid warns, “We are in danger, in the early stage, of letting a promising giant be- come lost, except for token use. No one will want to continue to pour money into something that is not being used. lum', or ‘I tri it didn’t work Many are out of date in the use of the medium, or are not aware of facilities available to assist them in its use. Many parents, on the other hand, are very suspicious about the use of TV in the classroom Dr. Reid feels. Will it be government controlled, they wonder? Who decides on the programs? What abOut the possibility of censor- ship? He recommends a planned program with parents and teachers co-operating. Teach- ers could give the children as- tried it bnce, and nice to hear Recently during a trip to ; mention ev- London my wife and I visited erves to be the House of Commons. We : a pat on the were not allowed â€" for reasons them. We'll which entirely escape me â€" to xt issue. sit together. As a visiting par- ucation,a pat liamentarian I was placed in Bill Benfield the Distinguished Strangers )n for succes- gallery. My wife was relegated ,he first out- to the Speakers Gallery where )kout and 811- (she says) she had a better view. Canada, Simply benches from which members rise to speak. a pvane consequence is that mem- mund bers cannothuse desks to prop up ,ment' written copies of their speeches 1.1.150“ â€"-they speak informally from .h ;,..notes. The last time I visited the British House was in 1956 dur- ing the debates on the Suez af- fair. Then it was enormously exciting. I can still remember the cascades of order papers (the agenda for the Commons meetings) thrown into the air, and the shouts of “Resign! Re- sign!” from the Labour mem- bers following Anthony Eden’s defence in the Commons of his Mid-East policy. I saw Eden, un- der the tumult, slump out of the chamber a sick and weary man. A few weeks later he left for a rest in Jamaica, and soon re- signed. Time and memory play tricks. I was astonished to see how much smaller than I re- membered, the British House of Commons is -â€" barely half the size of our own. One has the impression that one could reach out and touch the MP’s from the gallery. The British house of Commons is small by design, not by accident. There are no desks for members as we have in And because the British House is small â€"â€" without suf- ficient seats for all its mem- bers â€"â€"there is never that sense of vast emptiness which inflicts the Canadian Commons when routine matters are discussed.‘ The British House is cosy and‘ even with a few present gives the feeling of conversational de- bate. On great occasions the British House is thronged with MP5 trying to find a place to ‘sit or stand. signments on up-coming pro- grams on commercial television as well as those on the educa- tion channels. Parents could then be “tuned in" to what their children are learning and keep up with the changes in education -â€" the new maths, for example. The integrated group at Sen- eca College will study the theories of “attitude changes." What kind of power does tele- vision have? What can it do? Communications t h e o r y is‘ threaded throughout the course comprising about 20 percent of the content. Another 20 percent will deal with the technological side, the setup in the classroom, lesson planning, etc. Then remainder of the series will provide a for- um to examine TV as a society- oriented device. Fee for the course is $20. Registrations are being ac- cepted at Seneca’s Sheppard Campus, Sheppard Avenue just east of Yonge Street, which will be open for registration in all winter evening classes in the continuing education division from 9 am to 9 pm from Jan- ‘uary 4 to 15 and at other times ‘from 9 am to 4:30 pm. This year Ski-Doo says “new” with 27 models in 7 exciting series to give you the greatest choice ever. Make a beeline for your Ski-Doo dealer’s now while selection, prices and trade-in allowances are at their best. Now’s the time to get exactly the model and deal lyou want. > - DON'T WAIT TOO LATE ' The present British Chamber _.._. \v m ninetEEFSPKIenty-ong The sign of the finest snowmo- biles, sportswear, accessories,’ parts and service. Ski-D00 I‘.M. Bombardier Ltd. l ski-don. SALES 8: SERVICE (1968) LTD. No. 7 Hwy. East Between Yonge & Bayview BAKER'S British House Of Commonsâ€"â€" A Grand Tradition 889 - 9472 John Roberts MP YORK SIMCOE replaces the one destroyed by" the Germans during the blitz. It follows the traditional shape. like our own, with the seats ranged along both the long walls of the Chamber and the Speaker’s chair centred on the short wall. This design stems from the fact that the original Commons met in the chapel of St. Stephen and the seats cor- respond to the chapel seats placed, in the English fashion, along the walls where the elder- ly and sick could sit during the service. (Hence the origin of the phrase “driven to the wall"). The Speaker’s chair was placed in front of the altar, â€" and that is the origin of the custom of MPs bowing (that is, genuflect- ing) to the Speaker when they enter or leave the Commons. My visit was for a debate much less exciting than the one‘ I witnessed thirteen years ago. Question period â€" the daily interrogation of Ministers -- was devoted to Scottish affairs. While Canadian question period ;tends to wander over a vast range of subjects the British House concentrates on one at a time â€"- with the Prime Minister answering questions on Tues- day‘and Thursday. After question period a Mini- ster made a statement on Brit- ish policy towards the support of the airplane industry. Here again the British approach difw fered from our own. In Canada ministerial statements are fol- lowed by a spokesman from each party giving a short pre- pared statement in reply. In Britain the ministerial state- ment is followed by a series of questions or very short state- ments (often less than a min- ute). OTTAWA REPORT Both Prime Minister Edward Heath and Harold Wilson were present, â€" Mr. Heath looking thinner and more angular than his photographs suggest. Mr. Wilson with his legs propped up on the Clerk’s table in the cen- tre of the Commons floor â€" a British tradition. The over all impression one takes away from the British Commons is that of greater in- formality and intimacy â€" and a more effective cross examina- tion than that of our own Com- mons. mumu“munuuuummnnlmmmm“mumlummummuuuum :uummuuumuuulmnumuinnmmuuumumuumuumnmull VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 4 Yonge Street South NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JANE BOWMAN COMMERCIAL AND SKILL TRAINING COURSES FOR ADULTS Seneca College is offering a number of commercial and skill training courses for mature students (at least 19 years of age on the starting date of the course). AT THE SHEPPARD AVENUE CAMPUS (AT YONGE STREET): Fees: Commercial Refresher, 16 weeks $ 48.00 Clerk-Typist, 24 weeks $ 72.00 Commercial Clerical, 40 weeks $120.00 Commercial Stenographic,_ 40 weeks v $120.00 AT In our r_nnvu n: v u“ v.4 ---..__ _ _ Fees: Commercial Refresher, 16 weeks $ 48.00 Clerk-Typist, 24 weeks $ 72.00 Commercial Clerical, 40 weeks $120.00 Commercial Stenographic, 40 weeks v $120.00 AT THE FINCH AVENUE CAMRUS (AT WOODBINE AVENUE): Blue-print reading, 8 weeks $ 24.00 Electronics, Radio and TV Servicing, 48 weeks $144.00 Machine Shop Practice, 40 weeks $120.00 Dining Room Service, 10 weeks 5 30.00 Lathe Operator, 12 weeks $ 36.00 ALL COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY For further information contact The Registrar, Occupational Training Division, telephone 223-9661. W. T. Newnham President (Continued from Page 2) (particularly the “spider theme”), for the first 30 seconds into each scene it introduced, it was impos sible to hear the characters. I’m sure this couldn’t have been intentional. The second concerns the stage height. It was most difficult for‘the children to see a good deal of the action because the audience was quite a bit below stage level. To my mind it wmld have been better tohave the children sit right on the floor in a semicircle and the play performed on that level.‘ ~ However, it was a and even Shannon (21, fully. Frosty the Snowman was very short and had a cast of eight only. The pacing was a wee bit off in this play and it was clear more work had been put into Once Upon A Clothesline. Officer Bump was well handled by Mike Kyte who pursued Wendy Williams as a diminutive Frosty. It wasn’t clear to me why Mrs. Armbruster and the delivery boy were in the play but their roles were energetically played by Debbie McKeague and John Corbett. Joey, Charley, Geraldine and Mary-Anne (Frosty’s creat- ors) were Randy Henderson, Bruce Lamb, Kathy Williams and Terry Gosling. Bruce Lamb did\an excellent Flip Wilson Geraldine type voice as he changed to nurses uniform. By this time the children had been sitting relatively still for close to two hours and it was showing. In all Theatre 42 produced an enjoyable Christmas program. Now if anyone at Bayview Secondary School finds a size 4 red sneaker . . . don’t hesitate to call. In The Spotlight SENECA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE 441, ONTARIO Dav“ Jonas . FISH&CHIPS COMMENCING JANUARY, 1971 I89 YONGE STREET NORTH ‘PHONE: 884-9291 Serving the Community under the Wright 85 Taylor and Pipher Chapels smce 1876 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond mu unerat mars/tall great outing for the éhildren 13), made it through success- ' fresh flavou r1 LIMITED 884-1062 R. N. Garriock Chairman of the Board

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