Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1970, p. 2

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2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 31, 1970 An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 CULA" Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00: 15c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190” MESSAGE y Rev. Alfred McAlister, Minister of Thornhill United Church MENDING THE SOCIAL FABRIC I am concerned about the alienaâ€" tion of youth in society today, but what is more disturbing is the alien- ation of adults from the youth. Men and women over forty.f_re- quently have very uncompromismg attitudes about youth. We constantly hear blatant denun- ciations of young people because of their appearance, their disrespect for parents and teachers. ‘This is a permissive society and there is a moral breakdown,” wail the oldsters. The real breakdown, however, is in communication and most of us pos- sibly underestimate the investment of time and effort and self that is re- quired to gain a deep understanding of any person with a different view- point. Young people today know vastly more of the world than we did when we were young. My grade 8 daughter talks about the “laissez-faire society” a phrase I hadn’t even heard until university. What’s more, there is an honesty and straightforwardness, a rejection of hyprocritical and super- ficial morality that is part of the youth revolution. This is shocking and offensive to the over-40 crowd. But the frank discussion of human issues is more moral than the pre- tense and role-playing of the previous generation. Tragedy awaits us unless society wakens up and we gladly welcome the idealism of youth and sincerely accept their contribution of honest criticism. It is adults’ failure to enter into an adequate dialogue with youth that leaves them susceptible to the revol- utionary sloganizing of the New Left: “Police are pigs”, and unpopular pol- iticians are “tools of a corrupt estab- lishment”. Well, making scapegoats of the symbols of our society is a destructive exercise that at best creates an excitement and an enorm- ous stimulus to the emotions, while at worst it destroys the trust that makes a free society viable. The true answer to social break- down is another kind of revolution: the revolution that comes about when you and I put our faith in Jesus Christ. Amassing possessions as a way of life is rejected in this faith. Grading people by their financial success is forbidden. Trusting God and seeking His will become top priorities in the real Christian ap- proach. And above all, using the Divine technique in interpersonal relations â€" love, love, love. “Oldsters, love the youngsters!” (and vice-versa). We need each other. Youth desperately needs the wisdom and experience of age. Age desperately needs the idealism, the burning concern for truth and hon- esty expressed by youth. Together we badly need Jesus Christ to keep the whole social fabric in one piece. More Favors For ‘ Quebec The Trudeau Government has cer- tainly made Quebec the favored province of the Canadian Confedera- tion. Ottawa has repeatedly show- ered Quebec with concessions that extend the gamut from compulsory bilingualism to huge sums of federal tax monies. Quebec in return makes the greatest demands on the rest of Canada â€" demands that tear at the very fabric of this nation. The outburst of FLQ terrorism occurred in Quebec and required the quick intervention of federal troops to thwart what could have been a serious threat by revolutionaries to peace, order and good government. During the past few weeks the Prime Minister has pumped some $750 mil- lion into the province to shore up the sagging Quebec economy. British Columbia is also facing serious econ- omic difficulties but so far Ottawa has not seen fit to offer the same degree of financial assistance to the government of Premier Bennett. The Province of Ontario makes no demands on the Canadian Confedera- tion. Instead this province pours millions of dollars into the federal treasury annually. On top of that in the June 1968 federal election Ontario voters were extremely gen- erous in their support of Prime Min- ister Trudeau and his federal Liberals. But Mr. Trudeau and his Liberal cohorts in Ottawa adopt a “We couldn’t care less” attitude towards Ontario. The latest example of this callous attitude is the appointment of yet another Quebec Liberal to the federal cabinet. When Solicitor Gen- eral George McIlraith, who repre- sented an Ontario riding, resigned, Mr. Trudeau named Montreal lawyer Jean-Pierre Goyer to his post. Now Montreal has seven cabinet ministers no less while Metro Toronto can only boast a grand total of three. Yet in the last general election Metro To- ronto voters elected Trudeau Liberals to 20 of the 24 federal seats in this area. Mr. Trudeau has seen fit to ignore this area at his political peril. Provide Area Birdsl Winter Food Supply The birds that inhabit Met- ro and the suburban areas will be getting a special dinner treat again this year â€"â€" if they happen to visit 11 of the con- servation areas administered by the Metro Conservation Au-i thority. 1 This year, the authority is' putting out four tons of feed} for a start. There’ll be two mixtures . . . three tons of a mixture made up of 20 percentl sunflower seed, 40 percentwheat and 40 percent cracked! corn, and one ton consisting of about 10 different varietiesl of seeds, including peanuts“ and buckwheat. Incidentally, the fOur tons; of feed will last until aboutl February, and the authority, will set out an additional sup-" .ply to tide over the birds unâ€"‘; til spring. _ I light A Candle â€" Light a candle in your window ,For the year is growing old, And Old Time has written finis To a story that is told. Light a candle in your window For the memories that start, And for all unknown tomorrows Light a candle in your heart. Light a candle in your window While the winter shadows play: May a shining New Year’s coming Bring a finer, brighter day. Light a candle in your window For the old year to depart, And to greet the New Year’s dawning Light a candle in your heart. ROBERT D. LITTLE, Richmond Hill. Historical Plaque, Yorlr University On November 21, an historical plaque commemorating York University was unveiled in the Stong Building at the university. This plaque is one of a series being erected throughout the province by the Ontario Department of Public Records and Archives, acting on the advice of the Archaeological and Historic Sites Board. Shown (left to right) after the ceremony are: Prof. W. G. Ormsby of Brock University who represented the province’s historic sites board; Dr. D. W. Slater, president of York University and W. P. Scott, chairman of the York University Board of Governors. Teachers Development Day Set For February Teachers from all areas and levels in York County schools will be having their 1971 prof- essional development day on February 19. In a series of meetings. the board's Superintendent of Plan- ning and Development Stephen Bacsalmasi and a committee of teachers appointed for the pur- pose agreed that core programs for teachers from kindergarten to grade 13 should be presented at several different centres in , the county. At a meeting December 14. trustees of York County Board of Education approved a full re- commendation that a group of not more than 20 teachers from elementary and secondary schools be authorized to draw up programs for the day. The program will be built around contemporary trends in teach- ing, with workshop sessions in which implications of these ' trends for classroom activity will be reviewed. In addition to the programs for academic teachers, there will be separate programs for teachers of physical education, outdOor education, art, music, home economics, etc. The teachers will be putting up most of the money for ex- penses â€"â€" $1,200 from the local Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation’s profes- sional develoment fund, $1,000 from the elementary school teachers’ associations with a $500 subsidy from the board. The board expressed its ap- preciation to the federations and to their representatives for the coâ€"operation and consider- able investment in planning the professional development day program. February 19, a Friday, will be a holiday for the stu- dents. New Markham Town Inaugural January 5 The inaugural meeting of the new Markham Town council will be held Tuesday January 5 at 7:30 pm at the former Mark- ham Township muncipal build- ing in Buttonville, on Woodbine Avenue north of Highway 7. Markham Clerk Harry Criso says a reception for council members and guests will be held following the inaugural meeting. but arrangements are not yet complete. This year‘s inaugural will be a history making gala affair, since the council in 1971 repre- sents and governs a much larger municipality composed of the. former Town and Township of Markham. STOUFFVILLE: The inaugur- al meeting of the new muni- cipality of Whitchurchâ€"Stouff- ville will be held here January 4, 1971, at 7:30pm. The public is invited to attend. t lullie Spoilighi By BONNIE SHEPPARD Theatre 42 0f Bayview Secondary Provide Enjoyable Christmas Fare For Children We climbed over the gift wrappings as we headed out the door, swept the new fallen snow off the windshield and pointed the family chariot in the direction of Bayview Secondary School. D’arcy and Shannon were anticipating Theatre 42’s pro- gram, Once Upon A Clothesline and Frosty The Snowman. Although they had staged the plays twice on December 23, it was Boxing Day when we attended â€"â€" and let’s face it, Christmas is a hard act to follow! ' Once Upon A Clothesline had an energetic cast of eleven and they all did themselves proud. Briefly, two Clothespins; Pinno and Pinnette, are accosted by a nasty black widow spider who abducts Pinnette. All the tiny insects, co-ordinate their efforts to free Pinnette. Mr. Grasshopper and Pinno spearheaded the attack and of course, all turns out well. Pinno was capably handled by Mike Woodcock who especially thrilled the children with his clothes- line walking antics. Debbie Belger was a most attractive Pinnette but difficult to hear at times. Since the rest of the cast were insects, (colorfully and inventiver costumed â€" thanks to Susan Dow- ney, Mai‘g Sheehan, Cornelia Blyth, Donna Johnston and Malcolm Sandy) they were able to use varia- tions of their voices to good advantage. Mrs. Ant was characterized by Janet Dilworth as a busy flustered mother who chased each word impatiently with the next. Her tiny offspring, Jr. Ant, played by Debra Locking achieved quite a rapport with the young audience. Ian Adnams as Mr. Grasshopper intrigued Shan- non with his vigorous hopping about. (Play or no play, Shannon loves to jump). He was very good in his role as the braggardly coward. Each of his children (Barb Howden, Patti Peterkin and Caren Crawford) in their tiny parts, assumed an individual, separate identity and stayed with it throughout the play. Dr. Beetle, a cantankerous old physician was Bill Barker who had a most unusual bag of tricks and didn’t hesitate to use it (even on the audience). His pratfalls were great. Ian Henderson was color- ful Mr. Cricket and the children loved his awkward- ness and backward character. (Ian had a broken arm to boot!) The tiny butterfly who flitted only once across the stage was wee Nigel Smith â€"â€" a most out- standing butterfly! Lorraine Smith and Jo-Anne Carter were the nosy baby birds, again well in char- acter but sometimes difficult to hear. The Spider, Kathy Troy, was very good. From her maniacal laughter to her creepy crawly hand movements, Kathy was despised by all the audience (except D’arcy who had taken a fancy to her and was ready to cast our heroes directly into her hands) Two things irritated me in this production. The first was the music. Although it was well chosen, (Continued on Page 12) I I"llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\llllll\llllll\ll\ll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllIlllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\l\\lIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll till\lllllIll\\lltillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll\lllllllllllll\\\llllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltillIllllllllllllllllll\llllllll'P Need Massive Capital Investment For Growing Economy FIRE PROTECTION IN THE NEW TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Dear Mr. Editor: In several days regional government will come into being and one of the major aspects of this new concept, which has not been clarified, is that of fire protection. As a result of the changes in municipal bound- aries ordered by the provincial government, the municipality of Richmond Hill has assumed the re- sponsibility of fire protection for a much wider area with very little increase in fire fighting equipment or manpower to provide it. At the time of this writing, the only concrete addition to the equipment of the Richmond Hill Fire Department is a former gasoline truck, 1960 vintage, which is being converted for use as a tank truck. From your paper I also note that funds of 830,000. have been put aside for purchase of additional equip- ment. I would assume that this would partially cover the cost of a new pumpei‘. Acquisition of this truck would take approximately six months after bids are submitted, reviewed and the order and spec- ifications placed with the manufacturer. In addition to the above, Richmond Hill will inherit, as of Jan- uary l, 1971, two antiques from the Vaughan Town- ship Fire Department. These units are now stationed at the Richvale Fire Hall. . Prior to October 1970 fire equipment stationed in Richvale consisted of a 1969 pumper. an aerial ladder truck and a tank truck. In October. after the announcement of regionalization. these units were spirited away to other areas of Vaughan Township and replaced with a 1953 pumper and a 1953 tank truck. The dependability of both these units is, to say the least, questionable. The action of the per- sons who made the decision for this t'ansfer of equipment is too small to warrant further comment. Surely the residents of the Richvale area have con- tributed more financial support, in the past, to the Vaughan Township treasury than this sorry collec- tion of antiques would indicate. What are the residents and industry of this area to expect in the future? Which fire department is to be responsible for fire protection in the south- west corner of Markham? If there are coincidental fires in Oak Ridges and Richvale does Richmond Hill possess adequate equipment and men, to say nothing of distances, to service both areas? If there is a fire at York Central Hospital or 67 Richmond Street or Ratcliff’s what do we do for an aerial ladder truck? Indeed a mutual aid agreement exists between the area municipalities but why should Richmond Hill have to buy fire protection from other municipalities? Has the possibility of fire de- partment amalgamation been considered? If not, why not? I would suggest, if any individual or group have any criticism of my comments, that they request the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office to make a survey of the area to determine its requirements and also to comment on the cloak and dagger transfer of equipâ€" ment, which took place in October at the Richvale Fire Hall. As the situation now stands both the citizens of the area and the fire crews who protect them are being placed in a very uncertain position. In conclusion I must state that this letter is in no way meant to be a (31" icism of the members of the various area fire depa *tments. B. W. GRANTON, M.D., 64 Denham Drive, Richvale. * 1: >5 a: at KEEP STEELES BOUNDARY boundary line, then God help Dear Mr_ Editor: the new County of York re- Some time ago I wrote urging all those who opposed the an- nexation of certain areas to stand up and be counted. It was suggested that they should let their views be known to the Minister of Municipal Affairs Darcy McKeough. I did this, and received a letter from the Minister to the effect that careful consideration is being given to what future is desired by the people in the area im- mediately north of Metro. does not know what he is talk- I also take issue with the De- stead of “boroughs.” cent of the area concerned op- ,gional government, because he partment of Municipal Affairs,Speak bland” of on the new regional boundaries,1.outes based 6,, uroalisuc pro. and the naming 0f muniCileli'jection of further demand and ties â€" calling areas “towns’ inâ€" Thornhill crosses Yonge Street, but under the new sys- _ _ ,tem it will be split in two. Here It 15 my behef that 82 pel"lis a place as old as Richmond Hill and it loses its identity“se of order. Does that in Mr. S ome ,luw and iBrownc know leases in the United States the judiciary are voted to office? Does he recall the utter fiasco iof the Ruby Trial? 1 For unchccrful holiday read- ing I suggest the book "Oppen- khcimcr" to learn a little about ithe CIA . . . another Americ- 'un Agency whose methods are frightening to one who still believes in democracy. ‘ RILL BROWN. l 71 Trench Street, l Richmond Hill. ‘ lllllllllllllllll\\lIllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Railroad :Mercy Killing ' tNew York Times) There is an illusion, partic- ularly prevalent among bureau- crats and businessmen who al- ways take airplanes anyway, that the way to improve rail~ road passenger services is to ,cut off its hands and feet. In ‘thc name of efficiency and cost- cutting, lilies are lopped off, the dining. parlor, and sleeping cars are eliminated, and sched- ules are trimmed. When the number of passengers then de- clines still further, these same l“experts" announce that the public will not patronize the railroads. These useless experts and this harmful illusion still pre- vail in the Department of Tran- sportation. The network of pas- senger train routes made public by Secretary Volpe is patently defective. On the entire Pacific Coast, there is to be no north-south service between the great cities of San Diego, Los Angelcs, San Francisco, Portland, and Se- attle. There is no service plan~ ned throughout the southwest since thesunset route between New Orleans and Los Angeles is to be abandoned. Yet the fast-growing sunbelt states â€" Texas, Arizona, and Southern California have numbers of older, retired peo- ple who have the leisure and the preference for quality ser- vice. Similarly, central and north- ern New England, already al- most unreachable by train. are now to be abandoned altogether. The surviving trains between New York, Albany and Mon- treal, and between Boston and Albany are to be killed. Do President Nixon and Secretary Volpe expect the travelling public to stand and cheer this miserable plan which cuts ser- vice by ncarly two-thirds? Even worse than the defic- iencies of the proposed net- work are the false premises which underlie it. According to Secretary Volpe‘s report, the first assumption which ignided him and his associates 'is: “Intercity rail passenger ser- vice will survive only if the demand for it increases suffic- iently to reverse the decline in lridership and the resultant mounting losses experienced to .date in providing such service." From this assumption, they LIE; agzutgilggyogfiggdwogfilfurther rationalize that avail- c y i _ ‘Markham Township would lose-igteedmggefa Iiiansqittgd Elemggggcgf a great deal of its assessment. ‘ l ‘routes which show some prom- ise of profitability.” They selecting costs.” 1 These assumptions foredoom the whole effort to failure. Has .Congress appropriated $70 bil- lion for the interstate highway system because it shows “prom- profitability”? What pose annexation' and it is myIMOI‘e cal‘eflll Planning WOllld“'i'ealistic projections of future belief that those 82 percentdlave brought Thornhm under should advise Darcy McKeough to that effect. The area concerned would be annexed to North York. The council and board of education of Nmth York are the biggest spenders in the whole of Metro. north, there is a population of, They have no respect for the I would judge, nearly 18,000 to taxpayers. A million dollars t0‘20’000_ The greater part of the them means nothing. decide amillion dollars forpark‘stiu growing and there are land It ‘5 YOted' “111110” (101' some parts of Thornhiil on the lars for films £01 3 5911001 _j\\'est side of Yonge Street that the taxpayers “or.” mind' _ ‘are as old as some of those on More money is wasted in the east Side. North York than in any other It would have been simple borough in Metro. It also has to keep Thornhiu together by the highest taxes. In "The Star calling this area the Town of they are called today. nue on the east, Bathurst Street the south, and Highway 7 on the 0f December 16 it was Stated Thornhill, Borough of Markham,‘ that a house assessed at $100010ounty of North York 01. York pays $678 in taxes. Compare' There that with your present taxes and‘Town of Markham. It cannot re_ you will have some idea of what1main as the Tmm of Markham‘ your taxes might be. Also, it was stated taxes would have to be "used m 197i' . . lMunicipal Affairs bungled when Apothc: 3mm t9 canslder.1sthev called the areas of Markâ€" serVice. We $11.0 not receive han‘1 and Vaughan “towns” in_ the service we have today. stead of “boroughs”. A great There are some streets in North deal more thougfit should have in the Town of Markham. I believe the Department 0 In the area of Bayview Ave- on the west, Steeles Avenue on is also at present at lcosts" did the nation follow one borough, not two towns asiwhen for decades it spent 1)“. lions developing a network of airports and providing mail subsidies to money-losing air- lines? l The answer, of course, is that ‘the nation decided it wanted superhighways and airports. In each case, it built the best, If theylarea east of Yonge Street is,mostmode1‘n system that mon- ,ey could buy. Naturally. once these facilities were available people used them. The same would be true of :railroad passenger service. The assumption Secretary Volpe and ,his colleagues should have proceeded upon is the followâ€" ‘ing: “Intercity rail passenger service is essential in a civil- ized, urbanized society. Its op~ Ierating deficit, if any, will be lsupportable if riders are pro- ,vided with clean. comfortable, f conveniently scheduled, depend- able service. As with highâ€" .ways and airports. the capital jinvestment in roadbed and roll- ‘ing stoek will be written off by ‘the government." It may be that the Nixon Adâ€" increasing _ york that are n0t plowed Wt been given to this before boun' ministration, rather than beâ€" tWe hear a great deal opportunities and challen- and wealthiest nation. Quite foreign investment. pendence derives from the As the "Forbes" magazine for at least “we dav “er these days of foreign dom- ges that face us. simply, Americans took ad- Our distinctiveness can‘t strong will at Canadians to report concludes. 3 lot de- snowfall bur tre t ’aseaeithe: dimes and names 0f areas werc‘lieving in an illusion, knows ination of the Canadian econ- A recent issue of "Forbes" vantage, as Canada has, of be undermined by the in- maintain our values, our own pends on how the US. Gov- salted OI; plow; if: 1595: than 24 «announced- iperfectly \Vell that the Present May I suggest that if you ol)‘ approach will not work. There omy. Stanley Randall, Ont- magazine, for example, points foreign capital to expand flux of money, technology. or institutions, and our own way ernment, businessmen, and ario's Minister _of Trade and out that Canada‘s provincial their economy and provide knowâ€"how from other coun- of life. the press handle the nation- hours' In the Summer the pose joining MEU‘Ov you Stand are Cynics who called the Rail Development in a recent premiers are more interested millions of jobs for people tries. That‘s why we welcome To maintain one of the ausm vs one_“.-01~1d economy Streets are Swept at least once up and be counted by bombard- Passenger Service Act of 1970 foreign investment â€" it world's highest living stan- conflict. For Americans, to a “EEK ing Mr, McKeough with letters the “railroad euthanasia bill," from all over the world. Over a century ago. at the speech to a group of busin- in jobs than in whether a . . essmen in Toronto stressed New York or Toronto based makes us stronger economi- dards, foreign investment in refuse to compromise with There 15 “Other thmg â€" the telling him point blank that you If this cynicism is not to be the other side of the coin â€"‘ firm issues the paychecks. time of Confederation. Can- callr. It increases jobs. inâ€" a few sectors of our economy so-called Canadian economic human 10%“ and Personal 90” want no part of Metro. ‘pl-ot-ed valid. Mr. Nixon and the need for vast sums of The report states that also ada for the most part was an comes. productivity. trade, is the price we have to pay.l nationalism could encourage talc? filth our rflpresentagves CECIL JONES. “I. V01pe Wm have to stop WHO] is lost in . ctro. an in ‘ ' “6 WOUdWard Avenue’ approaching the problem in . . . Tllomhlll‘ terms of phony public relations -f\orth lork. . a .. will have to it. To go along with it to a degree. states the magazine. think it's a bargain. Can- adians have survived by beâ€" and the equitable distribu- tion of resources. empty country. with a small and undeveloped economy. favorable to US. com- panies is the fact Canada has invested capital in order to provide the 100.000 new jobs particular in the Borough of this province needs every its continentalists who think Without inflows of people. Canada. and particularly ing great bargain hunters. “will almost certainly prove nestures Thcv year -- Editor). in North American terms be- capital, knowledge and tech- Ontario. has become an ap- And if our bargaining days to be the most sensible of the t I belle"? “7059 Of “5 Who v ' Stop mouthing support for a * “ "‘ "‘ lieve any investment is good nology from abroad. without pealing place for people from are over. so are we. alternatives.“ lmoved out of Metro to get away DEMOFRAC‘ A3.” Lhapmcod trun<p0fl£lll0n pol~ Besides creating Canadian investment. the deveIOping 0f growing many parts of the world. Our To survive in an increas- And a CS. cabinet dclega- 'fl'Om Metro 81‘8 still of the same DISLO‘AL CITIZLCS ,mw‘and bpuin flaming for one. jobs and higher incomes. As Premier Robai‘ts has external markets for Can- way of life. our Canadian ineg independent world. we tion recently agreed to lift OpiniOD 311d “ant HO Part of it. Dear Mr. Editor â€" _; A, .111. . hwflgl ~ your members pay consider- explained. the Ontario econ- adian products. Canada's ec- personality. our Customs our have to work out more mut- the American embargo on l1 (10 not believe Darcy MC- 1 was dismayed by Bernard AURORA â€" Major league 139‘ - able taxes, generally help omy has been built by the onomy would have remained folk\\'a.\‘5. our Way of doing ually advantageous deals, imports of Canadian oil next KGOUgh Will fOFCE‘ US t0 10in Browne‘s suggestion that an rosse is coming to Aurora. Next lift our living standards, and infusion of foreign capital, small and relatively under- things. our particular rhythm such as the Auto Pact, with year and negotiate a free- ,Metl‘o if enough protests are [In-Canadian Activities Com- summer an Aurora team will certainly help raise our primarily American. We developed. â€"all those characteristics our major trading partner, trade agreement in oil after |made by the people concerned mittee be set up in Canada compete in an eight-team 59“- sights. The wide scope of should bear in mind that the So there‘s little reason for have made us powerful in the US. We should do so in that. And a few days ago. and SUDDOI‘ted by 1110 6011116115 similar to the one in the Un- ior circuit that includes Toronto. your meeting today is proof American economy itself was Canadians to be panicked. our own right. a calm. deliberate, rational Prime Minister Trudeau 1‘of the County of York, ited States. No, Mr. Browne, Detroit, Pclcrboi‘o. Bramele of that. And its a pleasure built on investment from because some people from In the definitive analysis. way. and get on with the job stressed that Canada must , However if we have people we do not want McCarthyism Brooklin. Huntsville and Brantâ€" for me to take part. along Great Britain and other other countries invest money we're not owned byanybody‘. of finding other profitable emphasize productivity and ‘like the Mayor of Richmond in Canada attendant with witch ford. Home games will be with the previous speakers. European countries and this here. We havea strong, dom- Government in Canada is deals and other profitable efficiency, not tariffs and Hill ‘Williani La7cnliyl who hunting and persecution. played in the communil.V CE"- in discusing some of the ec- enabled America to become inant. Canadian personality. responsible to Canadians. markets for our products and protection. to capture a ‘\\'0uld have no objection to us- We don't want to or need to Ire. The season runs from May onomic. social, and political the world‘s most productive which will not be altered by Pcriod‘. Our political inde- services. Continued on Page 5- in: the railway cur-off as a uc'd. punt-I'll ()Lll‘sclktw on .\lll(‘l'lt‘tlll io ScW‘IUlK‘P

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